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Regulations On Parking For The Disabled

Original Language Title: Forskrift om parkering for forflytningshemmede

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Regulations on parking for the disabled

Date FOR 1994-03-15-222

Affairs Ministry

Published Dept. In 1994 451

Commencement 01/05/1994


FOR-2005-10-07-1220 from 01.06.2006




LOV-1965-06-18-4-§5, LAW-1965-06-18-4-§8


Short Title
Regulations on parking for the disabled

Adopted by the Ministry on 15 March 1994 pursuant to the Act of 18 June 1965. 4 on Road Traffic § 5 and § 8
EEA information: EEA Annex XIII. 90 (Rrek. 1998/376 / EC).
Changes: Amended by regulations 31 May 1996 No.. 526, November 17, 1999 No.. 1177, 7 October 2005 No.. 1220.
Repealed by regulations March 18, 2016 no. 264 (effective January 1, 2017).

§ 1. Conditions for parking permit for the disabled provides, in connection with the transportation of persons granted permission, access to park vehicles in the country:

on reserved parking spaces for the disabled indicated by official traffic.

on parking which is chargeable under the Regulations of 1 October 1993 no. 921 on parking regulations and parking fines without charge payable and beyond stipulated longest parking time.

beyond the longest permissible parking time where such time is determined by public traffic. This does not apply if it also for the disabled stipulated longest permissible parking time.

in places where it is introduced residential zone parking.

§ 2. Conditions for parking permits residence municipality provides for application parking permits for mobility impaired to:

driver of a motor vehicle that has a particular need for parking easing in connection with accommodation, employment and / or other activity because he can not walk or have found it hard to move over some length.

passenger who has special needs for parking easing in connection with accommodation, employment and / or other activity because he can not walk or have found it hard to move over some length.

Applications shall be attached medical certificate.
Refusal of parking permit may be appealed to the council or to a special appeals committee appointed by this. Roads are still appeals body when the decision on the refusal adopted in council.

§ 3. Parking Evidence Evidence parking permit shall with the following adjustments after 1 January 2000 satisfy the requirements set out in the annex to Rrek. 1998/376 / EC:

Card serial number must contain 11 digits and a letter. Serial Number first four digits shall identify the municipality that issued the card, the next five digits are the card number and the last two digits shall indicate the year of birth of the holder of the card. The letter must indicate the holder's gender using M for male or F for female.

White N as background, surrounded by white ellipse and the card will be referred to as the EEA model.

Permit shall be granted by the municipality for a limited time, a maximum of five years, but not for less than 2 years. At periodic needs can still be granted for a shorter time.
The name and image of the reduced mobility is located on evidence backing.
Parking certificate shall when parking placed face clearly visible behind the windshield. The proof must be presented for inspection.

§ 4. Immigration in Norway / driving abroad Foreign nationals in their home country is given parking permits for the disabled can park as mentioned in § 1
As evidence of such parking facilities shall be accepted permission containing the international symbol for disabled people and containing the names of the beneficiary or the hallmark of the vehicle.
Certificates issued pursuant to § 3 are valid abroad to the extent that each country establishes.

§ 5. Recalls municipality may withdraw given a parking permit by abuse or by changing conditions that allow the requirements of § 2 are no longer satisfied.
Whoever has got a parking permit under these regulations, is obliged to inform the municipality about changed circumstances which may affect the authorization. Revocation may be appealed pursuant to appeals § 2.

§ 6. Transitional provisions Permits issued pursuant to previous regulations of 21 October 1983 on parking for disabled persons are valid on their content, but not more than 2 years after this regulation comes into force.
Parking card that is designed for the requirements of the previous wording of § 3 of this regulation, is after January 1, 2000 valid for use in Norway until the expiry of the certificate's validity.

§ 7. Exemptions from parking ban These regulations affect not sign Authority to grant exemptions from the signposted parking bans within their jurisdiction for regulations on public traffic.

§ 8. Implementation These regulations come into force on 1 May 1994.
From the same date, the Regulations of 21 October 1983 no. 1581 on parking for disabled people.