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Regulations For Removable Devices With Production Technical Installations And Equipment

Original Language Title: Forskrift for flyttbare innretninger med produksjonstekniske installasjoner og utstyr

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Regulations for removable devices with production technical installations and equipment Date-1994-02-10-123 Ministry industry and Fisheries Ministry Published Avd in 1994 220 (Summary-full text in the base) entry into force 01.04.1994 last edited by-2016-07-05-897 Change applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 7, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 9, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 11, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 21, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 28a, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 32, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 45, FOR-2007-02-16-171, FOR-2007-05-31-590,-2007-06-29-849,-2013-08-19-1002 Announced Targeted 06.05.2008 (§ 15 No. 3) short title regulations on removable production devices Chapter overview : Chapter i: Introductory provisions (§§ 1-2) chapter II: General provisions (sections 3-4 A) chapter III: documentation (sections 5-7) chapter IV: technical requirements to the production technical installation (§ § 8-10) chapter V: Teknisike requirements for the removable device (sections 11-17) Chapter VI: Risikoforebyggende measures (section 18) Chapter VII: Structural safeguards against fire and explosion (§ § 19-20) Chapter VIII: the gas and fire detection systems (sections 21-22) Chapter IX : Active safeguards against fire (§ § 23-26) Chapter X: fire-and explosion protection of the storage tanks in the hull structure (sections 27-28) Chapter XI: Nødavstegnings-and emergency release system (§ § 29-32) Chapter XII: other special of and measures against pollution (§ § 33-34) Chapter XIII: loading and mooring system (section 35) Chapter XIV: maintenance, operation, and staffing (§ § 36-38) Chapter XV: Closing provisions (§ 39) legal authority: set by the Norwegian maritime Directorate 10. February 1994 under the legal authority of the Act 9. June 1903, no. 7 about Statskontrol with Skibes Sjødygtighed etc. the legal authority is changed to law 16. February 2007 Nr. 9 about ship safety (ship safety Act) section 7, section 9, section 11, section 21, section 11, section 32 and section 45, cf. the delegation decision 16. February 2007 Nr. 171, the delegation decision 31. May 2007 No. 590 the delegation decision 29. June 2007 No. 849 and delegation decision 19. August 2013 No. 1002. the EEA Joint referrals: the EEA Agreement-annex II, chap. XIX No. 1 (Directive 98/34/EC).
Changes: modified by regulations 11 Oct. 1996 Nr. 977, 18 feb 1997 Nr. 234, 18 feb 1997 Nr. 141, March 2, 1999 No. 410, 11 april 2003 No. 544 (e.g. title), June 28, 2004 No. 1044, June 28, 2004 No. 1046, 29 June 2007 No. 1006, March 14, 2008 No. 305, 18 jan 2011 No. 56, 19 aug 2013 No. 1036, 5 July 2016 Nr. 897. Corrections: 08.05.2003 (Preface, section 8, section 21, chapter. XIV), April 2, 2008 (§ 13 Nr. 4), 06.05.2008 (§ 15 No. 3).

Chapter i: Introductory provisions § 1. Work area 1.
The regulation applies to removable devices with production technical installations or equipment for the storage, transport and/or transmission of hydrocarbons to the tanker and that is registered or will be registered in the Norwegian ship register.

2. Devices that are registered in the Norwegian ship register, may, up to the next certificate issuance, follow the requirements that applied by most certificate renewal.

3. This regulation does not apply to devices that perform well power testing by exploration drilling or production drilling. For such operations the current provisions for drilling technical installations and equipment that are set by the Norwegian maritime Directorate.

§ 2. Definitions in this regulation means: 1. Recognized class institution: class institutions that the Ministry has signed an agreement with in pursuance of ship security law § 41:1.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 2.
Bureau Veritas (BV) 3.
Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) 5.
Nippon Kaiji Kyoaki (Class NK) 6.
Rina Services S.p. A (RINA).

2. Recognized standard: the Standard published by the NS/BS/API/your/NFPA/ISO/CEN/IEC or other standards, ev. regulations, such as for a particular scope are nationally and/or internationally recognized. The Norwegian maritime Directorate will in some cases be able to decide which standard that can be recognized.

3. The production technical installation: the overall installation of production systems and production equipment, including its processing plant.

4. Dimensjonerende fire: fire that according to the defined acceptance criteria represents an unacceptable risk, and that, therefore, the conduct of the design and use of the mobile gadgets.

5. Dimensjonerende explosion: Explosion which, according to the defined acceptance criteria represents an unacceptable risk, and that, therefore, the conduct of the design and use of the mobile gadgets.

6. Dimensjonerende accident event: Accident event that according to the defined acceptance criteria represents an unacceptable risk, and that, therefore, the conduct of the design and use of the facility and its readiness.

7. Hazardous areas: all areas where it because of the opportunity for the presence of an explosive atmosphere may occur explosion/fire by the use of unsuitable equipment, machinery or electrical equipment.

Zones: Hazardous areas be divided into zone 0, 1 and 2.
Zone 0: areas where an explosive atmosphere occurs continuously or for long periods.
Zone 1: areas where there at times must be considered with explosive atmosphere under normal operating range.
Zone 2: areas where an explosive atmosphere occurs only in exceptional cases and short lived.

8. Removable device: Removable platform, including the drillships, which has equipment for drilling for undersea petroleum occurrences on board, and the removable platform to other uses than drilling for undersea petroleum deposits.

9. MOU-class institution: Recognized institution that is the class that entered into agreement with to perform control and an inspection etc. of removable devices. These institutions are: 1. The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), 2.
Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR).

10. Security management system: all systematic measures that the company should take to ensure that the business is planned, organized, be exercised and maintained in accordance with the requirements set out in or pursuant to the law 16. February 2007 Nr. 9 about the ship's security.

11. Loading system: the system that transfers the hydrocarbons from the removable device to the receiving terminal, eg. on the tanker.

12. Operation condition: all of the facility's conditions when the risers are connected and there is production (i.e. processing of oil/gas) or production systems include hydrocarbons under pressure.

13. Overlevningstilstand: all of the facility's conditions when risers due. weather conditions and is disconnected.

14. The shipping company: the definition of the shipping company in the Security section 4 apply accordingly.

15. Risk: the expression of the risk that adverse events represent for people, the environment or material values. The risk is expressed by the likelihood and consequences of the undesirable events.

16. risk analysis: a Systematic procedure to describe and/or calculate the risk. Risk analysis is performed by the monitoring of adverse events, and the reasons for and consequences of these.

17. Environment load: The load caused to the appliance as a result of eg. waves, wind and power.

18. NDT: non destructive testing. (Non Destructive Testing).

19. Wait state: all the facility's conditions when the risers are connected and the production is shut down.

Chapter II: General provisions section 3. The duties of the shipping company, employer, Platform Manager and others who have their work on Board should perform their duties according to the ship's security law and with the complementary provisions arising from this regulation.

§ 4. Waivers in individual cases, the Norwegian maritime Directorate after written application set aside the forskriftens requirements. Special reasons have to do fraviket necessary and fraviket must be secure. If the coastal State's requirements and the requirements that are set out in this regulation is incompatible, the Norwegian maritime Directorate waive the requirements to the extent it is justifiable. Waivers must not be in violation of the international agreement Norway has joined the.

§ 4 a. mutual acceptance When these regulations stipulate that a particular fitting, material, equipment or device, or on the type of equipment, etc., should be acquired or leak is found in a vessel, or that it will meet a specific measure, or there are specific requirements for building or design, the Norwegian maritime Directorate shall allow that are loaded or is other accessories, materials, devices or equipment , or types of these, or that it will hit another measure in the vessel, or that the vessel is built or designed in another way.
The assumption that the Norwegian maritime Directorate are to accept this is the following: there must be documented through testing or otherwise, that the accessories, materials, equipment, or facility, or type of way, or event, building or construction, are at least as effective as that required in the regulations.
The Norwegian maritime Directorate shall accept the results of the tests that are carried out by recognised test institutions, including test institutions in other EEA countries. The assumption is that the tests provide appropriate and satisfactory guarantees of technical, expertly and independent nature.

Chapter III: documentation section 5. Documentation 1.
The shipping company should be able to document that the forskriftens requirements are met. On request to the Norwegian maritime Directorate documents. Documentation contents, scope, type and time of transmittal are determined by the Norwegian maritime Directorate.

2. It should be clarified with the Directorate for civil protection and emergency and MOU-klasseinstitusjon what additional documentation to be submitted for these control institutions.

section 6. (Repealed by regulation 2 March 1999 No. 410 effect 1 sept 1999).

section 7. (Repealed by regulation 2 March 1999 No. 410 effect 1 sept 1999).

Chapter IV: technical requirements to the production technical installation

section 8. General requirements to the production installation.
1. The production technical installation to satisfy a security level that is not less than that specified in either the Norwegian Veritas, Hydrocarbon Production Plant or through other internationally recognized norm. This should be checked and approved by the MOU-klasseinstitusjon or otherwise as determined by the continental shelf the State's authority.

2. The risks the operation of the production technical installation represents for the facility's other systems, and the risks remaining systems represents for the operation of the production process, the installation should be considered in risk analysis, jf. Regulation 22. December 1993 No. 1239 on risk analysis for removable devices.

§ 9. (Repealed by regulation 2 March 1999 No. 410 effect 1 sept 1999).

§ 10. (Repealed by regulation 18 Feb. 197 No. 234, in force 1 July 1997)

Chapter V: Teknisike requirements for the removable device section 11. General requirements to the removable device-device with storage tanks for oil: For removable devices that store the crude oil on board to relevant parts of the maritime's then-current regulations for oil tankers shall apply.
-Facility with storage tanks for gas: For removable devices that save gas in the tanks on board the relevant parts of the Maritime's then-current regulations on the transport of special or dangerous loads in bulk shall apply.

§ 12. Hull construction 1) it shall be performed a particularly utmatningsberegning for mobile appliances such as going to sleep late in the sanme direction as wave direction. Based on the calculations can required enhancements of the hull.

2) it shall be performed a hull strength calculation to show adequate security against progressive collapse of the removable device for dimensjonerende air-and hull damage events. The calculations should show that the semi-submersible gadgets after such an injury, and in the least favorable current load condition, can withstand the most unfavorable environment stresses that can be expected once every year without breaking. In the analysis sets the safety factor equal to 1.2 for semi-submersible platforms and 1.3 for Jack up gadgets. Gadgets of ship type for such damage shall withstand environmental charges is expected once every hundred years (probability level 10-2), and with the safety factor equal to 1.0.

3 at the installation of the production technical systems and equipment should it be taken into account to the hull caused by the curvature of the elastic environment loads and cargo/ballast distribution.

section 13. Machinery and pipe systems 1.
Boilers, forbrenningingsmotorer, etc., should not be placed in hazardous areas.

Such equipment can be placed in the room which is located inside a surrounding explosive area, under the condition that the following conditions are met:-the room is kept under the trap.

-ventilation air for the formation of traps is taken from the secure area.

-alarm system anordnes to notify the disappearance of imposition.

-Airlock system with self-closing doors anordnes between the room and zone 1 area. Self-closing doors are adequate between the room and zone 2, area.

-the exhaust outlet is placed in the secure area.

-surfaces should not have temperature of even Flash for HC emissions (approx. 200 ° C).

-intake for combustion air is taken from the secure area.

2. Fuel lines for gas supply to the internal combustion machinery can be brought through "non-hazardous areas", except living quarters and control stations, if the fuel lines are especially protected with vented surrounding concentric tubes (robe), where from the vent air is being monitored with gas detectors. Or fuel lines are helsveisede with special sturdy construction when it comes to materials and dimensions, without flanges, and is well marked and protected against external damage,-100% tested (NDT) of the welder and the room have just gas detectors.

3. Effectively spark catches equipment should be mounted in the exhaust channels from all combustion equipment (except for gas turbines). Exhaust from gas turbines to be cooled sufficiently and headed to the secure site. The exhaust should not be an obstacle for the escape, evacuation, or could the aerial gas by any controlled or uncontrolled gas emissions. Water cooled exhaust pipe shall have alarm scheme to notify any failure in the cooling water supply. All the exhaust shall be led so that it will not be to the shyness for personnel or could create dangerous situations for helicopter operation.

4. surface of machinery or piping systems that can be exposed to hydrocarbons from leaks or any other uncontrolled emissions, will be in the normal operating condition do not have a temperature that exceeds the autoignition hydrokarbonenes, (i.e. normally not higher than 200 ° C).

5. Pipe systems.

Safety-critical pipe system for steam, cooling water, instrument air, fuel, hydraulic oil, etc., which are included in the equipment for maritime operation of the facility, shall not be connected with the production technical systems, so that an error in these also cause malfunction of important maritime systems (and vice versa). Likewise there should be separation between the production technical systems and any drilling technical systems on both systems to operate at the same time. It should also not be so the interconnectivity of systems, eg. between gas cooling water system and sanitary system, that a leak of gas can be spread in in an area that in the first place is supposed to be secure site.

section 14. Site classification and ventilation 1.
The facility will be områdeklassifiseres with respect to hazardous areas according to the Directorate for civil protection and emergency response at any time the current regulations for maritime electrical systems.

2. Intake and outlets for ventilation air should be placed so that the correct relationship between the press not hazardous sites and ekplosjonsfarlige sites, as well as the correct throughput quantities, can be maintained under all wind directions and winds of where production will be maintained. Try this can is required.

3. There shall be at least 4.5 m in distance between the air intake and air outlet. It should be separate ventilation system for hazardous and non hazardous areas.

4. Ventilation air to eksplosjonsbeskyttet pressurized electrical equipment (Ex (p)) as to be maintained after the full nødavstegning should be separated from general ventilation systems.

5. The heating elements into the ventilation system must not be able to because of the aerial gas high surface temperature after shut down of ventilation.

section 15. Turret system 1.
Turret with opplagring should be sized for simultaneous propagated over load from the docking system and risers.

2. Turret with the rotation shall be constructed so as to machinery that single error in any active component (including inventory) does not cause the loss of opportunity to the rotation of the mobile gadgets.

3. Ride system that is not year designed to be able to rotate +/-360 ° n x should have procedures to ensure that due to this, eg. claim for shut-off of production under the shift against the weather p.g.a. roll movements.

4. Devices, where turreten can not be +/-x 360 ° around, to have an event for the Quick disconnect of the transfers for hydrocarbons, electrical cable connections and more between the turret and the other part of the appliance. Procedures when disconnecting to be carried out, shall be prepared and consumed in the operation manual.

5. any operation is for trip ret system will be specified in the attachment to the maritime certificates.

section 16. Docking-and positioning system 1.
Positioning system to be in accordance with the regulation on Maritime's ankrings/positioning systems.

2. When in the calculation analysis is difficult to determine the facility's basic forces such as wind, power-, wave operation, as well as the mass-and dempingskoeffisenter and transferfunksjoner, to uncertainties be cleared by model tests.

3. To perform motion calculations for the facility and tank ship, possibly for gadgets and fixed installation in terms of drift/collision. The calculations will be performed for current weather conditions with inlaid largest simple error for device (ankerlinebrudd, trusters top, etc.) or with the greatest single error for tanker (stop in hovedmaskineri or trusts).

For such events will be the distance between the device and the tank ship other fixed installation not be less than about 10 meters.

4. The effect of fouling on the anchor lines to be inkuderes in the docking calculations if the facility is scheduled to operate in areas where the anchor lines will be able to begros.

5. Consequence classes and security factors to be added to the reason for the dimensjoneringen of the anchor system is evident from the table in the and table II.

6. In addition to the requirements of clause 5, the positioning system be control calculated and dimensioned for double error based on 10 years of weather condition. If the operation in the consequence class 3 is intended to end before 10 years of weather condition is reached, the calculation of the standard error is based on the maximum operation condition.

7. In the table in the specified consequence classes for the various operational phases which should be the basis for calculations of the security factor. In table II entered the security factors. 

Table in the Consequence classes Consequence classes for ankerliner on the devices when the device is docked: Location-not in the-in the near-in the near-in the near-near, compared to close to heat, heat, heat, but less other but but but than X installations greater than greater than less than X X X Anchor linenes-facing faces facing facing direction in facing from relative to the this this this this the second installation State Run-2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 wait-state
condition 1 1 2 2 3 survival condition

The distance X is given by the distance between the device and the second installation is so great, that the device after possibly flerlinebrudd (3 or more), will swing the second installation ready with a distance of at least 10 metres in ugunstigste phases. 
Table II Security factors Consequence class State Class 3 class 2 class 1 KV KV KV DY DY DY Intact condition 3.0 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.65 Equilibrium position 2.0 1.65 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.25 after simple error Maximum fluctuations 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 by simple error Equilibrium position * 2.0 1.65 1.8 1.5 after double error Maximum fluctuations * 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 after double error DY = Dynamic method of calculation KY = Kvasistatisk calculation method 8.
It should be worked out a plan for the production control, workshop control and posteriori during the operation of ankerliner and other påkjente the voltage and/or wear-prone components such as ledeskiver and kabelar in the anchor system. The scope of the posteriori will depend on the production and workshop control and component design, design and the materials that are used. The plan will cover the component lifetime and shall in addition to the standard control and maintenance take special attention to the following;

components that are exposed to repeated high stress and/or load switches (fatigue), components that are exposed to great wear, corrosion, erosion, fouling, etc.,-special conditions,-other operating conditions such as car conditioning special control.

The plan will be taken in the operating manual/maintenance system.

9. Breaking strength for ankerliner added to reason in anchoring the calculations should be adjusted for the reduction in strength due to corrosion, wear and tear, etc.

10. Anchors (including peleankre) to have a holding power that is at least 25% larger than the maximum power the anchor will be able to be exposed to according to the docking calculations. The strength of anchors and their holding power should be able to be documented with the basis in calculations or samples. The calculations shall take into account the current conditions and any previous tests.

11. If the ankerlinelengde is thought to be able to be adjusted depending on the weather conditions (active docking system) should this operation be tested out and documented, for current conditions. For such system it should be possible to schedule the alignment on board with simulation tools. Normally, to be able to run without winches, this leads to shutdown of other critical systems. The shipping company shall prepare a plan and instructions for how to active vinsjkjøring, and this should be taken in the operating manual.

12. It should be able to be done function test of the ankervinsjens features even if the winch is in use.

13. Ledeskiver for the chain to be constructed with at least 7 pockets.

14. effekters Dynamic impact on the anchor system to be taken into account in the calculation of the total stretch in the anchor lines when it operated at water depths greater than 200 m.

15. The shipping company to prepare the plan for the control of anchor linenes nedsynking in the ocean floor to make sure that the linelengder and lineprofiler that are assumed in the anchor calculations are maintained.

16. It shall not be possible to release the ankerliner when the risers are connected to the device. It should be a separate protection system that prevents this. Need to be possible, however, to ejaculation with risers connected after manual UN foregoing protection system. Risk analysis according to the Maritime's then-current regulations on risk analysis to determine whether there is a need for the frakoplings mechanism for the risers, and under what dimensjonerende events of the accident so disconnecting is needed.

17. The maximum fluctuations of the device in the intact condition and after any single error or double error shall not exceed a maximum of fluctuations that riser is dimensioned to withstand. It will be used a safety margin on 2.5% of water depths for rigid risers, while for flexible risers applied a safety margin of 5% of the water.

§ 17. Stability 1.
When the production process is started, or there are hydrocarbons under pressure in the production systems, to the requirements for intact stability and for the operation open conditions conform to the Maritime's then-current regulations on the stability, subdivision and waterproof waterproof/værtette-suppression funds on removable devices.

2. A collision with the supply ship of 5000 tons displacement with speed 2 m/s should not result in oil from storage tanks or emanation from the process equipment that stands on the deck. The production installation to clear the krengninger that emerge without that this leads to critical events.

2. Stabilitetsmessige effects of the release of the risers and/or ankerliner shall not result in dynamic krengevinkel over 17 ° in any direction, under ugunstigste conditions.

Chapter VI: Risikoforebyggende measures § 18. Event 1.
Living quarters and hovedevakueringsutstyr shall be distinct from the production and the wellhead area.

2. The following areas should be separated and protected from each other:-wellhead area,-production area,-storage tanks for hydrocarbons,-ancillary fuelled, (boilers, incinerators etc.),-machinery, living quarters and areas that contain the security critical equipment, eg. equipment for positioning, evacuation, etc.

3. Production equipment can be placed over the storage tanks for crude oil under the condition that the mind is equipped neutral gas plant, and that the avluftingsventiler for gas from the tanks are so arranged that it never is released gas out in the process area. Such gas emissions should be vented to the secure site.

4. Ballast tanks adjacent to the storage tanks for oil should be protected against corrosion, and painted the Interior with light painting (coating) so that they are easy to inspect for cracks, complete with leaks.

5. The ventilation intake should be located for the purposes of the safest possible any gas/smoke emissions from an accident event, wind direction is also taken into account.

6. Equipment that can be a potential ignition source shall not be installed in the vicinity of the possible leak sources for hydrocarbons.

7. From each area/room should be at least two escape routes. Escape routes should be protected in the required scope in relation to dimensjonerende accident events. Where there in an evacuation situation may be necessary to pass in the vicinity of the production technical installation, it past this site be an enclosed, ventilated and insulated trap escape route.

Chapter VII: Structural safeguards against fire and explosion section 19. Structural fire protection 1.
The production technical installation should be surrounded by appropriate structural fire separates and necessary explosion pressure relief structures to prevent a further spread of the fire or explosion occurred. On the basis of dimensjonerende accident events, and impact assessments should be considered about the minimum requirements for structural fire protection against adjacent areas is sufficient, or whether it is necessary with special measures to meet specified acceptance criteria, see. Maritime's then-current regulations on risk analysis, as well as regulations on safeguards against fire.

2. the produksjostekniske the installation, drill site, and the wellhead area shall be separated from each other, with the fire separation of a minimum of class H-O.

3. The distinction between the technical installation and living quarters to be a construction that is at least equivalent to fire class H-60.

4. Adkomstsåpninger to non hazardous areas, as well as the air intake and other openings should be located at possible away from areas where gas leaks from production equipment, if any, will be able to occur.

5. Load-bearing structures, supports, foundations, etc., for the production of technical installation should be brannbeskyttet, to resist the calculated dimensjonerende fire load sufficiently long time out from the time the need for pressure relief.

6. Pipe, valves, cables and batteries, etc., for emergency shutdown valves and for the fuse-and bekjempelses systems in the production site should be tested with respect to fire resistance. Valves that do not have metal to metal seal to satisfy the fire safety requirements of API 607, or equivalent recognized standard.

7. Process equipment for the treatment of oil should be equipped with games trough or frame with sufficient capacity for the accumulation of oil spills. When calculating the drainage capacity should be taken into account to a dimensjonerende leak (eg. violations of the biggest pipes) and normal yaw angle. Games trough should have drainage with vannnlås to a closed waste oil tank/collecting tank (or sloptank). It should be draining on both sides under the separators and similar thoughts. Waste toner tank should be able to accommodate all of the oil that is in the largest separator.

8. The drainage system for rooms and areas classified as hazardous, shall be separated from the drainage system for non hazardous areas. Overall, ank for drainage from the hazardous areas shall have shielding gas (neutral gas).

9. Between the tankdekk and constructed deck games trough during the production process, the installation, it should be ventilated and inspiserbart room Tankdekk in the areas in question shall be protected and dimensioned for any jet fires from the process equipment that is placed above, so that the tank did not cover can be exposed to unacceptable heating of any ignition of oil/gas leaks.


Emergency flaring must not lead to excessive heat load on the rømmings roads and evacuation stations, nor prevent access and operation of the control stations. Protection against heat load from the torch sizing according to the biggest hydrokarbonmengde that the system could flare will avfakle. Heat load from the torch shall not exceed 4.7 kw/m ² in areas where escapes and road evacuation will be able to take place.

section 20. Structural explosion protection 1.
Bearing parts such as tires, roof and walls will be, if there are necessary on the basis of risk analysis, be arranged for the explosion relief or dimensioned so that these structural parts by dimensjonerende explosions not be destroyed. As the explosion relief can be used to open the room, explosion panels/hatches or lightweight walls that fails in a controlled manner. That pressure relief should be able to be taken into account when it comes to specify the overlevingsevne of critical equipment in the rooms where the explosion happened, the opening pressure and opening hours for the explosion panels be documented.

2. Eksplosjonstrykkberegniner based on the site, if any, room design, explosion panels and the placement of equipment may be required to be performed to determine the calculation pressure on structural elements such as walls, columns, tanks, tubes and more to provide dimensioning basis (equivalent static pressure).

3. Fire protection (including fire insulation) for an area/room to withstand determined without calculation brannintegritet press tapes.

4. Containers, complete with tubes, etc. that may contain flammable liquids and gases will be dimensioned and protected for a fixed calculation pressure from dimensjonerende explosion.

Chapter VIII: the gas and fire detection systems § 21. Gas detection system 1.
Gas detection system and arrangement of gas detectors should meet the maritime's then-current regulations on safeguards against fire on removable devices. Gas detectors shall in addition be placed in areas for:-production. Production area will be in addition to the point detectors covered by infrared line detector,-turret/wellhead with manifolds,-lasteoljepumper,-machinery/boilers where the gas is used as fuel.

2. To install gas detectors in all ventilasjonsimotak to rooms with mechanical ventilation. If the production site is embedded in the rooms with mechanical ventilation should be mounted gas detectors in the ventilation outlet.

3. Pump room designated for pumps for the hydrocarbons shall be equipped with continuous målende gas detection system. Gas concentration should be able to be read continuously in the cargo control room, and alarm shall be given on the gas concentration in the pump room 4.
The shipping company should consider the installation of hydrogen sulfide detectors (H ₂ S) in the production area for each mission.

§ 22. Fire detection system 1.
Fire detection system for the production of technical installation should be based on two different detector principles, eg. heat and Flame detectors. Detectors shall be of address bar type.

2. Detector system should work even with errors in any detector or violating the cable between the detectors. Bows will be equipped for monitoring against short circuit, and jordfeil.

3. There should be a separate data processor/logical control unit (loop cards) for each detector loop. By disappearance of CPU (when it is a single) should still be possible to get the indicated which loop any alarm is coming from.

Chapter IX: Active safeguards against fire section 23. Fire pump system for hovedbrannledning 1.
Fire pump system capacity: Fire water capacity should be based on estimated consumption by dimensjonerende fire event.

2. Removable device of ship type with storage of oil on board, where the production process, the installation is placed in the tank deck area, it shall by dimensjonerende fire in the production area, have at the same time fire water to the:-irrigation facilities including remote controlled foam guns for fighting in the production area,-foam laying of tank covered, it tube-the number of records that can be used at the same time for the extinguishing of the fire in this area,-irrigation for cooling of areas and equipment , such as the outer bulkheads of adjacent areas and helifueltanker; Depending on the event and the degree of passive fire protection.

3. Additional requirements for quantity, location and protection of fire pump system with power supply, to be considered and will be determined on the basis of the performed risk analysis, jf. risk analysis regulation. 1 section 24. Fire pump system for irrigation with water/foam 1.
The production technical installation should be protected with irrigation facility for foam/water. Irrigation facility should be arranged so that it is after an accident in the dimensjonerende event to the production installation with the destruction of a water/foam supply, still is back 100% slokning and cooling capacity.

It should be enough foam concentrate for maintaining the foam laying for at least 15 minutes. Foam concentrate to be able to be supplied from two separate and protected areas on the device.

2. The shipping company will be with the basis in a risk analysis suggest the type and arrangement of the fixed fire protection system for the production of technical installation.

3. Overrislingsanlegg1 to that minimum will be installed to cover the below mentioned areas and equipment, and have the following minimum capacities: range: capacity:-risers, turret, manifold and wellhead area (foam and water) 20 (l/min. m ²)-production area (foam and water) 10 (l/min. m ²)-surface of pressure vessels and tanks which have flammable content (water) 10 (l/min. m ²)-avskipningsterminal (foam and water) 10 (l/min. m ²) out from the results of the risk analysis , jf. section 2, the Norwegian maritime Directorate require irrigation of other areas, such as the ytterflater of the living quarters, as well as greater capacity than that specified above.

4. Irrigation facility for the processing plant will be in addition to the local and remote Valet manual utløsningdmulighet, also be triggered automatically by detection of fire.

5. automatic irrigation systems should be secured against accidental disconnection.

6. When it comes to dysetype and capacity to this in the different areas adapted to possible gas jet fires, væskepølbranner, runny liquid fires and combinations of these, according to what is most appropriate.

§ 25. Special fixed facilities in the second turn off areas/rooms that are closed or partially closed, vannforstøvningsanlegg (fog system) can be used.

§ 26. Manually fire suppression systems in the process the site should it be placed sufficient number of hand lure appliances with medium of fildannende put out the type of foam.

Chapter X: fire-and explosion protection of the storage tanks in the hull structure § 27. Structural requirements For facilities that store produced hydrocarbons on board to events and separation of the living quarters, machine room, thoughts and more is as as specified in the SOLAS-74, Kap. II-2 part D, Reg. 56 "Location and separation of spaces".

section 28. Active safeguards 1.
Removable gadgets such as in the production phase save produced hydrocarbons on Board shall be equipped with the following: 1. Foam cannons for the cover of tankdekk, which should be according to SOLAS-74, Kap. II-2 part D, Reg. 6 l. Fixed deckfoam system "in addition to the manual operation ACC. SOLAS-74, to foam guns could be controlled remotely from space with a good overview.

2. it should be able to be provided on the covered foam tank during the installation process.

3. Tank ventilation to minimum be according to SOLAS-74, Kap. II 2 part D, Reg. 59. "Waiting, purging, gas-freeing heating".

4. Neutral gas plant, to minimum be according to SOLAS-74, Kap. II-2 part D, Reg. 62. "Inert gas system".

5. Fixed fire-fighting installations in pump room shall meet the requirements of SOLAS-74, Kap. II-2 part D, Reg. 63 "Cargo pump-rooms» 6.
Lasteoljepumper in the pump room should be monitored with the instrument for the measurement of temperature in the aksellagere, pump casing and shaft penetrations. Temperatures should be able to be gauged in the cargo control room and alarm is given at the temperature rise.

Chapter XI: Nødavstegnings and need the eject system section 29. (Repealed by regulation 2 March 1999 No. 410 (in force 1 sept 1999).

section 30. Manually nødavstengningssytem 1.
Manual nødavstegning to be carried out according to the Maritime's then-current regulations on safeguards against fire on removable devices.

2. Moreover, it should be carried out manual nødavstegning of:-the production technical installation, including pressure relief,-lasteoljepumper 3.
It should be possible to nødavstenge the well stream of oil and gas closest to possible the place where this power comes on board in the removable device, such as right after where the riser avhenges.

4. manual emergency shut-off shall as a minimum be carried out from the manned control stations/emergency control stations. Most comprehensive emergency shut-off should also be able to be activated from the evacuation stations.

section 31. Automatic emergency shutdown system 1.
Automatically nødavstegning should be according to the Maritime's then-current regulations on safeguards against fire on removable devices.

2. automatic shut-off of the produksjostekniske need the installation and load oil pump system should be activated by the gas and/or fire detection in areas of production systems/equipment. Automatic emergency shut-off of the production technical installation shall also be activated by abnormal events that URf.eks:-loss of gassavbrenningsfunksjon ("groundflare"),-high level in væskeutskiller for flare system,-loss of instrument air,-fire in the engine room,-other relevant critical events that emerge in a risk analysis.


By fire detection and automatic emergency shut-off of the production technical installation to be pressure relief valves open automatically. Press relief with the offload should press times that minimum be according to API RP 520 and 521. High pressure and low pressure systems should be able to trykkavlastes at the same time. It should be taken into account any hydrate formation by such pressure relief.

4. It should be indicated in the control station/emergency control station what is to nødavstavstengt and to the equipment that has been automatically need shut down. It should alarm filtering or similar so that the first alarm indication can be identified.

5. at the need of the shut-off production technical installation to be important machinery that using gas from the process shift automatically over to the other fuel source. The corresponding need to flare system at the disappearance of change to time • fuel gas auto gas, eg. propane. Flare system to that minimum be constructed according to API RP 520 and 521/.

6. Need to shutdown the system by system error go to the safest position ("fail safe"). In the process, and the wellhead this involves rest power principle of the electrical control system.

7. at the shut-off valves have to close need in front of the production technical equipment, eg. well valves, emergency shutdown valves in the well heads, manifoldventiler close in the correct order and with time delay, so that no dangerous press conditions occur.

8. Ventilation air damper that closes by the emergency shut-off of the living quarters and other rooms where it is particularly required to prevent gassinntreglung, should be of the type that has been tested for especially low leakage rate, eg. lower than 300 (w/h/m ²) by differential pressure = 2000 Pa.

9. The hydraulic system to close the emergency shutdown valves, etc., should be just with the filtering equipment for continuous filtering of hydraulic oil (pump with off-line filter).

section 32. Manually need release system 1.
It should be carried out manual need release of:-risers, jf. section 16 no. 16 when the risk analysis indicates that this is news-ankerliner, jf. section 16 no. 16-fortøyningstrosse, if any, to the tanker, jf. section 35.

Chapter XII: other special measures against pollution and section 33. Nødkraft and need power consumers 1.
Need the power source shall be so placed on the installation that an accident situation in production/well head does not lead to that both hovedkraft and nødkraft have to nedstenges at the same time. It should be taken into account to the dominant wind direction in relation to the facility in terms of the location of the pipes need power source.

2. Exhaust pipe should not have temperature that exceeds the tenntemperaturen to the appropriate gas produced or stored on the device.

* For testing of autoignition appears to the IEC standard. Publication 79-4 (1975): Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 4: Method of test for ignition temperature, and supplement publication 79-4A.

3. Turn maskineriets and lift the year inventory system should be able to be supplied with nødkraft. This also applies to equipment on the turret which must be able to from the p.g.a. rotational restrictions.

4. Ventilation system in hazardous areas should be able to be supplied from the emergency power source.

section 34. Safeguards against pollution the removable device should be designed and have an event that prevents any acute foruresning from from the vessel's storage or URlosseoverføringssystem.* procedures for the operation of the event should be taken in the operating manual.

Chapter XIII: loading and mooring system section 35. Loading and mooring system 1.
Loading and mooring system to operate within the system's construction and operation restrictions. Instructions for load transfer and disconnect to be released on the device and on the freighter.

2. The Normal and emergency release of the fortøyningstrosse, if any, to be made up to trossens violations last. It should be established procedures that ensures that the load hose not subjected to unforeseen charges at normal or emergency release of trosseforbindelsen or of trosseforbindelsen.

3. Loading and mooring system's capacities in terms of allowed stretch, press and freedom of movement should be calculated and stated in the operating manual. To be used when calculating the recognized standards that take into account the dynamic relationship that can be present at the loading offshore.

4. The release of load should not allow the snake before lastepumper and load the system's valves are closed.

5. It should be arranged with communication capabilities between all places from which the load operation can be affected. It should be visual overview of all systems that are assumed Valet/monitored.

6. Loading and mooring system to be instrumented for measurement of stretch in the cargo hose and fortøyningstrosse, the distance between the device and the cargo ship and press in the cargo hose. Furthermore, it should be arranged with the emergency stop for lastoljepumper and load valves.

7. Various security requirements: a) Arrangement for drainage of cargo oil piping to anordnes.

b) Download to be able to fill the oil pipes with neutral gas. It should be taken precautions for the isolation of neutral gas plant from last oil piping system.

c) All openings and air intakes in the area within 10 m from the load connection piece of the hose should be kept closed while loading is in progress.

d) upload site should be able to overrisles with foam.

e) local control station shall have the irrigation system.

f) local control station shall be ventilated to the trap. The ventilation intake should be located in the secure area.

8. There shall be set up a maintenance and testing program for the load system. Maintenance and test program to be enjoyed in the operating manual.

Chapter XIV: maintenance, operation, and staffing section 36. Spare parts and maintenance system 1.
The cruise line should have a maintenance-and spare parts system. Maintenance the system shall include hull/thoughts and all the systems and components that are described in this regulation, and cover the conditions of maintenance, testing, and continuous control etc. which are set here.

2. The shipping company is responsible for ensuring that spare parts are available, so that repair and replacement can occur within a time frame that will not impair the safety on board.

section 37. (Repealed by regulation 2 March 1999 No. 410, in force 1 sept 1999).

section 38. (Repealed by regulation 2 March 1999 No. 410, in force 1 sept 1999).

Chapter XV: Final provisions § 39. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force the 1. April 1994.