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Regulations On The Register Of Population On Svalbard

Original Language Title: Forskrift om register over befolkningen på Svalbard

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Regulations on the register of the population of Svalbard

Date FOR 1994-02-04-111

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1994 175

Commencement 01/11/1994


FOR 2013-05-31-561 from 01.07.2013





Short Title
Regulations on population register in Svalbard

Adopted by Royal Decree. 4. February 1994 pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1925. 11 on Svalbard § 4. Promoted by the Ministry of Justice (now Ministry of Justice).
Changes: Amended by regulations 24 October 1994 No.. 977 (ikrafttr.), March 9, 1995 No.. 244, April 21, 1999 No.. 530 ref. 7 Dec 1999 no. 1261, 1 Jan 2006 no. 1323, January 3rd 2008 no. 19, June 23, 2011 no. 676, May 31, 2013 No.. 561.
Changed when the Ministry decides, cf. Regulation 1 Jan 2006 no. 1323.

§ 1. A register of population on Svalbard. The register is kept by the tax office.

§ 2. The register shall include all persons living on Svalbard. A person is regarded as living in Svalbard when he or she has been resident in the archipelago and intends to stay there for at least six months. A person is considered to have moved from Svalbard as of the year has stayed outside Svalbard more than 183 days in a twelve month period.
The second paragraph does not apply to seafarers, persons undergoing training, conscripts and civilian workers during military service, inmates in prison, admitted to hospital or members of parliament or government, unless residency conditions change so that it is natural to expect them as residents outside Svalbard. People and students who choose to sign up and register at a new residence at campus in Norway shall nevertheless considered to have moved from Svalbard.

§ 3. The register shall contain the following information about the persons mentioned in § 2
full name




date for beginning and ending in Svalbard stay

address Svalbard

last domicile in Spitsbergen. For people who move to Svalbard from another part of Norway, stated municipality for other specified countries.

marital status

family number

identity number for individuals with Norwegian national identity

D-number for people who do not have Norwegian national identity. D numbers assigned in accordance with the Regulation on 9 November 2007 no. 1268 Population Registration.

Register may contain the employer's name and organization.

§ 4. Any person covered by § 2, shall, within 8 days after the beginning of the stay contact the Registrar leads and show a passport or similar identification document. If it only after beginning of the stay becomes clear that this will last beyond six months, must be sent as soon as possible after such clarification. Notification shall be on the form prescribed by the Registrar. Similarly, any person sending the message if it occurs changes in the information referred to in § 3. When moving from Svalbard notice must be sent no later than on departure. The guardian or next of kin is responsible for the messages mentioned in the first paragraph also being sent to children and persons who are deprived of legal capacity. By birth and deaths obligation also doctor, or midwife if there was a doctor present at birth.
Registrar may require information as referred to in § 3, ref. § 4 subsections confirmed annually.
The Registrar may make a decision, that a person deleted from the Register, when there is information from the mainland municipality about moving from Svalbard or when notification referred to in § 4, first, second or third paragraph is not adhered to. Registrar's decision to remove a person in the register is an individual, cf. Public Administration Act § 2b.
Complaints body's Tax Directorate.

§ 5. The registrar may by employers require employee information residing on Svalbard and the start and termination of employment. Employers with employees who are not registered in the Employer / Employee Register obliged annually to send the Registrar a list of the employees who live in Svalbard. The Registrar establishes detailed deadlines for submission, and may in certain circumstances require such list more often than once a year.
Employers have a duty to orient new employees on Svalbard if the obligation to notify the registry and extradite form as mentioned in § 4.

§ 5a. By order of the registrar for the Svalbard population register public authorities are obliged to provide information necessary for registration in the population register. The same applies to records and the like emit house or shelter.

§ 5b. Whoever submits house or shelter for habitation for others, duty to give notification referred to in § 4 of the people who move to or from his estate or housing. This duty falls away when moving, displaying Confirmation from the population register that he himself has given mandatory notification. The farm manager or business manager has the same responsibility as the owner of notification referred to in § 4 is delivered in a timely manner.

§ 6. Everyone in posts entailing or pursuant to provisions of this Directive have the right to acquaint themselves with the information in the register about personal matters, is obliged to maintain secrecy about what he or she becomes aware. The duty of confidentiality also applies after the service or work is completed. Information as mentioned in the first sentence can not be exploited in their own business or service or work for others.

§ 7. A Norwegian public authority can use for their business given on named, identifiable individuals from the register notwithstanding the confidentiality. The Registrar determines the interest of the register daily activities to what extent such information shall be given.
The Registrar may also provide information to public authorities requiring information pursuant to the special law.
Statistics Norway has the right to exploit the registry for statistical purposes and to be notified about planned changes to the registry.
The Registrar may on written application public servants access to registers to conduct investigations as a public authority for its activities. Conditions may be attached to such authorization.

§ 8. The Registrar may provide private individuals and institutions who have a justified need, information on a few named, identifiable persons full name, date of birth and social security number, address and any date of death, unless the information is subject to confidentiality. Scientists can provide information from the register if it is proved a justified need.
The Registrar determines the interest of the register daily chores whether and to what extent such information as referred to in subsections shall be provided.

§ 9. Everyone has the right to know what information exists about themselves in the registry.

§ 10. Governor may engage local registrars to help such register in the foreign settlements. After further provisions issued by the Governor, these the daily recordkeeping and submit periodic statements of the register to the Governor. If there are special reasons, an arrangement referred to in subsection also conducted for Norwegian settlements outside Longyearbyen.

§ 11. Any person who willfully or negligently violates notification requirement in § 4 or § 5 or orders issued pursuant to these provisions shall be punished pursuant to the Svalbard Act § 4.

§ 12. The Ministry of Justice may change these regulations.

§ 13. This regulation comes into force when the Ministry of Justice bestemmer.1