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Regulations Concerning Trade Area For Passenger Ships Registered In The Norwegian International Ship Register (Nis)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om fartsområde for passasjerskip registrert i norsk internasjonalt skipsregister (NIS)

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Regulations concerning trade area for passenger ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS)

Date FOR 1993-07-09-596

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published Dept. In 1993 801

Commencement 01/09/1993


FOR-2015-10-08-1169 from 01/01/2016


Norway, Svalbard


LOV-1987-06-12-48-section 4, TO-2015-03-27-310


Short Title
Regulations on trade areas, passenger ships, NIS

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. General provisions (§§ 1-4)
Chapter II. Special provisions for cruise ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship (§§ 5-7)
Chapter III. Penalties and entry into force (§§ 8-9)

Adopted by Royal Decree. 9. July 1993 pursuant to the Act of 12 June 1987 no. 48 relating to the Norwegian International Ship § 4, second paragraph. Promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (now Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries).
Added authority: Delegation Decision 27 March 2015 no. 310.
Changes: Amended by regulations 1 January 2014 no. 238, March 27, 2015 no. 309, October 8, 2015 No.. 1169.

Chapter I. General Provisions

§ 1. Application This regulation applies to passenger ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register.

§ 2. Svalbard Ships covered by this regulation is permitted to carry passengers between ports in Svalbard, between Svalbard and the mainland, and in regular service between Svalbard and foreign ports, regardless of the provisions of Chapter II.

§ 3. Prohibition of passenger traffic between certain states ship registered in the Norwegian International Ship allowed to carry passengers in regular service between the Nordic countries. The prohibition applies to any kind of such passenger condition, also seasonal momentum between Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden.

§ 4. Change in trade area limitation Industry and Fisheries Ministry may by regulation change trade area limitation specified in § 3 when there is to be competition to the disadvantage of ships registered in the Norwegian Ship Register and the distortion of competition is deemed to be the result of other states' measures or distort competition arrangements.

Chapter II. Special provisions for cruise ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship

§ 5. Application This chapter applies to cruise ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship.

§ 6. Definition Cruise ships in these regulations passenger ships cabin capacity for all passengers and sail with a concrete itinerary offered. Skip route must involve at least one night sail and be a minimum of 24 hours' duration.

§ 7. Conditions for carry passengers between Norwegian and foreign ports
Cruise covered by this chapter are allowed to carry passengers between Norwegian ports if it calls totaling at least two foreign ports before or after the call at one or more Norwegian ports

The passengers are not allowed to buy tickets only between Norwegian ports,

Passengers can not board or leave cruise ship in a Norwegian port if your ticket includes calls at least two foreign ports.

Chapter III. Penalties and entry into force

§ 8. Penalties Wilful violation of these regulations is punishable by fines pursuant to Act 12 June 1987 no. 48 § 11, unless more severe penalty is not applicable pursuant to other statutory provision. Is the offense committed by someone acting on behalf of a company or association mentioned in accordance with § 1, the fine being imposed imposed undertaking as such.
By transgression can Industry and Fisheries Ministry may decide that the ship shall be removed from the register, cf. Act 12 June 1987 no. 48 § 12, second paragraph.

§ 9. Entry into force These regulations enter into force on 1 September 1993.