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Regulations Relating To Railway Security Service

Original Language Title: Forskrift om jernbanens trygghetstjeneste

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Regulations relating to railway security service.

Date FOR 1993-05-14-351

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1993 412

Commencement 01/06/1993


FOR 1954-12-23-3



LOV-1953-07-17-9-Section 47, LAW-1953-07-17-9-Act §48 cf. LOV-2010-06-25-45-L-39


Short Title
Regulation on rail security service

Stipulated by Royal Decree. 14 May 1993 pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1953 No.. 9 of the Civil Defense (Civil Defence Act) § 47, ref. § 48. Promoted by the Ministry of Justice.

§ 1. This regulation applies to railway operations at the Norwegian State Railways.

§ 2. Railways and security services shall in peace and war:
ensure railway operation by preventive measures,

Irreparable damage as a result of mishaps, accidents or acts of war on travelers, railway personnel, property and goods for carriage.

§ 3. Securing railway operations include measures and provisions for construction, materials, operations and maintenance, provisions for inspection and approval of mandatory measures and necessary safety training. Specifics are determined in separate provisions of the NSB.

§ 4. reparation measures include all planned, prepared and implemented measures to irreparable damage, and provisions that describe measures and regulates procedures for quick help. Specifics are determined in separate provisions of the NSB.

§ 5. NSB workshops organized industrial safety in accordance with regulations and guidelines for industrial ref. Royal Decree. of 12 January 1990 no. 12

§ 6. NSB builds and maintains able shelters pertinent regulations, ref. Civil Defence Act § 41.

§ 7. extent necessary Plans for prevention and reparation measures on railway lines and the objects for which such measures can be particular problems.

§ 8. Relevant personnel groups at railway given such training and exercise that they can implement the notification and effective remedial action at the site until police, local rescue center (LRS) or the designees will take over the lead.

§ 9. Security Service's tasks and any adjustments in the transition to emergency and war, regulated Emergency Plan for Norwegian State Railways.

§ 10. The regulation comes into force on 1 June 1993. Regulation of 23 December 1954 no. 3 relating railway civil defense repealed from 1 June 1993.