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Regulations For Remote Meetings And Written Proceedings

Original Language Title: Forskrift om fjernmøter og skriftlig saksbehandling

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Regulations for remote meetings and written proceedings Date-1993-01-13-4035 Ministry of local government and modernization the Ministry Published the entry into force last modified 13.01.1993 FOR-2012-06-14-531 from 01.07.2012 Change applies to Norway Pursuant Law-1992-09-25-107-section 30 Announced short title regulations for remote meetings and case management legal authority: established by the local government and Ministry of labour (now the Department of local government and modernisation) 13. January 1993 pursuant to the Act of 25. September 1992 No. about 107 municipalities and county municipalities (municipality law) § 30 No. 2. changes: modified by regulation 14 June 2012 No. 531. section 1. This regulation applies to the Presidency, the County selection, fixed range, municipality in part selection, Parish Council and County Council as well as municipal or county committees created pursuant to other laws. The regulations also apply to other elected bodies except the Municipal Council/County Council and control range, as far as the Municipal Council, the County Council or oppnevnings body do not decide anything else.

§ 2. By remote meeting to all attendees could hear and communicate with each other. When the meeting is held open the doors, it must also be the opportunity for the audience to overhear this. The notice can take place by telephone. Is it not time to the issue of documents, these are referenced in the meeting.
The matter should be postponed to the ordinary meeting may be held, if the 1/3 of organets members require it.

§ 3. Remove meeting or written proceedings can not be used by the treatment of matters affecting an employee's tjenstlige and with information that is subject to the statutory duty of confidentiality. Requires the consideration of privacy that the meeting be held behind closed doors, should remove the meeting or written proceedings nor used. The same is true when the consideration of the public interest dictates that the meeting be held behind closed doors.

§ 4. By written proceedings be sent copies of the documents at the same time to all organets members with suggested resolutions. For valid decision required that all members endorse the proposed suggestions for resolutions, and that this will hit after the written proceedings.

§ 5. This Regulation shall enter into force immediately.