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Regulations On Attestation Of Signatures On Enforceable Promissory

Original Language Title: Forskrift om bekreftelse av underskrift på eksigible gjeldsbrev

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Regulations on attestation of signatures on enforceable debentures.

Date FOR 1992-12-04-896

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1992 1292

Commencement 01.01.1993


FOR-2002-10-11-1094 from 01.01.2003





Short Title
regulat. the signature on enforceable debentures.

Adopted by Royal Decree. 4 December 1992 pursuant to the Enforcement Act 26 June 1992 No.. 86 § 7-2. Promoted by the Ministry of Justice.
Changes: Amended by regulation 11 October 2002 No.. 1094.

§ 1. Confirmation by witnesses For a promissory note shall be enforceable by the Enforcement Act of 26 June 1992 no. 86 § 7.2 letter a must debtor's signature be confirmed by two legally competent witnesses or of:

Judge (including conciliation board members, assistant judges and land consolidation judges)

Sheriff or sheriff valet,

Bailiff or bailiff proxy accepted by the court,

Attorney or authorized advocate

Chartered or certified accountant,

Authorized estate agent,

Licensed debt collector who is in favor of a debt collector

Norwegian or foreign notaries.

For the promissory note should also be enforceable against those who written on the promissory note has assumed an unconditional liability for a transfer or have set themselves surety must their signature be confirmed as mentioned in the first paragraph.

§ 2. Debentures issued to financial institution mm promissory note issued to enterprises with the right to engage in financing activity under the Financial Institutions and Financial Institutions June 10, 1988 No. 40 § 1-4, are enforceable even if the debtor's signature is not verified in accordance with § 1. the same goes for those written on the promissory note has assumed an unconditional liability for a transfer or have set up surety.
The first paragraph also applies to debentures issued to other entities or institutions whose plan is established by law or parliamentary decision or approved by the King.

§ 3. Implementation These regulations come into force January 1, 1993.