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Regulations Concerning Operating Arrangements On Norwegian Ships

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Regulations concerning operating arrangements on Norwegian ships.

Date FOR 1992-09-15-704

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 1992 1015 (summarily - full text database)

Commencement 01/11/1992


FOR-2007-06-29-1006 from 01.07.2007

FOR 1983-02-17-148



LOV-2007-02-16-9-§2, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§9, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§11, LAW-2007-02-16- 9 §14, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§49, TO-2007-02-16-171, TO-2007-05-31-590.


18/09/2007 (§ 1 subsection)

Short Title
Regulations concerning operating arrangements on Norwegian ships

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1 General provisions (§§ 1-4)
Chapter 2. Survey, inspection and approval (§§ 5-6)
Chapter 3. Watch arrangements in machinery spaces (§§ 7-9) | || Chapter 4. Operating Contingent aids and functional requirements (§§ 10-12)
Chapter 5. Final provisions (section 13)

Established by NMD 15 September 1992 pursuant to the Act of 9 June 1903 No.. 7 relating to Public Control of the Seaworthiness of Ships, etc. Legal basis changed to the Act of 16 February 2007 No.. 9 on maritime safety (the Maritime Safety Act) § 2, § 9, § 11, § 14 and § 43; see. delegated decision of 16 February 2007 no. 171 and delegating decision on 31 May 2007 no. 590. Amended by regulations 27 april 1999 No.. 538, June 1, 2004 no. 885 (regulations reproduced in their full after changes), June 29, 2007 no. 1006 (including legal).

Chapter 1 General provisions

§ 1. Scope
(1) This regulation applies to Norwegian passenger ship regardless of size and other Norwegian ship with a gross tonnage of 50 and above who will practice:

operation with periodically unmanned engine.

security / service with one person alone in the engine room.

brovaktrutiner1 require the use of self-management and internal communication systems.

(2) This regulation applies to both new and existing ships.

(3) Regulations § 10 applies every vessel with a gross tonnage of 500 and above, whether the ship is approved for operation with periodically unmanned engine or not.

(4) This regulation applies fishing vessels.

(5) This regulation does not apply to pleasure craft used for commercial purposes.

§ 2. Definitions In this regulation means:


Other ships: All ships except passenger ships.

Recognized classification societies:

The Norwegian Veritas.

Lloyd's Register of Shipping.

Bureau Veritas.

Germanischer Lloyd.

American Bureau of Shipping.


Gross tonnage: The numeric value indicated as gross tonnage in the Tonnage Certificate. If in the certificate specified safety tonnage in the remarks column, the numerical value of this as gross tonnage.


Approved: Approved by the NMD.


Classified ship: A ship has class in recognized classification society.


Passenger ship: A ship that can carry more than 12 passengers or which is required to have official permission to carry passengers.


Security Regulations: The current regulations on security on passenger and cargo ships.


Duty roster: A work arrangement in which the working hours of the ship's crew is wholly or partly divided into guards and the whole crew is normally required to be on board.

§ 3 Duties The company, master and other persons working on board shall perform their duties according to the Maritime Safety Act and the supplementary provisions laid down in this Regulation.

§ 4. Exemptions in individual cases NMD upon written application, deviate from the regulations. Special reasons that make the exemption necessary and must be done safely. Exemptions must not contravene international agreements to which Norway has acceded.

Chapter 2. Survey, inspection and approval

§ 5. Survey and control
(1) When new plants and equipment and / or modification of existing plants is completed, the plants surveyed and function tested to the required degree of NMD / recognized classification society.

(2) For ships which have been approved modes of operation under § 8, § 10, § 11 and § 12 shall control and function test of the construction undertaken by the staff on board at regular intervals. Functional testing shall be introduced for the deck / engine room log.

§ 6. Approval
(1) The Norwegian Maritime Directorate approves operational procedure on each vessel on the basis of notification from a station in the Norwegian Maritime Directorate or a recognized classification society.

(2) When the technical conditions of approval are no longer present, or that class addition is deleted, should a drive in NMD or recognized classification society, give written notice to the NMD about this.

Chapter 3. Watch arrangements in machinery

§ 7. General rule - manned engine engine room should normally be continuously manned.

§ 8. Exceptions - Operating periodically unattended machinery
(1) Vessels shall be approved for operation with periodically unmanned engine, ref. § 9, must fulfill the following conditions:

Classified ships shall comply with relevant classification society rules for instrumentation and automation, and have competent institution class notation for operation with periodically unmanned engine.

Ships which are not classified shall meet the requirements set by the Norwegian Veritas rules on the operation periodically unattended machinery.

(2) Ships with propulsion power of 750 kW can not practice operation periodically unattended machinery under the following conditions:

when maneuvering in and out of port

within the safety zone around oil installations

when the waters must be considered heavily trafficked

when visibility is impaired.

§ 9. unmanned engine - duration
(1) For passenger ships, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate for how long the engine room may be unmanned in each case, depending on operating conditions etc. The length of the unmanned period shall normally be limited to 2 hours duration.

(2) For ships other than passenger ships operating periodically unattended machinery restricted to periods as determined by the appropriate classification society rules. The period between each supervision shall not exceed 24 hours.

Chapter 4. Operating Contingent aids and functional requirements

§ 10. Personnel Alarm (dødmannsalarm)
(1) On ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards are not allowed to be alone in the engine room unless it is mounted automatically personnel alarm (dødmannsalarm) .1

(2) The alarm system shall meet the following requirements: 2

Personnel alarm shall be so arranged as to give alarm on the bridge, in the officers' cabins, mess and recreation if not acknowledged from the engine room. The alarm should be triggered automatically after a preset period of time not to exceed 30 minutes.

shall be installed warning signal in the engine room which becomes operational 3 minutes before the alarm required by letter a is activated.

alarm system shall be put in function as follows:

Automatic when duty machinist or machine suits must operate the engine room due to engine alarms.

Manual of duty machinist or machine fits when this serves the engine room for routine checks.

The alarm system is switched off by duty engineer / machine suits when they leave the engine room. When the alarm system is put into operation automatically in accordance with paragraph c. 1, it will not be possible to turn off the system before the engineer / computer caliper has acknowledged the alarm in the engine room.

Personnel alarm can also initiate maskinistenes alarm.3

§ 11. The automatic pilot Construction Before brovaktfunksjoner with guard procedures requiring the use of self-governance can be practiced, the following requirements must be met: 1


Within the boundaries of a ship's maneuverability shall controller, together with the source of course information, be able to keep a ship on a preset course with minimum use of the ship's steering gear.

Pilot equipment to adapt to ship different steering characteristics under various weather and loading conditions, and provide reliable operation under prevailing environmental and normal operating conditions.

Switching from automatic steering to manual steering and vice versa

Shift from automatic steering to manual control and vice versa should be possible at any rudder position, and could be performed in one or at most two manual operations, within a period of 3 seconds.

Shift from self-control to manual steering should be possible under all circumstances, including any failure in the automatic control system.

When switching from manual control to automatic steering shall controller could bring the vessel into the preset rate.

Change-over controls shall be located close to each other in the immediate vicinity of the main steering.

There must be clear indication of the control method in use at any time.

Alarm and signaling

There must be a course monitor that activates a "off course" audible signal after a course deviation of preset size.


The information needed to initiate the course monitor should come from an independent source.

Alarm signals, with both sound and light, shall be provided to indicate failure or a reduction in the power supply to control or monitor, when this affects the safe operation of the equipment.

Alarm signaling will be closely related to the main steering.

Control Instruments

Number of operational controls shall be as low as possible and they should be designed in a way to preclude inadvertent operation.

Unless features for automatic adjustments are incorporated in the installation, the self controller to be equipped with adequate controls to adjust for the effects of weather and the ship motions.

Automatic pilot shall be designed so that it ensures change of course to starboard by turning the course setting clockwise. Normal course changes should be possible by one adjustment only of the course setting.

Except for the course setting, the activation of any other instrument not affect the ship's course to any great extent.

Additional controls follow a system should abide by the same provisions of this section.

rudder angle

In the equipment shall be built in the ability to enable rudder angle during automatic operation. It should also be possible to indicate when the boundary angle is reached.

Permitted yaw

It will be built in the ability to prevent unnecessary activation of the rudder due to normal yaw motion.

§ 12. Internal communication
(1) Before brovaktfunksjoner with guard procedures requiring the use of internal communication systems can be practiced, the following requirements must be met: 1

(2) All vessels practicing rostering system shall be equipped with leek / call systems with the following features:

It must be connected by bridge to the officers' cabins, deck crew cabins and staterooms to the other crew members who can serve as deck guard and all fairs and dayroom.

It shall be granted callsign from the bridge to each cabin, fair and dayroom with subsequent speech connection both ways.

In sleeping arrangement shall be such that present people have to get up to answer the call and to talk.

It should be the priority of bridge if the plant is dependent on, or are part of other voice communications on board.

The plant will be connected to mains and emergency power source (not emergency power source for radio station). It will be automatic switching if the main power source fails.

(3) All vessels that practice work arrangement in which the whole crew is in service simultaneously, shall be equipped with internal communication equipment that allows for the duty officer to summon assistance to the bridge when necessary.

Chapter 5. Final provisions

§ 13. Entry into force These regulations enter into force on 1 November 1992.
From the same date, the Regulations on 17 February 1983 no. 148 on operating arrangements for ship power plant.