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Regulations On The Gadgets And Keeping Of Diaries On Ships And Removable Devices

Original Language Title: Forskrift om innretning og føring av dagbøker på skip og flyttbare innretninger

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Regulations on the gadgets and keeping of diaries on ships and removable devices-Date 1992-09-15-693 Ministry industry and Fisheries Ministry published in 1992 1008 entry into force 01.11.1992 last edited by-2014-07-01-955 from 15.09.2014 Change FOR-1968-07-01-7, FOR-1969-07-01-1, FOR-1979-11-27-2 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 2, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 14, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 19, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 33, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 37, FOR-2007-02-16-171, FOR-2007-05-31-590, LAW-1998-06-26-47-section 20, LAW-1998-06-26-47-section 24, FOR-1998-11-27-1095, 1998--12-01-4532, FOR-2007-05-31-591,-2007-06-25-719, FOR-2007-06-29-849 Announced Targeted 16.12.2002 (§ 10 , section 11, section 12 and section 14), 07.01.2009 (of the field), 04.02.2011 (annex 1 No. 1) short title regulations on the keeping of diaries on ships, etc.

Chapter overview: Chapter 1. General provisions (sections 1-4) Chapter 2. Requirements for gadgets, release and control etc. of diaries (§ § 5-8A) Chapter 3. Day books that should be on the Norwegian ship (§ § 9-14a) Chapter 4. More on the what which should be introduced in the day books (§ § 15-19a) Chapter 5. Final provisions (section 20) Annex 1 legal authority: set by the Norwegian maritime Directorate 15. September 1992 with authorization in law 24. June 1994 no. 39 about sjøfarten (sjøloven). The legal authority is changed to law 16. February 2007 Nr. 9 about ship safety (ship safety law) § 2, section 14 and section 19, section 33, section 37, jf. the delegation decision 16. February 2007 Nr. 171 and the delegation decision 31. May 2007 No. 590, and law 26. June 1998 No. 47 on free time and small boats section 20 and section 24, jf. the delegation decision 27. November 1998 No. 1095, the delegation decision 1. December 1998 No. 4532 and delegation decision 31. May 2007 No. 591 and the delegation decision 25. June 2007 No. 719. Added title: the delegation decision 29. June 2007 No. 849. changes: modified by regulations 14 des 1995 Nr. 1097, 14 nov 2000 Nr. 1647, 4 June 2002 No. 985 (regulation announced in its entirety), 30 June 2003 No. 937, 4 feb 2005 Nr. 108, 8 nov 2005 Nr. 1415, 12 jan 2007 Nr. 45, June 29, 2007 # 1006, June 26, 2009 # 860, 10 June 2010 No. 795, 30 may 2012 No. 488, 31 July 2013 No. 939, 1 July 2014 Nr. 955. Chapter 1. General provisions § 1. Scope this Regulation applies to claims to the gadgets and keeping of diaries for registered ships, including fishing and capture vessels, as well as the removable devices as noted in Chapter 2 and 3.

§ 2. Definitions in this regulation means: a) Bruttotonnasje: The numeric value that is listed as bruttotonnasje in the measurement the letter. If the measure is provided in the letter sikkerhetstonnasje in the remark section, the value of this number as bruttotonnasje.

b) fishing and hunting vessels: Vessels as an employment is used to catch fish, whales, seals or other living resources of the sea, including seaweed and kelp.

c) Removable device: Removable platform, including the drillships, which has equipment for drilling for undersea petroleum deposits, and movable platform to other uses than drilling for undersea petroleum deposits.

d) domestic trade: See the regulation of 4. November 1981 No. 3793 speed areas Chapter 2.

e) Chemical tank ship: Ships that are built or made for primarily to allow download of malicious, liquid in bulk, and includes oil tanker that takes malicious, floating substances in bulk as cargo or part of the load.

f) MARPOL: The International Convention on the prevention of pollution from ships, with subsequent changes.

g) Oil tankers: ships that are built or made for primarily to lead oil in bulk in cargo compartments, and includes combo ships and any chemical tanker when it leads a load or part of a cargo of oil in bulk.

h) Marine security Convention (SOLAS): the International Convention of 1974 on the safety of human life at sea, with subsequent changes.

in the STCW Convention): the International Convention on standards of training, certificates and security for seafarers, 1978 with changes in 1995 and later changes.

j) foreign trade: See the regulation of 4. November 1981 No. 3793 speed sites Chapter 3.

§ 3. The duties of the cruise line, Platform Manager and others who have their work on Board should perform their duties according to the ship's security law and with the complementary provisions arising from this regulation.
The ship's leads to make sure that the diaries to be brought on Board according to the individual provisions of this regulation is taken and that they be kept as prescribed in section 7.
The ship's leads to further make sure that day will be new books acquired in good time before those that are in use will be printed.

§ 4. Waivers in individual cases, the Norwegian maritime Directorate after written application set aside the forskriftens requirements.
Special reasons have to do fraviket necessary and fraviket must be secure. It will not be granted waivers that contradict with the international understanding that Norway has joined the.

Chapter 2. Requirements for gadgets, release and control etc. of diaries section 5. Release of diaries, etc. Day books content and form are determined by the Norwegian maritime Directorate. It can be used day books in paper format. Also can be used online diaries, when installation and system meets the international regulations, and the company has agreement with the Norwegian maritime Directorate.

section 6. Keeping of diaries diaries should be properly and clearly. What once has been introduced, not raderes or otherwise made unreadable. Electronic diaries should be protected against overwriting, deleting, and changes. When signing is required, electronic diaries be signed electronically. Becomes necessary, the correction should be added as a note.
Diaries should be entered under the supervision of the ship's lead and he shall sign the day the books as noted by the individual provisions.
Who will lead the day the books noted by the individual provisions in Chapter 3.
Diaries should be entered on the Norwegian or English as noted by the individual provisions in Chapter 3.

section 7. Storage of diaries diaries to, except on unmanned ships under tow, is stored on board in such a place that they are easily accessible for control at any reasonable time. They should be kept for at least 2 years after the last entry has been made and then under the company's control for at least 3 years. Sold the ship to the ship's former owner (the seller) keep diaries in the country.

section 8. Control of the diaries at the request of the Norwegian maritime Directorate, port authorities, the Norwegian coastal administration, customs, police, fisheries, Coast Guard and the State's roads as to national and County Road ferries, or other as Norwegian maritime Directorate authoring, is the ship's leading obliged to present day books and in the case disclose confirmed printing or copy of them when the ship is in the Norwegian port.
This also applies if there is outside the harbour the suspicion that the ship is not seaworthy or there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the ship has made illegal emissions.
At the request of the Norwegian maritime Directorate, Norwegian foreign stations or of the competent foreign authority, is the ship's leading obliged to deal with that mentioned in the first paragraph when the ship is in the foreign port.

§ 8A. Visibility in day books Any establishes a legal interest in getting to know the contents of the books and the journal books as in the case is brought, can claim to see them and take a copy. Unless the Norwegian maritime Directorate oblige it, comes to this still not for the case where the ship has encountered with the alien ship, if it is not being given similar access to this ship books.
For the ship's books that are brought in Danish, Finnish or Swedish ships, the rules in subsection corresponding application when the ship is in the Norwegian port. The same applies to ship books that are led on other alien ships, if not the Norwegian maritime Directorate determines the other.
What is specific about the ship's books in the first and second paragraph, also applies to records which are being made on the mechanical way on Board regarding the ship's navigation or other conditions that are covered in the books. The same applies to the rules in the second paragraph, if not the Norwegian maritime Directorate determines the other.

Chapter 3. Day books that should be on Norwegian vessels section 9. Deck diary diary of the deck shall be on board: a) Ships in foreign trade b) ships with bruttotonnasje of 50 and in the domestic derover speed c) fish and capture vessel with bruttotonnasje of 50 and derover d) removable devices.

Great deck diary should be of vessels to be lead machine diary according to § 10, with the exception of ships that can cause small deck diary. Small deck diary can be waged by power-driven systems ship with bruttotonnasje of 50 and in the domestic derover speed, ships with bruttotonnasje on 300 and goes into great derover as coasting, and fishing and hunting vessels with bruttotonnasje of 50 and under derover bruttotonnasje but at 500, if not great deck diary.
Deck the diary should preferably be waged by attending the Navigator. On ships registered in the Norwegian international ship registry should be Journal of the deck in English.
Deck the diary in port for every 24 hours, in the sea for each guard. What happens on the individual guard, currently recorded in a journal book, but should be introduced as soon as possible and at the latest by the end of the subsequent 24 hours.
Diary leads by his signature attesting that the guard is introduced. The ship's leads to sign the deck day book when the day is introduced.

§ 10. Computer diary Computer diary to be brought on board a) power-driven systems ship in foreign trade b) power-driven systems ships in the domestic trade of Machinist or machine fit in staffing task and fish and capture vessel with bruttotonnasje at 500 and derover c) removable devices.

Machine day book shall preferably be waged by attending Machinist. On ships registered in the Norwegian international ship register to computer diary in English.

Computer diary in port for every 24 hours, in the sea for each guard. What happens on the individual guard can currently be recorded once in a journal book, but should be introduced as soon as possible and at the latest by the end of the subsequent 24 hours.
Diary leads by his signature attesting that the guard is introduced. Machine boss to sign the machine day book when the day is introduced. At least once each week to the ship's leads do that he has endorsement ettersett machine day book and cite the date for such inspection.

section 11-section 13. (Repealed July 1, 2012 by regulation 30 may 2012 No. 488.) section 14. (Repealed 15 sep 2014 by regulation 1 July 2014 Nr. 955.) § 14a. Ballast water ballast water diary diary should be entered on any Norwegian ships with the exception of: a) ship that exclusively runs in the Norwegian territorial waters and the Norwegian economic zone b) ships with permanent ballast water in sealed tanks and c) ships that are less than 50 metres with a maximum of 8 cubic metres of ballast water capacity, which is used solely for recreation, in the competition context, or that primarily to search and rescue operations.

Chapter 4. More on the what as to be introduced today the books section 15. Deck the diary the printed text at the top of the diary pages specifies what should be introduced. For ships in foreign trade to the first hour of the importation is made on the line out for at. 0000. Line filled out in panels 6-22 with the circumstances that prevailed at. 2400. a) during the voyage to be introduced important positions and details of operation, power sets, and the like. Rates should be specified in degrees from the k-360. Positions should be specified by latitude and longitude or by true and fair bearing and distance to the named object. By the use of electronic AIDS are going to be done about this location entry in the stamp. By optical bearings should be noted: opt., for example, radar: rdr., in relation to the location line and the peilte object's name.

b) in port, docked or among entry in the diary can be made across both sides.

Any occurred event and circumstances during the journey, how knowledge can be of benefit to Governments, shipping lines, cargo owners, insurance companies or others who have a legal interest in the journey to exactly opptegnes. It will be anmerkes when the crew on this service begins and ends, when someone gets sick, dying, escaping or do the guilty of criminal offence or disciplinary offence, and whether it used foreign work help.
Personnel which are included in the bridge guard on board, should register to guard in the diary of the deck with the start time and end time.
It will be anmerkes when the provisions and water to be taken on board, when loading and unloading begins, interrupted and ends, and what every day innlastes or utlosses. It introduced enlightenment about the ship's draught for and aft freeboard ship, as well as in the middle of the ship's condition, incidentally, when it leaves the port and about the nature of the load and condition. If the deck cargo is transported is set its quantity and height as well as how it is secured.
Enlightenment is introduced on the kompassenes correction, calibration and deviasjon, about the time of the ship's departure from the arrival and removal in the Harbour, weather, air and sea temperature, glass stand, power, course, speed, distance travelled, lanterneføring, fog signals, if discharge, how often it takes place, as well as about the water height in the rooms.
Furthermore, to be introduced: a) the silverware for each ettmål, as well as the inventory of bunkers, lubricating oil and drinking water. Entry shall also be made when the master during the journey find it necessary to reduce the cost.

b) the results of the regular provisions of the kronometerets condition. This should be entered on day the book's printed form for such observations.

c) the mandatory exercises. This should be entered on day the book's printed form for such information and day book the driver and the ship's lead should both sign it introduced.

d) information about the sequence of events by any accident or damage occurred in person, ship or cargo to the illumination of the causal relationship. An injury to accurately described and it shall be given information about the measures that were made on the occasion of the accident or the injury.

e) information about the reasons, if the ship had the ability to assist people in need, but for various reasons have not seen it appropriate or necessary. It should be taken into consideration to the recommendation to IMOs inform the relevant rescue Central about the situation.

f) information on the ship's working languages. The working language is determined by the shipping company or driver unless otherwise follows from the other provisions. If the working language is not the language flagship, under If this is registered, all plans and lists, which are looked-up, be translated into the working language.

g) all alarms that the ships that go with unmanned engine room and what was done in that regard.

h) adjustment and control of alarm instruments, as well as the transition from the machine controller of the machinery to the bridge control and vice versa.

in)---j) grounds for not following mandatory routing system.

k) the information that is required in the regulations set by the Norwegian maritime Directorate.

section 16. Machine day book Title the magazine after the book's forms to be complimented. The number of propulsion engines, engine type, two-or firetakt and manufacturer's name should be noted. Moreover, quotes brennoljetankenes overall room content. Time should be entered with a four-digit number. 0000 to kl. 2400. In the heading of "Notes" should be introduced: a) when preparing to time begins and when the main and auxiliary machinery is initiated or stopped b) when it replenished and replaced brennoljetanker, as well as the time of refueling c) when the ballast tanks filled and emptied d) all missing, wrong, and casualties on the main and auxiliary machinery as well as important accessory and that which is done to remedy these conditions e) all essential maintenance work on the main and auxiliary machinery , the cleaning of tanks, etc. Moreover, machine maintenance crew work of deck machinery are noted when f) inspection of boilers, and by the way all that can earn a piece of information about them.

g) all anomalies detected by the alarm, or the like for: 1. lubricating oil press of temperature 2.
cooling water pressure and temperature 3.
home air pressure 4.
storage temperature 5.
boiler press 6.
feed water temperature h) all fire in the hardware and cold room as URf.eks fire in spyleluftbeltet, fire in the kjelens waste oil tray, etc.

in the failure of the electric) power supply j) observation of the oil in the observation thoughts etc.

k) once the emergency power source will be tried, when nødbrannpumpen is run, when fire drills will be held, when fire suppression systems be controlled or be replaced.

l) all alarms on the ship reported to the engineer from the bridge or engine room on ship that goes with the unmanned engine room and what was done in this regard. Maneuvers should as far as possible be introduced in their own book of directions.

m) adjustment and control of alarms as well as the transition from the machine controller to the bridge control and vice versa n) machine lineup, including personnel involved in the machine guard, when they begin and end, and whether it is foreign work help, as well as the conditions that accidents in the machine room and any other irregularities concerning computer lineup. (Disease conditions regarding machine lineup to be introduced in the deck day book.)

o) the information that is required in the regulations set by the Norwegian maritime Directorate.

section 17 section 18. (Repealed July 1, 2012 by regulation 30 may 2012 No. 488.) section 19. (Repealed 15 sep 2014 by regulation 1 July 2014 Nr. 955.) section 19a. Ballast water diary (1) ballast water to contain the diary information and have a format that emerges from the annex 1.

(2) ballast water day book should normally be written in the working language used on board the ship. If it is used a language other than English, it shall be by a translation to English. Ballast water day book can still be waged only in English even if the working language is another, provided that this language mastered by the personnel on board which leads and controls the ballast water diary.

(3) by the discharge of ballast water, in connection with the delivery to the receiving facility, or by accidental or unusual discharge of ballast water, it should be made an entry in the ballast water diary where conditions around, and the reason for, the discharge is described.

(4) each work operation that applies to ballast water should be implemented fully and without delay in the ballast water diary. Each importation to be signed by the officer who is responsible for that operation, and each completed page shall be signed by the master.

(5) when required by a ship to carry out ballast water replacement, and the ship does not do it in accordance with regulation 7. July 2009 No. 992 (ballast water regulations) section 6, to the causes is introduced in ballast water diary.

Chapter 5. Final provisions § 20. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force 1. November 1992.
From the same time repealed regulations by the 1. July 1968 No. 7 about the extension of the compass and the carrying book, regulation of 1. July 1969 No. 1 about the device and the computer diary on the motor ship and regulation of 27. November 1979 No. 2 about the gadgets and extension of deck diary.

Appendix 1 template for ballast water diary International Convention for control and management of ballast water and sediment from ship date range: from .................................................
Skipets navn ..........................................................
IMO-nummer ..........................................................
Bruttotonnasje ........................................................
Flagg .................................................................
The total ballast water capacity (in cubic meters)...........................
The ship's ballast water treatment plan Sketch of the ship showing ballast tanks: 1. introduction

In accordance with rule B-2 in the annex to the International Convention on the control and management of ballast water and sediment from ships to each ballast water operation diary. This includes discharges to the sea and the delivery to the receiving facility.

2. Ballast water and ballast water treatment with "ballast water" means water with the rain suspended solids taken on board a ship in order to regulate the ship's styrlast, heel, draft, stability or tensions. The treatment of ballast water should be made in accordance with an approved plan for the treatment of ballast water at the same time based on the guidelines prepared by the organization.

3. Inputs in the ballast water it should be done diary an entry in ballast water day book in each of the following cases: when the ballast water taken on board:-date, time and position the suction or the resort (port or latitude/longitude), depth if the outside Port-Estimated volume in cubic metres consumed-signature of the officer who is responsible for the operation when the ballast water circulated or treated:-date and time of the operation-Estimated volume circulated or treated (in cubic metres)-whether it is carried out in accordance with the plan for the management of ballast water
Signature of the officer who is responsible for the operation When ballast water is discharged to the sea:-date, time and the plant's emissions or position (port or latitude/longitude)-Estimated radiated volume in cubic metres and the remaining volume in cubic meters-About approved ballast water treatment plan was implemented before the spill-signature of the officer who is responsible for the operation When ballast water is delivered to a receiving facility:-date, time and the suction place-Date place, time and port of discharge or conditioning, estimates of emissions or consumed volume, in cubic meters-About approved ballast water treatment plan was implemented before the spill-signature of the officer who is responsible for the operation Inadvertently or otherwise unusual intake or discharge of ballast water:-date and time when the event took place-port or ship's position at the event-Estimated volume that is released-the circumstances surrounding the ingestion, emissions , outflow or loss, cause and general remarks-If approved plan for the treatment of ballast water was completed before the spill-signature of the officer who is responsible for the operation.

Supplemental operating method and General notes can be entered here: 4. Volume of ballast water volume of the ballast water on Board should be estimated in cubic metres. Ballast water the diary contains many references to the estimated volume of ballast water. It is acknowledged that it may be difficult to estimate the volume of ballast water accurately. 
The registration of ballast water operations Example on page in ballast water day book the ship's name:..........................................................
Theme number or letters........................................

Date point (number) business operations/signature of person in charge officer/officers signature of captain..........................................