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Regulations To The Law On The Approval And Operation Of Devices For Use In Tivoli Gardens And Amusement Parks

Original Language Title: Forskrift til lov om godkjenning og drift av innretninger til bruk i tivoli og fornøyelsesparker

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Regulations to the law on the approval and operation of devices for use in tivoli gardens and amusement parks-Date 1992-05-15-339 Ministry Ministry of transportation published in the entry into force last modified 1992 338 15.05.1992 FOR-2011-09-13-932 from 01.01.2012 Change applies to Norway Pursuant Law-1991-06-07-24-section 2 Announced Directed 24.06.2016 (Ministry) short title Tivoli regulation Chapter overview: Chapter 1. In General, Chapter 2. Definitions Chapter 3. Security authentication. Relationship to other legislation.
Chapter 4. Finish Chapter 5. Entry Chapter 6. Assembly and dismantling Chap 7. Security control Chapter 8. Rescue and evacuation plan Chapter 9. The operation, supervision and maintenance Chapter 10. Documentation Chapter 11. Entry into force the legal authority: set by the Municipal Department (now Ministry of transportation) 15. May 1992 in pursuance of section 2, third paragraph, of the law of 7. June 1991 No. 24 about the approval and operation of devices for use in tivoli gardens and amusement parks.
Added title: Of law transferred from local government and the Ministry of modernisation to the Ministry of transportation by decision 17. June 2016 Nr. 722. changes: modified by regulations 3 July 2001 No. 815, 8 Oct 2004 Nr. 1395, 13 sep 2011 No. 932. Corrections: 24.06.2016 (Ministry).

Chapter 1. General 1.1 scope these regulations is given to the implementation and the completion of the rules of the law of 7. June 1991 No. 24 about the approval and operation of devices for use in tivoli gardens and amusement parks (tivoli law). These regulations apply to construction, entry, maintenance, operation and control of tivoli devices in traveling and permanent facilities.
Law and regulations apply to the entire country with the exception of the Svalbard archipelago.

1.2 delegation of authority of the Ministry of the Ministry's authority according to the following paragraphs of the Act be delegated pursuant to section 3, second sentence to the State's railway supervision:-section 2 the second paragraph by individual decisions to exempt devices fully or partly from the scope of the law.

-section 4 second paragraph, second sentence to issue approval for the devices. In the validation it can be set criteria that are required for the device to satisfy the safety requirements of the regulations.

-section 6 to carry out control, and give the orders that are necessary for the implementation of the provisions given in and in pursuance of this Act.

CHAP 2. Definitions facility-traveling (mobile) or permanent amusement park tivoli, Tivoli, etc., gadget-gadgets to use for play and amusement purposes in tivoli, amusement park, etc.; roller-coaster ride, slot cars, go-cart track, carousel, Ferris wheel and other drive devices, shooting range, roller coaster and other devices. Karting track do not need authentication that tivoli gadget for driving as described in the regulation of 15. January 2001 No. 26 about motor racing on closed path or other restricted area and about other use of go-map section 1.
Owner-the who runs the plant, either the device etc. is owned or rented, jf. Tivoli section 4 Responsible Manager-the owner has designated as responsible for the operation, supervision and maintenance of the facility, cf. Tivoli section 5 Operations Manager-the owner has designated as the alternate for the responsible manager operator-the person who has direct oversight of the operation of the facility-the tivoli security check control carried out by the competent person or company that is authorized pursuant to section 3 of the law of tivoli, jf. forskriftens Chapter 1.2.
Log book-binder with all the necessary information about the device.

Chapter 3. Security authentication. Relationship to other legislation.

3.1 Security authentication Tivoli should be approved before the device it is taken into use, jf. section 4 of the law. Application for security authentication is sent the competent authority.
Tivoli gadgets produced according to the Norwegian standard, European standard, harmonized document or preliminary European standard, will satisfy forskriftens requirements.
Before approval is granted, the devices be security control. The necessary instructions for installation, operation, supervision, maintenance and rescue/evacuation will be released and be controlled. If necessary, the approval authority may set additional terms.
Approval is granted for a period of up to one year.
For traveling (mobile) tivoli may be required travel plan for the season.

3.2 the relationship to other legislation For permanent facilities to gjenpart of the application for security authentication, or gjenpart of the validation if it exists, is sent along with the construction Council documentation required for processing after planning and building laws.
Itinerant tivoli will send the message to the Council building before the statement of the tivoli gadget takes place. Together with the message to be sent the personal statement about (confirmation) that the valid security authentication is available.
Find authorities who perform control etc. after other legislation, conditions that give reason to believe that they are in violation of the legislation to the tivoli, the relationship as soon as possible be reported to the competent authority after the tivoli law.

Chapter 4. The conduct must be such as Tivoli gadgets designed that passengers be secured against the danger of falling off, be subjected to blows, get stuck or get other damage.
The sound level from tivoli gadgets (LA max) should not exceed 40 dB (A) at the nearby site landscaping or outside the window in the living room, teaching rooms and work rooms. The same requirements for sound level also apply outside the window in the corresponding room that had to exist in the plant.
Tivoli gadgets should be designed, conducted and mounted so that the necessary control and maintenance work as well as the replacement of the parts can be made in a safe and appropriate manner.
The vendor should have prepared instructions on Norwegian for assembly/disassembly, operation, supervision and maintenance of the tivoli facility.
Moving devices must be able to be stopped during operation. Stop length should be as short as possible without the expense of passengers ' security.
Machinery and safety installations must not be activated, are affected or are affected in any other way than intended.

Chapter 5. Entry Because the conditions must be such that the tivoli facility gets a stable location.
Tivoli devices should be placed between and in relation to other structures and buildings at the plant and in relation to the terrain in such a way that the on-and for loading can take place for sure.
Tivoli facility that is set in motion, will be surrounded by fences, railings, etc. glazing so that the audience does not get access to it when it is in motion. To provide adequate transfer to villmark lodge also distance to prevent spectators can come into contact with or fall into the device. The height and design on transfer to villmark lodge should be so that the audience can not harm them or can easily climb over.
All spaces and rooms which are not intended for public access, should be kept closed and be the sign.
Mutual location of the tivoli devices, buildings, tents and other facilities must be such that the possibility of fire spread is small, and so that the route to the Summit of the individual parts of the plant for fire and ambulance vehicles not be impeded.
It must be provided for the necessary fire to persuade equipment.
Entry shall also be made in accordance with other legislation.

Chapter 6. Assembly and dismantling the plant's owner is responsible for the Assembly and disassembly of the tivoli gadgets will be performed according to the manufacturer's instructions and any terms in the security validation.
Mounting and removal shall be conducted under the supervision of the Operations Manager, who will sign for this in the facility's operating journal.
When mounting check that all the components that are of particular importance for safety, is free from defects and properly mounted. By dismantling it shall be checked that such components are without dangerous wear and tear and that they would otherwise not have missing.

Chapter 7. Tivoli security control should be checked and tested devices before providing security authentication, after major repairs, after reconstruction and replacements, and after accidents.
Security control can also be made during operation with the intervals that the competent authority at any time. It can also be made security control by random tests of the plant in operation.
The who conducted the security check, the book's way in the log and make notes about any irregularities and errors. He discovers errors or a lack of importance to the person the security, he can immediately put the device out of operation with the injunction remedy within the prescribed time limit. In such case the owner shall report to the competent authority about the remedy that is made, before the facility is placed in service once again.

Chapter 8. Rescue and evacuation plan For tivoli gadgets where the passengers in case of breakdown is dependent on help to be able to evacuate, it shall be released a plan for rescue and evacuation of the passengers. Required equipment should be in place and emergency established, so that the passengers can be evacuated from tivoli facility within a reasonable time.
It should also be released plan for emergency preparedness, evacuation and extinction in case of fire in the facility.

Chapter 9. The operation, supervision and maintenance plant's owner will ensure secure operation, supervision and maintenance according to the manufacturer's operating instructions and any terms in the security validation for the individual tivoli gadgets, jf. Tivoli section 5.
Every facility should have the responsible manager, and Operations Manager. One of these should always be present when the plant is in operation. They should have the necessary personal qualities, professional qualifications and adequate experience to lead the operation. Written documentation on who these are should always be available at the facility, cf. Tivoli section 5.
The change of the fixed owner shall be reported to the approval authority.

There should always be a sufficient number of qualified operations staff on the individual tivoli facility. Only the staff who serve at the facility, to reside in the control room, by the control equipment, etc., one of the operational staff on the installation (normally the operator) shall at all times be responsible for the instructions for the operation are followed, and that the operating journal will be led. He or she should be at least 18 years old and have the necessary personal qualities to be able to manage the operation of the facility. The person in question must have received the necessary training, have experience in the work and have checked that, incidentally, operations staff have understood their duties.
For some fixed types can it is required that the operating staff has passed the approved samples.
Errors are found or is missing on a device that could have an impact for the person the security, the device immediately out of service will be set.
Supervision and maintenance to be performed by qualified staff.

Chapter 10. Tivoli documentation to have Any gadgets own log book. The log book should contain all the data about the facility from which it was shipped from the manufacturer to date. All technical surface, including static and dynamic calculations, el-form and hydraulics-/pneumatikkskjema, as well as the mounting, operating and maintenance instructions should be collected in the log book.
The log book should contain the operating journal, and shall at any time be available for public authorities.
All supervision, maintenance and any repairs shall be recorded in the book. The same applies to reports from security controls as well as the given permissions.
In the log book shall be made notes about all irregularities, errors, the process engineering downtime and personal injury in connection with the facility.
The content should be arranged in chronological order and numbered.
Tivoli gadgets should be marked with the manufacturer's name and address, type designation, fabrikasjonsnummer, production year and maximum load/the maximum number of passengers.

Chapter 11. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force 15. May 1992.