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Regulations On Standby Vessels

Original Language Title: Forskrift om beredskapsfartøy

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Regulations on standby vessels

Date FOR 1991-10-16-853

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 1991 1005

Commencement 01.01.1992


FOR-2014-12-22-1893 from 01.01.2015




LOV-2007-02-16-9-§2, LAW-2007-02-16-9-section 6, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§9, LAW-2007-02-16- 9-L-11, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§13, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§14, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§15, LAW-2007-02- 16-9-§16 LOV-2007-02-16-9-§19, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§27, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§28a, LAW-2007- 02-16-9-L-29, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§43, LAW-2007-02-16-9-L-45, LAW-2007-02-16-9-Section 47, FRONT 2007-02-16-171, TO-2007-05-31-590, FOR-2013-08-19-1002


Corrected 25.08.2003 (§ 8)

Short Title
Regulations on standby vessels

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. General provisions (§§ 1-4)
Chapter II. Documentation, approval and certification (§§ 5-7)
Chapter III. Special construction requirements (§§ 8-11)
Chapter IV. Supplementary emergency equipment (§§ 12-14)
Chapter V. Special requirements for standby vessels with rescue tasks (§§ 15-22)
Chapter VI. Conditions for approval of equipment and for beredskapsutstyrets efficiency (§§ 23-24)
Chapter VII. Staffing, OPERATION- and contingency plans, etc.. (§§ 25-27)
Chapter VIII. Final provisions (Section 28)

Adopted by the NMD 16 October 1991 pursuant to the Act of 9 June 1903 No.. 7 relating to Public Control of the Seaworthiness of Ships, etc. Legal basis changed to the Act of 16 February 2007 No.. 9 on maritime safety (the Maritime Safety Act) § 2 § 6, § 9, § 11, § 13, § 14, § 15, § 16, § 19, § 27, § 28a, § 29, § 43, § 45 and § 47; see. delegated decision of 16 February 2007 no. 171, delegating decision on 31 May 2007 no. 590 and delegating decision of 19 august 2013 no. 1002.
EEA information: EEA agreement, Annex II, ch. XXXII of. 1 and Annex XIII. 56d (Directive 96/98 / EC).
Changes: Amended by regulations 7 Dec 1993 no. 1303, January 28, 1997 No.. 119, 22 Dec 1998 No.. 1345, 29 Dec 1998 No.. 1466, March 2, 1999 No.. 411, June 4th, 2002 no. 926 ( Regulations reproduced in full after changes), 1 June 2004 No.. 812, June 29, 2007 no. 1006, 19 August 2013 No.. 1036, 22 Dec 2014 No.. 1893.
Corrections: 22/10/2002 and 10/24/2002 ( § 8), 25.08.2003 (§ 8).

Chapter I. General Provisions

§ 1. Scope
(1) This regulation applies to new and existing standby vessels which are or will be registered in the Norwegian Register.

(2) For existing standby vessels does not apply the provisions of § 11 first to fifth paragraphs.

(3) Emergency Vessel trade area may be limited by the provisions of § 9, or trade area established pursuant to Regulation of 4 November 1981. 3793 concerning trade areas.

§ 2. Definitions In this Regulation:


Recognized standard: Standards issued by NS / BS / ISO / CEN or equivalent national and international standards recognized by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate, by individual decision.

BS: British Standard
CEN: European Committee for Standardization
ISO: International Standards Organization
NS: Norwegian Standard


Standby vessels: Vessels with duties in connection with accidents and emergencies in the petroleum industry, and security around the devices.


Preparedness Equipment: onboard for use in rescue operations, accidents and emergencies in the petroleum industry.


Existing standby vessel: A vessel that is not new.


Approved: Approved by the NMD.


Facility: Fixed and mobile installation, including drilling / production ship equipped for drilling and production of subsea petroleum deposits, and mobile platform for other purposes than drilling for and production of subsea petroleum deposits.


Load Line Convention means the International Convention on Load Lines signed in London on 5 April 1966 and subsequent amendments, including changes made by 1988 Protocol to the Load Line Convention 1966


New standby vessel: A vessel which keel stretched, or which is at a similar stage of construction on or after the day this regulation comes into force. Same with new standby vessel are considered vessels purchased from abroad and vessels if rebuilding rescue vessel service commencing on or after that date.


Rescue Zone: That part of the vessel is determined used for recovery of persons who are in the sea.


For equipment covered by the regulations of 29 December 1998. 1455 concerning marine equipment: Approved by a Notified Body and marked in accordance with these directives.

For other equipment: Approved by the NMD.


1- and 10-year storm condition: The least favorable combination of power, wave and wind forces can be expected during respectively 1 year and 10 years.

§ 3 Duties
(1) Company, employer, master and other persons working on board shall perform their duties according to the Maritime Safety Act and the supplementary provisions laid down in this Regulation.

(2) The company shall facilitate to ensure that the provisions of these regulations are followed. The company shall also ensure that anyone who may perform work for this, either personally, through employees or independent contractors, comply with the provisions of these regulations. This applies both during design, construction and operation of standby vessels.

(3) The company shall provide the master and management on board necessary instructions through the Operations Manual and associated procedures / checklists and the like, at any time can document that this regulation are followed.

(4) The company shall ensure that all operational and structural restrictions established by authority, survey institution, workshop and equipment manufacturer followed. The company will continue to incorporate in the operations manual, etc. any additional requirements that are necessary for the company's assessment to ensure safe emergency services and protect the crew and vessel safety.

(5) The master shall follow requirements of these regulations and the company's operations manual. He is also obliged to notify the company by errors or omissions in the operations manual in relation to requirements of this regulation or other matters related to safe operation. Until the matter is resolved he is obliged to take necessary corrective measures and to inform the company about these.

(6) The master shall ensure that any deviations during operation are evaluated and variances treated for documented system. Deviation of safety significance should be reported to the Directorate through the cruise line.

(7) The master shall through the shipping company to report to the Directorate on personal injuries, accidents and other events of significance to safety.

§ 4. Exemptions in individual cases NMD upon written application, deviate from the regulations. Special reasons that make the exemption necessary and exemption must be done safely. Exemptions must not contravene international agreements to which Norway has acceded.

Chapter II. Documentation, approval and certification

§ 5. Documentation
(1) The company shall no later than 8 weeks prior certificate of standby vessels may be issued, send NMD necessary documentation in triplicate showing that the vessel complies with these Regulations for:

Special stability (cfr. § 8).

Operation in areas with daily temperatures below 0 ° C (ref. § 9).

Special load line regulations (cfr. § 10).

Propulsion machinery (cfr. § 11).

Gas Detection Equipment (cfr. § 12).

Preparedness Equipment beyond regulation minimum requirements that must be approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (cfr. § 13, first paragraph, § 14, § 23 and § 24).

Preparedness Equipment beyond regulation minimums not requiring approval (ref. § 13, third paragraph, § 23 and § 24).

Maneuverability (cfr. § 15).

rescue zone and freeboard with illumination (cfr. § 16 and § 20).

Rescue equipment with launching arrangements (cfr. § 17).

Command Space, communications equipment and furnishings as well as fittings and medical equipment for rescued etc. (Cfr. § 18, § 19 and § 21).

Helicopter winch zone (cfr. § 22).

Staffing released for emergency projects and plans and instructions for implementation of the emergency services standby vessel can offer, including training and exercises in connection with these services (cfr. § 25, § 26 and § 27). (Only one copy.)

(2) For existing standby vessels may vessel and onboard emergency equipment's capabilities and operational restrictions be based on the shipping company and the master declaration and relevant documentation in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations in Chapter VIII.

(3) The company shall at alterations, modifications and installation of new equipment sending NMD created documentation in good time before starting work.

§ 6. (Repealed 1 January 2015 by Regulation 22 Dec 2014 No.. 1893)

§ 7. (Repealed 1 January 2015 by Regulation 22 Dec 2014 No.. 1893)

Chapter III. Special construction requirements

§ 8. Special stability requirements for standby vessels
(1) Intact stability and stability in damaged condition, including watertight bulkheads shall comply with the provisions of § 43 and § 44 of the current regulations on construction of cargo ships.

(2) In calculating stability in damaged condition, used injury definitions for supply vessels (cfr. § 43 fourth paragraph of the current regulations concerning the construction of cargo ships) with the following exceptions:

Vertical damage in damage area is calculated from the vessel bottom to 2 meters above the summer load line (without trim).

Any tire in damage area shall be assumed damaged.

§ 9. Documentation for operation in areas with a mean daily temperature below 0 ° C
(1) The maximum ambient conditions (temperature in air and sea, humidity, ice conditions, icing, sea ice, etc.) As standby vessel to operate below, specified by the shipowner.

(2) Standby vessels that will operate in areas with a mean daily temperature below 0 ° C, to document the vessel with exterior positioned equipment and systems can operate and carry out their emergency services securely under the specified environmental conditions. The documentation shall include:

Equipment for daily normal operation (eg. Cranes, nautical equipment, air systems, etc.).

Systems and equipment for operation during emergencies (eg. Emergency equipment, alarm system, rescue equipment, external fire wire).

Calculating the weight and distribution of the maximum icing (cfr. § 12 of the current regulations concerning the construction of cargo ships).

Calculation of all relevant load conditions with maximum ice loads according to the vessel's operation (cfr. § 15, fourth paragraph in the respective applicable regulations concerning the construction of cargo ships).

Strength wise consequence of any build up of ice loads on components and equipment.

Events and equipment to keep areas of the vessel free of ice (eg. Deicing system for rescue zone, rescue equipment, helicopter hoist zone, work etc.).

materials used in external systems and equipment in order to withstand temperatures below 0 ° C.

Operating Instructions for measures necessary for safe operation in areas with a mean daily temperature below 0 ° C. The instructions should set clear criteria for when operational measures must be implemented, for example. at low temperature for a long time, low temperature associated with great humidity (danger of icing) mv.

§ 10. Special load line regulations
(1) The vessel shall have international load line certificate for cargo ships.

(2) For the sides and front bulkheads of superstructures and deckhouses which are located forward of midships, the load line requirements of the Convention on weathertight doors, sill height for doors and side scuttles with blind mm apply one deck higher than specified in the Convention - Rule 13. | ||
(3) Is the wheelhouse located forward, the wheelhouse window the size is limited to the necessary. Exterior or interior blind / shutters to windows in the wheelhouse front will be on board. At least two of these must be equipped with peepholes. Blind cover for windows in the wheelhouse may be removable if they can be applied quickly.

§ 11. Special requirements for propulsion machinery
(1) The standby vessel must have at least two independent propulsion systems.

(2) Each propulsion system shall consist of the following subsystems:

Power Generation System (diesel engine / generator with auxiliary such as fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water and air supply, etc.).

Power Distribution System (gears, shafts, power distribution, switchgear, transformers, cabling, etc.).

Propeller Construction (hydraulic units, electric motor, cooling and thrusterkontrollenhet for each group of propellers, etc.).

control system (rudder control, control of control signals and the direction of the propellers etc..).

(3) All active components included in each of the above subsystems to be able to fail without error transmitted to or blocks the corresponding subsystem in the second independent propulsion system.

(4) The standby vessel shall fully outfitted could do less than 4 knots forward in calm weather with the powerful propulsion system inoperative.

(5) The standby vessel must have fuel, etc. for four days beyond that required for a normal operation period of the field.

(6) Existing standby vessel must have at least two independent propulsion capabilities. These will be so arranged that the stop on one the other propulsion possibility still be used for maneuvering the vessel.

Chapter IV. Supplementary emergency equipment

§ 12. Gas detection
(1) Standby vessels operating at facilities that produce hydrocarbons shall have on board at least two approved portable or fixed gas detectors suitable for the detection of the gases that may be relevant.

(2) It shall be in the Operations Manual on board given the necessary instructions for the safe operation of the vessel in case gas blowout or gas oil on the surface, which may endanger explosive or toxic atmosphere in the area.

(3) In the maintenance system will be routine for calibrating gas measuring equipment.

§ 13. Emergency Equipment
(1) Emergency equipment on board, beyond regulation minimums, which will be used directly for the rescue of people or equipment when failure could lead to injury or loss of life should be approved in accordance with Chapter VI .

(2) Examples of such emergency equipment may be:

Water Cannons for fire fighting.

Equipment for transfer of personnel between the installation and emergency vessels.

Equipment for the transfer of personnel between the vessel and helicopter.

Fixed gas detection and shutdown system.

equipment and arrangements for containment, pumping and storage of oil on in connection with oil spill.


equipment to refuel the helicopter on board or in the air.

Fixed mist - // overrislingsystemer to shield standby vessels, rescue boats and rescue workers from heat radiation.

Rescue equipment (extra rescue boats, etc.) beyond the requirements of Chapter VI of rescue personnel at sea.

equipment in conjunction with hyperbaric evacuation / rescue.

(3) Emergency Equipment beyond regulation minimums do not fall under no. 1, but is nonetheless important for the services standby vessel will perform, shall be reviewed and approved by the company's internal control in accordance with Chapter VII.

(4) Examples of emergency equipment to be considered and approved by the company's internal control may be:

Radar with alarm limits and other equipment for security around a facility.

Portable lighting equipment that can be used as over- or underwater lighting in the rescue zone.

Connection for the vessel to function as a temporary communications center and command post for coordinating major rescue operations.

Oil recovery equipment.

Special equipment for fighting fire on the facility.

line-throwing appliances beyond the requirements for ships.

Kanon for shooting of drag ol with tow line.

Equipment lifebuoys with igniting light and a line, line with snaps, hooks with long handle and large ring, extra life jackets, equipment for surface swimmers, night binoculars, marker buoys etc.

Any removable / fixed ladders along the vessel side surface swimmers and divers.

(5) A list of all equipment in this manner is reviewed and approved by the company's internal control, including stipulated operational limitations and capacities, where applicable, should be sent NMD.

(6) All emergency equipment that the vessel will have onboard pursuant to this paragraph will be listed in the annex to the Certificate of rescue vessels, cf. § 7.

§ 14. Towing and pushing
(1) Standby vessels wishing to offer emergency towing of drifting ships, barges and other devices as well as objects in the sea as part of their emergency service must meet the following requirements:

For towing vessel and is subjected to a transverse force which gives the vessel a speed transverse through the water at 5 knots, the first intersection curves for heeling arm and righting arm (GZ curve) occur at an angle smaller than the angle of flooding.

For towing vessel and is subjected to a transverse force equivalent vessel's maximum towing power multiplied by 0.65, the area between the curve of righting lever (GZ curve) and curve of heeling arm calculated from the first intersection to the angle whichever occurs first 40 degrees, the angle of maximum GZ value or the angle of flooding, be greater or equal to 0.010 meter-radians. Krengemomentets vertical arm shall be calculated from the center of the propeller (s) to the attachment point for the towline.

Hitch fastenings shall be calculated for the vessel's maximum towing power, and with a safety factor of at least 5 relative to material failure limit.

The tow hook shall be mounted so that it can move freely in the horizontal and vertical sector towline can in.

Hitch must have a reliable and appropriate emergency release mechanism. Emergency release of the towing hook shall be possible from all the places where the vessel will be operated from and from a safe location on deck adjacent to the tow hook. If the vessel has wide wheelhouse shall emergency release could occur from both the port and starboard side of the wheelhouse.

Emergency release shall be performed regardless of heeling of the vessel, the angle and direction of the pull of the towing hook, etc.

vessel shall have a hauling winch powerful enough to haul in and tick off the hook, towing wire / rope of appropriate dimension and length.


For standby vessels wishing to use towing winch rather than hook the winch should be with regard to construction and testing meet the International Standard (ISO no. 7365). The winch shall be triggered from the bridge. The strength of winch foundation shall be adapted winch holding power.

towing wire to towing winch with associated shackles, etc. shall have a breaking strength of at least 3 times the vessel static bollard pull (bollard pull).

All movable equipment included in the towing winch arrangement as shackles, rings, wire, defies etc. shall be certified.

Standby vessels must also have suitable equipment to establish towing connection with another vessel.

(2) For vessels that will be performing nødskyving of drifting ships, barges and other devices as well as objects in the sea, special requirements apply to the vessel's collision strength, water resistance and stability after damage. These conditions must be documented and approved through:

Collision calculations indicating the estimated maximum damage of the vessel in connection with the establishment of sliding contact with the driving device / object under the appropriate maximum weather conditions, as specified by the company.

Damage Stability Calculations assuming maximum damage after collision. Calculations shall satisfy the requirements specified in § 8

Chapter V. Special requirements for standby vessels with rescue tasks

§ 15. Maneuverability
(1) The standby vessel shall at least be able to do 12 knots in calm weather with full equipment, full of bunkers and water tanks.

(2) maneuvering and positioning capability should be sufficient to perform the intended emergency services when taking into account the sea, wind and current conditions can be expected in the waters as standby vessel shall be used.

(3) The standby vessel should be able to push the bow against the weather after being switched 15 off course, without changing position, at conditions similar 1-year storm condition. The vessel will also hold their position with the weather in straight ahead, under conditions equivalent to 10-year storm condition.

(4) Standby vessels should be able to hold position with the weather in across to the extent assumed for beredskapsutstyrets efficiency.

(5) The above requirements shall be documented by means of calculations, model tests or tests, so far NMD necessary. Limitations and capabilities will be documented in an appendix to certificate rescue vessel.

§ 16. Rescue Zone and freeboard
(1) The freeboard is assessed separately for each vessel. The assessment determined on the basis of vessel type and characteristics as well as the safety equipment on board. The freeboard should be minimal. For new standby vessels shall nevertheless be less than 1 meter.

(2) standby vessel should have a survival zone on each side of the vessel.

(3) Life zones shall be placed amidships and shall be at a safe distance from the propellers. Redningssonens length shall be at least 10 meters.

(4) Life zones shall be arranged and equipped so that the crew can work efficiently and safely even in bad weather. In rescue zone shall be two gates each about 1.200 mm. They should be locked in the closed and open positions. Alternatively, another equivalent arrangement used.

(5) Life zones shall be clearly marked in the front and rear ends by stripes extending from the top of the bulwark and down to the waterline. The zone labeled "Rescue Zone". All markings shall be of contrasting colors.

(6) In rescue zones shall not normally be fenders or other growths on the hull. If fenders is required for other reasons, these welded plates above and below, which has a width of at least 3 times the overhang or fender depth.

(7) Cooling Water Discharge etc. shall, if they can not be led out aft rescue zone, carried out at a depth of at least 2 meters below the waterline.

(8) Covered by rescue zones shall provide adequate space for the rescue work on each side of the vessel, and have protected walkway free of obstacles with an antiskid coating and railings until exterior avspylingsdusj and reception.

(9) One of rescue zones can be equipped as specified in § 17, fourth paragraph.

§ 17. Rescue equipment
(1) The standby vessel must be equipped with a high-speed type approved rescue boat (MOB) in addition to the rescue funds required for cargo. The rescue boat shall meet the current regulations concerning evacuation and rescue equipment for mobile units.

(2) There shall be an arrangement that ensures fast and safe launching and recovery of rescue boat even under bad weather conditions. Rescue boats shall have an arrangement that gently brings people from the sea and on the boat.

(3) The launching arrangement shall meet the following requirements:

NMD regulations regarding evacuation and rescue assets on mobile devices.

Crane / davitarrangement shall be such that there is no danger that the davit / crane boom turns into the rescue boat when it is on the lake, while operating in inclement weather at 20 scrolling standby vessel.

launching arrangement shall be placed approximately amidships.

rescue boat shall be controlled certainly in terms of commuting and blow against the ship's side during the lowering and hoisting in heavy seas.

rescue boat shall be deployed at "dead ship" as required for lifeboats on cargo ships, if it is to be part of the ship's rescue equipment.

(4) The standby vessel shall also have an event that gently brings people directly from the sea and on board the vessel. This arrangement shall be operated from the vessel and be suitable for use under difficult weather conditions. Rescue zone shall have an arrangement that allows for persons in the water to climb on board unassisted. The event will also be able to rescue unconscious people in the sea.

§ 18. Command Space Command space shall be located so that the driver of the standby vessel can always have an overview of life zones and helicopter winch zone while the driver can maneuver the vessel and carry out necessary communications.

§ 19. Furnishings, fixtures and medical equipment for rescued etc.
(1) The standby vessel shall have a concierge, a treatment for damaged, recreation and sanitary rooms with the necessary number of sinks, showers and lavatories for rescued, rooms for victims as well as berths for 10% of the number of rescued that can be taken on board. In living shall be fixed seating. All rooms and adjacent corridors should have anti-slip coating.

(2) The company shall calculate 0.75 m² per. person by measuring the area for the number rescued to be placed on board. Furnishing for staffing, except sanitary rooms, treatment rooms, galley, wheelhouse and possibly radio room, can be included. Floor Area occupied by fixed fittings such as bunks, tables, cabinets, etc. shall not be included.

(3) The reception will be in close proximity of the tire at the rescue zone. The reception should be of such a size that rescued / injured both can be registered for priority processing.

(4) Treatment room shall be so located, furnished, equipped and designed that medical first damaged can be performed properly. Treatment room shall be adjacent to the lobby. Floor surface shall not be less than 15 m². The room should only be used for the treatment of injured persons. The room should at least be provided with:

hand basin with mixer

treatment bench

fixed rack with space for two stretchers

portable dashboards with waste basket

medicine cabinets, poisons cabinets and other necessary cupboards

adjustable work lamp

desk with file drawer

phone which can be operated while the patient is treated (cfr. § 21 letter f).

(5) The Administration may issue further guidance for technical medical equipment and fixtures to the rooms mentioned in the first paragraph.

(6) Access road between rescue zone and treatment room and between treatment room and helicopter winch zone should be sized and arranged for stretchers. Doors of the treatment chamber and out to rescue and helicopter winch zone should have a width of at least 730 mm. It should be similar proper access between rescue zone and helicopter winch zone.

(7) Rooms for victims must be dimensioned for a number of people equal to 10% of the number of rescued that can be taken on board and be so decorated that fatalities can be placed in an aesthetically acceptable manner. Alongside fixed bunks or similar shall be floor space large enough for the stretcher can be brought into the room. Access road to the room shall be designed and arranged for stretchers. The room must have a separate mechanical ventilation.

(8) All rooms for survivors shall be equipped with emergency exit. Emergency exit size shall be at least 800 x 800 mm.

(9) Lighting must be at least 300 lux in places where sick or injured are treated. It should be outlets for portable electrical appliances and lighting in the treatment room and in all living areas. The lighting in the living room should be attenuated.

(10) The standby vessel must have adequate heating and ventilation according to the current rules on furnishing the cargo.

(11) Fixed external event with hot and cold water shall be installed so that rescued persons should have access to the hosing of oil, etc. During flushing arrangements must be grating of expanded metal and with handle on the bulkhead and antiskid coating until rescue zone and reception.

(12) Blankets or equivalent for the number rescued as vessel is designed to accommodate must be kept on board.

(13) Emergency food rations and even screwed sufficient rescued at least 2 days must be kept on board.

(14) The water supply should be at least 100 liters per. person standby vessel is intended for, beyond the vessel's own needs.

§ 20. Lighting of the rescue zone and the surrounding area standby vessel
(1) The brightness of the rescue zone and around the vessel shall be as follows:

In rescue zone: at least 150 lux.

When the water surface from the rescue zone and to a distance of at least 10 meters from the vessel 100 lux.

Other area to a distance from the vessel of at least 20 meters at least 50 lux.

(2) The standby vessel shall be equipped with at least 2 pieces. 360 floodlights that are suitable for search, at least one should be remotely controlled.

(3) lighting elements to be installed in such a way that the least possible blender view from the command post and helicopter leads.

§ 21. Communications equipment Standby vessels must be equipped with the following communication equipment beyond the requirements for cargo ships:

Aero Mobile VHF radiotelephone equipment with frequencies for communication with the helicopter.

portable maritime VHF radiotelephone equipment suitable for use in noisy environments.

Aero Mobile beacon.

Approved internal communications between command posts, reception, treatment, recreation for rescued and all other fixtures and rescue zone and helicopter winch zone. Suitable portable communication systems can be used where real system do not match.

Radio direction-finding apparatus for maritime and aero mobile VHF emergency frequencies.

phone headset for both VHF and MB to be allocated radio installation for direct contact between treatment onboard and onshore physician.

§ 22. Helicopter winch Zone
(1) The standby vessel must be equipped with helicopter winch zone.

(2) winch zone should be located well clear of the vessel's superstructure and other major obstacles that can create turbulence and affect the safe operation of the helicopter.

(3) Any authorized obstacles such as masts, cranes, davits, etc. shall be marked with contrasting colors in the upper part of the equipment.

(4) Winch zone and the marked hurdles to be illustrated without distract maneuver the helicopter and visibility during the approach.

(5) winch zone shall have a diameter of at least 5.0 meters where no obstacles higher than 0.1 meters. Any obstacles should be well protected from opphuking winch wire hook. Circle shall be painted with yellow color in contrast to the adjacent deck. Winch zone shall have an anti-slip coating. To prevent winch zone is perceived as landing zone, the zone shall be marked "WINCH ONLY" in large white letters. The words should be placed outside the zones no easily visible and legible under the most advantageous innflyvningsretningen.

(6) In the area outside winch zone in a circle with a diameter 1.5 times the helicopter's length everywhere including rotor shall no obstacle be greater than 3 meters. In the range between 1.5 and 2 times as defined above, no hindrance higher than 6 meters. Largest helicopter that normally can use winch zone will be set forth in the appendix to certificate rescue vessel.

Chapter VI. Conditions for approval of equipment and for beredskapsutstyrets efficiency

§ 23. Conditions for approval of emergency equipment
(1) The standby vessel shall not be accorded tasks or applied equipment that is incompatible with emergency vessel safety or that could expose the crew to unnecessary danger.

(2) Emergency equipment must be designed and constructed in accordance with a recognized standard. When this does not exist, the equipment shall be assessed by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate in each individual case. Risk analysis for emergency equipment shall be prepared where mistakes can have major consequences for emergency service.

(3) Operational limitations and capacities for the equipment owner shall as far as possible be determined, for example. maximum wave height or wind speed, minimum temperature, maximum allowable working load as a function of sea state, equipment approved use of any explosive atmosphere etc.

(4) Operational limitations and capacities should be based on load and capacity calculations by recognized standard, and having regard to the safe operation of crew and rescue vessel, as well as proper treatment of rescued. Consideration should be given to the location of the equipment on board the standby vessel.

(5) function tests and / or computer-simulation / model tests should if necessary be used to determine the operational limitations.

(6) All operational and any other conditions using emergency equipment shall be indicated. This includes the necessary staffing to operate the equipment, special assumptions concerning the operation of vessels, gear, training, practice, etc. so that this be taken into account in operating the equipment. (Ref. § 25 and § 26)

§ 24. Beredskapsutstyrets efficiency
(1) The individual items of equipment efficiency shall be investigated and so far as practicable quantified. With efficiency means eg. time and probability of successful outcome with regards to picking up people from the sea at various visibility and weather conditions.

(2) Vessels shall have a system for recording and systematization of experiences including the effectiveness of emergency response equipment. These records will be used to judge the equipment's goodness and revise operational limitations of the equipment, change training and exercise plans and repair equipment. The records shall be available to operators and public authorities.

Chapter VII. Staffing, OPERATION- and contingency plans, etc..

§ 25. Staffing
(1) Minimum safe manning determined by the Maritime Directorate pursuant to the prevailing staffing regulations. Working hours, supersede schemes etc. for staffing regulated pursuant to the law on working hours on ships.

(2) NMD will, based on the shipowner's application, determine the minimum staffing required for operation of the ship during occurred accidents and emergencies, and thus how much of the vessel's minimum safe manning that in such a situation can be released for operation of emergency equipment.

(3) Necessary contingency staffing beyond this for the operation of emergency equipment, etc.. determined by the owner in relation to the simultaneous services to be offered operator.

(4) The company shall provide details of the language crew command for emergency preparedness. This will be included in an annex to certificate rescue vessel. Minimum, Norwegian and English language mastered spoken of the manpower to be used for emergency service.

§ 26. Training
(1) The company shall specify the emergency tasks to each crew member on board should be trained to perform.

(2) The company shall further specify the specific training and exercises on land and on board which is required for each crew member to perform their emergency duties.

(3) Before the company undertakes emergency services must be able to document that the crew has received the training and exercise that is required in the second paragraph.

§ 27. Plans and instructions
(1) The company shall, in the Operations Manual set up an overall plan for the operation on board and for the various emergency services aircraft with crews and equipment can offer. The plan must show how crew, equipment and vessels are intended to be used in combination with the various services offered optionally simultaneously. Restrictions that apply to emergency service with associated emergency equipment shall be stated.

(2) Furthermore, the owner prepare:

Job descriptions with distribution of all emergency response for every contingency service.

Plans, instructions and checklists for the emergency services offered.

Training and exercise program for the emergency services offered.

Weekly exercise plan tailored to the emergency services vessel offers.

Exercise and courses along with the permanent installation.

System for beredskapsutstyrets efficiency and experience of using this.

System for documentation of training and exercise programs.

Maintenance Program for emergency equipment.

Chapter VIII. Final provisions

§ 28. Commencement
(1) This Regulation shall enter into force for new standby vessels on 1 April 1992. From that date is repealed Chapter VI of the Regulation of 15 June 1987 No.. 504 for the construction of passenger ships, cargo and barges.

(2) For existing standby vessels the regulation enters into force at the first periodical survey, ref. Chapter III of the Regulation of 15 June 1987 no. 506 concerning survey for the issue of certificates for cargo ships mm