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Regulations For Rescue Appliances, Etc. On Fishing Vessels

Original Language Title: Forskrift om redningsredskaper m.m. på fiske- og fangstfartøy

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Regulations for rescue appliances, etc. on fishing vessels

Date FOR 1991-10-15-709

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 1991 703

Commencement 01.01.1992


FOR-2013-11-22-1404 from 01/01/2014




LOV-2007-02-16-9-§9, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§11, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§19, LAW-2007-02-16- 9 Article 20, TO-2007-02-16-171, TO-2007-05-31-590


Short Title
Regulations on life-saving appliances on the vessel

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. Introductory provisions (§§ 1-2)
Chapter II. General provisions (§§ 3-4)
Chapter III. Requirements for life-saving appliances, etc. (§§ 5-18)
Chapter IV. Final provisions (§19)

Adopted by the NMD 15 October 1991 pursuant to the Act of 9 June 1903 No.. 7 relating to Public Control of the Seaworthiness of Ships, etc. Legal basis changed to the Act of 16 February 2007 No.. 9 on maritime safety (the Maritime Safety Act) § 9, § 11, § 19 and § 20; see. delegated decision of 16 February 2007 no. 171 and delegating decision on 31 May 2007 no. 590.
EEA information: EEA Annex XVIII. 8 (Council Directive 1989/391 / EEC ) and the supplementary agreement to the EEA agreement Annex 2 Tie 12A (Council Directive 1993/103 / EEC).
Changes: Amended by regulations 24 Dec 1992 no. 1221, July 28, 1993 No.. 777, February 14, 1995 No.. 162, 12 Dec 1995 no. 1088, 14 Dec 1995 no. 1097, January 7, 1997 no. 5, October 3, 2000 No.. 989, June 13, 2000 no. 664, July 12, 2006 No.. 927, June 18, 2007 no. 674, June 29, 2007 no. 1006.
Repealed 1 January 2014 as regards vessels under 15 meters, see Regulation 22 November 2013 No.. 1404.

Chapter I. Introductory provisions

§ 1. Scope This regulation applies to life-saving appliances in new Norwegian vessel as specified in the individual provisions.
This regulation does not apply to vessels with a length of 15 meters and over which is defined as a HGV in accordance with the Regulations of 13 June 2000 no. 660 concerning the construction, operation, equipment and surveys of fishing vessels with main length of 15 meters and over, § 1.2 no. 34, ref. § 7-1. § 5a of these Regulations do not apply to vessels with a length (L) of 45 meters and upwards which is defined as existing vessels in the said regulations, § 2.1 no. 11, ref. § 7-14. § 7 of these Regulations do not apply to vessels with a length of 15 meters and over which is defined as existing under that regulation § 2.1 no. 11, ref. Section 8
Existing Norwegian vessels shall as far possible satisfy requirements of this regulation, unless otherwise stated by individual provisions. NMD will decide in cases of doubt whether the requirements of this regulation shall be deemed fulfilled.

§ 2. Definitions
Fishing vessel: A vessel used commercially for catching fish, whales, seals or other living resources of the sea, including seaweed and kelp.

New vessel: Fishing vessel the keel of which is stretched, or who are at a similar stage of construction on or after the day this regulation comes into force.

Existing vessels: Fishing and hunting vessels that are not new vessels.

Approved: Approved by the NMD or as noted in the individual sections.

Length: Length. (Loa)

Life-saving appliances: All equipment covered by this regulation.

Life agent: Lifeboat, rescue boat, life rafts and small boats.

Launching: Event to set the water from the embarkation station a rescue agent loaded with the number of people and equipment it is approved.

Maximum load: Fully equipped rescue means including the number of people (a 75 kg) rescue agent is approved.

Covered vessel: A vessel with continuous deck can be closed weathertight.

Partially open vessels: Uncovered vessels with superstructure, wheelhouse or cabin that can be closed.

Open vessels: Uncovered vessels without superstructure, wheelhouse or cabin.


10.67 meters equals 35 English feet.
15.00 meters equals 49 English feet
24.00 meters equals 79 English feet
45.00 meters equals 148 English feet

Trade area: See Regulation of 4 November 1981. 3793 concerning trade areas.

SOLAS Convention: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), with later endrnger.

Homologation: Prototype approved by NMD.

Rescue boat: Boat is designed to rescue persons in distress and to collect other emergency funds.


Approved enterprises: enterprise approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate to carry out inspections in accordance with regulations on the control of fishing vessels from 10.67 to 15 meters in length.

LSA Code: ( "International Life-Saving Appliance Code"): The international code of life-saving appliances, adopted by the International Maritime Organisations (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee by resolution MSC.48 (66), as amended by the IMO.

Chapter II. General provisions

§ 3 Duties The company, master and other persons working on board shall ensure, ensure and contribute to the regulation implemented in accordance with the duty provisions of the Maritime Safety Act and these regulations.

§ 4. Exemptions in individual cases NMD upon written application, deviate from the regulations. Special reasons that make the exemption necessary and exemption must be done safely.

Chapter III. Requirements for lifesaving appliances etc.

§ 5. Rescue suits and lifejackets

Vessels with a length of 10.67 m and above shall at least have a survival suit and life jacket for each person on board.

Covered or partially open vessels under 10.67 m shall have a survival suit for every person on board.
Open vessels under 10.67 m shall have a survival suit or a life jacket for each person on board.
A standard immersion suits can normally be used for persons between 1.5 m and 1.95 m. People who can not use standard immersion suit, must obtain an approved immersion suit with personal size / shape.

If a vessel with more than one person on board utilized personal immersion suit should the suit be labeled with name and stored separately from standard suits.

The owner is responsible for ensuring that the suit is in proper working order, ref. No. 2.2 and 3.
Immersion suit that differs in size and shape should be especially marked so that it is easily recognized - even in the dark.

Approval, marking, equipment.

Survival suit and life jacket shall be type approved and meet the requirements of LSA-Code 2.2.1 and 2.3. Immersion suit shall be thermally insulated. They shall be permanently marked with the vessel's name, home registration mark.

Immersion suit shall also be equipped with:

Hoisting or similar with appropriate innhuking- and clasping. The suit and lifting strap shall not be damaged by a load of at least 300 bp with person in the suit.

Gripe Line ( "buddy line") with single handle. The line should have a minimum length of 1 m and tensile strength at least 100 bp. The line should be provided with a hook-hook ( "karabiner") having a size and design that it can reasonably be operated under extreme conditions.

Signal Flute.

Light, which meets the requirements of the LSA Code 2.2.3.

Light should have:

A brightness of at least 0.75 candela

A power source that can provide a brightness of 0.75 candelas for a period of at least 8 hours,

Be visible when it is attached to a survival suit.

If the light is a flashing light, it shall also:

Be equipped with switch for manual operation,

Not be equipped with a lens or curved reflector for concentrating light beam,

Flash at a rate of at least 50 flashes per. minute with an effective brightness of at least 0.75 candela.

Hoisting strap, tightening devices, zips, retro-reflectors, pockets, etc. shall be attached so that the suit properties are not reduced because of the equipment installation and so this does not preclude the use of the suit.

Inspection and pressure testing of immersion suit

Immersion suit who is 8 years or more, shall be pressure tested / density tested at authorized service station. The suit should then pressure tested / leakage tested with 2 1/2 years. Documentation about pressure testing / tightness testing shall be kept on board. Costumes that can not be repaired in accordance with applicable approval criteria are not allowed kept on board.

Immersion suit that is not equipped with hoisting and buddy line is replaced.

Vessels built before 1 January 1994 have until 1 January 1995 to make the necessary replacement.
Control of immersion suits shall be carried out in accordance with § 7 paragraph 4.

Storage and location.


Repository for survival suit / lifejacket must be clearly marked and easily accessible near rescue funds. Survival suits should be kept in a suitable place in or in close proximity to the wheelhouse. On vessels with more than one immersion suit per. person, should the additional survival suits kept in staterooms or on an easily accessible location adjacent to the cabins. Posters or bulletin with information on location, processing and use shall be set up in the wheelhouse and fair.

§ 5a. 1Radartranspondere Vessels with length less than 24 meters have a trade certificate or vessel instructions for the trade area for shore fishing or bank fishing I, shall be equipped with one radar transponder.
Vessels with length less than 24 meters have a trade certificate or vessel instructions for the trade area larger than Bank Fishing I, shall be equipped with two radar transponders.
Vessel with 24 meters in length and above shall be equipped with two radar transponders.
Radar Transponders must be kept in the wheelhouse and shall be included in the rescue craft (e) if the vessel must be abandoned.
Radar Transponders shall comply with the NPT regulations 15 June 1999 no. 709 on EEA approval of maritime radio equipment or regulation on 20 June 2000 no. 628 on EEA requirements for radio and telecommunications terminal equipment.

§ 6. Lifebuoys

Vessels with a length of 10.67 m and above shall be equipped with at least one approved lifebuoy for every 3rd person on board, up to 8 lifebuoys.
Deck vessels with length below 10.67 m shall be equipped with at least one approved lifebuoy.


On each side of the vessel of 10.67 m in length and upwards shall at least one lifebuoy be fitted with a buoyant lifeline of at least 30 m length.
On vessels with length below 10.67 m shall be mandatory lifebuoy be provided with such a line.
Half of total number of lifebuoys shall be equipped with approved bøyelys, which shall be attached to the particular buoy with solid line. On vessels with length below 10.67 m shall be mandatory lifebuoy be provided with such light.
In vessels with a length of 45 meters and above, at least two of the lifebuoys equipped with approved bøyelys also be equipped with an approved smoke signal. These can be released quickly from the bridge, ref. § 17.
Each lifebuoy shall be permanently marked with the vessel's name and domicile or registration mark with large letters and numbers.


All lifebuoys shall be stowed easily visible and accessible. They must be easily and quickly be released, and should not be kinked.
The vessel should have 2 or more lifebuoys, at least one bending be located aft and the other near the place where work on fishing gear takes place. Otherwise the buoys be suitably distributed on both sides of the vessel.
During stay in port, when gangway, gangway or ladder is out, it should at this (this) be ready for use, at least one lifebuoy fitted with a line of at least 30 meters in length.
The fishery at least one lifebuoy fitted with approved bøyelys, be located near where work on fishing gear takes place.

§ 7. Alarm System, alarm instructions and exercises
Alarm System.

Vessels with length of 15 m and above shall have alarm systems to alert the board remaining. It must be electrically powered and can be started from the wheelhouse.
On vessels with length below 15 m without electric powered alarm system shall alerting happen when the signal with the vessel's whistle or siren.


Vessels with 5 or more people on board shall have an approved alarm instructions where command and staffing of the respective rescue equipment, alarm signals, etc. and rescue vehicle 'exact location is indicated. List shall indicate the crew's allocation for provisioning and stocking tion of rescue funds, and other necessary tasks incumbent upon every member of the crew in emergencies. The vessel shall ensure that each crew to familiarize themselves with the onboard safety equipment and the duties they are required according to the muster list. The muster list shall be posted in a prominent place in the wheelhouse and in the decor.
Vessels with less than 5 persons on board shall have a simplified alarm instructions that specify the location of lifejackets, immersion suits, rescue equipment, fire- and pyrotechnic devices, alarm signal the importance of and the precautions to be taken. Simplified muster is not subject to approval.

Alarm signals.

Lifeboat Alarm: seven short blasts followed by one long blast in siren or whistle while will be given persistent alarm with the alarm system where such equipment has. Rescue funds exposed by order of the commander.
Fire: Cancelled alarm with the alarm system or beeps with the vessel flute.


Rescue and fire drills conducted at least once every month. By exercises should muster followed and the whole crew attend.
Rescue drills shall include the use of all safety equipment. The boats would be clarified and at least every other month of being launched, veins and engine testing. The crew will also be instructed in the use and operation of the portable radio equipment.
The exercises will provide the crew full knowledge of and practice in the individual tasks. They shall include instruction in the use and characteristics of survival suits and life jackets, use of liferafts and launching and maneuvering of the boats.
It must be ensured that all safety equipment is in order and complete, and that the launching of the boats can take place quickly and securely.
Fire drills shall include the use and operation of fire appliances, etc. according to the prevailing regulations on fire safety measures on fishing vessels. The exercises will provide the crew aware of the importance of closure device for ventilation, fuel tanks emergency exits, etc. and the location and, the operation of this equipment. Fire pumps shall be started, connect hoses, portable fire extinguishers, etc. brought to "fire area" and the crew instructed and trained in the use of appliances and extinguishing media.
It must be ensured that fire equipment is in order and complete.
Exercises and study of rescue and fire-fighting equipment shall be recorded in the vessel's deck log or control book.

§ 8. emergency power source and emergency lighting, etc.
New and existing vessels with a length of 15 m and above shall be equipped with an emergency source of power independent of the vessel's radio equipment, with the capacity to provide power for at least three hours to:

Illumination of all rescue equipment, all prerequisite material and of the sea where rescue funds are released as well as lighting of alleyways, stairways and exits for access to life-saving appliances and the necessary navigation ..

Alarm System in accordance with current fire regulations.

New vessel with a length of 10.67 meters and above, but less than 15 m shall have an emergency power source that provides satisfactory emergency lighting for at least 2 hours. Moreover, as mentioned under paragraph 1.

For existing vessels of an overall length of 10.67 meters and upwards but less than 15 meters, the emergency power source and emergency lighting be satisfactory and assessed by an approved enterprise.

Emergency source shall be either:

Accumulator battery can withstand nødbelastningen without recharging or excessive voltage drop and automatically connected to emergency power grid when the main power source fails, or

A generator driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent fuel supply, with appropriate starting device. The fuel used shall have a flash point not less than 43 ° C (110 ° F).

Arrangement shall be such that the entire nødinstallasjonen works when the ship is 22 1/2 degrees heel, and / or when the trim of the ship is 10 degrees.
Boards for main and emergency power source is located and arranged so that they simultaneously. Wherever possible, may be exposed to water or fire. The tablets should be clearly labeled.

For vessels of 15 meters and above the emergency power source being located above the main deck outside maskincasing.

For new vessels under 15 m, where the emergency power source is placed in the engine room, it shall be placed above the door and in a well-ventilated place.
For new vessels with length up to 15 m can emergency power source approved / arranged according to Nordic Boat Standard 1990 Y-11. Emergency source of power shall at least have a capacity of no. 2.

§ 9. Approval of the rescue funds, their location, the launching arrangement and control, etc.
Lifeboats, rescue boats, rescue boats and small boats should meet the requirements of § 13. For vessels with a maximum length of 15 meters and above shall light boats inspected and accepted by the NMD in each case to be used as a rescue agent in according to this regulation.

Rescue funds should as far as possible be distributed equally on both sides of the vessel and be positioned so that there is adequate space for preparation, operation and embarkation.

Rescue funds should be placed at a safe distance from the waterline and propellers, and as far as possible launching at the right ship page. Rescue funds should not be placed so that they come off the vessel's sides.
Liferafts shall be located so that a person can do outsourcing alone.

The location of rescue funds for vessels with length of 15 meters and over, but with length (L) less than 24 meters approved by the NMD. For vessels with an overall length less than 15 meters considered the location of the approved enterprise.


The new vessels with a length of 24 meters and over, the launching event for prescribed rescue equipment and rescue boats be approved. SOLAS Convention will be the basis for approval and test load.

The new vessels with an overall length less than 15 meters considered launching arrangements of approved enterprise. Regulation of 17 January 1978 no. 4 regarding cargo-handling appliances on ships should be based on construction, inspection and test load.

If it is launching arrangements for life rafts, shall serve a maximum of two rafts.

How it used permanently inflated boats, they should be checked regularly, and always be ready for use.

All repairs and maintenance of inflated boats shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Emergency repairs may be carried on board the ship, permanent repairs shall be performed by authorized service station.
Information regarding inspection shall be entered in the deck log or control book.

§ 10. Precautions to keep rescue equipment and other rescue equipment ready for use, etc.
All rescue and other rescue equipment must be kept in good condition and be ready for immediate use before the vessel leaves port and during the voyage. Rescue funds should be placed on the water safely and rapidly even under unfavorable heel / trim conditions. Where the height from the embarkation deck to the water surface is more than 4.5 m if the vessel has at least draft in ballast condition, at least one rescue means on either side could be lowered with people on board.

With ladder from the embarkation deck to open the trawl deck / working deck can walk to the water surface is measured from the hatch on deck.

Taljeløpere el used for launching, should be turned at intervals of not more than 30 months and be renewed when necessary due to deterioration or at least every 5 years.

There must be spare parts and repair equipment for rescue equipment and parts that are subject to excessive wear or consumption must be replaced periodically.

All inflatable life rafts and inflatable life jackets shall be inspected at intervals not exceeding 12 months.

The inspection shall be done by an authorized service station which has the necessary expertise to service them, maintains proper servicing facilities and uses only properly trained personnel.
Liferafts and inflatable boats that are on board vessels shall be inspected in accordance with the prevailing regulations (regulations and relevant IMO provisions) on maintenance and repair etc. of inflatable redningsflåter.Nødreparasjoner may be carried on board the ship, permanent repairs shall be performed by an authorized service station.
List of requirements for equipment in rescue boats and boat is found in § 14 and § 15. Requirements for equipment of inflatable life rafts concerning vessels with a trade certificate or a vessel instruction, stated LSA Code 4.1 and 4.2.
For vessels under 10.67 m (35 ft) in trade area within 12 n. Mil, there is no requirement for equipment rescue equipment (boats / rafts) beyond the necessary standard. (Knife, line, bailer / sponge, paddle, torch etc.).

Hydrostatic release of inflatable liferafts

Vessels of 10.67 m and above shall be equipped with hydrostatic release arrangement for liferafts so they float free if the vessel sinks. The arrangement shall be in accordance with LSA Code 4.1.

Hydrostatic release units shall be serviced at intervals not exceeding 12 months.

The inspection of permanent release units shall take place at a service station that has the necessary equipment and expertise to service them.

Vessels built before 1 January 1994 shall satisfy the requirement of paragraph 5.1. As follows:

Vessel license for fishing in and larger trade area by 1 January 1995.

Vessel license for sea fishing - bank fishing II, by 1 January 1996.

§ 11. Embarkation in rescue funds etc. On all vessels in which the height from the embarkation station to the water surface is 2 m or more when the vessel has at least draft in ballast condition, there must be a sufficient number of ladders for embarkation in rescue funds. The ladders must be strong, and so long that they reach the water when the vessel has its smallest draft and a heel of 30 degrees to either side.
It should otherwise be appropriate means to:

Lighting of all rescue equipment and all launching equipment as well as by sea where rescue funds set out

To notify everyone on board to meet the rescue funds and when the vessel abandonment

To prevent any discharge from the vessel, in the release area.

§ 12. Redningsmidlenes number and capacity, etc.
Vessels that have a trade certificate or vessel instructions for the trade area Fjordfiske or Kystfiske and covered vessels with length below 10.67 meters, will bring life raft or dinghy with capacity to accommodate all persons on board.

Deck vessels with length below 10.67 mi waters within 12 nautical mil from the base line and where the crew is not more than 3, will have 4 man liferaft such as pleasure craft uses (yacht fleets) .1 This fleet should have certificate varedeklarering el from producer country's inspection service and shall be checked by authorized service stations for inflatable liferafts least every 12 months and according to the manufacturer's recommendation for each fleet type.

Vessels with a trade certificate or vessel instructions for the trade area bank fishing (I and II):

Vessels with a length of less than 15 m shall lifeboat or life raft with capacity to accommodate all persons on board.

Vessels with length of 15 meters and above, but less than 24 m shall carry at least one life raft with capacity for all persons on board and in addition one life raft with capacity for at least half of all persons on board.

Vessels with length of 24 m and above shall lead:

Liferaft (s) with the capacity to accommodate all persons on board, and

lifeboat with a capacity to accommodate all persons on board, or

instead to fulfill the requirements of paragraph. 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 can be kept at least one life raft with capacity for all persons on board on each side of the vessel and a rescue boat.

Vessels with trading certificate for the trade area fishing (I or II):

Vessels with length less than 24 m shall carry at least two life rafts, each with a capacity to accommodate all persons on board.

Vessels with length of 24 meters and above, but below 45 m shall:

Liferaft (s) with the capacity to accommodate all persons on board, and

lifeboat with a capacity to accommodate all persons on board, or

instead to fulfill the requirements of paragraph. 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 can be kept at least one life raft with capacity for all persons on board on each side of the vessel and a rescue boat.

Vessels with a length of 45 m and above shall lead:

Liferafts for 150% of the total number of persons on board, and

lifeboat with a capacity to accommodate all persons on board, or

instead to fulfill the requirements of paragraph. 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 can be kept at least one life raft with capacity for all persons on board on each side of the vessel and a rescue boat.

Vessels with trading certificate for the trade area ice fishing (I or II) to lead at least one life raft with capacity for all persons on board on each side of the vessel and a covered lifeboat or rescue boat with capacity to accommodate all persons on board. On vessels where it passed the covered lifeboat shall also passed a man-overboard boat.

Vessels already approved rescue equipment on board, may continue to use these until eventual replacement / reconstruction.

§ 13. Redningsmidlenes size and type rescue boat shall have a minimum length of 4.10 m and workboat a minimum length of 3.30 m. Person number determined by seating samples and with all required equipment in the boat. A lifeboat shall also meet the requirements for a man-overboard boat and be fitted with a canopy which is arranged so that it can be set up and provide full protection for the people in the boat. A necessary part of the canopy shall be transparent so that the boat can be maneuvered with the hood up. Man overboard boat shall meet the requirements of the LSA Code Section 5.1, with the exception of paragraph 5.1.2, and furthermore fulfill the requirements of this regulation § 14 Nos. 6, 12, 15 and 29.
inflatable liferafts shall fulfill the requirements of LSA code 4.1 and 4.2. Nevertheless, life rafts for less than six people, but at least four people, be accepted if the maximum number of people on board is not greater than the life raft is for.
For lifeboats the requirements of LSA Code 4.4, 4.6, 4.8 and 4.9. For both lifeboat, liferaft and man-overboard boats, the requirements for launching and embarkation according to LSA Code 6.1.
Radio equipment for lifeboats, rescue boats and boats shall be in accordance with the regulations of 22 December 1993 no. 1242 concerning radio installations and radio services in fishing vessels.
Lifeboat and rescue boat shall motor. For vessels under 10.67 m (Loa) however, rescue boat without motor accepted within 12 nautical mil from the base line. Tender shall have floating funds for lifeboat.

§ 14. Equipment for rescue boats for fishing vessels Rescue ships shall have the following equipment:


At least two oars on each side and 1 reserveåre. Years shall be of ash or other equivalent type of wood.

1 1/2 seen rogafler or other arrangement for the use of paddles. Rogafler must be attached to the boat.

Rudder and tiller steering with transfer to the control room. This may be waived if there is a different arrangement for management.

A boat hook.

Leider el making it possible for people in the water to climb into the boat.

Two gripping liner from gunwale to gunwale under the keel, or other arrangemenet to fix the boat.

Two lap lines with length of at least 3 times the boat's length ready for use. both should be securely fastened to the boat. Linen provided shall be triggered from within the boat also under load.

Two floating hiveliner m / throwing ring, length at least 15 m.

Fore and aft in the boat shall be arranged arrangementfor attaching liner. Ref. section. 8.

An approved sea anchor with line of at least 4 times the total length and custom boat size. Sea anchor is made of dense fabric must be equipped with a swivel.

A circular fluorescent marker attached to the top of the pool cover / hood with light visible at a distance of at least 2, and a manually controlled lamp / lantern for lighting inside the boat. Battery capacity for both of said light should be sufficient for operation for at least 12 hours.


Fire approved rocket parachute.
Three approved hand flares.
One approved liquid smoke signal.
Equipment shall be stored in watertight containers which are fastened to the boat and clearly marked.

Radar Reflector.

Blåselur, horn or efficient signal whistle and signal mirror.

Light reflecting means positioned so that the boat will be easily visible from the sea and from the air, placed at intervals not exceeding 0.5 m intervals. Where the boat has cover or hood must light reflecting agents also applied this.

An approved, fixed mounted hand pump or other arrangement with sufficient capacity to hold the boat bilge.

A bailer and a POS attached to the boat with tails.

Two plugs of each bilge hole that is not provided with automatic valves.

A folding knife with tin-opener in watertight seal, and 2 stainless steel knives positioned and secured fore and aft of the boat m / tail.

An approved compass equipped with its own light source, or positioned so that it can be illuminated.

A packet storm matches, an electric, watertight flashlight suitable for Mother's signaling and provided with one set of spare batteries and spare bulb.

Two small drinking mug.

Map of affected area glued to canvas, and one copy of life saving signals.

An approved proviantrasjon containing at least 5.00 kJ for each person the boat is approved. Provianten should be stored in air-tight seals and placed in waterproof container.

A water reserve of at least 2 liters hermetically packaged fresh water for each person the boat is approved.

Medicines and first aid equipment in accordance with regulations on medicinal products, etc. on vessels of 11 December 1981.

At least 3 rescue bags (Survival bags).

Permanent watertight containers or spaces for movable equipment.

Fire extinguisher (capacity of 2 kg).

Effective propellers protection in the form of fixed nozzle, grille or similar

Tank / container for fuel for at least 10 hours of driving and a portable spare can.

A waterproof tarp or other equivalent cover the boat when it is placed on board, and which can be quickly removed.

Solid approved lifting arrangement w / fixing (fixed centrally operated hooks or 4 sections. Sling for smaller boats). Component SWL shall be stated.

Inflatables will be equipped with air pump and repair kit.

Rescue boats shall be marked with the vessel's name and hometown.

Additional / increased equipment may be required for vessels of special trade / trade areas.

§ 15. Equipment for light boats for fishing vessel-boat shall have the following equipment:

A pair of oars and a reserveåre. Years shall be of ash or other equivalent type of wood.

1 1/2 sets rogafler or other event.

A boat hook.

Leider el that allows unite person in the water to climb into the boat.

Effective propellerbeslyttelse in the form of fixed nozzle, grille or similar

The engine must have tank / container for fuel for at least 3 hours drive and reserve tank-container with capacity of at least 5 liters.

Fire extinguisher (capacity of 2 kg.)

Two solid lap liner, at least 15 m length. Fang The lines should be attached to the boat. Linen provided shall be released under load.

Two approved rocket parachute, two approved hand flares.

Rundtlysenen marker with spare battery and a waterproof electric torch (flashlight) and 1 point. Storm matches.

Radar Reflector.

Blåselur or effective signal whistle.

Two plugs of each bilge hole that is not provided with automatic valves.

A POS or scoop.

Two pcs. stainless blades positioned and secured fore and aft w / tail.

A liquid hivline m / throwing ring and length at least 15 m.

Solid approved lifting arrangement w / Attachments (hooks or 4 sections. Sling). Component SWL shall be stated.

Inflatables will be equipped with air pump and repair kit.

A waterproof tarp or other equivalent cover the boat when it is placed on board and which can be quickly removed.

Light boat shall be marked with the vessel's name and hometown.

§ 16. 1Merking vessels must be clearly marked with the total boat weight, ie boat medfull fittings.
Launching arrangement shall be clearly marked with the allowable workload SWL.
All rescue funds should have conspicuous color and be fitted with reflectors and be clearly marked with the vessel's name and home counts with ship mark registration.

§ 17. Signal Vessels shall be able to provide signals for distress as prescribed in any applicable Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
Fishing vessels shall after their trade areas at least be equipped with the following distress signals:

All trades: 2 pcs. smoke signals. In vessels with a length of 45 m and above shall smoke signals can be attached to two lifebuoys, ref. § 6 no. 2

Fjordfiske: 3 red hand flares

Inshore fishing: 3 rocket parachute and 3 red hand flares.

Bank fishing I: 6 parachute flares and 4 red hand flares.

Bank Fishing II: 6 parachute flares and 4 red hand flares.

Fishing I: 6 parachute flares and 4 red hand flares.

Deepsea II: 10 rocket parachute flares and 10 red hand flares.

Icy waters I: 10 rocket parachute flares and 10 red hand flares.

Icy waters II: 10 rocket parachute flares and 10 red hand flares

Distress signals shall be placed in a proper and appropriate place on board. They shall be kept in airtight packaging and be replaced at the latest when they are 3 years old, if not shorter replacement period is specified. Nødsignaliseringsutstyret shall be type approved.

§ 18. Line-throwing appliances Vessels with length of 24 meters and above, shall have on board a line-throwing appliance of an approved type:

Vessels with a length of 24 meters and above, but below 45 m, the device is throw a line at least 125 m and be equipped with at least two projectiles and 2 liner.

Vessels medlengde of 45 meters and above, the device should be able to throw a line at least 230 m, and be equipped with at least four projectiles and four lines.

Chapter IV. Final provisions

§ 19. 1Ikrafttredelse etc.
This regulation comes into force on 1 January 1992.

Same date repealed for new vessels:

Regulation of 17 November 1986 No.. 2070 on rescue appliances, etc. on fishing vessels.