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Regulations On The Ban On Variable Advertising Along The Public Road

Original Language Title: Forskrift om forbud mot variabel reklame langs offentlig veg

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Regulations on the ban on variable advertising along the public road.

Date-1990-05-23-380 Ministry Ministry of transportation published in the entry into force last modified 1990 375 23.05.1990 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1963-06-21-23-section 9, law-1963-06-21-23-section 33 Announced short title Regulations on the prohibition of advertising laid down by the variable road Directorate 23. May 1990 with the legal authority of the road section 33, fourth paragraph, ref. section 9, ref. Transport Ministry's delegation of 15. December 1972 to public roads.

§ 1. Along the public road are prohibited-except as stated in § 2-to set up variable advertising sign or similar facility where your message or image changes or be changed more than once a day. The prohibition applies regardless of whether the switching happens mechanical, electronic, optical or otherwise. The ban applies without limitation in distance from the road, if the message is directed to trafikantene, or can be perceived in this way.

§ 2. The ban on advertising in the variable tightly-knit coat. In the tightly-knit coat along the roads with speed limit 50 km/h or lower, the ban as mentioned in section 1 only by signal regulated the cross and by roundabouts. After application the user can give exemption from road authority ban in this paragraph.

§ 3. Entry into force and transitional rules. This Regulation shall enter into force immediately.
The regulation also applies to variable advertising sign and similar devices intent before the regulation is put into effect.
Within one year from the regulation is in force or the speed limit of the person is raised to over 50 km/h, to such advertising, which has so far been legally, be removed/corrected. The road authority may require earlier removal/correction.