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Regulations Requiring Holders Of Debt Collection Licenses To Hold The Supervisory Authority For Collection Business Informed About The Debt Collection Business Operated Under License

Original Language Title: Forskrift om plikt for innehavere av inkassobevillinger til å holde tilsynsmyndigheten for inkassovirksomhet orientert om den inkassovirksomheten som drives i medhold av bevillingen

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Regulations requiring holders of debt collection licenses to hold the supervisory authority for collection business informed about the debt collection business operated under license

Date FOR 1990-03-12-213

Affairs Ministry

Published In 1990 281

Commencement 05/21/1990


FOR-2009-12-18-1726 from 21/12/2009



LOV-1988-05-13-26-section 6


Short Title
Regulations on the Supervision of the debt collection industry

Adopted by FSAN (now FSA) on 12 March 1990 in accordance with § 6, second paragraph of the Law of 13 May 1988 no. 26 on debt collection and other collection of overdue debts, cf. Royal Decree. dated 14 July 1989 Section II.
Changes: Amended by regulation 18 Dec 2009 No.. 1726.

§ 1. Person collection license for Debt Collection Act § 5 shall before they undertake supervision of collection business, notify the Financial Supervisory Authority in writing from the debt collector who will have professional management.

§ 2. Any change in inkassobevillingshavers use of its license, including the license will no longer be in use shall immediately be notified in writing FSA.

§ 3. FSA may impose a licensed debt collector to provide further information on debt collection activities carried out in pursuance of his license.