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Regulations Concerning The Use Of Shipping Control Service And Use Of Certain Waters (Maritime Traffic)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om bruk av sjøtrafikksentralenes tjenesteområde og bruk av bestemte farvann (sjøtrafikkforskriften)

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Regulations concerning the use of shipping control service and use of certain waters (Maritime Traffic)

Date FOR-2015-09-23-1094

Affairs Ministry

Published In 2015 Booklet 11

Commencement 01/10/2015





LOV-2009-04-17-19-§13, LOV-2009-04-17-19-§17, LOV-2009-04-17-19-§18, TO-2010-12-17- 1607

29.09.2015 kl. 15.00

Short Title

Maritime Traffic
Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1. Introductory provisions (§§ 1-4)
Chapter 2. Use of waters in shipping control service (§§ 5-11)
Chapter 3. Sailing Rules in certain waters (§§ 12-155 )
Chapter 4. Route measures in Norwegian economic zone (§§ 156-160)
Chapter 5. Criminal liability. (§161)
Chapter 6. Commencement. Repeal of other regulations (§162)

Adopted by the Ministry on 23 September 2015 pursuant to the Act on 17 April 2009 No.. 19 on ports and waterways (Harbour Act) § 13, § 17 and § 18; see. Royal Decree. 17 December 2010 No.. 1607.
Changes: Amended by regulation 20 October 2015 No.. 1206.

Chapter 1. Introductory provisions

§ 1 (Definitions) In these regulations understood with

particularly dangerous or polluting cargo:

Load as stated in the International Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (IGC Code) Chapter 19

Loads in pollution category X, ref. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL) Appendix 2. This includes cargo that is currently categorized as such fabric

Cargo requiring ships type 1 or 2, ref. The international chemical code for construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC Code) Chapter 17 or the international code for the safe transport of dry cargo in bulk (BC code)

dangerous or polluting cargo:

Load defined as particularly dangerous or polluting subparagraphs a), so far there are stricter rules for these

Oil cargoes mentioned in MARPOL Appendix 1. This includes cargo that is currently categorized as such substance

Loads requiring ship type 3, ref. IBC Code or the BC Code

Liquids with a flash point below 23 degrees Celsius


Regular service: a number of voyages between the same two or more ports, either according to a published timetable or with such regularity or frequency that voyages emerging as a systematic series of voyages


Through sailing, the vessel not call to port, moor or anchor in the waters


Positional specifications: positional specifications are given in World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)


Daylight: center of the sun is greater than six degrees below the horizon


Escort vessels: A tugboat with klassenotifikasjon as escort vessel


Traffic separation scheme: a geographically limited area of ​​the lake consisting of traffic field for opposing traffic flows, separated by a separation zone


Bidirectional fairway: a geographically limited area in the sea established for two-way traffic.

§ 2. (exemptions) NCA may, upon application by the master, grant exemptions from the provisions of Regulations Chapter 3 when special reasons for doing so and it can be done safely.

§ 3. (Exception from Public Administration) Public Administration § 24 of the grounds and § 28 of appeal does not apply to individual taken by the shipping control if the individual decision is not particularly onerous or intrusive. The exemption does not apply to individual decisions requiring vessels to use tugboat.

§ 4. (National Coordinator for navigational warnings) Notification of hazards essential for the safe navigation or traffic to be given to NCA, which is the national coordinator for navigational warnings.

Chapter 2. Use of waters in shipping control service

§ 5. (of traffic control service areas) of traffic control service areas defined in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulation:

Horten shipping control service

Brevik of traffic control service

Kvitsøy of traffic control service

Fedje of traffic control service

Vardo shipping control service area.

§ 6. (factual scope) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the following vessels:

vessels with an overall length of 24 meters or more

pushing vessel a vessel and vessel being pushed, which total length is 24 meters or more


Vessel towing an object with a length of 24 meters or more

vessel towing an object or objects where the total length of the vessel and the objects are 35 meters or more

vessel towing an object or objects where the total width of the vessel and the objects are 24 meters or more

vessels with particularly dangerous or polluting goods.

Provisions in § 7 and § 11 also apply to fishing vessels when they engaged in commercial fishing, trapping or seaweed trawling. The provision in § 8 is similar to applications when these vessels offer commercial fishing, trapping or seaweed trawling in traffic separation scheme.

§ 7 (communication in the service area) Communication between shipping control and vessels shall take place on shipping control VHF channels.
Communication between vessel regarding the passage or other coordination of the race to take place on shipping control VHF channels.
Master or his command in his place on a vessel must be able to communicate in Scandinavian or English if the vessel does not use a pilot.
Vessels under military command can communicate with the shipping control by mobile phone when necessary.

§ 8. (required authorization) Use of the service requires authorization from shipping control. Vessels towing or pushing a vessel has a license to use the service, does not need special permit.
When using the service to Vardo shipping control to the requirement for permission only for vessels carrying hazardous or polluting cargo and vessel with a length of 150 meters.
When using the service to Kvitsøy shipping control to the requirement for permission not to vessels under 100 meters in length when the vessel using only the waters east of a line from Toftøy lantern-Storholmen Lantern Lawn Things reason lantern-line directly south to countries in Ryfylke dock. The exemption does not apply to vessels that will use the waters inside a straight line between Allevard Neset lantern and Hole Neset (59 ° 20.28 'N 006 ° 01.31' E).

§ 9. (concerning applications for permits) Applications must be submitted on shipping control VHF channels prior to entering the service area or leaving berth or anchorage, and shall include the vessel's international call sign, name and planned sailing route.
Application of vessels with a length of 100 meters or from a vessel with dangerous or polluting goods shall be submitted at least one hour before the estimated departure from port, mooring or anchorage area.
The second paragraph does not apply to passenger vessels engaged in regular service.

§ 10. (conditions permit) When it is necessary to ensure safe travel and prudent use of waters, it can set conditions to a permit, including:

that race shall be carried out at the specified time

that specific route to be followed

that other vessels are to be passed in the order specified

that specified distance from other vessels to be kept

that tug will be used

that machinery shall be prepared by anchoring

that anchorage must be vacated by warning of strong winds.

§ 11. (listening and disclosure) Vessels that use of traffic control service has to listen duty on shipping control VHF channels.
Vessels that use of traffic control service to provide information to shipping control on matters that may affect safe driving and efficient traffic management, including the vessel leaving the dock or anchorage or make changes to the planned voyage.

Chapter 3. Sailing Rules in certain waters

§ 12. (geographical scope) Chapter 3 applies in certain waters set in the chapter.

In Sailing Rules in Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Vestfold and Østfold

§ 13. (requirement to use the traffic separation scheme in the Oslo Fjord) Vessels with a length of 24 meters or more shall use the traffic field as described in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulations.

§ 14. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Single Fjord Svinesund-Ringdalsfjord) Vessels with greater length than 160 meters, width greater than 20 meters or a draft greater than 7.3 meters will not use the waters east of Sponvikskansen beacon.

§ 15. (requirement to sail during daylight in the stretch Single Fjord Svinesund-Ringdalsfjord) Vessels with greater length than 125 meters, width greater than 19 meters or a draft greater than 6.5 meters shall use the waters east of Sponvikskansen beacon in daylight.

§ 16. (Requirement visibility on the stretch Single Fjord Svinesund-Ringdalsfjord) Vessels with greater length than 80 meters, width greater than 15 meters, a draft greater than 5 meters or vessels with particularly dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters east for Sponvikskansen beacon when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 17. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Single Fjord Svinesund - Ringdalsfjord) Vessels shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Sponvikskansen beacon and crows Snapping lantern, and in the strait south of Knivsøyholmen lantern.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 18. (prohibition against passing the runner, Østerelva and Glomma) In waters inside a straight line drawn from the southern brink of Viker Tangen via Vidgrunnen lantern to Rødshuet a vessel only pass other vessels in the area:

Kvernskjær reason lantern-lantern Lubbegrunnen

by Renegade Kid lantern, when vessels sail on either side of Renegade Kid

at Vestre Bird Cut reason lantern, when vessels sail on either side of Vestre Bird Cut reason

Vestre Bird Cut reason lantern-lantern bellows

in waters between callers lantern in south and Moller Odden lantern in north

Glomma, north of Fredrikstad bridge to Tangen and from Greåker to Western Odden lantern.

In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 19. (prohibition against the use of waters in the runner and Østerelva) Vessels with a draft greater than 10.5 meters shall not use waters on the stretch between Vidgrunnen lantern in south and Flyndregrunnen lantern in the north.

§ 20. (Requirement visibility in runner and Østerelva) Vessels with particularly dangerous or polluting goods and vessels with a length than 125 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use waters north of Vidgrunnen lantern when the visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 21. (requirement to sail in daylight runner and Østerelva) Vessels with greater length than 170 meters or a draft greater than 9 meters should only use the waters north of Vidgrunnen lantern in daylight.

§ 22. (prohibition against the use of waters in Østerelva and Glomma) Vessels with greater length than 150 meters shall not use waters north of Mills Odden lantern.

§ 23. (Requirement visibility in the waters in Østerelva and Glomma) Vessels with particularly dangerous or polluting goods and vessels with a length of over 80 meters shall not use waters north of Mills Odden lantern when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 24. (requirement to sail during daylight in Østerelva and Glomma) Vessels with greater length than 135 meters, a draft greater than 7 meters or with particularly dangerous or polluting goods shall use the waters north of Mills Odden lantern in daylight.
When calculating the vessel's draft should be assumed that it is freshwater.

§ 25. (prohibition against the use of waters in Glomma) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters or a draft greater than 5.65 meters shall not use waters north of Berggrenodden (59 ° 16.17 'N 011 ° 05.35 'E). When the water level is below zero at Borg Port Authority water level gauge decreases allowed draft by the number of centimeters as the water level is below 0.
When calculating the vessel's draft should be assumed that it is freshwater.

§ 26. (Requirement visibility conditions in Glomma) Vessels shall not use waters north of Berggrenodden (59 ° 16.17 'N 011 ° 05.35' E) when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 27. (requires the use of a tugboat in Glomma) Vessels shall have a tugboat attached to the waters between Berggrenodden (59 ° 16.17 'N 011 ° 05.35' E) and Melløs (59 ° 16.21 'N 011 ° 05.99 'E).

§ 28. (Requirement visibility in Sister race-Lera-Rauer Fjord Larkollsundet) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo or vessels with a length of over 90 meters shall not use waters from the southern brink of Guttorm Tangen on Vesterøy via 3.5-meter ground on Seikrakk, westside of Struten, westside of southern Miss No, westside of Eldøya, north trappings of Kollen Brent Tangen when visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 29. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Kindle blade-Kjøkøy Sundet) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters, width greater than 16 meters or a draft greater than 5.2 meters shall not use waters between Kindle cutting torch and wagon Hella lantern.

§ 30. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Kindle blade-Kjøkøy Sundet) Vessels shall not pass other vessels on the route between rail Cut lantern and Flyndregrunnen lantern.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 31. (requirement visibility on the stretch Kindle blade-Kjøkøy Sundet) Vessels shall not use waters on the stretch between rail Cut lantern and wagon Hella lantern when the visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 32. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Lera and Vesterelva Fredrikstad) Vessels shall not pass other vessels on the route Vesterelva to Fredrikstad, north of pussy willows lantern.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that agreements to pass each other on opposite sides of Huthholmen and Kjerringholmen.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 33. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Lera-Vesterelva) Vessels that have a draft greater than 7.3 meters shall not use waters in Vesterelva, north of pussy willows lantern.

§ 34. (requirement to sail during daylight in the stretch Lera-Vesterelva) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods which have greater length than 100 meters or has a draft greater than 6 meters should only use the waters in Vesterelva, north of pussy willows lantern , in daylight.

§ 35. (prohibition against the use of waters Vesterelva-Fredrikstad) Vessels that have a draft greater than 5.5 meters will not use the waters north of the southern brink of Huthholmen (59 ° 12.26 'N 010 ° 54.08' E. ).
Vessel that has a greater length than 85 meters, width greater than 15 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters shall not use waters north of Åsgårdsøra (59 ° 12.70 'N 010 ° 54.78' E).

§ 36. (Requirement visibility on the stretch Vesterelva-Fredrikstad) Vessels shall not use waters in Vesterelva, north of pussy willows lantern, when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 37. (prohibition against the use of waters in Rauer Fjord Krokstad Leira-Larkollsundet) Vessels with a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use the waters east of Rauer and Eldøya from Yarn Holmen lantern in the south to the northern brink of Kollen (59 ° 20, 17 'N 010 ° 38.96' E) to the north.

§ 38. (requirement visibility for waters surrounding Tønsberg) Vessels with greater length than 90 meters and vessels that have particularly dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters inside straight lines from the eastern brink of Stroke rod via Fulehuk Lighthouse, Lightship guy and Tjømeboen to the southern brink of the country near Tønsberg barrel when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 39. (prohibition of the use of waters for the stretch Sydostgrunnen-Tjømekjæla-Tønsberg fjord and Vestfjord to Tonsberg) Vessels with width greater than 40 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use the path through Tjømekjæla or waters north of thimble lantern.
Vessels with width greater than 40 meters or a draft greater than 9 meters should not use the trail west of Veierland.

§ 40. (requirement to sail in daylight for the stretch Sydostgrunnen-Tjømekjæla-Tønsberg fjord and Vestfjord to Tonsberg) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters, width greater than 16 meters or a draft greater than 5.5 meters shall use the path through Tjømekjæla and waters north of thimble lantern in daylight.
Vessels shall only use the path west of Veierland during daylight.

§ 41. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Sydostgrunnen-Tjømekjæla-Tønsberg fjord and Vestfjord to Tonsberg) Vessels shall not pass other vessels in the waters north of thimble lantern.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 42. (prohibition of the use of waters in Leisteinsløpet) Vessels with greater length than 150 meters, width greater than 20 meters or a draft greater than 5.5 meters shall not use waters in Leisteinsløpet, north of latitude 59 ° 06, 50 'N and west of Leistein lantern.

§ 43. (requirement to sail during daylight in Leisteinsløpet) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters, width greater than 16.5 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters should only use the waters in Leisteinsløpet, north of latitude 59 ° 06, 50 'N and west of Leistein lantern in daylight.

§ 44. (requirement to sail during daylight in waters around drill) Vessels shall only use the waters on the stretch between Blackie cairn in east and west Galiotbåen during daylight.

§ 45. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Granabåsundet-Måkerøyflaket) Vessels with greater length than 150 meters, width greater than 20 meters or a draft greater than 5.5 meters shall not use waters from the beacon on Tørgersøy in the north to Årøybåen south.

§ 46. (requirement to sail during daylight in the stretch Granabåsundet-Måkerøyflaket) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters, width greater than 16.5 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters should only use the waters from the beacon on Tørgersøy in the north to Årøybåen south during daylight.

§ 47. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Måkerøyflaket-Tjømekjæla) Vessels with greater length than 150 meters, width greater than 20 meters or a draft greater than 5.5 meters shall not use waters from Mågerø Tangen lantern in the east to Saltbuflua lantern in the west.

§ 48. (requirement to sail during daylight in the stretch Måkerøyflaket-Tjømekjæla) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters, width greater than 16.5 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters should only use waters from Mågerø Tangen lantern in the east to Saltbuflua lantern in the west when it's daylight.

§ 49. (prohibition of the use of waters in Torgersøygapet) Vessels with a draft greater than 5.5 meters shall not use waters between Torger Island and Valløy.

§ 50. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Torgersøygapet-Vallø Bukta Jersøy) Vessels shall not pass other vessels on the route from battery on Valløy (59 ° 15.32 'N 010 ° 30.21' E) in the east to the northern brink of Ormøya (59 ° 14.78 'N 010 ° 29.52' E) to the south.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 51. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Jersøy lantern-Tønsberg channel) Vessels with greater length than 110 meters, width greater than 17 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters shall not use waters from Jersøy lantern in the east to the bridge lantern in the west.

§ 52. (prohibition of the use of waters in Tonsberg channel) Vessels with width greater than 17 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters shall not use waters under Channel bridge in Tønsberg.
Vessels with a draft greater than 5.7 meters shall not use waters between Kalnes torch in west and Channel bridge in Tønsberg in the east.

§ 53. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Jersøy lantern-Tønsberg channel) Vessels shall be on the stretch just pass other vessels in the waters between Veal Tangen lantern in the East and the southernmost point of Teigen (59 ° 15 31 'N 010 ° 26 , 79 'E) to the north.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, where vessels must not pass other vessels, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 54. (prohibition against the use of waters by Slagentangen oil refinery) Vessels shall not sail within a radius of 500 meters measured from the northernmost point on the piers at Slagentangen oil refinery. This does not apply to vessels calling at Slagentangen oil refinery and vessels assisting other vessels when calling to and departure from Slagentangen oil refinery.

§ 55. (prohibition of the use of waters in Vealøs Renna) Vessels with a draft greater than 6.4 meters shall not use waters between Østøya and Vealøs, south of Østøybåen lantern.
Vessels with greater length than 130 meters and with a draft greater than 5.8 meters shall not use waters between Østøya and Vealøs, south of Østøybåen lantern.

§ 56. (Requirement visibility in Vealøs Renna) Vessels shall not use waters between Østøya and Vealøs, south of Østøybåen lantern, when visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 57. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Rødtangen-Drammen) The following vessels shall not use waters through Svelvikstrømmen, north of Rødtangen lantern:

vessels with a length of 250 meters, width greater than 40 meters or a draft greater than 10 meters

vessels with a length than 225 meters and a draft greater than 9 meters

vessels with a length of 200 meters and a draft greater than 9.5 meters.

Inbound vessels with a draft greater than 9.5 meters shall use the waters mentioned in the first paragraph of the rising water.
When calculating the vessel's draft should be assumed that it is freshwater.

§ 58. (requirement to sail during daylight in Svelvikstrømmen) Inbound vessels with a length exceeding 200 meters or a draft greater than 9 meters should only use the waters through Svelvikstrømmen in daylight.

§ 59. (Requirement visibility in Svelvikstrømmen) Vessels with particularly dangerous or polluting goods, vessels carrying hazardous or polluting cargo and greater length than 90 meters, vessels with a length than 125 meters or with a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use waters on the stretch between Rødtangen lantern in the south and the Blind A cutter torch in north when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.
When there is daylight applies similar restrictions in the first paragraph when the visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 60. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Svelvikstrømmen-Drammen) Vessels shall not pass each other in the waters on the stretch between Bear Cut lantern south, Blind Cutting torch in the north or in Tangen Renna west of Risgarden breakwater lantern.
Vessels shall not pass each other on the stretch Rødtangen lantern in the south and Bear Cut lantern in the north when the visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

In the cases referred to in subsections, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 61. (requires the use of a tugboat in Svelvikstrømmen) Vessels with greater length than 170 meters or a draft greater than 8.5 meters shall have tugboat attached to the waters between Bjorn cutting torch in the south to the Blind A cutter torch in the north.
Vessels with greater length than 200 meters or a draft greater than 9 meters will have two tugs secured in the waters mentioned in the first paragraph.

§ 62. (prohibition of Drøbaksundet) Vessels with a draft greater than eleven meters shall not use waters north of Storskjær (59 ° 39.50 'N 010 ° 36.58' E).

§ 63. (Requirement visibility on the stretch Kaholmen meadows) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters between Kaholmen and Håøya or waters in Håøyfjorden between Håøya and meadows when visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 64. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Steilene Sandvika) Vessels with a draft greater than 5 meters shall not use waters north of Haraholmen lantern.

§ 65. (Requirement visibility on the stretch Steilene Sandvika) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo should use the waters north of Haraholmen lantern when the visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 66. (prohibition against the use of Dyna race) Vessels with a draft greater than 10 meters shall not use waters between Bygdøy and Nakholmen.

§ 67. (prohibition of Hegg Holm race) Vessels with a draft greater than 5.5 meters shall not use waters between Heggholmen and Lindøya.

§ 68. (prohibition of Sjursøyløpet and knight) Vessels with greater length than 160 meters or greater width than 25 meters shall not use waters between Sjursøya and Bleikøya or waters between Lindøya and Hovedøya and between Gressholmen and Bleikøya.

§ 69. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Drøbaksundet-Oslo) Vessels shall not pass other vessels on the route between Småskjærene lantern in the south to Aspond lantern in north if:

visibility is less than 1 nautical mil,

vessel has a draft greater than 7 meters,

vessel has dangerous or polluting goods, or

vessel follows the path west of Askholmgrunnen lantern and west of cod stool lantern.

In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

II Sailing Rules Telemark

§ 70. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Fugløya-Porsgrunn-Skien) Vessels with greater length than 300 meters or with a draft greater than 11 meters shall not use waters north of Fugløyskjær lantern.

§ 71. (Requirement visibility on the stretch Fugløya-Porsgrunn-Skien) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo or vessels with a length of over 160 meters shall not use waters north of Fugløyskjær lantern when the visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.
This applies vessels calling at Langesund or vessel sailing between berth, mooring device or pier and has an unobstructed view of the place to be visited.

§ 72. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Fugløya-Porsgrunn-Skien) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Fugløyskjær lantern in the south and Upper Ringholmen lantern in the north.
The first paragraph does not apply to the waters between Bjørkøybåen lantern in east and Gjermund Holmen lantern in the west.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 73. (requirement to use an escort vessel on the route Fugløya-Porsgrunn-Skien) Vessels with particularly dangerous or polluting goods that are larger than 500 GT and vessels carrying hazardous or polluting load greater than 5,000 BT should have an escort vessel attached on the stretch from Fugløyskjær lantern in the south to Upper Ringholmen lantern in the north. North of Upper Ringholmen lantern shall these vessels have the assistance of an escort vessel.
Vessels with greater length than 195 meters, width greater than 30 meters or a draft greater than 10 meters, shall have an escort vessel attached to the waters from Gjermund Holmen lantern in east and middle of the fjord Kjær lantern in the west.
The first paragraph does not apply to inbound vessels that will use the waters in Helgerofjorden, south of Amli roe lantern or outgoing vessels have passed Kjørtingløpet, and is on course out Dypingen.

§ 74. (requirement to sail during daylight in Helgerofjorden, Håøyfjorden and Veal Sundet) Vessels with greater length than 205 meters should only use the waters east of Fugløyskjær lantern in south and Bjørkøybåen lantern in northern daylight.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels in regular service.

§ 75. (prohibition through sailing the waters between Langesund and Langøya) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods or of greater width than 14 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters shall not use waters between Langesund and Langøya through sailing.
Vessels mentioned in subsection calling at or departing from Langesund, should use the entrance to the south. This does not apply tugboats, barges or crane barges.

§ 76. (Requirement visibility in the waters between Langesund and Langøya) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters between Langesund and Langøya north of Tangen Cut lantern when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 77. (prohibition against crossing the stretch Langesund and Langøya) Vessels greater than 2,000 BT shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Langesund and Langøya north of Tangen Cut lantern.

§ 78. (prohibition through sailing in waters between Langøya and Goat Roya) Vessels shall not use waters between Langøya and Goat Roya through sailing.

§ 79. (prohibition against the use of skirts No) Vessels with greater length than 200 meters, width greater than 30 meters or a draft greater than 10.5 meters shall not use waters between Arøy lantern in south and Råholmbåen lantern in the north.

§ 80. (Requirement visibility in apron None) Vessels shall not use waters between Arøy lantern in south and Råholmbåen lantern in the north when the visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 81. (prohibition of passage in Overrun No) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Arøy lantern in south and Råholmbåen lantern in the north. Vessels shall not pass each other in the waters between Overrun No NV lantern and skirt No SE lantern.

§ 82. (prohibition of passage in calf Sundet) Vessels with greater length than 70 meters or greater width than 20 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Kiste Holmen lantern in east and Bjørkøybåen lantern in the west.

§ 83. (prohibition of Brevikstrømmen) Vessels with greater length than 235 meters shall not use waters between Gjermund Holmen lantern in east and middle of the fjord Kjær lantern in the west.

§ 84. (requirement to sail during daylight in Brevikstrømmen) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods with a draft greater than 10.2 meters or vessels with a length than 205 meters should only use the waters between Gjermund Holmen lantern in east and middle of the fjord Kjær lantern in west in daylight.

§ 85. (prohibition of passage in Brevikstrømmen) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Gjermund Holmen lantern in east and middle of the fjord Kjær lantern in the west.

§ 86. (Requirement visibility on the stretch Torsbergrenna-Skien) Vessels shall not use Torsbergrenna or Skien River when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 87. (prohibition of Torsbergrenna) Vessels with width greater than 28.5 meters shall not use waters in Torsbergrenna.

§ 88. (prohibition of the use of the waters north of Frednes Bridge) Vessels with greater length than 110 meters, width greater than 16 meters or a draft greater than 5.5 meters will not use the waters north of Frednes Bridge.

§ 89. (prohibition of Gråtenløpet) Vessels with greater length than 85 meters, width greater than 14 meters or a draft greater than 5 meters shall not use waters in Gråtenløpet.

III Sailing Rules in Rogaland

§ 90. (requirement to use the traffic separation scheme in Rogaland) Vessels with a length of 24 meters or more shall use traffic separation systems in Rogaland described in NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulations.

§ 91. (requirement to use Skudenesfjorden for vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods, calling at or departing from the gas terminal at Kårstø will use a traffic separation system in Skudenesfjorden by sailing between the gas station and the baseline.
The first paragraph applies regardless of whether the vessel arrives jetty, mooring facility or anchorage en route.

§ 92. (prohibition of the use of the trail north of Arsgrunnen) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters between Arsgrunnen lantern and Drive Sund lantern by sailing between gas terminal at Kårstø and the baseline.

§ 93. (prohibition of the use of waters on the stretch Feistein Sveinane) Vessels with a draft greater than 10 meters should be in waters between Fladholmen lantern in the south and the Tananger beacon in the north, not to use the waters east of Central shoreline lantern.

§ 94. (prohibition through sailing on the route Feistein Sveinane) The following vessels shall not use the path through Rottsfjorden, from Feistein lantern in the south to Sveinane lantern in the north, through sailing:

vessel with dangerous or polluting goods which have greater length than 140 meters or has a draft greater than 8 meters

vessels with a length of over 180 meters or with a draft greater than 8.5 meters

passenger vessels with a length of over 210 meters.

§ 95. (Requirement visibility of stretch Feistein Sveinane) Vessels with a draft greater than 10 meters should not use Rottsfjorden between Kolnes Holmane lantern and Oksafotskjær lantern when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels calling at or departing from pier in Risavika.

§ 96. (prohibition against the use of waters in Risavika) Vessels with a draft greater than 15.8 meters shall not use waters in Risavika east of Laksholmbåen lantern.

§ 97. (prohibition of passage in the inlet to Risavika) Vessels shall not pass other vessels in the waters between the Tananger beacon in west and Meling Holmen lantern in the East if:

visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil

vessel has a greater length than 120 meters or a draft greater than seven meters.

In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 98. (prohibition of the use of waters in the Tungeneset-Byfjorden-Stavanger) Vessels with a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use waters between Søre Lawn Things reason lantern and Bybrua.

§ 99. (prohibition of Straum Stein Sundet) Vessels with greater length than 70 meters shall not use waters under Bybrua. This does not ship in regular service or passenger vessels with less length than 90 meters.

§ 100. (prohibition through sailing on the Tungeneset-Byfjorden-Stavanger) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo and vessels with a length of 50 meters shall not use waters between Dusavika lantern in north and Bybruna south through sailing.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels in regular service.

§ 101. (prohibition of passing on the Tungeneset-Byfjorden-Stavanger) Vessels shall not pass other vessels in the waters between Ulsneset (58 ° 59.45 'N 005 ° 42.70' E) to the west and Bybrua east if:

vessel has dangerous or polluting goods

vessel has a greater length than 120 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters.

The first paragraph does not apply to high-speed passenger vessels in regular service that is licensed by shipping control.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 102. (requirement voyage in daylight on the Tungeneset-Byfjorden-Stavanger) Vessels with greater length than 180 meters or a draft greater than ten meters shall use waters Ulsneset (58 ° 59.45 'N 005 ° 42, 70 'E) on the west and east Bybrua in daylight.
The first paragraph does not apply to passenger vessels.

§ 103. (requirement visibility on the Tungeneset-Byfjorden-Stavanger) Vessels shall not use waters between Ulsneset (58 ° 59.45 'N 005 ° 42.70' E) on the west and east Bybrua when visibility is below 0.5 nautical mil if:

vessel particularly dangerous or polluting goods

vessel has dangerous or polluting goods and of greater length than 90 meters

vessel has a greater length than 180 meters or a draft greater than 10 meters.

§ 104. (prohibition of passage in Vågholmsundet) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo and vessels with a length of over 120 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between a line directly south from the west end of Vågholmen and a line directly south from Galten cairn.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 105. (prohibition of passage in Lindøy Sundet) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods, vessels with a length of over 120 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between a line due west from Lindøy Sund lantern to land on Vassøy and a straight line from the western brink of Lindøy to the southern brink of Vassøy calf.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 106. (prohibition of passage in waters west of Marøy) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods, vessels with a length of over 120 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between a straight line from the northern brink of small Marøy to shore at Siri reason and a straight line from the southern brink of major Marøy via Gansflu lantern and due west to land at Hillevåg Neset.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 107. (ban on the use of waters in Klovningløpet) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods, vessels with a length of 100 meters or vessels with a draft greater than 6 meters should not use the waters between Sandøy Varden south, Klovningen lantern in north .

§ 108. (ban on the use of waters in Langøyosen) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods, vessels with a length of 100 meters or a draft greater than 5.5 meters will not use the waters between a straight line from Sandnes (59 ° 00.69 'N 005 ° 45.19' E) to the western brink of Langøy (59 ° 00.59 'N 005 ° 45.77' E) and a straight line from the southern brink of Vassøy (58 ° 59.35 'N 005 ° 47.24 'E) to Kobbstein (58 ° 59.37' N 005 ° 46.23 E ').

§ 109. (ban on the use of waters on the stretch Fognafjorden to Årdal) Vessels with greater length than 120 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use the waters inside a straight line from South Skorneset to the eastern headland at Eikeli .

§ 110. (prohibition of passage on the route Fognafjorden to Årdal) Vessels shall not pass other vessels in the waters on the stretch between a line from South Skorneset to Eikeliodden and a line from Kvannholmen to Lindetåni.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 111. (requirement visibility on the stretch Fognafjorden to Årdal) Vessels with greater length than 90 meters shall not use waters on the stretch between a line from South Skorneset to Eikeliodden and a line from Kvannholmen to Lindetåni when visibility is less than 0, 5 nautical mil.

§ 112. (ban on the use of waters on the stretch Nedstrand fjord-SANDFJORDEN-Saudafjord Sauda) Vessels with greater length than 180 meters shall not use the waters east of Kviteholmen lantern.

§ 113. (requirement daylight in the stretch Nedstrand fjord-SANDFJORDEN-Saudafjord Sauda) Vessels greater than 7,000 BT shall use the waters on the stretch between Kviteholmen torch in west and Nevoy lantern in the east of daylight.

§ 114. (prohibition of passage on the route Nedstrand fjord-SANDFJORDEN-Saudafjord Sauda) Vessels shall in waters between a straight line drawn from the western brink of Tjørnaneset to the southern brink of Reiphammarodden and a straight line drawn from Eyes rod in direction 310 ° to land by Brattberg, just pass other vessels on the following routes:

in Kallvikhavet the stretch Crust blade-Ottøya lantern.

on stretch Fure Holmen Åsarøyholmen.

on the route Hamburg Neset-west tip of Nevøyna.

In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 115. (requirement visibility on the stretch Nedstrand fjord-SANDFJORDEN-Saudafjord Sauda) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargoes and vessels larger than 7000 BT shall not use waters between a straight line from the western brink of Tjørnaneset to the southern brink of Reiphammarodden and a straight line from Eyes rod in direction 310 ° to land at Brattberg if visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 116. (ban on the use of waters on the stretch Skudenesfjorden Karmsundet-Sletta) Vessels with a draft greater than 11 meters shall not use waters on the stretch between a line due east from the bones to shore at Moksheim and a line due west of Nordheim Cut to land at Karmøy.

§ 117. (prohibition of passage on the route Skudenesfjorden Karmsundet- Sletta) Vessels shall not pass other vessels under Karmsund bridge, in waters 300 meters north and south of the bridge or in the strait by Bukkøy on the stretch between a line in the direction 050 ° from northern brink of Bukkøy to land north of Vormedal and a straight line from the south-east tip of Bukkøy to Sneak Pynten lantern if:

vessel has dangerous or polluting goods and of greater length than 100m

vessel has a greater length than 120 meters

visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel shall keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 118. (prohibition through sailing on the route Skudenesfjorden Karmsundet-Sletta) The following vessels shall not use Karmsundet through sailing:

vessel with dangerous or polluting goods and greater length than 140 meters or a draft greater than 8 meters

vessels with a length of over 180 meters or a draft greater than 8.5 meters

passenger vessels with a length of over 210 meters or a draft greater than 8.5 meters.

§ 119. (requirement visibility on the stretch Skudenesfjorden Karmsundet-Sletta) Vessels with greater length than 120 meters or a draft greater than 7 meters shall not use Karmsundet through sailing when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 120. (requirement visibility on Falkeidflæet the stretch Billingen - Kårstø terminal) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters inside straight lines drawn from Bill No lantern heading straight north to land at the complex and from Bill No lantern in direction 235 ° to shore at Austre Bokn when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 121. (prohibition of passing on Falkeidflæet the stretch Billingen Kårstø terminal) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall, in waters inside straight lines drawn from Bill No lantern heading straight north to land at the complex and from Bill No lantern in direction 235 ° to shore at Austre Bokn, just pass other vessels authorized by shipping control. It should always be kept a safety distance of at least 500 meters when passing. An exception is the tugboats assisting vessel on arrival and departure at the Kårstø terminal.

§ 122. (requires the use of a tugboat on Falkeidflæet the stretch Billingen Kårstø terminal) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall be tugboat fixed in waters inside straight lines drawn from Bill No lantern heading straight north to land at the complex and from Billingen lantern in a 235 ° direction to shore at Austre Bokn.

IV Sailing Rules in Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane

§ 123. (requires the use of a tugboat in the service of shipping control at Fedje) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting load greater than 20,000 BT shall use tug when they use waters within the baseline in the service Fedje shipping control.

§ 124. (requires the use of two-way fairway) Vessels shall use bidirectional fairway at Marstein described in NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulations.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels calling at port west of Korsfjorden, on the stretch from marstein lighthouse in the north to Slaatteroy light in the south, and from Hellesøy guy in the north to Tekslo lantern in the south.
Vessel with dangerous or polluting cargo and vessels with a length of 100 meters will be using bidirectional fairway at Fedje Osen and Holmengrå rendered in NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulations.

§ 125. (prohibition through sailing in Kobbe Leia) The following vessels shall not use waters from Kjær Ring Skjæret lantern in the west to Vonflua lantern in the east to the sailing:

vessel with dangerous or polluting goods which have greater length than 120 meters

vessels with a length of over 150 meters

vessels with a length of over 120 meters and a draft greater than 7 meters

vessels with a draft greater than 8 meters.

§ 126. (requires the use of certain waters by sailing in Kobbe Leia) Southbound vessels will use the waters north of Kjerringholmen and northbound vessels to use the waters south of Kjerringholmen.

§ 127. (prohibition of passage in Kobbe Leia and Vatle maelstrom) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods which have greater length than 100 meters and vessels of greater length than 120 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters:

from Kjær Ring Skjæret lantern in the south of Earl Hella lantern in north

from Hilleren lantern in the south of Earl Hella lantern in the north.

When visibility below 0.5 nautical mil shall vessels with a length of over 70 meters to pass other vessels.
In the cases referred to in subsections, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 128. (prohibition through sailing the waters on the stretch Vatle maelstrom of Sotra bridge) The following vessels shall not use waters from Hilleren lantern in the south to Sotra bridge in the north to the sailing:

vessel with dangerous or polluting goods and of greater length than 150 meters

vessels with a length exceeding 200 meters

passenger vessels with a length of 255 meters.

Calls to or leaving berth, anchorage or mooring in all waters between Hilleren lantern in the south and to Skjeljanger lantern in the north, is not regarded as through sailing.

§ 129. (prohibition through sailing in waters on the stretch There naua Skjeljanger) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods which have greater length than 70 meters and vessels with a draft greater than 6 meters should not use the waters of the naua lantern in south to Skjeljanger lantern in the north to the sailing.
The first paragraph does not apply to passenger vessels in regular service.

§ 130. (prohibition of passage in the naua) Vessels with greater length than 50 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters between the naua lantern and Paris Holmen lantern.

§ 131. (prohibition of passage in Ringholm Sundet) Vessels with greater length than 100 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters of Ringholmen lantern in the south to Skjeljanger lantern in the north.

§ 132. (ban on the use of waters by Sture) Vessels shall not use waters within the following positions:

60 ° 33.59 'N 004 ° 49.59' E

60 ° 32.79 'N 004 ° 49.21' E

60 ° 32.65 'N 004 ° 49.35' E

60 ° 32.46 'N 004 ° 49.95' E

60 ° 32.41 'N 004 ° 50.28' E

60 ° 32.81 'N 004 ° 51.04' E.

The first paragraph does not apply to vessels calling at or leaving the Sture terminal and vessel assist upon arrival or departure.

§ 133. (ban on the use of waters by Rongeværosen) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo and vessels with a length of 100 meters shall not use waters from Rongevær lantern in the south to Rongeværsund lantern in the north.

§ 134. (ban on the use of waters by Rongeværskallen) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters between Rongeværskallen (60 ° 50.08 'N 004 ° 45.72' E) and Røvelskjæret cairn.

§ 135. (prohibition of use of waters at the Mongstad oil refinery) Traffic in waters ranging from land at Dyrøy and straight north to 200 meters north of the refinery's westernmost point (quays no. 7), and further at a distance of 200 meters from the refinery wharf, up to 200 meters east of quay easternmost point (quays no. 14) is prohibited for all vessels, except vessels calling at or leaving the Mongstad oil refinery and vessels assisting during arrival or departure at the refinery.

§ 136. (prohibition through sailing in Hillesøyosen) Vessels with greater length than 120 meters shall not use waters between Hillesøyna and years through sailing.

§ 137. (prohibition through sailing Tusk Osen) The following vessels shall not use waters between Tusk inserts lantern and Røytingkalven lantern through sailing:

vessel with dangerous or polluting goods which have greater length than 150 meters

vessels with length greater than 180 meters

passenger vessels with a length of over 210 meters.

§ 138. (prohibition of passage in Tusk Osen) Vessels with greater length than 120 meters shall not pass other vessels in the waters west of Røytingekalven if visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mil.

§ 139. (prohibition through sailing of Mjømnesundet and Ånnelandsundet) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods and greater length than 70 meters and vessels with a length of 100 meters, will not use the waters through sailing.

V Sailing Rules og Romsdal

§ 140. (requires the use of waters at the entrance to Nyhamna) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods with greater length than 200 meters and a draft greater than 9 meters will use Budadjupet and Harøy Fjord by sailing between Nyhamna and pilot embarkation at Ona.

§ 141. (requires the use of waters on the stretch Nyhamna and anchorages in Karlsøyfjorden and Midfjorden) Vessels carrying dangerous or contaminated cargo sailing between Nyhamna and anchorages in Karlsøyfjorden and Midfjorden to use waters through Julsundet.

§ 142. (ban on the use of waters at the terminal at Nyhamna) Vessels shall not use waters in an area bounded by straight lines between the following positions:

62 ° 51.50 'N 006 ° 56.73' E (Selsneset)

62 ° 51.20 'N 006 ° 58.00' E

62 ° 51.05 'N 006 ° 57.96' E (Stein Neset).

The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that have permission from the terminal at Nyhamna or vessel assisting another vessel that has such a permit.

§ 143. (requirement visibility in the waters at Nyhamna) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods with greater length than 170 meters shall not use the caution area as shown in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info" when visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 144. (requires the use of escort vessels in the waters at Nyhamna) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall have an escort vessel attached seagoing in the caution area as shown in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info."
Vessel with dangerous or polluting goods using Harøy Fjord or Midfjorden by sailing between cautionary area as shown in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info" and pilot embarkation in Breisundet shall have the assistance of an escort vessel east of Hogsteinen guy.

§ 145. (requires the use of anchorages for vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods on their way to or from Nyhamna) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods on their way to or from Nyhamna, and who need anchorage should use one of these anchorages:

anchorage in Karlsøyfjorden indicated by straight lines between the following positions:

62 ° 42.61 'N 007 ° 22.26' E

62 ° 41.95 'N 007 ° 17.40' E

62 ° 42.96 'N 007 ° 17.40' E

62 ° 43.66 'N 007 ° 22.26' E

anchorage in Midfjorden indicated by straight lines between the following positions:

62 ° 39.41 'N 006 ° 56.82' E

62 ° 38.83 'N 006 ° 53.54' E

62 ° 39.60 'N 006 ° 53.20' E

62 ° 39.82 'N 006 ° 55.62' E.

VI Sailing Rules in Finnmark

§ 146. (requires the use of waters at the entrance to Melkøya) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods, which are to arrive at or depart from the terminal at Melkøya, or to anchor or departure from berth in the waters, to use the waters west of Rolvsøya and east of the South Island on a voyage between Melkøya and pilot embarkation west of Fruholmen.

§ 147. (ban on the use of waters at the terminal at Melkøya) Vessels shall not use waters within a radius of 200 meters around Melkøya. This does not ship with permission from the terminal at Melkøya.

§ 148. (ban on the use of waters around the terminal at Melkøya) Vessels shall not use waters inside a straight line from Meland (pos. 70 ° 40.63 'N 023 ° 38.40' E) in direction 220 ° to the coordinates 70 ° 39.30 'N and 023 ° 34.50' E and from there in a radius of 1.5 nautical mil from south-west brink of Melkøya, when shipping control in Vardo issuing bans on the use of waters in connection with arrival and departure from terminal at Melkøya.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that have permission from the terminal at Melkøya or vessels that assist vessels that are authorized.

§ 149. (requirement visibility of stretch Lopphavet-Sørøysundet-Fruholmen) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods shall not use waters between Karken lantern in south and Fruholmen lantern in the north when the visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 150. (requires the use of an escort vessel at the terminal at Melkøya) Vessels carrying dangerous or polluting cargo should use escort vessels when calling at or departing from the terminal at Melkøya.
Vessels mentioned in subsection shall by sailing in the service Vardo shipping control have an escort vessel attached to the waters between Karken lantern in south and Litle industry lantern in the north. Escort vessel must be attached before the vessel leaves the dock or anchorage.

VII Sailing Rules on Svalbard

§ 151. (requirements for vessels that use Akselsundet) Vessels using Akselsundet should have anchors ready for immediate use. It should be deployed crew at anchor.

§ 152. (prohibition of Akselsundet) Vessels with greater length than 160 meters shall not use waters in Akselsundet east of Millar Odden (77 ° 44.05 'N 014 ° 23.76' E) when the current through the strait is greater than 1.5 knots or wind speeds of 14 meters per second.
Waters mentioned in the first paragraph shall not be used by vessels with a length of 250 meters or a draft greater than 15 meters.

§ 153. (requirement visibility in Akselsundet) Vessels with greater length than 160 meters shall not use waters in Akselsundet east of Millar Odden (77 ° 44.05 'N 014 ° 23.76' E) when visibility is less than 1 nautical mil.

§ 154. (prohibition of passage in Akselsundet) Vessels with greater length than 50 meters or vessels carrying hazardous or polluting goods shall not pass other vessels in Akselsundet.
In the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, a vessel must keep a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical mil to vessels sailing in the same direction.

§ 155. (requires the use of a tugboat in Akselsundet) Vessels with greater length than 160 meters shall be assisted by two tugs when passing Akselsundet, where one must be attached before passing Akselsundet and throughout the passage of the strait. Vessels shall not commence its approach before it obtained confirmation that the position of the light buoy in waters controlled.

Chapter 4. Route Measures in Norwegian Economic Zone

§ 156. (geographical scope) Chapter 4 applies in the Economic Zone and affected parts of Norway's territorial waters with the limitations imposed by international law. Route measures apply areas specified in the chapter.

§ 157. (whom § 158 and § 159 applies to) § 158 applies to the following categories of vessel:

oil tankers as defined in MARPOL consolidated edition 2011, Annex I


Chemical tanker vessels transporting noxious liquid substances in bulk when the substances are assessed or provisionally assessed as Category X or Y according to MARPOL consolidated edition 2011, Appendix II, and

vessel of 5,000 gross tons and more that are in transit or international traffic to or from Norwegian ports.

§ 158 does not apply to any size or category of vessels in domestic voyages with passengers or cargo between Norwegian ports.
§ 159 applies to all tankers regardless of size, including gas and chemical tankers, as well as all other cargo vessels of 5,000 gross tons and more, in international traffic on the stretch between Vardø and Røst, except for vessels sailing outside the Norwegian territorial waters and economic zone.

§ 158. (use of traffic separation scheme, sailing routes and routing system for the section between Egersund Risør and stretch between Round and Utsira) For vessels specified in § 157 subsection who travel on the routes Egersund Risør and Lap-Utsira comes to traffic separation systems described in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulations.
Vessels shall as far as possible follow the recommended sailing routes for the stretch between the traffic separation systems.
Vessels caught in international traffic to a Norwegian port on the route between Round and Utsira, shall as far as possible follow the route systems until the point where safe course can be set directly at the harbor. Similarly, should such vessels upon departure from Norwegian ports put safe course directly towards the nearest traffic separation scheme and further follow route systems. This also applies to vessels calling at Norwegian ports for supplies or services.

§ 159. (use of traffic separation scheme, sailing routes and routing system for the stretch between Vardø and Røst) For vessels specified in § 157 subsection who travel on the routes Vardo Rost comes to traffic separation system as described in the NCA digital map "Coastal Info" which is part of the regulation.
Vessels shall as far as possible follow the recommended sailing routes for the stretch between the traffic separation systems.
Vessels caught in international traffic to Norwegian ports on the stretch between Vardø and Røst, shall as far as possible follow the route systems until the point where safe course can be set directly at the harbor. Similarly, should such vessels upon departure from Norwegian ports put safe course directly towards the nearest traffic separation scheme and further follow route systems. This also applies to vessels calling at Norwegian ports for supplies or services.

§ 160. (supervision) NCA oversees compliance with the provisions of this chapter are complied with.
Vessels that do not follow the route measures will be requested by the NCA to follow the measures. Vessels that the request should not follow route measures will be reported to its flag.

Chapter 5. Criminal liability.

§ 161. (criminal liability) Violation of Regulations Chapters 2 and 3 or individual decisions issued pursuant thereto is punishable by law on 17 April 2009 No.. 19 on ports and waterways § 62.

Chapter 6. Commencement. Repeal of other regulations

§ 162. (effective) regulations come into force on 1 October 2015.
From the same date, the Regulations on 15 December 2009 No.. 1684 on maritime traffic in specific waters.