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The Regulation On The Coordination Of Occupational Pension With Additional Pension From The National Insurance Scheme When Earning Have Been By Different People

Original Language Title: Forskrift om samordning av tjenestepensjon med tilleggspensjon fra folketrygden når opptjeningen har vært ved forskjellige personer

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The regulation on the coordination of occupational pension with additional pension from the national insurance scheme when earning have been by different people.

Date of 1989-12-20-170 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs published in 1989 1177, entry into force with effect from 20.12.1989 01.07.1989, 31.12.1976 last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1957-07-06-26-23 short title § Announced regulations on the coordination of occupational pension established by the Ministry of Social Affairs 20. December 1989 under the legal authority of the law of 6. July 1957 No. 26 about the coordination of pension and social security benefits § 23 Nr. 3. section 1. Coordination section 23 Nr. 2 the second paragraph coordination with the additional pension from the national insurance scheme shall be made under the provisions of the law No. 23 coordination section 2 the second paragraph.
Social Ministry's regulations of 17. June 1987 No. 509 on the coordination of occupational pension with additional pension from the national insurance scheme is ending.
Allowance for the additional pension from the national insurance scheme in the widow/enkemannspensjon from the occupational pension scheme shall be calculated from the deceased's earning, even though this does not affect the earning the size of the supplementary pension which is actually paid out from the national insurance scheme.

§ 2. After payment after payment shall take place from the pension was confessed, at the earliest from 1. January 1977. When calculating the payment amount will be added after the pension raise per 1. April 1989 and the period of time after payment to happen for, without any reduction in relation to the descending base amount.

§ 3. Estranged After coordination section 23 Nr. 2, third paragraph, the provisions of the second paragraph shall apply accordingly even if the don't have the right to additional pension after the deceased.
The estranged to have the same coordination free part of the supplementary pension as a divorcee not under the same conditions otherwise.
In determining the coordination deduction for the additional pension to be it is calculated an additional pension on the basis of their own and the deceased's additional pension under the provisions of the insurance law § § 7-4 No. 1 and 8-6 Nr. 1 added to reason by the articulation. From this additional pension deducted by the deceased's own 55 percent earned additional pension after coordination section 23 Nr. 2 the second paragraph first sentence. Excess amounts are so be kept from the articulation in the same way as for not divorced. Fribeløpet is deducted from the fraskiltes additional pension in the national insurance scheme, and the difference will go to deductions in the pension service.

§ 4. Entry into force these regulations will take effect immediately and be given effect from the same time as the law changes of 16. June 1989 Nr. 851 and 15. December 1989 Nr. 902.