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Reinforces The Means And Skills Of Technical Unit Of Budget Support And Initiate The Third Amendment To The Resolution Of The Assembly Of The Republic N° 20/2004 Of 16 February (Structure And Competencies Of The Assembly Of The Republic)

Original Language Title: Reforça os meios e as competências da Unidade Técnica de Apoio Orçamental e procede à terceira alteração à Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 20/2004, de 16 de Fevereiro (estrutura e competências dos serviços da Assembleia da República)

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" Reinforces the means and competences of the Technical Support Unit, and proceeds to the third amendment to the Assembly Resolution

of the Republic No. 20/2004 of February 16 (Structure and Competences of the Assembly Services of the Republic) "

The situation that the Country runs through is of real emergence of public finances, making

even more important an effective fight for the public deficit, which provides results

visible as early as 2010.

Last weekend, the Government undertook, in Brussels, for the purpose of

reach, already this year, an additional deficit reduction, from at least 1 p.p. of GDP in the face of the

commitments of the Stability and Growth Programme, the objective of which was clearly

assumed to be counterpart by the decisions that the European Council and the Central Bank

European took in the defence of the stability of the Euro and therefore in the defence of stability

economic and financial from countries such as Portugal.

The PSD understands as indispensable that this objective of additional deficit reduction is

fulfilled by Portugal, but considers that, in order to ensure transparency and rigour of the

application of the measures that come to be approved to achieve deficit reduction, should be

supervised monthly monitoring of budget implementation, by independent entity

of the Government, specifically by the Technical Support Unit (UTAO) and reinforced

their means with the recourse to state bodies.

It further considers that, in order for the reduction of the public deficit to be effectively achieved

Sustained mode, it becomes necessary to ensure the commitment of the end of the resource to the

public disbudgeting, set tight limits on the borrowing of the Central Administration,

of the public companies and the Regional and Local Administration, as well as the abolition of

any exception to the observance of the Code of Public Contracting, by services or

companies participated by the state.


For this, it is proposed to strengthen the skills of UTAO in the sense of this technical unit

passing on the competence for the realization of reports with quarterly periodicity, à

regional and local administration and to all public or participating entities and companies of

sectors whose budget implementation is considered critical, in the form of the strict determination

of the borrowing values of these entities and of the investment per se carried out. Equally

for the implementation of these new tasks if it proves necessary to strengthen the human means

of that unit.

In these terms, the Assembly of the Republic resolves, under the provisions of paragraph 5 of the article

166. of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the following:

Single article

Article 10-The Resolution of the Assembly of the Assembly of the Republic No 20/2004 of February 16,

is replaced by the following:

" Article 10.

Technical Support Unit


a) [...];

b) [...];

c) Technical monitoring of the budget implementation, for the whole

Public administrations, including in the analysis to draw up the following elements (in

absolute value for the large items and also as a percentage of GDP for the

budget balance):

i) Budget approved;

ii) Monthly and cumulative implementation at the end of the period under review;

iii) Projection for the end of the year.

d) [...];

e) [...];


f) [...];

g) Realization of quarterly reporting on contracted borrowing and investment

conducted in all entities and companies in the public sector and the Administration

Regional and Local.

2-A UTAO is composed of eight to ten technicians, to recruit through internal mobility or

ceding of public interest, pursuant to the Law of Organization and Health of the

Services of the Assembly of the Republic (LOFAR) and too much applicable legislation.


4-[...]. "

Assembly of the Republic, May 14, 2010.

The Deputies