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Recommends That The Government Study The Inclusion Of Seasonal Flu Vaccine In The National Immunization Program

Original Language Title: Recomenda ao Governo o estudo da inclusão da vacina contra a gripe sazonal no Programa Nacional de Vacinação

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Parliamentary Group




Exhibition of reasons

The National Programme of Vaccination should integrate vaccines considered more

important to defend the health of the Portuguese population. In the case of seasonal influenza, the

annual vaccination is the most effective method to prevent and control infection and its

complications. In the elderly and in the most debilitated or in the chronic patients, the vaccine can

not prevent influenza, but it avoids the most serious forms, namely its


In Portugal, between 2000 and 2004, 152,731 internships occurred in hospitals

public, with diagnosis of pneumonia and influenza, of which 63% reported to

people over the age of 65 years, i.e., an average gross annual rate of

internships of 1,179.4 per 10,000 inhabitants. In the same period occurred 16,182

deaths, by pneumonia and influenza, in the age group referred to, corresponding to 91% of the total

of deaths recorded by this cause. Flu mortality rate starts to rise

in the average age of life, being higher in individuals with ages higher than 65

years and / or with underlying chronic pathology. This age group presents rates of

hospitalization and mortality from pneumonia and influenza higher than those of the population in

overall, corresponded to them about 90% or more of the flu deaths.


Vaccination is safe and effective preventing the onset of influenza in up to 75% of the

situations and decreasing the severity of the disease in 98% of cases. The vaccination of the

non-institutionalized elderly population can reduce the number of internships by 25

at 39% and global mortality by 39 a to 75% during the gripal season. In the elderly

institutionalized the flu vaccine can reduce internships (by all

causes) in 50%, the risk of pneumonia by about 60% and the risk of death (by all

causes) in 68%. For these reasons, the increase in vacinal coverage in this group

is of crucial importance.

The share of seasonal influenza vaccines awarded to each country is limited. For that reason

and to seek to ensure the availability of vaccines for population groups

that more of it benefits, annually, the General Directorate of Health recommends that the

prescription of the seasonal influenza vaccine is judicious. However, without possibility

of controlling the dispensation of the seasonal influenza vaccine, the appeal of DGS to a

rational prescribing has not had the desired effect, with some people staying without

vaccine or to only have access to it already outside the recommended vaccination period

(preferably, in October).

The World Health Organization has set itself the target for 2010 to vaccinate 75% of the

people over the age of 65 years. In the last four epochas griparents, for which

there are data available, the proportion of individuals over the age of 65 years

vaccinated against influenza was 42% at the time gripal of 2005/2006, 50% in de

2006/2007, 51% in that of 2007/2008 and 53% in that of 2008/2009.

In the face of the high rate of complications and mortality associated with seasonal influenza in the

risk groups, the inclusion of the vaccine in the National Programme of Vaccination, the

end of promoting greater vacant coverage of these groups. The additional costs,

arising from the free supply to these groups, are compensated for by the reduction of the

costs associated with the treatment of influenza complications and the internment (which

decreases significantly).

The seasonal flu vaccine, for the next Outono-winter, will include the virus

pandemic influenza A (H1N1). Having the influenza A vaccine at the time 2009/2010 was

provided and administered free of charge at health centres, the same is justified.


form of acting for the seasonal influenza vaccine. Not only the production of the vaccine

against seasonal influenza is also limited, as its cost-effectiveness is superior.

Thus, under the applicable constitutional and regimental provisions, the Group

Parliamentary speaker of the Left Bloc proposes to the Assembly of the Republic to recommend the


-The inclusion in the National Programme of Vaccination of the seasonal influenza vaccine and

its annual administration through the vaccination services of the health centres,

to all individuals included in the priority target groups, who wish that they

is administered the vaccine.

Assembly of the Republic, April 30, 2010.

The Deputies and Deputies of the Left Bloc,