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Authorizes The Government To Create A Special Regime Of The Expropriations Necessary To The Implementation Of An Infrastructure That Integrates Applications Benefiting From Cofinancing From Community Funds, As Well As For The Development Of Infrastruct...

Original Language Title: Autoriza o Governo a criar um regime especial das expropriações necessárias à realização de infra-estruturas que integram candidaturas beneficiárias de co-financiamento por fundos comunitários, bem como das infra-estruturas afectas ao desenvolvimento de p

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Proposed Law No. 33 /XI

Exhibition of Motives

The National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 (QREN), approved by the

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86/2007 of July 3 constitutes the document

strategic for the period 2007-2013 that frames the concretization in Portugal of

economic, social, and territorial development policies through the structural funds

and of cohesion associated with the cohesion policy of the European Union. In this context, it is anticipated

that the implementation of the QREN and the respective operational programmes is viabiliated by the

mobilization of significant community resources-some 21.5 thousand million Euros,

that ensure the realization of investments in the economy, society and the territory

national on the order of the 44 thousand million Euros.

The Government has been adopting measures with a view to speeding up the implementation of the QREN,

to highlight the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between the Government and the Association

National of Portuguese Municipalities, on March 9, 2010, which translated into a Plan

of Initiatives to Promote the Execution of Municipal Initiative Investments in the

scope of the QREN. This Initiatives Plan had as its main objectives to accelerate, the

short term, the implementation of the municipal initiative projects within the framework of the QREN and

strengthen the recognition of municipalities, particularly through communities

intermunicipal, as a strategic partner of public development policies,

growth and employment.



In line with the disigning of ensuring maximum use of community funds

available within the framework of the QREN, the Government takes as a priority to promote and guarantee

the implementation of infrastructures considered strategic for development and the

competitiveness of the national territory, and which integrate beneficiary applications of co-

community funding within the framework of the QREN.

From among these infrastructures stand out those considered decisive in the Programme of the

XVIII Constitutional Government, specifically the infrastructures in the areas of

water supply and sewage sanitation, waste management, and the

business competitiveness in the context of regional development.

In the first area, in the sector of water supply and wastewater sanitation,

the Strategic Plan of Water Supply and Wastewater Sanitation for the

period of 2007-2013 (PEAASAR II), approved by Despacho n. 2339/2007, 14 of

February, (2 th series), has devoted to Portugal a strategy of approximation to standards

of water supply and wastewater sanitation of the most advanced countries of the

European Union.

According to the PEAASAR II, the achievement of these goals must translate, between

other measures, in the realization of the investments necessary for the completion and expansion of the

multimunicipal systems at "high" and the continuation of the infrastructure of the strand in

"low", with special focus on investments that enshrine the articulation between both

the strands, determining the mobilization of the QREN community funds to support the

execution of the same.

In the second area, in the waste management sector, the Strategic Plan for Waste

Urban Solids for the period 2007-2016 (PERSU II), approved by the Portaria



n ° 187/2007 of February 12, advocates for an increase in the installed national capacity

of digestion of anaerobic, composting, mechanical and biological treatment and the

selective collection of organic matter, so as to ensure compliance with the targets of

landfill diversion, planned for 2009 and 2016, without jeopardizing sustainability

economic of them.

Like the PEAASAR II, the PERSU II also assumes as a determinant of articulation

of the same with the QREN. As it refers to, the implementation of the measures

recommended requires an inevitable financial effort, in particular from those concerning the

construction of new infrastructure and or the adaptation of existing ones, so as to

achieve performance levels consistent with the intended goals, predicting-

if the investments in question are sustained by the QREN.

In the third and last area, in the business competitiveness sector, the XVIII Programme

Constitutional government associates regional development with modernization initiatives

of the Portuguese economy and its infrastructures, with a view to the full

of the wealth creation capacity of all and each of the areas of the territory

national, in a framework of sustainable development.

These initiatives presuppose the potentials of the strategy and the tools provided for in the

QREN, specifically the specific regulation " Support System for Areas of

Corporate Reception and Logistics " created within the framework of the QREN and which aims, in the framework

territorial of the northern regions, Centro, Alentejo and Algarve, namely, the creation,

requalification and conversion of areas of corporate reception, raising its quality

and qualification, rationalizing and giving coherence to the regional and local network of this type of

spaces, as well as support for the management of these platforms, particularly with regard to the

provision of shared services, and still the promotion of local entrepreneurship.

In this context, attests to the country's needs in supply infrastructure of

wastewater and wastewater sanitation, in infrastructure for the valorisation of waste



urban solids and in infrastructure of business reception areas, as well as the

priority of the Government assigned to the promotion of the implementation of the QREN, it is necessary that

these infrastructures are completed and enter into exploration with the greatest brevity

possible, making a significant contribution to achieving the goals set by the Government and

for the stimulus of the economy.

Thus, the similarity of the special scheme established for the necessary expropriations to the

delivery of certain hydroelectric profiteers approved by the

Decree-Law No. 301/2009 of October 21, and authorized by Law No. 83/2009, 26 of

August, urge to create an analogous regime for the expropriations necessary for the realization of the

infrastructure that integrates beneficiaries of community co-funding,

particularly those identified above as prioritised, so as to potentiate their most

quick execution. In that measure, it matters to ensure that the recognition of the utility is

public wants the recognition of the urgent character of expropriations and measures to


The present special scheme is without prejudice to the rigour that projects of this complexity require,

applying exclusively to projects that have been the subject of analysis and pre-selection in the

scope of your application to the competent technical body for the allocation of the funds

Community and safeguard the rights of private individuals, ensuring their right to fair


It is also intended to apply this special regime of expropriations to the completion of the infra-

water supply, wastewater sanitation and valorisation structures of

municipal solid waste, co-financed by the Cohesion Fund in the period 2000-2006,

and to the realization of the infrastructures allocated to the development of logistics platforms which

integrate the National Network of Logistics Platforms, approved by the Decree-Law

no 152/2008 of August 5 in such a way as to facilitate the inherent procedures

administrative and potentiate the beneficial effects for the economy of this initiative.

The "Logistic Portugal" is an essentially private initiative plan, taking over the

State a regulatory position and facilitator for the realization of the same. The Regime



Legal of the National Network of Logistics Platforms advocates that it is incumbent on the State to

facilitation of the development of logistics activities connected to the transport or the

goods, involving the promotion of links to platforms under construction or the


In this way, it is intended to streamline the implementation and completion of the ambitious network of

logistics platforms designed and promote the location of the productive activities together

of the infrastructures of the "Logistic Portugal", as a form of valorisation and planning

of the territory.

The conjugation of this special regime with the said decree-law, allowing for simplification and

or the celerity of administrative procedures, is determinant to foster,

decisively, private investment and potentiating, in particular, the increment of

economic activity and the creation of employment.


Under the terms of the paragraph d) of Article 197 (1) of the Constitution, the Government presents to the

Assembly of the Republic the following proposal for a law:

Article 1.


1-Stay the Government authorized to approve a special scheme of the necessary expropriations

to the realization of the following infrastructures:

a) The infrastructures that integrate co-funding applications

by the European Regional Development Fund or the Cohesion Fund

within the framework of the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 (QREN),

approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86/2007 of July 3;

b) The infrastructures that integrate co-funding applications

by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.



2-Considerate in particular covered by the point a) from the previous number the

following infrastructures:

a) The water supply and wastewater supply infrastructure

provided for in the Strategic Plan for Water Supply and Sanitation of

Wastewater for the period 2007-2013 (PEAASAR II), approved by the

Order No. 2339/2007, of February 14, (2 th grade);

b) The infrastructure for the valorisation of municipal solid waste provided for in the

Strategic Plan for Urban Solid Waste for the period of

2007-2016 (PERSU II), approved by the Portaria No. 187/2007, of 12 of

February; and

c) The infrastructure for the creation, expansion, qualification or conversion of areas of

business reception provided for in the specific Regulation " Support System

of Corporate Reception and Logistics " of the QREN.

3-It is still the Government authorized to apply the special expropriations scheme

provided for in paragraph 1:

a) On the completion of water supply infrastructure, sanitation

wastewater and urban solid waste valorisation, co-financed by the

Fund for Cohesion in the period 2000-2006, whose procedures of

expropriation if they start after the entry into force of the present special scheme;

b) To the realization of the infrastructures allocated to the development of platforms

logistics that integrate the National Network of Logistics Platforms, approved

by Decree-Law No. 152/2008 of August 5.



Article 2.

Sense and extension

1-The sense of legislative authorization is to allow to make more agile the process of

expropriation for the construction of the infrastructure referred to in the previous article,

allowing, with regard in particular to the infrastructures that integrate applications

benefits of co-funding by the European Regional Development Fund

or by the Cohesion Fund in the framework of the QREN, a further speedy implementation of the QREN,

well as their best harnessing.

2-A The extension of the legislative authorization is as follows:

a) Declare the public usefulness, as a matter of urgency, of the expropriations of the

real estate and inherent rights necessary for the realization of the infrastructures

referred to in the preceding paragraph;

b) Enshrine public utility restrictions on the real estate required by

crossing or the occupation by underground ducts and by paths of

circulation arising from the construction of those infrastructures, as well as to the

realization of geological prospections, surveys and other studies

convenient, being always guaranteed the corresponding compensation, in the

general terms of law, and the possible reposition of the previous situation, in the terms

of the law;

c) Establish specific rules for the process of expropriations required to

implementation of the infrastructure referred to in the previous article;

d) To consider as actions of relevant public interest, pursuant to paragraph 1 of the

article 21 of Decree-Law No 166/2008 of August 22 and paragraph 1 of the article



25. of the Decree-Law No. 73/2009 of March 31, the actions strictly

necessary for the implementation of the infrastructure referred to in the previous article,

relating to works of civil construction, communication routes and accesses,

construction of buildings, canals, landfilings and excavations that develop in

areas included in the National Ecological Reserve or which entail the use of

soils integrated into the National Agricultural Reserve.

3-For the purposes of the c ) of the preceding paragraph, lies the Government authorized to establish the


a) Dispensation from the initial application provided for in Article 12 of the Code of

Expropriations, approved by Law No. 168/99, of September 18, without prejudice

of the maintenance of the applicability of Article 13 (3) of the same Code;

b) Possibility of identification by ministerial order, under proposal of the

entity responsible for the implementation of the infrastructure, real estate to

which refers to ( a ) of the previous number, worth this dispatch as

declaration of public utility, in accordance with Article 13 (2) of the Code of


c) Confer on the entity responsible for the construction of the infrastructure, after the

obtaining the approval of the respective construction project, without dependence

of other formalities, the administrative possession of the immovable property referred to in the

point ( a ), in the terms provided for in Articles 20 and following of the Code of


Article 3.


The legislative authorization granted by this Law shall be for the duration of 90 days.

Article 4.



Entry into force

This Law shall come into force on the day following that of its publication.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of June 24, 2010

The Prime Minister

The Minister of the Presidency

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs



The National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 (QREN), approved by the

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86/2007 of July 3 constitutes the document

strategic for the period 2007-2013 that frames the concretization in Portugal of

economic, social, and territorial development policies through the structural funds

and of cohesion associated with the cohesion policy of the European Union. In this context, it is anticipated

that the implementation of the QREN and the respective operational programmes is viabiliated by the

mobilization of significant community resources-some 21.5 thousand million Euros,

that ensure the realization of investments in the economy, society and the territory

national on the order of the 44 thousand million Euros.

The Government has been adopting measures with a view to speeding up the implementation of the QREN,

to highlight the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between the Government and the Association

National of Portuguese Municipalities, on March 9, 2010, which translated into a Plan

of Initiatives to Promote the Execution of Municipal Initiative Investments in the

scope of the QREN. This Initiatives Plan had as its main objectives to accelerate, the

short term, the implementation of the municipal initiative projects within the framework of the QREN and

strengthen the recognition of municipalities, particularly through communities

intermunicipal, as a strategic partner of public development policies,

growth and employment.

In line with the disigning of ensuring maximum use of community funds

available within the framework of the QREN, the Government takes as a priority to promote and guarantee

the implementation of infrastructures considered strategic for development and the

competitiveness of the national territory, and which integrate beneficiary applications of co-

community funding within the framework of the QREN.



From among these infrastructures stand out those considered decisive in the Programme of the

XVIII Constitutional Government, specifically the infrastructures in the areas of

water supply and sewage sanitation, waste management, and the

business competitiveness in the context of regional development.

In the first area, in the sector of water supply and wastewater sanitation,

the Strategic Plan of Water Supply and Wastewater Sanitation for the

period of 2007-2013 (PEAASAR II), approved by Despacho n. 2339/2007, 14 of

February, (2 th series), has devoted to Portugal a strategy of approximation to standards

of water supply and wastewater sanitation of the most advanced countries of the

European Union.

According to the PEAASAR II, the achievement of these goals must translate, between

other measures, in the realization of the investments necessary for the completion and expansion of the

multimunicipal systems at "high" and the continuation of the infrastructure of the strand in

"low", with special focus on investments that enshrine the articulation between both

the strands, determining the mobilization of the QREN community funds to support the

execution of the same.

In the second area, in the waste management sector, the Strategic Plan for Waste

Urban Solids for the period 2007-2016 (PERSU II), approved by the Portaria

n ° 187/2007 of February 12, advocates for an increase in the installed national capacity

of digestion of anaerobic, composting, mechanical and biological treatment and the

selective collection of organic matter, so as to ensure compliance with the targets of

landfill diversion, planned for 2009 and 2016, without jeopardizing sustainability

economic of them.



Like the PEAASAR II, the PERSU II also assumes as a determinant of articulation

of the same with the QREN. As it refers to, the implementation of the measures

recommended requires an inevitable financial effort, in particular from those concerning the

construction of new infrastructure and or the adaptation of existing ones, so as to

achieve performance levels consistent with the intended goals, predicting-

if the investments in question are sustained by the QREN.

In the third and last area, in the business competitiveness sector, the XVIII Programme

Constitutional government associates regional development with modernization initiatives

of the Portuguese economy and its infrastructures, with a view to the full

of the wealth creation capacity of all and each of the areas of the territory

national, in a framework of sustainable development.

These initiatives presuppose the potentials of the strategy and the tools provided for in the

QREN, specifically the specific regulation " Support System for Areas of

Corporate Reception and Logistics " created within the framework of the QREN and which aims, in the framework

territorial of the northern regions, Centro, Alentejo and Algarve, namely, the creation,

requalification and conversion of areas of corporate reception, raising its quality

and qualification, rationalizing and giving coherence to the regional and local network of this type of

spaces, as well as support for the management of these platforms, particularly with regard to the

provision of shared services, and still the promotion of local entrepreneurship.

In this context, attests to the country's needs in supply infrastructure of

wastewater and wastewater sanitation, in infrastructure for the valorisation of waste

urban solids and in infrastructure of business reception areas, as well as the

priority of the Government assigned to the promotion of the implementation of the QREN, it is necessary that

these infrastructures are completed and enter into exploration with the greatest brevity

possible, making a significant contribution to achieving the goals set by the Government and

for the stimulus of the economy.



Thus, the similarity of the special scheme established for the necessary expropriations to the

delivery of certain hydroelectric profiteers approved by the

Decree-Law No. 301/2009 of October 21, and authorized by Law No. 83/2009, 26 of

August, urge to create an analogous regime for the expropriations necessary for the realization of the

infrastructure that integrates beneficiaries of community co-funding,

particularly those identified above as prioritised, so as to potentiate their most

quick execution. In that measure, it matters to ensure that the recognition of the utility is

public wants the recognition of the urgent character of expropriations and measures to


The present special scheme is without prejudice to the rigour that projects of this complexity require,

applying exclusively to projects that have been the subject of analysis and pre-selection in the

scope of your application to the competent technical body for the allocation of the funds

Community and safeguard the rights of private individuals, ensuring their right to fair


It is also intended to apply this special regime of expropriations to the completion of the infra-

water supply, wastewater sanitation and valorisation structures of

municipal solid waste, co-financed by the Cohesion Fund in the period 2000-2006,

and to the realization of the infrastructures allocated to the development of logistics platforms which

integrate the National Network of Logistics Platforms, approved by the Decree-Law

no 152/2008 of August 5 in such a way as to facilitate the inherent procedures

administrative and potentiate the beneficial effects for the economy of this initiative.

The "Logistic Portugal" is an essentially private initiative plan, taking over the

State a regulatory position and facilitator for the realization of the same. The Regime

Legal of the National Network of Logistics Platforms advocates that it is incumbent on the State to

facilitation of the development of logistics activities connected to the transport or the

goods, involving the promotion of links to platforms under construction or the




In this way, it is intended to streamline the implementation and completion of the ambitious network of

logistics platforms designed and promote the location of the productive activities together

of the infrastructures of the "Logistic Portugal", as a form of valorisation and planning

of the territory.

The conjugation of this special regime with the said decree-law, allowing for simplification and

or the celerity of administrative procedures, is determinant to foster,

decisively, private investment and potentiating, in particular, the increment of

economic activity and the creation of employment.


In the use of the legislative authorization granted by the Law No. ___/___, of __de ______, and in the

terms of the points a ) and b ) of Article 198 (1) of the Constitution, the Government decrees the


Article 1.


1-The present decree-law establishes the special arrangements for the necessary expropriations to the

realization of the following infrastructures:

a) The infrastructures that integrate co-funding applications

by the European Regional Development Fund or the Cohesion Fund

within the framework of the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 (QREN),

approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86/2007 of July 3;

b) The beneficiary infrastructures of co-financing by the European Fund

Agriculture of Rural Development.

2-Considerate in particular covered by the point a) from the previous number the

following infrastructures:



a) The water supply and wastewater supply infrastructure

provided for in the Strategic Plan for Water Supply and Sanitation of

Wastewater for the period 2007-2013 (PEAASAR II), approved by the

Order No. 2339/2007, of February 14, (2 th grade);

b) The infrastructure for the valorisation of municipal solid waste provided for in the

Strategic Plan for Urban Solid Waste for the period 2007-

2016 (PERSU II), approved by the Portaria No. 187/2007 of February 12; and

c) The infrastructure for the creation, expansion, qualification or conversion of areas of

business reception provided for in the specific Regulation " Support System

of Corporate Reception and Logistics " of the QREN.

3-The present special arrangements for expropriations is still applicable, with due


a) On the completion of water supply infrastructure, sanitation

wastewater and urban solid waste valorisation, co-financed by the

Fund for Cohesion in the period 2000-2006, whose procedures of

expropriation if they start after the entry into force of the present decree-read;

b) To the realization of the infrastructures allocated to the development of platforms

logistics that integrate the National Network of Logistics Platforms, approved

by Decree-Law No. 152/2008 of August 5.

Article 2.

Public usefulness and urgency of expropriations

1-Are deemed to be of public utility and as a matter of urgency, in the terms of the article

15. of the Code of Expropriations, the expropriations of real estate and rights

inherent necessary to the realization of the infrastructures referred to in the previous article.



2-Compete to the entity responsible for the implementation of each infrastructure, without

injury to the government's own competences, promote and develop the

representations inherent in the procedure of expropriations in accordance with the

present decree-law and with the Code of Expropriations, in the applicable part, being

responsible for the deposit of the amount or of the collateral referred to in Article 20 of the

Code of Expropriations as well as for the respective fair compensation.

Article 3.


1-Saved in the cases provided for in Article 14 (2) of the Code of Expropriations, is of the

competence of the member of the Government of the guardian to determine by order, under proposal

of the entity responsible for the implementation of the infrastructure, the real estate to which if

refers to paragraph 1 of the previous article, making it without dependence on the initial application

provided for in Article 12 of the Code of Expropriations and the formalities to it concerning,

without prejudice to Article 13 (3) of the same Code, validating that dispatch as

declaration of public utility, in accordance with Article 13 (2) of the Code of


2-A concretization of the declaration of public utility of the goods to which the number

previous may consist of the plant approval of the site of the situation of these goods to

expropriate, containing the precise delimitation of the respective limits and which mentions

graphically the scale used, or in the approval of the map that mentions the areas, the

owners and the remaining interested and, where possible, the predial description and the

matricial enrollment.

3-The dispatching referred to in paragraph 1 is published, accompanied by the approved plant or the

map of areas and list of owners and too much interested, and the publication

mention the places where these elements can be consulted.



Article 4.

Administrative possession

With the publication of the order referred to in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article is conferred on the

entity responsible for the implementation of the infrastructure the immediate administrative possession

of the goods to expropriate, pursuant to the terms set out in Articles 20 and following of the Code of


Article 5.

Warranty and content of claims

The expropriations provided for in this decree-law confers on expropriates the right to

receive the payment of a fair compensation, in accordance with the criteria and the

procedures provided for in the Code of Expropriations, specifically as to the forms

of payment, the guarantees of payment, the payment of the respective interest and the

attribution of this value to those interested.

Article 6.

Crossing and occupation of private buildings

1-It is guaranteed to the managing entities responsible for the implementation of the infrastructures to

referred to in Article 1, the right to cross or occupy private buildings, of

agreement with studies and projects, with underground pipelines or pathways of

circulation required or imposed by the realization of the infrastructure.

2-It is still guaranteed to the entities referred to in the preceding paragraph the right to be held

geological prospections, surveys and other convenient studies in buildings

particulars necessary for the design and implementation of the infrastructure, existing duty

of reposition of the initial conditions of the building.

3-The owners affected by the measures provided for in the preceding paragraphs are due

compensation for the burden constituted, pursuant to the Code of Expropriations.



Article 7.

National Agricultural Reserve, National Ecological Reserve and cultural heritage

1-Are considered actions of relevant public interest, pursuant to Article 1 (1)

21. of the Decree-Law No. 166/2008 of August 22, and of Article 25 (1) of the

Decree-Law No. 73/2009 of March 31, the actions strictly necessary for the implementation

of the infrastructure, relating to works of civil construction, communication routes and

accesses, construction of buildings, canals, landfills and excavations that develop in

areas included in the National Ecological Reserve (REN) or which entail the use of

soils integrated into the National Agricultural Reserve (RAN).

2-The actions referred to in the preceding paragraph shall compulsorily be communicated to the

relevant regional coordination and development commission (CCDR) in the case in the

REN, or to the competent regional entity in the case of RAN.

3-Stay subject to prior communication, pursuant to Art. 22 of the Decree-Law

n ° 166/2008 of August 22 of the Portaria No 1247/2008 of November 4 and of the

Portaria No. 1356/2008 of November 28, the shares of prospecting and polling

necessary for the design of the infrastructure, which you can start on the 15-day time frame

after the submission of the prior communication.

4-Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the CCDR, within 15 days after the

presentation of the preview communication, may establish restrictions, conditioners or

measures to minimise the prospecting and polling actions in question, notifying,

for the purpose, the entity responsible for the implementation of the infrastructure.

5-A violation of the terms and conditions set out in the CCDR notification referred to in the

previous number or the realization of the prospecting and polling actions without which

has been presented the preview communication constitute environmental counterordinance

very serious, pursuant to Law No. 50/2006 of August 29, as amended by the Law

n. 89/2009 of August 31 and by the Declaration of Rectification No 70/2009 of 1 of




6-It shall apply to the actions referred to in paragraph 2 and 3, the provisions of Article 36, in paragraphs 5 a to 8 of the

article 37 and in Articles 38 and 39 of the Decree-Law No 166/2008 of August 22,

whenever they are in cause areas included in the REN.

7-Under the terms of Law No. 107/2001 of September 8, the Institute of Management of the

Architectural and Archaeological Heritage, I. P., may, within 15 days after the

presentation of the prior communication provided for in Article 40 of Law No 107/2001 of 8 of

September, establish restrictions, conditioners or measures of minimization to actions

of prospecting and probing in cause, notifying to the effect the entity

responsible for the implementation of the infrastructure.

Article 8.


The surveillance of this decree-law shall compete with the CCDR, the regional directions of

agriculture and fisheries and municipalities, as well as other competent entities in reason

matter or area of jurisdiction.

Article 9.

Public domain

The present legal regime is without prejudice to the application of the legal regime of heritage

public real estate, approved by the Decree-Law No. 280/2007 of August 7, and still

Implementation of the Military Infrastructure Programming Act, passed by the Organic Law

n. 3/2008, of September 8.

Article 10.

Subsidiary regime

The expropriations provided for in this Decree-Law shall be carried out in accordance with the Code of

Expropriations in anything that is not provided for in this Law.



Article 11.

Application in time

The powers granted by the present decree-law shall lapse, in respect of each of the

infrastructure referred to in Article 1, with the respective entry into operation or,

when it is the case, with the act of declaration of the end of the respective procedure of


Article 12.

Entry into force

This decree-law shall come into force on the day following that of its publication.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of

The Prime Minister

The Minister of State and Finance

The Minister of the Presidency

The Minister of Justice

The Minister of Economy, Innovation and Development

The Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries

The Minister of the Environment and Planning of the Territory

The Minister of Culture