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On Amendments To The Federal Law "about Lotteries" And Certain Legislative Acts Of The Russian Federation

Original Language Title: О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон "О лотереях" и отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации

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Russian Federation On Amendments to Federal Law on Lotteries and Russian Federation Legislative Acts Adopted by the State Duma December 2013 Approved by the Federation Council on 25 December 2013 Article 1 2003 N 138th-FZ lotteries (Legislative Assembly Russian Federation, 2003, N 46, 4434; 2005, N 30, sect. 3104; 2006, N 6, sect. 636; 2008, N 30, sect. 3616; 2010, N 27, sect. 3414; N 31, est. 4183; 2011, N 27, sect. 3880; N 30, est. 4590; 2013, N 19, st. 2326) the following changes: 1) in article 2: a) in paragraph 1, the words "(lottery operator)" should be replaced by "(lottery operator)", the words " lottery. The contract between the lottery organizer and the lottery participant is entered into on a voluntary basis and is processed by the issue of lottery ticket, ticket, other document or other stipulated conditions of the lottery. The contract between the lottery operator and the lottery participant is concluded on a voluntary basis and is issued by lottery ticket, lottery ticket or electronic lottery ticket. A lottery ticket, a lottery ticket, an electronic lottery ticket is required to be present at the stage of the production (creation) of the relevant document and (or) the lottery participant "; b). Paragraph 4 should read as follows: " 4) lottery lottery fund is a procedure carried out by the lottery operator with the use of lottery equipment and is based on the principle of random winnings, to be paid, transferred or successful lotteries in accordance with the conditions of the lottery; "; , paragraph 5, paragraph 5, amend to read: " (5) Instantiating ticket-the document certifying the right to participate in the lottery and confirming the conclusion of the contract between the lottery operator and the raffle party; "; g) to supplement paragraphs 5-1 and 5-2 as follows: " 5-1) lottery ticket-a fiscal document issued by a lottery terminal, which is the right to participate in lottery and confirmation of the contract between the lottery operator and the participant lotteries; 5-2) electronic lottery ticket-electronic document certifying the right to participate in the lottery, confirming the conclusion of the agreement between the lottery operator and the lottery participant containing secure information about the lottery A registered lottery bet placed in the lottery center, which allows to identify the lottery participant who paid the lottery rate in the order established by the lottery conditions, In the light of the requirements of the Federal Act of 27 July 2006, N 149-FZ " On the information, information technology and information security ";"; d) paragraphs 6 to 16, as follows: " 6) the lottery is organized by the federal executive authority, authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation The Federation is in the established procedure for the lottery. The lottery is held by the lottery organizer through the lottery operator; 7) Lottery organization-implementation of the events, including the competition for the selection of the lottery operator, the award of the contract lottery operator, lottery conditions are approved; 8) lotteries-provision of services to carry out activities that include distribution (implementation, accounting) of lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets, lottery receipts, agreements with the manufacturer of lottery tickets, of the lottery equipment, lottery terminals, distributors and (or) other necessary contracts for the lottery, conclusion of contracts with participants of the lottery, including the reception and accounting of lottery bets, prize fund lottery tickets, lottery tickets, lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets, payment, transfer or granting of winnings to participants of the lottery; 9) the lottery operator is a registered person in the lottery of the Russian Federation The contract with the lottery organizer in accordance with this Federal Law; 10) the distributor-the person who concluded the contract for distribution (implementation, issuance) of lottery tickets, lottery tickets, lottery tickets, lottery tickets, payment, transfer or winning of lottery participants; 11) the person who has reached the age of eighteen years with the right to a lottery participating in the lottery prize fund on the basis of a prisoner with a lottery operator; 12) lottery proceeds-money received from lottery tickets, lottery lottery acceptance rate; 13) lottery deductions-part of the proceeds from the lottery to carry out a lottery that is directed to certain articles 11 of this Federal Law of the Purpose; 14) Instantive Equipment (Random Number Generator, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic or Other Technical Device), used to determine the winning lottery (lottery winners), lottery lottery; 15) the lottery bid is the price of one paid lottery combination. The lottery ticket rate is confirmed by the lottery ticket participant, lottery ticket, lottery ticket participant direction of the lottery and registration An electronic lottery ticket; 16) the annual lottery report-information that the lottery operator is required to publish annually in the media and (or) on the Internet. Composition of the information included in the annual report on the conduct of the lottery and the order of its publication shall be determined by the federal executive authority authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation; "; e) to supplement paragraphs 17 to 21. to read: " 17) the lottery combination is a combination of the words, drawings, symbols or numbers applied to the lottery ticket, a lottery ticket and an electronic lottery ticket; 18) the lottery terminal is a technical device. Intent to accept lottery bets (input or selection of lottery combinations or lottery combinations) and lottery tickets used in lottery lottery; 19) lottery program for Electronic computer systems designed and used to collect data on distributed lottery tickets and accepted lottery rates, and to record and register or manage lottery equipment during the prize fund lottery lottery. The lottery programs used in the lottery should not contain hidden capabilities that are not described or do not correspond to the capabilities described in the technical software documentation and where possible breach of the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the information being processed; 20) the lottery center is a set of software and hardware connected to the Internet and other communication networks for receiving and Transfer of information from lottery terminals (to lottery terminals) and to record lottery rates, electronic lottery tickets, and to store and process information about them. The lottery center should protect information from loss, theft, distortion, forgery, unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, copy and take such actions, as well as unauthorized access. "Internet"; (21) Number of lottery tickets sold, lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets participating in a prize fund (part of prize fund) lottery in accordance with the conditions of the lottery. "; 2) in article 3: a) of Part 1 and Part 2, set out in next revision: " 1. The types of lottery being held in the territory of the Russian Federation are determined according to the manner in which it is carried out and the territory of the Russian Federation. 2. The lottery is divided into a lottery and a lottery lottery. The lottery lottery fund between all the participants of the lottery is held in a single period after circulation of lottery tickets, lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets. The lottery may include separate print runs. It is not allowed to use more than one lottery equipment at the same time to determine the winning lottery (winning lottery) combination. Lottery lottery, where information to determine winnings is included in lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets at the stage of their production (creation). When the lottery lottery is held, the lottery participant immediately after paying the lottery ticket, receipt of a lottery ticket, an electronic lottery ticket and identification of the lottery ticket (s) of hidden inscriptions, drawings, numbers, or the symbols will determine whether or not the winnings are available or not. "; b) Part 3 recognizes void; in) Part 4 should read: " 4. The Lottery, depending on the territory, is divided into the international and all-Russian state. The International Lottery, which is being held in the territories of two or more States, including the territory of the Russian Federation, on the basis of an international treaty of the Russian Federation. Russian State Lottery, which is held in the entire territory of the Russian Federation. g. 5 to 8, shall be declared void; 3) in article 4: (a) in Part 1: Paragraph 1, amend to read: "(1) by the Government of the Russian Federation to carry out lotteries;"; paragraphs 2 and 2 to 1 shall be declared invalid; , add the following: "3-1) maintenance of a single lottery registry;" Paragraph 4 should read: "(4) the implementation of the federal state supervision of the lottery;"; paragraphs 7 and 8 shall be declared void; b) Part 2 should read as follows: " 2. The State regulation of the relations arising in the organization of the lottery and its conduct, in part 1, paragraphs 3-1 to 6 of this article, is exercised by the federal executive authorities empowered by the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation. "; in) part 3 to 6 shall be declared void; 4) article 5, amend to read: Article 5. The unified register of lottery terminals Single register of lottery terminals is conducted by the federal executive authority of the Russian Federation authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for maintaining a unified register of lottery terminals and the composition of the information included in it shall be approved by the federal executive authority, authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. "; 6) Article 6-1, amend to read: " Article 6-1. Limits on Lottery 1. During the election campaign, the referendum campaign does not allow the holding of a lottery, in which prizes are won or participating in a prize depends on the results of the voting, the results of the elections, the referendum, or which are otherwise connected with the election, a referendum. 2. No gambling under the guise of lotteries is permitted. 3. It is not allowed to conduct lotteries using game equipment, including slot machines. 4. It is not permitted to carry out lotteries using the Internet and other means of communication, as well as lottery terminals, with the exception of lotteries specified in article 3, paragraph 4, of this Federal Law. "; 7) article 7, paragraph 7, shall be declared void. (8) in article 8: (a) in Part 2: paragraph 3 should read as follows: "3) the purpose of the lottery;"; paragraph 4 should read as follows: " 4) the name of the lottery organizer and the name of the operator lotteries by their location, bank details, taxpayer identification number; "; paragraph 5 to be declared invalid; paragraphs 12 and 13, amend to read: " 12) Order the distribution of lottery tickets, lottery reception rates; 13) the price of a lottery ticket; "; points 15 and 16, as follows: " 15) the size of the lottery planned distribution of the lottery prize fund according to size (as a percentage of the lottery proceeds); 16) the order of the lottery prize fund, the algorithm for determining winnings, and the rules of the lottery, which runs from circulation to the superprize; "; paragraph 17 (b) Part 3, as follows: " 3. Changes in the conditions of the lottery are carried out on the basis of the decision of the organizer of the appropriate lottery. Changes in the lottery conditions stipulated in paragraphs 2, 3 and 6 of Part 2 of this article shall be carried out on the basis of the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation. "; Part 5, to read: " 5. The lottery organizer approves the terms of the lottery on the basis of the conditions presented by the winner of the lottery competition operator. "; 9) Article 9 to declare invalid; 10) in article 10: (a) in Part 1: paragraph 2 restates: " (2) The size of the proceeds of the lottery, provided for by the lottery, is 10 percent of the difference between the lottery operator's revenue from the lottery for the reporting quarter, and The amount of the lottery operator paid by the operator during the reporting quarter; "; to supplement paragraphs 3 to 5 with the following content: " 3) the obligation of the lottery operator to pay the proceeds of the lottery in the amount of the contract is provided by an irrevocable bank guarantee; 4) the irrevocable bank guarantee period provided for in paragraph 3 of this Part may not be less than five years, with subsequent renewal or redesign for the entire period of the lottery; 5) The bank guarantee referred to in paragraph 3 of this Part shall be issued. A bank included in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provided for in Article 74-1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a list of banks meeting the established requirements for the adoption of bank guarantees for the purpose of taxation. "; b), part 2, shall be declared invalid; 11) in Article 11: a) Part 1 should read: " 1. The proceeds of the lottery are used to finance socially significant objects and activities. "; b) in Part 2, replace the words" Lottery Operator "with the words" Lottery Operator "; 12) article 12, as follows editions: " Article 12. The requirements for lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets, information about lotteries 1. The lottery ticket should contain the following mandatory props: 1) the number and date of the Government of the Russian Federation's lottery order; 2) the name of the lottery operator and the number of its contact telephone number; 3) Lottery name; 4) lottery number; 5) name of the lottery organizer; 6) extracts from the lottery conditions sufficient to form a lottery of an adequate submission on the lottery, about the winning algorithm, the size of the winnings and the order its receipt; 7) the size of the lottery prize fund (as a percentage of lottery revenue); 8) the price of a lottery ticket or a single rate (minimum lottery value); 9) date and location The lottery prize fund, as well as the dates and sources of publication of the official results of the lottery (for lottery lottery); 10) information about the place and dates of winning winnings. 2. The electronic lottery ticket should contain the following mandatory props: 1) the name of the lottery operator; 2) the number of the electronic lottery ticket; 3) the name of the lottery organizer; 4) The price of a lottery ticket or the price of one lottery bet. 3. The information about the lottery with the use of an electronic lottery ticket must be placed on the official website of the Lottery operator on the Internet and contain the following conditions: 1) number and date of government order Russian Federation to hold the lottery; 2) the name of the lottery operator and its contact number; 3) the name of the lottery; 4) the name of the lottery organizer; 5) excerpts of the conditions The lottery is sufficient for the participant of the lottery to be adequate Lottery, the win-win algorithm, the winning size, and the order of its receipt; 6) the size of the lottery prize fund (as a percentage of the proceeds of the lottery); 7) the price of a lottery ticket or a price One lottery (lottery) rate; 8) the date and location of the lottery prize fund, as well as the dates and sources of official results of the lottery (lottery lottery); 9) location information and the timing of the winnings. 4. Information about electronic lottery tickets is recorded and stored in the lottery processing center in the order approved by the lottery organizer. 5. The requirements for the protection of lottery tickets used in lottery lottery tickets can be set in a lottery and (or) lottery contract. 6. The lottery tickets used in the lottery lottery are protected from polygraphic products. "; 13) in article 12-1: a) the name should read: " Article 12-1. The requirements for lottery equipment and lottery terminals "; b) in Part 2 replace the word" checks "; in) with parts 2-1 and 2-2 as follows: " 2-1. The Lottery equipment should not be able to accept a lottery (input or selection of a lottery or lottery combination) and should not be connected via a lottery terminal. 2-2. The lottery equipment used in the lottery lottery must protect information from loss, theft, distortion, unauthorized actions for its destruction, modification, copying and other similar actions; and unauthorized access by a data network. "; g) Part 3 after the words" In lottery equipment "to add words", lottery terminals "; d) parts 4 and 5 to void; e) in Part 6 of the word "at twelve o'clock" to read "15 minutes"; f) 8-10 (c) To be declared void; (s) to be supplemented with Parts 11 to 14 as follows: " 11. The Lottery terminal should provide: 1) Inlet (selection) of lottery combinations; 2) Inline Rate (Int-Rate); 3) Inline Rate (lottery) data transfer to the processing center Inlottery information for registration and accounting; 4) the reception of the adopted lottery (lottery bets) from the center of the lottery information; 5) the reception of data on the results of the draw from the center lottery processing; 6) to issue a lottery lottery participant lottery receipt showing the selected participant's lottery combination (selected lottery combinations); 7) storing of accepted and registered lottery rates. 12. Lottery terminals should not contain hidden (unedited) capabilities, information arrays, nodes, or aggregates that are not available for inspection. 13. The terminals should protect information from the loss, theft, tampering, tampering, unauthorized acts of destruction, modification, copying and similar actions, and unauthorized access to the Internet. 14. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to set additional requirements for lottery equipment and lottery terminals. "; 14) to supplement Article 12-2 with the following content: Article 12-2. Requirements for lottery locations tickets, electronic lottery tickets, Lottery terminals Lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets cannot be distributed, and lottery tickets terminals cannot be installed: 1) in buildings, facilities where children's, educational and medical facilities are located; 2) in buildings, buildings where religious and religious organizations are located. "; 15) in article 13: (a) the name should be stated in , to read: " Article 13. The organization and conduct of the lottery "; b), Part 1, as follows: " 1. The organizers of the lottery are: 1) the federal executive body, which is responsible for the formulation and implementation of public policy and regulatory legal system. The regulation of physical culture and sports; (2) the federal executive body, which is responsible for the formulation of public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the sphere of budget activity. "; in) to be completed with Part 1-1, with the following content: " 1-1. The procedure for the submission of documents by the federal executive authorities referred to in part 1 of this article shall be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. "; Part 2 and 3, amend to read: " 2. The lottery period is 15 years with the possibility of extension by the Government of the Russian Federation on the initiative of the lottery organizer in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The date of the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to hold the lottery is considered to be the beginning of the lottery. 3. The lottery operator is determined by the federal executive authority, which is authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation for the organization of the lottery, following an open competition conducted in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law. " d) Part 4-6 to declare invalid; 16) to supplement Article 13-1 as follows: " Article 13-1. Lottery statement requirements 1. The Lottery operator is obliged: 1) to have exclusive rights to the lottery programs, including licensing contracts for the use of such programs; 2) to disclose to the lottery organizer information about Persons who may have a significant (direct or indirect) influence on the lottery, as well as notify the organizer of the lottery in case the membership of the founders (participants) or the head is changed in the order established by the Commissioner by the federal executive authority approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. 2. The Lottery operator cannot be a legal person, a leader, a member of a collegiate executive body, or a chief accountant, who has a criminal record for an economic crime (except for those who have such a criminal record). The criminal record is extinguished or removed). 3. The lottery operator cannot be a legal person, a leader, a founder whose members may have had an influence on the lottery, during which they were not executed or were executed with a breach of the obligation in the part of the enumeration (c) Article 14, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Contract for the International Criminal Court (art. Lottery Prize Foundation 1. The prize fund of the lottery is formed from the proceeds of the lottery. The Lottery Fund is used solely for the payment, transfer or award of winning lottery winners. 2. The Lottery operator is not allowed to burden the prize fund of the lottery with any obligations, except for obligations to the lottery players for payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as to use the lottery prize fund other than payment, transfer or provision of winnings. The lottery fund cannot be reprimanded for other obligations of the lottery organizer. 3. The lottery lottery fund is formed before circulation. Article 18: 19) in Part 1: Article 18: in the first word "organizer" Replace the word "operator"; , in paragraph 1, with the words "lottery lottery", delete; , in paragraph 2, replace the words "the relevant act" with the words "the lottery committee"; b) to supplement 1 to 1 as follows: " 1-1. The composition of the information included in the lottery committee is approved by the federal executive authority authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. "; in Part 3, as follows: " 3. In order to control the lottery lottery, the lottery organizer has the right to send representatives to work in the lottery committee. "; g) Part 5 should read: " 5. The results of the prize fund of each lottery lottery are to be published in the media and placed by the lottery operator on the Internet within ten days from the day of the said draw. "; 20) Article 19, part 1, paragraph 1, should read: "1) identification of the raffle ticket, the electronic lottery ticket, figures, numbers or symbols;"; 21) in article 20: (a) Part 1, amend to read: " 1. The withdrawal of the lottery does not exempt the lottery operator from the need to pay, transfer or provide winnings, including examination of winning lottery tickets, lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets, and Other necessary actions. The Lottery operator is required to complete the lottery, including payment, transfer or provision of winnings, and to perform other necessary actions against those of the lottery participants with which he or she has concluded the contract, or return money for distributed lottery tickets, accepted lottery rates in case the lottery fund was not held. "; b) in Part 2: in the first word of" lottery organizer " to be replaced with words "Lottery operator"; paragraph 2 should be redrafted to read: "2) payout, transfer or award of gain on the basis of a lottery participation contract;"; in paragraph 3 of the word "(except for the enabling Lottery)" delete; in Part 3-5, amend to read: " 3. A lottery participant, in accordance with article 1063 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, has the right to apply to the court in cases of delay in payment, transfer or payment of the prize or not to pay, not to transfer or not to provide the winning of the operator The lottery. 4. The lottery operator is not entitled to provide information about the lottery participant to third parties, except in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5. If the lottery is terminated, the lottery operator must stop the circulation of lottery tickets (at the lottery); within six months from the date of termination of the lottery, inform the lottery participants through the funds Mass information; ensure the refund of lottery tickets (lottery bets), distributed (accepted) but not involved in the conduct of the lottery; payment, transfer or lottery lottery winnings on a previously held lottery copies. "; g) in Part 6: in paragraph 2 of the word" (except the enabling lottery) "delete; to add to the following paragraph: " In a lottery lottery payment, transfer, or The provision of winnings up to one thousand rubles must be provided at the time of determination of the winning lottery ticket, the electronic lottery ticket and their presentation to the distributor. The winning ticket is paid by the operator of the lottery not later than 30 days after the presentation of the winning lottery ticket, the electronic lottery ticket. "; e) of Part 7-9. in the following edition: " 7. Monetary gains that are not in demand in the terms of the lottery, including cash equivalents in kind, are deposited in a special account and are stored in the Russian Federation's Civil Code Period of limitation, after which it is credited to the federal budget. 8. The lottery operator is required to keep records of lottery commissions, lottery tickets, lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets, documents on payment, transfer or delivery of winnings, the size of which is required for three years. The conditions of the lottery make it necessary to conduct an examination of the winning lottery ticket, a winning lottery ticket, a winning electronic lottery ticket. 9. The lottery operator is required to publish annually the annual report of the lottery and the results of the mandatory annual audit in the media and (or) post on the Internet no later than 1 June of the year following the reporting year year. "; e) add the following content: " 10. Information about the conditions of the lottery, the data about its organizer and operator should be published in the media, placed on the Internet, and should be placed in the places of implementation of lottery tickets, the installation of lottery terminals and be available to the lottery participant. "; 22) in article 21: a) the name should read: " Article 21. Federal State supervision of lotteries "; b), Part 1, as follows: " 1. Federal State supervision over the lottery is carried out by the authorized federal executive authority in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State supervision authority). "; Part 2, paragraph 1, of Part 5, paragraph 1, should read: "1) by a legal person for a lottery contract;"; (d) Part 6, amend to read: " 6. The basis for an unscheduled inspection is: 1) the expiry of the period of execution by a legal person of the order issued by the State supervisory authority to remove the detected breach of compulsory requirements; 2) (a) State supervision of citizens ' applications and statements, including individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, information from the public authorities, local authorities, and the media on the mandatory requirements; 3) availability Decisions of the head (deputy head) of the State supervisory body on an unscheduled inspection issued in accordance with the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation. "; e) in Part 7 delete the words "or the municipal control authority" delete; (g) in Part 9: in the first word of "State supervision authorities, municipal control authorities" shall be replaced by the words "the State oversight body"; Paragraph 2 of the word "or municipal control" should be deleted; (23) Article 22 should be declared void; 24) Article 23 should be amended to read: Article 23. Audit of the Lottery operator Maintenance of accounting and financial (accounting) statements of the lotteries is subject to mandatory annual audit. "; 25) parts 2 to 5 of article 24 to be lost power; 26) to supplement articles 24-1 to 24-17 as follows: Article 24-1. Competition for the right to contract to lotteries 1. For the purposes of this Federal Act, competition is understood to be a tender, the winner of which is recognized as the person who has offered the best terms of performance of the contract for the lottery (hereinafter-the contract). 2. The application for participation in the competition may be submitted by a legal entity regardless of the organizational and legal form registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. Participation in the competition may be restricted only in cases provided for by this Federal Act and other federal laws. 4. The organizer of the lottery may be required to make money in order to secure the application for participation in the contest (hereafter also-the requirement of the application for participation in the contest). At the same time, the application for participation in the competition may not exceed five per cent of the initial (maximum) contract price. In the event that the lottery organizer is required to apply for participation in the competition, this requirement applies equally to all participants of the competition and shall be specified in the tender documentation. 5. The peculiarities of the procedure for holding a competition for the lotteries, which are not regulated by this Federal Law, may be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Article 24-2. Competition Commission 1. A competitive commission is created for selection, consideration of applications and selection of the winner by the lottery organizer. 2. The procedure for the creation of a competitive commission is approved by the lottery organizer. Article 24-3. Order Location Participants 1. The participant of the order placement is the person whose application for participation in the tender has been reviewed and approved by a tender commission. The Competition Commission shall consider applications in the manner prescribed by article 24 to 12 of this Federal Law. 2. Order placement participants have the right to speak in relation to placing an order, either directly or through their representatives. The credentials of representatives of the participants of the order shall be confirmed by a power of attorney issued and issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 24-4. Requirements for Order Location Participants 1. When placing an order, the following mandatory requirements are set for the order participants: 1) the failure to remove the order participant and the absence of a decision by the arbitral tribunal to recognize the ordering participant (a bankrupt) and the opening of a competitive process; 2) the participant of placing an order for arrears of taxes, fees, and arrears for other mandatory payments into the budgets of the Russian Federation's budget system (for instance) except for the amounts that have been granted by the grace period, In accordance with the Russian Federation's legislation on taxes and fees, which are restructured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which has a enforceable court decision on Recognition of the claimant's obligation to pay these amounts, or which are deemed uncollectable, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on taxes and charges) over the past calendar year, which exceeds twenty-five per cent of the book value of the asset of the participant in the procurement Accounting records for the last reporting period; (3) the presence of an agreement with a bank included in the list defined in article 10 of this Federal Law of Intent to provide an irrevocable intent a bank guarantee conforming to the requirements laid out in article 10 of this Federal Law; 4) the existence of a draft of the conditions and a feasibility study for the lotteries in accordance with this Federal Law and the competition law documentation; 5) compliance with the requirements of Article 13-1 of this Federal Law; 6) the absence of facts of the fact that the participant of the order is not evading the award of a contract for the lottery, and the absence of the facts of the termination of the contracts by a court decision or the facts of a unilateral refusal Organizer of the lottery from contract execution in connection with a significant violation by the participant of the order of the terms of the contract; 7) the availability of the documents stipulated in article 24, paragraph 11, paragraph 11, of this Federal Law. 2. In addition to the requirements specified in Part 1 of this article, the lottery organizer shall not have the right to impose other requirements on the participants of the order. Article 24-5. Conditions for admission to competition 1. When considering applications for participation in the competition, the bid-order participant is not allowed by a tender commission to participate in the competition in the case of: 1) failure to provide the documents defined in article 24, paragraph 3, of this Federal Law, or the existence in such documents of false information about the place of order; 2) not conforming to the requirements of article 13-1 of this Federal Law; 3) not to provide a document or copy A document confirming the payment of funds as security Applications for participation in the tender if the request for such applications is indicated in the tender documentation; 4) non-conformity of the request for participation in the tender to the requirements of the tender documentation, including the availability of such offers The price of a contract exceeding the initial (maximum) contract price. 2. Refusal to participate in the competition on other grounds other than those specified in part 1 of this article shall not be permitted. 3. The organizer requests information from the relevant authorities and organizations about the removal of the bid-order applicant who has applied for participation in the competition, for the award of the award by the arbitral tribunal to recognize such a participant In the Russian Federation's budgetary system for the past calendar year, the payment of a tax payment, fees and arrears for taxes, charges and arrears for the past calendar year Appeals against the availability of such arrears, debt and the outcome of complaints. 4. In cases of uncertainty of the information contained in the documents submitted by the participant of the order under Part 3 of Article 24-10 of this Federal Law, determination of the fact of the liquidation of the participant To order or make a decision by the arbitral tribunal to declare the participant insolvent (bankrupt) and to open a competitive process, the fact that such a member has been entitled to arrears of taxes, charges and arrears in other mandatory payments OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION which exceed twenty-five per cent of the book value of the asset of such a participant in the accounts for the last completed reporting period, provided that the participant of the order is not appealing the existence of the said Under the legislation of the Russian Federation, the lottery organizer, the competition commission is obliged to remove the participant from the competition at any stage of the competition. 5. The decision of the tender commission to dismiss the participant of the order from participation in the competition or the decision of the tender commission to refuse admission to the contest may be appealed by such a participant in the prescribed manner. Article 24-6. Notice of competition 1. Notice of the contest is organized by the lottery organizer on his official website (hereinafter referred to as the official website) at least thirty days before opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and opening of access to submitted in the form online applications for participation in the competition. 2. The notice of the tender must include the following information: 1) the name, location, postal address and e-mail address, the phone number of the lottery organizer; 2) the subject of the contract; 3) the initial (maximum) contract price (the contract price refers to the remuneration of the operator, which is the amount of the lottery proceeds, except for the lottery prize fund and the trust funds earmarked for the lottery); 4) the time, place and manner of the solicitation documents, the official site where the tender documentation is located; 5) the place, date and time of the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and the opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest, the place and The date of consideration of such applications and the review of the results of the competition. 3. The organizer of the lottery has the right to make a decision on making changes to the notice of the contest not later than five days before the date of the application for participation in the contest. The subject of the competition shall not be changed. Within one day of the adoption of the said decision, such changes will be made by the lottery organizer on the official website. At the same time, the deadline for submitting applications for the contest should be extended so that from the date of the posting on the official website of the changes made in the notice of holding of the contest until the date of completion of applications for participation in the contest, the period was not less than twenty days. 4. The organizer of the lottery, who placed the advertisement on the official website, has the right to refuse to hold it no later than fifteen days before the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the contest. Notice of refusal of the contest is placed on the official website by the organizer of the lottery within two days from the date of the decision on the refusal of the competition. Within two working days from the date of adoption of the decision, the lottery organizer opens the envelopes with applications for participation in the competition, opens access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest and is sent Relevant notifications to all order applicants who have applied for the competition. In the event that a request for participation in the competition is established, the lottery organizer returns the money made to the participants of the order as collateral for the bid, within five working days of the competition. Adoption of the agenda. Article 24-7. Content of the competitive documentation 1. The competition document is developed and approved by the lottery organizer and must contain the requirements established by this Federal Law as well as the lottery organizer. 2. The documentation shall contain: 1) in accordance with Articles 24 (2)-5 of this Federal Law of the requirement to the content, form, presentation and composition of the application for participation in the tender, including the application submitted in the form of the electronic document signed in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the electronic document) and the instructions for filling it out; (2) requirements for the description of offers by the participants of the order Lottery; 3) the conditions and timing of the lottery; 4) the initial (maximum) contract price; 5) the contract price formation order; 6) the order, location, date of the start date, and the end date of the tender deadline. At the same time, the date of the start of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the contest is the day following the day of posting on the official website of the notice of the contest. The date of the deadline for applying for the competition is determined in accordance with part 2 of article 24-11 of this Federal Law; 7) requirements for the participants in the order placed in accordance with the article 24-4 of this Federal Law; 8) a list of documents confirming that the party has fulfilled the order and the deadline for the withdrawal of the order and the date of withdrawal of the order applications for participation in the competition, the procedure for making changes in such applications. At the same time, the deadline for the withdrawal of applications for participation in the competition is set out in accordance with Part 9 of Article 24-10 of this Federal Law; 10) the form, order, date of the beginning and end of the date of granting the order Clarifications of the provisions of the solicitation documents in accordance with article 24, paragraph 1, of this Federal Law; 11), the place, order, date and time of the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and the opening of the application in the form online applications for participation in the competition. The date and time of the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and the opening of applications for participation in the electronic documents is established in accordance with Part 1 of Article 24-11 of this Federal Law; 12) criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition, established in accordance with article 24, paragraph 3, of this Federal Law; 13) procedure for evaluating and comparing bids; 14) application for participation in the competition, time and order of payment of funds to provide such a request, account details to transfer the specified funds in case the lottery organizer has established a request for participation in the competition; 15) the period and the procedure for granting an irrevocable bank The guarantee by the participant of placing the order, as well as requirements for its form and content; 16) from the date of posting on the official site of the protocol of assessment and comparison of applications for participation in the contest, during which the winner of the competition must sign the contract. The time limit must be at least ten days. 3. A draft contract must be attached to the solicitation documents, which was an integral part of the solicitation documents. 4. The information contained in the solicitation documents shall correspond to the information specified in the advertisement of the competition. Article 24-8. Procedures for the provision of competitive documentation 1. In the course of the competition, the lottery organizer shall ensure the placement of the competition documents on the official website within the period stipulated in Article 24-Part 1 of this Federal Law, at the same time as the advertisement of the competition. 2. From the day on the official website of the notice of the contest, the organizer of the lottery, on the basis of a written application by any interested person within two working days of the receipt of the corresponding statement To provide the person with competitive documentation in the manner indicated in the advertisement of the competition. In this case, the solicitation documents shall be made in writing and in the form of an electronic document without charge. 3. No competitive documentation shall be provided prior to the posting on the official website of the competition. 4. Competitive documentation placed on the official site must comply with the competitive documentation provided in accordance with the procedure established in part 2 of this article. Article 24-9. Clarification of the provisions of the competition document and make changes to it 1. Any order participant has the right to submit a request for clarification of the provisions of the competition documents in writing to the lottery organizer. Within two working days of the receipt of the request, the lottery organizer is obliged to send in writing or in the form of an electronic document explaining the provisions of the competitive documentation if the request is received by the organizer Lotteries no later than five days before the end of the application for participation in the contest. 2. Within one day from the date of clarification of the provisions of the solicitation documents upon request of the place holder, such clarification should be placed by the organizer of the lottery on the official website, specifying the subject of the request, but without specifying the order in which the request was made. Clarification of the provisions of the competitive documentation should not change its substance. 3. The organizer of the lottery, on his own initiative or in accordance with the request of the participants of the order, may decide to amend the tender documentation at least five days before the end date of applications for participation in the order. Competition. The subject of the competition shall not be changed. Within one day from the date of the decision to amend the tender documentation, such changes shall be made by the organizer of the lottery on the official website and will be sent by registered mail or electronic mail within two working days All participants in the placing of the order, which were provided with competitive documentation. At the same time, the deadline for submitting applications for the competition should be extended so that from the date on the official site of the changes made to the tender documentation before the date of the application for participation in the tender, the deadline was not less than twenty days. Article 24-10. Order for submitting applications for competition 1. In order to participate in the contest, the participants of the order submit an application for participation in the tender on time and in the form, which are set by competitive documentation. 2. An order participant submits an application for participation in a written form in a sealed envelope or in the form of an electronic document. The envelope also indicates the name of the competition for which the application is submitted. 3. The membership application should include the following information and documents about the place holder: 1) the trade name (name), details of the organizational and legal form, about the place location, mailing address, telephone number; 2) received no earlier than six months prior to the day of posting on the official website of the notice of the contest from the single state register of legal persons, or -certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a copy of this extracts; 3) a document confirming the authority of the person to perform the actions on behalf of the ordering participant (copy of the decision on appointment or election or appointment of a natural person to the post, in accordance with who has the right to act on behalf of the placing of the order without a power of attorney (hereinafter referred to as the manager). In the event that a different person is acting on behalf of the order's participant, the application for participation in the tender must also include a power of attorney to carry out the action on behalf of the order placing participant, certified by the seal of the ordering participant and signed by the head of the party placing the order either by the person authorized by that person or by a notarized copy of such power of attorney. In the event that the specified power of attorney is signed by the person authorized by the head of the order participant, the application for participation in the competition must also contain a document confirming the authority of such person; 4) copies of the constituent of the order-placing participant's documents; 5) a payment order confirming the transfer of the funds in order to secure the application for participation in the tender, or a copy of such an order (if the application for participation in Competition documentation); 6) documents, confirming the fulfilment by the participant of the order of requirements established by article 24-4 of this Federal Law; 7) a list of information about shareholders (participants) certified by the head of the order's party. The composition of the shareholders (participants) is determined by the organizer of the lottery documentation; 8) proposed by the participant of the order payment placement; 9) the intended participant of the placement { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b order } Experience in organizing and implementing lottery; 11) copies The existence of exclusive rights to the lottery programs or copies of licensing contracts for the use of such programmes. 4. All sheets of the tender, all sheets of the volume of the tender must be read and numbered. The application for participation in the tender and the request for participation in the tender must contain an inventory of the documents in their membership, be sealed with the seal of the order participant and signed by the participant of the order or by the person authorized by such participant Order placement. Compliance by a participant in the order of the specified requirements means that all documents and information included in the application for participation in the tender and the request for participation in the tender are submitted on behalf of the participants of the order and also confirm The authenticity and reliability of the application for participation in the tender and the request for participation in the contest of documents and information. It is not permitted to prescribe other requirements for the application for participation in the competition, except for the requirements of this part of the application for participation in the competition. At the same time, the participant of the order requirement that all the sheets for participation in the tender and the volume of the application for participation in the tender should be numbered shall not constitute grounds for refusing admission to the competition. 5. It is not permitted to require a participant to place an order other than those provided for in paragraph 3 of this article. It is not allowed to require the place participant to place the original documents. 6. Upon receipt of an application for participation in a competition submitted in the form of an electronic document, the lottery organizer must confirm in writing or in the form of an electronic document the receipt of the application within one working day of receipt of such application. 7. Applications for the competition shall be terminated on the date of opening of envelopes with such applications and opening access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the competition, taking into account the provisions of article 24-11 of this Federal Law. 8. Applicants who apply to participate in the competition are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of information contained in such applications before opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and opening of access to filed in the form of e-documents applications for participation in the competition. The persons holding an envelope containing applications for participation in the tender and applications for participation in an electronic document competition are not entitled to allow such envelopes and applications to be damaged prior to their opening in accordance with the article 24-11 of this Federal Law. 9. An order participant who has applied for the contest has the right to modify or withdraw the application to participate in the tender at any time until the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the contest and opening of access to the filed in the competition the form of e-documents applications for participation in the competition. In the event that a request for participation in the competition was established, the lottery organizer is obliged to return the applications for participation in the tender to the participant of the order placing the order Participation in the competition, within five working days from the day of receipt to the organizer of the notice of withdrawal of the application for participation in the contest. 10. Each envelope with an application for participation in the competition and each application submitted in the form of an electronic document for participation in the tender, received in the period specified in the tender documentation are registered by the organizer of the lottery. At the same time, the refusal to receive and register an envelope with an application for participation in the tender, which does not specify the details of the participant of the order placing such an envelope, as well as the requirement to provide such information, including in the form of documents, The credentials of the person who submitted the envelope with the application for participation in the tender are not allowed to carry out such actions on behalf of the participants of the order. Upon the request of the participant of the order placing the envelope with the application for participation in the contest, the lottery organizer will issue a receipt on receipt of the envelope with such application, specifying the date and time of receipt. 11. If at the end of the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the competition only one application for participation in the competition is submitted or no application for participation in the contest is submitted, the contest will be cancelled. 12. If at the end of the tender period only one application for participation in the contest is submitted, the envelope with the application will be opened or access to the application filed in the form of the electronic document is opened for participation in the tender and The application shall be considered in accordance with the procedure established by articles 24 to 12 and 24 to 13 of this Federal Law. In the event that the application meets the requirements and conditions of the tender documentation, the lottery organizer within three working days from the day of consideration of the application for participation in the tender is obliged to hand over the order to the participant of the order, the sole application for the competition, the draft contract, which is prepared by including the terms of performance of the contract submitted by the participant in the tender, into the draft contract annexed to the tender documentation. In so doing, the contract shall be concluded with the applicant, subject to the provisions of article 24, paragraph 6, of this Federal Act, subject to the terms and conditions of the contract, which are included in the application for the competition and The price of such a contract may not exceed the initial (maximum) price of the contract specified in the notice of the tender. The ordering participant who submitted the specified requisition cannot dispense with the contract. The funds made available as collateral for the tender are returned to the order participant within five working days from the date of the contract. If the lottery organizer fails to submit the order within the time limit provided by the tender documentation, the signed contract and an irrevocable bank guarantee meeting the requirements set out in article 10 of this Federal Law, such a member of the order is deemed to have avoided entering into a contract. In case of evasion of the contract award, the funds contributed as security for participation in the tender are not returned. Article 24-11. { \b Envelope opening } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \b } { \cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 } { \cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 } { \b } { \b } Publicly on the day, during and in the place specified in the notice of competition, the tender commission shall open envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and open access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the competition. Competition. Opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the tender are carried out on the same day. 2. On the opening day of the envelopes with applications to participate in the tender and open access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the tender immediately before opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and opening of access to the tender applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the tender, but not before the time specified in the notice of the contest and the tender documentation, the tender commission is obliged to declare to those present at the opening of such envelopes and Access to electronic applications submitted in the form of applications for participation in the competition order placement of an opportunity to apply for participation in the tender, modify or withdraw applications for participation in the tender prior to opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and to open access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents to participate in the competition. 3. The Competition Commission opens up the envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and opens access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest, which were submitted to the organizer of the lottery before the opening of applications for participation in the competition Competition and open access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the competition. In the case of a finding of two or more applications for the order by one participant, subject to the fact that the previously submitted applications have not been withdrawn, all applications for participation in the order of such a participant are not The Conference of the Parties, 4. Applicants who apply for participation in the competition or their representatives are entitled to be present at the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and to open access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the competition. Competition. 5. Name and postal address of each place member of the order, the envelope with the application for participation in the tender being opened, or having access to the application in the form of an electronic document that is opened, the availability of information and The documents provided by the tender documents, the terms of execution of the contract specified in the tender and the criteria for the evaluation of applications for participation in the tender are announced during the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and the opening of access applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the competition The protocol of the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and the opening of applications for participation in the e-documents competition. In the event that at the end of the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the competition only one application for participation in the competition or no application for participation in the competition is submitted, the specified protocol provides information on the recognition of the contest cancelled. 6. In the process of opening envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the tender, information about the participants of the order placing the application for participation in the competition, on the existence The documents and information contained in the tender documents may be posted on the official website. 7. The protocol of opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the tender is conducted by a tender commission and signed by all present members of the tender commission immediately after the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the contest and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest. The protocol is organized by the lottery organizer within the day following the day of signing such a protocol on the official website. 8. The organizer of the lottery is obliged to make a video of the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the contest and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest. Any placing of an order that is present at the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and the opening of applications in the form of electronic documents for participation in the competition, is entitled to perform audio and video recording of such an opening the envelopes and the opening of such applications. 9. Applications for participation in the tender for participation in the tender for participation in the tender are opened, opening of access to applications filed in the competition are opened in the form of envelopes. the form of e-documents applications for participation in the competition, and on the same day such envelopes and such applications are returned to the participants of placing the order. In the event that a request for participation in the competition was established, the lottery organizer is obliged to return the application for participation in the tender to the participants of the order within five Working days from the day of the signing of the protocol of evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the competition. Article 24-12. { \b Order } { \b } { \b contest } The Competition Commission shall consider applications for participation in the tender for compliance with the requirements set by the tender documentation, and the conformity of the participants of the order with the requirements established in accordance with Article 24-4 of the present Federal law. The period of consideration of applications for participation in the contest may not exceed twenty days from the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the contest and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest. 2. Based on the results of the examination of applications for participation in the competition, the tender commission decides on admission to the competition of the participant of the order placing and the recognition of the participant of the order placing the application for participation in the competition, A participant in the competition or the refusal to admit the participant of the order to participate in the competition in the order and on the grounds provided for in article 24-5 of this Federal Law, as well as a protocol for the consideration of applications for participation in the competition. Competition, which is maintained by a tender commission and is signed by all present at the meeting of the members of the tender commission on the day of the completion of the consideration of applications for participation in the contest. The protocol should include information about the order participants who applied for the competition, the decision to admit the participant of the order to take part in the competition, and the participant's admission to the competition, or the refusal of the participant's admission placing an order to participate in the competition with the basis of this decision and specifying the provisions of this Federal Act, which does not correspond to the place of the order, the provisions of the tender documentation to which the application is not in conformity with the application in the competition of this member of the order, the provisions of such an application that do not correspond The requirements of the tender documentation, the information about the decision of each member of the competition commission on the admission of the participant of the order to participate in the contest or the refusal to allow him to participate in the competition. The said protocol on the day of the examination of applications for participation in the contest is placed by the lottery organizer on the official website. Applicants who applied for the contest and the participants of the competition and the participants of the order, who applied for participation in the competition and who were not allowed to participate in the competition, are notified about the accepted requests by a competitive commission of decisions no later than the day following the day of signing of the Protocol. 3. In the event that a request for participation in the competition was established, the lottery organizer is obliged to return the application for participation in the tender to the applicant for the placement of the order. Participation in the competition and not admitted to the competition within five working days from the date of signature of the protocol referred to in Part 2 of this Article. 4. If, on the basis of the results of the consideration of applications for participation in the competition, a decision was made to refuse admission to the competition of all participants of the order placing the order, or on admission to the competition and The competition is recognized by the participant of the contest, who applied for participation in the contest. In this case, the organizer of the lottery, if it was established the requirement of the application for participation in the competition, is obliged to return the applications for participation in the tender to the participants of the order placing the request Participation in the competition, within five working days from the date of the recognition of the contest, except for the participant of the order recognized by the participant of the contest. The funds contributed as collateral for the tender are returned to the contest participant within five working days from the date of the contract. 5. In the event that the competition is cancelled and only one participant of the order has been accepted to participate in the tender, the organizer of the contest, the organizer of the lottery within three working days from the day of signing of the protocol Part 2 of this article shall be required to submit to the participant of the tender a draft contract, which shall be prepared by including the terms of performance of the contract proposed by the participant in the application for participation in the tender, in the draft contract annexed to the tender The Conference of the The contract shall be, subject to the provisions of article 24, paragraph 5, of this Federal Act, on the terms and at the price of the contract, which provide for the participation in the tender and the solicitation documents, but the price of such a contract is not possible exceed the initial (maximum) value of the contract specified in the notice of the competition. Such a participant is not entitled to refuse to conclude a contract. The funds made available as collateral for the tender are returned to the participant of the tender within five working days of the date of the contract. The contract may be entered into not earlier than ten days from the date of posting on the official site of the Protocol, as provided for in Part 2 of this article. Failure to submit the lottery organizer the participant of the tender within the period of time stipulated by the tender documents, the signed contract and an irrevocable bank guarantee meeting the requirements established by Article 10 of the present Federal law, the participant of the competition is admittedly evading the contract. In case of failure of such a participant of the competition from the conclusion of the contract, the funds contributed as security for participation in the tender shall not be returned. Article 24-13. Evaluation and comparison of bids for the competition 1. The Competition Commission carries out an evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the competition, submitted by the participants of the order, recognized by the participants of the competition. The period of evaluation and comparison of such applications shall not exceed ten days from the date of signature of the protocol referred to in article 24, paragraph 2, of this Federal Law. 2. The evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the tender are conducted by a tender commission in order to identify the best conditions for performance of the contract in accordance with the criteria and in the order established by the tender documentation. The combined weight of such criteria should be 100 per cent. 3. In order to determine the best terms of performance proposed in the tender, the tender commission must evaluate and compare such applications based on the following criteria: 1) the contract price; 2) professional Experience in organizing and implementing the lottery; 3) the expected amount of the earmarked contribution. 4. Other than those provided for in part 3 of this article, the criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition shall not be permitted. 5. The procedure for evaluating applications for participation in the competition is set by the lottery organizer. 6. Based on the results of the evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the tender by a tender commission, each application for participation in the competition is attributable to the reduction of the fitness of the terms of performance of the contract sequence number. The application for participation in the competition, which contains the best terms of performance of the contract, shall be assigned the first number. In the event that several applications for participation in the competition contain the same terms and conditions of performance, the lower order number shall be assigned to the application for participation in the tender, which has previously been received by other applications for participation in the competition such conditions. 7. The winner of the contest is a participant of the contest, who has offered the best terms of execution of the contract and the application for participation in the contest with the first number. 8. The Competition Commission maintains a protocol of evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the competition, which should include information on the place, date, time of evaluation and comparison of such applications, contest participants, applications for participation in the competition which were reviewed, the order of evaluation and the comparison of applications for participation in the competition, on the basis of the results of the evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the tender for participation in the competition of serial numbers, details of the decision of each member of the commission to assign applications for participation in the competition of each of the criteria for the evaluation of applications for participation in the competition, as well as the names and postal addresses of the participants of the competition, the applications for participation in the competition of which are assigned the first and second numbers. The Protocol shall be signed by all present members of the tender commission within the day following the day of the end of the evaluation and the comparison of applications for participation in the tender. The protocol is in two copies, one of which is kept by the lottery organizer. The organizer of the lottery within three working days from the date of the signing of the protocol will pass to the winner of the competition one copy of the protocol and the draft contract, which is prepared by including the terms of execution of the contract, as proposed by the winner of the competition in The application for participation in the tender is included in the draft contract attached to the tender documentation. 9. The protocol of the assessment and comparison of applications for participation in the competition is posted on the official website by the lottery organizer within the day following the day of signing the protocol. 10. In the event that a request for participation in the competition was established, the lottery organizer must return within five working days from the day of the signing of the assessment protocol and the comparison of applications for participation in the tender, as an application for participation in the competition, the participants of the competition who participated in the competition, but did not become the winners of the competition, except for the participant of the contest, the application for participation in the contest was assigned the second number and which is the sum of money that has been made as an application for participation in the competition, shall be returned in accordance with the procedure provided for in article 24, paragraph 7, of this Federal Act. 11. Any participant of the contest will be entitled to send the lottery organizer in writing, including in the form of an electronic document, a request for clarification of the results of the contest. The organizer of the lottery, within two working days of the receipt of such a request, is required to submit the relevant explanations to the participant of the contest in writing or in the form of an electronic document. 12. Any participant of the contest has the right to appeal the results of the contest in court. 13. The protocols of the competition, the tender documentation, the changes to the tender documents and the explanation of the tender documentation, the audio of the opening of the envelopes with applications for participation in the competition, The contest and opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the contest are held by the lottery organizer for not less than three years. Article 24-14. The conclusion of the results contract of the contest 1. In the event that the winner of the contest or a participant in the competition, who is assigned a second number, within the period provided for in the tender documentation, did not submit the lottery organizer the signed contract that was submitted to him in the contest pursuant to article 24, paragraph 8, of this Federal Act or part 3 of this article, and an irrevocable bank guarantee conforming to the requirements laid down in article 10 of this Federal Law, the winner of the competition, or The participant of the contest, which is assigned a second number, is recognized The non-award of the contract. 2. The contract may be concluded no earlier than ten days from the date of posting on the official website of the assessment and comparison of applications for participation in the competition. 3. In the event that the winner of the competition is awarded a contract award, the lottery organizer has the right to apply to the court for the award of the winner of the competition, as well as compensation for damages caused by evasion of the competition To conclude a contract or to enter into a contract with a participant of the contest, the application for participation in the contest is assigned a second number. The organizer is obliged to sign a contract with the participant of the contest, which is assigned a second number, when refusing to conclude a contract with the winner in cases of finding the fact: 1) The abolition of the participant in the competition or the decision by the arbitral tribunal to declare it insolvent (bankrupt) and to open a competitive process; 2) to provide the participant with the false information contained in the competition The documents provided for in Part 3 of Article 24-10 of this Federal Law; (3) presence of a participant in the contest for arrears of arrears, taxes, duties and arrears on other mandatory payments to the budgets of the Russian Federation's budget system in the past calendar year, which exceeds 25%. The book value of the asset of the participant in the contest on the accounting records for the last reporting period, provided that the person in question is not appealing the existence of the said person, the arrears under the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. In the cases provided for in part 3 of this article, the contract for the participant of the tender, the application for the competition of which is assigned a second number, shall be mandatory. In case of evasion of the winner of the contest or participant of the contest, the application for participation in the contest, which is assigned a second number, from the conclusion of the contract, the funds contributed by them as security for the application for participation in the contest are not returned. In case of failure of the participant of the contest, the application for participation in the contest of which is assigned a second number, from conclusion of the contract the organizer of the lottery is entitled to apply to the court with a claim for the request for such participant to enter into a contract, and also Compensation for damages caused by the evasion of a contract or a decision to declare a contest to be cancelled. In the event that the lottery organizer declined to award the winner of the contest and a participant in the contest, the contest for which the second number is assigned, the contest is cancelled. 5. The contract is based on the conditions specified in the competition submitted by the participant, the application for participation in the competition and in the tender documentation. At the conclusion of the contract, the price of such a contract may not exceed the initial (maximum) value of the contract specified in the notice of the competition. The price of the contract is firm and cannot be changed in the course of its execution. 6. The contract is concluded only after the participant has been awarded a contract with an irrevocable bank guarantee corresponding to the requirements established by article 10 of this Federal Law and in full compliance The obligations of the participant in the competition with which the contract is concluded, in terms of the proceeds from the lottery. 7. In the event that a request for participation in the competition was established, the funds contributed as an application for participation in the tender are returned to the winner within five working days from the day of the competition Contract. The funds contributed as collateral for the tender are returned to the participant of the contest, which is assigned a second number, within five working days from the date of the contract with the winner of the competition or a participant in the contest. Article 24-15. Renewal, modification and termination of the contract 1. If the period of the lottery is extended in accordance with article 13, paragraph 2, of this Federal Act, the contract shall be extended in accordance with the procedure set out in the last year of its operation. 2. The modification of the contract is possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. 3. In the conclusion and execution of the contract, the modification of the terms of the contract specified in article 24-10, part 5, of article 24-12, part 5 of article 24-14 of this Federal Law, is not permitted. 4. The cancellation of the contract is permitted by agreement of the parties, by a court decision or in connection with the unilateral refusal of the parties to the contract pursuant to the laws of the Russian Federation. 5. The contract is terminated by the court's decision in the case of: 1) the operator's failure to comply with the requirements of article 13-1 of this Federal Law; 2) to ensure that the lottery participants are not informed about the lottery; 3) breaches by the operator of the lottery conditions approved by the lottery organizer. 6. The contract may be terminated at the request of the organizer, unilaterally, in the case of: 1) failure of the operator to pay the sum of the lottery or operator violation of the time limits for the lottery A contract for more than two times during the year; (2) payment by the operator of the sum-of-the-teary deductions from the lottery is more than twice within a year. Article 24-16. Reasons for the competition invalid Concourse may be declared invalid at the claim of the person concerned, in cases where: 1) the tender commission was allowed to participate in the competition The placing of an order which, pursuant to article 24, paragraph 1, of this Federal Act cannot be allowed to participate in the competition; 2) by a tender commission, the cases referred to in part 1 of Article 24-5 of the present case were established. Federal Law; 3) the tender commission refused admission to the Participation in the competition on other grounds other than those specified in article 24 (1) of this Federal Law; 4) the requirements laid down in article 24-8 of this Federal Law have been violated. Article 24-17. The effects of the recognition of the failed contest 1. In cases where the competition is cancelled and the contract is not concluded with the sole participant of the competition or with the participant of the order, who submitted the only application for participation in the competition (if there are such participants), the organizer of the lottery is entitled to announce a rebidding process. 2. In the event of a rebidding process, the customer is entitled to change the terms of the competition. "; 27) of Article 25 and 26. Article 2 Article 1063 of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation) Federation, 1996, N 5, sect. 410; 2003, N 2, article 167; 46, sect. 4434) The following changes: 1), paragraph 1 should be redrafted to read: " 1. The relationship between the organizers of the pools and other risk-based games and participants in such games, as well as between lottery operators and lottery operators, is regulated by law and is based on the contract. "; 2) in paragraph 2 The word "lottery" should be deleted, supplemented with the following sentence: "The contract between the lottery operator and the lottery participant shall be issued with a lottery ticket, lottery ticket or electronic lottery ticket."; 3) paragraph 4 After the word "paid", add the words "the lottery operator,"; 4) in paragraph 5 after the word "failure" to be supplemented by the words "lottery operator," after the words "to require" to be supplemented by the words "lottery operator,", the words "from the organizer" to be replaced by "on the part of the lottery operator, the organizer of the games". Article 14.27 of the Russian Federation Code on Administrative Offences (Russian Law Assembly of the Russian Federation) Federation, 2002, N 1, article 1; 2003, N 46, article 4434; 2007, N 26, est. 3089), amend to read: " Article 14.27. Lottery legislation violation 1. The holding of the lottery without the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on its implementation- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 2,000 to 2,000 rubles; officials-from 8,000 to 20 rubles 50,000 rubles ($1,100,000); and three-hundred-and-hundred-and-hundred-thousand-thousand rubles. 2. The untimely transfer of the proceeds from the lottery- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of four thousand to twenty thousand rubles; legal entities-from 100,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles. 3. Failure to pay, transfer or grant a gain, as well as a breach of order and/or timing of the payment, transfer or delivery of the winnings provided for by the lottery conditions- results in a warning or an imposition of an administrative fine 50,000 rubles ($1,150); and organizations, up to 1 million rubles. 4. Non-publication of the annual report on the lottery, failure to comply with the requirements for lottery tickets- results in an administrative fine of between 8,000 and 20 thousand rubles. Legal entities-from 40,000 to sixty thousand rubles. ". Article 4 Article 4 to be included in the Federal Law of 13 March 2006 38-FZ On Advertiare (Assembly of Laws of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 12, Art. 1232; N 52, sect. 5497; 2007, N 16, sect. 1828; 2008, N 20, 2255; 2011, N 30, article 4566, 4600; 2013, N 27, sect. 3477; N 30, est. 4033; N 48, sect. (6165) the following changes: 1) in article 5, paragraph 15, paragraph 15, and article 9, paragraph 1, of the words "enabling lottery," delete; 2) in article 27, paragraph 4, of the words ", including enabling lottery", to be deleted. Article 5, paragraph 23, Paragraph 23 of article 1 of the Federal Act of 26 December 2008, No. 294-FZ " On the protection of the rights of legal persons and OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 6249; 2009, N 18, sect. 2140; N 29, st. 3601; N 52, sect. 6441; 2010, N 17, sect. 1988; N 31, sect. 4160, 4193; 2011, N 17, sect. 2310; N 30, sect. 4590; N 48, st. 6788; 2012, N 26, est. 3446; 2013, N 27, sect. 3477; N 30, est. 4041), as follows: "23) Federal Public Supervision of the Lottery;". Article 6 Admit invalid: 1) Article 26, paragraph 2 72, § § 3 of the Federal Law dated 6 October 1999 N 184-FZ " On the general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state authority Russian Federation " (Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation) Federation, 1999, N 42, Art. 5005; 2003, N 27, sect. 2709; 2011, N 30, sect. (2) Paragraph 1 of article 333, paragraph 1, of the Russian Tax Code. Federation, 2000, N 32, sect. 3340; 2004, N 45, sect. 4377; 2009, N 52, sect. 6450); 3) article 14, paragraph 35, paragraph 35, article 15, paragraph 30, article 15, paragraph 39, article 16, paragraph 39, of the Federal Law of 6 October 2003 N 131-FZ "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 40, art. 3822; 2011, N 30, sect. 4590); 4) Article 30 of the Federal Law of 2 February 2006 N 19-FZ "On amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation" OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION " (Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 6, art. 636); 5) 64th paragraph 11 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of 27 December 2009 N 374-FZ " On introducing changes to Article 45 of Part One and Chapter 25-3 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the invalidation of the Federal Act on fees for the issuance of licences Activities related to ethyl alcohol production and trafficking, OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 6450); 6) paragraphs 2, 3, 5, paragraphs 6, 7, 10 to 12, paragraph 7, article 1, paragraph 9, of the Federal Law of 27 July 2010 214 FZ "On amendments to the federal law" On lotteries " (Assembly of Russian legislation, 2010, N 31, sect. 4183); 7) Article 42 of the Federal Law of 1 July 2011 N 169-FZ "On amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3880); 8), article 36, paragraph 1, subparagraph (d), subparagraph (d), subparagraph 2 (d), article 50, paragraph 3, subparagraph (b) and (c), paragraph 1, article 51, paragraph 4, of the Federal Law dated July 18, 2011, N 242-FZ " On amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the implementation of state control (supervision) and OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 4590); 9) paragraph 1 (a) and 11 (2) of Federal Law of 7 May 2013 N 99-FZ " Concerning amendments to individual OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2326). Article 7 1. This Federal Law shall enter into force 30 days after its official publication. 2. As of the date of the official publication of this Federal Law, the licensing of lotteries has ceased. 3. Regional government lotteries, municipal lotteries, non-state lottery and enabling lottery tickets, except for the examination of winning lottery tickets (lottery tickets), payment, transfer or granting of winnings The lottery will be closed until July 1, 2014. 4. The holding of All-Russian state lottery, which the Russian Federation Government has decided to hold until the date of the entry into force of this Federal Law, shall be carried out within the prescribed time-limits in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Russian Federation. contracts (contracts). 5. Under the agreement of the federal executive, which is the organizer of the All-Russian State Lottery, on the date of the entry into force of this Federal Law and the operator of the All-Russian State Lottery in the contract (contract) and The conditions of the Russian state lottery are being amended to bring their provisions into line with the Federal Law of November 11, 2016. 2003 N138-FZ "On lotteries" (in the wording of the present day) (...) (...) President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Moscow, Kremlin December 28, 2013 N 416-FZ