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Resolution Of 23 December 2015, Of The Secretary Of State For Education, Vocational Training And Universities, Which Establishes The Procedure For The Award Of The Quality Seal Life Healthy Distinction.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 23 de diciembre de 2015, de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades, por la que se establece el procedimiento para la concesión del distintivo de calidad Sello Vida Saludable.

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The Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, points out in its article 2.1 that the Spanish education system will be oriented, among others, to the achievement of the acquisition of intellectual and technical habits of work, scientific, technical, humanistic, historical and artistic knowledge, as well as the development of healthy habits, physical exercise and sport.

Assessing hygiene and health, moreover, is one of the main objectives of primary education, as stated in Article 17 of the aforementioned Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, with such habits of care and body health and incorporating physical education and the practice of sport to promote personal and social development throughout compulsory secondary education.

Similarly, the Organic Law of 9 December 2013 for the Improvement of Educational Quality, points out in its additional provision fourth that educational administrations will take measures to ensure that physical activity and diet balanced are part of child and youth behavior.

In this framework, the Order ECD/2475/2015, dated November 19 ("BOE" of November 24), which creates the distinctive quality "Healthy Life Label", is based, with the purpose of promoting the habits that lead to the development of a life healthy in all its aspects, and publicly recognize those educational institutions, both public and private, that encourage the learning of health in the educational field, as well as the assumption of healthy living practices and an education (a) physical and personal development in the course of school education, in order to enable the students.

In the final provision of this Order, the Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities is authorized to make the necessary resolutions for the execution and development of this order.

Since the quality label "Seal Healthy Life" has already been created by the aforementioned Order ECD/2475/2015, it is now appropriate to establish the procedure for granting it. Accordingly, I have:

One. Character of the quality flag.

The quality label "Seal Healthy Life" entails the public recognition of the commitment of the educational institutions, both public and private, with public and private funds, that promote the learning of health in the field of education, as well as the assumption of healthy living practices and a physical education that allows for adequate personal and social development throughout the schooling of students.

Two. Requirements.

1. In accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Order ECD/2475/2015 of 19 November 2015, the quality label "Seal Healthy Life" may be awarded to any teaching centre, both public and private, with public and private funds, To assume a firm and unequivocal commitment to the development and improvement of educational and health quality, understanding that they contribute to the improvement of the education in healthy habits the educational centers that pursue the fulfillment of some of the Following purposes:

a) Foster the role of education in healthy habits as an integral part of comprehensive education, designing, for such purposes, a program of education in healthy habits that includes programming and establishment of educational objectives and of the assessment instruments.

b) Promoting healthy lifestyles and lifestyles, based on the specific needs of the teacher, and especially in the areas of nutrition and healthy nutrition and sport by contemplating the approach gender and equity to avoid health inequalities.

c) Strengthen and improve the healthy behaviors of students, with special emphasis on hygiene and prevention.

d) Strengthen body health and care habits and incorporate physical education and the practice of sport in order to foster the personal and social development of students.

e) Encourage students to acquire skills and competencies that enable them to take care of their bodies at both physical and mental levels, as well as to assess and have a critical performance in the face of information, publicity and attitudes social and social development that can negatively impact their physical, social and psychological development.

f) Know and detect health risk situations, especially related to the use of substances with addictive potential, both legal and illegal, as well as the execution of certain activities which may lead to addictive behaviour, with particular attention to anorexia and bulimia, contrasting its harmful effects and proposing prevention and control measures.

g) Promote understanding and assessment of the importance of preserving the environment by the impact it has on people's health.

h) To foster the responsibility of the students in the daily decisions of the student, and the knowledge of the consequences that they have in their health and the environment that surrounds them.

i) Promote adequate knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and hygiene.

j) Promote the value of research, development and innovation in medical advances and the impact of people's quality of life.

k) Promote the continuing training of teaching staff who provide their services at the centre, in the field of education in healthy habits and in particular on healthy eating and physical activity.

2. The centres shall provide the following documentation:

2.1 Technical memory describing compliance with the requirements set out in Order ECD/2475/2015 of 19 November 2015, and adjusting to the following characteristics:

a) Occupy a maximum of 40 pages numbered and written to a face, including the attachments, in A4 size, with a simple interline and using the Arial font size of 11 points. If more than 40 pages are submitted, the additional pages shall not be taken into account in the assessment, whether they belong to the memory or to the annexes. Photographs and graphics may be included. The memory and document with the annexes will be presented in PDF format and the maximum capacity will be 10 Mb for each of them. If images are attached, they will be either JPG or PNG.

b) You will understand the following sections:

-Portada (including title, and core data center).

-Index (with paging).

-A summary of the life of the center, with a maximum of two pages: history, social environment, number of groups and students, staff providing services, plans and significant projects that are being developed or developed in recent years.

-Participation and involvement in the project of the teaching and representation coordination bodies.

-Full relationship of the participating faculty, indicating educational level, position and responsibility for the actions, if appropriate.

-Full description of the actions that have been developed in which you include:

Starting point. Justification of the actions taken and objectives of the actions, taking into account the reality and needs of the centre and its surroundings.

Actions, procedures and resources, both in-person and virtual, that have been put in place to develop the actions in the center, clearly pointing out the areas in which it has acted: knowledge of others realities, participation of the school community, creation of materials (both fungible and virtual).

The timing of the performance, the monitoring plan, and the evaluation.

Involvement of the educational community and the environment of the center in the actions carried out: of the faculty, students, families, other staff and external bodies to the center (institutions and entities) contributors) who have participated in their planning and development.

The measures taken to disseminate the actions and experiences adopted.

Assessment of the results and benefits achieved, specifying the instruments used, the agents involved and the conclusions obtained.

-Action projects for the future as a result of the work done.

-Any other information that is deemed necessary.

c) In the elaboration of the memory, it will be sought, in all cases, to argue and to show the evidence of the actions carried out.

2.2 Favorable report of the Ministry of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Community in which the Centre or the Provincial Directorates of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport are located in its field of management, in accordance with the model provided in the Annex to this Resolution.

2.3 Certification, if applicable, of the Director of the Center where the School Board's approval of the application for this quality flag is recorded.

2.4 In addition to the above, in accordance with Article 3 (4) of Order ECD/2475/2015 of 19 November 2015, the applications submitted may be accompanied by the additional documentation which the teaching centre considers relevant.

Three. Submission of requests.

1. The centres which choose to grant the quality label "Seal Healthy Life" must complete and register the registration form which will be accessible via the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport:, section "Procedures and services".

2. The steps for completing and registering the application will be as follows:

(a) If the electronic DNI or an electronic certificate of another recognized certification authority ( is held, the electronic headquarters of the Ministry will be accessed, and fill in the application and then register it through the corresponding electronic means provided by the electronic headquarters, in accordance with the principles established by Law 11/2007 of 22 June, of electronic access of the public services.

(b) If you do not have the electronic DNI or electronic certificate, the applicant shall access the electronic seat of the Ministry, complete the application and obtain an official form of the application on paper in order to ensure that, once signed, the present in the register of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (c/ Los Madrazo, 15 -17, 28014 Madrid) or in any of the forms provided for in article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of the General Government and the Common Administrative Procedure, as amended by Law 4/1999, of 13 January, It is essential that the date of receipt appears in the relevant public body in the application. For these purposes, the records of the educational institutions shall not be considered to be included within the dependencies listed in Article 38.4 of that law.

3. The official form for registration includes an identification number of the application and a digital summary that guarantees the integrity of the application. In the event of modification of such form, either manually or electronically, the application shall be automatically excluded.

4. Applications shall be submitted during the months of January and February of each year.

5. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may request, at any time in the administrative procedure, the originals through which all the electronic files incorporated in the application were generated, in order to contrast their validity and agreement.

6. In accordance with the provisions of Article 71 of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, as amended by Law 4/1999 of 13 January 1999, formal defects or omissions in the application or the information to be accompanied by the application, the parties concerned shall be notified to the parties, who shall have a maximum period of 10 working days to remedy the absence or accompany the required documents, indicating that, if they do not do so, they shall be given a withdrawal of their request by filing the same prior resolution as such effect, in accordance with Article 42.1 of that law.

7. In any case, it is essential that the applications be accompanied by the favourable report of the Education Department of the Autonomous Community or the Provincial Directorates of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in its field of education. management, in accordance with the model provided in the Annex to this resolution.

Four. Evaluation committee.

1. The evaluating Commission responsible for analysing and assessing the documentation for the award of the quality label "Seal Healthy Life" is constituted at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, which consists of:

-The Director General of Territorial Evaluation and Cooperation, who will chair it.

-The Deputy Director General for Territorial Cooperation, who will be the Vice President.

-Three officials belonging to the Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation at level 26 or above, one of which will be the secretariat of the Commission.

-Likewise, appointed by the President of the Evaluation Commission on a proposal from the institutions listed below, they will be part of it, with a voice but without a vote:

1 representative of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy.

1 representative of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.

1 representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain.

2. The evaluating Commission shall verify and evaluate the documentation submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Resolution and shall, in the light of this, raise the motion for a resolution to the Secretary of State for Education, Training Professional and Universities.

3. The evaluating Commission may request from other public administrations the reports it deems appropriate for the best development of its function.

4. The evaluating Commission shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter II of Title II of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

5. The functioning of the Evaluation Commission will be addressed with the personal, technical and budgetary means of the Directorate-General for Territorial Evaluation and Cooperation.

Five. Resolution.

1. In the light of the proposal of the Evaluation Commission, the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities will issue a resolution on the applications for the award of the "Healthy Life Label" flag, within the maximum period of time. of six months counted in accordance with the provisions of Article cinco.2 of Order ECD/2475/2015 of 19 November 2015.

2. The decisions of the Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities may be brought before the Court of Appeal, within one month, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 116 and 117 of the Treaty. Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure. It is also possible to institute a judicial-administrative appeal before the Court of Administrative-Administrative of the National Court, as provided for in Article 11.1 of Law 29/1998 of July 13, regulating the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice. Administrative-litigation.

Six. Means of notification or publication.

The award of the quality marks "Seal Healthy Life" will be made public at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Seven. Effects of the concession.

The teaching center beneficiary of the concession may:

a) Expose at its headquarters and premises the distinctive mark granted to the teaching centre.

b) Use the stamp in the documentation of the teaching centre, as well as, where appropriate, in its commercial and advertising relations, in order to comply with the applicable regulations, in particular in the field of advertising.

Eight. Resources.

This resolution may be brought, with a powers of appeal, a replacement remedy within a period of one month from its publication before the convening body, or a judicial-administrative action within two months of its publication. months since its publication, before the National Court, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1.a) of Law 29/1998 of July 13, the regulator of the Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction. In the case of an appeal for replacement, no administrative or administrative appeal may be brought until the latter is expressly resolved or the presumed dismissal of the appeal has occurred.

Nine. Applicable rules.

As not provided for in this resolution, Order ECD/2475/2015 of 19 November 2015 ("BOE" of 24 November) shall apply.

Madrid, 23 December 2015.-The Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, Marcial Marin Hellin.


Model of favorable report issued by the Ministry of Education or the Provincial Directorates of Education of Ceuta and Melilla

D. /Dna. ............................................................................. Director/General/Director/Provincial of Education of ................................ of the Department of .......................... of the Autonomous Community of ........................ in the name and representation of that Department, favorably the request of the center ........................................................ regarding his candidacy to opt to the flag of quality SEAL HEALTHY LIFE,

Certificor that ............................................................... (Denomination Educational Centre) has launched a programme of HEALTHY LIVING ........................... (has developed the following activity/ha provided the following service)

(Describe the performance in a way that is fully identifiable, indicating its scope, duration, form of collaboration, the scope where it has been applied, to whom it has been directed, and any other aspect that highlights its educational utility or any other significant circumstance thereof.)

The educational inspection service has given its V. º B. º to the request to grant the quality flag after contrasting the detailed in the technical memory.

This project has been fully developed and has contributed to the achievement of the objectives set out in Article 2 of Order ECD/2475/2015 of 19 November ("BOE" of 24 November) creating the Quality hallmark HEALTHY LIFE.

En ......................, a ......... de ........................... de ...............



(C/ LOS MADRAZO, 15 -17, 28071 MADRID.)