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Order Ecd/2837/2015, Of 18 December, Which Includes An Administrative Procedure In The Electronic Register Of The Ministry Of Culture.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/2837/2015, de 18 de diciembre, por la que se incluye un procedimiento administrativo en el registro electrónico de la Secretaría de Estado de Cultura.

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Order of 14 December 2009, of 14 December 2009, which regulates the electronic register of the Ministry of Culture, establishes its operation, requirements and conditions for the receipt and referral of applications, written and communications, in accordance with article 24 of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services.

In addition, in its final disposition, the delegation is established by the Secretariat of the Department of Competition to include, modify or discharge, within the Electronic Register, new services, procedures and formalities, to which the provisions of that order shall apply.

This order incorporates a new administrative procedure in the field of electronic registration of the current Secretary of State for Culture.

Finally, the updated relationship of services, procedures and procedures included in the Electronic Registry should be published.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Inclusion of a new administrative procedure in the field of application of the Electronic Registry of the Secretariat of State of Culture.

They are included in the Annex of Order of 14 December 2009, of 14 December 2009, which regulates the Electronic Register of the Ministry of Culture, in the subject of Performing Arts and Music, the following administrative procedure:

Application for the certificate provided for in Article 36.3 of Law 27/2014 of 27 November of the Company Tax.

Article 2. Dissemination through the Electronic Headquarters of the Secretariat of State of Culture.

The inclusion of new administrative procedures and their standard models will be disseminated through the address.

Article 3. Updated relationship of services, procedures and procedures included in the Electronic Register of the Secretariat of State of Culture.

The Annex of Order of 14 December 2009, dated 14 December 2009, is published, with an updated list of services, procedures and procedures included in the Electronic Register of the Ministry of Culture.

Single end disposition. Effects.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, 18 December 2015.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, P. D. (Order of 14 December 2009), the Under-Secretary for Education, Culture and Sport, Fernando Benzo Sainz.


Relationship of services, procedures and procedures included in the Electronic Registry of the Secretariat of State of Culture



1. Aid to private non-profit entities for the development of archival projects.

2. Aid to private non-profit entities for the improvement of the facilities and equipment of their archives.

3. Nominee grants from the General Subdirectorate of the State Archives.

Performing Arts and Music

4. Aids to music, lyric and dance.

5. Support for programmes for the dissemination, development and preservation of theatre and circus and for theatre and circus communication.

6. Nominated grants from the Institute of the Performing Arts and Music.


7. Support for the bibliographic heritage for the creation and transformation of digital resources and their dissemination and preservation through repositories.

8. Nomination grants from the General Librarian Coordination Sub-directorate.

Film and Audiovisual

9. Supplementary aid for the depreciation of feature films.

10. General aid for the depreciation of feature films.

11. Aid for short films made.

12. Support for the development of scripts for feature films.

13. Support for the development of film film projects.

14. Aid for the development and implementation of non-regulated cultural and training projects.

15. Aid for the conservation of film heritage.

16. Aid for the distribution of feature films and film sets of short films, Spanish, Community and Ibero-American films.

17. Aid for the payment of interest on loans granted under the Convention between the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) and the Institute of Official Credit (ICO) for the establishment of a line of funding for film production.

18. Aid for the minoring of interest on loans granted under the Convention between the ICAA and the Institute of Official Credit to finance the film exhibition, acquisition and improvement of film production equipment.

19. Support for the organisation of film festivals and competitions in Spain.

20. Support for the participation of Spanish films at festivals.

21. Aid for the production of short films on projects.

22. Aid for the production of feature films on the project.

23. Aid for the production of films and documentaries for television on the project.

24. Support for the production of animation series on project.

25. Aid for the production of audiovisual works with new technologies.

26. Nominated grants from the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts.

27. Aid for the minoration of interest on loans granted in the framework of the IC-IAA funding line to support film exhibition activities.

28. Aid for the promotion of film film films in the form of international co-production.

Cultural Cooperation

29. Aid to Foundations and Associations with organic dependence of political parties with representation in the General Courts, for the functioning and activities of study and development of political, social and cultural thought.

30. Aid for the promotion of cultural tourism.

31. IBEREX programme of training practices for young professionals in the cultural sector

32. Nomination grants from the General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of the Foreign Ministry of Culture.

33. Aid to Local Corporations for cultural activities that promote cultural communication.

34. Program HISPANEX of aid for cultural cooperation with foreign universities.

35. Nominations for the Subdirectorate General for Cultural Cooperation with the Autonomous Communities.

36. Certification of the adequacy of the expenditure incurred on the objectives and plans of the corresponding programme, for the purpose of obtaining the tax benefits applicable to the declared events of exceptional public interest.

Cultural Industries

37. Support for investment in capital to increase the legal supply of cultural content on the Internet and to promote the modernization, innovation and technological adaptation of cultural and creative industries.

38. Support for action and cultural promotion.

39. Nomination grants from the General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of Cultural Industries and Patronage.

Book, Read, and Letters

40. Grants to businesses and non-profit institutions, publishers of culture journals.

41. Nomination grants from the General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of the Book, Reading and Spanish Letters.

42. Grants for book editing.

43. Grants for the promotion of translation in foreign languages.

44. Grants for the promotion of Spanish reading and letters.

45. Aid for non-profit entities that promote and strengthen the publishing industry

46. Grants for cultural revaluation and modernization of bookstores.


47. Competitive aid for the provision of investment in museums.

48. Competitive competition grants for the promotion of cultural projects to be developed in museums.

49. Nomination grants from the General Subdirectorate of State Museums.

Historical Heritage

50. Aid to private enterprises for projects of value, promotion, dissemination and protection of goods declared cultural heritage.

51. Aid for archaeological projects abroad.

52. Aid for projects for the conservation, protection and dissemination of World Heritage sites.

53. Nomination grants from the General Secretariat for the Protection of Historical Heritage.

54. Nominated grants from the Cultural Heritage Institute of Spain.

Promotion of Art

55. Support for the promotion of Spanish contemporary art.

56. Nomination grants from the General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of Fine Arts.


57. Culturex scholarships for practical training in cultural management for young Spaniards in cultural institutions abroad.

58. Endesa Scholarships for Latin America of Cultural Heritage.

59. Training and specialization grants in activities and areas of competence of cultural institutions under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the Spanish school in Paris.


60. Theatre award for authors noveles Calderón de la Barca.

61. CreArte Awards for the promotion of creativity in the teaching of children, primary, special and secondary schools in the publicly funded centers.

62. World Heritage Cities Award.

63. History of Cinematography Award.

64. Audiovisual Literacy Award.

65. Portuguese-Spanish Art and Culture Award

Resources and reclamationis

66. Claims in proceedings that have not been initiated by the data subject.

67. Patrimonial Liability Procedure.

68. Prior complaint to the civil court.

69. Prior to the work of the court.

70. Raised resource.

71. Special resource for procurement purposes.

72. Extraordinary review facility.

73. Replacement potestative resource.

74. Ex officio review of administrative acts.

Complaints and yourgerencias

75. Complaints and suggestions addressed to the Secretary of State for Culture.

76. Complaints and suggestions addressed to the Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts.

77. Complaints and suggestions addressed to the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music.

78. Complaints and suggestions addressed to Infrastructure and Equipment Management.

79. Complaints and suggestions addressed to the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.

80. Complaints and suggestions addressed to the National Prado Museum.

Employor publicor

81. Selective process for the coverage of temporary job staff positions.

82. Selective process for the coverage of temporary workforce positions in INAEM.


83. Use of spaces in state ownership files managed by the General Directorate of Fine Arts and Cultural and Archives and Libraries.

Est Artsand Musica

84. ISMN allocation, Standard Number for Written Music.

85. ISMN Editorial Prefix Assignment, Normalized Number for Written Music.

86. Application for the certificate provided for in Article 36.3 of Law 27/2014 of 27 November of the Company Tax.

Cinema and Audiovisualis

87. Approval of Spanish-foreign co-productions.

88. Qualification of films and certificate of Spanish nationality.

89. Release date communication of a film.

90. Communication of start and end dates of shooting of a film.

91. Compliance with the performance control and return control obligations of the exhibition rooms.

92. Issue of the cultural certificate for the application of the aid from the Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts.

93. Approval of mailboxes for computerised display rooms.

94. Approval for the purpose of counting spectators in the framework of festivals and competitions held in Spain.

95. Approval for the purposes of computing access to a film via the Internet and other electronic communications networks through systems based on the demand of the viewer.

96. Approval for the purposes of certification of the computation of spectators through the retail sale and leasing of cinematographic works in physical support.

97. Registration of cinematographic and audiovisual companies of the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts.

98. Film cost recognition.

99. Procedure for the imposition of sanctions for minor infringements in film and video.

100. Procedure for the imposition of penalties for serious infringements of film and video.

101. Procedure for the imposition of sanctions for very serious cinematographic and video-related infringements.


102. Use of spaces in state owned museums managed by the General Directorate of Fine Arts and Cultural Property and Archives and Libraries.

Historical Heritage

103. Acquisition of movable property from the Spanish historical heritage.

104. Authorization to export goods from the Spanish Historical Heritage.

105. Authorization of works in Goods of Cultural Interest attached to public services managed by the General Administration of the State (A.G.E.) and in the environment thereof.

106. Declaration of import of cultural goods.

107. Inclusion of state goods in goods of cultural interest and general inventory.

108. Transfer of ownership of a good of cultural interest or inventory.

Intellectual Property

109. Authorization to amend the statutes proposed by the entities for the management of intellectual property rights.

110. Authorization for the use of the Culture in Positive campaign stamp.

111. Mediation in the field of intellectual property.

112. Arbitration proceedings before the First Section of the Intellectual Property Commission.

113. Arbitration proceedings before the First Section of the Intellectual Property Commission to fix a replacement quantity of the general fees established by management entities.

114. Safeguarding intellectual property rights on the Internet.

115. Sanctioning procedure for lack of removal of infringing content of intellectual property rights on the Internet.

116. Procedure for the determination of tariffs before the First Section of the Intellectual Property Commission.

117. Procedure in the function of control of general rates established by management entities before the First Section of the Commission of Intellectual Property.

Taurine issues

118. First registration as a taurino professional.

119. Change of professional category.

120. Issue of duplicate professional meat.

121. Renewal of professional meat for expiration.

122. Registration of a livestock breeding company.

123. Modification and registration of a registration of a livestock breeding company.