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Order Ecd/2704/2015, 11 December, Amending The Order Ecd/2063/1 August 2002, Which Regulates The Files With Personal Data Of The Ministry Of Education, Culture And Sport And Its Agencies To...

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/2704/2015, de 11 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Orden ECD/2063/2002, de 1 de agosto, por la que se regulan los ficheros automatizados con datos de carácter personal del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte y sus organismos a...

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Article 20.1 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data establishes that the creation, modification or deletion of the files of the Public Administrations may be made only by means of general provision published in the "Official State Gazette" or in the official journal concerned.

Article 52.1 of the Implementing Regulation of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, adopted by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, provides that the creation, modification or deletion of the files of ownership only be made by means of a general provision or agreement published in the Official Journal of the State or in the Official Journal concerned.

It is necessary to adapt the files with which the National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Professor, dependent of the Directorate General of Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation, works, to the requirements and mandates of the above mentioned precepts.

For all this, prior to the mandatory report of the Spanish Data Protection Agency and the Permanent Commission of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport's Ministerial Committee on Digital Administration, I have:

Single item. Amendment of Order ECD/2063/2002, of 1 August, regulating the automated files with personal data of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and their autonomous bodies.

One. The following automated files with personal data are added to the list of files of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, the description of which is set out in Annex I.



Digital Education System.




Alumni State Identifier.

Two. Personal data files known as 'MATFOR', 'Argos-Players', 'MENTFO' and 'MENTPG' are deleted with the characteristics listed in Annex II to this order.

Three. The Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities is hereby appointed as the responsible body and the National Institute of Educational and Training Technology. Teachers as a unit before which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of the files, already registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency, called "Forpro", "Forsi", "Forpg", "Users", "Mentsi", can be exercised. "General register of teacher training activities" and " Economic aid individual for the participation in teacher training activities ', with the characteristics listed in Annex III to this order.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force from the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 11 December 2015.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Iñigo Méndez de Vigo and



New Create Files

File: AulaMentor

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: AulaMentor.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Registry of users of the non-regulated distance learning platform "AulaMentor", with the aim of carrying out the monitoring of the training, the process of obtaining the certificates of the courses and the management of the procedures and cost calculation of this training.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Alumni, tutors and coordinators who participate in the training courses not regulated by the Internet through the platform "AulaMentor". Candidates to collaborate in the activities of this platform.

b.2) Provenance: Through the interested party or its legal representative. The collection of the data is carried out in the classrooms in which the course registration is carried out or is carried out online in those who have such a registration system,

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure:

Identifying data: First and last name, DNI/NIF, address, phone, email, CCAA, country.

Academic data: Level of studies, qualifications, publications.

Professional data: Years of tutorial experience, remotely.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not planned or not planned

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised: General Subdirection of Learning throughout Life.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Education LAB

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: EducationLAB.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Manage the permissions of users who want to participate in Education projects. EducaLAB is a portal for Internet education, which allows teachers to participate in blogs, forums, etc.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: People interested in Education projects.

b.2) Provenance: From the person concerned (the person concerned or his/her legal representative).

Collection Procedure: Web Form.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying data: Name and last name, email, alias and password chosen.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not or are not planned.

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, street Torrelaguna, 58. 28027 Madrid.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Digital Education System

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Digital Educational System.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: The Digital Educational System (SED) aims to provide the digital educational services currently required by the educational centers of Ceuta and Melilla: portal of the center, Online training platform, a platform for school collaboration. The purpose of the file is to allow teachers and students access to these services.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Teachers, students, parents, and school administration staff and services.

b.2) Provenance:

From the Academic Management Systems of the centers (public administrations).

Collection procedure: Web services.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: First and last name, email, user, and password.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not or are not planned.

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, street Torrelaguna, 58. 28027 Madrid.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: CConnectAA

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: CConnectAA.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of users of a web platform to work among Public Administrations. CConnectAA is a collaboration platform of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, which facilitates the exchange of information and the joint development of plans, projects, committees and initiatives among the different units of the Directorate General Assessment and Territorial Cooperation and the Autonomous Communities, in the field of non-university teaching skills.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Education personnel of the General Administration of the State, Autonomous Communities and advisors.

b.2) Provenance:

Interested person or administration in which you are working (Your own person or your legal representative, Public Administrations).

Collection Procedure: Web Form.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure:

Identifying data: First and last name, NIF, email, charge.

Other Personal Categories: Job Details Data (Jobs).

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not or are not planned.

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, street Torrelaguna, 58. 28027 Madrid.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.


a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: MOOC-TIC.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of users participating in this mode of mass and online courses, open training, so that they can have access to their contents and the accreditation tools (digital badges) enabling knowledge of the skills acquired.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: People interested in MOOC courses.

b.2) Provenance:

From the person concerned (the person concerned or his/her legal representative).

Collection Procedure: Web Form.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure:

Identifying data: Num of identification, DNI/NIF/Num. Passport, name and last name, e-mail, country.

Other categories of personal character: Academic and professional data (educational center, faculty, specialty, administrative situation).

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not or are not planned.

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, street Torrelaguna, 58. 28027 Madrid.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: eXelearning

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: eXelearning.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Registry of users on the web This is a web dedicated to the eXelearning tool for the edition of educational digital resources. Different institutions and people collaborate on this website, which must be pre-registered in order to access the development environment.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: People interested in the eXelearning tool.

b.2) Provenance:

From the person concerned (the person concerned or his/her legal representative).

Collection Procedure: Web Form.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: first and last name, email, and password.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not or are not planned.

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, street Torrelaguna, 58. 28027 Madrid.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Alumni State Identifier

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Alumni State Identifier.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: The purpose of this file is to store the information necessary to generate a unique identification code of the student at the state level and to allow the centralized management of the same, in such a way that the unique identification of the student is guaranteed throughout its educational stage and throughout the national territory, as set out in Article 111a of the LOMCE.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Students from non-university educational stages.

b.2) Provenance:

Academic Management Systems of educational administrations, transferred through bilateral agreements with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in which it is stated that the consent of the interested in the processing of the data.

Collection procedure: Electronic data transmission.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure:

Student identifying data: NIF/NIE/DNI, No. Identification code, name and surname, sex, date and place of birth.

Legal guardian or legal representative: NIF/NIE/DNI, first and last names.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: No data transfers are foreseen, except for the communication of the State Identifier of the Alumni to the competent Educational Administration.

e) International transfers to third countries: International data transfers are not or are not planned.

(f) Bodies responsible for the file: Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport).

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, street Torrelaguna, 58. 28027 Madrid.

h) Level of security measures: Basic level.


Files that are deleted

Responsible Authority: General Secretariat for Education and Vocational Training (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport)

a) MATFOR: Registration of NN.TT training and materials activities.

The MATFOR file is no longer useful because the data collected in it is currently entered in other files already declared (FORPRO, FORSI and PREMIUM) for the same purpose. The file is destroyed.

b) ARGOS-PLAYERS: Management of a didactic game and contribution of information about it to its participants. Identification of equipment that exceeds levels of play.

The Argos-players file corresponds to an already completed activity. The file is destroyed.

c) MENTFO: Tracking the training of remote tutors and responsible for training classrooms, is used for the initiation, completion and obtaining of the certificate of training courses for tutors and guardians class.

The MENTFO file is no longer required since its intended purpose and uses are collected and extended by the new "AulaMentor" file that is created in this Order and whose data includes.

d) MENTPG: Control and follow-up of payment to tutors at distance from non-regulated adult teaching courses by Internet is used for the submission of information to the Autonomous Communities for the management of such payment.

The MENTPG file is no longer required since its intended purpose and uses are collected and extended by the new "AulaMentor" file that is created in this Order and whose data includes.


Files for which the responsible organ and unit to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised

a) FORPRO: Registration of Internet Training Activities in NN.TT.

b) FORSI: Register of candidates to collaborate in teacher training over the Internet at NNTT.

c) FORPG: Payment of teacher training tutors over the Internet in NN.TT.

d) USERS: Managing mail, web spaces, and other telematics services in the INTEF.

e) MENTSI: Automated file of data registry of candidates to collaborate in the activities of non-regulated teaching of adults on the Internet.

f) GENERAL REGISTRATION OF TEACHER EDUCATION ACTIVITIES: Follow-up to teacher training for non-university teaching, six-year teaching, information and certification of activities.

g) INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Management of individual calls for financial support for participation in teacher training activities.