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Resolution Of 3 December 2015, Of The Presidency Of The State Agency Council Superior Of Scientific Research, That Will Create And Modify Personal Data Files.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 3 de diciembre de 2015, de la Presidencia de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, por la que se crean y modifican ficheros de datos de carácter personal.

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Article 60 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, which remains in force as long as the Law 39/2015 of 1 October of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations, determines that administrative acts will be published when the regulatory norms of each procedure so establish or when they advise on reasons of interest public appreciated by the competent body.

Article 20.1 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, provides that the creation, modification or deletion of the files of public administrations may be done only by means of general provision published in the Official Journal of the State or the official journal concerned.

The entry into force of the Implementing Regulation of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, has introduced, through Articles 53 and 54, some novelties regarding the form and content of the provision, highlighting the need to specify the system of processing of the file, being able to be automated, not automated or partially automated.

Article 1 of the Statute of the State Agency for Scientific Research (CSIC) regulates its name and nature, establishing that the CSIC is a State Agency with a differentiated legal personality, own assets and treasury, functional and managerial autonomy, full legal capacity and work, and provide administrative powers for the fulfilment of its objectives.

Also, Articles 7 and 11 of the aforementioned Statute define its President as the executive governing body of the CSIC, and attribute its institutional representation to it.

In its virtue, and in order to comply with the provisions of Articles 53 and 54 of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, for which the Regulation of the Development of the Organic Law 15/1999, of Protection of the Personal Data, Agreement:

First. Creation of files of the State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.

Create the files of the State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council included in Annex I of this resolution.

Second. Modification of files of the State Agency Higher Council of Scientific Research.

Modify the file of the State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council included in Annex II of this resolution, created by the Resolution of 23 September 2015, of the Presidency of the State Agency Higher Council of Scientific Research for the creation of personal data files of the State Agency of the State Council of Scientific Research.

Third. Unification of the place where requests to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition are directed.

Unify the place to which the interested parties may direct their requests to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of all the files currently registered corresponding to the State Agency Higher Council of Scientific Research, as set out in Annex III of this resolution. To this end, the following resolutions and general provisions are amended:

(a) Resolution of 21 July 1994, of the CSIC, regulating the automatic processing files of personal data, as amended by Royal Decree 1887 of 30/12/2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

(b) Order CTE/3147/2002 of 28 November 2002, regulating the files of personal data of the Department and of the public research bodies dependent on it, as amended by Royal Decree 1887 30/12/2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

(c) Resolution of 6 May 2010, of the Presidency of the State Agency of the National Council of Scientific Research, amending the one of 24 March 2010, establishing and regulating the Electronic Registry of the State Agency Superior Council for Scientific Research.

(d) Resolution of 14 February 2013, of the Presidency of the State Agency for Scientific Research, for which it is amended on 18 January 2013, for which data files are created personnel.

e) Resolution of March 19, 2014, of the Presidency of the State Agency Higher Council of Scientific Research, for which the creation of personal data files is agreed.

(f) Resolution of 23 September 2015, of the Presidency of the State Agency for Scientific Research, for which data files of a personal nature are created.

Fourth. Notification of the creation and modification of the files to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

In compliance with Article 55 of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, the files will be notified to the Spanish Data Protection Agency for registration in the General Register of Data Protection, within the thirty days since the publication of this resolution in the "Official State Gazette".

Fifth. Security measures.

Those responsible for the treatments or files and those in charge of the treatment will have to implement the regulatory safety measures, regardless of their treatment system, ensuring the correct identification and authentication of the data and their confidentiality, as well as the drivers to make effective all the guarantees, obligations and rights recognized in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, and its standards of development.

Sixth. Entry into force.

This resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 3 December 2015.-The President of the State Agency of the National Council of Scientific Research, Emilio Lora Tamayo d' Ocon.


New Create Files

File: Videosurveillance-IEG "Father Sarmiento"

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-IEG "Parent Sarmement".

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Institute of Galician Studies "Father Sarmiento".

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Galician Studies Institute "Father Sarmiento".

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Institute of Galician Studies "Father Sarmiento".

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

(h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Galician Studies Institute "Father Sarmiento".

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-CFMAC

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-CFMAC.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and control in the facilities of the Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-EEAD

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-EEAD.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Experimental Aula dei Station.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Experimental Aula Dei Station.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Experimental Classroom.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Experimental Classroom dei.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Access with Digital Footprint-EEAD

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Access with Digital Footprint-EEAD.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Associate a user's fingerprint to give you access to the center and to control time compliance.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees of the Experimental Aula Dei Station.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording each person's fingerprint.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying data: Fingerprint, first and last name, DNI/NIF, Department, time records, incidents.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Experimental Classroom.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Experimental Classroom dei.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-ICV

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-ICV.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Body, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

(h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Access Control-IMEDEA

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Access Control-IMEDEA.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Control of access outside the usual time to the facilities of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies by the employees.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Data record of the data subject by using a card with magnetic stripe.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: DNI/NIF, first and last name.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Body, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

(h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-IMEDEA

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-IMEDEA.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Body, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

(h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Visitas-IMEDEA Control

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: Visit-IMEDEA control.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Control of visits to the facilities of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Visitors of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Data record of the data subject in an electronic format.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, first and last name, entry time, company, person to visit

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Body, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

(h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Personnel Management-IMEDEA

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Personnel Management-IMEDEA.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of staff with employment relationship at the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies, or with collaboration or participation in the activities developed therein.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees, students with temporary stays in the center, participants in various events organized by the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative, and other Public Administrations.

Collection Procedure: Collected in Automated File.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: DNI/NIF, N. SS/Mutuality, N. Registration of personnel, name and surname, address, telephone, photograph, email, academic and professional data, other details of the employment.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Body, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

(h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-IG

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-IG.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Grasa Institute.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Grasa Institute.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Grasa Institute.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Institute of Grasa.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Personnel Management-IG

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Personnel Management-IG.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of staff with employment relationship at the Grasa Institute.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees, students with temporary stays in the center and other staff with some kind of timely participation in the work and activities developed at the Institute of Grasa.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative, and other Public Administrations.

Collection Procedure: Obtaining from the corporate management database or provided by the person concerned.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: DNI/NIF, N. SS/Mutuality, No. Staff record, first and last name, address, telephone, signature.

c.2) Treatment system: Manual file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Grasa Institute.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Authority, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Institute of Grasa.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-IPBLN

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-IPBLN.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Access with Digital Footprint-IPBLN

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Access with Digital Footprint-IPBLN.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Associate a user's fingerprint to give you access to the center and to control time compliance.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording each person's fingerprint.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying data: Fingerprint, first and last name, DNI/NIF, department, time records, incidents.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Lopez-Neyra.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Visitas-MNCN Control

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: Visitas-MNCN control.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Control of visits to the facilities of the National Museum of Natural Sciences.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Visitors to the National Museum of Natural Sciences.

b.2) Provenance:

The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Data record of the data subject in the guestbook.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, first and last name, time of entry, company, person to visit.

c.2) Treatment system: Manual file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the National Museum of Natural Sciences.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the National Museum of Natural Sciences.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Human-ICTAN Nutrition Unit Database

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Human Nutrition Unit Database.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Store the identification and contact details of volunteers who are part of programs and studies linked to the Human Nutrition Unit of the Institute of Science and Food and Nutrition Technology.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Citizens.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection Procedure: Automated file logging.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: Name and surname, telephone, email.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Body, entity or person responsible for the file: Human Nutrition Unit of the Food and Nutrition Institute of Science and Technology.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Body, entity or person in charge of data processing: Human Nutrition Unit of the Food and Nutrition Institute of Science and Technology

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-EBD

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-EBD.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Donana Biological Station.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors to the Donana Biological Station.

b.2) Provenance:

The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Donana Biological Station.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Donana Biological Station.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Visitas-EBD Control

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: Visit-EBD control.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Control of visits to the facilities of the Donana Biological Station.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Visitors to the Donana Biological Station.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Data record of the data subject in an electronic format.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, first and last name, time of entry, company, person to visit.

c.2) Treatment system: Manual file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Management of the Donana Biological Station.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Management of the Donana Biological Station.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Videosurveillance-ICMM

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance-ICMM.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Videosurveillance, security and access control to the facilities of the Institute of Materials Science in Madrid.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees and visitors of the Institute of Materials Science in Madrid.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Recording images using video surveillance cameras.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identifying Data: Image.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications of the expected data: Security forces and bodies.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Access Control-ICMM

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File identification: Access Control-ICMM.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Control of access to the facilities of the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid by the employees, as well as staff with temporary residence permit and staff of external companies provide services to the Institute.

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees of the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Data record of the data subject by using a card with magnetic stripe.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: Name and surname.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.

File: Personal Management-ICMM

a) Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

a.1) File Identification: Personnel Management-ICMM.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management and administrative procedures of the human resources of the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, publication of the directory of the staff on the website of the Institute and ways of contact persons related to the possible emergency (family, friends, etc.).

(b) Origin of data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it, the procedure for collecting the data, and its provenance.

b.1) Collective: Employees of the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

Collection procedure: Registration in a database and application of the Institute.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization.

c.1) Structure: Identificative data: First and last name, DNI/NIF, photograph, vehicle registration, email, corporate telephone, Department, position of job, academic degree, No. Staff, name, last name, and telephone number of contact persons related to employees.

c.2) Treatment system: Automated file.

d) Communications for expected data: No data communications or disposals are foreseen.

(e) International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

f) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (

h) Organ, entity or person in charge of data processing: Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

i) Level of security measures: Basic level.


Files that are modified

Responsible body: Ernesto Ganuza Fernandez

File: Citizen Panel for Social Research in Andalusia (PACIS)

The updated data, as opposed to the above, are as follows:

a) Organ, entity or person responsible for the file: Institute for Advanced Social Studies.

b) Body, entity or person in charge of data processing: Institute for Advanced Social Studies.


Unified address through which to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

State Agency Higher Scientific Research Council.


C/ Serrano, 117, 28006 Madrid (