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Royal Decree 1078 / 2015, Of 27 November, Which Regulates Is The Direct Granting Of Aid For The Purchase Of Alternative Energy Vehicles, And For The Introduction Of Recharging Stations For Electric Vehicles In 2016, Movea.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1078/2015, de 27 de noviembre, por el que se regula la concesión directa de ayudas para la adquisición de vehículos de energías alternativas, y para la implantación de puntos de recarga de vehículos eléctricos en 2016, MOVEA.

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Vehicles powered by alternative energy to traditional fossil fuels are called to be part of sustainable mobility in transport, both in cities and on the roads, because of their benefits in terms of energy diversification and reduction of dependence on petroleum products, as well as the reduction of CO2 emissions and other pollutant and greenhouse emissions, thereby helping to improve the air quality of our cities and reduce noise pollution and in addition to the consumption of indigenous energy, especially from renewable sources.

It is part of the belief that these transport technologies represent, in the current economic context, a challenge and an opportunity for several strategic sectors such as energy, automotive and technology. information and communications, both from an industrial and technological point of view, and from an energy and environmental point of view.

The Mobility Plan for Mobility with Alternative Energy Vehicles (MOVEA) is a measure that is part of the Vehicle with Alternative Energies (VEA) Impulse Strategy in Spain 2014-2020, designed and implemented by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, in collaboration with other entities and ministries, in order to unify the various programs and plans aimed at supporting the acquisition of the most efficient vehicles that have been developed so far. The Council of Ministers approved the agreement by which it takes cognizance of the agreement on 26 June 2015. In this sense, in recent years both the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism have been implementing different programs and aid plans, including the PIMA Air Plan and the MOVELE Plan. This Plan, jointly developed by both ministries, aims to continue and unify both programs to boost alternative energy vehicles.

In this context, and taking into account the high cost of this type of vehicles today compared to conventional technology vehicles, it has been deemed appropriate and necessary to give continuity to such programmes. incentives, aimed at promoting their acquisition, such as the one carried out through the regulation of direct grant of grants, established by this royal decree.

This royal decree aims to regulate the bases for the direct grant of aid for the purchase of electric vehicles, liquefied petroleum gas (GLP/Autogas), compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG), electric motor vehicles and electric motor vehicles assisted by electric motor, thereby promoting sustainability in the transport sector, the reduction of pollutant emissions and the improvement of air quality, as well as the diversification of air quality energy sources in transport and the consequent reduction of energy dependence of oil. In addition, this royal decree also provides for the granting of aid for the introduction of charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas. In this way, the alternative energy vehicles are presented as an opportunity from the industrial point of view for the implantation, development and manufacture of these types of vehicles and their associated components in Spain, which will allow position the Spanish automotive industry in a key technological alternative for the future of the sector.

In this royal decree, certain criteria that already appeared in the aforementioned programs are maintained and improved. Thus, and in the light of other aid schemes in which manufacturers/importers are required to provide an additional discount to the public subsidy, manufacturers and importers, whose points of view are required, are required in this plan. They wish to voluntarily join the MOVEA Plan, which include a complementary incentive consisting of the application on the corresponding purchase bill of a minimum discount of a general character of EUR 1,000 per vehicle, carried out by the manufacturer/importer or point of sale of the purchased vehicle of categories M and N, except for: powered by electric motor, in which case no such discount shall apply. In the event that the vehicle purchased is an electric vehicle, in order for a point of sale to be able to adhere to the programme, it will also be necessary for it to undertake to facilitate, to all its customers who acquire an electric vehicle and which benefit from the State subsidy, unless expressly disclaims from them, the installation of a linked loading point, from the resources of the point of sale, assuming up to a maximum cost of EUR 1,000 per vehicle for categories M and N, For the quadricycles of categories L6e and L7e, it shall be 150 euros. This charging point must comply with the technical specifications set out in Royal Decree 1053/2014 of 12 December 2014 approving a new Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) BT 52 ' Facilities for special purposes. Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles ', of the Electrotechnical Regulation for Low Voltage, approved by Royal Decree 842/2002 of 2 August 2002, and other technical instructions accompanying it are amended.

Given the impact of large vehicles of categories M2, N2, M3 and N3, it will be compulsory for a vehicle of more than seven years of its categories M or N. to be compulsory. the case of vehicles of categories M1 and N1, although the applicants who so credit will receive an additional aid of EUR 750.

Alternative energy-powered vehicles need a specific charging and supply infrastructure to cover the mobility needs of users, and thus enable the development of a market in the alternative energy vehicles, this being one of the key factors in the development of a widespread market for alternative energy vehicles. This deployment of infrastructure must be carried out in a way that is accompanied by the increase of the park of this type of vehicles and the entry into the market of these technologies, and must be the appropriate one for each of the energy alternatives. In this sense, the Public Administrations, within their competencies, can facilitate and promote the deployment and development and implementation of recharge and supply infrastructures by facilitating their installation through economic aid, without to forget the development of specific regulation and standardisation. The charging infrastructure associated with electric vehicles is the one that currently presents major barriers to its implementation, which is why financial support for the implementation of charging points is introduced as one of the new features of the programme. in public access areas.

Also, in order to promote the achievement of the objectives pursued by MOVEA, it is necessary and appropriate to facilitate the tool of the electric demonstration vehicles for sale, taking into account the high cost that they still have today, in relation to the vehicles of conventional technologies, and their relative lack of knowledge in the market.

You may not be eligible for the grants provided for in this program, the vehicle sales points or the concessionaires.

A contributing entity will be able to intervene to manage the material aspects of the processing of the aid and distribute the funds to the beneficiaries that meet the requirements established by this royal decree. The object of the alleged collaboration does not fall within the own object of the contracts regulated in the Law of Public Sector Contracts, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of November 14, when considering that the object of this collaboration does not imply by the Administration a direct consideration to the collaborating entity which must be compulsorily, if any, a public entity or a state mercantile company.

In order to maintain the incentive character of the aid, only acquisitions of vehicles made within the period of validity of the program will be permitted. In addition, a limit for a vehicle per beneficiary is established for the case of natural persons, and for thirty-five vehicles for the case of companies and other types of legal persons. In this sense, the penetration in the market of novel technologies needs wide dissemination and knowledge among the potential users and buyers of the same. This is why, in the particular case of alternative energy vehicles, fleets and car rental companies are particularly important in bringing this type of vehicle closer to the end user, presenting itself as a real opportunity. to test the characteristics and usability of the same.

The aid regulated in the royal decree is established as a right of the petitioner who fulfils the conditions for his concession, that is, he does not compete with any other to obtain them, since for the mere fact of carrying out the behaviour established in the standard and complying with the conditions and conditions required, the grant must be granted, which determines that the procedures are initiated at the request of the person concerned, in contrast to the concurrency a competitive procedure which is initiated on its own initiative in accordance with Article 23 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November. This does not make it possible for the public to call for aid for the purchase of alternative energy vehicles.

The reasons outlined above justify the public, social and economic interest for the development of vehicle impulse actions with alternative energies by granting direct grants. That is why the aid provided for in Article 22 (2) (c) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November on aid under direct concession is required, and a royal decree is required to be applied in accordance with Article 28 (2) of the Treaty. the law, to approve the special rules of the subsidies referred to in Article 22.2.c).

This royal decree is dictated by the state powers in terms of bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity and environmental protection, as provided for in Article 149.1.13. Constitution. These aids are centrally managed as they are essential to ensure the full effectiveness of the measures within the basic management of the sector and to ensure the same possibilities for obtaining and enjoying the same potential recipients throughout the national territory, while avoiding the overall amount of State resources allocated to the sector being exceeded.

This Royal Decree has been subject to the procedure laid down in Directive (EU) 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 laying down a procedure for the provision of information on In the case of the Commission, the Court of State held that the Court of State held that the Court of State held that the Court of State held that the Court of State held that the Court of State held that the Court of (a) technical and regulatory provisions relating to the services of the information society.

The Government's Delegation for Economic Affairs has reported this royal decree at its meeting on November 5, 2015.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, prior to the report of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 27 November 2015,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

1. It constitutes the object of this royal decree the regulation of the procedure for the direct grant of grants for the "Plan of Impulse to Mobility with Vehicles of Alternative Energy (MOVEA)", consisting in encouraging the acquisition in Spain of vehicles with alternative energies to traditional fuels, and the granting of aid for the implementation in Spain of charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas, thereby promoting sustainability in the transport sector, the decrease in CO2 emissions and other pollutants, climate change mitigation and improvement of the country's air quality, as well as the diversification of energy sources in transport and the consequent reduction of energy dependence on oil.

2. To this end, the grants referred to in this royal decree will be granted for the acquisition in Spain of vehicles of the categories detailed in Article 4, and for the installation of charging points for electric vehicles in access areas. public.

3. The aid will be used for direct acquisition or acquisition by means of financing operations by leasing or leasing (also called operating leasing) of a new vehicle. They shall also be used for the purchase of electric vehicles up to six months old, with the exception of electric-powered pedalling bicycles, from the first registration to the aid application and whose ownership the dealer, point of sale or manufacturer/importer of the vehicle must be held for the purpose of demonstration for sale. In this case the vehicle must have been acquired by the point of sale as a new vehicle to the manufacturer or importer. Finally, they will also be used for the introduction of fast and semi-fast charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas.

Article 2. Features, compatibility, and concurrency of grants.

1. The grants covered by this Royal Decree shall be granted to applications which comply with each and each of the requirements laid down by order of activation of the budget reserve, until the available budget is exhausted, or if it occurs before, until the date of validity of the present call specified in Article 7 is reached.

2. The aid shall be granted for a single time without duplicity in the case of successive transmissions of the same vehicle.

3. The grants provided for in this royal decree are declared incompatible, for the same vehicle or charging point, with any other grant, aid, income or resource granted by the General Administration of the State for the same purpose.

4. The subsidies regulated in this royal decree will be compatible with other aid or subsidies which could be established by the autonomous communities or local authorities for the same purpose, as well as the programmes established by the European Union.

5. In the event of a grant of subsidies from other public or public authorities or private entities, the amount of the aid granted may not in any case result in such an amount as, in isolation or in combination, exceeding the selling price before (a) the corresponding vehicle tax or the investment cost at the charging point, nor shall it be able to exceed the limits laid down for each beneficiary by the Community regulations applicable to it.

6. These grants, in the event that the eligible concept is the purchase of vehicles, except for vehicles of categories M2, N2, M3 and N3, and with the exception of those whose beneficiaries are private individuals, entities and institutions without For profit that cannot undertake economic activities which have an impact on third parties, they shall be subject to the requirements and limits laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid 352, of 24 December 2013), as well as any other provision which may be applicable and be approved during the duration of this programme, respecting the rules of cumulation which prevent the limits of aid from being exceeded laid down in that Regulation.

For these purposes, applicants must submit a responsible declaration for all aid granted, making special mention of the "de minimis" aid received during the previous two fiscal years and during the current fiscal year, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant aid application.

7. In the event that the eligible concept includes the introduction of charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas, and for the purchase of vehicles of categories M2, N2, M3 and N3, they shall be subject to the the requirements and limits laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty, and in the other provisions that are applicable.

8. The aid may be co-financed with Community funds under some of the Operational Programmes of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The full implementation of the management and control mechanisms included in the Operational Programmes and instruments applicable to the Fund is therefore included.

Article 3. Beneficiaries.

1. They may be beneficiaries of the grants provided for in this programme:

(a) Self-employed professionals, in which case they will be discharged from the Census of Employers, Professionals and Reholders.

(b) Senior natural persons residing in Spain not covered by paragraph (a).

(c) Private companies, validly incorporated in Spain at the time of filing, and other types of legal persons such that their Tax Identification Number (NIF) begins with the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, N, R or W.

(d) Local Entities and public entities linked to or dependent on them, provided that they comply with the provisions regarding the maximum payment deadline for providers in Organic Law 2/2012 of 27 April of Stability Budget and Financial Sustainability, for which they will have to provide certification of the local intervention on the average period of payment to suppliers, which will not be able to exceed in more than 30 days the maximum period established to the effect.

(e) The Administrations of the Autonomous Communities and the public entities linked to or dependent on them, provided that they comply with the provisions of Article 20.3 of the Organic Law 2/2012, of 27 April, of Stability Budget and Financial Sustainability, and with the provisions of the first provision of Law 48/2015, of 29 October, of the General Budget of the State for the year 2016.

f) Other public entities linked to or dependent on the General Administration of the State.

2. The sales of vehicles and the concessionaires shall not be eligible for the grants provided for in this programme.

3. The beneficiary must be aware of its tax and social security obligations at the time of the grant, as well as not being subject to a recovery order pending after a decision. prior to the European Commission having declared unlawful and incompatible aid with the common market, which shall be credited by a responsible declaration which it shall subscribe together with the application for a grant. However, where the aid or aid requested by each beneficiary exceeds EUR 3 000, the fulfilment of the tax and social security obligations must be credited by providing the corresponding certificate, in accordance with the Article 22 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July.

4. In the case of direct acquisitions or financial leasing financing operations, the holder of the registration registered in the Official Register of Vehicles of the European Union shall, for the purposes of this royal decree, be understood as a beneficiary. General Directorate of Traffic.

In the case of acquisitions by leasing financing operations, the beneficiary will be the renter of the renting contract.

5. In the case of implantation of charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas:

(a) Fast-charging points: the subjects referred to in paragraph 1 (c), (d), (e) or (f) may be beneficiaries.

(b) Semi-rapid recharging points: only those subjects referred to in paragraph 1 (c) who develop their activity in the tertiary sector may be eligible.

In any case, the beneficiary shall be understood to be the subject of the investment.

Article 4. Eligible concepts.

1. The grant of applications to the MOVEA Plan will be used for direct acquisition or acquisition through financing operations by leasing or leasing (also called operating leasing). new vehicles. They shall also apply to the purchase of electric vehicles up to six months old, with the exception of electric motor-assisted pedalling bicycles, from the first registration to the aid application, the ownership of which must be (a) a dealer, point of sale or manufacturer/importer of the vehicle, in which case the vehicle must have been acquired by the point of sale as a new vehicle to the manufacturer or importer.

2. In any event, the vehicle eligible for aid must be registered in Spain and belong to one of the following categories:

(a) M1 Turisms: Motor vehicles with at least four wheels designed and manufactured for the carriage of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, eight seats at the most.

(b) Bus or coach M2: Motor vehicles designed and manufactured primarily for the transport of persons and their luggage having more than eight seats in addition to that of the driver, and the maximum mass of which is loaded technically permissible (MMTA) does not exceed 5 tonnes.

(c) Bus or coach M3: Motor vehicles designed and manufactured primarily for the transport of persons and their luggage having more than eight seats in addition to that of the driver and the maximum mass of which is loaded technically permissible (MMTA) is greater than 5 tonnes.

(d) N1 vans or light trucks: Motor vehicles designed and manufactured primarily for the carriage of goods and the technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) does not exceed 3,5 tonnes, designed and manufactured for the carriage of goods.

e) Furgons or light trucks N2: Motor vehicles designed and manufactured primarily for the carriage of goods and the technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) of which is greater than 3,5 and less than 12 tonnes.

(f) Furgons or trucks N3: Motor vehicles designed and manufactured primarily for the carriage of goods and the technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) of more than 12 tonnes.

g) L6e light cycles: Light cycles with a vacuum mass of not more than 350 kg., not including the mass of the batteries, the maximum design speed of which is not less than 45 km/h, and the maximum maximum power or equal to 4 kW.

(h) L7e Heavy Cycles: Cuadricycles whose empty mass is less than or equal to 400 kg. (550 kg for vehicles intended for the carriage of goods), not including the mass of the batteries, and a maximum power of 15 kW or less.

i) L3e, L4e, L5e Motorcycles: Two-wheel vehicles, or three symmetrical or asymmetric wheels with respect to the vehicle's longitudinal median axle, with a design speed exceeding 45 km/h.

j) New electric motor-assisted pedaling bikes.

3. Vehicles eligible for support shall meet the following requirements:

(a) For vehicles belonging to categories M and N:

1. Powered by internal combustion engines that can use alternative fossil fuels, approved as GLP/Autogas, CNG, LNG or gas-gas fuel.

2. Pure electric (BEV).

3. Extended-range electric (REEV), fully or partially propelled by internal combustion engines of petrol or diesel and electric.

4. Plug-in hybrids (PHEV) propelled wholly or partially by internal combustion engines of petrol or diesel and electric, which at the date of activation of the budget reserve are classified as Class A or B in the ' Base of Data from the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy for Fuel Consumption and CO2 emissions in new cars " published on the website of IDAE, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 837/2002 of 2 August, by the the information regarding fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from the new passenger cars that are put up for sale or are offered on lease in Spanish territory.

5. In the case of vehicles of categories M1 and N1 approved in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to motor vehicles emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to information relating to the repair and maintenance of vehicles, they must be accredited with approved CO2 emissions not more than 160 g/km (grams per kilometre), according to the information given in the database "Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in new cars", developed by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings.

(b) For vehicles belonging to category L and electric bicycles:

1. Be powered exclusively by electric motors, and be approved as electric vehicles.

2. New electric motorcycles (categories L3e, L4e and L5e) capable of providing support must have lithium batteries with a power equal to or greater than 3 kWh and a minimum range of 70 km electric power.

3. The new electric motor-assisted pedaling bicycles that can be supported must have lithium battery and comply with the requirements of the UNE-EN 15194:2009 standard, and must have the identification of the bicycle through the number The indelible frame or system and the battery serial number.

(c) The aid shall be used for the purchase of a new vehicle, with the understanding as such from the factory.

In the specific case of the aid granted for the purchase of vehicles approved as GLP/Autogas, CNG, LNG or gas-gas fuel, it will be understood by new vehicle, that coming from factory or transformed and guaranteed under the control of the manufacturer through his authorised network within a maximum period of 125 days from the registration or sale of the vehicle, without distinction. M1 and N1 vehicles must be registered in the "Fuel Consumption and CO2 in new cars" database, developed by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings. For vehicles M2, M3, N2 and N3, the verification of the technical data shall be carried out by verifying the field P3 relating to the 'Type of fuel or source of energy', which consists of the technical information sheet of the vehicle.

(d) They shall also be used for the purchase of electric vehicles up to six months old from the first registration until the application for the aid, the ownership of which must be held by a dealer, point of sale or manufacturer/importer of the vehicle, which must have been acquired by the point of sale as a new vehicle to the manufacturer or importer.

(e) acquisitions in the acquisition mode by leasing operations may only be subject to aid on condition that the relevant lease term provides for a minimum duration of two years from the date of its formalization, in any case, equal to or after the day following the date of publication in the "Official State Gazette" of the royal decree. In addition, this lease must expressly provide that the lessee is the beneficiary of the aid which is to be granted, and the total application of the aid to the reduction of the quotas must also be expressly stated in it. payment or lease income to be met by the lessee, specifying the amount corresponding to those fees before the application of the aid and the same amount after its application.

(f) In the case of purchase of vehicles of categories M2, N2, M3 and N3, it shall be compulsory to have another vehicle to be completed and to discharge another vehicle, and to comply with all the requirements of this paragraph. The acquirer of the eligible vehicle shall certify the final discharge in circulation of the vehicle to be carried out in the Vehicle Register of the Directorate-General for Traffic by presenting the relevant certificate. of the final discharge of the vehicle, as specified in Article 11 of this royal decree. In any event, the purchase of the vehicle which may be eligible for aid and the issue of the certificate of the discharge of the vehicle to be completed must not have taken place before the entry into force of this royal decree. The vehicle to be carried out must, without distinction, be of categories M or N, and be registered in Spain before 1 January 2009. The holder of the vehicle which may be eligible for aid must also be entitled to the vehicle to be carried out, as well as to present the last receipt of the Mechanical Traction Vehicle Tax, issued in the name of the beneficiary of the aid, duly paid. Where the applicant is a community of goods or a civil society, he may be the holder of the vehicle to the community of property or civil society, as the representative or sole representative of that community or society.

4. In the case of purchase of vehicles belonging to categories M1 and N1, it shall not be mandatory for the acquirer of the vehicle to be eligible for the aid of a final low-end vehicle. In the case of accrediting a vehicle's achating, for the purposes of the amount of aid granted, that vehicle shall comply with all the requirements laid down in this point. In this case, it will be necessary for the acquiring holder of the eligible vehicle to prove the final low in circulation of the vehicle to be registered in the Vehicle Registry of the General Directorate of Traffic, by means of the corresponding certificate of the final discharge of the vehicle, as specified in Article 11 of this royal decree. The purchase of the vehicle which may be eligible for aid and the issue of the certificate of the discharge of the vehicle to be carried out must not have occurred before the entry into force of this royal decree. The vehicle to be carried out must, without distinction, be of categories M1 or N1, and be registered in Spain before 1 January 2006 in the case of category M1, and before 1 January 2009 in the case of category N1. In addition, and regardless of its category, the vehicle to be achatarrar must have had in force the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV) at the entry into force of this royal decree. The holder of the vehicle liable for payment must also be entitled to the vehicle at least during the 12 months preceding the date of application for the aid, and to present the last receipt of the tax on Mechanical traction vehicles, issued in the name of the aid beneficiary, duly paid, at least since 2015. Where the applicant is a community of goods or a civil society, he may be the holder of the vehicle to the community of property or civil society, as the representative or sole representative of that community or society.

5. Within the framework of this programme, a limit for the purchase of vehicles by the same beneficiary of up to thirty-five vehicles for self-employed persons and public or private entities with legal personality and a vehicle is established in the case of natural persons, in all the different categories of support, unless that limit is to be less than the limit of aid laid down in the regulation which is to be granted by the applicant has been reached by the applicant application.

6. Grants shall be awarded for one time, without duplication in the case of successive transmissions of the same vehicle.

7. The civil work, installations, wiring and connection point necessary for the putting into service of a system for the rapid or semi-rapid recharging of batteries for electric vehicles in public access areas shall also be the subject of a subsidy. They are either Mode 3 or Mode 4, and standard UNE-EN 61851. The feasibility of the charging point shall be verified by examination and validation of the documentation provided by the applicant in Article 11.2. It is defined as a semi-fast charging system with a power equal to or greater than 15 kW, and less than 40 kW. It is defined as a fast charging system with a power equal to or greater than 40 kW.

It is considered as eligible costs for the civil work, the wiring and its installation from the final electrical frame from which the circuit derives to the connection point (the latter also eligible) where the vehicle for recharging.

It is not considered eligible for the installation of smart meters, which will have to be provided by the electricity companies to the consumers (end users or recharge managers), usually under the rental regime.

Article 5. Concession and Financing Scheme.

1. These grants will be granted directly, in accordance with Articles 22 and 28 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, and Chapter III of Title I of the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21 July, as there are reasons of public, social and economic interest that do not allow the promotion of competitive competition.

2. The financing of the aid covered by this royal decree will be carried out from the budget, amounting to a total of EUR 16,600 000, from the budgetary implementation provided for in Law 48/2015 of 29 October 2000. State Generals for the year 2016, Section 20, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Service 16, Directorate-General for Industry and SMEs, Programme 422B, and the following concepts:

-Concept 740: " Companies, public entities, foundations and other public sector entities. For actions to promote sustainable mobility: EUR 400,000. "

-Concept 750: " To Autonomous Communities. For actions to promote sustainable mobility: EUR 1,600,000. "

-Concept 760: " To local entities. For actions to promote sustainable mobility: EUR 1,600,000. "

-Concept 770: " To private companies. For actions to promote sustainable mobility: EUR 6,500,000. "

-Concept 780: " To non-profit families and institutions. For actions to promote sustainable mobility: EUR 6,500,000. "

The total amount of aid to be granted will be distributed as follows:

a) Electric vehicles:

-Turisms (M1), light quadricycles (L6e) and heavy (L7e): 4,500,000 euros.

-Buses or coaches (M2, M3), vans, vans, light trucks and trucks (N1, N2, N3): EUR 3 800 000.

-Motorcycles (L3e, L4e, L5e): EUR 300,000.

-Electric powered pedaling bikes: 200,000 euros.

b) Vehicles powered by Natural Gas (CNG, LNG, bifuel): 2,000,000 euros.

c) Vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG, bifuel): 1,300,000 euros.

d) Installing charging points for electric vehicles:

-Quick: 1,000,000 euros.

-Quick: 3,500,000 euros.

If, by 1 May 2016, the amounts foreseen for each category defined in the previous paragraph have not been committed, the remaining amounts may be reallocated by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism for any of the categories of electric vehicles, prior to the report to the Government Delegated Committee for Economic Affairs, prioritizing the allocation of remaining to commercial vehicles.

3. The budget available for the implementation of this programme shall be deemed to be exhausted, where the last budget reserve is made available for the amount corresponding to it.

After that time, the sales outlets attached to the program may continue to temporarily activate budget reserves in the corresponding computer application, which will be served by strict order of activation of the same, subject to the fact that cancellations have occurred in previous reservations that release the budget. The possibility of continuing to activate these provisional reserves will definitely end with a deadline of 15 October 2016. In no case, the budget reserve, as set out in this paragraph, will generate the right to receive subsidies.

4. For the purposes of this call, which may be the subject of co-financing with Community Funds, within certain of the Operational Programmes of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the general rules of the Funds shall be observed, as well as the specific control, information and publicity criteria, selection criteria for operations, etc., the implementation of which must be enforced.

Compliance with these standards should be verified by the designated intermediate body responsible for managing the Thematic Objective 4 "Low Carbon Economy" within the Sustainable Growth Operational Programme.

Article 6. Amount of aid.

1. Depending on the category of the vehicle to be acquired and the type of fuel used, and, in some cases, the maximum permissible mass or its autonomy in exclusively electric operating mode, the following amounts are set individual aid, being understood as a price, the selling price to the customer at the time of applying for the subsidy before VAT or IGIC:

(a) For vehicles belonging to category M1:

I. Powered by GLP/Autogas or bifuel:

i. EUR 1,100 for vehicles whose price does not exceed EUR 10,000.

ii. EUR 2,500 for vehicles whose price does not exceed EUR 25,000.

II. Powered by CNG, LNG or bifuel, 3,000 euros for vehicles whose price does not exceed 25,000 euros.

III. For vehicles that are powered by batteries, fully or partially charged with electricity from the network (PHEV, REEV, BEV), and the price of which does not exceed EUR 32,000 shall be:

i. EUR 2,700 for vehicles with exclusively electric autonomy not exceeding 40 km and not less than 15 km.

ii. EUR 3,700 for vehicles with exclusively electric autonomy exceeding 40 km and less than or equal to 90 km.

iii. EUR 5,500 for vehicles with exclusively electric autonomy exceeding 90 km.

(b) For vehicles belonging to category N1:

I. Powered by GLP/Autogas or bifuel:

i. EUR 2,000 for vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) of less than 2,500 kilograms.

ii. EUR 3,000 for vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) equal to or greater than 2,500 kilograms.

II. Powered by CNG, LNG or bifuel:

i. EUR 2,500 for vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) of less than 2,500 kilograms.

ii. EUR 5,500 for vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) of 2,500 kg or more.

III. EUR 8,000 for vehicles that are powered by batteries, fully or partially loaded with electricity from the network (PHEV, REEV, BEV), with exclusively electric autonomy exceeding 60 km.

c) For vehicles belonging to categories M2 and N2:

I. 10,000 euros for those vehicles powered by GLP/Autogas, CNG, LNG or bifuel.

II. EUR 8,000 for vehicles that are powered by batteries, fully or partially loaded with electricity from the network (PHEV, REEV, BEV), with exclusively electric autonomy exceeding 60 km.

(d) For vehicles belonging to categories M3 and N3:

I. Powered by GLP/Autogas, CNG, LNG or bifuel:

i. EUR 10,000 for vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) of less than 18,000 kilograms.

ii. EUR 20,000 for vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass (MMTA) equal to or greater than 18,000 kilograms.

II. EUR 20,000 for vehicles that are powered by batteries, fully or partially charged with electricity from the network (PHEV, REEV, BEV), with exclusively electric autonomy exceeding 60 km.

e) For vehicles belonging to L6e or L7e categories:

I. EUR 1,950 for light quadricycles belonging to the L6e category which are propelled by fully charged batteries with electricity from the network (BEV).

II. EUR 2,350 for heavy quadricycles belonging to the L7e category which are propelled by fully charged batteries with electricity from the network (BEV).

f) For vehicles belonging to categories L3e, L4e or L5e:

I. EUR 1,500 for electric motorcycles powered by batteries fully charged with electricity from the network (BEV) of a power equal to or greater than 3 kWh and less than 4,5 kWh, with an electric range of 70 km or more, and the price of which does not exceed EUR 8,000.

II. EUR 2 000 for electric motorcycles powered by batteries fully charged with electricity from the network (BEV) of a power equal to or greater than 4,5 kWh, with an electric range of 70 km or more, and the price of which does not exceed 8,000 euro.

g) For the case of electric motor-assisted pedaling bicycles, an aid of EUR 200 per bicycle shall be granted.

2. In the case where the application for aid is for the acquisition of a vehicle of categories M1 or N1, and if a vehicle of such categories propelled by diesel or petrol engines is credited, and provided that it complies with the The conditions referred to in Article 4.4 shall be increased by EUR 750 to the aid referred to in the previous paragraph.

3. For the sale points voluntarily adhered to the obligation of the application on the corresponding purchase bill of a minimum discount of 1,000 euros for the vehicles belonging to the categories M and N, and of any Mode of propulsion, except for powered by electric motor (PHEV, REEV, BEV), in which case no such discount shall apply. In addition, for those vehicles of the above categories powered by electric motor (PHEV, REEV, BEV), the voluntary sales outlets must facilitate the installation, from their own resources, of a point of recharges the aid beneficiary who so wishes, before the vehicle is registered, assuming up to a maximum cost, before VAT and IGIC, of EUR 1,000. Similarly, for the case of quadricycles of categories L6e and L7e, this maximum cost shall be EUR 150. The beneficiary wishing to give up the installation of the charging point must do so expressly, pointing out the appropriate box in the application form. This charging point must comply with the technical specifications set out in Royal Decree 1053/2014 of 12 December 2014 approving a new Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) BT 52 ' Facilities for special purposes. Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles ', of the Electrotechnical Regulation for Low Voltage, approved by Royal Decree 842/2002 of 2 August 2002, and other technical instructions accompanying it are amended.

4. The autonomy in exclusively electric operating mode, is defined as the distance capable of travelling the vehicle using exclusively the energy accumulated in its batteries, and that the manufacturer declares in the technical and commercial documentation of the vehicle.

5. In the case of charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas, the maximum amount of aid shall be 40% of the total eligible cost (VAT or IGIC not included), the following amounts not being exceeded:

a) 15,000 euros per fast charging point installed.

b) 2,000 euros per semi-fast charging point installed.

Article 7. The duration of the program and time limits for the submission of applications.

1. The programme shall take effect from the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette" and shall end on 15 October 2016, or, if it occurs before, when the available budgets set out in Article 5 are exhausted.

2. The time limit for the submission of applications for aid shall be from the day of activation of the MOVEA scheme for the management of aid to the MOVEA until 15 October 2016, or until the established budgets are exhausted. in Article 5, in the case of a prior occurrence. Budget reserves may be held from the day of opening of the telematic management system. These budget reserves shall in any case be against operations which have been carried out from the day following the publication of the royal decree in the Official Gazette of the State. On 15 October 2016, any budget reserve that you still need to load documentation in the application will be nullified.

3. The date and time of activation of the telematic system for the management of aid shall be duly notified by the contributing entity to the sales points attached to the MOVEA Plan.

Article 8. Competent bodies to instruct and resolve the award procedure and body responsible for monitoring grants.

1. The authority responsible for ordering and instructing the concession procedures shall be the Directorate-General for Industry and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

2. The authority responsible for resolving the procedure for granting aid shall be the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, without prejudice to the existing delegations on the matter.

3. For the purposes of Article 88.3 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21 July, the body responsible for monitoring the aid will be the Directorate-General for Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises.

Article 9. Management of the aid.

1. For the management of grants, a contributing entity may be involved, which must comply with the requirements laid down in Article 13 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General grants. The collaborating entity must carry out the functions provided for in Article 15 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, and be selected in its case by means of a procedure which is subject to the principles of advertising, competition, equality and non-discrimination. discrimination. In the case of selecting a contributing entity, only public entities and state commercial companies may act as such.

In the event that in the management of the aid a contributing entity intervenes, this will not entail any economic compensation from the Administration. In this case, once selected, as provided for in Article 16 of the General Law of Grants, a collaboration agreement will be formalized between the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and the collaborating entity, which will have to contemplate all the ends set out in Article 16.3 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General of Grants.

2. The management of the aid will be carried out through an electronic management system and with the guarantees required by Law 11/2007, of June 22, of electronic access of the citizens to the Public Services and the remaining regulatory regulations of the Electronic administration.

3. In the case of selection of a contributing entity, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 17.3.c) of the General Grant Law, the latter shall credit its economic and financial solvency by crediting the deposit of its accounts. audited annual accounts of the last two financial years in the Trade Register or in which it applies to it in accordance with its legal nature.

The technical solvency and efficiency of the management will be demonstrated by the following means:

(a) Relation of the main work carried out in the last three years whose nature can be used to establish experience in the subject matter of collaboration, especially in relation to administrations and entities public and with the management of public aid.

b) The academic and professional qualifications of the staff responsible for the implementation of the collaborative object, as well as the person responsible for the technical aspects of the system or model to be implemented.

c) Statement of the technical means available for the effective implementation of the collaborative object.

Article 10. Formalisation and submission of applications.

1. Applications for aid for the purchase of new vehicles, or for electric vehicles up to six months old, established in this royal decree will necessarily be channelled through the points of sale of vehicles previously attached to the MOVEA plan, according to the following procedure:

(a) The points of sale of vehicles that wish to participate in this program must be attached to it, in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of this royal decree. With such accession, the points of sale accept and commit to the fulfillment of the full content of this royal decree.

b) Through the computer application that will be developed, those interested in the assistance covered by this program will be able to know the updated listing and location of the sales points adhered to the MOVEA Plan, as well as carry out the search for the brands, models and versions of vehicles of categories M1 and N1 potentially susceptible to support in the said programme. For vehicles of the other categories, the relevant fields relating to the mark, model and version in the application must be completed.

(c) The potential beneficiary or the person concerned shall be directed to a point of sale adhered to the MOVEA Plan and shall choose any of the vehicles that meet the requirements set out in Article 4. The point of sale of vehicles, with their user and password of access that they identify as adhering to the MOVEA Plan, will be able to check, in real time through the computer application created to the effect, the volume of funds available in the program and make, where appropriate, the budget reserve for the corresponding aid application.

(d) To make the budget reserve, the point of sale shall, in electronic form, complete the basic data of the operation, relating to the beneficiary and the purchased vehicle, which shall select from the list which appear in the computer application for vehicles of categories M1 and N1.

Once the vehicle is selected for support, the application itself shall assign the amount of the support to it under this programme, as set out in Article 6.

In such a reservation, it should be noted, where appropriate, whether the beneficiary gives up the point of sale to facilitate the installation of a related charging point, as well as if it requests additional State aid for the voluntary in the acquisition of a vehicle of categories M1 or N1. After the reservation of the budget, the point of sale will receive an e-mail, addressed to the address provided for this purpose, confirming the reservation of budget made for the corresponding application, as well as the amount assigned to it.

In the particular case of applying for additional State aid for voluntary reduction in the purchase of a vehicle of categories M1 or N1, the point of sale must select the appropriate option, in order to the beneficiary can obtain the aid established for this case in Article 6. With regard to the identification of the beneficiary, the mark and model of the vehicle for which aid is sought, the field of 'Additional State aid for achating' shall not be subsable, and therefore the reserve may not be modified, which is a key field in the activation of reserves when the amount is conditioned, while avoiding duplication of aid. Therefore, the documentation to be loaded in the application must be consistent with what is indicated in the reservation request, or if necessary, proceed to the annulment of the original application and make a new application for a grant, provided that it exists budgetary availability.

e) In the confirmation email of the budget reserve, the point of sale will receive, as an attachment, the pdf file of the application form for the purchase of the vehicle corresponding to the operation referred to, where the name and DNI/NIF/NIE of the beneficiary is reflected, as well as the mark, model and version of the vehicle acquired, category and autonomy in electrical mode where appropriate, and the amount of aid granted to it, in accordance with Article 6. The point of sale shall be printed in triplicate.

This application must be signed by the beneficiary and signed and sealed by the point of sale adhered to the program, each one being left with an original. The third original copy shall also be kept by the point of sale adhered to for the purposes of Article 12 (6


(f) The point of sale of vehicles adhered to the programme shall offer the price of the vehicle, applying on the invoice, after tax, the discount of the aid which is collected on its corresponding application form.

(g) Prior to the sale of the vehicle to the potential beneficiary, the point of sale adhered to shall verify that the buyer or applicant for the aid is a subject meeting the requirements laid down in Article 3. In the case of renting operations, the lessee of the vehicle shall be acquired by the renting undertaking, as a beneficiary of the aid, who has to comply with those requirements.

The point of sale shall then collect from the beneficiary all the documentation provided for in Article 11. Once done, it must be loaded into the software application of the programme and the records which were not previously included in the activation of the budget reserve of the aid application, corresponding to the registration fee, must be entered before the taxes (tax base), number of frames and date of registration of the purchased vehicle. In the case of electric motor assisted pedaling bicycles, the frame number or indelible identification system, as well as the battery serial number, shall be inserted.

(h) Any budget reserve with a duration of more than 105 days, counted from the date of activation of the reserve, shall be automatically cancelled, after information to the point of sale, except in the case of aid granted for the acquisition of used electric vehicles (PHEV, REEV, BEV). In this case, after making the point of sale the budget reserve, the aid corresponding to the category of the vehicle shall be provisionally assigned to it; the amount to be paid from the available budget for the implementation of the programme, setting a maximum period of 150 days to formalize the documentation required to confirm the final customer sale operation.

i) In the event that the documentation loaded in the application does not meet the required requirements, the applicant and/or point of sale may be required to remedy the deficiency within 10 days. Failure to comply with this time limit will result in the inadmission of the corresponding application and the automatic cancellation of the activation of your budget reserve.

(j) The submission of the application shall contain the agreement of the applicant or beneficiary in order to receive all the notifications which must be made by electronic means, in accordance with the provisions of each case, decree.

2. Applications for aid for the implementation of charging points for electric vehicles in public access areas may be submitted by the applicant in accordance with the following procedure:

(a) Applicants who wish to participate in this program accept and undertake to comply with the full content of this royal decree.

(b) The applicant shall, in electronic form, complete the basic data of the operation, relating to the beneficiary, the type of aid and grant requested.

Once the requested type of aid is selected, the application itself will assign the amount of aid that corresponds to it under this programme, as set out in Article 6.

After the reservation of the budget, the applicant will receive an email, addressed to the address provided for this purpose, confirming the reservation of the budget made for the corresponding request, as well as the amount allocated to it.

(c) In the confirmation email of the budget reserve, the applicant shall, as an accompanying document, receive the pdf file of the aid application form, where the name and NIF of the beneficiary shall be reflected, as well as the characteristics of the charging point, and the amount of aid granted to it, in accordance with Article 6. Such application shall be kept by the applicant for the purposes of Article 12 (6


(d) The applicant shall upload all the documentation set out in Article 11 in the software application of the programme.

e) Any budget reserve with a duration of more than 105 days, counted from the date of activation of that reservation, shall be automatically cancelled, after information to the applicant.

(f) If the documentation loaded in the application does not meet the required requirements, the applicant may be required to remedy the deficiency within 10 days. Failure to comply with this time limit will result in the inadmission of the corresponding application and the automatic cancellation of the activation of your budget reserve.

g) The submission of the application shall entail the conformity of the applicant or beneficiary in order to receive all the notifications which have to be made by electronic means, in accordance with the provisions of each case, decree.

3. The submission of the application shall imply the consent of the data subject so that the public authorities may obtain the necessary information to verify the requirements of this call.

4. However, in respect of the time limits set out in the previous paragraphs, in any event, as of 15 October 2016, any budget reserve that is yet to be submitted to the application by telematic documentation will be cancelled.

Article 11. Documentation to be presented.

1. In the case of purchase of a vehicle, the applicants must supply the point of sale at the time of the purchase of the vehicle (s) which may be of assistance, their name or full social reason, national identity document (DNI), Foreign Identification Number (NIE) or Fiscal Identification Number (NIF), and address, in order to be incorporated into the IT application, further providing the following documentation:

(a) Photocopy of the DNI or NIE of the individual or natural person or of the tax identification card where the NIF of the legal person is established (in force on the date of the sale of the vehicle), unless the person concerned provides express consent so that their personal identity data can be consulted by the Identity Data Verification System set out in Order PRE/3949/2006 of 26 December, establishing the configuration, characteristics, requirements and procedures for access to the Verification System, as provided by the Royal Decree 522/2006 of 28 April 2006 abolishing the provision of photocopies of identity documents in the administrative procedures of the General Administration of the State and its related or dependent public bodies.

b) In the case of self-employed professionals, certified high in the Census of Employers, Professionals and Reholders issued by the State Tax Administration Agency.

c) In the case of local entities, certification of local intervention over the average period of payment to suppliers.

d) A photocopy of the Technical Sheet (ITV card) of the purchased vehicle.

e) Photocopy of the Circulation Permit of the purchased vehicle or photocopy of the Provisional Circulation Permit issued by the General Directorate of Traffic. In cases where a temporary permit is issued for vehicles the registration of which starts with the letter P, the contribution of photocopy of the definitive Circulation Permit shall be required in the period of the period of correction provided for in Article 10.1.i. In the case of acquisition of electric demonstration vehicles for sale, the vehicle's driving licence shall be provided on behalf of the point of sale, prior to the purchase of the vehicle by the final beneficiary.

f) Where appropriate, and in respect of the vehicle to be reached:

-Certificate of proof of the definitive discharge of the vehicle to be reached in the Registry of Vehicles of the General Directorate of Traffic.

-Vehicle movement permit to be achatarrate.

-Technical tab (ITV card) of the achate vehicle

-Payment of the Mechanical Traction Vehicle Tax of the achatered vehicle.

(g) Where an amount of EUR 3 000 is exceeded in the aid or aid which may be granted to or interested in the same applicant, the applicant or the applicant shall be obliged to provide the certificate of being aware of the tax obligations issued to that effect by the State Administration of Tax Administration and to be aware of the obligations towards Social Security, as provided for in Article 22 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General Grants, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, dated July 21.

h) For the companies, notarial power of the signatory of the application as the legal representative of the application, as well as the tax identification card (NIF) of the applicant and photocopy of the registration certificate in the census Employers, Professionals and Reholders.

i) In the case of operating leasing or leasing, in addition to the above documents, photocopy of the operating lease or operating lease shall be attached, which shall establish a minimum duration of two years and where it appears as the lessee of the the applicant for aid or potential beneficiary. Such a contract must have been concluded at a later date or equal to the day following the date of publication in the "Official State Gazette" of the royal decree, and it will have to be expressly considered that the lessee will be the beneficiary of the aid under this programme and the application of the total of the aid granted to the reduction of the lease or rent to be satisfied by the lessee, specifying the amount corresponding to those quotas before the application of the aid and the same amount after its application.

j) Photocopy of the invoice for sale of the vehicle, the date of the same or after the day of the entry into force of the royal decree. Self-invoices will not be admissible.

This invoice must include the following concepts: ex-works price, other costs, other possible discounts, tax base, vehicle price before VAT or IGIC, after-tax price, Plan aid MOVEA applied after tax (specifying the concept "Discount Plan MOVEA") and broken down into the possible discounts that apply to it (State aid, additional State aid with achatarrement, concessionary aid, additional aid Electric vehicle charging point dealer), and Total to Pay or Total Invoice to pay by the acquiring beneficiary.

On the invoice, which must be signed and sealed by the point of sale or dealer, must include, in addition, the registration or number of the frame, mark, model and version of the purchased vehicle, or the number of frame or system Identification indelible as well as the serial number of the battery in the case of electric motor assisted pedaling bicycles.

In any event, the sales invoice must comply with the provisions of the Regulation governing the invoicing obligations, as approved by Article 1 of Royal Decree 1619/2012 of 30 November.

k) Documents supporting the payment of the vehicle's sales bill:

If the payment is made by means of a nominative check, bank card or transfer order, a copy or a copy of the transfer must be attached together with a copy of the bank statement of the dealer's account or point of sale. to the programme in which the relevant entry is reflected which accredits the vehicle's credit and where it is clearly identified, both the amount shown on the invoice and the vehicle to be acquired, through its registration number or number of frame.

If the payment is made through a financial institution linked to the dealer/point of sale, a copy of the financing contract will have to be attached. In addition, a copy of the charge will also be presented in the dealer's bank account where the corresponding annotation showing the credit of the vehicle is reflected and where the amount shown on the invoice is identified, as well as the vehicle acquisition object, through its registration number or rack number.

In case of payment to the concessionaire part of the payment of the vehicle in cash, always within the limits of the amount established in the current legal framework, the following documents will be provided: if it is paid in an entity bank, supporting document issued by the bank, duly sealed. If the payment is made at the concessionaire or point of sale adhered, through the supporting document of the credit signed by both parties, and duly sealed by the dealer. In both cases, the corresponding annotation of the credit on the account of the concessionaire, identifying the amount of the same and the vehicle to be acquired, shall be provided by means of its registration number or the number of the rack.

(l) For those cases referred to in Article 6.3, relating to the supply of a linked charging point for electric vehicles by the point of sale, if the aid application form has not been marked on the aid express waiver, for transactions of sale made since the day of entry into force of this royal decree, document of commitment of the point of sale with the beneficiary, in which the point of sale is committed to facilitate with the installation of a linked charging point prior to the registration of the vehicle, assuming up to a maximum amount of EUR 1,000, before VAT and IGIC, at the place designated by the beneficiary, signed by both parties, in the case of purchase of vehicles belonging to the categories M and N powered by motor electric (PHEV, REEV, BEV). Similarly, in the case of purchase of vehicles belonging to the L6e and L7e categories powered by electric motor (PHEV, REEV, BEV), the maximum amount assumed by the point of sale will be EUR 150. In any event, the charging point shall comply with the technical specifications set out in Royal Decree 1053/2014 of 12 December 2014.

2. In the case of the installation of fast or semi-fast charging points in public access areas for electric vehicles, the applicants for the aid shall provide the full social reason, Tax Identification Number (NIF), and address, to the object to be incorporated into the IT application, additionally contributing the following documentation:

a) Invoices: duplicate originals or certified copies. Invoices must be detailed, including all components, so that the concepts of aid can be identified. Your date must be equal to or later than the day of the effective entry into force of the royal decree.

(b) The description of the work carried out, including: economic budget broken down, planned expenditure and its timetable, project or technical memory of the installation according to low voltage electrotechnical regulation, justification for the choice of the location of the charging points, reference of these points in a plane, characteristics of the charging points (single-phase load, three-phase, continuous current, power and maximum intensity of the recharge, type of vehicle that can load, control and management system in case there is, etc.), as well as the justification for compliance with the low voltage regulation and the applicable part of the UNE-EN 61851 standard.

The lack of sufficient justification of any of the above requirements will result in the refusal of the application submitted.

(c) They shall also provide the documentation referred to in points (a), (g) and (h) of paragraph 1.

(d) Documents supporting the payment of the imputed sales invoices.

3. The presentation of the supporting documents referred to in the preceding paragraphs does not prevent the possible application of further checks to verify the actual existence and specific conditions of the purchase of the aid.

Article 12. Processing of the aid by the point of sale of vehicles.

1. The points of sale of vehicles attached to this programme shall carry out, at the time of the sale of the vehicle eligible for aid, the discount on the purchase price referred to in Article 6. The deduction of the amount of the aid shall be considered as an advance payment of the aid, subject to the verification of the required documentation.

2. The activation of the budget reserve for the aid application shall be completed by the point of sale through the IT application established for the purpose, by checking and filling in the application the identifying data of the applicant listed in your DNI, NIE or NIF.

The validity of the booking activation document is conditional on the veracity of each and every data completed in the reservation. In the event of voluntary cancellation of the budget reserve by the applicant or the person concerned, the point of sale shall send an e-mail with the identification of the reservation and the data of the applicant (name and identity card, NIE or NIF).

3. When making a budget reservation, the point of sale must follow the directions of the application, by entering the data requested in relation to the applicant or interested party and the vehicle to be acquired. As regards the marking of the 'Additional State aid for achatalling' box, since it is a key field in the activation of reserve aid budget reserves when the amount of aid is conditional, it will not be subsable and Both the reserve and the reserve may not be modified. The documentation to be loaded into the application must be consistent with the marking of the appropriate box.

4. After completing the data requested by the application for the aid application, the point of sale will receive by e-mail confirmation of the activation of the budget reserve, accompanied by the corresponding application form aid, in which the amount of aid allocated to that application shall be confirmed in addition, in accordance with Article 6.

5. After the sale has been verified, and after compliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, the point of sale shall be obtained from the buyer of the documentation referred to in Article 11 and shall be charged in the computer application, completing the Form enabled for this purpose. In this context, the only format supported for document loading is the "pdf" format.

6. It may be requested, at any time, during the limitation period of the Administration's right to recognize or to liquidate the drawback, the display of the originals of the supporting documents or documentation provided that it deems appropriate.

It shall, where appropriate, grant reimbursement of the aid corresponding to the point of sale adhered, in the terms laid down in Article 18, if the latter does not present such originals within a maximum period of 15 days, from the date of the following day to which the same would have required him to do so, considering such a circumstance as a breach of the obligation to justify the purpose of the aid granted.

Article 13. Resolution and payment of the aid.

1. Once the required documentation has been registered by the point of sale or by the applicant in the electronic management system, it shall be verified that all the requirements for the grant of the grant are met.

2. Once the requirements for the grant of the grant have been found to be met, the application will be validated and the corresponding aid will be quantified. For the purposes of the prior audit of the files, the submission of the supporting documentation (collected and held by the managing body or contributing entity) of the requirement laid down in paragraphs Decimic-8 (C) (c) and (c) (a) (b) of the Council of Ministers Agreement of 30 May 2008 implementing the provisions of Articles 152 and 147 of Law No 47/2003 of 26 November 2003 on the exercise of the financial controller in respect of the financial year basic requirements, shall be replaced by the sending of a certificate from the managing body certifying the compliance with those requirements. This is without prejudice to the possibility that the Delegated Intervention may be able to verify them, subsequently through the exercise of permanent financial control.

3. The Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, in accordance with the terms of Article 8.2, shall make a decision on the validated applications. Payment of the aid shall be made to the beneficiary, by the contributing entity, by bank transfer to the account indicated in his application.

4. The decisions granting the aid shall be communicated to each of the beneficiaries. Electronic communication shall replace the notification of the acts of the procedure and shall have all its effects. The beneficiary shall receive notice, by any means which permits to be aware of its receipt, that the grant decision has been published on the website of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism ( "

5. The decision bringing the administrative action to an end may be brought before the same body which has been issued by the same body within one month, or may have recourse directly to the court order. administrative-administrative, in the form and time limits provided for in Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure and Law 29/1998, of July 13, Litigation-administrative Jurisdiction.

Article 14. Obligations of applicants, beneficiaries and points of sale.

1. The obligations of applicants, beneficiaries and points of sale adhered to:

a) Follow the methodology and the procedure established in this royal decree, verifying the fulfilment of the required requirements as well as the performance of the activity and the fulfillment of the purpose that determines the granting of the aid, while retaining the supporting documents and supporting documentation of such extremes, in accordance with the terms of Article 12 (6).

(b) The beneficiary of the aid and the points of sale shall be obliged to provide the checks aimed at ensuring that the performance of the aid is correctly carried out. The beneficiary of the aid and the points of sale shall also be subject to the verification measures, as well as to the financial control of the General Intervention of the State Administration and the audit control of the Court of Auditors and, where appropriate, as laid down in the rules applicable to the management of aid co-financed with Community Funds of the European Union.

c) Meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 13 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, among which are to be aware of their tax and security obligations Social, as well as not having to have any obligation to refund of aid with the General Administration of the State and its agencies and public entities dependent or linked. The beneficiary should also not be subject to a recovery order pending following a previous decision of the European Commission which has declared unlawful and incompatible aid with the common market. For these purposes, where appropriate, the applicant shall, together with the respective request for assistance, take a responsible statement, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11 (1) (g)

(d) The beneficiary of the aid shall maintain the ownership of the vehicle and its registration in Spain for at least two years from the time of the grant of the grant.

2. For its part, the point of sale will provide, in any case, certification issued by the State Administration of Tax Administration to meet the current in the performance of its tax obligations, corresponding certification of to be aware of the compliance with its obligations with the Social Security and the declaration responsible for not having to have any obligation to refund of aid with the General Administration of the State and its agencies and entities public or related as well as the other circumstances set out in Article 13. 2 and 3 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November. Furthermore, the point of sale should not be subject to a pending recovery order following a previous decision of the European Commission which has declared unlawful and incompatible aid with the common market.

Article 15. Adherence of vehicle sales points and obligations.

1. May be points of sale attached to the MOVEA Plan, the companies authorized for the marketing of vehicles that operate in the Spanish State and that credit to be discharged for that purpose by the number of identification industrial registration of the establishment.

2. The points of sale interested in participating and collaborating in the MOVEA Plan, must enter the website of the program and register following the indications provided in the existing computer application to this effect, and must complete the basic data required to generate the corresponding adhesion tab.

3. Dealers or outlets will have to submit, in addition to the application form, the following documents:

a) A bank certificate that accredits the bank account's ownership.

b) A photocopy of the DNI in force of the signatory and proxy in case the point of sale is a legal person.

(c) Accredited photocopy of the Industrial Registration Number identifying the establishment or certificate of the Economic Activities Tax.

d) Certification issued by the State Administration of Tax Administration to be aware of its tax obligations, certification to meet the current in its obligations towards Social Security and statement responsible for not being in any of the other circumstances listed in Article 13. 2 and 3 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, as well as not having any obligation to refund of grants or aid with the General Administration of the State and its agencies or public entities dependent or linked.

They will be exempted from providing the documentation relating to the data contained in the Registry of the Requesting Entities of Aid (RESA) of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, regulated by the Order ITC/11/2010, 29 of April, all points of sale that would have been recorded in the application form, specifying the documentation and data that are entered in the application form.

4. If you do not meet the required requirements, the documentation provided will be required from the point of sale so that, within 10 days, the necessary documentation will be subsated or accompanied by the necessary documentation indicating that if you do not do so, you will have to by desisting in your application for membership of the programme.

5. Once the entry of the point of sale has been admitted to the program, the high point of sale will be made effective as a center adhered to the MOVEA Plan, informing itself to this effect by e-mail. From this moment on, you can access the budget reservation activation management telematics system and help requests using your user and password.

6. The listing of the points of sale adhered will be made public on the website of the MOVEA Plan and will be updated continuously, collecting the points of sale that will adhere, once the corresponding documentation to be submitted by the same.

7. Additional obligations of the sales points attached to the MOVEA Plan shall be without prejudice to the other obligations set out in this Royal Decree:

a) Inform applicants for the benefits of the alternative energy vehicle benefits of the MOVEA Plan.

b) Make the discount, after tax, of the amount of the aid corresponding to the vehicle acquired on the occasion of the MOVEA Plan, in accordance with Article 6; and to provide the beneficiaries with a supporting copy of the request for assistance made on your behalf, as well as the original invoice containing the discount made.

(c) Facilitate the installation to the customer, beneficiary of the present aid, of a related charging point at the place he designates, from his own resources, assuming up to a maximum amount, before VAT and IGIC, of EUR 1,000 for categories M and N, and EUR 150 for vehicles of categories L6e and L7e powered by electric motor (PHEV, REEV, BEV). In the event of the beneficiary's resignation, it shall be expressed, indicating the appropriate box in the application form. This point must be installed on or before the vehicle registration, and must comply with the technical specifications set out in Royal Decree 1053/2014 of 12 December 2014.

d) Follow the methodology and procedures set out in this royal decree, as well as the instructions that, in case of doubt or conflict, could be performed by the Administration or the collaborating entity as appropriate.

e) To actively collaborate in the dissemination and support of the objectives of the programme relating to the awareness and dissemination of alternative energy vehicles.

f) Show in visible place, within each of the commercial premises of the dealer or point of sale adhered, the logo of the MOVEA Plan, as well as the advertising stands that are indicated below. The image of the programme (logo, motto and uses among other aspects) and its corresponding "Application Manual" in the necessary formats, variants and/or adaptations (colour, B/N, vertical, horizontal, etc.) will be provided to the attached dealers. to the program for implementation.

Advertising media will be at least:

1. In the establishment entry; Cartel in minimum size DIN-A3 with the expression "attached establishment" that will accompany the MOVEA Plan logo.

2. º In the interior of the establishment; display DISPLAY on floor of dimensions 80 x 130 cm, in color to 4/0 inks on 300 g cartoncillo with plasticized gloss on visible face and cardboard support for their vertical hold.

3. In all media that are used to transmit communication (spots tv, press graphics, Internet, etc.), the MOVEA Plan logo.

4. º On sound media, such as radio channels, will be made clear by using the expression (in on or in off) "MOVEA Plan".

g) To process, complete and submit the corresponding requests for aid in accordance with the procedure, deadlines and requirements set out in this royal decree.

8. The points of sale already attached to the Environment Action Plan (PIMA Aire) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, or the MOVELE Program of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, and without modifications in the data or documents provided for such programmes shall be automatically deemed to be attached to the MOVEA Plan with consent to the transfer of data, and shall be committed to the fulfilment of any and all requirements established by this Royal Decree, unless expressly disclaims, and without prejudice to the updating of the accrediting certificates of be aware of their tax and social security obligations, in the event that they have expired, that they must be sent in the form that is established within the maximum period of one month, counted from the date of the appropriate requirement. After such a period has elapsed without such certificates having been provided, the reservations which they have made and, where appropriate, the complaint and refund of the amounts which they may have wrongly received shall be cancelled automatically. as well as the interest on late payment, pursuant to Articles 37.1 and 40.1 of Ley38/2003 of 17 November.

Article 16. Monitoring and monitoring of aid.

The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, through the collaborating entity in its case, will carry out the relevant actions of monitoring and control of the aid granted under this royal decree, without prejudice to the which correspond to the provisions of Law 38/2003 of 17 November.

Article 17. Justification of the aid.

In case of selection of a contributing entity, it will present monthly to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, supporting report of the operations carried out, the public funds applied to each operation and the justification for payments made.

The justification for the aid shall be made, where appropriate, in accordance with the requirements for monitoring, audit and control required in the programmes co-financed with the ERDF.

Article 18. Causes of cancellation or recovery of the aid.

1. Irrespective of the returns to which it has taken place in accordance with Article 36 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, the total or partial refund and the requirement of interest for late payment from the date of payment of the grant until the origin of the refund of the same is agreed, in the cases covered by Article 37 of that law, as well as in the other cases expressly provided for by this royal decree.

2. In the case of partial defaults, the amount to be recovered by the beneficiary shall be determined in accordance with the principle of proportionality and on the basis of the justified costs and the actions accredited, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 37.2 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, in conjunction with Article 17.3.n) of that Law.

Article 19. Advertising.

In all the references made by the beneficiaries or points of sale attached, in any means of dissemination, to the aid regulated in this royal decree, it must appear that they have been financed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, as provided for in Article 18.4 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 15.7.f).

In the event that the aid is co-financed by the ERDF, the acceptance of the aid implies the acceptance of the aid provided for in Regulation 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013, lay down common and general provisions concerning the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and others; and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 on information activities and (a) the advertising to be carried out by the Member States in relation to the Community Funds and the Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the European Regional Development Fund and other legislation in force in this field.

Article 20. Confidentiality and protection of personal data.

1. In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, the Protection of Personal Data, the points of sale of vehicles attached to the MOVEA Plan, will be expressly obliged to maintain strict confidentiality on any information of a personal nature which they may obtain on the occasion of the activities to be carried out under this royal decree, so that they may not copy or use them for purposes other than those listed therein or to give them to other persons other than the contributing entity, not even for conservation purposes.

2. On the other hand, the information and personal data received by the collaborating entity from any applicant, beneficiary, interested party or point of sale attached to the programme, in general, shall also be of a nature. confidential, and will be collected by the same to be incorporated, respectively, to the automated files ownership and responsibility of the same, in order to verify the compliance, control and monitoring of the obligations established by this royal decree. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in writing.

3. Notwithstanding the above, and with the formalization of their adherence to this program, in the form established by this royal decree, the corresponding vehicle sales points accept the publication of their identifying data on the website of the The MOVEA plan, for the purposes set out therein. The beneficiaries also accept the publication of the aid data granted in order to ensure the publicity, objectivity and concurrency of the aid.

4. The information on grant concessions made under this royal decree will be communicated to the National Grant Database in the terms of this obligation under Article 20 of Law 38/2003, 17 of November.

Article 21. Legal regime.

The grants, the concession of which is regulated in this royal decree, will be governed, in addition to what is available, as appropriate, as provided for in Law 38/2003 of 17 November, in its Rules of Procedure, approved by Real Decree 887/2006 of 21 July and Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 2014 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 on Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 and on the other provisions that are applicable.

In the case of actions co-financed with Community funds, Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down provisions shall also apply. common to the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, and laying down general provisions on the the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the Fund European Maritime and Fisheries and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 and Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the European Regional Development Fund and on the specific provisions relating to the objective of investment in growth and employment and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006; as well as other legislation in force in this field.


The acquisition of vehicles by entities or entities within the scope of the Framework Agreement on Tourism Vehicles will be carried out through the CONNECTA-CENTRALIZATION application.

Additional provision second. Transfer provisional reserves MOVELE 2015.

The provisional reserves made in the MOVELE 2015 Programme and which have not been activated by the exhaustion of the budget at 31 December 2015, will be transferred to the MOVEA Plan, with its budget, owing to the comply with all the effects with the contents of the present royal decree for obtaining the aid. The applicant for the aid may exercise his right of opposition to the transfer of his/her file, and must communicate that end by e-mail to the address, before 15 January 2016.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the provisions of article 149.1.13. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence to lay the foundations and coordination of the general planning of the economic activity.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force from the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on November 27, 2015.


The Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency,



Aid for the acquisition of alternative energy vehicles

Greater 90


M2, N2


MMTA (kg)

Autonomy (km)

Battery Power (kWh)

State Aid (€)

Additional State aid (with achatarrement) (€)

Dealer Help (€)

Additional concessionary help point reload VE (€)

Sales price limit (€)


LPG or bifuel










GN or bifuel




Between 15 and 40





40 and 90



LPG or bifuel

Less than 2500






GN or bifuel

Less than 2500

or Equal 2500




Greater than 60



LPG, GN, or bifuel








Greater than 60




M3, N3

LPG, GN, or bifuel





or equal 18000



Greater 60















L3e, L4e, L5e



Greater or equal to 3 and less than 4.5







than or equal to 4.5












VE Reload Infrastructure













