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Royal Decree 982/2015, On 30 October, Which Establishes The Title Of Technician Superior Sports In Basketball And Its Core Curriculum And Access Requirements Are Set.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 982/2015, de 30 de octubre, por el que se establece el título de Técnico Deportivo Superior en Baloncesto y se fijan su currículo básico y los requisitos de acceso.

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The Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, entrusted to the Government the regulation of the teachings of the sports technicians according to the requirements marked by the different educational levels.

Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides in its article 64.5 that the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, will establish the qualifications corresponding to the studies of sports teachings, the basic aspects of the curriculum and the minimum requirements of the centres.

The Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, establishes the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as a framework for training actions aimed at responding to the demands of the productive sector. Some modalities of the sports lessons have characteristics that allow them to be related to the generic concept of vocational training, without it being necessary to renounce their condition of specific offer directed to the sports system and differentiated from the offer which, within the vocational training of the educational system, performs the professional family of Physical and Sports Activities for the rest of the sector. Therefore, the aforementioned Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education provides for the possibility of sports teaching referring to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

This normative framework makes it necessary for the Government, after consulting the autonomous communities, to update the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball established under the Organic Law 1/1990 of October 3, (a) the General Management of the Educational System, which will form part of the catalogue of the educational system of the educational system, and establish its basic curricula and those other aspects of academic management which, without prejudice to (a) the powers conferred on the educational authorities in this field; basic aspects of the curriculum which ensure a common training and guarantee the validity of the diplomas, in accordance with the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, as amended by the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December, for the improvement of the educational quality.

Royal Decree 1363/2007, of 24 October, establishing the general management of sports teaching of special status, defines in Article 4 the structure of these teachings, situating the teachings of Higher-grade sports as part of higher education.

Furthermore, in Article 6 of the Treaty, the professional profile of these diplomas, which will include general competence, professional, personal and social competences, is to be achieved in order to ensure that, in fact, the Sports lessons meet the needs demanded by sports and production systems, and personal and social values to exercise democratic citizenship. To this end and as a reflection of the maturity achieved by the sports modality, the higher grade cycle is attributed to the skills linked to the training, management of teams and athletes of high level or performance and in certain cases the driving with high levels of difficulty in sports mode or specialty.

To this end, it is necessary to determine for each title their identification, their professional profile, the professional environment, the teaching of the sports teaching cycles and the accreditation of modules due to the teaching experience, the sports experience, as well as the basic parameters of training context for each sport teaching module (spaces, necessary equipment, qualifications and specialties of teachers). In addition, the specific access requirements will also be determined in each title, with the identification of the teaching load that is credited through these requirements, the linkage with other studies, the identification of these qualifications. validations, exemptions and equivalences.

The marked technical nature of these teachings, defined by the peculiarity of their procedures, materials, equipment and practices specific to each modality, makes it necessary for a development to guarantee a common minimum. The denominator, clear and guiding, through a regulatory standard.

In order to facilitate the recognition of credits between the titles of the Superior Sports Technician and the teachings leading to university degrees and vice versa, in the cycles of higher-grade sports teachings establish the equivalence of each sport teaching module with European credits, ECTS, as defined in Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September establishing the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees of official character and validity throughout the national territory.

The present royal decree, which is dictated by the development of Royal Decree 1363/2007, of October 24, establishes and regulates, in the basic aspects and elements mentioned above, the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball.

Finally, this royal decree adapts to the scope of the sports teachings in basketball the forecasts of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, for which the Recast Text of the General Law of Rights is approved of persons with disabilities and of their social inclusion, already contained in the cited Royal Decree 1363/2007, of October 24, and develops in this field the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the autonomous communities have been consulted within the Sectoral Education Conference, the State School Council has delivered an opinion, and the Ministry of Education Finance and Public Administrations.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 30 October 2015,




Article 1. Object.

1. The object of this royal decree is the establishment of the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball, with official character and validity throughout the national territory, as well as its corresponding basic curriculum.

2. The provisions of this royal decree replace the regulation of the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball contained in the Royal Decree 234/2005, of March 4, which establishes the titles of Sports Technician and Sports Technician Top in Basketball

3. In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1363/2007 of 24 October 2007 establishing the general organisation of special arrangements for sport, the elements set out in this royal decree do not constitute a Regulation of the exercise of profession entitled.


Identifying the title and organization of the teachings

Article 2. Identification of the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball.

The title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball is identified by the following elements:

a. Denomination: Basketball.

b. Level 1: Superior Technical of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, Higher Grade Sports Teaching.

c. Duration: 755 hours.

d. International reference: CINE-5b (International Standard Classification of Education).

Article 3. Organization of the teachings leading to the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball.

Teachings to the Superior Sports Technical Title in Basketball are organized in the upper grade cycle in basketball and have a duration of 755 hours.

Article 4. Superior Sports Technical Title Specializations in Basketball.

1. The title of Senior Sports Technician in Basketball will have as specializations:

a. Basketball adapted.

b. Wheelchair basketball.

c. High performance basketball sports address.

d. Scouting and analysis of the Game.

e. Shooting (Launch to Basket).

f. Defense. and defensive systems.

g. Attack and offensive systems.

2. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, on a proposal from the Superior Council of Sports and after consulting the competent bodies in the field of sports of the Autonomous Communities and the Spanish Basketball Federation will establish the objectives, contents and evaluation criteria for these specialisations.


Professional profile and professional, personal and sports environment of the cycle

Article 5. Professional profile of the higher grade cycle in basketball.

The professional profile of the higher grade cycle in basketball is determined by its general competence, its professional, personal and social competences, by the relationship of qualifications and, where appropriate, units of Competence of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title and the professional, employment and sports environment.

Article 6. General proficiency in the higher grade cycle in basketball.

The overall competence of the higher grade cycle in basketball is to build basketball teams, as well as schedule and direct sports training geared toward obtaining and maintaining performance in basketball. athletes and teams; organise and direct the participation of these in high level competitions. To exercise the technical direction and to coordinate the intervention of specialists and their relations with the sports management and the club directive; to program and coordinate the tasks of the technicians in charge; to organize own competitions of the initiation and sports technification; design individual high-tech programs for basketball players; and all in accordance with established objectives, the optimal level of quality, and in safety conditions.

Article 7. Professional, personal and social competencies of the higher grade cycle in basketball.

The professional, personal, and social competencies of the higher grade cycle in basketball are as follows:

a. Build a balanced basketball team, selecting players according to the sports project and the demands of the high level competition.

b. Rate and rank the high level basketball player based on his technical, physical, psychological, tactical, gaming and competitiveness skills to determine the basketball's own performance factors and optimize everything your talent.

c. Plan the season and program short, medium and long term training, individual programs of global or specific development, objectives and necessary means of a team in high performance, based on assessments and analysis of the competition, the conditions of the environment and of each of the players and technicians that make it up.

d. Design the collective or individual training session in the high performance, concreting the short-term programming, adapting it to the team or the player and considering the existing conditions according to the general programming.

e. Lead the high performance stage training session, solving existing contingencies, to achieve involvement and performance according to the proposed objectives, and within the required safety standards.

f. Lead the basketball teams in high performance competitions, making the appropriate tactical adjustments, controlling the contingencies that appear, making the most appropriate decisions, in accordance with the regulations and the intended objectives.

g. To direct and coordinate the "scouting" of the team itself and those against the stage of high performance, managing the technological and human resources available, and establishing criteria of individual and collective efficiency.

h. Constitute multidisciplinary technical teams, and coordinate their actions within the programming of a high performance basketball team.

i. Perform the technical direction of a basketball club, participating in the training of sports technicians and establishing the reference schedules of the lower category teams.

j. Organize and manage basketball competitions in training categories, collaborating in the organization of events of the high competition.

k. Evaluate the process of preparation of a team and the results obtained, programming the collection of the information and carrying out its analysis to achieve the permanent adjustment and improvement of the performance in the stage of high sports performance.

l. To transmit personally, or through different means of communication, a personal ethical behavior and values linked with fair play, respect for others, regulation, and care of the body itself.

m. Maintain a professional identity and a spirit of innovation and professional development, which facilitates adaptation to changes in basketball and its organizational environment.

Article 8. Professional, work and sports environment of the higher grade cycle in basketball.

1. This professional develops his professional activity both in the public sphere, whether the General Administration of the State, the Autonomous or Local Administrations, or in private entities, whether large, medium or small. companies, in sports employers, municipal sports bodies, federations, technification centres, high performance centres and sports and social clubs, educational centres, sports services companies, offering activities sport-recreational, high performance in basketball.

2. The most relevant occupations and jobs for these professionals are as follows:

a. High-level basketball coach.

b. Athletic director.

c. Director of sports schools.

3. The development of these occupations and jobs in the public sphere shall be carried out in accordance with the principles and requirements for access to public employment provided for in the current legislation.


Structure of the teaching of the higher grade cycle of sports teaching leading to the title of Senior Sports Technician in Basketball

Article 9. Higher grade cycle structure of basketball.

1. The higher grade basketball cycle is structured into modules, grouped into a common block and a specific block.

2. The sports teaching modules of the higher grade basketball cycle are the ones below:

a. Common block modules:

MED-C301 High performance physiological factors.

MED-C302 Psychosocial factors of high performance.

MED-C303 Training of sports trainers.

MED-C304 Organization and management applied to high performance.

b. Specific block modules:

MED-BCBC301 Player training at high performance stage.

MED-BCBC302 Team address in the high performance stage.

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in Basketball

MED-BCBC304 Attack and Defense Tactics in High Performance Stage.

MED-BCBC305 Project.

MED-BCBC306 Practical training.

3. The hourly distribution of the basic curriculum of the higher grade cycle in basketball is set out in Annex I-B.

4. The general objectives and sports teaching modules of the higher grade cycle in basketball are developed in Annex II.

Article 10. Teacher/pupil ratio.

1. In order to impart the modules of the common block and the contents related to the conceptual learning outcomes of the modules of the specific block of the higher grade cycle in basketball, the teacher/pupil ratio will be 1/30.

2. In order to impart the content related to the procedural learning outcomes of the modules of the specific block of the higher grade cycle in basketball the teacher/pupil ratio shall be as set out in Annex III.

Article 11. Practical training module.

To start the training modules of the higher grade cycle in basketball, it will be necessary to have previously passed the common and specific modules of sport teaching as set out in Annex IV.

Article 12. Determination of the curriculum.

The educational administrations will establish the corresponding curricula respecting what is established in this royal decree and in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Royal Decree 1363/2007, of October 24.

Article 13. Sports spaces and equipment.

The minimum spaces and equipment required for the development of the higher grade cycle teachings in basketball are those set out in Annex V.


Access to the top grade cycle

Article 14. General requirements for access to the higher grade cycle in basketball.

1. To access the higher grade cycle in basketball it will be necessary to have at least one of the following titles: title of Bachiller, title of Superior Technician, university degree, certificate of accreditation of having exceeded all the subjects of the Baccalaureate, or equivalent to access effects.

2. In addition to the requirement set out in the above paragraph it will be necessary to be in possession of the title of Sports Technician in Basketball.

Article 15. Higher grade cycle access requirements in basketball for people without the title of Bachiller.

The lessons of the higher grade cycle can be accessed in basketball without the titles mentioned in article 14.1 of this royal decree, provided that the applicant holds the title of the corresponding sports technician, and also meet the age conditions and exceed the corresponding test pursuant to Article 31.1.b) of Royal Decree 1363/2007 of 24 October 2007.



Article 16. Qualification requirements for teachers in public schools in the educational administration.

The requirements for teacher qualifications in public institutions shall be determined on the basis of the sports teaching block in which teaching is to be provided:

1. The teaching in public centers of the modules of the common block that constitute the sports teachings of the higher grade cycle in basketball, corresponds to the faculty of the bodies of professors and teachers of secondary education, according to the set out in Annex VI.

2. The teaching in public centres of the modules of the specific block constituting the sports teachings of the higher grade cycle in basketball is specified in Annex VII-A and corresponds to:

a. Specialist teachers who hold the title of Senior Sports Technician in Basketball, or those not entitled to credit the experience in the field of work and sport, or the teaching experience, detailed in Annex VII-B.

b. Professors of the specialty of Physical Education of the bodies of professors and secondary school teachers who hold the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball.

3. The educational authorities may authorize the teaching of the modules of the specific block attributed to the specialist teacher to the members of the Corps of cathedrals and teachers of secondary education with the specialty of education Physical when they lack the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball, provided they possess the training designed to the effect or recognized by those educational administrations, or the work or sports experience or the teaching experience, detailed in Annex VII-B.

Article 17. Qualification requirements for teachers in private and public schools of administrations other than education.

The qualifications required for the delivery of the modules, both from the common block, and from the specific block, which form the sport teaching cycle of higher grade in basketball, for the teachers of the centers of Private ownership or public ownership of other administrations other than education, is specified in Annex VIII.


Linking to other studies

Article 18. Access to other studies.

1. The title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball allows for direct access to the official degree university teachings in the conditions of admission to be established.

2. For the purpose of facilitating the validation regime, 64 ECTS credits have been allocated to the total duration of the higher grade cycle lessons set out in Article 3.

3. The number of ECTS credits allocated to each of the sports teaching modules of this cycle are set out in Annex I-A.

Article 19. Validation of these teachings.

1. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall establish the convalidations to be granted from the common block of the teachings regulated in this royal decree, to those who credit studies or the title of:

(a) Licenced in Physical Activity Sciences and Sport, regulated by Royal Decree 1670/1993 of 24 September; establishing the official university degree of Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and of the Sport and the general guidelines of the curricula leading to the preparation of the same.

b) Diploma in Physical Education and Bachelor of Physical Education, regulated by Royal Decree 790/1981 of 24 April, on National Institutes of Physical Education and the teachings they teach.

c) Master Specialist in Physical Education, regulated by Royal Decree 1440/1991, of 30 August, establishing the university degree, Master's officer, in its various specialties and the general guidelines (a) of the plans of studies leading to their procurement.

d) Superior Technician in Animation of Physical and Sports Activities, regulated by Royal Decree 2048/1995, of 22 December establishing the title of Professional Training of Senior Technical in Animation of Activities Physical and Sports and the corresponding minimum teachings.

e) Technical in the Driving of Physical-Sports Activities in the Natural Environment regulated by Royal Decree 2049/1995, of December 22, establishing the title of Technical in Driving of Physical-Sports Activities in the Natural environment and the corresponding minimum teachings.

f) A regulated graduate in the ordination of official university education established in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, establishing the ordination of official university teaching to credit the obtaining the appropriate skills.

g) Baccalaureate subjects.

(h) Titles established under Royal Decree 1913/1997 of 19 December, which are set up as special arrangements for training courses for sports technicians, are approved by the Commission. general guidelines for the titles and the corresponding minimum lessons.

2. The convalidations of modules of sport teaching of the titles established under the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of General Ordination of the Educational System, with the modules of sport teaching of the specific block of the title Superior Sports Technician in basketball are set out in Annex IX.

3. The common and specific modules for sports teaching with the same name and code shall be validated.

4. The completion of all the modules of the common block of the higher grade, in any of the modalities or sports specialties of the titles established under the Law of the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October of the General Educational System, will be validated by the entirety of the modules of the common block of the higher grade sports teaching cycle in basketball. The completion of all the modules of the common block of the sport teaching cycle of higher grade basketball, will be validated by the totality of the modules of the common block, of the higher grade, of the titles established under the amparo of the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October of General Ordination of the Educational System.

Article 20. Exemption from the practical training module.

The practical training module of the higher grade cycle in basketball may be the subject of total or partial relief, depending on its correspondence with experience in the field of sport or work, detailed in Annex X.

Additional disposition first. Title reference in the European framework.

Once the national qualifications framework has been established, in line with European recommendations, the corresponding level of qualifications will be determined in the national framework and its European equivalent.

Additional provision second. Distance offering of the sports teaching modules of this Title.

The sports teaching modules set out in Annex XI may be offered at a distance provided that it is ensured that the student can achieve the learning outcomes of the modules, in accordance with the provisions of the present royal decree. To this end, the educational authorities, within the scope of their respective powers, shall take the measures they deem necessary and shall give the precise instructions.

Additional provision third. Generic references.

All references to students, teachers and qualifications for which in this royal decree the form of the generic male is used must be understood to apply indistinctly to women and men.

Additional provision fourth. Equivalent qualifications

The title of the Superior Sports Technician in Basketball, established in the Royal Decree 234/2005 of 4 March, establishing the titles of Sports Technician and Superior Sports Technician in Basketball, are approved corresponding common teachings and the testing of access to these teachings, will have the same professional and academic effects as the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball established in this royal decree.

Single transient arrangement. Applicability of other rules.

1. Until the provisions of this royal decree are applied in accordance with the provisions of the second and fourth final provisions, the aspects governing the teaching of the title of Superior Sports Technician in Basketball shall apply. collected in Royal Decree 234/2005 of 4 March.

2. Also, until the norm regulating, for the management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the curriculum corresponding to the title of the Superior Sports Technician in Basketball, here regulated, will be applied. the aspects of the curriculum referred to in the ECI/1458/2007 Order of 21 May 2007 for the territorial scope of direct management of the Ministry of Education and Science, the curricula and the tests and requirements of access, corresponding to the titles of the Sports Technician and the Superior Sports Technician Basketball.

Single repeal provision. Repeal of rules.

1. The aspects of Royal Decree 234/2005 of 4 March establishing the titles of Sports Technician and Superior Sports Technician in Basketball are hereby repealed, the corresponding common teachings are approved and the tests are regulated. access to these teachings, related to the teachings of the Superior Sports Technical Title in Basketball that consist of the same.

2. All and all provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed with the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

The present royal decree is of a basic standard and is dictated by the powers conferred on the State by Article 149.1.30. of the Constitution, for the regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing, and approval of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Implementation of the Title.

Educational administrations will be able to implement the new curriculum of these teachings from the school year 2015 -2016.

Final disposition third. Development authorization.

In order to update the profiles of teachers to the new university degrees regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, establishing the ordination of official university teaching, the holder of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is authorised to amend and update Annexes VI, VII-A and VIII to this royal decree.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 30, 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,



Distribution in ECTS credits of the total duration of the teachings

Top grade cycle in basketball

Equivalence in ECTS


-C301 High performance physiological factors.


MED-C302 Psychosocial factors for high performance.

MED-C303 Sports Trainers Training.


MED-C304 Organization and management applied to high performance.



16 ECTS credits.


MED-BCBC301 High Performance Stage Player Training


MED-BCBC302 Team Address at High Performance Stage.


MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in basketball



MED-BCBC305 Project.


MED-BCBC306 Practical training.







Basic Curriculum time distribution

Top grade cycle in basketball


Basic Curriculum

MED-C301 Factors

35 h.

35 h.

MED-C302 Psychosocial factors of high performance.

25 h.

MED-C303 Sports Trainers Training.

30 h.

MED-C304 Organization and management applied to high performance.

20 h.


110 h.

-BCBC301 Player training at high performance stage.

35 h.

MED-BCBC302 Address

50 h.

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in Basketball

35 h.

MED-BCBC304 Attack and Defense Tactics at High Performance Stage.

35 h.

MED-BCBC305 Project.

40 h.

MED-BCBC306 Practical training.

110 h.

305 h.


415 h.


General goals and sports teaching modules of the top grade cycle in basketball

General goals:

a. Analyze and evaluate the competition, justifying the selection criteria of the players according to the characteristics of the competition, the sports project and the marked objectives, to build a balanced basketball team and competitive.

b. Justify and apply the analysis procedures and the selection criteria of the player, taking into account the technical, physical, psychological, and tactical characteristics, as well as their individual and collective playing capacity, and their competitiveness, to rate and classify the basketball player in high performance.

c. Analyze and assess the conditions of the team environment, and all the members belonging to it, as well as the characteristics of the competition, the facilities and the regulations that apply, to plan the season of a team in high performance.

d. Choose and justify the procedures for determining the objectives, means, methodology, and evaluation, as well as the timing of the load, to schedule the season of a team, or the development of one or more players, in the high performance.

e. Analyze the complexity of the tasks and the factors related to the workload, designing activities in established assumptions, learning processes and improving, applying the principles and methods of the training, to design the sessions training for players and/or teams in high performance in basketball.

f. Describe, choose and demonstrate the techniques and strategies of session management, control of the own contingencies of high performance in basketball, applying procedures of observation, dynamization and control, solving assumptions, using a specific language of basketball and its specific terminology in English, and applying safety standards in practice, to lead training sessions in high performance.

g. Analyze the tactical structures and the contingencies of the game at this stage, taking into account the characteristics of the participants, applying established procedures, to lead competitive teams in competitions of this level in basketball.

h. Assess and argue the decision making of the coach during the competition, as well as the authority, emotional control, consistency and leadership, to lead competitive teams in competitions at this level in basketball.

i. Apply and demonstrate knowledge of standards, respect for regulation and application of arbitration in high performance basketball, to lead basketball teams in competitions.

j. Assess, argue and anticipate tactical situations and complex tactical concepts present in the competition, applying advanced technologies in the observation of the game and using the specific symbology of the basketball, to perform the "scouting" in high performance equipment.

k. Determine the process of making a "scouting" of a rival team or team, establishing guidelines and protocols to follow in the information to be collected, analyzed and prepared, to direct the work of team technicians.

l. Analyze and justify the intervention needs of other specialists in the preparation of high performance, describing the functions and objectives to be developed, valuing the teamwork and the relationship with the sports management, for determine the constitution and coordination of multidisciplinary technical work teams.

m. Identify and analyze organizational characteristics, material and human means, applying established management, mentoring, training and communication procedures to technically lead a basketball club and coordinate human resources and materials from a basketball club in their lower-grade teams.

n. Analyze and develop the organizational structure of training basketball competitions and events, and analyze the organizational characteristics of high-level competitions, listing the administrative requirements, the material means, and human needs, applying the legal framework that regulates them, to organize and manage basketball competitions and events.

n. Design and justify the procedures for collecting information and assessing the performance of players and teams at the high level, analyzing the variables involved in assumptions, in order to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the process training and the results achieved in the competition.

or. Describe the characteristics of the process of acquisition of values and attitudes, being aware and arguing the effects they cause on the athletes, applying it in personal situations or in the relationship with the media, for transmit basketball's own values through personal ethical behavior.

p. Recognize, promote and justify the values of commitment, well-done work and constant learning, describing the observable aspects of the behavior that reflect these values, in order to maintain the spirit of individual responsibility, professionalism, personal effort, research and innovation in the performance of your work as a technician.

Common sports teaching module: High performance physiological factors

Code: MED-C301

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. It analyzes the main concepts of energy metabolism and the neuromuscular system, recognizing the physiological adaptations to the most important training.

a. The main physiological adaptations to training have been identified.

b. The main concepts related to energy metabolism have been analyzed.

c. Metabolic pathways have been analyzed during exercise.

d. Different types of metabolism have been analyzed.

e. The main physiological adaptations to training have been analyzed.

f. The types of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism have been identified and described.

g. The short-term adaptations of the main human body systems and apparatus (circulatory, respiratory, renal, endocrine and hormonal) have been analyzed.

h. The long-term adaptations of the main human body systems and apparatus (circulatory, respiratory, renal, endocrine, and hormonal) have been analyzed.

i. The concept of energy efficiency or economy has been identified and described.

j. The concept of maximum aerobic power and its most important characteristics has been identified and described.

k. The concept of aerobic and anaerobic threshold and its most important characteristics has been identified and described.

l. The relationship between VO2max, aerobic and anaerobic threshold and training metabolic zones has been analyzed.

m. The neuromuscular system and the physiological and mechanical determinants of strength, power, flexibility and muscle elasticity have been analyzed.

n. The concept of isometric force and maximum dynamics, explosive force, power, time curve and the 1RM have been identified and described.

n. Specific needs for joint flexibility and muscle elasticity have been analyzed in relation to strength and strength.

or. The physiological adaptations of women to training have been identified and analyzed.

p. The importance of individual physiological adaptations to training has been assessed.

2. Selects the athlete for the high competition by analyzing the physiological factors that influence the high performance.

a. The main performance limiting factors have been justified.

b. The physiological factors that demand high sports performance in training and competition have been defined.

c. The fundamentals of the functional capacity assessment have been analyzed with a view to high performance.

d. The results of the functional capacity assessment have been interpreted in the light of differences between men and women.

e. The data of a body composition assessment has been interpreted in the light of differences between men and women.

f. The appropriate technology has been identified in the physiologic assessment of the sportsman in a practical case.

g. The characteristics and performance of the technology used in the physiologic assessment of the athlete have been described.

h. The technical team of specialists related to high sports performance has been analyzed identifying their functions.

i. Work teams have been identified and organized in high sports performance.

j. The importance of the physiologic assessment of the athlete as an element of selection has been assessed.

k. The main physiological conditions for the training of disabled athletes have been identified.

3. She collaborates with the specialist in the determination of diet and in the prescription of an ergo-nutritional aid by analyzing the main concepts of sports nutrition and the harmful effects of doping substances for health.

a. The main concepts of sports nutrition have been identified.

b. The results of the athlete's nutritional assessment have been interpreted.

c. The fundamental principles of sports nutrition have been analyzed.

d. The main ergo-nutritional aids and their effects have been identified.

e. The main doping substances and their harmful effects on health have been identified.

f. Sports nutrition concepts have been applied in water replenishment.

g. Physiology concepts have been applied for the recovery of carbohydrate deposits.

h. He has collaborated with the specialist in the determination of the diet of the athletes.

i. It has collaborated with specialists in the prescription of ergo-nutritional aids.

j. Athletes ' diets have been interpreted in precompetitive, competitive and post-competitive situations.

k. Diets and ergogenic aids have been formulated for athletes in pre-competitive, competitive and post-competitive situations.

l. Teamwork with nutritionists has been justified by identifying their roles.

m. The importance of collaboration with the specialist in the formulation of diets and weight control has been assessed.

4. He directs the preparation of the athlete by relating the principles of the load and the control of the training and comparing the main means and methods of sports recovery.

a. Different types of fatigue have been analyzed and classified.

b. The main mechanisms of sports fatigue have been analyzed.

c. The effects of sports fatigue on the neuromuscular, endocrine and immune system have been analyzed.

d. Different recovery methods have been applied, depending on the mechanism of production of sports fatigue.

e. Different sports recovery programs have been organized.

f. The importance of the load and the control of the training has been assessed.

g. The main parameters related to the control of the training load have been identified.

h. Different training control tools have been developed.

i. Acute overload fatigue has been differentiated.

j. The sports overload of overtraining has been differentiated.

k. Control of the training has been justified within the training management process.

5. Program and direct training in special conditions by identifying the most important bases and characteristics.

a. The bases of the training have been analyzed under special conditions of extreme temperature (heat and cold) and humidity.

b. The bases of the training have been analyzed under special conditions of moderate altitude.

c. The physiological advantages and disadvantages of moderate-altitude training with respect to sea-level training have been analyzed and compared.

d. The bases of training have been analyzed in situations of great time changes.

e. Training has been designed in situations of moderate altitude.

f. Training has been designed in time change situations.

g. Training has been designed in situations of heat, cold or humidity.

h. Adaptive strategies at moderate altitude have been designed.

i. Adaptation strategies have been designed for major time changes.

j. Heat adaptation strategies have been designed.

k. Cold adaptation strategies have been designed.

l. He has collaborated with the specialist in the direction of the training in special conditions (altitude, changes times, cold, heat, humidity).

Basic Contents

1. It analyzes the main concepts of energy metabolism and the neuromuscular system, recognizing the physiological adaptations to the most important training.

-Metabolism, transport and storage of nutrients: main concepts.

-Major metabolic pathways.

-Short-term and long-term functional adaptations.

-Functional adaptations in sports training: circulatory, respiratory, locomotor, renal, endocrine and hormonal apparatus. Differences by reason of sex.

-Efficiency or energy economy.

-Maximum aerobic capacity: concept and characteristics.

-Aerobic/anaerobic transition.

-Metabolic zones and training thresholds: concepts, characteristics, and identification.

-hormonal modifications with strength training.

-Valuation of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

-Identification of thresholds, aerobic-anaerobic transition zone, and maximum aerobic capacity.

-Valuation of physiological adaptations to training. Differences by reason of sex.

-The sarcomera: concept and characteristics.

-The muscle fiber and myofibrilla: characteristics and types.

-The driving unit: concept and characteristics.

-The 1RM: concept, features, and identification.

-Maximum muscle power: concept, characteristics, and identification.

-Time-strength: concept, characteristics, and identification.

-Measurement and assessment of maximum dynamic strength and maximum muscle power.

-Muscle and OTG uses: concept and characteristics.

-Measurement and assessment of sport-specific flexibility and elasticity.

2. Selects the athlete for the high competition by analyzing the physiological factors that influence the high performance.

-Major training limiting factors.

-physiological factors in high performance.

-Advanced systems for the development of conditional and coordinating physical capabilities.

-Coordination of work equipment in high sports performance.

-Technology for the physiological assessment of the athlete (laboratory and field).

-Major physiological conditions in athletes with disabilities (physical, intellectual and sensory).

-Determination of advanced methods for high sports performance.

-Determination of work equipment in high sports performance.

-Identification of technology for the physiological assessment of athletes.

-Interpretation of functional ratings results.

-Determination of body composition by measuring skin folds and bone diameters.

-Considerations in the prescription of exercise in relation to persons with disabilities.

-Alternative methods of functional assessment of fitness and sports performance in athletes with disabilities.

-Acceptance of teamwork in the development of high performance sports training.

3. She collaborates with the specialist in the determination of diet and in the prescription of an ergo-nutritional aid by analyzing the main concepts of sports nutrition and the harmful effects of doping substances for health.

-Erg-nutritional aids: supplements, metabolic intermediates, and other substances.

-Determination of the need for the prescription of ergogenic aids.

-Doping: concept, harmful effects on health. List of prohibited substances.

-Anti-doping control: organisms and methods.

-Awareness of the importance and incidence of doping in the health of athletes.

-Body composition: components, methods, apparatus and interpretation of results.

-Determination of the body composition of the athletes: determination of the aspects to be evaluated in relation to the body composition, selection of tests or means of assessment, application of tests or means of assessment. The variable sex as a differentiating element.

-Nutritional status: components, methods, apparatus and interpretation of results.

-Dietary and hydration needs in the practice of physical activity.

-Sports nutrition bases.

-Bases of work with specialists in the field (nutritionist). Functions.

-Control of the nutritional status of athletes: determination of the aspects to be evaluated, selection of tests or means of assessment, application of tests or means of assessment.

-Collaboration with the specialist in the realization of diets and aid-nutritional aids.

-Precompetitive, competitive, and post-competitive diet development.

-Acceptance of the job with the specialist.

4. He directs the preparation of the athlete by relating the principles of the load and the control of the training and comparing the main means and methods of sports recovery.

-Fatigue, overload and overtraining: concept, types, production mechanisms, indicators and ways of prevention.

-Effects of fatigue in the neuromuscular, endocrine and immune system.

-Recovery: concept, recovery guidelines, active and passive recovery techniques.

-High performance physical recovery: physiological processes.

-Methods of control and assessment of training in high sports performance.

-Control of training and competition in high sports performance: functions and characteristics.

-Valuation of conditional and coordinating capabilities in high sports performance.

-Instruments for the evaluation of the process and results in high sports performance.

-Determination of the training loads and their progression depending on the level of the athletes.

-Selection of methods and means of training according to the objectives of the training and the competition in the high performance of the sport, the characteristics of the athletes and their adaptation to the effort.

-Identification of fatigue, recovery, and overtraining indicators.

-Determination of the process and object of assessment in training and competition.

-Design and selection of instruments and resources for the evaluation and control of training and competition of high performance sports. (Training diaries, physical tests, physiological tests).

-Valuation of the need for constant use of the methods of observation and control as an improvement of the training process and the competition.

-Valuation of the importance of proper fatigue recovery.

5. Program and direct training in special conditions by identifying the most important bases and characteristics.

-Environmental factors that influence high performance training: altitude, thermal stress, time change, humidity.

-Physiology of altitude training: effects, general adaptations, responses to the effort (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, renal, endocrine, metabolic, neurological, dermatological, and infectious).

-The physiological effects of the time change.

-Termoregulation and intense exercise. Exercise in heat. Cold exercise. Exercise in humidity.

-Training programming at moderate altitude, time change, and extreme temperature situations.

-Adaptations to height, heat, cold, humidity, and time changes.

-Design and programming in times of change, temperature and extreme humidity (cold and heat) and moderate altitude.

-Design and preparation of training sessions in times of change, extreme temperatures (cold and heat) and moderate altitude.

-Acceptance of the job with the specialist.

Common sports teaching module: Psychosocial factors of high performance

Code: MED-C302

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. He selects the athlete for the high competition, analyzing the psychological characteristics of the athletes and high-level teams and the psychological demands of the high performance.

a. The psychological characteristics that demand high sports performance in training and competition have been defined.

b. The psychological characteristics of athletes and high-level teams have been described.

c. Psychological peculiarities of women athletes have been specifically analyzed in high performance.

d. Psychological conditioning and the specific considerations of disabled athletes have been analyzed in high performance.

e. The contributions of psychological aspects to the progression and performance of high level athletes have been established.

f. Psychological criteria have been proposed to select high level athletes, depending on the requirements of the training and the high level competition.

g. Psychological screening procedures for high level athletes have been applied, through the conduct of interviews and the observation of athletes in simulated competitions.

h. Psychological evaluation procedures have been applied in simulated training and competition situations.

i. The need to integrate the psychological characteristics into the performance assessment of top-level sportsmen has been argued.

j. The incorporation of psychological protocols in the detection of high level athletes has been promoted.

2. He values the athlete's environment, analyzing the social aspects that affect his sports performance and facilitates his academic training and personal development.

a. The social aspects of the high-level athlete's environment that affect their performance have been recognized.

b. The social aspects of the athlete's environment have been defined that facilitate their academic training.

c. The specific characteristics of the athlete's environment with disabilities have been analyzed in high performance.

d. The interactions between the psychological characteristics of high-level athletes and the social aspects of their environment have been described.

e. Evaluation procedures have been applied to the athlete's environment that affect their performance, in a practical case.

f. The means available to the trainer in the management of the environment have been applied in simulated situations, so as not to interfere with the sports and academic training process of the athlete.

g. It has been argued that the coach should provide the athlete with the opportunity to combine the sports career with academic training and the reconciliation of family and sports life.

h. The aid and information sources available to high level athletes have been located to facilitate their integration into working life, once their sporting career has been completed.

i. The importance of incorporating the analysis of the social aspects of the athlete's environment into the evaluation of their performance has been recognized.

j. The positive attitude of the coach towards the recognition and prevention of the most frequent job insertion problems in high level athletes has been assessed.

k. The existing relationship between the stagnation of sports performance and the uncertainty in the sportsperson's future prospects for lack of personal and social support has been argued.

3. He directs the preparation of the athlete, structuring the procedures and methods of psychological preparation in relation to the processes of motivation and coping with the high competition.

a. The self-motivation processes of high level athletes have been identified.

b. Psychological maintenance procedures have been demonstrated for the motivation of high level athletes throughout the sports season.

c. The necessary psychological procedures in maintaining the motivation of high level athletes throughout the season have been integrated into a practical sports preparation scenario.

d. The processes related to how the high level sportsman faces competition have been described.

e. Methods of psychological preparation have been applied in the improvement of the coping that high level athletes make of the competition in simulated situations.

f. Sports schedules and training sessions have been designed to provide for the improvement of the competition's coping processes.

g. The aspects of sports preparation that can be derived from the psychology professional have been described.

h. The relevance of integrating psychological preparation into the overall preparation of the athlete has been acknowledged.

4. Coordinates the team of technical personnel in science applied to the sport, identifying the functions of the psychologist and applying human resource management techniques.

a. The roles of the psychology professional have been defined, differentiating them from the duties of the coach.

b. The different leadership styles available to the trainer have been described to optimize the performance of the specialist technical staff team.

c. The communication guidelines that the coach can use to generate credibility in his team of specialist technicians have been identified.

d. Leadership styles and communication guidelines have been applied with the aim of managing the human resources of technical staff in simulated team work situations.

e. The necessary guidelines have been described in the incorporation of the specialized contributions of the psychology professional to the preparation of the athlete.

f. Sports schedules have been designed that provide for the specialized work of the sports psychology professional, assigning goals and means of work to develop their contribution.

g. It has been justified that teams of technical personnel in the field of sports science should be available.

Basic Contents

1. He selects the athlete for the high competition, analyzing the psychological characteristics of the athletes and high-level teams and the psychological demands of the high performance.

-Psychological conditioning of high sports performance and psychological characteristics of athletes and high level teams.

-Psychological conditioning and specific considerations of athletes with disabilities in high performance.

-Psychological conditionants and specific considerations of high performance sportsman.

-Contributions of psychological aspects to the progression and performance of high level athletes.

-Identification of the psychological profile of athletes and high-level teams.

-Importance of psychological aspects in the detection processes of high level athletes.

-Psychological criteria in the selection of high level athletes.

-Application of procedures for the psychological selection of high-level athletes.

-Methods of evaluating the psychological aspects involved in training and in the competition.

-Registration and analysis of the psychological performance of athletes in training and in competition.

-The need to integrate psychological aspects into sports performance evaluation.

2. He values the athlete's environment, analyzing the social aspects that affect his sports performance and facilitates his academic training.

-Social aspects of the high level sportsman's environment related to sports and academic performance (family, social and affective relations, educational and/or employment center, club, federation, sponsors, representatives and media).

-Specific characteristics of the athlete's environment.

-Interactions between the psychological characteristics of high-level athletes and the social aspects of their environment.

-Assessment of the social aspects of the athlete's environment related to their sports progression and their academic background.

-Specific characteristics of the athlete's environment with disabilities in high performance.

-The management of the environment by the trainer so that it does not interfere with the sports, academic or athletic performance of the athlete:

-The psychological training of the parents of athletes.

-Media education.

-The elaboration of regulations that regulate the relationship of the athletes with their surroundings.

-Development of an attitude in the coach that makes it easier for the athlete to combine his studies with sports practice.

-Personal-family and sports conciliation, the expectations of the athletes ' maternity during the sports life. Coach attitude.

-More frequent job insertion problems in high level athletes. Identification of aid and information sources that facilitate the integration of high level athletes into working life.

-The positive attitude of the coach towards the recognition and prevention of job insertion problems in high level athletes.

-The integration of the social aspects of the athlete's environment into the evaluation of their performance.

3. He directs the preparation of the athlete, structuring the procedures and methods of psychological preparation in relation to the processes of motivation and coping with the high competition.

-High-level athletes ' own motivation processes.

-Psychological procedures to maintain the motivation of high level athletes throughout the season.

-Competition coping processes involved in high sports performance.

-Methods of psychological preparation to improve the coping that high level athletes make of the competition.

-Development of sports programming that integrates the motivation and coping processes of the competition.

-The derivation of aspects of the preparation of high-level athletes to professionals of psychology. Guidelines for action.

-The need to integrate psychological preparation into the overall preparation of the athlete.

4. Coordinates the team of technical personnel in science applied to the sport, identifying the functions of the psychologist and applying human resource management techniques.

-Functions of the psychology professional applied to the sport.

-Leadership styles in team driving.

-Analysis of communication to generate credibility in the set of science specialists applied to sport.

-Protocols to integrate the contribution of the psychology professional in the preparation of high-level athletes.

-Design of sports schedules that contemplate the specialized work of the psychology professional.

-The leadership styles and communication guidelines for coaching the human resources of the technical team.

-The need for multidisciplinary technical equipment.

Common sports teaching module: Training of sports trainers

Code: MED-C303

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. Provides training for sports technicians, analyzing the conditions that facilitate adult learning and the appropriate learning strategies for the acquisition of professional skills.

a. The psychosocial characteristics of adult students and their implications for learning have been analyzed.

b. Methods of assessing the psychosocial characteristics of adult pupils have been applied.

c. The most appropriate learning cognitive theories have been described to explain adult learning.

d. The characteristics of the different learning styles and learning strategies of students and their implications for learning have been linked.

e. The characteristics of the technical model, and the cognitive-reflective model of teacher education in relation to the acquisition of professional competences in the field of physical activity and sport have been analyzed.

f. The type of teacher intervention best suited to the training of adults has been described and applied in practical scenarios.

g. The methodological guidelines of the most appropriate teaching styles for adults in face-to-face and distance learning situations have been described and implemented in practical scenarios.

h. The assessment of the individual characteristics of learning, and other possibilities for attention to diversity, has been promoted as a basis for the adaptation of teaching processes.

2. It elaborates the didactic programming of the sports teaching modules, analyzing the regulations of their management, their programming processes, sequencing and evaluation, and concreting the elements that constitute the programming.

a. The basic organisation of sports lessons has been analysed in relation to the education system and its relationship with the training offers of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training.

b. The professional profile of sports teaching cycles and their relationship with the general objectives of the basic curriculum has been analyzed.

c. The characteristics of the conceptual, procedural and actitudinal domains have been identified in the objectives of sports teaching cycles.

d. The concepts, procedures and attitudes that support the learning outcomes of a specific sports teaching module have been analyzed.

e. The elements of the didactic programming of the specific modules and the practical training of the different cycles, and of the final project module of the higher cycle of sports teachings, have been described.

f. Differences in didactic programming have been compared between the face-to-face and distance learning of a specific sports teaching module.

g. The characteristics of the assessment of professional skills in the field of physical and sporting activity have been described.

h. The characteristics of the evaluation criteria of a learning outcome have been interpreted in a specific module for sport teaching.

i. The regulations affecting the evaluation, certification and registration of sports lessons have been analyzed.

j. The tools for curricular adaptation in attention to diversity have been explained and exemplified.

k. The importance of the principle of equal opportunities for women and men as a key element in attention to diversity has been explained and analyzed.

l. The elements of the didactic programming of a module of the specific block have been concretized, taking into account their regulations of ordination, the characteristics of the students, including the students with disabilities and the sports context.

m. The importance of didactic programming in the training of sports technicians has been argued.

3. Programme and run training sessions of sports technicians analysing the characteristics and drawing up teaching resources of the sport lessons.

a. The characteristics of the didactic resources have been analyzed that allow the development of methodological strategies of the formation of trainers, in person and at a distance.

b. The technical specifications and didactic guidelines of the resources (audiovisual, computer, multimedia, among others) have been identified, their own teaching in face and distance for their optimal use in the sessions.

c. Didactic resources have been selected and used to facilitate a better understanding of the content to be addressed in the training of trainers, identifying their use in face-to-face and distance learning.

d. Materials and didactic media (printed, audiovisual, multimedia, among others) have been developed to allow the development of theoretical and practical contents of the training of trainers, in person and at a distance.

e. A presentation (of tasks and contents) has been designed and performed, taking into account its structure, and using in an effective way didactic resources, in a practical case of theoretical-practical class.

f. The need to plan and prepare the teaching resources prior to their use has been assessed.

g. The need to provide for alternative didactic resources in the face of possible incidences, including care for people with disabilities, and identified those that may be most appropriate in each case, has been assessed.

h. The need to have teaching resources and methodological strategies to implement and effectively transmit the principle of equal opportunities between women and men has been assessed.

i. The possibilities of adaptation of teaching resources to use in attention to a special educational need have been exemplified.

4. Sports technicians in their specific training process (specific modules, practical training and final project) identifying strategies and procedures for their monitoring and evaluation.

a. The conditions for monitoring and tutoring the various modules of the specific block, in person and at a distance, have been identified, established in the current regulations.

b. The need to establish a continuous and consistent line of work between the different training modules of the specific block has been assessed, and between this and the common block.

c. The existing resources for the establishment of contacts and agreements with the collaborating entities in the practical training module have been analysed.

d. Specific IT applications have been used in the management and monitoring scenarios of the practical training module.

e. Different work dynamics have been proposed, analyzed and compared for the driving of group tutoring in the practical training module.

f. The key elements for the assessment reporting of the practical training module have been described.

g. The key elements for setting up a memory-processing script for the practical training module have been described.

h. Different guidelines for action, advice and control of interviews and personalized tutoring have been analyzed in the project management, depending on their theme.

i. The criteria for relevance and feasibility of a project have been analysed for the purpose of the project, assessing the need for a document to rationalise/justify the actions to be undertaken.

j. The key sections of a top-cycle project script have been described, depending on their subject matter.

k. Criteria for drawing up and evaluating the oral and written presentation of projects have been chosen in an argumentative way.

l. The role of mentoring and monitoring in the achievement of the learning outcomes of the practical and project training modules has been justified.

m. The importance of collecting in a field journal the memory of the practical training module as an element of reflexive learning by the students has been assessed.

5. It promotes the ethical and moral development of high performance technicians and athletes, assessing the impact their behaviors and attitudes have at the social level, especially through the media.

a. The existing bibliography has been analyzed by identifying and describing the most relevant values related to high performance.

b. Values and attitudes that transmit high performance technicians and athletes, especially through the media, have been identified.

c. The characteristics of the treatment of sports information in the media have been analyzed to make the equal treatment of men and women effective.

d. The media impact of sports and sports behaviors of high performance technicians and sportsmen and their social influence has been analyzed.

e. It has been argued that the high performance technician assumes the ethical responsibilities of his/her behavior when it comes to transmitting personal and social values.

f. The importance of the gender bias and stereotypes of sportswomen and the technical body in their interaction with the media has been identified and valued.

g. The importance of attention to diversity in assessing sports success has been argued, accommodating other normally less-valued collectives, especially women and people with disabilities.

6. Participates in the organization of the training of sports technicians, analyzing the characteristics of the teaching centers and the regulations on the responsibility of the teachers.

a. The functions of the different organs of an educational centre have been identified.

b. The scope of the purpose and the objectives of the sports lessons have been analysed, with particular attention to the promotion of equal opportunities for men and women, as well as the attention to people with disabilities.

c. The different types of centers have been identified in what special regime sports teachings can be taught.

d. The regulations governing the operation and organisation of a teaching centre providing sports lessons have been analysed.

e. The different forms of collaboration between educational administrations and sports federations have been analyzed to teach sports lessons.

f. The basic rules of assessment applicable to sports lessons have been analysed.

g. Teacher requirements have been described in the educational administration.

h. The responsibilities attributable to the teaching staff in the teaching of sports teaching have been identified.

Basic contents.

1. Provides training for sports technicians, analyzing the conditions that facilitate adult learning and the appropriate learning strategies for the acquisition of professional skills.

-Psychosocial characteristics of adult pupils:

-Implications in learning.

-Psychosocial assessment methods.

-Cognitive theories of learning future trainers: styles and strategies.

-Teacher training models:

-Technical model.

-Reflective cognitive model.

-Intervention of teachers with adult pupils:

-Teaching styles in teaching in the in-person and distance-learning regime.

-Individualization of the teaching-learning process.

-The principles of standardization and attention to diversity.

2. It elaborates the didactic programming of the sports teaching modules, analyzing the regulations of their management, their programming processes, sequencing and evaluation, and concreting the elements that constitute the programming.

-Sports teachings in the education system:

-Basic organization, structure, and organization.

-The National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training: training offer in relation to sports teaching.

-Characteristics of the conceptual, procedural and actitudinal domains in the objectives of the different cycles.

-Concepts, procedures, and attitudes of the learning outcomes of the specific block modules.

-Analysis of the professional profile of sports teaching cycles in relation to the general objectives of their basic curriculum.

-The specific block in the sports teachings: programming of the specific modules, of practical training and final project.

-Conceptual, procedural and actitudinal capabilities that support the learning outcomes of the specific block modules.

-Own elements of the didactic programming of specific sports teaching modules.

-Elements of the practical training module's didactic programming.

-Elements of the didactic programming of the final project module of the top cycle.

-differential characteristics of the teaching and distance learning programming.

-Evaluation in the field of sports teaching:

-Assessment of professional skills in the field of physical activity and sport.

-Characteristics of the specific block modules ' own learning outcome evaluation criteria.

-Reference rules for assessment, qualification, certification and registration.

-Concrete of the elements of the didactic programming of the specific block modules.

-Tools for curricular adaptation: modifications to curriculum access elements:

-Examples of curricular adaptation for physical and sensory disability.

-Principle of equal opportunities for women and men.

3. Programme and run training sessions of sports technicians analysing the characteristics and the preparation of materials, means and teaching resources of the sports teachings.

-Characteristics, recommendations for use and selection criteria for the different teaching resources to be used in the training of trainers:

-Traditional resources:

-The slate.

-The flip chart.

-The overhead projector.

-Print media: notes, sheets, poster.

-New technologies:

-Audiovisual media: playback of digital media.

-Computer media: projection cannon. Computer-assisted teaching: The PC and the "Tablet PC".

-Interactive media: digital slate (touch and notebook). Videoconferencing.

-Development of materials and teaching means of training for technicians, in-person and at a distance.

-Strategies for programming, oral presentation and evaluation of sessions in the training of technicians:

-Structures of content.

-Strategies for connecting to the audience.

-Strategies for the effective use of teaching resources, as well as for alternatives in case of technical failure.

-Strategies for closing the presentation.

-Valuation of the session.

-Special educational needs: causes and educational implications.

-Teaching resources to effectively implement the principle of equal opportunities for women and men.

4. Sports technicians in their specific training process (specific modules, practical training and final project) identifying strategies and procedures for their monitoring and evaluation.

-Tracking and tutoring specific block modules, in-person and at a distance:

-Analysis of the existing curricular relationship between the different modules of the common and specific blocks.

-Functions and effects of tutoring in achieving the learning outcomes of the specific block modules.

-The Practice Training Module:

-Identifying existing resources for establishing contacts and agreements with collaborating entities.

-Use of specific IT applications for the management and monitoring of the practical training module.

-Group tutorials: Analysis of in-person and distance working dynamics.

-Assessment: Script-making criteria and assessment criteria applicable to memories, field diaries, and other evaluation documents of the practical training module.

-The Final Project Module:

-Direction and tutoring of projects: guidelines for action, advice and control in their follow-up.

-Criteria of relevance and feasibility of a project: questions to be asked in its formulation (reasons, objectives, beneficiaries, resources, activities, timing, ...).

-Structure and basic contents in the formulation of projects. Adaptations according to their theme.

-Evaluation: choice of criteria for the elaboration and evaluation of oral and written presentations.

5. It promotes the ethical and moral development of high performance technicians and athletes, assessing the impact their behaviors and attitudes have at the social level, especially through the media.

-Impact of high-performance sport.

-High performance sports ' own values and attitudes.

-Sport and media.

-Analysis of content of sports information in the media.

-Attention to disadvantaged groups in high sports performance: assessment of success in women and people with disabilities. Treatment in the media.

-Importance of the prejudices and gender stereotypes of sportsmen and women in their interaction with the media.

6. Participates in the training of sports technicians, analyzing the characteristics of the teaching centers and the regulations on the responsibility of the teachers.

-Sports teaching centers. Types and characteristics. Organization and operation.

-Objectives of the sports teachings: equal opportunities for women and men and care for people with disabilities.

-Specialist Teacher. Features.

Common sports teaching module: Organization and management applied to high performance

Code: MED-C304

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. Monitors the security conditions of the facilities and their own means of high sports performance, applying the established procedures and relating them to the current regulations.

a. The requirements to be met by the high performance facilities for the practice of the activity according to the current regulations have been analysed.

b. Work conditions have been linked to a high performance facility with the health of staff.

c. Risk situations, occupational diseases and most common accidents have been described in the work environments of the facilities dedicated to high performance.

d. The safety control procedures applicable to installations dedicated to high performance of sport, and in particular the emergency action plan, have been analysed.

e. The importance of a preventive attitude in all areas of management of a facility dedicated to high sports performance has been assessed.

f. The basic organizational elements of the high performance facilities have been identified.

g. The procedures required by the regulations in force in the request for financing of a sports facility dedicated to high performance have been analyzed.

h. The parts that make up a Workplace Risk Prevention Plan for a facility dedicated to high sports performance have been characterized, including functions and actions linked to each part.

i. The need and importance of establishing a Workplace Risk Prevention Plan in a high-performing sports facility, including the sequencing of actions to be performed in an emergency, has been argued.

j. The regulations on accessibility in sports facilities by persons with disabilities or reduced mobility have been analyzed and exemplified.

2. Organizes and performs management and constitution activities of a sports organization or company, analyzing the objectives and structure of the organization, and relating them to the current regulations.

a. The different legal forms and structure of sports organisations or companies have been analysed.

b. The necessary steps have been taken in the creation of a sports organisation based on its scope of action.

c. The degree of legal responsibility of the owners and managers has been specified, depending on the legal form chosen for the sports organisation or the company.

d. The possible avenues of economic support for the creation and management of a sports organisation or company according to the characteristics of the organisation have been analysed.

e. The procedures required by the existing rules for the application of aid for the creation and management of sports organisations or companies have been carried out in practical cases.

f. Required paperwork required for public utility recognition request.

3. Directs a sports organization by applying economic and accounting management procedures.

a. The basic concepts and techniques of accounting management and registration have been described.

b. The basic administrative procedures relating to the management of a sports organisation have been analysed.

c. The basic commercial and accounting documents of a sports organisation have been completed.

d. Procedures have been applied in the preparation of the administrative and commercial documentation derived from the development of sports activities.

e. The importance of organisation and order in the procedures for economic and accounting management has been assessed.

f. The main tax and tax obligations of a sports organisation or company in relation to its target for action have been identified.

g. The reporting and settlement protocols of the IAE, VAT, IRPF, and Company Tax taxes have been completed.

h. The problems arising from the failure to comply with the tax and tax obligations of a sports organisation or company have been argued.

i. The different tax exemptions set out for the sports sector have been applied for.

4. Organizes and manages competitions and events of the level of sports technology, analyzing the administrative requirements, the necessary material and human resources, in relation to the legal framework that regulates them and the criteria of sustainability.

a. The organizational structure that has a sports technification competition has been described.

b. The functions to be performed in the organization of a sports technification competition have been identified.

c. The impact of the celebration of a competition or sporting event on the environment in which it develops has been analyzed.

d. The sustainability criteria applicable to the organisation of a competition or sporting event have been listed.

e. The responsibilities of the organization of a competition or sporting event have been analyzed.

f. Support for the sponsorship of women's sport has been described as a strategy in the organisation of a competition or sporting event in this area.

g. The main ways of financing the organisation of a sporting competition have been described.

h. The different alternatives for managing and disseminating the results have been described during a sports competition.

i. The organisational procedures have been applied in the case of practical scenarios for the opening, delivery and closing of a sporting competition.

j. The requirements for safety and attention to emergencies that the organisation of a sporting event should consider have been described.

5. It accompanies athletes in high performance competitions, identifying the legislative and organizational framework in which these types of competitions are surveyed, and analyzing the regulations that can be applied to athletes. professionals and, high level athletes (DAN) and high performance athletes (DAR).

a. International sports regulations have been analyzed, relating to the administrative structure of sport.

b. The structures and functions of the most important international sports bodies and their functions have been described.

c. The international administrative structure has been linked to the competition rules.

d. The duties and disciplinary/sanctioning arrangements of the World Anti-Doping Agency and its relations with national and international sports bodies have been described.

e. The advantages granted by the Spanish legislation to professional athletes have been described.

f. The characteristics of professional sport in Spain have been analysed.

g. The regulations that affect high level and high performance athletes in Spain have been analyzed.

h. The characteristics of the aid programmes have been analysed for the preparation of the high level athletes of Olympic and Paralympic sports and, in particular, in sports where there is still a female representation. reduced.

6. It selects job opportunities, identifying their employability opportunities and lifelong learning alternatives.

a. The importance of lifelong learning as a key factor in employability and adaptation to the requirements of the labour market and sports modality has been assessed.

b. Professional training pathways have been identified that complete their professional profile and increase their employability.

c. The techniques used in the job search process have been determined.

d. Self-employment possibilities have been described relating to your professional profile.

e. Self-assessment of personality, aspirations, attitudes and self-training has been performed for decision-making.

Basic Contents

1. Monitors the security conditions of the facilities and their own means of high sports performance, applying the established procedures and relating them to the current regulations.

-High Performance Centers (CAR) and Sports Technification (CTD). Applicable types, characteristics and regulations.

-Structure and organization of the CAR and CTD. Implementing rules. Aid and grants.

-Prevention and security at the Facility. Implementing rules. Assessment of occupational risks.

-Prevention Plan Phases. Identification and characteristics. Basic concepts on the organization of the prevention of occupational risks. Organs that are part of the prevention plan.

-Emergency Plan. Elaboration and implementation of the emergency plan. Evacuation protocols.

-Importance of protection and prevention measures in the workplace.

-The principle of universal accessibility applied to sports facilities and equipment.

-Legal and technical requirements for sports facilities in relation to physical accessibility and communication.

-State regulations and the reference autonomous community.

2. Organizes and performs management and constitution activities of a sports organization or company, analyzing the objectives and structure of the organization, and relating them to the current regulations.

-Organizations and sports companies. Legal forms. Structure and functions.

-Legal requirements for the formation of sports organizations and companies.

-Choosing the legal form.

-Financing of sports organizations and sports companies. Aid and grants. Processing of applications for grants and grants.

-Organic Law 3/2007, March 22, for the effective equality of women and men in the management and constitution of a sports organization:

3. Directs a sports organization by applying economic and accounting management procedures.

-Accounting concept. Basic notions.

-Analysis of accounting information.

-Tax obligations of sports organizations or sports services companies.

-Administrative management of sports organizations or sports companies.

4. Organizes and manages competitions and events of the level of sports technology, analyzing the administrative requirements, the necessary material and human resources, in relation to the legal framework that regulates them and the criteria of sustainability.

-Sports requests. Basic organisational structure. Roles and responsibilities.

-Economic and material support paths.

-Support for the sponsorship of women's sport, its importance in the organization of events of this nature.

-Organization of protocol acts.

-Security in sports competitions/events.

-Managing and disseminating the results of sports competitions.

-Sustainability in competitions and sporting events.

-Measures to minimize conditions in biodiversity and to contribute to the restoration of affected areas. Preservation of fragile areas, archaeological, historical and cultural heritage.

-Water saving and efficient use measures.

-Waste management and cleanup.

-Minimize the use of energy, promote renewable energy.

5. It accompanies athletes in high performance competitions, identifying the legislative and organizational framework in which these types of competitions are surveyed, and analyzing the regulations that can be applied to athletes. professionals and, high level athletes (DAN) and high performance athletes (DAR).

-International Sport.

-Reference standards: Olympic Charter. European Charter of Sport for all: people with disabilities. Real Legislative Decree 1/2013 of 29 November, approving the recast of the General Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and their Social Inclusion. Organic Law 3/2007, for the effective equality of women and men. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Resolution of the UN General Assembly of 13/12/06 (art. 30.5).

-International Organizations. Structure and functions: International Paralympic Committee, IOC, TAS, AMA.

-Discipline Regime.

-Professional Sport. Concept.

-Special labor regulation. Royal Decree 1006/1985 of 26 June 1985 on the special employment relationship of professional sportsmen and women.

-Spanish professional leagues. Features.

-High-level, high-performance sport.

-DAN-DAR application rules.

-ADO Plan. Features.

-ADOP Plan. Features.

-Programs to support DAN and DAR athletes in sports modalities where they are under-represented.

6. It selects job opportunities, identifying their employability opportunities and lifelong learning alternatives.

-Valuation of the importance of lifelong training for the career and professional career of senior technical staff.

-Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

-Identification of training itineraries related to senior technical staff.

-The job search process.

-Job search techniques and instruments.

-The decision-making process.

Specific sports teaching module: Player training in high performance stage

Code: MED-BCBC301

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. Classifies and evaluates the ability of the athlete to play in the stage of high performance, analyzing his behavior in the concepts that apply, as well as the efficiency and efficiency, applying techniques of identification and correction of errors, by modifying and building performance tasks, and developing complete teaching processes.

a. The capabilities of a required basketball player have been analyzed at the high performance stage.

b. The main features of each game concept have been explained in the high performance stage.

c. Players ' actions have been categorized based on the game concepts applied.

d. The level of playing capacity of a player's actions has been justified on the basis of a practical assumption.

e. The effectiveness and efficiency of the action-reaction processes of a proposed game situation have been analyzed, based on the success, time and resources invested for their development.

f. The difficulties and problems presented by the player in the application of the game concepts in the performance stage have been identified.

g. The actions performed by the player in the high performance stage have been evaluated, based on the stage's own standards.

h. The performance stage has been designed and modified to assess the performance of the gaming capabilities.

i. Error correction tasks have been developed over the observation of the actions performed by players in the performance stage.

j. A complete teaching process has been constructed based on the analysis of the technical-tactical behavior, preparing tasks for correcting errors and improving the ability to play.

k. The importance of assessing the level of sportsmanship in the performance stage in basketball has been assessed.

2. Classifies and evaluates the execution of the player's offensive technical skills in the high performance stage, checking the effectiveness and efficiency of the execution, designing and modifying performance tasks to correct errors or develop the skills.

a. The different offensive technical skills of the player have been categorized according to their position in the field.

b. A player's specific offensive technical skills have been analyzed in a practical scenario, and their characteristics according to their position in the field.

c. The effectiveness and efficiency of offensive technical skills have been analyzed, based on success, time and resources invested for their execution.

d. The difficulties and problems presented by the player in the execution of the necessary offensive technical skills in the high performance stage have been identified.

e. Modifications have been proposed in the technical execution, from the realization of an offensive technical skill by a player in the stage of high performance.

f. A player's offensive technical skill execution level has been classified and reasoned after observation in proposed situations.

g. Evaluation tasks have been designed and modified for the offensive technical skills of the players in the high performance stage.

h. Error correction tasks have been developed over the observation of the offensive technical executions performed by players in the high performance stage.

i. A complete teaching process has been built from the analysis of a player's offensive technical skills, elaborating error-correction tasks, and improving the player's skills for the high-performance stage.

j. The need to assess a player's offensive technical skill level for the high performance stage in basketball has been discussed.

k. The importance of the effectiveness and efficiency of executing an offensive technical skill in the performance stage has been justified.

3. Classifies and evaluates the execution of the player's defensive technical skills in the high performance stage, checking the effectiveness and efficiency of the execution, designing and modifying performance tasks to correct errors or develop skills.

a. The different defensive technical skills of the player have been categorized according to their position in the field.

b. A player's specific defensive technical skills have been analyzed in a practical scenario, and their characteristics according to their position in the field.

c. The effectiveness and efficiency of defensive technical skills have been analyzed on the basis of success, time and resources invested for their execution.

d. The difficulties and problems presented by the player in the execution of the necessary defensive technical skills in the high performance stage have been identified.

e. Modifications have been proposed in the technical execution, from the realization of a defensive technical skill by a player in the stage of high performance.

f. A player's defensive technical skill execution level has been classified and reasoned after observation in proposed situations.

g. Evaluation tasks have been designed and modified for the defensive technical skills of players in the high performance stage.

h. Error correction tasks have been developed over the observation of the defensive technical executions performed by players in the high performance stage.

i. A complete teaching process has been built from the analysis of a player's defensive technical skills, elaborating error-correction tasks and improving the player's skills for the high-performance stage.

j. The need to assess a player's level of defensive technical skill for the high performance stage in basketball has been discussed.

k. The importance of the effectiveness and efficiency of the execution of a defensive technical skill in the high performance stage has been justified.

4. It analyzes the talent of the basketball player, comparing the individual characteristics presented by each athlete, designing tasks of improvement and optimization and adapting the collective tactical movements of the team to the characteristics individual and set goals.

a. The diversity of talent that can be given in a basketball player in the high performance stage has been expressed.

b. The individual profile of the talented player has been explained in each position, analyzing various examples of known players.

c. The optimization of a player's talent has been proven according to the performance of the team.

d. The characteristics of the two-player talent proposed in the high performance stage have been compared.

e. Tasks have been designed to maximize the talent of players in the high performance stage.

f. Methodological elements have been analyzed that potentiate the development of the talent of the players in the stage of high performance.

g. Solutions to difficulties presented by the player in the search for excellence have been formulated.

h. Tactical movements have been designed in the high-yield stage that favor the manifestation of the talent of a proposed player, justifying their composition.

i. The importance of talent must be promoted by the performance of the team in the high performance stage.

j. The need to be able to offer the player new challenges to the right, or answers to the wrong, in the game has been justified.

Basic Contents

1. Classifies and evaluates the ability of the athlete to play in the stage of high performance, analyzing his behavior in the concepts that apply, as well as the efficiency and efficiency, applying techniques of identification and correction of errors, by modifying and building performance tasks, and developing complete teaching processes.

-High performance stage play capability.

-Base capabilities: Stage standards.

-Escort capabilities: Stage standards.

-Alero capabilities: stage standards.

-Ala-pivot capabilities: Stage standards.

-Pivot capabilities: Stage standards.

-Technical-tactical behavior in the high-performance stage.

-Concepts in reduced play situations in the high performance stage.

-One against one in the high performance stage.

-Ball player and his defense in the high performance stage.


-Efficiency and efficiency from the outside game.

-Efficiency and efficiency from the inside game.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.


-Limit and close options.

-Smart displays on individual "scouting".

-No-ball player and his high-performance stage defense.


-Reading from the inside.

-Reading from the outside.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.


-Support the team.

-Reduce options to attack.

-The rival's individual analysis application.

-One-against-one training in the high-performance stage.

-Speed, result, and energy wear.

-Design and modify tasks for the high-performance stage.

-Full 1x1 teaching process

-Evaluation of one against one in the high performance stage.

-Assessment indicators in the execution of 1x1.

-Watch criteria for 1x1 actions in high performance.

-Errors in one against one at high performance stage:

-Difficulties, problems, and more frequent errors in the high performance stage.

-Causes and resolution strategies.

-Two against two at the high performance stage.

-Attack and defense of the "Lock and Continuation" in the high performance stage.


-Read advantages and disadvantages from direct locking.

-Modify the disadvantages and convert them to the contrary, with movements with or without ball.

-The pass from the direct lock.

-Pass difficulties and how to fix them.

-Possible continuations and openings.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.


-Diversity of defensive structures in the high-performance stage.

-Smart displays on individual "scouting".

-Attack and defense of the "inside-out" game at the high performance stage.


-Read benefits and disadvantages.

-Movements in favor of the ball.

-Pass as game continuity.

-Pass difficulties and how to fix them.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.

-Possible continuations of the game "out-of-the-box".


-Minimize spaces.

-Hinder the pass.

-Negate continuations.

-Smart Defpresses on "" scouting "" individual.

-Two-to-two training in the high-performance stage.

-Speed, result, and energy wear.

-Design and modification of tasks.

-Full 2x2. teaching process

-Assessment of the two versus two at the high performance stage.

-Evaluation indicators in 2x2. execution

-2x2. Actions Observation Criteria

-Errors in the two versus two at the high performance stage:

-Difficulties, problems, and more frequent errors.

-Causes and resolution strategies.

-Three against three in the high performance stage.

-Attack and defense of the "Triangle" in the high-performance stage.


-Game with the high post and low post.

-The pass as a build element.

-Read advantages and disadvantages in the triangle.

-Pass difficulties and how to fix them.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.

-Possible continuations.


-Defense of the triangle.

-Limitation of output options.

-Smart displays on individual "scouting".

-Attack and defense of indirect locks in the high-performance stage.


-Reading smart advantages for what player.

-Specific pass angles.

-Individualized lock angles.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.

-Blocking and blocking exit difficulties and solution proposals.

-Possible continuations of the game with indirect locks.


-Defense of the locked player.

-Defense of the blocker player.

-Defense of the pin player.

-Defense continuity options after locking.

-Smart displays on individual "scouting".

-The three against three as combinations of concepts, or as concepts with multiple players.

-Three to three from "pass and cut".

-Three to three from "split and fold".

-Three to three from "hand pass".

-Three against three from "direct lock".

-Three versus three from "inside-out".

-Three-to-three training in the high-performance stage.

-Speed, result, and energy wear.

-Design and modification of tasks.

-Full 3x3. teaching process

-Three-to-three evaluation in the high-performance stage.

-Assessment indicators in 3x3. execution

-3x3. Actions Observation Criteria

-Errors in the three versus three at the high performance stage:

-Difficulties, problems, and more frequent errors.

-Causes and resolution strategies.

-Four against four in the high performance stage.

-Attack and defense of the "Stack" double lock on the high-performance stage.


-Reading smart benefits to what player is the lock.

-Specific pass angles.

-Individualized "double lock" angles.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.

-Blocking and blocking exit difficulties and solution proposals.

-Possible continuations of the game with double blocks "stacks".


-Defense of the locked player.

-Defense of blocking players.

-Defense of the pin player.

-Defense continuity options after double locking.

-Smart displays on individual "scouting".

-Attack and concept defense blocks the " flex" blocker.


-Reading the benefits of movement.

-Specific pass angles.

-Specific lock angles.

-Reading the defensive actions and reactions.

-Locks out difficulties and solution locks and proposals themselves.

-Possible continuations of the game with " flex" locks.


-Defense of locked players.

-Defense of blocking players.

-Defense of the pin player.

-Defense continuity options after the " flex" sequence.

-Smart displays on individual "scouting".

-The four against four as combinations of concepts with multiple players.

-Four against four from "pass, cut and replace".

-Four against four from "triangle".

-Four against four from "indirect locks".

-Four-to-four training in the high-performance stage.

-Speed, result, and energy wear.

-Design and modification of tasks.

-Full 4x4. teaching process

-Evaluation of four versus four at the high performance stage.

-Assessment indicators in the execution of the 4x4.

-Watch criteria for 4x4. actions

-Errors in the four versus four at the high performance stage:

-Difficulties, problems, and more frequent errors.

-Causes and resolution strategies.

2. Classifies and evaluates the execution of the player's offensive technical skills in the high performance stage, checking the effectiveness and efficiency of the execution, designing and modifying performance tasks to correct errors or develop the skills.

-Offensive technical skills in the high-performance stage.

-Internal player offensive technical skills (pivot).

-Standards for the high-performance stage.

-No-ball movements.

-Movements with ball.

-The importance of mastering gesture and its complementary.

-The domain of master movements (superclasses).

-The range and the range increase.

-Spaces to play 1x1 in the high performance stage from the pivot position (low post).

-Previous movements to generate the advantage in 1x1 from the low post.

-More interesting actions for 1x1 the low post.

-Internal player 1x1 difficulties at the low post.

-Spaces to play 1x1 in the high performance stage from the pivot position (high post).

-Previous movements to generate the advantage in 1x1 from the high post.

-More interesting actions for 1x1 from the high post.

-Internal player 1x1 difficulties at the high post.

-Maximum efficiency and effectiveness in internal player movements.

-The perception of the game of the pivot: how to observe its level and how to improve it.

-Base offensive technical skills.

-Standards for the high-performance stage.

-The perception of the game on the base: how to observe its level and how to improve it.

-The anticipation.

-The game view.

-Base decision-making: getting closer, and faster.

-The execution of the base in the performance stage: precision and speed.

-The hands of the base.

-The importance of mastering a gesture and its complementary.

-The domain of master movements (superclasses).

-Previous movements to generate the lead in 1x1.

-The shooting of the base (the shot after boat and the outside shot).

-The range and the range increase.

-Spaces to play 1x1 in the elite from the base position.

-Previous movements to generate the lead in 1x1.

-More interesting actions for 1x1 front exterior.

-Base 1x1 difficulties.

-External player (alero) offensive technical skills.

-Standards for the high-performance stage.

-The perception of the game on the outside: how to observe its level and how to improve it.

-The anticipation.

-The game view.

-The execution of the alero in the performance stage: precision and speed.

-The range and the range increase.

-The importance of mastering a gesture and its complementary.

-The domain of master movements (superclasses).

-Spaces to play 1x1 in the elite from the forward position.

-Previous movements to generate the lead in 1x1.

-More interesting actions for 1x1 diagonal exterior.

-More interesting actions for 1x1 outside by back line.

-Alero 1x1 Difficulties.

-Training the offensive technical skills for the high-performance stage.

-Speed and strength in offensive execution: technical power.

-Design and modification of technical skills tasks.

-Full process of teaching offensive technical skills.

-Evaluation of the offensive technical skills in the high-performance stage.

-Assessment indicators in the execution of offensive technical skills.

-Observation criteria for offensive technical skills.

-Errors in executing offensive technical skills in the high performance stage:

-Difficulties, problems, and more frequent errors.

-Causes and resolution strategies.

3. Classifies and evaluates the execution of the player's defensive technical skills in the high performance stage, checking the effectiveness and efficiency of the execution, designing and modifying performance tasks to correct errors or develop skills.

-Defensive technical skills for external players in the high performance stage.

-Standards for the high-performance stage.

-Defense on the one against one to the outside player with ball.

-Using hands.

-Using the body.

-Using legs.

-Angles and positional spaces and displacements.

-Defense when receiving a direct lock.

-Defense of an interior being exterior to the low post.

-Defense in the one against one to the outside player without ball.

-Using hands.

-Using the body.

-Using legs.

-Angles and positional spaces and displacements.

-Pre-defense after a "miss match" with an interior.

-Defense when receiving an indirect lock.

-Defense to player who makes an indirect lock.

-Defense when receiving a double lock (stack).

-Defensive evolution of an outside player in the high performance stage.

-Knowledge of the regulation in defense to player away from the hoop.

-Defensive skills for indoor players in the high-performance stage.

-Standards for the high-performance stage.

-Defense in the one against one to the inside player with ball.

-Using hands.

-Using the body.

-Using legs.

-Angles and positional spaces and displacements.

-Defense of an exterior away from the hoop.

-Defense in the one against one to the inside player without ball.

-Using hands.

-Using the body.

-Using legs.

-Angles and positional spaces and displacements.

-Pre-defense after a "miss match" with an exterior.

-Defense of the player performing a direct lock.

-Defense of the player performing an indirect lock.

-Defense to player receiving an indirect lock.

-Defense to the player who performs a double lock (stack).

-Defensive evolution of an interior player in the high performance stage.

-Knowledge of the regulation in defense to the player near the hoop.

-Training of defensive technical skills in the high performance stage.

-Speed and strength in defensive execution: technical power.

-Design and modification of technical skills tasks.

-Full process of teaching defensive technical skills.

-Evaluation of defensive technical skills in the high performance stage.

-Assessment indicators in the execution of defensive technical skills.

-Observation criteria for defensive technical skills.

-Errors in executing defensive technical skills in the high performance stage:

-Difficulties, problems, and more frequent errors.

-Causes and resolution strategies.

4. It analyzes the talent of the basketball player, comparing the individual characteristics presented by each athlete, designing tasks of improvement and optimization and adapting the collective tactical movements of the team to the characteristics individual and set goals.

-Talent on a basketball player in the high performance stage.

-Features of a player's talent.

-Individual player profile with talent at each position in the high performance stage.




-Ala pivots.


-Actual examples.

-Search for excellence in talented players.

-Analysable aspects.


-Be triumphant.

-Emotional intelligence.

-Tactical capacity.

-Technical Ability.

-Cognitive capacity.

-perceptive capacity.


-Volitive capacity.

-Game proposals that maximize talent according to positions and features in the high-performance stage.

-Offensive tactical proposals.

-Defensive tactical proposals.

-Individual talent and team performance at the high performance stage.

-Tasks that maximize the talent of players in the high performance stage.

-Methodologies that favor the empowerment of talent.

-Solutions to difficulties in the search for excellence.

-Technician's answers to the player who dominates the game.

-Anticipating future problems.

-Improvement of the competition the player experiences.

-Harnessing the volitional capacity.

Sports teaching specific module: High performance stage team management

Code: MED-BCBC302

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. Builds and leads a high performance team by analyzing the structure and composition criteria of the teams at this stage, and applying advanced group dynamics and role distribution.

a. The structure of a team for the high-performance stage has been schematized.

b. Criteria have been expressed for the construction of a template relating to the technical characteristics of the players proposed in the high performance stage.

c. The functions of the sports address have been analyzed in high performance teams.

d. Player selection has been justified on the basis of a proposed club sports project.

e. The main functions of a technician in managing a high performance team have been exposed.

f. The roles of the remaining members of a multidisciplinary technical team on a high performance team have been substantiated.

g. Advanced group dynamics have been formulated on high performance teams, based on situations that are formulated.

h. Roles have been defined from a template proposal with specific high performance players.

i. The characteristics of a specific internal regulation for a high performance stage basketball team have been analyzed.

j. The importance of proper management of a basketball team for the proper functioning of the basketball team has been valued.

k. The importance of collaboration in a multidisciplinary technical team has been assessed.

l. The joint work has been justified in the construction of a template or team, of the technician and the sports management.

2. It shows the technical skills of the high performance stage technician, analyzing the professional context of basketball, the values necessary for its continuous training, and applying procedures of communication with the media and creating a personal brand.

a. The competencies to be shown by the technician at the high performance stage have been analyzed.

b. The basketball coach's own skills have been demonstrated, in assumptions duly characterized in the high performance stage.

c. The necessary values for the acquisition of knowledge and permanent improvement have been argued as technical in the stage of high performance.

d. It has been argued how the relationship with the media at the stage of high performance in professional sport should be.

e. The official training of sports technicians has been schematic.

f. The innovation processes applied to the development and improvement of high performance in basketball have been analyzed.

g. The peculiarities of professional sport and the professionalism of the technician have been explained: structures, contracts and agencies.

h. Simulated routes have been designed for job search as a basketball coach.

i. The need to take care of the technician's image in high performance has been argued.

j. The functions of the coach/coach and their institutional representation have been explained.

k. A brand of own coach has been designed using information and communication technologies (ICT).

l. Different images of professional trainers have been compared in a different way.

m. The usefulness of personal coaching or coaching for the growth of the coach has been justified.

3. Manages the performance of a team in a match and/or competition, and coordinates the work of the multidisciplinary technical team during the meeting, using the specific terminology in English, implementing strategies in the decision making, in the emotional control and team leadership at the high performance stage.

a. The most important guidelines for managing team performance in matches at the high performance stage have been compiled.

b. The responsibilities of each member of the technical team in a high performance match have been justified in a justified manner.

c. It has been argued how the results influence the dynamics of the teams in the high performance.

d. Specific concepts of high performance have been expressed with a high mastery of the specific language of basketball.

e. Integrated English phrases with specific concepts of high performance basketball have been expressed and understood.

f. Decisions, among several proposals, have been chosen and justified in simulated basketball situations in the high performance stage, where they appear-among others-concepts of authority and coherence seeking maximum effectiveness.

g. Leadership gestures and stress control have been demonstrated in simulated match situations.

h. Strategies for coping with defeat and post-match victory have been justified, as well as the media management of the result after a match in high performance.

i. The behavior of the technicians in different dead times proposed in high performance competitions has been evaluated.

j. Planned rotations of a team in a simulated match have been designed, taking into account considerations of high performance basketball.

k. The importance of the basket-average concept in high performance competitions has been founded.

4. Directs and coordinates the work of the "" scouter "" or members of the technical team intended for it, using specific tools for the treatment of multimedia information in basketball.

a. The features of advanced "scouting" have been explained in high performance teams.

b. The "scouting" of the team itself and its most important elements in the high performance stage have been structured.

c. The "scouting" of the rival and its most important elements in the high performance stage has been structured.

d. It has been directed to a technical team to do "scouting", in a properly characterized practice.

e. The functions of the "scouter" have been broken down into a high performance team or club.

f. Specific "scouting" tools have been compared for high performance.

g. A specific "scouting" tool has been handled for the proposed high performance, managing to autonomously solve a properly characterized case.

h. The importance of the rivals ' study has been justified for better efficiency in the high-performance stage equipment.

i. Various "scouting" have been compared to a single team in the high performance stage and evaluated their technical quality.

j. The figure of the "scouter" has been valued within a high performance or selection club.

5. Participates in the technical management of high performance basketball clubs, demonstrating organizational knowledge of the sports structure of the club, developing reference programs for the lower category teams based on the project club, and collaborating in the training of the technicians of these teams by providing specific basketball knowledge for their permanent improvement.

a. The elements that differentiate an amateur club from a high performance club have been formulated.

b. The elements that make up the technical management of high performance basketball clubs have been structured.

c. The standard organizational structure of a high performance club has been defined.

d. A reference program has been designed for the lower category teams of a club, based on a properly characterized case.

e. The sports project of an alleged club has been analyzed properly, defining the program of reference of the lower category teams of the same club.

f. Several lower-category reference programs from different clubs have been compared.

g. A high performance club's sports project has been created from given premises.

h. A permanent training program for club technicians has been generated, in a practical scenario.

i. The importance of training a club's technicians for their development and growth has been justified.

6. Participates in the organization of high performance events, analyzing the structure of the different models of events of this level, the structure of the basketball federations and the various existing championships.

a. The needs are specified in the organization of a high performance event.

b. High performance events have been structurally designed, based on a properly characterized case.

c. Different models of events have been compared, justifying their similarities and differences.

d. The complete competitive structure of the Autonomous Federations and the Spanish Basketball Federation has been broken down.

e. The different teams ' and club championships have been compared, expressing their organizational characteristics.

f. Organization protocols for a high performance basketball event have been formulated.

g. The necessary resources have been specified in the organization of a high performance basketball event, based on a properly characterized case.

h. The organizational problems of a properly characterized practice of a high performance basketball event have been resolved.

i. Protocol acts have been specified in a national team or event, and the behavior of the coach and team.

j. The need to sponsor basketball and its opportunities has been justified.

k. The importance of high performance basketball has been valued as an offer of leisure consumption.

l. High-performance basketball has been valued as an offer in the consumer media.

m. The importance of the socio-economic profitability of basketball in the high performance stage has been assessed.

7. Participates as a technician in the regulatory development of a high performance party, knowing rules, procedures and interpretations in different competitions of this stage, justifying the need to respect and understand the decisions of the judges.

a. The applicable rules have been formulated in various game situations presented in high performance basketball.

b. They have been narrated from the visionaries of a high performance basketball game, the procedures and arbitrary mechanics witnessed.

c. The roles of the various referees and table judges present in a high performance basketball game have been differentiated.

d. The last interpretations of the basketball regulation have been expressed by the competent bodies.

e. A number of party actions have been judged from the point of view of the regulation.

f. The performance of technicians, in visualized parties, has been judged regarding the respect and understanding of the regulation and the arbitration decisions.

g. The difficulty of refereeing decision-making in real-play situations in high performance has been assessed.

h. Game rules and refereeing interpretations have been compared in different competitions at high performance.

i. Technical actions have been made to show respect for the regulations and the judges who care for their compliance.

Basic Contents

1. Builds and leads a high performance team by analyzing the structure and composition criteria of the teams at this stage, and applying advanced group dynamics and role distribution.

-Structure of equipment in the high-performance stage.

-Game positions.

-Needs according to competitions.

-Building club templates or selections.

-Objectives and constraints.

-Template structures: models and examples.

-Selection of players.

-Player reports: elaboration, analysis, and interpretation.

-Demands at the base position in high performance.

-Demands in the escort position in high performance.

-Demands in the alero stand at high performance.

-Demands in the wing-pivot position in high performance.

-Demands in the pivot position in high performance.

-Head Coach.



-Team-group address.

-Address of team training.

-Party address.

-Relations with the press.

-Relationships with the directive.


-Multidisciplinary technical team: roles and roles.

-Club technical teams.

-Technical teams of selections.

-Sports address.

-Functions in high performance.

-Relationships with the technician.

-Relationships with the multidisciplinary technical team.

-Relationships with the template.

-Managing high performance equipment.

-Relationships of the components of the technical team.

-Group Dynamics.


-Deal with solutions.

-External pressure.

-Distribution of roles.

-Internal rules for high-performance equipment.

2. It shows the technical skills of the high performance stage technician, analyzing the professional context of basketball, the values necessary for its continuous training, and applying procedures of communication with the media and creating a personal brand.

-Basketball coach skills in high performance.

-Communication competence in high performance.

-Teaching competence in high performance.

-Directive and management competence in high performance.

-Competence in game knowledge and scientists in high performance.

-Social competence and values.

-Competence in learning to learn.

-Technical skills in high performance.

-Professional leadership.

-Oral expression and listener.

-Non-verbal language.

-Adaptation and flexibility.

-Technical values and ethics for high performance.

-Lifelong learning.

-Technician and media in high performance.

-Sports qualifications.



-Processes applied to basketball.

-Professional sport.

-Professionalism of the technician.

-Professional structures in basketball.

-Coaches contracts.

-Hiring and advisory agencies.

-Employment in basketball.


-Search procedures.

-Image of the technician.

-External elements.

-Internal elements.

-Selector specifications.

-Institutional representation as a selector.

-Case Study.

-Coach brand.

-Structural elements.

-Brand creation. Use of information and communication technologies (ICT).

-Virtual components.

-In-person components.

-Case Study.

-Personal advice or coaching.




3. Manages the performance of a team in a match and/or competition, and coordinates the work of the multidisciplinary technical team during the meeting, using the specific terminology in English, implementing strategies in the decision making, in the emotional control and team leadership at the high performance stage.

-Managing the performance of a team in match and/or competition.

-Design of the "walkthrough" of the match.

-Work in the locker room.

-Managing roles.

-Alternative plans.

-Managing party end situations.

-Post-match performance analysis.

-Coordination of the technical team.

-Assignment of roles by positions.

-Functions of each role in match and/or competition.

-Results in high performance.

-Influences on computers.

-Influences on management charges.

-Influences on the hobby.

-Specific basketball concepts in high performance.

-Specific Nomenclature.

-Concepts and combinations.

-English basketball terminology at high performance.

-Frases and constructs.

-Efficacy in making decisions in high performance.

-Values associated with decision making.




-Stress control.

-Managing communication in dead time.

-Relation of quintet changes and maximum performance.

-Match rotations according to type of competition.

-Rotations in regular competitions (leagues).

-Rotations in playoff competitions.

-Rotations in knockout competitions (final four or final).

-Control of the basket-average.

-Evaluating the effectiveness of decision-making in a party.

-Media management of the party.

-Victory or defeat.

4. Directs and coordinates the work of the "" scouter "" or members of the technical team intended for it, using specific tools for the treatment of multimedia information in basketball.

-"scouting" in high performance.


-"scouting" itself, structure.

-"scouting" of the rival, structure.

-Collective scouting work.

-Specialist technical team.

-Previous information.

-Preparing the match.

-Making mounts and reports.

-Preview situations.

-Concept "Trojan horse".


-Functions in high performance.

-Required skills.

-"scouting" specific tools for high performance.

-Specific basketball applications for the editing of tactical movements.

-Specific applications for video editing in basketball.

-Comprehensive player and team information exchange managers.

5. Participates in the technical management of high performance basketball clubs, demonstrating organizational knowledge of the sports structure of the club, developing reference programs for the lower category teams based on the project club, and collaborating in the training of the technicians of these teams by providing specific basketball knowledge for their permanent improvement.

-High performance clubs.

-Organizational structure.

-Differences with the amateur club.

-Technical club management.

-Club sports project.


-Reference programs for lower category teams.

-Program of permanent training of technicians.

-Creating a club sports project.

6. Participates in the organization of high performance events, analyzing the structure of the different models of events of this level, the structure of the basketball federations and the various existing championships.

-High performance basketball events.

-Needs of an event.

-Structural event design.

-Fases of the organization of an event.

-Collaboration on events.

-Event models.

-Federative and club competitive structure.

-Structure of high performance club competitions.

-Types of calendars and competitions. Draws.

-Differences between club competitions and selections.

-Competitions of the Autonomous Basketball Federations.

-Competitions from the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB).

-International Basketball Federation (FIBA) requests.

-Organizational comparison between club events and selections events.

-Organization and participation in events.

-Operating protocols.

-Managing resources.

-Resolution of organizational problems.

-Logistics management.

-Institutional representation of the basketball coach.

-Institutional protocols in championships.

-Basketball as a mass sport.

-Basketball as a show.

-Basketball and leisure consumption.

-Basketball and sponsorship.

-Basketball and consumer media.

-Basketball and profitability.

7. Participates as a technician in the regulatory development of a high performance party, knowing rules, procedures and interpretations in different competitions of this stage, justifying the need to respect and understand the decisions of the judges.

-Articulated of the official basketball regulations for high performance.

-Arbitral procedures and mechanics in high performance.

-High performance referees and judges.

-Number of referees and judges available according to competition.

-Functions of the referees and judges according to their role.

-Making arbitrary decisions in matches.

-Updated Rules Interpreters.

-Official interpretations.

-Arbitral interpretations according to competitions.

-Variations of rules according to competitions.

-Coaches: understanding and respecting rules.

-Analysis of gaming situations in high performance.

Specific sports teaching module: High performance training in basketball

Code: MED-BCBC303

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. Plans the basketball season in a high performance team, analyzing the characteristics of the individual and collective programming in the short, medium, long term and the periods that integrate them, choosing the procedures for determining objectives, means, methodology and evaluation, and categorising the specific loads used in it.

a. The elements that make up the planning of a basketball season in the high performance and its control mechanisms have been explained.

b. The characteristics of the different periods of a basketball season have been argued.

c. The procedures for determining the objectives, means, methodology and evaluation of training programs, in the short, medium and long term, have been argued for one or more players.

d. An individual global or specific development programme (technical, physical, psychological or tactical), of a proposed high performance player, has been designed or modified from defined characteristics.

e. Work cycles have been compared in the season of a basketball team based on the competitive objectives.

f. The loads of each moment of the season have been selected according to the stated objectives.

g. The planning has been rectified in a practical scenario, based on modified conditions on the intended initials.

h. The planning of a season and that of a championship has been differentiated, analyzing its components and work cycles.

i. Instruments for the evaluation of individual and collective programmes have been selected.

j. The work of the multidisciplinary technical team has been valued in the preparation of the season planning of a basketball team.

k. The importance of the implementation of individual programs as a tool to accelerate the progress of the basketball player has been documented.

2. Program, directs and evaluates the physical condition in the stage of high performance, analyzing the intervention needs of other specialists and justifying the characteristics of the means and training methods of the different capacities physical, to high performance demands.

a. The physical profile of the player has been explained in the high performance according to the position of the game.

b. The goals of the basketball player's fitness training in high performance have been related to planning and reference programming.

c. The requirements of the player's fitness level have been explained, taking into account the characteristics of basketball in high performance.

d. The functions of the different specialists of the biomedical team have been explained in the player's re-adaptation work according to the injury or pathology produced.

e. The characteristics of the media, training methods, and systems of assessment of the physical condition, and their different capabilities, have been exposed in high performance basketball.

f. A basketball training cycle has been designed, arguing the development of the player's physical condition, concreting goals, means, methods, and evaluation, both of the program and the player.

g. The most frequent errors in the basketball player's physical condition work programs have been analyzed in high performance, valuing the causes and establishing solution proposals.

h. The basketball player's physical condition assessment instruments have been selected at the high performance stage.

i. Development tasks have been generated for the physical condition of the basketball player in the high performance stage.

j. The results offered by the basketball players of a high performance team have been measured, in terms of the development of the physical condition and its different abilities, both in training and in competition.

k. The means of individualization of fitness training have been argued in a high performance basketball team.

l. The importance of good coordination of the technical and biomedical team in the process of prevention, diagnosis, recovery and retraining has been argued to achieve the player's best and best performance after injury or pathology suffered.

3. Designs and directs collective and individual training sessions for teams or players in the high performance stage, basing the objectives at this level, categorizing the complexity, difficulty and burden of the tasks of this level and the variables that modify it.

a. The functions of a multidisciplinary technical team have been presented in a training session at the high performance stage and distributed to a proposed session.

b. The differences between the training sessions according to the progression stages of the high performance players have been analyzed.

c. The variables that modify the training tasks in the high performance stage have been based.

d. Tasks have been designed on a team's assumption of session at the high performance stage.

e. A high performance team training session has been generated based on a defined condition.

f. A high performance player's individual training session has been generated based on a defined condition.

g. A training session has been modified, starting from a situation indicated that alters the initial conditions foreseen.

h. Proposals for resolution of contingencies that may arise during a high performance stage training session have been argued.

i. Techniques of dynamization, control and observation of the training sessions have been formulated in the high performance stage.

j. Variables that modify tasks in high performance have been analyzed.

k. A session has been built that meets the proposed load proposal within a defined microcycle of a team in the high performance stage.

l. There has been discussion about improvisation in the design of sessions and tasks at the stage of high performance, and its effects on achieving the maximum possible performance.

m. The effectiveness of the management, organisation and evaluation of the training session has been assessed in terms of the degree of compliance with the proposed objectives.

Basic Contents

1. Plans the basketball season in a high performance team, analyzing the characteristics of the individual and collective programming in the short, medium, long term and the periods that integrate them, choosing the procedures for determining objectives, means, methodology and evaluation, and categorising the specific loads used in it.

-Planning in basketball.

-Elements that compose it.

-Influences in planning on high performance.

-The work of the multidisciplinary technical team in the planning.

-Design objectives.

-Schedule Types.

-Season schedule.

-Study of the calendar.


-Choice of rivals.

-Season or Regular Phase.

-Playoffs or final phase.


-Championship schedule.



-Planning process control mechanisms.

-Conditioning of the environment.

-Conditioning of a team.

-Resources and facilities.

-Other constraints.

-Conditioning of team members.

-Players ' characteristics and conditions.


-Programming types.

-Long-term programming.

-Medium term programming.

-Short-term programming.

-Individual programming.

-Structure of individual programming.

-Individual player global development programs.

-Individual player-specific development programs.

-Technical development programs.

-Tactical development programs.

-Physical development programs.

-Psychological development programs.

-Integration with collective programming.

-Collective programming.

-Elements of the programming.




-Evaluation of the program and the athlete or team.

-Evaluation instruments.

-Procedures for determining elements of the programming.

-High performance training load.

-Load planning.

-Load rating proposal model.

-Loads in training cycles.

-High performance training cycles.


2. Program, directs and evaluates the physical condition in the stage of high performance, analyzing the intervention needs of other specialists and justifying the characteristics of the means and training methods of the different capacities physical, to high performance demands.

-High performance stage player physical profiles.

-Player in outer positions.

-Player in indoor positions.

-Physical condition training.

-Objectives in high performance.

-Conditioning of scheduling and scheduling.

-Physical condition in high performance basketball.

-Base requirements and requirements.

-Alero requirements and needs.

-Requirements and needs of the pivot.

-Process of integration into collective training.

-Biomedical equipment on high performance equipment.

-Components and functions.



-Physical Preparer.




-Individualization of physical condition training in high performance.

-Bases and features of the individualized training program.

-Training of physical capabilities in high performance basketball.

-Physical capabilities in basketball.

-High performance basketball resistance training.

-Media and methods.

-Continuous method.

-Fracked methods.

-Assessment and control systems.

-Assessment systems.

-Control systems.

-Strength training in high performance basketball.

-Media and methods.

-Control and rating systems.

-High performance basketball speed training.

-Media and methods.

-Assessment and control systems.

-High performance basketball flexibility training.

-Media and methods.

-Assessment and control systems.

-Physical condition training cycles in high performance.

-Characteristics of basketball.


-Errors in the physical condition development programs in high performance.


-Solution proposals.

-Evaluation of the physical condition development programs in high performance.

-Evaluation instruments.

-Information collection tools.

-Performance evaluation.

-In competition.

-In training.

-Tasks to develop the physical condition in high performance.



3. Designs and directs collective and individual training sessions for teams or players in the high performance stage, basing the objectives at this level, categorizing the complexity, difficulty and burden of the tasks of this level and the variables that modify it.

-The basketball training session in the performance stage.

-Differences between the training session according to the player's progression stages.

-Types of sessions in basketball for the performance stage.

-According to the number of participants.

-Individual training sessions.

-Collective training sessions.

-According to the timing of the microcycle.

-Initial sessions.

-Preparation sessions.

-Pre-match sessions.

-Post-match sessions.

-Distribution of training sessions on a microcycle in the high performance stage.

-Daily double sessions.

-Single daily sessions.

-Distribution proposals and examples.

-The disposition of the load in the high performance stage training session.

-Evaluation of sessions in high performance.

-Observation procedures.

-Information collection tools.

-Evaluation instruments.

-Address of sessions in the performance stage.

-Dynamization and coordination of sessions in high performance.

-The technical team in the session organization.



-Contingencies during sessions.

-Types of contingencies in high performance.

-Resolution proposals.

-Complex tasks for the performance stage.

-Variables that modify tasks in the high performance stage.

Specific sports teaching module: Attack and Defense Tactics at High Performance Stage

Code: MED-BCBC304

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. It designs the dynamic game, based on the evaluation of its performance in match situations, basing the game model according to the characteristics of the players, applying techniques and strategies of detection and correction of errors, as well as for the preparation of training tasks.

a. Different dynamic game proposals have been categorized into the high performance stage, determining their effectiveness and strengths.

b. The historical evolution of the dynamic game has been argued.

c. The concepts and features of the offensive and defensive dynamic game have been explained.

d. The suitability of the concepts applied in a practical scenario of a proposed dynamic game has been judged, depending on the characteristics of the players performing it.

e. Tactical-strategic concepts of the dynamic game at the high performance stage have been justified in a practical scenario that establishes the characteristics of the players.

f. The execution of a dynamic game proposal has been evaluated in the high performance stage, identifying the errors, the causes of the errors, and choosing the correction strategy to be used.

g. An offensive dynamic play proposal has been graphically designed in the high-performance stage with variants depending on the defensive responses.

h. A defensive dynamic play proposal has been presented at the high performance stage from a series of offensive actions.

i. Different well-known classic dynamic game proposals have been compared in high performance stages, relating to different types of players.

j. Dynamic game training tasks have been designed in the high-performance stage, describing the criteria and evaluation indicators used.

k. The need to empower dynamic play in the high-performance stage has been justified to encourage the basketball show.

2. Designs the positional game, based on the evaluation of its performance in match situations, based on the model of the game according to the characteristics of the players, applying techniques and strategies of detection and correction of errors, thus as a preparation of training tasks.

a. Different positional game proposals have been explained in the high performance stage, determining their effectiveness and strengths.

b. The historical evolution of positional play has been argued.

c. The concepts and characteristics of the offensive and defensive positional game have been explained.

d. The suitability of the concepts applied in a practical scenario of a proposed positional game has been judged, depending on the characteristics of the players who perform it.

e. Tactical-strategic concepts of the positional game at the high performance stage have been selected in a justified manner from the proposed players, seeking the maximum effectiveness of them.

f. The errors present in a proposal for positional play at the stage of high performance, verified the causes of the same, and plotted the usable correction strategies have been recognized.

g. An offensive positional play proposal has been graphically formulated in the high performance stage with variants based on defensive responses.

h. A proposed defensive positional play has been presented at the high performance stage from a series of offensive actions.

i. Defensive responses to positional offensive play situations have been argued, seeking to reduce the effectiveness of the positional offensive game and its chances of success.

j. Different recognized classical positional game proposals have been compared in high performance stages, relating to different types of players.

k. Positional game training tasks have been designed at the high performance stage, describing the criteria and assessment indicators to be used.

l. The importance of designing the positional game from the talent of the players in the high performance stage has been discussed to encourage their role in the game.

3. It designs the play of spaces, based on the evaluation of their performance in match situations, based on the model of the game according to the characteristics of the players, applying techniques and strategies of detection and correction of errors, thus as a preparation of training tasks.

a. Different play proposals have been explained for spaces in the high performance stage, determining their effectiveness and strengths.

b. The historical evolution of the space game has been argued.

c. The concepts and characteristics of the game of offensive spaces and the defense of spaces have been explained.

d. The suitability of the concepts applied in a practical scenario of a proposed set of spaces has been judged, depending on the characteristics of the players who perform it.

e. Tactical-strategic concepts of the play of spaces in the stage of high performance have been selected in a justified manner from the proposed players, seeking the maximum effectiveness of the same.

f. The errors present in a proposal for a set of spaces in the stage of high performance, verified the causes of the same and the use of the strategies of correction can be acknowledged.

g. A proposed defensive space game has been graphically formulated in the high-performance stage with variants depending on the offensive responses.

h. Offensive responses have been argued to spaces defensive play situations, seeking to reduce the effectiveness of the space and its chances of success.

i. Different recognized classic proposals for playing spaces in high performance stages have been compared, relating them to different types of players.

j. A proposal to defend spaces in the high performance stage has been presented from a series of offensive actions.

k. Space game training tasks have been designed in the high performance stage, describing the criteria and assessment indicators to be used.

l. The importance of the play of spaces in the high performance stage has been recognized to raise the wealth of tactical proposals in a team's tactics.

4. Designs other alternative forms of play (special defenses and conditioned special situations), based on the evaluation of their performance in match situations, basing the game model according to the characteristics of the players, applying error detection and correction techniques and strategies, as well as the preparation of training tasks.

a. Different proposals of game forms have been explained at the stage of high performance, determining their effectiveness and strengths.

b. The historical evolution of alternative forms of play has been argued.

c. The concepts and characteristics of these alternative forms of play, both offensive and defensive, have been explained.

d. The suitability of the concepts applied in a practical scenario of a proposed alternative game has been judged, depending on the characteristics of the players who perform it.

e. Tactical-strategic concepts applied to alternative game forms in the high performance stage have been selected, based on the proposed players, seeking the maximum effectiveness of the same.

f. The errors present in an alternative game proposal in the high performance stage have been recognized, verified the causes of the same, and plotted the usable correction strategies.

g. An alternative defensive play form proposal has been graphically formulated in the high performance stage with variants based on the offensive responses.

h. Offensive responses have been argued to alternative defensive game forms situations, seeking to reduce the effectiveness of the game and its chances of success.

i. An alternative defensive play proposal has been presented at the high-performance stage from a series of offensive actions.

j. Different proposals of alternative game forms have been compared in the high performance stage, relating to different types of players.

k. Alternative game form training tasks have been designed at the high performance stage, describing the criteria and assessment indicators to be used.

l. The importance of developing on a team, alternative forms of play in the high-performance stage has been recognized.

Basic Contents

1. It designs the dynamic game, based on the evaluation of its performance in match situations, basing the game model according to the characteristics of the players, applying techniques and strategies of detection and correction of errors, as well as for the preparation of training tasks.

-The dynamic game and its history in professional basketball.

-The dynamic game and its relationship with the show in basketball.

-Players ' ideal characteristics for efficient dynamic play.

-Offensive dynamic game: concepts.


-Spaces and start times.

-Disposition by number of players, speeds, and displacements.


-Continue to play.

-1x1 situations from the outside.

-2x2. situations

-from pick and roll.

-from hand to hand.

-low-post game.



-Systems in transition.

-Offensive dynamic play from defensive responses.

-Defensive dynamic play: concepts.


-Individual responsibilities.

-Adjustments and mismatches.

-Continue to defend.

-1x1. Defense

-Pick and roll defense.

-Defense of spaces.

-Low-post defense.

-positional attack start defense.

-Dynamic dynamic play from offensive actions.

-Design and creation of dynamic game training tasks in the technology stage.

-More frequent errors in the design of dynamic play in equipment in the stage of technification and correction strategies at this stage.

-Dynamic play design for a high performance stage team.

-Evaluation of the dynamic game according to efficiency and efficiency criteria.

2. Designs the positional game, based on the evaluation of its performance in match situations, based on the model of the game according to the characteristics of the players, applying techniques and strategies of detection and correction of errors, thus as a preparation of training tasks.

-The positional game: historical evolution.

-positional attack on the high-performance stage.

-Offensive spaces according to player characteristics.


-From direct lock.

-From inside ball.

-From penetrations.

-With two interiors.

-"Pick and roll".







-Changing Locking Angles.


-According to defense: lock released, lock defended.


-Roll long.

-Short Roll.

-Long Pop.

-Static Pop.

-Indirect Locks.







-Flex output.


-" Box to box".


-Flex input.


-Systems provisions.

-1-4 high.

-1-4 low.




-Not bilateral.

-Systems focus.

-1c1 exterior.

-1c1 low post.

-"Pick &roll".


-Doors back.


-Poste high.




-Lateral or bilateral.

-Systems versions.


-Offensive series.

-Surprise movements.

-Mutable movements.

-Line movements.

-Back field background.

-Focus specific.

-"Timming" for the time.

-"Timming" of play.

-Forward field band line movements.

-Focus specific.

-"Timming" of possession.

-positional defense in the high-performance stage.

-Complex aspects.


-Anticipation (negation).

-Reaction to the attack.



-Encadation of efforts.

-Incomfort of the rival.


-Defense of the outer shooter.

-Output of indirect locks.

-"Pick & pop".

-Lock + receive lock.

-"Close out" or recoveries in static or dynamic situations.

-Defense of exterior lightening.

-Low-post defense.

-Defense of the interior player.

-Defense of the player without ball.


-Read locks.

-Defense according to "scouting".

-2x2 "Pick and roll".

-Defense of the lock.

-Normal Central.

-Central to 2 open exteriors.

-Central with vertical interior exchange.

-Central with horizontal interior exchange.

-Normal Lateral.

-Lateral low.

-Lateral out -changed-.

-Front to the center.

-Front with double pick.

-Vertical front.


-Defense of continuations.

-Roll long.

-Short Roll.

-Long Pop.

-Short Pop.

-Defense according to "scouting".

-3x3 Indirect defense.

-Output Indirect.

-Carreton defense.

-Defense of "Zipper".

-Defense of "Flare".




-4x4 Indirect defense.

-Defense of "staggers".

-" Box to box" defense.

-Triple-pole defense.

-Defense of " flex".

-Defense of "stack".

-Design of the positional game for the high-performance stage.

-Combination of concepts.

-Players ' characteristics and talent.

-Criteria for error detection.

-Error correction strategies.

-Design and create training tasks to improve positional play in the high-performance stage.

-Evaluation of positional game according to criteria of effectiveness and efficiency.

3. It designs the play of spaces, based on the evaluation of their performance in match situations, based on the model of the game according to the characteristics of the players, applying techniques and strategies of detection and correction of errors, thus as a preparation of training tasks.

-The play of spaces: historical evolution.

-Defense of spaces in the high-performance stage.

-Defense of spaces from disposition 1-2-2.

-General considerations.

-Most common variants.

-Movements and positioning.

-Defense of spaces from 2-1-2.

-General considerations.

-Most common variants.

-Movements and positioning.

-Defense of spaces according to "scouting".

-Attack on spaces in the high performance stage.


-Direct locking in the attack to spaces.

-Structured systems for attacking space defenses.

-Attack on zone with initial disposition 2-3.

-Attack on zone with initial disposition 1-2-2.

-Attack on zone with initial disposition 2-1-2.

-Attack on zone with initial disposition 3-2.

-Attack on zone with initial disposition 1-3-1.

-Attack to spaces according to "scouting".

-Design of the space set in the high-performance stage.

-Combination of concepts.

-Players ' characteristics and talent.

-Criteria for error detection.

-Error correction strategies.

-Design and create training tasks to improve the play of spaces in the high performance stage.

-Assessment of the set of spaces according to criteria of effectiveness and efficiency.

-The play of spaces and tactical wealth.

4. Designs other alternative forms of play (special defenses and conditioned special situations), based on the evaluation of their performance in match situations, basing the game model according to the characteristics of the players, applying error detection and correction techniques and strategies, as well as the preparation of training tasks.

-Special Defenses.

-Importance of the "scouting".

-Mutant Defpresses.

-Most common variants.

-Movements and positioning.

-Defense "match-up".

-General considerations.

-Most common variants.

-Movements and positioning.

-Alternative Defenses.

-Most common variants.

-Movements and positioning.

-Attacks on special defenses.

-Attack on mutant defenses.

-Attack on "match-up" defense.

-Attack alternative defenses.

-Conditionated special situations.

-The clock time.

-Timming or movement tempo.

-The fault condition.

-Band Saques.

-Success situations.

-Back-end attacks.

-Success situations.

-Last seconds played.

-Success situations.

-Importance of the "scouting".

-Influence of player characteristics.

Sport teaching specific module: Project

Code: MED-BCBC305

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. It designs individual or collective projects related to the competences of the superior sports technician in basketball, basing the project on the information collected, developing the phases that compose it and making the forecasts of human and material resources.

a. A theme has been chosen that allows you to integrate the knowledge acquired in the different blocks and modules of the higher cycle in basketball.

b. Information has been collected regarding the aspects to be addressed in the project.

c. The phases or parts that make up the project and its contents have been identified.

d. The objectives to be achieved by identifying their scope have been set.

e. The aspects that can facilitate or hinder the development of the project have been assessed.

f. The necessary material and personal resources have been planned and prioritized, in line with project objectives.

g. The corresponding economic budget has been made.

h. Potential sources of project funding have been identified, based on the project's needs.

i. The aspects to be controlled have been identified and the quality of the project depends on them.

j. The relevance and feasibility of the project has been justified.

k. The rigour in the collection of the information used in the preparation of the project has been assessed.

2. Schedules and schedules project execution, determining the phases or cycles of preparation, the methodology used, and the resources required.

a. Activities are sequenced and timed by ordering them based on project implementation needs.

b. Project planning has been developed, with the necessary training and resources being programmed and programmed, when the project is aimed at high sports performance in basketball.

c. The required resources and logistics have been determined for each activity.

d. The required permissions and authorizations have been identified in each of the activities.

e. The procedures for the performance or implementation of the activities have been determined.

f. The risks inherent in the development of the activities have been identified, defining the risk prevention plan and the necessary means and equipment.

g. The allocation of material and human resources, and runtimes, have been planned.

h. The necessary economic assessment has been made in the execution of the project.

i. The necessary documentation has been defined and elaborated in the project's forecasts and execution.

j. The concepts and procedures acquired in the different modules of the higher cycle in basketball have been related/used in an integrative and synergistic manner.

k. Sustainability criteria have been taken into account when choosing the activities, methodology and resources used in the project.

3. It selects the procedures for monitoring and monitoring the design and execution of the project, justifying the functions within the project, the selection of variables and instruments used.

a. The procedure for evaluating activities has been defined, using and combining different assessment instruments.

b. The quality indicators used in the project evaluation have been defined.

c. The procedures for evaluating the incidents that may be presented during the implementation of the project, their possible solution and registration have been defined.

d. The procedure for managing potential changes in resources, activities or load dynamics has been defined in the case of high performance training, including the system of recording them.

e. The necessary documentation has been defined and elaborated in the evaluation of the project activities.

f. The procedure for participation in the assessment of players or users/clients has been established and the specific documents have been prepared.

g. A guarantee system for compliance with the project specification has been established when it exists.

h. Consideration has been given to the project's tutor/director considerations during the preparation of the project.

i. The project has been followed up according to the procedure established by the tutor/director.

j. An attitude of respect and acceptance of the contributions made by the tutor/director has been shown, integrating in a constructive way the assessments received in the project.

4. It presents the project, selecting the relevant aspects of the project, justifying the decisions taken and using the most appropriate didactic and technical resources in each case.

a. The necessary documentation has been defined and elaborated in the presentation and communication of the project.

b. The most appropriate didactic and technical resources have been used for the presentation and communication of the project, including new technologies, in a manner consistent with project objectives.

c. The project has been presented in a clear, synthetic form, including the key aspects to be included in the presentation.

d. Updated bibliography has been used in the foundation of the work, referencing it appropriately.

e. Questions about the project's characteristics and rationale have been accurately and accurately answered.

f. The project has been sufficiently justified and its implementation has been argued.

g. It has been adjusted in the presentation of the project to the defined structure and set out in the evaluation criteria.

h. The project has been submitted, adjusting to the formal characteristics, structure and sections established by the court.

i. The project presentation, the relationships between the different learning outcomes acquired in the different modules of the higher cycle in basketball, have been justified.

j. It has been shown to have an overview of the project, relating the argument to the purpose and the conclusions of the project.

Specific sports teaching module: Practical training

Code: MED-BCBC306

Learning results and evaluation criteria

1. Identifies the organisational structure and operation of the practice sports centre (sports school, club, federation, company), relating to its offer of high performance sports activities, and the management activities of the same.

a. The relations of the sports center of the Spanish sports federation with the international federation of basketball have been founded.

b. The organisational structure and operation of the various areas of the practice sports centre has been categorised.

c. Hierarchical relationships have been classified within the practice sports center.

d. The offer of activities linked to high sports performance has been reviewed.

e. The characteristics of the practice sports centre have been linked to the rules of responsibility of the technicians working on the sport centre.

f. The offer of activities aimed at the high performance of basketball in women has been founded.

g. The values present in the club's basketball activities or sports entity have been recognized.

h. A clear attitude of respect to the facilities has been maintained and the internal and external rules attached to the facility have been applied.

i. The emergency action plan for the facilities of the practice sports centre has been revised.

j. The Occupational Risk Prevention Plan of the practice sports center has been identified and analyzed.

k. The working conditions of sports technicians at the practice sports centre have been revised in relation to the regulations on occupational health.

2. It identifies the organisational structure and the functioning of the training centre for sports technicians, linking it with its training offer, analysing the rules of application, applying the procedures and safety protocols in the practice.

a. The relationships of the training center of basketball technicians with the appropriate educational administration have been founded.

b. The organisational structure and operation of the sports technical training centre has been categorised.

c. Hierarchical relationships have been classified within the training center of sports technicians.

d. The offer of activities linked to the training of sports technicians in basketball has been reviewed.

e. The characteristics of the training center for sports technicians, and the regulations on the responsibility of teachers, have been analyzed.

f. The current educational and curricular regulations on the training of basketball sports technicians have been schematized.

g. It has collaborated in the organization of the economic activities of the center of work.

h. The values present in the club's basketball activities or sports entity have been recognized.

i. A clear attitude of respect for the environment has been maintained in the activities developed and the internal and external rules linked to it have been applied.

3. He collaborates in the administration of the sports centre (sports school, club, federation, company ...), applying economic and accounting management procedures.

a. It has collaborated in the organization of the economic activities of the center of work.

b. The legal form used in the establishment of the sports centre of practice has been identified, and the degree of legal responsibility of the owners and managers.

c. The basic administrative procedures for the management of the practice sports centre have been worked out.

d. Requests for assistance have been made for the management of the practice sports centre.

e. You have collaborated in the management of financial support that you use or you can use the practice sports centre.

f. The necessary administrative and commercial documentation has been developed in the development of sports activities.

g. Tax and tax obligations and exemptions from the practice sports centre have been identified.

h. The practice sports center tax return has been made.

i. An attitude of respect and compliance with the rules and procedures for the economic management of the sports centre has been carried out.

4. Acts with autonomy, initiative and responsibility in the workplace, demonstrating ethical behavior, personal communication skills, teamwork, applying the procedures established by the practice center (entity sports, club, federation, company ...).

a. The action requirements of the workplace have been identified.

b. The instructions received and held responsible for the assigned work have been interpreted and fulfilled.

c. Commitment to the job well done and the quality of the service has been demonstrated, as well as respect for the club's own procedures and principles or sports entity.

d. Team work capacity has been demonstrated and respect for the hierarchy established at the club or sports entity.

e. Effective communication and relationship have been established with the technician responsible for the activity and team members, maintaining a smooth and smooth deal.

f. It has been coordinated with the rest of the team, reporting any changes, relevant, or unforeseen need to be present in the activity.

g. Ethical behavior has been demonstrated with athletes and adversaries, especially in the presence of the media.

5. Organizes and manages competitions and events of the level of initiation and sports technology, and collaborates in high performance, participating in the management and design of the competition, applying sustainability criteria.

a. The structure and functions to be performed in the organization of a sports competition or sports event in basketball have been proposed.

b. The sustainability criteria have been defined and applied in the organization of a sports competition or sports event in basketball.

c. Potential support for women's sport in the form of basketball has been located and managed.

d. The financing of the organization of a sports competition or sports event in basketball has been managed.

e. The management and dissemination of the results of a competition or sports event of technology or high performance in basketball has been carried out.

f. He has participated in the management of personnel and material means of the different areas or committees of the organization of a competition or event of technology or high performance in basketball.

g. The organization has collaborated in the organization and implementation of protocols to open, deliver and close a competition or sports event of technical or high performance in basketball.

h. Security and emergency care measures have been taken in the organization of a sports competition or sports event in basketball.

i. It has been flexible and adaptable to the circumstances in the organization of the competition, respecting the established protocols and guidelines.

j. The calendar and refereeing appointments of the basketball competition or organized sports event have been developed.

6. It guides senior players, and organizes, accompanies and directs sportspersons in their participation in activities, competitions and other high performance basketball events, and applying related regulations.

a. High level sportsmen have been informed of the rules affecting them and the support programmes that exist at national and regional level.

b. High-level athletes have been targeted on the professional outings of their sporting activities, and the importance of maintaining an academic or professional training parallel to sports life.

c. Sportsmen and women have been reviewed and informed of the anti-doping rules in the high performance competitions in which they are participating.

d. The team's enrollment has been performed in a high performance basketball competition, in accordance with established protocols and standards.

e. The accident and activity insurance management operations of the members of the basketball team participating in a high performance competition have been performed, in accordance with the instructions and rules received.

f. The responsibility of a technician on the travel of the basketball teams to attend a high performance competition has been recognized and justified.

g. The travel plan of a basketball team for their participation in a high performance competition has been developed, applying the established instructions and procedures.

h. The basketball team has been informed of the characteristics of the high performance competition, interpreting the documentation on it.

i. The technical and tactical instructions for high performance competition have been transferred to the basketball team, taking into account the characteristics of the competition and the participating athletes.

j. He has joined the basketball team in high performance competitions, applying the procedures and following the established instructions and standards.

k. It has been ensured by respect for the values of fair play, respect for personal health and others, during participation in high performance basketball competition, applying the appropriate procedures and respecting the norms of the same.

l. Assessment criteria have been applied to the technical-tactical performance of basketball, using techniques and observation procedures appropriate to high performance.

m. Claim procedures have been applied in a high performance basketball competition, using the appropriate language, applying established protocols and standards.

7. Collaborates in the direction of teams during participation in activities, competitions and other high performance basketball events, valuing the possible tactical situations of the team and its opponents, the arbitration decisions, the environment characteristics, and applying established procedures.

a. The influence of the conditions of the high performance competition in basketball has been assessed.

b. It has collaborated in the direction of teams in high performance competitions, using different strategies effectively and taking into account the characteristics of the rival team and the environment.

c. The regulation has been used in the choice and implementation of team management strategies in high performance basketball competition.

d. He has collaborated in the evaluation of the technical-tactical execution of the team and his rivals in the competition of high performance, using techniques and procedures of adequate observation.

e. Has collaborated in making claims in a high performance basketball competition, applying established protocols and standards.

f. The importance of the use of a team management strategy according to the regulations, the characteristics of the competition and the arbitrary trends in the high performance has been valued.

g. They have collaborated in coordinating the activities of the different members of the technical team before, during and after the high performance competitions in basketball.

h. Empathy has been shown and generated credibility in the team during management in high performance basketball competitions.

8. Plans the long, medium and short term training of the basketball players, interpreting the information of the athlete and the environment, coordinating the team of specialists, and applying the models, procedures and techniques appropriate.

a. She has collaborated in the development of the screening, identification and selection of sports talent in the basketball practice center.

b. Screening, identification, and selection criteria for sports talent in basketball have been applied at the practice sports center.

c. The information of the player or the team of the sports centre of practices and their environment has been selected and interpreted, necessary in the preparation of the long-term programming.

d. The long-term scheduling/scheduling of the player or team has been developed, according to the models used in the practice sports centre, and identifying the load dynamics of the different sports performance factors in basketball.

e. Instruments of assessment of the physical condition of the high performance player or team have been applied, interpreting and, where appropriate, dealing with the resulting information.

f. Instruments for recording the technical-tactical behavior in training and competition of the player and the high performance team have been developed and applied, interpreting and, where appropriate, dealing with the resulting information.

g. Instruments of assessment of the psychological profile of the player and the team have been applied, and of their behaviour during the competition, interpreting and, where appropriate, dealing with the resulting information.

h. The medium-and short-term programming of the different performance factors (physical, technical, tactical, psychological, game-playing, competitive, ...) of basketball has been developed, according to the planning of the practices and the objectives and characteristics of the players and the team.

i. The programme has been developed for a concentration of preparation, adapting it to the specific needs of the players, the team, and the practical training centre.

j. Information about the training load of a player and the team of the practice sports center has been recorded, quantified and processed.

k. Objectives and means of work have been assigned to the biomedical team, within the planning and programming of the player and team training.

l. Contributions from the biomedical team have been incorporated into the planning and programming of the player and team training.

m. An attitude of rigour and objectivity has been shown in the application of the valuation instruments used.

9. Organizes and directs the training of the basketball players and team, coordinating the technical team, applying the specific training methods and means of each of the performance factors in basketball, and applying the new technologies to the registration of training and competition.

a. Credibility has been generated in the team of specialists who collaborate with the technician at the practice sports center.

b. The technical team has been managed, demonstrating leadership and enhancing communication between the team of the practice sports center and the technician.

c. Means and methods of training performance factors have been applied, and chosen tasks according to the programming of the practice sports center.

d. The session has been addressed, taking into account the variety and integration of different media and training methods, according to the programming of the practice sports center.

e. Any contingencies that have arisen during the player or team training session have been identified and resolved.

f. The session's work has been adapted to the actual conditions of the player or team.

g. The most frequent injuries in basketball and their preventive measures have been taken into account in the direction of the training session.

h. Audiovisual recording instruments of the technical-tactical behaviour and the ability to play: in training and competition, of the player or of the high performance team, interpreting and, where appropriate, editing the records have been developed and applied. performed.

i. During the training session of the player or team the audiovisual records of the training or the competition have been used.

j. The organisation and management of a concentration of preparation have been involved, selecting the appropriate means and logistics to the situation of the sports centre of practice.

k. A motivating and empathetic attitude has been maintained with the player and the team during the direction of the preparation concentration or the training session.

10. Collaborates in the establishment of the ergogenic aids and the supplementary work plans of the injured player, applying the means, methods and procedures established.

a. The complementary work of an injured player has been scheduled, taking into account the programming of the practice sports center.

b. The food guidelines of the practice sports centre players have been assessed.

c. Training measures on sports food have been proposed for players in the practice sports centre.

d. Fatigue manifestations have been identified during the training and competition of the practice sports center player.

e. Fatigue recovery measures have been proposed and implemented in accordance with the possibilities of the practice sports centre.

f. There has been collaboration on the prescribing and administration of ergogenic aids in players in the practice sports center.

g. The player has been informed of the health risks and consequences of the use of doping substances.

h. A fair play attitude and respect for the player's health has been shown in particular regarding the use of doping substances.

11. Participates in the training of sports technicians, reviewing the academic and curricular organization of the center, teaching classes and collaborating in the tutoring of the modules of Project and Practical Training.

a. The type of teacher training centre has been identified, the type of link with the administration and the rules that apply to it for the purposes of organisation and operation.

b. The responsibilities of the basketball specialist teacher and the superior sports coach in basketball have been identified, in the training of the technicians in the modality.

c. The elements of the didactic programming of a module of the specific block have been concretized, taking into account their regulations of ordination, the characteristics of the students, and the context of the teaching center of practices.

d. It has been designed and collaborated in the performance of a presentation (of tasks and contents), taking into account the characteristics of the specific module and the learning result to be developed, taking into account the characteristics of the student of the center teacher of practices.

e. The design and direction of a practical or procedural work session has been worked out, taking into account the characteristics of the specific module and the learning result to be developed, taking into account the characteristics of the student in the centre. teacher of practices.

f. It has been involved in the evaluation process of the trainees of the traineeship centre.

g. The effective implementation of the principle of equal opportunities for women and men has been taken into account when selecting the teaching resources in the teaching of the specific module of sports teaching in basketball.

h. Alternative didactic resources have been planned and prepared in advance for possible incidents, including attention to persons with disabilities, in the direction of the session of the specific module of sports teachings in basketball.

i. The conditions for monitoring and tutoring the different modules of the specific block of the initial and final cycles of middle grade in basketball, in-person and distance, established in the teaching center of practices have been identified.

j. It has participated in the establishment of contacts and agreements with the collaborating entities in the module of practical training in the teaching center of practices.

k. Specific IT applications have been used in management scenarios and follow-up of the practical training module in the training centre.

l. There has been collaboration in the development of evaluation reports on the practical training module.

m. Participated in the advice and control of interviews and personalized tutoring in the direction of projects within the teaching center of practices.

12. Collaborates in the direction of the "scouting" of the high performance basketball team and the rival, using advanced technology resources and preparing reports suitable for high performance.

a. Tactical situations have been interpreted in high performance competition, starting with a video or real time.

b. Advanced technology resources have been used for the achievement of information relevant to the performance improvement of the team or the practice sports center basketball player.

c. Complex tactical situations have been identified from "scouting", or have been developed, from the specific basketball symbology.

d. Guidelines and observation protocols have been developed for high performance sports center basketball teams.

e. Tools have been developed for the recording of specific information extracted from the "scouting" of players or basketball teams from the practice sports center.

f. The technical team's work on the "scouting" of the practice sports center has been coordinated.

g. "scouting" reports have been produced for high performance teams in basketball both in their own language and in English.

h. Advanced basketball-specific observation technologies have been identified, and their features and utilities are described.

i. An attitude of attention has been shown in the "scouting" performances with a high performance team of the practice sports center.

13. Participates in the construction of a team, helping to select players, valuing and classifying their skills and abilities, according to the high level competition.

a. There have been reports of players drawn up by technical scouters from the practice sports centre.

b. Reports have been made of players from high performance basketball teams.

c. The offensive and defensive technical skills of the practice sports center players have been valued.

d. The competitive, physical, psychological and gaming capabilities of the practice sports center players have been valued.

e. Players have been ranked, comparing their characteristics to the profiles of high level players in basketball.

f. The incorporation of basketball players has been proposed to the teams of the sports center of practice in function with the sports project of the same and the requirements of the competition.

g. Criteria have been established for the balanced selection of players for the high performance sports centre teams.

h. A listening and consensus attitude has been shown in the selection of players with the managers (technicians and managers) of the high level teams of the practice sports centres.

i. The selection of players has been based on the analysis of the high performance basketball competition where the team of the practice sports center will compete.

14. He collaborates with the technical management of a sports center, participating in the guidelines that the sports technicians receive, and helping in the preparation of the reference programs for his players and teams.

a. Reference schedules have been designed for the lower category teams of the practice sports centre.

b. The existing reference programmes have been revised at the practice sports centre.

c. The needs identified in the practice sports center basketball players and teams, and the proposals offered by the reference programming, have been related.

d. The continuity of the reference schedules for the basketball players and teams of the practice sports center has been schematized.

e. Appropriate assessment criteria have been developed in order to obtain information on the development and performance of the players and teams of the practice sports centre.

f. The information obtained by the assessment tools used to improve the technical direction of the practice sports centre has been interpreted.

g. The resources needed for the correct development of the reference programmes and the training of technicians have been managed.

h. The work of the coaches of the various basketball teams of the practice sports center has been coordinated.

i. The training center's basketball technicians have been helped in their continuing training.

j. Technicians have been explained, appropriate methods for the teaching of basketball in the practice sports center.

k. The English language has been used to explain the concepts and terminology of basketball to the technicians of the practice sports center.

l. A cooperative and listening attitude of work has been demonstrated in dealing with the technicians of the practice sports center.

m. Leadership skills have been demonstrated in the work with the technicians of the practice sports center teams.


Teacher/pupil ratio



high performance stage.

Grade Cycle Specific Block


MED-BCBC301 Player training at high performance stage.


MED-BCBC302 Equipment address in the high performance stage.





MED-BCBC305 Project.


MED-BCBC306 Practical training.


Practical training module access

Access Module Training Access

Modules to Overcome

MED- BCBC306 Practical training.

From the common block.

-MED-C301. High performance physiological factors.

-MED-C303. Training of sports trainers.

From the specific block.

-MED-BCBC301 Player training at the high performance stage.

-MED-BCBC302 Address of high performance stage equipment.

-MED-BCBC303 High performance training in basketball


Top grade cycle minimum spaces and equipment

Spaces: Top Grade Cycle

Formative space

Surface m2

30 pupils

Surface m2

20 pupils

Sport teaching

-purpose Aula.

60 m2.

40 m2.

Common and specific block sports teaching modules


120 m2

90 m2

Teaching Modules

Formative space.

Sports Teaching Module


MED-BCBC301 Player Training at Stage high performance.

MED-BCBC302 Address of teams in the high performance stage.

MED-BCBC303 High performance training in basketball.

MED-BCBC304 High Performance Stage

Equipment: Top grade cycle

Multipurpose classroom equipment

Sport teaching

-Audio-visual equipment. Projection canon.

-PCs installed in network with Internet connection.

-Specific software.

Sport teaching modules common and specific upper cycle blocks

of the gym

Sport teaching

-Medicinal Balons (3kg, 4kg, 5kg).

- Mats.

-Mancuernas of different weights.

-Lift bars.

-Disks (various weights).

-Banks for muscle exercises: horizontal, inclined, and/or reclining.

-Inflatable Balons 65cm.

-Elastic gums.


-Swedish Banks.

Common Block Module_body.

track equipment

Sport teaching module

-Basketball basket

-Basketball ball

-Senalizer material

MED-BCBC301 Player training at the high performance stage.

MED-BCBC302 Team Address in High Performance Stage.

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in Basketball

MED-BCBC304 Attack Tactics and High-performance stage


Teacher qualification requirements for the modules of the common block of the upper grade cycle, in public schools of the educational administration

They will be given by those who own the specialty that follows:

teaching module

Top grade cycle



MED-C301 High performance physiological factors.

MED-C302 High performance psychosocial factors.

MED-C303 Sports Trainers Training.

-Secondary Teaching Teachers

-Secondary Teaching Teachers

MED-C304 Organization and Management applied to high performance.

-Physical Education.

-Training and work organization.

-Secondary Teaching Catedraps.

- Secondary Teaching Teachers


Teacher titration requirements for the modules of the specific upper grade cycle block, in public schools of the educational administration

They will be given by those who have the specialty or condition that follows:

teaching module

Top grade cycle


MED-BCBC301 Player training at high performance stage.

MED-BCBC302 Team address at stage

MED-BCBC303 High Training Basketball performance

MED-BCBC304 Attack and Defense Tactics in High Performance Stage.

MED-BCBC305 Project.

MED-BCBC306 Training practice.

-Physical Education with the title of Senior Sports Technician in Basketball

-Secondary Teaching Catedratics

-Secondary Teaching

-Specialist Professor


Status of a specialist in public educational administration centres: accreditation of teaching experience, or activity in the field of sport and work

Top grade cycle

teaching modules

Creditable teaching experience

Activity in sport and work

-BCBC301 Player training at high performance stage.

MED-BCBC302 Address High performance stage equipment.

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in basketball

MED-BCBC304 Attack and Defense Tactics in High Performance Stage.

MED-BCBC305 Project.

MED-BCBC306 Practical Training.

At least 100 hours of accredited teaching in training of coaches at level 3 of basketball in the formations referred to in the fifth additional provision and the first and the Royal transitional provision Decree 1363/2007 of 24 October 2007 and of the transitional provision of the Royal Decree 1913/1997, of December 19.

At least 2 years of professional sports exercise related to the professional skills of the upper cycle, performed in the 4 years immediately prior to appointment

In the case of the training referred to in the additional fifth of Royal Decree 1363/2007, of 24 October, the Royal Spanish Basketball Federation, will issue the corresponding certification of the teaching experience in the consisting of: the subject matter, the number of hours given, the date of the course in which the matter or matters was given, and the date of the decision to recognise the training by the High Council of Sport together with the date publication in the BOE.

In the case of the formations referred to in the first transitional provision of the Royal Decrees 1913/1997 of 19 December, and 1363/2007 of 24 October, the competent authority of the autonomous community which authorised the Training shall be the subject of the corresponding certification of the teaching experience in which the subjects and the number of hours taught.

The work experience will be accredited by the certification of the company where you have acquired that experience in which the duration of the contract, the activity developed and the period of time in which you are specifically recorded the activity has been performed.

In the case of self-employed persons, the certification of discharge in the census of tax obliged, with a minimum age of one year, will be required, as well as a declaration by the interested party of the most representative.

The Royal Spanish Basketball Federation will issue the corresponding certification of the sporting experience in which the activity is recorded and the period of time in which the activity has taken place.


Teachers ' qualification requirements in private and public-owned centers of administrations other than education

They will be given by those who credit the titles below or those that have been declared equivalent or approved for teaching purposes:

Top grade cycle common block modules:


sports teaching module

MED-C301 High Performance Physiological Factors

-Licensed Or Undergraduate In Activity Sciences Physics and Sport.

-Licensed or Graduate in Medicine.

MED-C302 Psychosocial factors of high performance.

-Licensed or Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.

-Licensed or Undergraduate in Psychology.

MED-C303 Sports Trainers Training

-Licensed or Graduated in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

MED-C304 Organization and management applied to high performance

-Licensed or Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.

-Licensed or Undergraduate in Law.

Top grade cycle-specific block modules:


teaching specific module

MED-BCBC301 Player training at the high performance stage.

MED-BCBC302 Team address at the high stage performance.

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in basketball

MED-BCBC304 Attack and Defense Tactics in High Performance Stage.

MED-BCBC305 Project.

-Top Sports Technician in Basketball

MED-BCBC306 Practical training.

-Licensed or Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.

-Top Sports Technician in Basketball.


Convalidations between sports teaching modules established under the Organic Law 1/1990 and the sports teaching modules of the specific block of the Superior Sports Technician in basketball

of the Top Sports Technician in Basketball LOGSE (Royal Decree 234/2005, March 4).

Convalidated upper-grade cycle modules in basketball

-Individual tactical-technical actions III

-Detection and selection of talents II

MED-BCBC301 Player training at the high stage performance.

-Game Rules III

-Team Address III

-Match II Address

- Game observation II

-Professional development

MED-BCBC302 Management of equipment at the high performance stage

-Teaching and basketball training methodology III

-Planning and Evaluation of Basketball III Training

-Applied Physical Preparation III

-Applied Psychology II

- Sports Security II

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in

-Collective technical-tactical actions III

-Game System II

-Final Project

MED-BCBC305 Project.

-Practical training

MED-BCBC306 Practical training.


Full or partial exemption of the top grade cycle practical training module

MED-BCBC306 Practical training.

Work or sports

Total Exempt.

Partial exemption.

Duration: greater than 400 hours.

Activity developed:

Experience related to the overall proficiency of the top grade cycle in basketball and the learning outcomes of the practical training module.

Period of time you have developed the activity:

Two years before the completion of the course.

The partial exemption of the practical training module will be granted for those learning outcomes of the module, which are consistent with the accredited work or sports experience.

The total exemption from the practical training module may be granted where there is a complete agreement of the accredited work or sports experience with the entire learning outcomes of the relevant training module. module.

The Royal Spanish Basketball Federation will issue the corresponding certification of the sporting experience in which the activity is recorded and the period of time in which the activity has taken place.

The work experience will be accredited by the certification of the company where you have acquired that experience in which the duration of the contract, the activity developed and the period of time in which you are specifically recorded the activity has been performed.

In the case of self-employed persons, the certification of discharge in the census of tax obliged, with a minimum age of one year, will be required, as well as a declaration by the interested party of the most representative.


Distance learning

Top Grade

block modules.

MED-C301 High-performance physiological factors

MED-C302 Psychosocial factors of high performance.

MED-C303 Training of trainers

MED-C304 Organization and management applied to the high performance

block modules.

MED-BCBC301 Player training at high performance stage.

MED-BCBC302 Team Address in High Performance Stage.

MED-BCBC303 High Performance Training in Basketball.

MED-BCBC304 Attack Tactics and High-performance stage defense.

MED-BCBC305 Project.