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Order Hap/2503/2015, 25 November, Amending The Order Hap/2478/2013, Of 20 December, Which Regulates Ascribed In The Department And Certain Public Bodies Personal Data Files...

Original Language Title: Orden HAP/2503/2015, de 25 de noviembre, por la que se modifica la Orden HAP/2478/2013, de 20 de diciembre, por la que se regulan los ficheros de datos de carácter personal existentes en el departamento y en determinados organismos públicos adscrito...

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Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December, which regulates the files of personal data existing in the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and in certain public bodies attached to it, contains in Annex I the relationship and description of the basic characteristics of all the personal data files existing in the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, with the exception only of the files of the State Agency of the Tax Administration and the Royal House of the Plant-Factory National of Currency and Timbre.

The fact that all the files of the ministry are regulated in a single standard is a requirement of the principle of legal certainty, which avoids the regulatory dispersion and allows easy access to the basic characteristics of the each of the existing personal data files in the department.

Following the publication of Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December 2013, several management centres have highlighted the need to create new personal data files as a result of new data needs arising in the exercise of their powers.

By this order, the creation of these files and their incorporation into Annex I of Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December 2013 is appropriate.

In particular, files are created for the responsibility of the Directorate General of the Management of the Game, the General Intervention of the State Administration, the Directorate General of Personnel and Public Pensions, the General Administration of the Government delegation to Illes Balears and Major Office.

On the other hand, also after the publication of Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December, for reasons of speed in the processing and in the framework of the reforms promoted by the Commission for the Reform of the Public Administrations (CORA), the creation has been necessary by means of ministerial orders specific to the files "Accounting record of the AGE", "Electronic headquarters of the General Access Point", "Cl@ve" and " Register of organs of the representation of staff and other union resources. "

It is now necessary to incorporate these files, with the description of their basic characteristics, to Annex I of Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December, so that they are integrated from a legal point of view-formal in the cited order, with all other files in the department.

On the other hand, the management of files over time makes it necessary to make adjustments to their basic characteristics as a result of the experience of the management or changes in the structure. administrative-administrative. In this order these adjustments are made by modifying some basic features of a certain number of files.

Finally, for reasons of administrative simplification and to avoid unnecessary duplication, several files whose data are integrated into other files already existing in the ministry are deleted.

This order has been submitted to the previous report of the Spanish Data Protection Agency and is issued under Article 20 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data.

In its virtue, I have:

Article first. Amendment of Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December 2013 regulating the files of personal data existing in the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and in certain public bodies attached to it.

One. The following files of personal data are created, which are incorporated in Annex I of Order HAP/2478/2013, of 20 December, in which the files of personal data existing in the Ministry of Finance are regulated and Public administrations and in certain public bodies attached to it, in accordance with the description set out in Annex A to this order:

a) "Corporate User Management File for Access to Information Systems". Responsible: General Management of Game Management.

b) "Automated rate file". Responsible: General Management of Game Management.

c) "Citizens ' Management File in your relations with the DGOJ". Responsible: General Management of Game Management.

d) "". Responsible: General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE).

e) "IRIS-Intervention". Responsible: General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE).

f) "INFOTRA". Responsible. Directorate General for Personnel and Public Pensions Costs.

g) "INFONOM". Responsible. Directorate General for Personnel and Public Pensions Costs.

h) "ICT Governance System File". Responsible: Information and Communications Technologies Directorate.

i) "Center for Integrators and Developers (CAID) file". Responsible: Information and Communications Technologies Directorate.

j) "Number 53 Service Assessment File". Responsible: Government Delegation to Illes Balears.

k) "SEAP Access Control and Eurocis Complex". Responsible: Major Office.

l) "SEAP video surveillance and Eurocis complex". Responsible. Mayor's Office.

Two. The following files are incorporated in Annex I of Order HAP/2478/2013 of 20 December 2013 with the description included in Annex A to this order:

(a) "Record accounting records of the AGE", of the responsibility of the General Intervention of the State Administration, created by Order HAP/492/2014, of 27 March, for which the functional requirements are regulated and Technical details of the accounting records of entities in the scope of Law 25/2013, of 27 December, of impulse of the electronic invoice and creation of the accounting records of invoices in the Public Sector.

b) "electronic headquarters of the General Access Point", of the responsibility of the Directorate General of Administrative Organization and Procedures, created by Order HAP/1949/2014, of 13 October, for which the Access Point is regulated General of the General Administration of the State and its electronic headquarters is created.

c) "Cl@ve", of the responsibility of the Information and Communications Technologies Directorate, created by Order HAP/2142/2014, of November 14, for which the data file of personal character Cl@ve is created.

d) "Registration of organs of representation of staff and other union resources", of the responsibility of the Directorate General of the Civil Service, created by Order HAP/535/2015, of 19 February, for which the Organisation and operation of the Register of organs of staff representation in the General Administration of the State.

With the incorporation of these files into Annex I of Order HAP/247812013, the corresponding annexes of the aforementioned Orders are deleted, in which the contents of the same are established.

Three. The personal data files included in Annex B to this Order are amended in accordance with the description included in this Order.

Four. The personal data files listed in Annex C to this order are deleted.

The destination to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction, in accordance with the provisions of Article 54.3 of the Implementing Regulation of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, of personal data protection, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, shall be the one set out for each of them in Annex C of this order.

Article 2. Notification.

In compliance with Article 55 et seq. of the Implementing Regulation of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, the files will be notified to the Spanish Data Protection Agency for registration in the General Register of Data Protection within thirty days of the publication of this order in the "Official State Gazette".

Single additional disposition. No increase in public spending.

The application of this order, in particular as regards the creation of new personal data files, will be dealt with with the personal and material resources existing in the Ministry of Finance and Public administrations, and in no case will it be able to generate increase of public expenditure.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 25 November 2015.-The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro Romero.

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