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Royal Decree 1053/2015, Of 20 November, The Basic Guideline Of Planning Civil Protection Against The Risk Of Tidal Waves Is Approved.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1053/2015, de 20 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba la Directriz básica de planificación de protección civil ante el riesgo de maremotos.

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Civil protection legislation states that civil protection is a set of activities carried out in accordance with an orderly and prior planning and the need to draw up special plans for certain risks.

The risk of tidal waves, although to a lesser extent than in other geographical areas, may affect Spanish coasts, as the historical experience credits. It has therefore been considered necessary to include it as a risk more than those which need to be planned in accordance with the procedures used in the field of civil protection.

The National Maritime Security Strategy, approved by the National Security Council on December 5, 2013, points to the tidal waves between risks and threats to national maritime security.

Consequently, this Guideline lays down the minimum requirements to be met by the relevant plans in terms of fundamentals, structure, organisation and operational and response criteria, in order to provide for a a minimum national design or design that makes possible, where appropriate, coordination and joint action of the various services and administrations involved in the event of a tsunami emergency affecting the Spanish coast.

This provides for a general structure of civil protection planning integrated by the State Plan, the Plans of the Autonomous Communities and, within the latter, the Local Area Action Plans. As regards the State Plan, it is specified that it will establish the organization and procedures for the actions of those resources and services of the State that are necessary to ensure an effective response from the public administrations as a whole. (a) emergency situations resulting from a tsunami in which the national interest is present, as well as the mechanisms to support the Autonomous Community Plans in the event that the latter so require or do not have sufficient capacity to respond. The State Plan will also establish the characteristics of the tsunami warning system. The plan will be approved by the government, following a report from the National Civil Protection Commission.

This Basic Civil Protection Guideline on the Risk of Tsunami, has been developed by a working group made up of the National Civil Protection Commission and has been favorably informed by the National Civil Protection Commission. meeting of 13 April 2015.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, with the prior approval of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of November 20, 2015,


Single item. Approval of the Basic Guideline for Civil Protection Planning for the Risk of Maremotes.

The Basic Civil Protection Planning Guideline is approved for the Risk of Maremotes, which is inserted below.

Additional disposition. No increase in public spending.

The measures included in this rule may not result in an increase in appropriations or remuneration or other personnel costs.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.29. of the Constitution, which attributes competence to the State in matters of public security.

Final disposition second. Regulatory Development and Implementation.

The Minister of the Interior may make appropriate arrangements for the implementation and development of the said Guideline.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree and the guideline approved by it will enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Given in Madrid, 20 November 2015.


The Minister of the Interior,




1. Fundamentals and object of the basic guideline.

1.1 Legal Foundations.

2. Territorial scope of application.

3. Basic elements for the Civil Protection Planning for the Risk of Maremotes.

3.1 Tsunami hazard zones.

3.2 National Warning Alert System.

3.3 Technical Commission on the Risk of Tsunami.

3.4 Organization of the operability of civil protection plans.

3.5 Information to the population.

4. The State Plan for Civil Protection at the Risk of Maremotes.

4.1 Concept.

4.2 Basic functions.

4.3 Minimum State Plan Content.

4.3.1 Address and coordination of declared emergencies of national interest.

4.3.2 Support functions for the management bodies of the Autonomous Communities Plans.

4.3.3 State Coordination Committee.

4.3.4 Coordination and support plans.

4.4 Approval of the State Plan.

5. The Autonomous Community Plan.

5.1 Concept.

5.2 Basic functions.

5.3 Minimum Content of the Autonomous Community Plan.

I. Object.

II. Zoning of the territory according to the danger to tidal waves.

III. Information to the population and system of alerts to tsunamis.

IV. Structure and organization.

A) Address and coordination.

B) Action groups.

V. Operability.

VI. Plan maintenance.

5.4 Local Scope Take Action Plans.

5.5 Approval of the Autonomous Community Plan.

1. Fundamentals and object of the basic guideline

When some natural phenomena: earthquakes, large-mass landslides, or volcanoes have their origin at sea, they can produce waves of great wavelength called tidal waves (tsunamis in international nomenclature). These waves increase their amplitude when they reach the coasts, exceeding in some cases the 30 meters of height, and affecting in a catastrophic way to extensive coastal areas and to the vessels close to the coast or located in the ports.

The risk of tidal waves in Spain, although significant, is not comparable with that of other parts of the world, due to the low probability of occurrence of the phenomena that generate them in the next seas. However, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, which was centered in the southwest of Cape San Vicente, caused a tidal wave of waves of up to 15 meters (15 meters) that struck the Spanish, Portuguese and Moroccan coasts, leaving some 2,000 people dead. Spain and great economic losses. The earthquake was felt in almost all of Western Europe and is considered to be the largest earthquake to hit the European continent with historical constancy. The last tsunami to hit the Spanish coast occurred in 2003 because of an earthquake (with possible consecutive landslides of large masses) on the Algerian coast, which caused considerable losses in the ports of the Balearic Islands.

On the other hand, the current risk of our coasts is much higher than the existing one when the Lisbon earthquake occurred, due to the extreme occupation of the territory by buildings and other establishments.

The characteristics that define the tsunami disaster have highlighted the need for effective risk reduction systems in those areas that may be affected.

Measures aimed at reducing the risks that can be taken include, in particular, the estimation of consequences, the drawing up of risk maps, spatial planning, early warning systems and the preparation of of specific emergency plans, which relate exclusively to damage that may occur in land areas.

However, it is essential to establish an early warning system to enable the immediate implementation of emergency plans and the adoption of appropriate action measures for the protection of the environment. population. This reaction time is very important, especially in the area of the Gulf of Cadiz, where the tsunami source (tidal wave generator) is very close to the area possibly affected.

1.1 Legal Foundations.

Law 2/1985 of 21 January on Civil Protection states that it should be considered as a set of activities carried out in accordance with an orderly and prior planning. In its Chapter III, when regulating civil protection plans, it distinguishes between territorial plans, to deal with the general emergencies that can be presented in each territorial area, and special plans, to deal with risks Specific technical methodology for each of them is required by nature.

On the other hand, in the development of the previous law, it is approved by Royal Decree 407/1992, of April 24, the Basic Standard of Civil Protection. It sets out the need to draw up special plans for certain risks. Although it does not designate the risk of tidal waves specifically, the possibility of considering all those that could significantly affect the national territory is open.

Given the abundance of elements at risk that have our coasts in the face of this phenomenon, and the proven existence of tsunami zones in the proximity of the national territory, it seems essential to have the plans Special civil protection, in the national and regional areas.

Therefore, this Basic Guideline on Civil Protection Planning for the Risk of MARemotos aims to establish the minimum requirements to be met by the corresponding Special Plans for Civil Protection. in terms of fundamentals, structure, organization and operational and response plans, to be approved by the National Civil Protection Commission and implemented in its corresponding territorial scope, in order to provide for a design or model a minimum national level which makes it possible, where appropriate, to coordinate and act together the various services and administrations involved, in order to mitigate any damage that may occur in land areas.

Also, Law 17/2015 of 9 July of the National System of Civil Protection, which will enter into force on January 10, 2016, provides in article 15.3 for the development of Special Plans in the face of the risk of tidal waves.

2. Territorial scope of application

Spain has about 7,880 km of coastline spread between the peninsular coastline, the archipelagos of the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, located in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean respectively, as well as the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Not the entire coast has the same chance of a tsunami, nor this one, if it were to occur, would have the same effects. Given the variety in the geographical characteristics of our coasts and depending on the distance to the tidal wave generating area, the effects that could occur may vary.

In the light of current knowledge, the areas capable of generating tidal waves closer to our coasts are located in the Gulf of Cadiz and off the coast of northern Algeria. This does not mean that the rest of the areas that could generate tidal waves capable of damage can be removed, even if the possibilities are more scarce.

For the purposes of this Guideline, two levels of planning are considered: the state and the autonomous community, including in the latter the action plans that are made by the local authorities.

Consequently, as far as the level of planning of the Autonomous Community is concerned, the territorial scope of application of this Guideline shall be constituted by all the autonomous communities which have coasts in their territory. territory.

3. Basic elements for the Civil Protection Planning for the Risk of Maremotes

The Civil Protection Planning for the Risk of Maremotes in Spain will be based on four fundamental axes:

-Assessment of the risk of tidal waves.

-Establishment of the National Tsunami Warning System.

-Organization of the operability of civil protection plans for the effective implementation of measures to protect the potentially affected population.

-Forecast education, information, and preparedness measures.

The system does not include other measures for risk reduction (spatial planning, construction of defence elements, etc.) which may, where appropriate, be provided for in the relevant sectoral arrangements. Similarly, it does not include any possible effects that may occur outside the coast, which is covered by the National Maritime Security Strategy (Chapter 2 on risks and threats to the National Maritime Security).

In any case, the different plans, State, Autonomic, and, if any, municipal, must take into account in all its phases the different needs of the persons with disabilities, establishing specific protocols of action to ensure their assistance and security.

3.1 Assessment of the danger of tidal waves.

They will be considered areas of danger of tidal waves, those areas of coastline that along the historical record have been affected by flooding or tidal waves, due to earthquakes, volcanoes or landslides that have occurred in the sea.

In order to more specifically target areas likely to be affected by tidal waves, the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies with the advice of the General Directorate of the Sustainability of the Coast and the At sea, depending on the data available on the geometry of the Spanish coasts, the mapping of danger to tidal waves will be established to determine the territorial areas in which it is essential, advisable or not necessary. drawing up of the relevant civil protection plans of the communities (a) to be autonomous in the light of this risk, and within them those of municipal action, without prejudice to the decisions of each autonomous community in the field of its powers.

This mapping of danger and the criteria by which the need for the elaboration of the plans of the autonomous communities and of the municipal actions will be established, will be submitted to the report of the Technical Commission on the Risk of Maremotes, as provided for in point 3.3 below, and the National Civil Protection Commission, with a view to its approval by the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies.

3.2 National Maremotive Alert System.

The National System of Alert for Maremotes will be constituted by means, organization and procedures necessary to establish a unique and coordinated system for all areas of the National System of Protection Civil, which allows the generation of tidal waves that can affect the Spanish coasts (their location, the moment of occurrence, their probable consequences, etc.) to be detected early and to transmit, in the shortest possible time, the information to the competent authorities in the field of civil protection in the territorial areas potentially affected. All this in such a way as to enable the prevention and protection measures of persons and property which are necessary in each case to be put in place, and to alert the citizens resident in the areas of risk, so that, if necessary, they can adopt Previously established self-protection measures, as well as all public and private bodies located on our shores, may be affected by this risk.

The State Plan and the Plans of the Autonomous Communities, with the inclusion of the Local Area Action Plans, will establish, as far as each plan is concerned, the forecasts that make the constitution and operation possible. system.

They will be part of the National Alert System:

-The National Seismic Network, dependent on the National Geographic Institute, with the collaboration of the networks and measurement stations of other organizations, both national and international that can provide information useful for the achievement of the objectives set out above, as well as those which may be set up in this field, by different public and private entities.

The National Seismic Network will be the body responsible for detecting, assessing and informing, in the first instance, about those phenomena which, by their characteristics, could produce tidal waves.

-The alert system to be established must also incorporate all the marine detection systems of the various state or regional agencies that, in compliance with the minimum technical requirements established, can to provide data to facilitate decision-making and ultimately to provide real-time confirmation of the generation of the tsunami. In particular and immediately, the network of REDMAR of State Ports and the detection systems of the Spanish Oceanography Institute will be integrated into the system. information exchange protocols.

On the other hand, systems will be established that, analyzing other variables, will allow a quick confirmation of the existence of a tidal wave (satellite images, GPS networks, etc.).

-Given the importance of anticipation in this type of risk, it is essential to have the data that can be provided by the measurement networks of the neighboring countries. To this end, the International Alerts Information Management Support Plan will serve as a framework for the development and coordination of the necessary contacts with the relevant international institutions and the neighboring countries (Portugal, Morocco, Algeria ...).

-Procedures for the National Civil Protection System will be established in the Autonomous and State Communities ' Plans to receive alerts that, at regional or international level, are issued by the Regional Centers Tsunami Warning (CTWP) operational in the region, and established within the framework of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO) Intergovernmental Working Group, NEAMTWS (Atlantic Tsunami Warning System). Northeast, Mediterranean and Adjacent Seas). In the same sense, the form of reception of information from the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center will be specified in those plans.

-The procedures will also be established to receive the notices that the various elements that can detect these phenomena can contribute through the network of SASEMAR Centers (Society of Salvage and Safety Maritime).

The National Geographic Institute, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies, will draw up an Notices Protocol on Susceptible Phenomena to Generate Maremotes that will be part of the National System The National Civil Protection Commission will report to the National Committee on Civil Protection, prior to its approval. by the Directorate-General of the Geographical Institute.

3.3 Technical Commission on the Risk of Tsunami.

A Technical Commission on the risk of tidal waves will act as the technical organ of consultation of the organs of the State Plan and, where appropriate, of the management bodies of the Plans of the Autonomous Communities. affected.

This Commission will have the character of a work commission, in accordance with Article 40.3 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and will carry out the The following functions:

a) To study the typology of possible phenomena capable of producing tidal waves that could affect the Spanish coasts and their possible consequences.

b) Carry out the follow-ups necessary to adapt the methodologies implemented in other international alert systems, to the reality of our environment.

c) Formulate recommendations for the improvement of the National System of Alert to Maremotos, both in methodologies and in new facilities, establishing the channels of collaboration with international alert systems.

The Technical Commission on the Risk of Tsunami, under the coordination of the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies, will be composed of representatives of the following bodies:

-Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies.

-Directorate General of the National Geographic Institute.

-Spanish Institute of Oceanography.

-Navy Hydrographic Institute.

-Royal Navy Institute and Observatory.

-Center for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works.

-Ente Public Ports of the State.

-Directorate General for Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea

-State Agency of the Higher Council of Scientific Research.

-Geological and Mining Institute of Spain.

-General Direction of the Merchant Navy.

May also be part of this Commission, on the proposal of any of the constituent bodies and by appointment of the Director General of Civil and Emergency Protection, those public or private bodies that may be contribute to the best exercise of the tasks entrusted to this Technical Commission.

The State Civil Protection Plan for the Risk of Maremotes will specify the rules and procedures for the action of this Technical Commission.

The operation of the Technical Commission will be addressed with the personal, technical and budgetary resources assigned to the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies.

3.4 Organization of the operability of Civil Protection plans.

Considering the evolution of the physical phenomenon that constitutes a tidal wave and the consequences on people and goods that can be derived from the triggering of it, the activities to be developed for the protection of the population are articulated in the following phases and situations:

A) Alert phase.

This phase has its beginning with the detection by the National Seismic Network of a phenomenon capable of generating a tidal wave and of the area of potentially affected coast, and in it all activities conducive to to bring to the attention of the authorities and the population resident in these areas all this in the shortest possible time so that the public and the public emergency services can take the necessary measures to necessary protection.

In this phase two sub-phases will be distinguished:

-Notice sub-phase to the authorities responsible for civil protection. It begins when a phenomenon is detected susceptible to causing a tidal wave. It is declared with the issuance of a notice of notice, in which all the responsible authorities are informed of the parameters of the phenomenon that occurred, of the possibility that it has generated a tsunami and, according to the studies theoretical, of the estimate of the trajectory and times of arrival at each point of the coast. In this subphase, all devices are prepared to alert and facilitate the evacuation of the population.

-Alert subphase to the population. The competent authorities may decide on the step of the warning sub-phase to the alert, without any strong confirmation about the formation of a tsunami. In any case this sub-phase begins once confirmed, by any means, the formation of a possibly catastrophic tidal wave upon its arrival at the coast, and is formalized by the issuance of a new communiqué. It confirms or foresees the approach of a potentially destructive tidal wave and reports on the arrival at each location of the coast, to the responsible authorities to take the necessary measures. At this stage the alert of the potentially affected population for evacuation to safe places has to occur.

B) Emergency phase.

The emergency phase begins with the arrival at the coast of the first manifestations of the tsunami (sensitive sea level descent on beaches, for example) and will continue as long as waves continue to arrive at the coast and until have implemented all the necessary measures for the protection of persons and property and the basic services have been restored in the affected area.

In this phase, the following situations will be distinguished, which will be activated according to the severity analysis of the phenomenon:

Situation 1: The protection of persons and property can be ensured through the use of the means and resources available in the affected area.

Situation 2: The needs for attention to people and goods exceed the capacities of the media and local resources and the severity of the damages makes it necessary, for the relief and protection of people and goods, the contest of extraordinary means. In any case, the State Plan, in its support function, will establish mechanisms for the mobilization of state media or located outside the Autonomous Community.

Situation 3: The severity of the damages makes it necessary to declare an emergency of National Interest, for the relief and protection of persons and property, the contest of means, resources or state services and located outside of the Autonomous communities affected.

C) Standardisation phase.

A consecutive phase of emergency that will continue until the restoration of the minimum conditions essential for a return to normalcy in the areas affected by the tsunami.

During this phase, the first rehabilitation tasks will be carried out in those areas, consisting mainly of the inspection of the state of buildings, its reinforcement or demolition, the cleaning of housing and urban roads, the repair of the most significant damage to transport, telecommunications or water, electricity and fuel infrastructure, temporary rehousing of people who have lost their homes, etc.

3.5 Pre-population information.

Given the nature of the phenomenon and the importance of self-protection measures for people's safety, to put into practice in a short period of time, pre-population information is an activity. Fundamental preventive. As a result, it is essential to establish in civil protection plans at this risk (state, regional or local) the corresponding measures to ensure adequate systems of pre-population information, of a nature prevention, as well as the correct dissemination of the relevant warning systems and ensure with these measures a satisfactory level of knowledge of the phenomenon and of the protection activities, among the citizens.

The Directorate-General for Civil and Emergency Protection will work with the competent bodies of the autonomous communities and, where appropriate, with the local authorities that may be affected, the design and implementation of a The Preventive Information Programme on Maremotes intended for citizens living in areas potentially affected by this risk.

4. The State Plan for Civil Protection at the Risk of Maremotes

4.1 Concept.

The State Civil Protection Plan for the Risk of Maremotos will establish the organization and procedures that will ensure an effective response from the public authorities in case of possible occurrence of Tidal waves, in any part of the Spanish coast, in which the national interest is present, as well as the necessary mechanisms to support the plans of the autonomous communities.

4.2 Basic functions.

These are the basic functions of the State Civil Protection Plan for the Risk of Maremotes:

(a) Previewing the organizational structure that allows the management and coordination of the public administrations as a whole in those emergency situations that are declared to be of national interest.

b) Establish mechanisms and procedures to coordinate the contribution of intervention resources and resources located outside the scope of the affected autonomous community, when those provided for in the plan of the community are manifested insufficient.

c) Previewing the application and receipt procedures, if any, of international assistance for their use in the event of an emergency by tidal waves.

d) Establish and maintain a national database on resources and resources available in the event of a tsunami.

e) The organisation, means and procedures for the timely arrival of information on tsunami warnings to civil protection authorities in the potentially affected territorial areas and to the bodies and state-wide public services, as well as to the population potentially affected, taking into account the definition in point 3.2 of this Guideline.

f) The organization, in collaboration with the autonomous communities, of the corresponding information programs to the population at the national level, that allows, by means of the knowledge of the phenomenon to establish its own systems of self-protection while receiving assistance from the national civil protection system.

g) Take into account in all its phases the different needs of people with disabilities, establishing specific action protocols to ensure their assistance and security.

The State Plan will incorporate the hazard mapping to the risk of tidal waves, as specified in point 3.1 of this Guideline.

When the coordination of autonomous media is necessary by the General Administration of the State, the organizational conditions will be given that guarantee that the indications to the public employees of the autonomy will be cured through their natural controls, in accordance with the purpose of the relevant department or department.

4.3 Minimum State Plan Content.

The State Civil Protection Plan for the Risk of Maremotes shall establish the organisation and procedures for the effective development of the basic functions listed in point 4.2 of this Guideline, adjusting to the requirements set out in the following paragraphs:

4.3.1 Address and coordination of declared emergencies of national interest.

It is up to the Minister of the Interior to address the top management of tsunami emergencies, which are declared in the national interest.

As an organ of support, the Minister of the Interior will have a Board of Directors, which will preside, the Vice President being the holder of the Deputy Secretariat of the Interior and the following vowels: Director General of Civil Protection and Emergencies, General Chief of the Military Emergency Unit and a representative for each affected autonomous community.

In case of a declaration of national interest, the Head of the Military Emergency Unit shall assume the direction and operational coordination of the actions to be performed in the disaster zone.

A Central Information and Communication Cabinet, under the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies, will be established with the task of developing, centralizing and disseminating information on the emergency, to the general public and to the social media.

4.3.2 Support functions for the management bodies of the Autonomous Communities Plans.

The General Administration of the State will collaborate in the resolution of the non-declared emergencies of national interest, providing support to the management bodies of the same with the contribution of means and resources of their ownership that are available.

The Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies, in relation to the organs of the State Administration that in each case corresponds, will coordinate the measures to be adopted in support of the management bodies of the plans of Autonomous Communities that require it, as long as they are used by means and resources of state ownership, not belonging to the Armed Forces, and located outside the territorial scope of the Autonomous Community where the emergency. It is up to Government Delegates and Subdelegates to mobilize state media that do not belong to the Armed Forces and are located within their territorial scope.

The regional authorities responsible for civil protection will be able to request from the Ministry of the Interior the collaboration of the UME. The Ministry of the Interior will assess the size of the emergency and the means available to deal with it and will, if necessary, request the intervention of the UME to the Ministry of Defense.

The request for international assistance, when the possibility of national media incorporation is expected to be exhausted, will be formulated by the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies, according to the procedures established in the European Union's Civil Protection Cooperation Mechanism and the bilateral and multilateral agreements signed by Spain in this field.

The support functions, referred to above, will be performed by the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies through the State Coordination Committee in those cases where, due to its unique importance, the body is convened by its president.

4.3.3 State Coordination Committee.

A State Coordination Committee (CECO) shall be established with the following composition:

-President: The Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior.

-Vice President: The Director General of Civil Protection and Emergencies.


Director General of the National Geographic Institute.

Director of the Spanish Oceanography Institute.

President of the State Public Ports.

Director General of the Merchant Navy.

Director of the State Wildlife and Maritime Safety Society.

Director General of Defense Policy.

Director General of the Civil Guard.

Director General of Police.

Director General of Traffic.

Operational Director of the Department of Homeland Security.

Director General of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea

Director General of Public Health, Quality and Innovation.

Director of the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain.

-Secretary: The Deputy Director General of Prevention and Planning, Directorate General of Civil and Emergency Protection, with voice but no vote.

When the circumstances so require and at the request of the CECO president, they will be incorporated into the meetings of the CECO, representatives of the management bodies and bodies that are part of the Technical Commission on the risk of tidal waves, referred to in point 3.3 of this Basic Guideline.

The State Coordination Committee is of a collegiate body, in accordance with the provisions of Article 40.1 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

The functioning of the State Coordination Committee shall be addressed with the personal, technical and budgetary means assigned to the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies.

The following will be CECO functions:

-Coordinate the measures to be taken for the mobilization and contribution of all the resources and resources that, being located outside the territorial scope of the affected autonomous community, are necessary for the attention of the situation emergency.

-Conduct studies, reports and proposals for the elaboration of the State Plan project and subsequent revisions of the State Plan.

-Participate in programming and performing exercises and drills.

4.3.4 Coordination and support plans.

To be implemented in emergencies of national interest or in support of the Plan of the Autonomous Community, the following Action Plans will be structured in the State Plan:

-International alert information management plans.

-Recognition and information plan for disaster areas.

-Rescue and rescue plan.

-Evacuation plans, contemplating a traffic plan in the affected areas.

-Supply, shelter and social assistance plan.

-Health Action Plan.

-Social and psychological care plan.

-Logistics support plan.

-Essential Service Restitution Plan.

-Information coordination plan in emergency situations.

-Medical forensic action plan.

-Citizen security plan.

-Transport infrastructure rehabilitation plan.

-Cultural Property Protection Plan.

In the organization of these coordination and support plans, they will be able to integrate, in addition to services, means and resources of state ownership, those that are assigned by the Public Administrations of the Autonomous Communities and of Local Entities, as well as those available to other public and private entities.

4.4 Approval of the State Plan.

The State Plan will be approved by the Government, on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, prior to the report of the National Civil Protection Commission.

5. The Autonomous Community Plan

5.1 Concept.

The Autonomous Community Plan for the Risk of Maremotes will establish the organization and procedures for the actions of the resources and services of their ownership and those that can be assigned to it by other administrations. Public or other public and private entities, in order to deal with the emergencies caused by tidal waves in the corresponding territorial area.

5.2 Basic functions.

The following are the basic functions of the Autonomous Community Plan for the Risk of Maremotes:

a) Classifying the areas of coastline of your territory based on the danger of tidal waves.

b) To establish the organizational and functional structure for emergency intervention by tidal waves that take place within their territorial scope.

c) Previewing coordination mechanisms and procedures with the State Civil Protection Plan for the Risk of Maremotes, to ensure their proper integration.

d) Establish guidelines for the development of local action plans and the systems of articulation with the organisations of the same, as well as the characteristics of the municipal centres of reception of alerts to the tsunami and warning systems to the population.

e) Cataloging the specific resources and resources at the disposal of the planned actions.

(f) The organisation, means and procedures which allow timely reception of the tsunami warnings and their dissemination between the authorities of the Autonomous Community administration and the local authorities concerned.

g) Collaborate with local authorities in the organization's foresight and the means necessary to alert the potentially affected population. In this role, the social media shall be provided by the means of social communication, if required by the competent authority of the Autonomous Community, which in each case corresponds.

h) The organization of information programs to the population, which allows, by means of knowledge of the phenomenon, to adopt self-protection measures as they receive the help of the National System of Civil Protection.

i) To take into account in all its phases the different needs of people with disabilities, establishing specific action protocols to ensure their assistance and security.

5.3 Minimum Content of the Autonomous Community Plan.

The Autonomous Community Plan for the Risk of Maremotes shall comply with the requirements set out in the following points:

I. Object.

The purpose of the Autonomous Community Plan shall be to establish the organisation and procedures to enable the effective development of the functions listed in point 4.2 of this Guideline.

II. Zoning of the territory according to the danger of tidal waves.

The Plan will specify the zoning of the territory of the autonomous community as a function of the danger to the tsunami. To this end, the hazard mapping referred to in point 3.1 of this Guideline may be used, without prejudice to the development of more specific and precise hazard studies, if it is considered to be from the body. competent of the Autonomous Community.

III. Pre-population information and system of alerts to the tsunami.

The Autonomous Community Plan will provide for procedures to inform the population about the characteristics of the risk of tsunamis and the measures taken to monitor and monitor them, as well as on measures protection provided for in civil protection planning in the face of such risk and those of self-protection that citizens are required to adopt.

In addition, the plan will provide for procedures to inform and alert the population in the event of a tidal wave, in accordance with the guidelines that emanate from the appropriate management body. In such cases, the social media shall collaborate in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.6 of Law 2/1985 of 21 January on Civil Protection.

IV. Structure and organization.

The Plan will specify the hierarchical and functional organization with which the actions of protection of persons and property in the territorial scope of the autonomous community will be directed and carried out, in case of an occurrence of a tsunami.

A) Direction and coordination. The plan shall establish the body to be in the direction of the plan, which shall be responsible for declaring the activation of the plan, deciding on the most appropriate actions to deal with the emergency situation and determining the end of the plan. is, as long as it has not been declared of national interest.

These functions will be performed within a Management Committee in those situations that, even if they have not been declared in the national interest, are determined in the Plan of the Autonomous Community. In such a case, the representation of the Ministry of Interior in that Committee shall be the responsibility of the Government Delegate in the affected Autonomous Community or, depending on the territorial area concerned, the Subdelegation of the affected province.

The Plan will also specify the composition and functions of the advisory committee and the information cabinet as supporting bodies for the management of the information.

The Advisory Committee shall include the members appointed by the Technical Commission on the risk of tidal waves, as referred to in point 3.3 of this Guideline.

B) Action Groups. The plan shall establish the organisation of action groups, specifying their functions, structure, composition and means, for the performance of the following actions:

-Recognition and assessment of the situation and damage.

-Evacuation, shelter and social assistance.

-Supply and control of water, food and clothing.


-Rescue and Rescue.

-Citizen security and access control.

-Information to the population.

-Control and emergency repairs of structures and facilities whose deterioration may result in associated hazards or constitute basic services for the population.

-Secure communications.

V. Operability.

In the chapter dedicated to the operation of the plan, the performance of the different elements of the operating structure will be regulated, established in accordance with the provisions of point 3.4 of this Guideline.

The description of the operation will be performed according to the phases and emergency situations that are considered most appropriate, in accordance with the foreseeable development of the phenomenon.

VI. Maintenance of the Plan.

In the plan, the necessary actions will be considered to ensure that the planned procedures are fully operational, as well as their updating and maintenance over time.

Such actions will basically refer to:

-Receiving periodic information about activity tracking.

-Regular checks on the operation of the plan.

-Program for training exercises.

-Drills program.

-Information and training for the population.

-Systematic and plan review procedure.

5.4 Local Scope Take Action Plans.

The characteristics of an emergency by tidal waves (scarce time for alert, need for immediate evacuation, etc.) make it decisive to articulate the civil protection response in the area from the outset. local, the closest to the citizen.

The Plan of the Autonomous Community will establish, within its respective territorial scope and according to the zoning carried out according to the danger of tidal waves, guidelines for the elaboration of the Local scope and specify the general organizational framework that allows the full integration of the same in the organization of that.

The following considerations should be taken into account in such guidelines:

-Local Area Action Plans in the face of the risk of tidal waves should be an instrument of the local authority to provide a close proximity to the emergency situation that may occur due to the occurrence of such a phenomenon in the territorial scope of the local entity concerned.

-These plans are designed to facilitate citizen self-protection through early warning and immediate support and assistance to the affected population.

-In these plans, the system of alert to the population and the plan or plans of evacuation, according to geographical areas (with support of necessary cartography), groups of people to evacuate, will have to be detailed with clarity and precision. according to their status and capabilities, types of evacuation to be performed (horizontal and vertical) and public resources to be put into play in each case.

-Plans should be at the same time a good information tool for the population about self-protection measures to be implemented, particularly as regards the alert and evacuation procedures.

-Take into account in all its phases the different needs of people with disabilities, establishing specific action protocols to ensure their assistance and security.

In the Autonomous Communities ' Plans, the minimum content of the Local Area Action Plans, which at least in the case of the territorial areas of high danger, will have to be understood:

-The analysis of the risks by tidal waves in the territorial area of the municipality, with corresponding cartography.

-The media for the broadcast of alerts.

-The provisions adopted to receive alert notices by the organs responsible for the plan and for its dissemination to the population.

-Forecasts about messages to be transmitted to the population to facilitate self-protection and, where appropriate, evacuation, in case of emergency.

-The evacuation plan, itineraries and shelter areas and host of evacuated population.

-Human and material means to activate in case of emergency.

-Organization planned for emergency management and actions in the normalization phase.

-The pre-population information program.

-The Exercises and Simulations Program.

Without prejudice to the competencies of the Autonomous Communities and local authorities in terms of drafting and approving their corresponding civil protection plans, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Directorate General of Civil and Emergency Protection, may establish with the Autonomous Communities and the affected local entities, the agreements and agreements that are necessary to promote the local civil protection planning on the risk of Tidal waves. In particular, the establishment of risk analysis by tidal waves at the local level and corresponding mapping shall be considered a priority.

Local Scope Action Plans will be approved by the competent bodies of the respective corporations and will be approved by the Civil Protection Commission of the relevant Autonomous Community.

5.5 Approval of the Autonomous Community Plan.

The Civil Protection Plan of the Autonomous Community for the Risk of Maremotes will be approved by the competent body of the Autonomous Community, after the report of the Civil Protection Commission of the Autonomous Community in question and approved by the National Civil Protection Commission.