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Resolution 34 C/38169/2015, On 28 October, Of The Institute Of Housing, Infrastructure And Equipment Of The Defence, That Certain Powers Are Delegated.

Original Language Title: ResoluciĆ³n 34C/38169/2015, de 28 de octubre, del Instituto de Vivienda, Infraestructura y Equipamiento de la Defensa, por la que se delegan determinadas competencias.

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In compliance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law 15/2014 of 16 September 2014 on the rationalization of the Public Sector and other measures of administrative reform, as amended, by the final provision twenty-third of Law 36/2014, of 26 December, of the General Budget of the State for 2015, has entered into force the Royal Decree 924/2015, of 16 October, for which the Statute of the autonomous agency Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Defence equipment, which, in Article 1, includes the extinction of the Military Service Constructs (SMCs).

Also, in the transitional provision sixth of the aforementioned Royal Decree the regime of the delegations of the SMC, which continue to remain as delegations of works of the INVIED, is approved, until the works already entrusted to the SMC, at which time they will be integrated into the Heritage Areas of the Subdelegations of Defense, with organic dependence of the same and functional of the INVIED for the development and execution of their functions.

Therefore, in order to improve the functioning of the INVIED, seeking greater efficiency, agility and coordination of its functions, it is considered appropriate to delegate certain powers to the Heads of the aforementioned Delegations of Works.

In its virtue, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, I have:


It is delegated to the Heads of the Works of the Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment of Defense (INVIED), the exercise of the following competences, in the field of its territorial demarcation:

1. The designation of the service commissions whose duration is less than five hours and which do not generate the right to receive compensation for accommodation and subsistence expenses, as well as the displacements which, due to the service produce within the municipality where the centre of destination is situated, in respect of the staff integrated in its Delegation, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation applicable to it.

2. To exercise the powers of recruitment attributed to the Managing Director of the Institute under article 316.2 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, for contracts minor works and supplies, as defined in Articles 111 and 138 of that Law, derived from the management of the management which was carried out at the time of the defunct Military Service of Construction.

3. Authorisation, commitment of expenditure, recognition of the obligation, as well as the issue and signature of the accounting documents, of contracts concluded under the delegation contained in point 2 above.

4. Approval of the Safety Plans for works contracts and, where appropriate, supplies where necessary, concluded by virtue of the delegation contained in point 2 above.

5. To deal with the communications to be made to undertakings and bodies in the procurement files relating to contracts concluded on the basis of the delegation contained in point 2 above.


The administrative decisions to be taken pursuant to this delegation of powers shall expressly indicate this circumstance, with the express quotation of this resolution and its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Status ".


In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, the delegating body may be able to endorse any time, knowledge and resolution of how many matters it sees fit.


Any provisions of equal or lower rank shall be repealed as set out in this Resolution, in particular Resolution 34B/38162/2012 of the Managing Director of the Military Service of 26 October 2012. Constructs.


This Resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, October 28, 2015. -Managing Director of the Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment of Defense, Juan Carlos Moliner Loriente.