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Royal Decree 928/2015, On 16 October, Amending The Decree 680/1974, 28 February, Which Provides Payment Of Salary And Remuneration To Active Service Of The State Administration And The Autonomous Bodies To Tra...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 928/2015, de 16 de octubre, por el que se modifica el Decreto 680/1974, de 28 de febrero, por el que se dispone el pago de haberes y retribuciones al personal en activo de la Administración del Estado y de los Organismos Autónomos a tra...

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Decree 680/1974 of 28 February, which provides for the payment of assets and remuneration to the staff of the State Administration and the Autonomous Bodies through banking establishments or savings banks, rules in Articles 2 and 3 of the procedure for the issue of bookings and their subsequent transfer to accounts located in credit institutions and the time limit for the funds to be placed in the accounts of the respective entitlements of the personnel and, subsequently, in those of the recipients.

The time since the approval of this decree and the changes in the management of public funds make it necessary to update these procedures, in order to adapt the regulation of this As regards the provisions of Law 47/2003 of 26 November 2003, General Budget, and to achieve more efficient management of the treasuries.

First, it adapts to the current rules, in particular Article 109 of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget, the content of Article 2, concerning the procedure for the issue of bookies and their subsequent transfer to the accounts located in credit institutions, which may be different from the Banco de España. In the previous regulation, it was indicated that the concrete credit facility "will be indicated by the Ministry of Finance, on a proposal from the respective Department". However, following the amendment made in the aforementioned Article 109 by Law 15/2014 of 16 September 2014, of rationalisation of the Public Sector and other measures of administrative reform, two procedures for the opening of the public sector are also provided for. current accounts in credit institutions. In the first of these, it is established that the procurement procedure is to be carried out by the managing centre, and in the second case a framework agreement must be dealt with jointly by the General Secretariat of the Treasury and the Financial Policy and the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations. The decree is therefore amended in order to establish that the credit institutions in which the Entitlements or the Pagadurias of Personnel open the accounts, shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of Article 109 of the Law General Budget.

On the other hand, Decree 680/1974, of 28 February, regulates in Article 3 the period in which the funds must be placed in the accounts of the respective Staff Enabutations and, subsequently, in those of the recipients. This amendment eliminates the five-day period in advance which is imposed on the Treasury to transfer the amounts to the current accounts referred to in the previous article and notes only that the transfers must be be "with the necessary advance in order to enable the rating or payment to comply with its obligation in such a way that the funds are available to the recipients on the day the payment is due". This is intended to ensure that the Administration is not bound by a specific deadline and that the number of days is an economic criterion that can be negotiated in the procurement of the current accounts of the respective Enabutations of personnel, in order to achieve a more efficient management of the treasuries.

In its virtue, on a joint proposal of the Ministers of Economy and Competitiveness and of Finance and Public Administrations, and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 16 October 2015,


Single item. Amendment of Decree 680/1974 of 28 February, which provides for the payment of assets and remuneration to the staff of the State Administration and the Autonomous Bodies through banking establishments or Savings Banks.

Decree 680/1974 of 28 February, which provides for the payment of assets and remuneration to the staff of the State Administration and the Autonomous Bodies through banking establishments or Savings, remaining modified as follows:

One. Paragraph 1 of Article 2 is worded as follows:

" One. The bookings for the payment of these obligations shall be issued in favour of the corresponding Entitlements or Pagadurias and their liquid amount shall be transferred to current accounts opened in the name of the same in the credit institutions referred to in the previous article or the Banco de España.

The credit institutions in which the Entitlements or Payments of Personnel of the Ministries or interested bodies open the accounts, in order for them to be transferred, by the Public Treasury, to the total amount of the Staff remuneration shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of Article 109 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget. '

Two. Article 3 (2) is worded as follows:

" Two. Where the remuneration referred to in these accounts is due on a fixed date, the Treasury shall transfer the amounts of the remuneration to the current accounts referred to in the previous Article in good time to enable the Enablement or Pagoratorship to comply with its obligation in such a way that the funds are available to the recipients on the day the payment is due. "

Three. Article 3 (3) is deleted.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, 16 October 2015.


The Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency,