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Resolution Of October 29, 2015, Of The Secretariat, Which Publishes The Joint Resolution Of The General Direction Of The Registers And The Notaries And The General Direction Of The Cadastre, Which Regulates The Technical Requirements...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 29 de octubre de 2015, de la Subsecretaría, por la que se publica la Resolución conjunta de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado y de la Dirección General del Catastro, por la que se regulan los requisitos técnicos...

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The Director General of the Registers and the Notary and the Director General of the Catastro signed, dated October 26, 2015, a Resolution on the technical requirements for the exchange of information. between the Catastro and the Property Records.

Your publication is generally available as an annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, October 29, 2015. -Under-Secretary of the Presidency, Federico Ramos de Armas.


Resolution of 26 October 2015, joint of the Directorate General of the Registers and the Notary and the General Directorate of the Catastro, which regulates the technical requirements for the exchange of information between the Cadastre and the Property Records

The Royal Legislative Decree 1/2004, of 5 March, approving the recast text of the Law of the Land Registry was the subject of reform by the 18th final provision of Law 2/2011, of March 4, of Economy Sustainable, among whose objectives was to strengthen the collaboration that lend to the Catastro the notaries and registrars of the property.

With respect to the collaboration of the registrars of the property with the Catastro, the procedure of communication provided for in article 14 (a) and c) of the recast text of the Law of the Real Catastro has been extended to incorporate, together with the transfer of ownership, other types of alterations in the real estate, such as the acts of concentration, administrative, administrative, compulsory expropriation and planning and urban management acts which (a) to be subject to changes in the configuration of immovable property, as well as (a) the division, aggregation or grouping of the real estate, provided that it is a plane that allows the identification of these actions on the cadastral mapping and the cadastral reference of the buildings concerned. In this way, the registrars of the property are expected to provide a more complete information on these alterations, supplying the obligation of the holders to submit cadastral declarations. This reduces the administrative burdens that citizens support.

The supply of such information is regulated not only in Article 14, but also in Article 36.3 of the recast of the Law of the Land Registry, providing for the latter by Resolution of the Directorate General of the Catastro, prior to the favorable report of the Directorate General of the Registers and the Notary, the technical requirements are regulated in order to comply with the obligations of supply of said tax information, until now regulated by the Order of 23 June 1999 laying down the procedure for the implementation of the an obligation laid down in Law 13/1996 of 30 December on the provision of information to the General Directorate of the Catastro by the Notaries and Registrar of the Property.

On the other hand, Law 13/2015, of June 24, of reform of the Mortgage Law approved by Decree of 8 February 1946 and of the recast of the Law of the Land Registry, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2004, of 5 March, with the objective of achieving the coordination between the Catastro and the Land Registry, previews that the real portfolio must incorporate the georeferenced graphic representation of the estate that completes its literary description whenever it is an estate is registered in the Land Registry, or when the operation of the land is registered; repair, parcelery concentration, segregation division, grouping or aggregation, compulsory expropriation or disconnection that determine a rearrangement of the land. It also provides that, in a potestative way, the graphic representation of the farms will be incorporated into the real portfolio at the time of formalizing any act that is inscribed or as a specific operation. To this end, the procedure for coordinating the description of the cadastral plots with the registered farms that refer to the same portion of the territory is regulated, in which the graphic representation to be registered in the Property registration will be contained in the descriptive and graphic cadastral certification or, in the legally anticipated assumptions, an alternative graphical representation. There is also a view to the existence of a system of mutual exchange of information between the Catastro and the Land Registry.

In order to make these provisions effective, Law 13/2015, of June 24, in the wording given to article 10.6 of the Mortgage Law and in the final provision third states that before 1 November 2015 a Joint resolution of the General Directorate of the Registers and the Notary and the General Directorate of the Catastro that regulates the form, content, deadlines and requirements of the exchange of information, the characteristics and functionalities of the system of information, as well as the service of identification and graphical representation of the farms on the cadastral mapping and the requirements to be met by the technical description and the alternative graphical representation that is provided to the Land Registry in the legally intended assumptions.

In addition, article 33.4 of the recast of the Law of the Land Registry provides that the General Directorate of the Catastro provides access to the registrars to the identification and graphical representation of the farms. Register on cadastral mapping, by means of an interoperable system that will respond to the specifications that are determined by the Resolution of the General Directorate of the Catastro.

In view of these provisions, which provide for various resolutions governing the referral and exchange of information between the Catastro and the registrars of the property, it is appropriate to unite in a single resolution elaborated and the content of these technical standards is endorsed by both Directorates-General, so that their regulation is clearer and more systematic and simpler to apply.

Finally, article 74.1 of Royal Decree 417/2006, of 7 April, for which the recast text of the Law of the Land Catastro is developed, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2004, of 5 March, provides that the The referral of the cadastral information and the management of the documentation must be carried out through the use of electronic, computer and telematic means that will guarantee its authenticity, integrity and, if necessary, confidentiality. To this end, it is anticipated that the information submissions will be made through the Electronic Headquarters of the General Directorate of the Catastro, using electronic signature systems.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Director General of the Registers and the Notary and of the Director General of the Catastro, after consulting the College of Registrar of the Property and the Mercantile of Spain and the General Council of the Notarized, I have:

First. Object.

This resolution aims to regulate the exchange of information between the Catastro and the Land Registry, as well as the interoperability between their information systems, in the following aspects:

a. The form, content and technical requirements of the supply by the registrars of the property of the information relating to the registered enrollments in which they consist of facts, acts or businesses susceptible of registration in the Catastro Real estate, referred to in Articles 14 (a) and (c) and 36.3 of the recast of the Law of the Land Registry.

b. The form, content, deadlines and requirements of the mutual supply of the information that is relevant provided in the mortgage legislation for the assumptions of registration in the Land Registry of graphic representations of the farms registration and coordination with the Catastro, pursuant to article 10.6.a) of the Mortgage Law.

c. The characteristics and functionalities of the information exchange system, as well as the service of identification and graphic representation of the farms on cadastral mapping, according to article 10.6.b) of the Mortgage and the Article 33.4 of the recast of the Law of the Real Estate.

d. The requirements to be met by the technical description and the alternative graphical representation that is provided to the Land Registry, in accordance with Articles 10.6. c) of the Mortgage Law and 33.4 of the recast of the Law of the Real Estate.

Second. Information exchange system between the Property Registry and the registrars of the property.

1. The exchange of information between the General Directorate of the Catastro and the registrars of the property provided for in this resolution will be carried out by means of web services that will provide the Electronic Headquarters of the Directorate General of the Catastro ( and the College of Registrars of the Property and Mercantile of Spain (, using electronic signature systems, according to the computer system described in the annex of this resolution.

2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 36 (2) and (3) of the recast of the Law on the Real Estate Registry, the registrars of the property will provide the General Directorate of the Catastro with the following services:

a) Provision of information about the description of the registered farms and their graphic representation when registered, and of the relevant data for the Catastro according to the recast text of the Law of the Catastro Real estate.

b) Exchange of information with cadastral transcendence on the inscriptions made on the registered farms and their state of coordination.

c) Issuance of the reasoned report of the registrar on the classification of the lack of correspondence of the cadastral graphic representation provided with the registral estate, with expression of the causes that have prevented the coordination.

d) Issuance of other reports deemed necessary to make alterations to the cadastral mapping that affect farms registered in the Land Registry.

3. The General Directorate of the Catastro, through its Electronic Headquarters, will provide the registrars of the property with the following services:

a) Consultation of the graphic and alphanumeric description of the real estate, both in force and of previous dates, and of their antecedents.

b) Obtaining descriptive and graphic cadastral certifications that include the georereferenced coordinates of the vertices of the cadastral plots.

c) Download the vector cadastral mapping of the cadastral plots.

d) Checking the validity of descriptive and graphic cadastral certifications.

e) Issue of the technical validation report of the alternative graphical representations of the farms contributed to the Register, described in the following section.

f) Exchange of information about changes in the farms and their coordination, as well as the cadastral agreements derived from the information submitted.

4. The General Directorate of the Catastro shall provide, through its Electronic Headquarters, a technical cadastral validation service of the alternative graphical representations referred to in paragraph 7 of this resolution.

This service will make it possible to verify at least the following: that the file containing the graphical representation meets the conditions of the format and structure of the information provided in the Annex of this resolution and that the referenced georereferenced graphical representation meets the requirements set forth in the fourth paragraph of article 9.b) of the Mortgage Act.

The service shall transmit within 24 hours the report, which shall express the applicant's data, the date of issue and the outcome of the validation. The report shall be signed by electronic stamp by the General Directorate of the Catastro and shall incorporate a secure code of verification.

If the validation report is positive it will contain the cadastral graphical representation that would result from the cadastral alteration of the plots, a list of coordinates of its vertices, the surface obtained, and, in the cases provided for in Article 204 of the Mortgage Law or when the registration has been made, the new cadastral references assigned.

If the registrars register the alternative graphical representation previously validated by the Catastro, they may incorporate the secure verification code of the positive validation report into the file provided for in the Annex, and in That code may replace the graphic data of the parcels resulting from the registration.

When the result of the validation is negative, the report, in addition to any errors or defects, shall, where appropriate, express the affected land parcels not included in the graphical representation submitted.

Third. Technical requirements for the provision of information for communication of entitlement changes.

The registrars of the property will send the information regarding the acts or businesses registered by them, whose contents suppose the acquisition or consolidation of the right of the property, to the General Directorate of the Catastro. property or the acquisition or incorporation of the rights of usufruct, surface or administrative concession, whether they relate to the whole of the building or to an undivided quota of the same, by a single person or by several, the variations in the the share of the share corresponding to each spouse in the common immovable property, as as the internal composition of the participation fee of each community member, member or unit-holder of the communities of goods or entities without legal personality.

The referral will be made within five days from your registration and you will understand the following data:

(a) Data on registration: registration, identification of registration and date; classification of the acts in question and type of alteration; identification data of the writing or public document in which the alterations have been formalized and their date.

b) Data of the real estate concerned: cadastral reference corresponding to the identity of the farms; name and surname or social reason of the acquirers and transmitters, with their tax identification number and address; location and surface, together with their descriptive data; and the declared value of transmission.

Once the General Directorate of the Catastro finds that the requirements set out in Article 14.a are met) of the recast text of the Law of the Real Estate, the resulting cadastral alterations will be incorporated of the information object of provisioning.

When the Registry of the Property informs the Catastro of other alterations of those provided for in Article 14 of the recast text of the Law of the Land Registry, the information may be submitted in conjunction with the ownership of the real estate.

Fourth. Technical requirements for the exchange of information about the registration procedures that incorporate the cadastral graphic representation.

1. Where public documents arising from the approval of cases of parcelary concentration, deslinde, forced expropriation, transformation or urban balance, and of land, segregation, division, division, are presented in the Register, the aggregation or grouping of the real estate, in which the descriptive and descriptive cadastral certification of the resulting properties has been incorporated, or when the graphic representation of these operations is already incorporated into the parcelary plane cadastral, the registrar of the property, after the qualification of his correspondence graphic, will practice the registration or registration incorporating the corresponding cadastral references, the cadastral graphic representation of the farms and the circumstance of the coordination.

2. Within five days of registration, the registrar shall send the following data to the Catastro:

(a) Data on registration: identification of registration and date; classification of the acts in question and type of alteration; identification and date of the public deed or act approval of the file in which the alterations and the authority which gave it has been formalised; and, where appropriate, the existence of an administrative authorisation and its date.

b) Data of the real estate concerned: cadastral reference corresponding to the identity of the estates; name and surname or social reason of the transmitters and acquirers or holders of the registered rights susceptible of incorporation to the Catastro, with its number of tax identification and domicile; the location and surface, together with its descriptive data and the data of the constructive elements that compose them, if any.

(c) Graphic information: Secure code of verification of the present descriptive and graphic cadastral certification of real estate whose graphic representation has been incorporated into the real estate of the estate.

d) Information on coordination: code of land registers and date of coordination.

The registrars of the property will submit the same information when, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Mortgage Law, the cadastral graphic representation of the farms is incorporated into the real estate and will be coordinated with the cadastral graphic representation, either as a specific operation or as a result of the formalization of any inscribable act.

3. The General Directorate of the Catastro will incorporate, where appropriate, the cadastral alterations derived from the information object of supply, provided that the requirements laid down in Article 14 of the recast text of the Law of the Catastro are fulfilled. Real estate, and will include the circumstance of coordination, the code of the land registry of the plot or coordinated plots and the date of the coordination.

4. When, in the corresponding procedure, the registrar of the property denies the incorporation of the cadastral graphic representation provided by the interested party to the real folio for lack of correspondence with the description of the property It shall, within five days, transmit the information provided for in paragraph 2 (a) and (b) of this paragraph and a report detailing the reasons which have prevented coordination.

All without prejudice to the possibility to urge, where appropriate, the cadastral or registrant procedure to rectify the description of the parcels or farms concerned.

Fifth. Technical requirements for the exchange of information on registration procedures incorporating alternative graphical representation.

1. When public documents are presented in the Register of Property, derived from the approval of cases of parcelary concentration, deslinde, forced expropriation, transformation or urban balance, and of the separation, segregation, division, aggregation or grouping of the real estate, which do not incorporate the cadastral graphic representation of the resulting new estates, as well as in the assumptions of the article 199.2 of the Mortgage Law, the documents presented for the registration must incorporate the cadastral reference and the cadastral certification descriptive and graphic of each of the affected cadastral plots referring to the situation prior to the fact, act or business object of registration, together with the alternative graphical representation of the resulting properties derived from the plans that reflect such alterations, which shall comply with the technical specifications referred to in paragraph 7 of this resolution.

The registrar of the property, in the cases provided for in Article 204 of the Mortgage Law, will forward to the General Directorate of the Catastro the alternative graphical representation contained in the file referred to in the Annex of this resolution, the day following that of its submission for technical validation. In the rest of the cases, the registrars will be able to request the Real Catastro, with a potestative character, the validation report of the alternative graphical representation, from the presentation of the documentation in the Register and before perform the enrollment.

2. The registrar, once he/she practice the registration, after the qualification of the graphic correspondence of the affected farms, will incorporate to the real folio the graphic representation of the resulting properties and will send to the Catastro, within five years days, the information provided for in issue 2. (a) and (b) of the fourth paragraph of this resolution, by adding the information on whether or not the cadastral binders have been given a hearing, together with the registered alternative graphical representation, which must meet the requirements laid down in the paragraph 7 of this resolution. In the data transmission to the Catastro, the graphical representation may be replaced by the secure verification code of the prior technical validation report, provided that the technical validation report is positive and the registration has been carried out in accordance with it.

In any event, the General Directorate of the Catastro shall transmit to the registrar the technical validation report of the alternative graphical representation referred to in the second paragraph of this resolution, in the 24-hour deadline from receipt of the information.

3. When the result of the validation report is positive and once the registration is carried out, the General Directorate of the Catastro will incorporate the corresponding cadastral alterations, provided that the requirements set out in the article are met. 14 of the text recast the Law of the Land Registry, or will proceed to the rectification of the cadastral mapping according to article 18.3 of said law, and will communicate to the registrar the new cadastral reference of the resulting farms, when where appropriate, together with its new graphical representation, in order for it to be incorporated into the real Note the circumstance of your graphical coordination with the Catastro.

The registrar, within five days from the practice of that seat, will inform the General Directorate of the Catastro of the data provided for in issue 2. (c) and (d) of the fourth paragraph of this resolution.

The General Directorate of the Catastro will incorporate the circumstance of the coordination, the code of the land registry of the plot or the coordinated plots and the date of the coordination.

4. When the result of the previous validation report is negative, if the property registrar, after the classification of the graphic correspondence of the affected farms, practices the requested registration, it will incorporate the real alternative graphical representation of the resulting properties, stating the fact that the description of the farm has not been validated by the Catastro, giving the latter, within five days, the information provided in the Number 2. (a) and (b) of the fourth paragraph and a report detailing the reasons for preventing coordination.

When the technical validation report of the Catastro has been completed after the registration and its result is negative, the registrar of the property will record in the actual portfolio the circumstance that the registered graphic representation of the registral estate has not been validated by the Catastro.

All without prejudice to the possibility to urge, where appropriate, the cadastral or registrant procedure to rectify the description of the parcels or farms concerned.

Sixth. Technical requirements for the provision of information in other cases of alteration of buildings.

The registrars of the property will send the General Directorate of the Catastro, in addition to the information provided in the previous paragraphs, to the General Directorate of the Catastro. Following facts, acts or business: new statements of work in the real estate; the constitution or variation of the horizontal division regime on the estates and any other susceptible of registration in the Real Estate Registry, in the five-day period from enrollment.

This referral will include the following data: registration, registration identification and date; identification and date of the public deed or the act of approval of the file in the the changes and the authority which has given it, the classification of the acts in question and the type of alteration, the identification of the transmitters, the acquirers or holders of the registered rights, the reference cadastral of the building if it is provided, as well as the location and surface data of the property.

In the case of the registration of buildings or facilities, the coordinates of geographical reference of the portion of the land occupied by them, according to Article 202 of the Mortgage Law, must also be submitted, as well as the indication of whether the building's book consists of or not archived in the Register, and if so, including the access link to the corresponding electronic copy.

In all the information submitted by the Registrar, it will be recorded if the obligation of the licensors has been breached to provide the cadastral reference established in the recast text of the Law of the Catastro. Real estate.

Seventh. Requirements to be met by the technical description and alternative graphical representation of the farms that are provided to the Land Registry.

1. In order to register or incorporate the alternative graphic representation into the real portfolio, where legally applicable, it must be provided and expressly approved by the owner of the farm or by the judicial or administrative authority that has dealt with and resolved the relevant procedure, and meet the following requirements:

(a) The geographical delimitation of the farms must be carried out by means of the expression of the georeferenced coordinates of the vertices of all their elements.

(b) It must be contained in the computer file, in the form of GML, provided for in the Annex to this resolution, the data of which shall correspond to the descriptive and surface area data of the resulting parcel or plots. registration is requested. The file shall be signed electronically, where appropriate, by the technician who has intervened in the preparation, and authenticated by electronic signature or by other means by the owner or competent authority as appropriate.

(c) It shall be represented on the cadastral mapping and respect the delimitation of the parent farm or the perimeter of the set of the farms provided that results from it, specifying the affected or unaffected parts, The whole of the resulting cadastral plots must respect the delimitation of the cadastral mapping.

Compliance with such requirements may be credited by providing a graphical representation subscribed by competent technician, or approved by the appropriate authority or obtained by digitisation on mapping cadastral, all in accordance with the requirements and characteristics contained in numbers 2, 3 and 4 of this paragraph.

2. Where a graphic representation is provided by competent technician, the geometric definition of the plots derived from the topographic work shall contain the date of completion, the data of the applicant, the methodology used, the data of the identification of the affected cadastral plots, the graphical representation of each of the resulting plots, represented on the cadastral mapping, the surface obtained and a list of coordinates of their vertices.

The technician who subscribes to the graphic representation must declare, under his or her responsibility, that the work has been executed in compliance with the technical specifications contained in this resolution, following the methodology specified, not to be incourted in any way that prevents or limits the legitimate exercise of its profession or legal incompatibility for its realization, as well as the fulfillment of the following technical requirements:

a) Methodology for elaboration. The graphical representation may be obtained by carrying out a topographical survey on the ground, detailing, among other issues, its technical characteristics and scale, or by another methodology which is considered more appropriate to the workbench.

b) The georereference system. The description of the plots must be georereferenced in all its elements. It will be used as a geodetic system of representation that of the cadastral cartography, which is the reference system ETRS89 (European Terrestral Reference System 1989) and in the case of the Canary Islands the system REGCAN95, using in both cases the Projection Universal Transverse of Mercator (UTM), in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1071/2007, of 27 July, which regulates the geodetic system of official reference in Spain.

c) Topology. The graphical representation of the plots must have an enclosure type topology in which there are no auto intersections, being able to have enclosures inscribed on the farm (hollows, constructions or others). The various adjacent cartographic objects cannot overlap with each other or leave gaps. In the case of discontinuous farms, a graphical representation of each of the portions that compose it shall be carried out.

d) Representation on cadastral mapping. The topographical drawings of the resulting plots shall be represented on the cadastral mapping, in order to permit the verification of the correspondence between the parcels which are the subject of the actions and the description in the Real Estate Catstar.

The graphic representation will therefore comprise all the land parcels which must be altered or modified, in whole or in part, including not only the parcels corresponding to the farm which is the object of the registration, but also land parcels or public domain goods adjacent to them when they are affected, the parties concerned and not affected should be specified.

The cartographic alteration of the affected farms will have to respect the delimitation of the rest of the adjacent ones resulting from the cadastral mapping, so that the delimitation of the set of the resulting plots of the alteration or modification, coincides with the delimitation of the set of the plots extracted from the cadastral mapping, with a tolerance at its vertices of +/-1 cm.

If a topographical survey is carried out showing that the cadastral mapping presents a displacement or rotation, the resulting graphical representation must be supported in the existing cadastral mapping the relative distances. The technician shall record in his report the magnitude and direction of the observed displacement or rotation.

e) Metric accuracy. The graphic representation of the affected plots that propose modifications or rectifications of the delimitation of the existing plots in the cadastral mapping, must guarantee the precise metrics consistent with the methodology applied:

− When the graphical representation is derived from a topographic survey, the topographic survey must have an absolute precision such that the maximum error is less than 25 cm and that 85% of the points have a maximum error of 20 cm, any means used (classical topography or GNSS positioning techniques).

− When the graphical representation is performed by digitalization on the cadastral mapping, the geometric precision will be +/-0.20 m or +/-0.40 m, as represented by urban or rustic cadastral cartography. respectively.

3. Where the graphic representation has been approved by the competent authority in the case of a land concentration, transformation or urban balance, compulsory expropriation or administrative dispossession, it shall not be necessary for the alternative graphical representation is subscribed by a technician, but in any case must meet the requirements set out in points (b), (c) and (d) of the previous number.

4. When a graphical representation is provided that derives from the digitalization on the cadastral mapping, which must specify in its case the cartographic documentation of support used, the fulfilment of the requirements established in the 1 of this paragraph may be credited by contributing to the Catastro technical validation report provided for in the second paragraph number 4 of this resolution.

To this effect any interested person, provided that he is duly identified, will be able to use the services, which will be available in the Electronic Headquarters of the General Directorate of the Catastro, of unloading the geometry of the Cadastral plots and the technical validation of the parcels resulting from the modification carried out.

5. When the alternative graphical representation derived from a technical report is entered, showing the displacement or rotation of the cadastral mapping, it will be transmitted to the Catastro by the registrar along with the data of the registration. corresponding, in order to incorporate the metadata of the cadastral modification that is made.

Eighth. Constancy of coordination.

To register the geographical representation of the estate provided by the interested parties and to describe their graphic correspondence with the cadastral plot according to the criteria established in the Mortgage Law, the registrar must take into account the cadastral description in force at the time of the registration, to which end you will be able to consult in the Electronic Headquarters of the General Directorate of the Catastro the cadastral information available on the affected farms and obtain the the descriptive and graphic cadastral certification of the same, without the assessment of the lack of correspondence can be based exclusively on differences in the identity of the cadastral and registral holders of the adjoining farms.

In the descriptive and graphic certificates of the real estate issued by the General Directorate of the Catastro, it must be stated, when the property is or has been coordinated with the Registry of the Property, the date of the coordination, the code of the land registry with whose graphic representation it is coordinated, as well as, if necessary, information on the existence of alterations or modifications of the cadastral description that have been performed after coordination.

When coordination takes place between a registry and several land parcels corresponding to the perimeter of all of them, in the real portfolio and in the advertising register, this will be stated as well as the Cadastral references of the buildings and the graphic representation of each of the cadastral plots with which the farm corresponds. In the cadastral database and in the cadastral certifications that are issued for each of the buildings, it will be expressed that they are coordinated, along with others, with the registry estate expressing its code identifier.

Ninth. Graphic advertising register.

When dealing with registered farms with one or more cadastral plots, the advertising record of those plots will be the one that results from the geo-referencing of the cadastral mapping registered at the time of the coordination. To this end, the registrars, through the computer application regulated in article 9 of the Mortgage Law, will generate the corresponding graphical representation, without being able to use as advertising register the cadastral certification descriptive and graphic or any other cadastral graphic format that includes data from entitlements other than the registrals.

In cases where the law admits another graphical representation of an alternative, this one, once registered and incorporated into the real estate and the said computer application, may be the object of registration until such time as the registrar makes it clear that the farm has been graphically coordinated with the Catastro. Until then, the fact that the graphic representation by the Catastro has not been validated shall be recorded in this publicity, unless the positive technical validation report provided for in the second subparagraph of paragraph 4 of this Article has already been obtained. this resolution.

Additional disposition first. Resolution of electronic documents that are submitted for registration in the Land Registry.

In order to avoid material errors in the capture and processing of data for the purposes of registration, electronic documents that are presented in a telematic manner in the Property Records under the Mortgage Law shall be allow, in any case, the functions of selection and copying of its contents, and in particular of the cadastral references, sure codes of verification and the lists of coordinates that are found in the cadastral documents, as well as having regard to images a minimum resolution of 200 pixels per inch.

Additional provision second. Computer format of the building book.

In order to facilitate the consultation, processing, archiving and advertising of the book of the building, in accordance with Article 202 of the Mortgage Law, and its making available to the Catastro, as provided for in the present resolution, the aforementioned book of the building, with the content regulated in article 7 of Law 38/1999, of 5 November, of Ordination of the Building, must be submitted to the Registry of the Property, in computer support, in PDF format and authenticated by the sponsor with his electronic signature or by another feisty means.

Final disposition. Validity and effects.

This resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

However, within six months of the publication of this resolution, the registrars of the property may continue to refer the information to the Real Estate Registry, acts or businesses by them registered as being the subject of communication in accordance with the Order of 23 June 1999, which regulates the procedure to comply with the obligation laid down in Law 13/1996 of 30 December 1999 on provision of information to the General Directorate of the Catastro by the Notaries and Registrar of the Property, expressly stating whether the information contained in it has been previously submitted in accordance with the new specifications contained in this resolution.

Madrid, October 26, 2015. -Director General of the Catastro, Belén Navarro Heras. -Director General of the Registers and Notary, Francisco Javier Gómez Galligo.



The technical specifications for the exchange of information between the Catastro and the Registry of the Property require the description of the protocol, services available and messages used, describing its characteristics techniques in this Annex.

The exchange of information will be carried out by telematic means, in a structured and standardised way, using web services implemented by both the General Directorate of the Catastro and the College of Registrar of the Property and Mercantile of Spain, provided by Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) messages whose structure and content is defined by the corresponding XML Schema.

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) communication protocol will be used, ensuring authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality through WS-Security (Web Services Security) security specifications. As a transmission mechanism optimized for sending binary data, MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) will be used.

The use of different services requires the use of request and response messages, XML messages defined in detail in their corresponding XML schemas. These schemes include, together with the identification of the movement, the description of the graphic and alphanumeric elements that identify and define the real estate, as well as the administrative information of the files involved.

The concrete details of implementation and the information formats for the information will be available in the Portal of the Catastro ( and in the Electronic Headquarters of the General Directorate of the Catastro ( and the Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantile de España (www.reqistradores .orq).

The main blocks of the request and response messages exchanged in the invocation of the different services provided by the General Directorate of the Catastro are described below.

Request message

The request message consists of four blocks:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_001.png

-The control block includes information about the requesting organization and the particular user.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_002.png

-The case block indicates the requested operation or action, the code of that operation assigned by the entity, and, if necessary, the corresponding administrative information.

-In case of query operations, the corresponding block identifies the elements on which information is required, which may be previously registered cadastral files or cadastre elements (real estate or farms).

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_003.png

-The input data block includes the specific information that will be validated or updated by invoking the respective validation or update services. The information may refer to cadastral files or cadastre elements.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_004.png

-In the case of the exchange of cadastre elements, when in addition to the alphanumeric information the contribution of graphic information of plots is required, the files will be included with the graphical representation of the in the form of GML (Geography Markup Language) INSPIRE (Directive 2007 /2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community), or the identification, by means of its secure verification code (CSV), of an electronic document cadastral that includes the previously validated graphical descriptions.

Response Message

The response message is composed of four blocks:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_005.png

-The case block returns, in case the operation is successful, the code of the assigned cadastral case.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_006.png

-The result block returns the code that indicates whether the operation was successfully resolved.

-The information block will contain the specific results of the query submitted, and may contain information regarding the processing of files or information on the land and land.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_007.png

If the query performed requires providing graphic data descriptive of a plot, these will be provided in GML INSPIRE format.

-In case of errors, this block identifies the elements that failed validation and describes the errors encountered.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_008.png

Catastral Alterations Communication Mechanism

The College of Property and Commercial Registrars of Spain will implement a web service for the General Directorate of Cadastre to communicate through the same changes in the state of the processing of files or the complementary information that is relevant to the Catastro-Registration coordination process.

The main blocks of the request and response messages exchanged in the invocation of the different services provided by the Registrar's College are described below.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/260/11655_009.png