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Resolution Of October 9, 2015, Of The Presidency Of The Superior Council Of Sports, By Which Publishes The Modification Of The Statutes Of The Royal Federation Spanish Of Table Tennis.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 9 de octubre de 2015, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publica la modificación de los Estatutos de la Real Federación Española de Tenis de Mesa.

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In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport, the Commission of the Council of the High Sports Council in its session of 30 June 2015, has approved definitely the modification of Article 7, of the Statutes of the Spanish Federation of Table Tennis, authorizing their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport, and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish Sports Federations and Registration of Sports Associations, I have the publication of the amendment of the Statute of the Royal Spanish Federation of Table Tennis, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, October 9, 2015. -President of the Superior Council of Sports, Miguel Cardenal Carro.


Statutes of the Royal Spanish Federation of Table Tennis

Article 7.

1. Official competitions at the State level must be open to sportsmen and sports clubs of the Autonomous Communities, without discrimination of any kind with the exception of those arising from the technical conditions of sports nature.

2. For participation in any official sports competition, in addition to the fulfilment of the specific requirements that are required in each case, in accordance with the current competence framework, it will be necessary to be in possession of a sports license Regional and local authorities, which will be issued by the regional sports federations that are integrated into the RFETM, according to the conditions and requirements that will be regulated. The license will produce effects in the state and autonomous areas, from the moment it is registered in the registry of the autonomous sports federation. The autonomic sports federations must inform the RFETM of the inscriptions they practice, as well as the modifications of such inscriptions; for these purposes, it will be sufficient to refer to the name of the holder, sex, date of birth, national identity document number and license number.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases of non-existence of a self-governing federation, material impossibility, when determined by the autonomic federation itself, or when the autonomous federation does not be integrated into the RFETM, the issue of licences will be assumed by the RFETM. It shall also be for the issue of licences for which a visa or prior authorisation from the relevant international sports federation is required, and in particular where it comes out of the provisions of the the statutes of those international federations.

The criteria for fixing the economic allocation corresponding to the overall amount received by the autonomous federations for the issue of the licences of sportsmen, technicians, arbitrators and arbitrators shall be determined. other regulated collectives participating in state trials or competitions, mainly in the light of the services mutually provided between the RFETM and the autonomics and respecting the freedom of each autonomous federation to fix and to receive their own different autonomous quota. The distribution agreement must be adopted in the respective General Assembly and must also have a favourable vote of at least two-thirds of those responsible for the territorial federations which are designated for this purpose. These federations shall, in turn, represent at least two thirds of the licences for that sport. In the event that an agreement is not reached for the determination of the economic value corresponding to each autonomous federation and the RFETM, that determination shall be subject to the decision of an independent body, the President of which, and other members shall be appointed in a balanced manner by the High Council of Sport and by representatives of all Autonomous Communities.

It is up to the RFETM to prepare and permanently update the census of sports licenses, which must be available to all the autonomous federations, which may have their own census or records of the licences they issue, while respecting the data protection legislation.

They will be disabled in order to obtain a sports license that allows them to participate in the competitions of any sports modality referred to in the first paragraph by the athletes and other persons of other This is the case that has been sanctioned for doping, both in the autonomous and in the state and the international, while they are complying with the respective sanction. Such disablement shall also prevent the State or the competent Autonomous Communities from recognizing or maintaining the status of a high level athlete or technician. The High Council of Sports and the Autonomous Communities will agree on the mechanisms to extend the effects of these decisions to the respective areas of competence, as well as to provide mutual recognition to the disqualifications for the obtaining the sports licences that allow participation in official competitions. Similarly and in the same terms as the previous paragraph, those persons who are disabled may not be licensed as a result of the violations provided for in the Organic Law 3/2013 of 20 June, of protection of the health of the sportsman and the fight against doping in sport and in its case in the current autonomous regulations. All the provisions of this paragraph shall be understood in terms of the law in force in the field of the fight against doping.

Athletes who try to obtain a sports licence may be subject, prior to their granting, to a doping control, in order to determine compliance with the requirements laid down in this Directive. rules.