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Resolution Of September 24, 2015, Of The Presidency Of The Superior Council Of Sports, Which Publishes The Modification Of The Statutes Of The Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 24 de septiembre de 2015, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publica la modificación de los Estatutos de la Real Federación Española de Gimnasia.

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In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport, the Commission of the Council of the High Sports Council in its session of 30 June 2015, has approved definitely the modification of article 80, of the Statutes of the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation, authorizing their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish sports federations and the Register of Sports Associations, I have the publication of the amendment of the Statutes of the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, September 24, 2015. -President of the Superior Council of Sports, Miguel Cardenal Carro.


Statutes of the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation

Item 80.

1. The integration into the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation will be made by the communication of the corresponding federal license, which must be issued and registered in the RFEG by the corresponding autonomous regional federations integrated in the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation.

2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases of non-existence of the Autonomous Federation, material impossibility, when determined by that autonomous federation or when it is not integrated into the RFEG, the issue of licences will be taken up by the RFEG. It will also be up to you to issue those licences for which, where appropriate, it is necessary to have a visa or prior authorisation of the FIG.

The Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation and the autonomous federations will not be allowed to refuse the respective licenses when the sporting requirements established for their expedition are met, behaving the negative Unjustified disciplinary liability.

To participate in official activities or competitions at the state and international level, it will be necessary to be in possession of a sports license in force in the corresponding station and specialty, and communicated to the RFEG.