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Royal Decree-Law 25/2012, 7 September, Laying Down Urgent Measures To Alleviate The Damage Caused By Forest Fires And Other Natural Disasters In Several Autonomous Communities.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto-ley 25/2012, de 7 de septiembre, por el que se aprueban medidas urgentes para paliar los daños producidos por los incendios forestales y otras catástrofes naturales ocurridos en varias comunidades autónomas.

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The forest fires have devastating effects in the economic, environmental and social fields, accentuate the processes of desertification and affect the landscape, the water cycle, biodiversity and tourism. The risk of forest fires is inherent in our country's climatic conditions. Its prevention, therefore, becomes one of the most important tasks for the Administration. Economic operators should also be aware of this risk by adopting measures to prevent and mitigate their impact. The citizens, for their part, must exercise caution as any recklessness can have serious consequences.

Since the beginning of June, there have been major fires in different parts of the Spanish geography that have burned thousands of hectares and mobilized numerous land and air means for extinction and for the In place of evacuation tasks.

These are especially virulent fires that have claimed the loss of several lives and whose spread and spread are remarkable.

On the other hand, since the end of last May there have been strong storms of pedriscus in various territories of our geography, which have destroyed crops and crops, producing, in addition, damage to public ownership and in private ownership, housing and agricultural holdings and livestock holdings.

The management of these emergencies and the minimisation of the damage have required the effort and collaboration of all the administrations involved through the coordinated action by the Directorate General of Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior, and the participation of the State Security Forces and Corps, the air and ground media of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Military Emergency Unit. All of them, together with the authorities, firefighters, regional and local police, volunteers, and with the resources of the local and regional administrations, have contributed to the fact that the consequences of these disasters have not been greater.

In the context of the constitutional principle of solidarity and the application of equity and equal treatment in relation to previous situations, the magnitude of these facts and their consequences forces the public authorities to to adopt extraordinary measures consisting of a specific aid scheme, as well as the adoption of a set of compensatory and compensatory measures aimed at repairing the damage caused to persons and property and to the recovery of the affected areas.

The amount of production losses caused by fires and storms in crops is a natural disaster situation, in the terms established by the Community guidelines on State aid. the agricultural sector.

The aim of this rule is, therefore, to approve a catalogue of measures affecting various ministerial departments, covering aspects such as aid for personal injury or the reduction of tax burdens, to try to mitigate the impact on the affected citizens and businesses.

Without prejudice to the powers of the Autonomous Communities, the extent of the damage caused and the need to ensure the implementation of certain priority restoration actions, the Participation of the General Administration of the State in the tasks of forest and environmental restoration, in accordance with the principle of interadministrative cooperation.

The concrete measures that are adopted respond to the undeferred need to deal with the various catastrophes referred to in this provision, and present, for their content and purpose, a direct connection of meaning with those, so that the constitutional budget of the extraordinary and urgent need of the royal decree-law is fulfilled.

On the other hand, the fact that the damage caused by some of the disasters in question has not yet been assessed requires the possibility of supplementing this rule from a budgetary point of view, But it is no excuse to delay the implementation of those most important measures which must help to restore, as far as possible, normality in the areas concerned.

In its virtue, in use of the authorization contained in article 86 of the Constitution, on the proposal of the Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency, and the Ministers of the Interior, Defense, Finance and Public administrations, Employment and Social Security, Industry, Energy and Tourism and Agriculture, Food and Environment, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 7 September 2012,


Article 1. Scope of application.

1. The measures laid down in this royal decree shall apply to persons and property affected by forest fires occurring from the first of the month of June until their entry into force in those Autonomous Communities which have resulted in such fires. affected by the same.

Similarly, the measures will be applied to the consequences of the strong pedriscus storms that have occurred in certain Autonomous Communities since last May.

2. The municipal and population centres affected to which the measures referred to in particular apply shall be determined by the Order of the Minister of the Interior. To this end, it will be possible to understand also those other municipal terms or population centres in which, for the proper execution of the necessary works, the actions of the ministerial departments are essential. competent.

3. The Government, by means of a royal decree, may declare, with the delimitation of the municipalities and population centres concerned, the application of the measures provided for in this royal decree to other fires and storms of similar characteristics which have occurred or may occur in any Autonomous Community from its entry into force until 1 November 2012.

Article 2. Aid for personal injury and property damage in housing and property for industrial, commercial, agricultural, tourism and other services.

1. The aid provided for in this Article extends to the cases of death and the alleged incapacity caused directly by the claims referred to in this royal decree, and are governed by the provisions of Royal Decree 307/2005, of 18 March, whereby grants are determined for specific needs arising from emergency or catastrophic situations, and the procedure for granting them is laid down.

2. Destruction or damage to property and damage to housing shall also be the subject of aid as set out in Royal Decree 307/2005 of 18 March 2005.

3. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph regarding the applicability of Royal Decree 307/2005 of 18 March 2005, in order to prove ownership of the buildings affected by the claims, it will be accepted as a means of proof. any document proving such a title, such as the receipts for payment of the Property Tax or other similar nature.

4. Applications for the granting of such aid shall be processed by the delegations or the sub-delegations of the Government in the Autonomous Communities concerned; they shall be submitted within two months from the date of entry into force of this Regulation. decree-law, and will be resolved by the Minister of the Interior within three months, counted from the filing of the application.

5. The aid to be granted under this Article shall be financed from the appropriations of concepts 472, 482, 771 and 782 of the budget application 16.01.134M ' For the purposes of any order in respect of claims, (a) disaster or other recognised urgency ", provided that they are extensible in the current budget of the Ministry of the Interior.

Article 3. Scheme applicable to aid to natural or legal persons who have made personal and property benefits, and aid scheme to local corporations.

1. The aid to natural or legal persons who have made personal and property benefits shall be governed by the provisions of Royal Decree 307/2005 of 18 March 2005.

2. Aid to local corporations for the costs incurred in dealing with these emergency situations shall be governed by the provisions of Royal Decree 307/2005 of 18 March 2005, without the amount provided for in Articles 22 and 23 applicable.

3. Applications for the granting of the aid provided for in the two preceding paragraphs shall be submitted within two months from the entry into force of this royal decree-law.

4. The aid to be granted under this Article shall be financed from the appropriations of concepts 461, 471 and 761 of the budget application 16.01.134M ' For the purposes of any order in respect of claims, (a) disaster or other recognised urgency ", provided that they are extensible in the current budget of the Ministry of the Interior.

Article 4. Grants for damage to municipal infrastructure and road network of provincial and town councils.

To projects implemented by local authorities in the municipal and population centres referred to in Article 1, relating to the repair or restoration of infrastructure, equipment and Municipal and municipal facilities and services, as well as the road network of provincial and town councils, will be applied to the emergency procedure, with a grant of up to 50% being granted by the State of its cost.

Article 5. Aid for damage caused in agricultural and livestock production.

1. The aid provided for in this Article shall be for the holders of agricultural holdings and livestock holdings which, having policies in force covered by the Combined Agricultural Insurance Scheme and are located within the scope of application of the Article 1 has suffered losses exceeding 30% of its production, in accordance with the criteria of the European Union in this respect.

2. They will be supported:

(a) Losses produced on livestock farms as a result of damage to the areas of livestock use, provided that the animals on these holdings are insured on the farm lines operating insurance contained in the insurance plan.

(b) Damage recorded on agricultural holdings and livestock for which the period of subscription of the insurance has not been initiated by the date of the claim, or has not been completed and which would not have been formalized even the policy for this campaign, as long as the insurance for such production and cultivation had been contracted in the previous marketing year.

(c) Damage to agricultural and livestock production which, having a policy in force for such products covered by the combined agricultural insurance system, is not guaranteed by that system.

(d) Damage arising from agricultural and livestock production not included in the current combined agricultural insurance plan.

3. Losses recorded on livestock farms as a result of damage to the areas of livestock use shall be the subject of aid for compensation of extraordinary costs for the feeding of animals.

4. Aid for damage caused by agricultural production shall be calculated taking into account the losses recorded on the average of the production of the last three marketing years. In the case of woody production, account may also be taken of aid equivalent to the cost of replenishing the plantations concerned.

5. For the other production, the aid shall be determined taking into account, as far as they are applicable, the conditions and procedures laid down in the agricultural insurance system.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, in coordination with the Autonomous Communities, shall establish the procedure for the determination of all the aid provided for in this Article and the maximum amount of the aid.

Article 6. Tax benefits.

1. The exemption from the taxes on immovable property in respect of the financial year 2012 affecting housing, industrial, tourist and commercial establishments, agricultural and forestry holdings, local labour market and similar, damaged as a direct consequence of the claims, when it is established that both the persons and the goods in them have had to be rehomed in whole or in part in other different dwellings or premises until the repair of damage suffered, or damage to crops which are non-covered claims by no public or private assurance formula.

2. A reduction in the tax on economic activities corresponding to the financial year 2012 is granted to industries of any nature, commercial, tourist and professional establishments whose premises of business or property affections to that the activity has been damaged as a direct result of the claims, provided that they have had to be rehoused or there has been damage that would cause the temporary closure of the activity. The indicated reduction shall be proportional to the time elapsed from the day on which the cessation of the activity has occurred until its restart under normal conditions, either on the same premises, or on other premises, without (a) to consider, where the seriousness of the damage produced from origin to that effect, the assumption of the cessation of the exercise of that effect, which shall take effect from 31 December 2011.

3. The exemptions and reductions in quotas in the taxes referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall include those of surcharges legally authorised thereon.

4. Taxpayers who, having the right to the benefits provided for in the preceding paragraphs, have satisfied the receipts for that tax year, may request the refund of the amounts entered.

5. They shall be exempt from the fees of the autonomous body of the Central Bureau of Traffic established by Law 16/1979 of 2 October, the processing of the casualty of vehicles applied for as a result of the damage caused by the claims, and the issuing of duplicate movement or driving licences destroyed or lost to such causes.

6. The reduction in local tax revenues which the previous paragraphs of this article will produce in the municipalities, provincial councils, island councils and island councils will be compensated by the general budget of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the recast text of the Local Law Regulatory Law, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree of 5 March.

7. Exceptional personal injury aid referred to in Article 2 shall be exempt from the Income Tax of the Physical Persons.

Article 7. Special tax reductions for agricultural activities.

For holdings and agricultural activities carried out in areas determining the order for the development of Article 1 of this royal decree-law, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.1. 37 of the Regulation on the Income Tax of the Physical Persons, approved by Royal Decree 439/2007 of 30 March, and Article 38 (3) of the Value Added Tax Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 1624/1992, of 29 December, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, in the light of the reports of the The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment may, by way of exception, authorise the reduction of the net yield rates referred to in Order EHA/3257/2011 of 21 November for which they are developed for the year 2012 the method of objective estimation of the Income Tax of the Physical Persons and the simplified special regime of the Tax on the Value Added.

Article 8. Labour and Social Security Measures.

1. The employment adjustment files which have their direct cause in the damage caused by the catastrophic events referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 1 of this royal decree, as well as in the loss of activity (a) directly derived from them in the hospitality and lodging sector which are duly accredited, will have the consideration of a situation of force majeure, with the consequences arising from Articles 47 and 51 of the Recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, approved by the Royal Decree Legislative 1/1995 of 24 March. In the first case, the General Treasury of Social Security may exonerate the employer from the payment of the Social Security contributions and by concepts of joint collection for the duration of the suspension period, maintaining the condition of that period as effectively listed by the worker. In the event of termination of the contract, workers ' compensation shall be borne by the Salarial Guarantee Fund, subject to the legally established limits.

In cases where the company decides to suspend contracts or the temporary reduction of the working day on the basis of exceptional circumstances, the State Employment Public Service may authorise the the time when unemployment benefits are levied, regulated in Title III of the recast text of the General Law on Social Security, adopted by the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1994 of 20 June, which will bring their immediate cause disasters, it is not computed for the purposes of consuming the prescribed maximum periods of perception. It may also authorise unemployment benefits to be granted to workers included in those files which do not have the necessary periods of contribution to be entitled to them.

2. Undertakings and self-employed persons, who are included in any social security scheme, may, on the basis of the damage suffered, request and obtain a moratorium of up to one year without interest in the payment of contributions to the Social security and collection concepts corresponding to three consecutive calendar months, from the previous one to the production of the disaster or, in the case of workers included in the Special Workers ' Regime by Account Own or Autonomy, from the month in which it occurred.

3. Social security contributions which are entitled to the benefits provided for in the preceding paragraphs and have satisfied the quotas corresponding to the exemptions or the moratorium in question may ask for the refund of the amounts entered, including, where appropriate, interest on late payment, surcharges and costs incurred. If the person who is entitled to the refund is liable to the Social Security for other periods, the credit for the refund shall be applied to the payment of outstanding debts with that in the form that is legally applicable.

4. In order to carry out the repair of damage caused, public administrations and non-profit-making bodies may apply to the competent public employment service for the posting of workers who are recipients of the benefits. unemployment for social partnership work, in accordance with the provisions of Article 213.3 of the recast text of the General Law on Social Security.

Article 9. Recruitment scheme.

1. For the purposes of Article 113 of the recast text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, may be considered as works, services or emergency supplies, prior to the agreement of the contracting authority provided for in the first subparagraph of paragraph (a) of that Article, contracts for the repair or maintenance of infrastructure, equipment or services, as well as replacement works of goods damaged by the disaster, whatever their value.

2. The occupation of the goods affected by the expropriations resulting from the construction of the works referred to in this article, for the purposes set out in Article 52 of the Law on Compulsory Expropriation, of 16 December of 16 December, is declared urgent. 1954.

3. For the processing of works contracts not included in Article 126.2 of the Recast Text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, it will be dispensed from the prior requirement of availability of the land, without prejudice to its effective occupation must be preceded by the formalisation of the occupation act.

Article 10. Cooperation with local authorities.

1. The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations are empowered to propose the payment of subsidies resulting from damage to infrastructure, equipment and facilities and services of municipal ownership and the communities, to which refers to Article 4, in the part that the General Administration of the State finances, once the damage assessments have been carried out, up to the maximum amount to be determined in the actual development decrees.

2. Such grants shall be made up of the amount of credit to be made available in the budgets of that department. In accordance with Article 50 (1) (b) of Law 47/2003 of 26 November 2003, General Budget, the credit to be provided shall be financed from the Fund for Contingency Budget implementation, the authorization of which shall be shall be the responsibility of the Council of Ministers

3. Similarly, the holder of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations is empowered to establish the procedure for the granting of the aforementioned grants, as well as their monitoring and control, in the framework of the economic cooperation of the State to the investments of the local entities.

Article 11. Actions for forest and environmental restoration in the Autonomous Communities concerned.

1. The Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment is empowered to declare a special area of action for the forest and environmental restoration of the affected areas and to declare the emergency of the works to be carried out by department, in the following subjects:

a) Forest hydrological restoration, erosion and desertification control, as well as complementary work, in the forest spaces set on fire to mitigate the possible effects of further rainfall.

b) Collaboration for the recovery and environmental regeneration of forest fire effects in Natura 2000 sites, in particular in the habitat types of Community interest and in habitats where there are species of Community interest, endemisms or species included in the List of Wild Species in Special Protection Regime.

c) Direct support for the removal and treatment of burnt forest biomass, if any.

d) Collaboration in the treatment of pest control in the forest masses.

e) Restoration of rural infrastructure for general use, as well as natural roads and green roads.

2. For the purposes of the declarations referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall be necessary for the forest area affected by the disaster to meet any of the following:

a) That is greater than 10,000 hectares.

b) That is greater than 5,000 hectares, of which more than 70% is of tree-lined forest area.

(c) exceeding 500 hectares that are included in sites of the Natura 2000 network and affecting municipalities that contribute at least 50% of their municipal term to that Network.

(d) In the island territory, the areas required above shall be the following: In the case of paragraph (a), 2,500 hectares; in the case of subparagraph (b), 500 hectares; and in the case of paragraph (c), 250 hectares.

3. The implementation of such actions shall be conditional on the financing of 50% of the cost of such actions by the corresponding Autonomous Community.

Article 12. Insurance Compensation Consortium.

1. The Government Delegate in the Autonomous Community concerned may request the Insurance Compensation Consortium, for a more correct assessment of non-personal damages, the corresponding assessments required under Articles 2 and 3. of this royal decree-law, provided they do not affect public property.

2. The Insurance Compensation Consortium shall be entitled to the payment by the General Administration of the State of the work of assessment in accordance with the scale of professional fees which the Consortium has approved for its expert experts. insurance.

3. In order to facilitate the processing of aid and the assessment of damages, the competent administration and the Insurance Compensation Consortium may transmit the data on beneficiaries of the aid and compensation granted to them, their amounts and the goods concerned. Insurance companies operating in the Spanish territory shall be required to supply the Insurance Compensation Consortium with the information requested by them to comply with the provisions of the above.

Additional disposition first. Limits of the aid.

The value of the aid granted under this royal decree-law, as far as material damage is concerned, cannot in any event exceed the difference between the value of the damage produced and the amount of other aid or (a) to be declared compatible or complementary, which, by way of the same concepts, may be granted by other public administrations, or corresponding to the existence of insurance policies.

Additional provision second. Budget appropriations.

The repair of damage to state property, as well as compensation for damages in agricultural and livestock production, will be financed from the budgets of the respective departments. In the light of the above, the Commission will be able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Commission is able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Commission is able to carry out the necessary measures. credit transfers from capital operations to current operations.

Additional provision third. Financing of forest and environmental restoration actions in the Autonomous Communities concerned.

The forest and environmental restoration actions referred to in Article 11 of this Royal Decree-Law shall be financed from the Fund for the Contingency Budget, to the appropriations that enable the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations or by consignation in the General Budget of the State, as provided in the royal decree that develops and complements it.

Additional provision fourth. Actions of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior.

To cover expenses incurred by the Ministry of Defense and those incurred by the Ministry of the Interior for the extinction of fires in the Autonomous Communities referred to in Article 1 of this royal decree-law, the Government, on a proposal from the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, will enable the corresponding appropriations in the budgets of these ministerial departments, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 50 and 55 of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, up to the maximum amount to be determined in the real development decrees.

Additional provision fifth. Advances in aid linked to certain loans for the improvement and modernisation of agricultural structures.

In the municipal terms affected in accordance with Article 1, the total amount of the total amount of the payment of the repayment of the principal of the principal of the funds may be paid in advance. loans under Royal Decree 613/2001 of 8 June for the improvement and modernisation of the production structures of agricultural holdings, of the dossiers for which the corresponding final certification of the farm is available compliance with commitments and implementation of investments.

Additional provision sixth. Agreements with other public administrations.

The General Administration of the State may conclude collaboration agreements requiring the application of this royal decree with the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities and the local corporations concerned.

For the purposes of the issuing of the mandatory and binding report referred to in the additional 30th of Law 2/2012 of 29 June of the General Budget of the State for the year 2012, they will be especially the circumstances justifying the adoption of the measures regulated in this royal decree-law.

Additional provision seventh. Arrangements for agricultural cooperatives located in the affected areas.

Agricultural cooperatives that have their tax domicile in the territorial areas to which this royal decree applies, and whose activity has been directly affected by the damages produced by the (a) a disaster may exceed the limits laid down in Article 93 (4) of Law No 27/1999 of 16 July 1999 on Cooperatives, and Article 13 (10) of Law No 20/1990 of 19 December 1990 on the taxation of the cooperatives, in respect of transactions carried out by non-member third parties. To this end, they must apply for the authorisations laid down, respectively, in Article 4 (2) of Law 27/1999 of 16 July and Article 14 of Law 20/1990 of 19 December 1990.

Additional disposition octave. Inter-Ministerial Commission to follow up on measures to support survivors.

1. An inter-ministerial commission is hereby established for the implementation of the support measures provided for in this royal decree-law coordinated by the Directorate-General for Civil and Emergency Protection, and made up of representatives of the Ministries of Defense, Finance and Public Administrations, the Interior, Employment and Social Security, Industry, Energy and Tourism, Agriculture, Food and the Environment and the Presidency, as well as Government Delegates in the Autonomous Communities and by a representative of the Insurance Compensation Consortium.

2. The monitoring of the support measures provided for in this royal decree shall be carried out by the committee referred to in the previous paragraph, in coordination with the authorities of the Autonomous Communities, through the respective delegations. of the Government.

3. Before 31 July 2013, the Inter-Ministerial Commission shall draw up a report on the actions carried out in implementation of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree-law is dictated by the provisions of the rules 7. ª, 13, 14. ª, 17. ª, 23. and 29. of the first paragraph of Article 149 of the Constitution, without prejudice to the additional protective measures that may have taken place. adopted or may adopt the Autonomous Communities concerned.

Final disposition second. Powers of development.

The Government and the various ministers of the ministerial departments, within the scope of their powers, will dictate the necessary provisions and set the deadlines for the implementation of what is foreseen in this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree-law will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on September 7, 2012.


The President of the Government,