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Royal Decree 1077 / 2012, Of 13 July, Laying Down Five Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Professional Family Electricity And Electronics That Are Included In The National Repertory Of Professional Certificates.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1077/2012, de 13 de julio, por el que se establecen cinco certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Electricidad y electrónica que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in Article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Employment and Social Security, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labor-the occupational training and the continuing-. This sub-scheme, according to the legal framework and in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law of 19 June, on Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National Qualifications and Training System. Professional and the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines laid down by the European Union, and establishes that the State Employment Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Law 3 /2012 of 6 July, of urgent measures for the reform of the labour market, the contract for training and learning in which it is established that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this contractual figure will be subject to accreditation as provided for in the Organic Law of 19 June 2002 on the Qualifications and Vocational Training and its development regulations, through, inter alia, the means, certificate of professionalism, or, where appropriate, cumulative partial accreditation.

In addition, according to the new paragraph 10 of Article 26 of the Employment Law, introduced by Law 3/2012 of 6 July, the training received by the worker during his professional career, according to the Catalogue of the Professional qualifications, you will be enrolled in a training account, associated with the Social Security membership number.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish five certificates of professionalism of the professional family Electricity and electronics of the professional areas of telecommunication facilities, Machines Electromechanical and electronic equipment and which will be incorporated into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification, taking into account the professional competence required by the productive activities, such as is set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September 2003, Cited above.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Employment and Social Security and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of July 13, 2012,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish five certificates of professionalism of the professional family Electricity and electronics which are included in the National Directory of Professional Certificates, regulated by the Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional family Electricity and electronics and are listed below, the specifications of which are described in the following annexes:


-Annex I. Auxiliary operations for the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment-Level 1.

-Annex II. Assembly and Maintenance of Network Equipment and Telephony Base Stations-Level 2.

-Annex III. Assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems-Level 2.

-Annex IV. Assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems-Level 2.

-Annex V. Management and supervision of the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems-Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

1. The content of each certificate of professionalism corresponds to the structure set out in the following paragraphs:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and in person. distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to the certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as to meet the specific requirements set out for each of them. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast text of the Workers ' Statute Act, as amended by Law 3 /2012 of 6 July, on urgent measures for labour market reform.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System. Such training may also be carried out in the undertaking itself where the same is available for the facilities and for the staff appropriate for the purposes of the accreditation of the professional competence or qualification, without prejudice to the need, in its (i) case, for the completion of additional training periods in the centres of the network referred to above.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the vocational training qualifications will provide the effects of exemption from the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated with those competition units set out in this royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of professionalism certificates set out in this royal decree will be determined. within the European Qualifications Framework.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Employment and Social Security is hereby authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, July 13, 2012.


The Minister of Employment and Social Security,





Code: ELEQ0111

Professional family: Electricity and Electronics.

Professional Area: Electronic Equipment.

Professional qualification level: 1

Professional reference qualification:

ELE481_1 Auxiliary operations for the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment. (RD 144/2011, of 4 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1559_1: Perform assembly operations on electrical and electronic equipment assembly.

UC1560_1: Perform connection operations on electrical and electronic equipment assembly.

UC1561_1: Perform auxiliary operations on electrical and electronic equipment maintenance.

General competition:

Perform auxiliary operations in the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment, following instructions, applying the techniques and procedures required in each case, achieving the criteria of quality, in compliance with the company's plans for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks and the current rules of application.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies of any size, both public and private, for others, dedicated to the manufacture, assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment, depending on functional and hierarchically of a superior.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the following economic activities: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products. Manufacture of electrical equipment and equipment. Repair of electrical equipment. Repair of electronic and optical equipment.

Occupations and related jobs:

Electrical and electronic equipment assembly operator.

Component Mounted on printed circuit boards.

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Maintenance Auxiliary.

Probator/Plate adjuster and electrical and electronic equipment.

Duration of the associated training: 390 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1559_1: Assembly operations in the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment. (110 hours)

● UF1962: Assembly of electrical and electronic equipment components. (80 hours)

● UF1963: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in auxiliary operations for the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment. (30 hours)

MF1560_1: Connection operations in the electrical and electronic equipment assembly. (110 hours)

● UF1964: Conexion of components in electrical and electronic equipment. (80 hours)

● UF1963: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in auxiliary operations for the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment. (30 hours)

MF1561_1: Auxiliary operations in the maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment. (150 hours)

● UF1965: Auxiliary operations in the maintenance of electrical equipment. (60 hours)

● UF1966: Auxiliary operations in the maintenance of electronic equipment. (60 hours)

● UF1963: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in auxiliary operations for the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment. (30 hours)

MP0417: Non-working professional practice module for auxiliary assembly and maintenance operations of electrical and electronic equipment. (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC1559_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Copy the material, tools and equipment necessary for the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, under the conditions of established quality and safety, and following given indications.

CR1.1 The material is selected, using the appropriate resources (technical documentation, among others) and according to given criteria.

CR1.2 The material is located in the established sites of the workplace, so that it does not interfere with other elements.

CR1.3 The tools to use are selected based on the activity to be performed and following instructions given.

CR1.4 Equipment to be mounted is selected from the technical documentation and assembly instructions, placing them in place under quality conditions.

CR1.5 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP2: Perform assembly operations on the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, under the conditions of established quality and safety, and following given indications.

CR2.1 Equipment and safety equipment (protection against electrostatic charges, insulation, cleaning, among others) are used as set out in the regulations and instructions given.

CR2.2 Mount planes and instructions are identified and located in an accessible place.

CR2.3 The material and equipment to be mounted are assembled by following the established procedure and mounting sequence.

CR2.4 The tools used are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.5 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP3: Perform electronic component assembly operations on printed circuit boards, in the established quality and safety conditions, and following given indications.

CR3.1 Safety equipment and equipment (protection against electrostatic charges, insulation, cleaning, among others) are used as set out in the regulations and instructions.

CR3.2 The technical documentation required for the mounting process is identified and located in an accessible place.

CR3.3 The components are inserted following the set procedure and sequence.

CR3.4 The components are welded to the printed circuit board with the indicated tools ensuring the quality of the connection and electrical continuity.

CR3.5 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP4: Perform clamping and labeling operations on the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, in the established quality and safety conditions, and following given indications.

CR4.1 The auxiliary elements (flanges, screws, among others) are selected according to the technical documentation.

CR4.2 The screws and clamping elements are tightened using the appropriate tool and applying the set tightening torque.

CR4.3 The clamping tabs are used to ensure the fixing of the items and equipment.

CR4.4 Equipment and elements are tagged according to the procedure set.

CR4.5 Equipment and elements are identified in the control and traceability system, according to procedure.

CR4.6 Packaging, waste and disposable items are treated for disposal or recycling, following instructions received and in accordance with environmental regulations.

CR4.7 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

Professional Context

Production media

Machines and hand tools (manual or electric screwdrivers, pliers, keys, tweezers, among others). Welding station. Frames and printed circuit supports. Safety equipment. Protective equipment against electrostatic charges (clothing, footwear, wristband, wristband).

Products and results

Electrical and electronic equipment and equipment assembled and fixed. Labelled elements. Printed circuit boards constructed.

Information used or generated

Manufacturer's instructions. Quality standards. Plans and schemes. Mounting instructions. Technical documentation. Information for control and traceability. Plans for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks of the company.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 1

Code: UC1560_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Copy the material, tools and equipment necessary for connection operations in the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, under the conditions of established quality and safety, and following indications given.

CR1.1 The material is selected, using the appropriate resources (technical documentation, among others) and according to given criteria.

CR1.2 The material (connectors, cables) is located in the established sites of the workplace, so that it does not interfere with other elements.

CR1.3 The tools to use are selected based on the task to be performed and following instructions.

CR1.4 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP2: Implant connectors on drivers for the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, under the conditions of established quality and safety, and following the given indications.

CR2.1 Safety equipment and equipment (gloves, goggles, insulation, cleaning, etc.) are used as set out in the regulations and instructions given.

CR2.2 Mount planes and instructions are identified and located in an accessible place.

CR2.3 The insulator and cable protection covers to "connect" is removed with the appropriate tool according to the technical documentation and without merit of its characteristic properties.

CR2.4 The cables are located on the connectors, avoiding damage to the connectors and the required quality conditions.

CR2.5 Electrical connections between connectors and cables are performed according to the established procedure (welding, crimping, merging, among others) ensuring electrical continuity.

CR2.6 The tools used are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.7 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP3: Interconnect elements in the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, in the established quality and safety conditions, and following the given indications.

CR3.1 Connector cables are selected according to the procedure indicated in the technical documentation.

CR3.2 The connectors are inserted at the indicated connection point and guaranteeing the properties of the connectors (isolation, fixation, continuity, among others) according to the technical documentation.

CR3.3 The cabling is located in the given places, without any of its physical properties.

CR3.4 The cabling is labeled according to the procedure set.

CR3.5 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP4: Perform fixing and labeling operations on the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, under the conditions of established quality and safety, and following the given indications.

CR4.1 Cabling is fixed using the appropriate elements (tapes, flanges, among others) and in the places indicated.

CR4.2 Equipment caps and items are placed as indicated in drawings and schemas.

CR4.3 Equipment caps and items are fixed using the indicated elements (screws, tabs, among others).

CR4.4 Teams are tagged and identified according to the procedure set.

CR4.5 The developed job is checked according to given instructions.

CR4.6 The developed job and the operations performed are logged in the mount report.

CR4.7 Packaging, waste and disposable items are treated for disposal or recycling, following instructions received and in accordance with environmental regulations.

CR4.8 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

Professional Context

Production media

Machines and hand tools (tweezers, pellacable tools, connector crimping tongs, welding station, welder, among others). Safety equipment. Protective equipment against electrostatic charges (clothing, footwear, wristband, billet). Verifier equipment.

Products and results

Cables with connectors implanted. Electrical and electronic equipment connected and assembled.

Information used or generated

Manufacturer's instructions. Quality standards. Plans and schemes. Mounting instructions. Technical documentation. Information for control and traceability. Plans for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks of the company.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 1

Code: UC1561_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Copy the material, tools and equipment necessary for the replacement of elements in electrical and electronic equipment, under the conditions of established quality and safety, and following given indications.

CR1.1 The material is selected, using the appropriate resources (technical documentation, among others) and according to given criteria.

CR1.2 The material is located in the established site of the workplace so that it does not interfere with other elements.

CR1.3 The tools to use are selected based on the task to be performed and following instructions given.

CR1.4 Equipment, cards, components, among others, to be replaced are selected from the technical documentation and assembly instructions, placing them in place under quality conditions.

CR1.5 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP2: Perform opening and disassembly operations of electrical and electronic equipment, under established quality and safety conditions, and following given indications.

CR2.1 Safety equipment and equipment (protective against electrostatic charges, insulation, cleaning, among others) are used as set out in the regulations and instructions given.

CR2.2 Mount planes and instructions are identified and located in an accessible place.

CR2.3 The equipment is cleaned internally by allowing the interventions and according to instructions given.

CR2.4 The material and equipment to be assembled are assembled according to the established procedure and assembly sequence.

CR2.5 The tools used are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.6 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP3: Perform element replacement operations on electrical and electronic equipment maintenance processes, under the established quality and safety conditions and following given indications.

CR3.1 Safety equipment and equipment (protective against electrostatic charges, insulation, cleaning, among others) are used as set out in the regulations and instructions given.

CR3.2 Mount drawings and instructions are identified and located in an accessible place.

CR3.3 The elements to be replaced are located according to the instructions received or the technical documentation.

CR3.4 The elements are replaced by established procedure, ensuring their proper location, attachment, and electrical connection.

CR3.5 The tools used are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.6 Packaging, waste and disposable items are treated for disposal or recycling, following instructions received and in accordance with environmental regulations.

CR3.7 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP4: Perform assembly and assembly operations on electrical and electronic equipment maintenance processes, under the established quality and safety conditions and following given indications.

CR4.1 Safety equipment and equipment (protective against static electrostatic charges, insulation, cleaning, among others) are used as set out in the regulations and instructions given.

CR4.2 The drawings and mounting instructions are identified and located in an accessible place.

CR4.3 The material and equipment to be assembled are assembled according to the established procedure and mounting sequence.

CR4.4 The tools used are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR4.5 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

RP5: Perform auxiliary operations on electrical and electronic equipment maintenance processes, under the conditions of quality and safety established and following indications given.

CR5.1 The auxiliary elements (flanges, screws, among others) are selected according to the technical documentation.

CR5.2 The screws and clamping elements are tightened using the appropriate tool and applying the set tightening torque.

CR5.3 The clamping tabs are used to ensure the fixing of the items and equipment.

CR5.4 Equipment is cleaned and conditioned externally according to given instructions.

CR5.5 Equipment and elements are tagged according to the procedure set.

CR5.6 Equipment and elements are identified in the control and traceability system, according to procedure.

CR5.7 Packaging, waste and disposable items are treated for disposal or recycling, following instructions received and in accordance with environmental regulations.

CR5.8 Risk prevention rules are met in all interventions performed.

Professional Context

Production media

Machines and hand tools (manual or electric screwdrivers, pliers, soldering and desoldering station, welder, tongs for crimping, keys, tweezers, among others). Safety equipment. Protective equipment against electrostatic charges (clothing, footwear, wristband). Verifier equipment.

Products and results

Electrical and electronic equipment items replaced.

Information used or generated

Manufacturer's instructions. Quality standards. Plans and schemes. Mounting instructions. Technical documentation. Information for control and traceability. Plans for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks of the company.




Code: MF1559_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1559_1 Perform assembly operations on electrical and electronic equipment assembly.

Duration: 110 hours.


Naming: Assembly of electrical and electronic equipment components.

Code: UF1962

Duration: 80 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4, as regards assembly operations in the assembly of electrical and electronic equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify and prepare the material, tools and equipment needed for the assembly and assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, describing their main features and functionality.

CE1.1 Recognize and classify elements and components type of an electrical or electronic equipment (electronic cards, screens, storage devices, storage media readers, inductees, bearings, between other) depending on your application and location.

CE1.2 Identify and classify anchorages and type fasteners (screws, clips, rivets, tabs, among others) of an electrical or electronic equipment based on their application, stiffness and stability.

CE1.3 Recognize and select the tools (electric screwdriver, plane and star bolsters, keys, among others) normally used in the assembly of an electrical or electronic equipment according to its application and suitability.

CE1.4 Identify and describe different personal security means and equipment (protective gloves, goggles, mask, among others) depending on your application and taking into account the tools to use.

C2: Interpret schemas and assembly manuals by relating them to actual electrical and electronic equipment.

CE2.1 Identify the graphical representation symbology of electrical and electronic equipment components and components with the actual equipment and components.

CE2.2 Interpret the procedures and mount sequence, from schemas and assembly manuals.

CE2.3 In a scenario interpretation scenario or electrical and electronic equipment assembly guide:

-Identify each of the elements represented in the schema with the actual element.

-Identify the procedure and mounting sequence of the various elements (card insertion, element fixing, among others).

-Describe the assembly process and sequence from the schema and mount manual.

C3: Perform assembly operations on an electrical or electronic equipment from schemes and assembly manuals, with appropriate techniques, under established quality and safety conditions.

CE3.1 Select the appropriate schemas and mount manuals for a given model.

CE3.2 Select and prepare the basic tools indicated in the schemas and assembly manuals.

CE3.3 In the assembly and assembly of an electrical or electronic equipment type:

-Identify the procedure and mount sequence, from schemas and mount manuals.

-Prepare the items and materials to be used, following standard procedures.

-Identify the location of the different items on the computer.

-Assemble the various components according to standard procedures, applying the safety standards for them.

-Set the components with the clamping elements indicated in the schematics or mounting guides and applying the set torque or pressure.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.

C4: Apply electronic component assembly techniques on a printed circuit board, from schemas and assembly guides, under the established quality and safety conditions.

CE4.1 Select the indicated schemas and mounting guides for a given model of printed circuit.

CE4.2 Select and prepare the basic tools indicated in the schemas and assembly manuals.

CE4.3 On mounting components on a printed circuit:

-Identify the procedure and mount sequence, from schemas or mount guides.

-Prepare the items and materials to be used, following standard procedures.

-Identify the location of the different elements in the printed circuit.

-Conform and insert the components according to standard procedures and apply the safety standards for them.

-Set the components with the brackets indicated in the schemas and assembly manuals.

-Solder components using the specified means and following instructions given.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.


1. Elements and components for assembling and assembling electrical and electronic equipment.

-Electrical magnitudes.

-Teams. Types and features.

-Electrical and electronic components. Features.

-Basic electrical and electronic circuits (elements, protections, among others).

-Traceability of equipment and components.

-Auxiliary materials. Assembly and fastening elements.

-Electrical and manual tools. Use and suitability.

-Measure and check instruments.

-Protection and security teams.

2. Interpretation of electrical and electronic equipment assembly schemes.

-Schemas and mount manuals.

-Element and component symbology.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Interpretation of mount manuals.

-Description of the phases of the mount.

-Description of the mount sequence.

3. Electrical and electronic equipment assembly and assembly techniques.

-Schemas and technical documentation.

-Tools for mounting.

-Phases and mount sequences.

-Location and collection of elements and components.

-Component assembly procedures.

-Fixing and clamping techniques.

-Protective equipment.

-Safety and environmental standards.


4. Electronic component assembly techniques on printed circuit boards.

-Electronic components, types, and features.

-Schemas and technical documentation.

-Location of the components.

-Electronic component assembly and insertion techniques.

-Manual tools: Welding/desoldering station, conformator, surface mount component manipulation tool (SMD).

-Soft welding techniques.

-Protection and security teams.

-Security rules.

-Environmental rules.



Code: UF1963

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3 and RP4, in terms of risk prevention and environmental management in auxiliary equipment assembly and maintenance operations. electrical and electronic.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize the number of elements in the voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical risks.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1560_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1560_1 Perform connection operations on electrical and electronic equipment assembly.

Duration: 110 hours.



Code: UF1964

Duration: 80 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4, as regards the connection operations of electrical and electronic equipment components.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify and prepare the material, tools and equipment necessary for the connection of electrical and electronic equipment, describing their main features and functionality.

CE1.1 Recognize and classify elements and components of an electrical or electronic equipment (electronic cards, screens, storage devices, storage media readers, induced, among others) of your application and location.

CE1.2 Identify and classify the types of terminals and connectors (monopolars, multipolar, optical, among others) most used in electrical or electronic equipment.

CE1.3 Describe the different types of cables and conductors, their isolation and normalized colors.

CE1.4 Select and classify tools (crimper, pelacables, gag, among others) employed in the "connectorization" of an electrical or electronic equipment based on its application.

Ce1.5 Recognize and classify welding procedures (by wave, air, manual, among others) used in an electrical or electronic equipment based on their application and electrical and physical characteristics.

CE1.6 Identify and describe different personal safety equipment and means (protective gloves, goggles, mask), depending on their application and taking into account the tools to be used.

C2: Interpret schemes and connection mount manuals by linking them to real electrical and electronic equipment.

CE2.1 Identify the graphical representation symbology of electrical and electronic equipment wiring and connectors.

CE2.2 Determine the connection sequence and procedure, from schemas or mount guides.

CE2.3 In a scenario interpretation scenario or electrical and electronic equipment connection guide:

-Identify each of the elements represented in the schema with the actual element.

-Identify the connection procedure between the various elements (connectors, printed circuits, cables, among others).

-Describe the process and connection sequence from the schema or mount guide.

C3: Apply connection and "connectorized" techniques in electrical or electronic equipment from schemas and assembly guides under established quality and safety conditions.

CE3.1 Select the indicated schemas and mounting guides for a particular model of connection.

CE3.2 Select and prepare the basic tools indicated in the schemas and connection manuals.

CE3.3 Indicate how to prevent the deterioration of connectors during handling.

CE3.4 In a "connectorized" with real elements and characterized by their technical documentation:

-Dispose and place the connector parts and cables.

-Dispose and place tools, drawings, and instructions.

-Dispose and place personal and element protections.

-Acondition cables (peel, stretch, sort) by following procedures.

-Insert the connector parts in the correct order and join the cables (welding, crimping, embedding, among others) in the manner set in the procedure.

-Verify the correct mounting of the elements.

-Give the treatment, indicated in the procedure, to the generated waste.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.

CE3.5 In a connection with real elements and characterized by their technical documentation:

-Identify the elements to the connection and the type of connection.

-Dispose and place tools, drawings, and instructions.

-Dispose and place personal and element protections.

-Make the connection (welding, embedding, connector) according to the established procedure (position of elements, insertion of the element, fixing maneuver, among others).

-Dispose and place labels on cables, according to the procedure set.

-Verify the correct connection.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.


1. Elements, tools and equipment for the connection of electrical and electronic equipment.

-Elements and components of an electrical or electronic equipment.

-Connectors and terminals: Types, features, and applications. Normalization.

-Cables. Types and characteristics. Normalization.

-Electrical and manual tools for connection and connectorized.

-Auxiliary materials. Fixing and labeling elements: flanges, torsion closures, elements passing cables, clamps, tapes, etc.

-Welding. Types.

-Protection and security teams.

-Security rules.

-Environmental rules.

2. Interpretation of electrical and electronic equipment connection schemes and guides.

-Connector and terminal symbology.

-Interpretation of electrical and electronic schemes.

-Interpretation of assembly and assembly manuals.

-Coding of cables and conductors.

-Cables, terminals, and connectors associated with electrical equipment.

-Cables, terminals, and connectors associated with electronic equipment.

-Schemas and related guides.

-Schemas and Connectorized Guides.

3. Electrical and electronic equipment connection and connection techniques.

-Guides and mounting planes.

-Cable conditioning.

-Connection techniques.

-Welding. Types and techniques.

-Connectorized techniques.

-Fixing techniques.

-Labelling techniques.

-Verification procedures.


-Security rules.

-Environmental rules.



Code: UF1963

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3 and RP4, in terms of risk prevention and environmental management in auxiliary equipment assembly and maintenance operations. electrical and electronic.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize the number of elements in the voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical risks.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1561_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1561_1 Perform auxiliary operations on electrical and electronic equipment maintenance.

Duration: 150 hours.



Code: UF1965

Duration: 60 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, and RP5, for auxiliary operations in the maintenance of electrical equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify and prepare the material, tools and equipment needed to replace elements in the maintenance of electrical equipment, describing their main features and functionality.

CE1.1 Recognize and classify the elements and components of an electrical equipment (induced, bearings, among others) according to their application and location.

CE1.2 Identify and classify the anchors and type fasteners (screws, clips, tabs, among others) of an electrical equipment based on their application, rigidity and stability.

CE1.3 Select and prepare the tools (electric screwdriver, flat and star screwdrivers, keys, among others) normally employed in the maintenance of an electrical equipment based on its application and suitability.

CE1.4 Identify and describe different personal security means and equipment (protective gloves, goggles, mask), depending on your application and taking into account the tools to use.

C2: Interpret schemas and unmount and mount guides by relating them to actual electrical equipment.

CE2.1 Identify the graphical representation symbology of electrical equipment elements and components with the actual elements and components.

CE2.2 Describe the procedure and sequence of disassembly and mounting, from schemas or guides.

CE2.3 In the interpretation of an electrical equipment disassembly and mounting scheme or guide:

-Identify each of the elements represented in the schema with the actual element.

-Identify the connection procedure between the different elements (plug-in connectors, cables with connectors, among others).

-Describe the process and sequence of dismounting and mounting an electrical equipment from the outline or mounting guide.

C3: Apply electrical equipment dismantling and assembly techniques from schemas and guides under established quality and safety conditions.

CE3.1 Select the indicated schemas and guides for a given model.

CE3.2 Select and prepare the tools indicated in the unmount and mount guides.

CE3.3 In the disassembly and assembly of a type electrical equipment, following the established quality and safety criteria:

-Determine the unmount procedure and sequence, from schemas or mount guides.

-Prepare the tools to be used, following standard procedures.

-Open the equipment by removing the housing, protections, among others, following the set sequence.

-Clean the computer by following the procedure set in the unmount and mount guide.

-Close the equipment by mounting the enclosure, protections, among others, following the set sequence.

-Verify the correct mount.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities.

C4: Apply element replacement techniques in electrical equipment with the established quality and safety conditions.

CE4.1 Select the indicated schemas and guides for a particular model.

CE4.2 Select the tools based on the operations to be performed.

CE4.3 In the replacement of elements in electrical equipment from the instructions received and from the technical documentation:

-Identify the items to replace.

-Copy the replacement elements.

-Select the tools required for the operations to be performed.

-Unmount the elements to replace, using the appropriate techniques and tools according to the requirements of each intervention.

-Mount the replacement elements, using the appropriate techniques and tools according to the requirements of each intervention.

-Perform operations by observing the security measures planned for components and personnel.

-Operations performed are recorded in a report or document with the format set.


1. Elements and characteristics of electrical equipment.

-Electrical equipment structure: Elements and components of input, output, control, power, auxiliaries (housing, anchorages, screws, etc.).

-Tools and tools.

-Measurement teams.

-Auxiliary equipment for the disassembly/assembly and cleaning of electrical equipment.

-Protection and security teams.

-Security rules.

-Environmental rules.

2. Interpretation of electrical equipment assembly/disassembly schemes and guides.

-Interpretation of the technical characteristics of electrical equipment.

-Interpretation of mechanical planes.

-Interpretation of electrical schemes: functional blocks, circuits, components, etc.

-Interpretation of documentation in manual support and/or computer support for electrical equipment.

-Interpretation of the connection/disconnect guides, apertur/close dismount/mount.

-Cleaning procedures. Products.

3. Electrical equipment assembly/disassembly techniques.

-Schemas and guides.

-Tools for mounting/dismounting.

-Fases and dismount sequences.

-Location of elements and components.

-Component assembly procedures.

-Fixing and clamping techniques.

-Protective equipment.

-Safety and environmental standards.


4. Electrical equipment maintenance techniques.

-Maintenance procedures.

-Element and component replacement techniques.

-Tools and tools.

-Cleaning techniques. Products.

-Verification procedures.

-Protection and security teams.

-Safety and environmental standards.




Code: UF1966

Duration: 60 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, and RP5, for auxiliary operations in the maintenance of electronic equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify and prepare the material, tools and equipment needed to replace elements in the maintenance of electronic equipment, describing their main features and functionality.

CE1.1 Recognize and classify elements and components of an electronic equipment based on their application and location.

CE1.2 Identify and classify the anchors and type fasteners (screws, clips, tabs, among others) of an electronic equipment based on their application, rigidity and stability.

CE1.3 Recognize and classify tools (electric screwdriver, flat and star screwdrivers, keys, welder, desolder, among others) normally used in the maintenance of an electronic equipment based on its application and suitability.

CE1.4 Identify and describe different personal security means and equipment (protective gloves, goggles, mask), depending on your application and taking into account the tools to use.

C2: Interpret schemas or unmount and mount guides by relating them to real electronic equipment.

CE2.1 Identify the graphical representation symbology of electronic equipment elements and components.

CE2.2 Determine the procedure and sequence of disassembly and mounting, from schemas or guides.

CE2.3 In the interpretation of an electronic equipment disassembly and mounting scheme or guide:

-Identify each of the elements represented in the schema with the actual element.

-Identify the connection procedure between the different elements (insertion of cards into connectors, plug-in connectors, cables with connectors, welding, among others).

-Describe the process and sequence of unmounting and mounting an electronic equipment from the schema or mounting guide.

C3: Apply unassembly and electronic equipment assembly techniques from schemas and guides under established quality and safety conditions.

CE3.1 Select the indicated schemas and guides for a given model.

CE3.2 Select the tools indicated in the unmount and mount guides.

CE3.3 In the disassembly and assembly of a type electronic equipment, following the established quality and safety criteria:

-Interpret the unmount procedure and sequence, from schemas or mount guides.

-Prepare the tools to be used, following standard procedures.

-Open the equipment by removing the housing, protections, among others, following the set sequence.

-Clean the computer by following the procedure set in the unmount and mount guide.

-Close the equipment by mounting the enclosure, protections, among others, following the set sequence.

-Verify the correct mount.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities.

C4: Apply element replacement techniques in electronic equipment with the established quality and safety conditions.

CE4.1 Select the indicated schemas and guides for a particular model.

CE4.2 Select the tools based on the operations to be performed.

CE4.3 In the replacement of elements in electronic equipment from the instructions received and from the technical documentation:

-Identify the items to replace.

-Copy the replacement elements.

-Select the tools required for the operations to be performed.

-Unmount the elements to replace, using the appropriate techniques and tools according to the requirements of each intervention.

-Mount the replacement elements, using the appropriate techniques and tools according to the requirements of each intervention.

-Perform operations by observing the security measures planned for components and personnel.

-Operations performed are recorded in a report or document with the format set.


1. Elements and components of electronic equipment.

-discrete and integrated elements.

-Cards. Features.

-Zocalos. Types and features.

-Connectors. Types and features.

-Auxiliary elements for securing and fixing electronic elements and equipment.

-Material and tool for removing and replacing electronic components and components.

-Measurement teams.

-Tools and tools.

-Protection and security teams.

-Security rules.

-Environmental rules.

2. Interpretation of electronic equipment maintenance schemes and guides.

-Interpretation of the technical characteristics of electronic equipment.

-Interpretation of mechanical planes.

-Interpretation of electronic schemas: functional blocks, circuits, components, etc.

-Interpretation of technical documentation.

-Interpretation of the extraction, replacement, and connection guides for electronic elements and modules.

3. Electronic equipment assembly/disassembly techniques.

-Schemas and guides.

-Tools for mounting/dismounting.

-Fases and dismount sequences.

-Location of elements and components.

-Component assembly procedures.

-Fixing and clamping techniques.

-Protective equipment.

-Safety and environmental standards.


4. Electronic equipment maintenance techniques.

-Technical extraction and connection of components, modules and electronic equipment.

-Replacement techniques for components, modules, and electronic equipment.

-Handling and using manual and useful tools.

-Verification operations.

-Protection and security teams.

-Safety and environmental standards.




Code: UF1963

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4 and RP5, as regards risk prevention and environmental management in auxiliary assembly and maintenance operations electrical and electronic equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize the number of elements in the voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical risks.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0417

Duration: 80 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply electronic component assembly techniques on a printed circuit board, from schemas and assembly guides, under the established quality and safety conditions.

CE1.1 In the assembly of components on a printed circuit:

-Interpret the procedure and mount sequence, from schemas or mount guides.

-Prepare the items and materials to be used, following standard procedures.

-Identify the location of the different elements in the printed circuit.

-Assist in inserting components by following standard procedures and applying the safety standards for them.

-Participate in the attachment of components with the attachment elements indicated in the schemas or mounting guides.

-Collaborate on the welding of the components using the specified means and following instructions given.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.

C2: Apply connection and "connectorized" techniques in electrical or electronic equipment from schemas and assembly guides under established quality and safety conditions.

CE2.1 In a "connectorized" with real elements and characterized by their technical documentation:

-Dispose and place the connector parts and cables.

-Dispose and place tools, drawings, and instructions.

-Dispose and place personal and element protections.

-Collaborate on cable conditioning (peeling, stretching, sorting) by following procedures.

-Participate in the insertion of the connector parts in the correct order and join the cables (welding, crimping, embedding, among others) in the manner set out in the procedure.

-Help verify the correct mount.

-Collaborate to give the treatment, indicated in the procedure, to the generated waste.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.

CE2.2 In a connection with real elements and characterized by their technical documentation:

-Identify the elements to the connection and the type of connection.

-Dispose and place tools, drawings, and instructions.

-Dispose and place personal and element protections.

-Collaborate on the realization of the connection (welding, embedded, connector) according to the established procedure (position of elements, insertion of the element, fixing maneuver, among others).

-Help to arrange and place labels on cables, according to the procedure set.

-Participate in verifying the correct connection.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.

C3: Apply assembly and disassembly techniques on an electrical and electronic equipment from schemes and assembly guides, under the conditions of established quality and safety.

CE3.1 In the assembly and assembly of an electrical or electronic equipment type:

-Interpret the procedure and mount sequence, from schemas or mount guides.

-Prepare the items and materials to be used, following standard procedures.

-Participate in the Identification of the location of the various items in the team.

-Collaborate on the assembly of the various components by following standard procedures, applying the safety standards of the components.

-Assist in fixing the components with the clamping elements indicated in the schematics or mounting guides and applying the set torque or pressure.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities and results.

CE3.2 In the disassembly and assembly of a type electrical equipment, following the established quality and safety criteria:

-Interpret the unmount procedure and sequence, from schemas or mount guides.

-Prepare the tools to be used, following standard procedures.

-Collaborate on the opening of the equipment by removing the housing, protections, among others, following the set sequence.

-Clean the computer by following the procedure set in the unmount and mount guide.

-Help close the equipment by mounting the housing, protections, among others, following the set sequence.

-Participate in the assembly verification.

-Develop a report by collecting the developed activities.

C4: Apply element replacement techniques in electrical equipment with the established quality and safety conditions.

CE4.1 In the replacement of elements in electrical equipment from the instructions received and from the technical documentation:

-Help identify the items to be replaced.

-Coping with the replacement elements.

-Select the tools required for the operations to be performed.

-Collaborate to disassemble the elements to replace, using the appropriate techniques and tools according to the requirements of each intervention.

-Participate in the assembly of the replacement elements, using the appropriate techniques and tools according to the requirements of each intervention.

-Assist in performing operations by looking at security measures planned for components and personnel.

-Develop a report or document of the activities performed in the established format.

C5: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Assembly and assembly of electronic components.

-Interpretation of schemas and mount guides.

-Localization of electronic components.

-Component placement procedures.

-Inserting of components. Techniques and tooling.

-Elements and fastening tools.

-Welding. Types.


-Risk prevention rules.

-Waste Management.

2. Connected and connected in electrical and electronic equipment.

-Interpretation of connector and terminal mount guides.

-Connector and terminal types.

-Tools and tools.

-Cables. Types and features.

-Connection techniques (welding, crimping, merging, etc.).

-Labelling and securing of cables. Procedures.


-Risk prevention rules.

-Waste Management.

3. Assembly and disassembly of an electrical or electronic equipment.

-Interpretation of equipment mount/disassembly guides.

-Tools and tools.

-Mount materials. Identification.

-Assembly of materials. Techniques and procedures.

-Fixing components. Procedures.


-Risk prevention rules.

-Waste Management.

4. Replacing elements in electrical equipment.

-Electrical equipment guides and schemas.

-Tools and tools.

-Identification of items. Procedures.

-Auxiliary elements.

-Traceability of items.

-Replacing items. Techniques and procedures.


-Risk prevention rules.

-Waste Management.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Formative Module

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

No accreditation

MF1559_1: Assembly operations in the electrical equipment assembly and

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer or Technical Architect or the corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Technical and Technical Superior of the professional family of electricity and electronics.

● Certificate of professionalism Level 2 and Level 3 of the Professional Electronic Equipment Area of the Family Electricity and Electronics Professional

2 years

5 years

MF1560_1: Operations connected in the electrical and electronic equipment assembly.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diploma, Technical Engineer or Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalent.

● Technical and Technical Superior of the professional family of electricity and electronics.

● Professional level 2 and Level 3 Professional Equipment Electronic and Electrical Family Electronics

2 years

5 years

MF1561_3: Auxiliary operations in the maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer or Technical Architect or degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Technical and Technical Superior of the professional family of electricity and electronics.

● Level 2 and Level 3 Professional Certificate of the professional electronic equipment area of the professional family of Electricity and Electronics

2 years

5 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils



Workshop electronics.



Forming Space








Equipment Workshop.




Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment.

-network-installed PCs, projection canon, and internet.

-Specialty-specific software.

-Pizars to write with marker.

- Flip-chart.

-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students

Electronic Equipment Workshop.

-Manual tools for electrical jobs. Thermosoldering equipment. Hot air guns. Electric screwdrivers. Electric hoist etc.

-Manual tools for mechanical work.

-Welding and desoldering station.

-Welding station and SMC desolation.


-Printed circuit media.

-Electronic components.


-Electrical and Electronic Connectors.


-Cable Inserter.

-Terminal Inserter.

-Connector inserter.

- Cable label printers.

-Pistola for cable sinkling flanges.

-Help items for equipment disassembly. Extractors. Screwdriver, etc.

-Elements for cable labeling.

-Fixing and fixing elements.

-Verification teams.

-Eleectrics equipment for mount/disassembly and maintenance.

-Electronic equipment for assembly/disassembly and maintenance.

-Printed circuit boards.

-Continuity test instrumentation and isolation.

-Test and diagnostic instrumentation.

-Equipment and items for cleaning of equipment.

-Absence testers voltage.

-Individual and collective protective equipment and elements.

-Electrostatic charge protection equipment.

- static electricity.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.




Code: ELES0111

Professional family: Electricity and Electronics.

Professional area: Telecommunication installations.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

ELE482_2 Assembly and Maintenance of Network Equipment and Telephony Base Stations. (RD 144/2011, of 4 February).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1562_2: Mount Telephony Base Stations.

UC1563_2: Maintain telephony base stations.

UC1564_2: Mount telephone network telecommunication systems.

UC1565_2: Maintain telephone network telecommunication systems.

General competition:

Assemble and maintain telephone network equipment related to radio transmission, switching and control systems, mobile base stations and their auxiliary systems, achieving the quality criteria, complying with the company's occupational and environmental risk prevention plans and current regulations.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies of any size, both public and private, of installation of telecommunications equipment and systems (telephone stations, base stations, systems and cable networks). voice and data networks, data links via radio, among others), on their own or outside, in the areas of assembly and maintenance of telephony systems, depending, where appropriate, functionally and hierarchically of a superior and being able to have their position lower-level personnel.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the telecommunications sector, specifically in the following economic activities: cable telecommunications. Wireless telecommunications.

Occupations and related jobs:

31241018 Communications electronics technician.

38331033 Telecom Technician.

75331067 Computer and Equipment Installer.

75331094 Installations and/or communication equipment repairer

Telephony systems maintenance technician.

Duration of the associated training: 590 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1562_2: Telephony base station assembly. (120 hours)

● UF1967: Equipment and elements of base stations and telephone systems. (30 hours)

● UF1968: Assembly of equipment and elements of telephone base stations. (60 hours)

● UF1969: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephone base stations. (30 hours)

MF1563_2: Telephony base station maintenance. (180 hours)

● UF1970: Preventive maintenance of phone base stations. (70 hours)

● UF1971: Corrective maintenance of telephone base stations. (80 hours)

● UF1969: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephone base stations. (30 hours)

MF1564_2: Telephone network telecommunication system assembly. (120 hours)

● UF1972: Equipment and elements of telephone network telecommunication systems. (30 hours)

● UF1973: Assembly of telephone network telecommunications equipment and systems. (60 hours)

● UF1969: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephone base stations. (30 hours)

MF1565_2: Maintenance of telephone network telecommunication systems. (180 hours)

● UF1974: Preventive maintenance of telephone network telecommunication equipment and systems. (70 hours)

● UF1975: Corrective maintenance of telephone network telecommunication equipment and systems. (80 hours)

● UF1969: (Transversal) Risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephone base stations. (30 hours)

MP0418: Non-work professional practice module for the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephone base stations. (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1562_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the collection of materials, tools and equipment needed for the assembly of base telephony stations from the technical documentation, and in quality and safety conditions.

CR1.1 The materials, tools and equipment are selected according to the specifications of the technical documentation (manufacturer's manual, project, among others).

CR1.2 The materials, tools, and equipment are checked to be in suitable conditions of use.

CR1.3 The measuring devices are checked to be set, adjusted and with the corresponding calibration certificate in force when required by the regulations.

CR1.4 The distribution of materials and equipment conforms to the assembly plan.

CR1.5 Materials, tools, and equipment are transported in material and personal security conditions.

RP2: Install the auxiliary elements of the radiating elements of telephony base stations at the locations of location according to the project, following the established procedures, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR2.1 Media and masts, among others, are checked to meet project specifications and technical documentation.

CR2.2 Media and masts, among others, are distributed according to the mount plan.

CR2.3 The measuring instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.4 Location conditions (civil work, absence of obstacles, among others) of media and masts are checked by ensuring their suitability for installation.

CR2.5 The supports and masts, among others, are mounted and installed according to the technical documentation and the manufacturer's instructions, checking their fixation, stability, mobility and safety in working conditions (environmental) and allowing the interventions for the assembly and maintenance of the antennas and the structure itself.

CR2.6 Media and masts (new installations and updates) are found to be in working conditions.

CR2.7 The grounding of the structure is verified to comply with the current regulations and is connected if necessary.

CR2.8 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR2.9 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP3: Install the radiating elements of telephony base stations in the locations according to the project, following the established procedures, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the regulations in effect.

CR3.1 The radiating elements, equipment and materials are checked to meet project specifications and technical documentation.

CR3.2 The radiating elements, equipment, and materials are distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR3.3 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.4 The radiating systems (antennas, radiating cables, among others) are mounted and installed according to the technical documentation, verifying their fixation, stability, orientation, mobility and safety in working conditions (environmental) and enabling maintenance interventions.

CR3.5 The radiating systems are labeled following the specifications of the technical documentation and established procedure.

CR3.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR3.7 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP4: Mount the racks of equipment and auxiliary elements of telephony base stations in locations, following established procedures, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the regulations in effect.

CR4.1 Material collection (pedestals, racks, among others) conforms to the specifications of the technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR4.2 The racks ("racks") and pedestals are mounted and located by consulting the technical documentation (manufacturer's instructions, project, among others) and contain the necessary elements for the assembly of the equipment (organization of the wiring, feeding, possibilities of expansion, cooling, grounding, among others).

CR4.3 The tools are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR4.4 Supports, racks, pedestals, among others, are labeled following the specifications of the technical documentation and established procedure.

CR4.5 The anchorages of the supports, racks, pedestals, among others, are verified by ensuring compliance with the technical documentation and their mechanical attachment.

CR4.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR4.7 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP5: Tender and connect the cabling of telephone base stations according to the technical documentation, following the established procedures, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR5.1 The instruments, tools, and measuring devices are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR5.2 The distribution and type of cables (coaxial, fiber, among others) is consistent with the technical documentation and the established procedure.

CR5.3 The drawings and schemas are interpreted to know the way forward from the interior equipment to the radiating elements.

CR5.4 The cabling is tended without modifying the characteristics of the same, respecting the distances required with other installations, using the pipes established for their use and ensuring the aesthetic quality.

CR5.5 Cabling is grouped, marked, and labeled following the established procedure.

CR5.6 The connectors are implanted (welded, merged, crimped, among others) into the cables according to the technical documentation and following manufacturer's specifications.

CR5.7 The cabling features are verified by performing the appropriate testing (continuity, signal quality, reflectometry, among others).

CR5.8 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR5.9 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP6: Install and connect the equipment and elements of the telephone base stations according to the technical documentation, following the established procedures, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the regulations in effect.

CR6.1 The measuring instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR6.2 Personal and element safety rules are met in all interventions performed.

CR6.3 Telecommunications equipment (radio, transmission, among others) and system elements are located and fixed in the order indicated in the technical documentation and ensuring mechanical attachment.

CR6.4 Teams are tagged following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR6.5 Telecommunications equipment is connected by following the connection schemes and ensuring the quality of the connection.

CR6.6 The power of telecommunication equipment (single or redundant) is connected by following the technical documentation.

CR6.7 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR6.8 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR6.9 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP7: Verify the basic operation of the telephone base station equipment and systems using the instruments and equipment established to achieve compliance with the technical specifications of the installation, following the procedures laid down, in terms of quality and safety, and in compliance with the rules in force.

CR7.1 The basic functions of the computers and the installation are verified by supplying power to them.

CR7.2 Teams are configured according to the basic parameters indicated in the technical documentation.

CR7.3 The signal (electrical or optical) is verified to arrive at the equipment by performing the measures indicated in the technical documentation and using the corresponding measuring instrument.

CR7.4 The work developed and the measures taken are collected in the job report.

CR7.5 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

Professional Context

Production media

Planes. Schemes. User manual. Technical service manual. You wake up. A numbered list of cables, with source, target, type, and connector specification. Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, spendings, etc.). Fiber optic fuse and cutter. Hand tools for electronic electronic works. Machines for mechanical work. Measuring instruments and equipment (multimeter, earth meter, artificial load, among others). Elements for identifying cables at tips. Computer tools. Camera. Mobile phone. Compass. Satellite positioning system. Individual and collective protective equipment and elements.

Products and results

Reposed to your level of phone base stations. Installed base stations. Work report. Teams checked.

Information used or generated

Technical documentation (manufacturer's manual, project, among others). Assembly plan. Work orders. Safety standards. Rules and Regulations. Work report. Drawings resulting from the installation (as-built).

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1563_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the preventive and corrective maintenance of the radiating systems and auxiliary elements in the telephone base stations, following the established procedures and response time, under conditions of quality and security, and complying with current regulations.

CR1.1 Preventive maintenance (visual inspection, tilt verification, lighting and power-off, replacement of useful life elements, among others) of the radiating systems and their auxiliary elements (mast, hardware, among others), is done by following established protocols and network availability requirements.

CR1.2 Corrective maintenance is performed by following the established acting protocol.

CR1.3 The dysfunction or failure, the cause that produces it, and the affected elements are determined by functional checking and installation parameters.

CR1.4 The replacement of the deteriorated element is performed by following the appropriate disassembly and mounting sequence, under security conditions, and checking that the replaced element is identical or the same characteristics as the broken.

CR1.5 The replaced elements are labeled following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR1.6 The configuration of the radiant system is modified according to the technical documentation and the client's needs.

CR1.7 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR1.8 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR1.9 The developed work, the substituted elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR1.10 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP2: Apply the program of preventive maintenance of the feeding and air conditioning systems in the base stations of telephony, following the established procedures and response time, in conditions of quality and security, and complying with current regulations.

CR2.1 Preventive maintenance (parameter checking, replacement of elements by end of service life, among others) of the power and air conditioning system is carried out in accordance with the established protocols and the requirements of network availability.

CR2.2 Element substitution is performed by following the appropriate unmount and mount sequence and checking that the replaced element is identical or of the same characteristics.

CR2.3 The configuration of the equipment (voltage, temperature, among others) is modified according to the manufacturer's manual and the client's needs.

CR2.4 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.5 Battery handling is performed according to the manufacturer's safety standards and instructions.

CR2.6 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR2.7 The developed work, the replaced elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR2.8 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP3: Carry out preventive and corrective maintenance and network operation related to small scale expansion and reform work, telecommunications equipment in the base stations, following the procedures and established response time, in terms of quality and safety, and complying with current regulations.

CR3.1 Preventive maintenance (periodic testing, parameter checking, filter cleaning, equipment ventilation, among others) is done following established protocols.

CR3.2 Corrective maintenance is performed by following the established acting protocol.

CR3.3 The dysfunction or failure, the cause that produces it, and the affected elements are determined by functional checking and installation parameters.

CR3.4 The replacement of the deteriorated element is performed by following the appropriate disassembly and mounting sequence, under security conditions, and checking that the replaced element is identical or compatible.

CR3.5 The replaced elements are labeled following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR3.6 The hardware upgrades, upgrades, and hardware modifications of the system elements are made according to the manufacturer's manual and technical documentation.

CR3.7 The configuration of the equipment (radio, transmission, among others) is modified according to the manufacturer's manual and the client's needs.

CR3.8 The instruments, tools, and measuring devices are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.9 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR3.10 The developed work, the substituted elements and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR3.11 Operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

Professional Context

Production media

Planes. Schemes. User manual. Technical service manual. You wake up. A numbered list of cables with source, target, type, and connector specification. Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, among others). Fiber optic fuse and cutter. Manual tools for electronic/electronic works (pelacables, impact tools, among others). Machines for basic machining work. Measuring instruments and equipment (polymeter, earth meter, artificial load, among others). Elements for identifying cables at tips. Computer tools. Camera of photos. Mobile phone. Compass. Satellite positioning system. Individual and collective protective equipment and elements.

Products and results

Preventive maintenance of telephony base stations. Corrective maintenance of telephone base stations. Network operations.

Information used or generated

Technical documentation. Work orders. Parts of breakdowns. User and technical manuals of the teams. Equipment maintenance protocols. Safety standards. Rules and regulations. Work report. Report of measures.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC1564_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Repose, at its level, the installation for the assembly of telephone network telecommunication systems in rooms or enclosures from the technical documentation, applying established procedures, under conditions of quality and safety, and complying with current regulations.

CR1.1 The location of the room or enclosure where to install the systems is located using the project plan and plan.

CR1.2 The access to the rooms or enclosures is identified according to the dimensions of the equipment that make up the telecommunications system and its possibility of disassembly.

CR1.3 The location of the enclosure where the computers are installed, located on the public or private property, is located using the zone plane and project indications.

CR1.4 The authorities and permissions required for the jobs to be performed on the public or private property are checked to be the ones set.

CR1.5 The location of the power, switching, transmission, grounding, interconnection delivery, and alarm equipment, among others, is determined from the technical documentation and location plans.

CR1.6 The cabling needs are determined from the location of the power, transmission, interconnect delivery and alarm equipment, among others.

CR1.7 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR1.8 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP2: Make the collection of materials, tools and equipment necessary for the assembly of telephone network telecommunication systems from the technical documentation, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the rules in force.

CR2.1 The materials, tools, and equipment are selected according to the specifications of the technical documentation.

CR2.2 The materials, tools, and equipment are checked to be under established usage conditions.

CR2.3 The measuring devices are checked to be set, adjusted and with the corresponding calibration certificate in place when required by the regulations.

CR2.4 The distribution of materials and equipment conforms to the assembly plan.

CR2.5 Materials, tools and equipment are transported in material and personal safety conditions.

CR2.6 Protection and signaling equipment is collected from the health and safety plan.

RP3: Mount the frames of the equipment and auxiliary elements of the telecommunication system, in the locations of location identified in the repose, following the established procedures in conditions of quality, safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR3.1 Material collection (pedestals, racks, among others) conforms to the specifications of the technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR3.2 The racks are mounted and located by consulting the technical documentation (manufacturer's instructions, project, among others) and contain the necessary elements for the assembly of the equipment (organization of the wiring, feeding, grounding, expansion capabilities, cooling, among others).

CR3.3 Tools are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.4 Media, racks, pedestals, among others, are labeled following the specifications of the technical documentation and established procedure.

CR3.5 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR3.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the job report.

CR3.7 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP4: Tender and connect the cabling of the telecommunication system, following the procedures established according to the technical documentation, in quality and safety conditions and complying with the current regulations.

CR4.1 The measuring instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR4.2 Personal and element safety rules are met in all interventions performed.

CR4.3 The distribution and type of cables (power, pair cable, coaxial, optical fiber, among others) are in accordance with the technical documentation.

CR4.4 The wiring is tended without modifying its characteristics (mechanical, optical and electrical), respecting the distances required with other installations, using the pipes (trays, tubes, gutters, among others). established for use and ensuring aesthetic quality.

CR4.5 Cabling is grouped, marked, and labeled following the established procedure.

CR4.6 The connectors are implanted (merged, welded, crimped, among others) into the cables according to the technical documentation and following manufacturer's specifications.

CR4.7 The cabling features are verified by performing the appropriate testing (continuity, optical power, signal quality, among others).

CR4.8 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR4.9 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the report of the mount.

CR4.10 Operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP5: Install and connect the equipment and elements of the telecommunication system, according to the technical documentation, in conditions of quality, safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR5.1 The instruments, tools, and measuring devices are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR5.2 Personal and element safety standards are met in all interventions performed.

CR5.3 Computer equipment and elements (transmission, switching, radio, among others) are located and fixed in the order indicated and ensuring mechanical attachment.

CR5.4 Teams are tagged following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR5.5 Telecommunications equipment is connected by following the connection schemes and ensuring the quality of the connection.

CR5.6 The grounding and power of telecommunication equipment (single or redundant) are connected by following the technical documentation.

CR5.7 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR5.8 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the report of the mount.

CR5.9 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP6: Verify the basic functioning of telecommunication equipment and systems using the instruments and equipment established to achieve compliance with the technical specifications of the installation, with the conditions of quality, in accordance with the procedures laid down, under conditions of quality, safety, and in compliance with the rules in force.

CR6.1 The basic functions of the computers and the installation are verified by supplying power to them.

CR6.2 Teams are configured according to the basic parameters indicated in the technical documentation.

CR6.3 The signal (electrical or optical) is verified to arrive at the equipment by performing the measures indicated in the technical documentation and using the corresponding measuring instrument.

CR6.4 The developed work and the measurements made are collected in the report of the mount.

CR6.5 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

Professional Context

Production media

Planes. Schemes. Installation manual. You wake up. A numbered list of cables, with source, target, type, and connector specification. Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, spendings, etc.). Fiber optic fuse and cutter. Hand tools for electronic electronic works. Machines for mechanical work. Measuring instruments and equipment (multimeter, monitor for digital signal, among others). Elements for identifying cables at tips. Computer tools. Camera. Satellite positioning systems. Individual and collective protective equipment and elements.

Products and results

Reposed to your level of telephone network telecommunication systems. Telephone network telecommunication systems installed. Job report.

Information used or generated

Technical documentation (manufacturer's manual, project, among others). Work orders. Safety standards. Rules and Regulations. Drawings resulting from the installation (as-built).

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC1565_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform preventive maintenance of telephone network telecommunication equipment, following established procedures and response time, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with current regulations.

CR1.1 Preventive maintenance (periodic testing, parameter checking, service life end-of-life elements, among others) is performed in accordance with established protocols and availability requirements. network.

CR1.2 The enclosure access and the operations to perform are run under security conditions.

CR1.3 Personal and element safety standards are met in all interventions performed.

CR1.4 The element replacement is performed by following the proper disassembly and mounting sequence and checking that the replaced element is identical or the same characteristics as the broken down.

CR1.5 The replaced elements are labeled following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR1.6 The configuration of the equipment or modules (transmission, switching, radio, among others) is modified according to the manufacturer's manual and the client's needs.

CR1.7 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR1.8 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR1.9 The developed work, the substituted elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR1.10 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP2: Perform corrective maintenance of telephone network telecommunication equipment, following established procedures and response time, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with current regulations.

CR2.1 Corrective maintenance is performed by following the established acting protocol.

CR2.2 The dysfunction or failure, the cause that produces it, and the affected elements are determined by functional checking and installation parameters.

CR2.3 The replacement of the deteriorated element is performed by following the appropriate disassembly and mounting sequence and checking that the replaced element is identical or compatible.

CR2.4 The replaced elements are labeled following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR2.5 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.6 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR2.7 The developed work, the replaced elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR2.8 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP3: Perform the extensions, updates and modifications (network operations) of the telephone network telecommunication equipment, following the established procedures and response time, in quality and security, and complying with current regulations.

CR3.1 System capacity extensions, firmware updates, hardware modifications, or system element connections are made according to technical documentation, manufacturer manuals, and network availability requirements.

CR3.2 The configuration of computer equipment or modules is modified according to the manufacturer's manual and the client's needs.

CR3.3 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.4 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR3.5 The developed work, the substituted elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR3.6 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP4: Perform the corrective maintenance of the wiring of the telephone network telecommunication systems, following the established procedures and response time, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the regulations in effect.

CR4.1 Corrective maintenance is performed by following the established acting protocol.

CR4.2 The dysfunction or failure, the cause that produces it, and the affected elements are determined by functional checking and wiring parameters.

CR4.3 The replacement of the deteriorated cable is done by following the proper disassembly and mounting sequence, checking that the replaced cable is identical or compatible and following the safety rules.

CR4.4 The replaced cables are labeled following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR4.5 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR4.6 The generated waste is collected according to the waste management plan.

CR4.7 The developed work, the substituted elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the corresponding report.

CR4.8 Operations are performed on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

Professional Context

Production media

Planes. Schemes. Maintenance manual. Technical service manual. You wake up. A numbered list of cables, with source, target, type, and connector specification. Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, spendings, etc.). Fiber optic fuse and cutter. Hand tools for electronic electronic works. Machines for mechanical work. Measuring instruments and equipment (multimeter, optical power meter, digital signal monitor, among others). Elements for identifying cables at tips. Computer tools. Camera. Satellite positioning system. Equipment and protective elements.

Products and results

Maintenance of telephone network telecommunication systems.

Information used or generated

Technical documentation. Work orders. Parts of breakdowns. Technical manual of the equipment. Equipment maintenance protocols. Safety standards. Rules and regulations. Work report. Report of measures.




Code: MF1562_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1562_2 Mount Telephony Base Stations.

Duration: 120 hours.



Code: UF1967

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6, and RP7, as regards the computers and elements of the base stations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the regulations and the technical documentation used for the realization of the telephone base stations, identifying their elements and the most relevant characteristics of the same.

CE1.1 Identify the technical characteristics of the telephone base stations by relating them to their use and location.

CE1.2 List the elements that make up the telephone base stations describing their function and general characteristics.

CE1.3 In the analysis of a properly characterized telephony base station:

-Identify the type of installation, the equipment and elements that configure it, relating the actual components to the symbols that appear in the project schemas.

-Escorch the installation in functional blocks, describing the function and characteristics of each of the elements that compose it.

-Identify the parameters characteristic of the installation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C2: Select the radiating elements of the telephone base stations, identifying the parts that compose them and the most relevant characteristics of the parts from the documentation presented in the project.

CE2.1 Classifying the different types of antennas (monoppoles, dipoles, panel, parabolic, among others) according to their use, frequency of work and service to provide indicating the differences between them, as well as the characteristics (gain, addressability, bandwidth, R.O.E. among others) of each type.

CE2.2 Classify the brackets of the radiating elements (masts or towers among others) according to the elements to be used and the location thereof indicating the differences between them, as well as the advantages of each type.

CE2.3 Interpret the technical characteristics of the various racks, support, pedestals, and auxiliary elements among others to be used in the assembly of telephone base stations based on their use and location.

CE2.4 Describe the grounding systems of the radiating systems, taking into account the characteristics of the project and the current regulations.

C3: Select the drivers as well as the appropriate connection systems to use in the assembly of the telephony base stations according to the type of instillation.

CE3.1 Check the technical characteristics of drivers to use.

CE3.2 Select the pipes to be used.

CE3.3 Check the technical characteristics of the different connectors to use based on the driver and the connection.

CE3.4 Select the appropriate equipment and tools for mounting.


1. Telephony base stations.

-Features magnitudes. Tension, impedance, power among others.

-Electromagnetic waves, characteristics, transmission and propagation.

-Telephony network architectures:

-Basic functions and operation.

-Features, technologies, equipment, elements.

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas.

-Electronic systems: Analog and digital signals, modulation, multiplexing.

-Base station rules:

-Telecom general law.

-autonomic regulations.

2. Equipment and means of transmission of the telephone base stations.

-Unguided media:

-Antennas and radiating systems.





-Guided broadcast media:

-Cables, optical fiber, waveguide. Types and features.

-Installation and laying rules.

-Connection elements and modes. Types and features.

-Installation rules.


-Radio-transmission equipment:

-Functions, types, and features.



-Initial start up.


3. Power and air conditioning equipment for the telephone base stations.

-Electrical supply.

-Circuits: Land-taking, crowding, interferences, protections, and associated circuits.

-Power equipment:

-CA/CC Converters.

-Power supplies.


-Uninterruptible power systems.

-HVAC equipment:

-Cooling and heating.




Code: UF1968

Duration: 60 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6, and RP7, as regards the assembly of equipment and elements of telephony base stations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the materials, tools and equipment necessary for the assembly of base stations of telephony meeting the technical and quality specifications of the project taking into account the job security according to the regulations in effect.

CE1.1 In the preparation of materials, tools and equipment for transport to the assembly zone:

-Identify in the project the list of materials needed to carry out the assembly based on what is indicated in the technical documentation.

-Make a list of the measurement tools and appliances to perform the assembly of equipment.

-To estimate the means of transport, the fixing and fixing of equipment, materials and tools.

-Perform a plan for the distribution of equipment and tools, taking into account the work plan indicated in the technical documentation.

C2: Perform the mounting of the supports and auxiliary elements of the radiating systems in the locations determined by the project, following the established procedures, in conditions of quality and safety following the rules in force.

CE2.1 In the mounting of supports, masts and other auxiliary elements characterized by their technical documentation:

-Identify spaces where they are located based on the technical information provided in the project.

-Detect possible mounting difficulties at the established location with special attention to the conditions offered by the site where the installation is to be carried out (civil work, obstacles, among others) indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

CE2.2 In the mounting of supports, masts and other auxiliary elements characterized by their technical documentation:

-Mount the supports, masts and other auxiliary elements according to the technical documentation, taking into account the manufacturer's specifications, ensuring mechanical restraint and aesthetic quality.

-Perform and verify the grounding of the structure by checking that it complies with the current regulations.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made, as well as the solutions adopted to the difficulties encountered in the assembly of elements.

C3: Perform the assembly of radiating systems at the locations determined by the project, following the established procedures, taking into account the manufacturer's specifications, in terms of quality and safety following the current regulations.

CE3.1 In the assembly of the radiating systems characterized by the technical documentation:

-Identify spaces where they are located based on the technical information provided in the project.

-Detect possible mounting difficulties at the established location with special attention to the conditions offered by the site where the installation is to be carried out (civil work, obstacles, among others) indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

CE3.2 In the assembly of the radiating elements (antennas and radiating cables among others):

-Identify the radiating elements according to the technical documentation.

-Mount the radiating elements (antennas and radiating cables among others) using the appropriate instruments, tools and apparatus.

-Ensure the mechanical stability and aesthetic quality of the finish.

-Label the radiating elements as indicated in the technical specifications of the project following the appropriate procedure.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made.

C4: Perform rack mount operations ("racks") and pedestals from the technical documentation.

CE4.1 In the repose of the mounting of the frames of the equipment and auxiliary elements of base stations of telephony characterized with the technical documentation:

-Identify spaces where they are located based on the technical information by checking that it matches what is indicated in the project or technical documentation.

-Check that the space for mounting meets the requirements of the technical documentation.

-Detect the possible difficulties that can be presented by indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

CE4.2 In mounting the frames of the telephone base station equipment and auxiliary elements:

-Use the appropriate tools and measuring instruments.

-Use the appropriate protection media and equipment to the activity to be performed.

-Check the elements required for the assembly according to the project documentation.

-Mount the racks ("racks") and pedestals in their position by adjusting to the technical documentation, ensuring their mechanical fixation and following the manufacturer's instructions and the technical documentation.

-Label media, racks, pedestals, among others as indicated in the project's technical specifications by following the appropriate procedure.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made to the mount.

C5: Perform pipeline and cabling mount operations on telephony base stations, based on technical documentation.

CE5.1 In the repose of a telephony base station pipe assembly:

-Identify the spaces by which the installation will run from the technical documentation.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas through which the pipes perform interpreting the symbology of the planes indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

-Distribute items and materials (pipes, anchors, pipes, cables, barbs, among others) to be used.

-Select the tools (welder, crimping tongs, impact tool, among others) required for mounting.

CE5.2 In the cable laying of a telephone base station:

-Select the tools to use in the driver's pipe and connection assembly.

-Mounting the pipes and wiring elements taking into account the manufacturer's specifications and ensuring mechanical restraint and aesthetic quality.

-Tender the wiring without modifying the characteristics of the cables, respecting the recommended distances and avoiding the cross between the cables.

-Label the cables by following the project specifications and/or the established procedures.

-Perform connector connection by applying the techniques of soldier, merged, crimped among others according to needs.

-Check the distribution and continuity of cables and connections according to the technical documentation.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made to the assembly of the various elements.

C6: Perform the assembly of the telephone base station equipment from the technical documentation.

CE6.1 In the repose of the equipment for the assembly of a telephone base station characterized by the technical documentation:

-Identify space for power supply systems, accumulators, refrigeration, security equipment, R.F. equipment, among others, checking that it matches the one indicated in the project or documentation technique.

-Check that space for power supply systems, accumulators, refrigeration, safety equipment, R.F. equipment among others meets the appropriate environmental conditions (temperature and ventilation between other) and allows installation and maintenance.

-Select the items and materials to be used in the mount, choosing the items over catalog or in the storeroom.

-Select the tools and equipment required for mounting on a variety of tools or catalog.

CE6.2 On assembly of equipment in a base station:

-Identify and use the tools as well as the measurement instruments and the appropriate protection equipment and media for the activity to be performed.

-Mounting power supply systems, accumulators, ventilation, safety equipment, R.F. equipment among others at their location, ensuring their operation by following the manufacturer's instructions.

-Conexion the different systems and equipment by getting good electrical contact and no deterioration of the connectors.

-Perform the functional tests of the installation by contrasting the requested conditions with the actual capabilities, proceeding in an orderly manner.

-Develop a report of mounting of the developed activities, incidents and results obtained.


1. Repose of the work or installation of the telephone base stations.

-Interpretation of architectural plans:

-Architectural symbology.

-Identifying spaces.

-Characteristics of the physical spaces.

-Interpretation of mechanical planes:


-Projections and profiles.

-Despièce, auxiliary materials.

-Interpretation of electrical planes:

-Electrical symbology.

-Connection Schemes.

-Block Diagrams.

-Measurements and quantities.

-Provision of materials.

2. Techniques for mounting the radiating systems.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Subject items. Types and features.

-Fixing systems. Assembly types and techniques.

-Supports, masts and towers. Types, features and assembly techniques.

-Antennas. Types, features and assembly techniques.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.

3. Pipeline assembly techniques.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Drivers. Types and features, check.

-Cabling driving systems:

-Choosing the cable management system.

-Preparing cable management systems.

-Using the mounting techniques for cable management systems.

-Selection of equipment and application of safety standards used in the preparation, machining and fixing of driver driving systems.

-Driver's Tend.

4. Equipment assembly techniques at base stations.

-Installing the power supply systems.

-Assembly of accumulation systems.

-Placing the cooling systems.

-Assembly of security teams.

-Installing the R.F. teams

5. Equipment connection techniques.

-Equipment and element connection techniques:

-Connectors. Types, features, verification.




-Identification and tagging of equipment and drivers.

-Waste Management.

6. Functional and commissioning tests.

-Action protocols.

-Measurement teams.

-Parameter measures.


-Checking the grounding.

-Checking the connection lines.

-Security tests.

-Puesta in service.

-Interconnection and cabling documentation.

-Final test report and verifications.



Code: UF1969

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6 and RP7, as regards risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephony base stations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk and electromagnetic fields and waves.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension and radiating elements, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize possible the number of elements in voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical and electromagnetic hazards.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Exposition to electromagnetic fields and waves. Thermal effects.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1563_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1563_2 Maintain telephony base stations.

Duration: 180 hours.



Code: UF1970

Duration: 70 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3, as regards the preventive maintenance of telephony base stations and their associated facilities.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze a rural or urban telephone base station characterized by its technical documentation.

CE1.1 Identify the type of technology and the elements that configure it, relating the elements of the installation to the symbols that appear on the planes.

CE1.2 Escorch the functional blocks of the telephone base station, describing the function and characteristics of each of the blocks that compose it.

CE1.3 Describe the operability of the different blocks, their relationship, interconnection, and function in the telephony base station.

CE1.4 Develop a report of the developed activities and results, structuring it appropriately.

C2: Identify the parts that are susceptible to preventive maintenance at the base stations and their associated facilities.

CE2.1 Type the preventive maintenance operations that are performed on the telephony base stations and their associated facilities:

-Maintenance of radiation systems.

-Preventive maintenance of transmission systems.

-Infrastructure maintenance (power, cooling, balizing, protections, Earth, among others).

-Maintenance of the building (fire detection, fire extinguishers, luminaires and power outlets, among others).

-Enclosure maintenance (cleanup, access among others).

CE2.2 Identify the general techniques and specific means used for preventive maintenance at the base stations and their associated facilities.

CE2.3 Locate facilities, equipment, and materials where preventive maintenance should be done.

C3: Apply preventive maintenance techniques and track a telephone base station, acting under personal security rules and the materials used.

CE3.1 Inspect the status of each of the equipment and elements (air conditioning, radiating elements, power and telecommunication equipment) of a telephone base station where maintenance techniques can be applied preventive.

CE3.2 Select and prepare the materials, equipment, tools and documentation necessary to perform preventive maintenance and follow-up tasks, depending on the equipment to be maintained.

CE3.3 Apply preventive maintenance operations and procedures according to maintenance plan:

-Identify the elements to be performed on.

-Identify the waste management plan.

-Identify risk factors, associated risks, and measures to be taken.

-Prepare the work area according to the requirements of the operation according to established procedures.

-Use the tools, measurement instruments, and protection equipment that is set for the activity to be performed.

-Check the general state of media, fixings, among others.

-Perform cleaning operations and check the absence of deformations on equipment, facilities, and accessories.

-Check the connections and continuities of cables, connectors, reglettes, among others, of electrical and communications facilities.

-Check the voltage and state of the batteries and the security and protection elements.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the team documentation.

-Meet the performance report by collecting the interventions performed and in the format set.


1. Urban and rural telephone base stations.

-Urban base stations. Features.

-Rural base stations. Features.

-Technical documentation.

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas.

-Block diagram. Functions.

-Operating parameters.

-Measurement instruments and procedures.

-Personal and team security rules.


2. Documentation for preventive maintenance of telephony base stations.

-Maintenance plan.

-Test report.

-Report of operations performed.

-Team book. History of breakdowns.


-Inventory. Identification of equipment.

-Planes, schemas, and sketches.

-Instructions manual.

-Computer applications.

-Other documents.

3. Preventive maintenance of the telephone base stations.

-Scheduled operations.

-Measure instruments and auxiliary technical means.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.

-Criteria and review points.

-Diagnostic techniques. Tests, measures, procedures among others.

-Preventive maintenance of radiant elements:

-Cleaning of equipment.

-System mechanical parts inspection.

-Connectors and conductors check.

-Signal levels.

-Preventive maintenance of transmission elements:

-Cleaning of equipment.

-Signal levels.

-Power supply.

-Checking the power of transmission.

-Infrastructure preventive maintenance:

-Acommitted and electric frame.

-Land-taking and protections.




-Replacing items based on their useful life.

-Waste Management.

-Reporting and historical breakdowns.



Code: UF1971

Duration: 80 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3, as regards corrective maintenance of telephony base stations and their associated facilities.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the parts that are capable of corrective maintenance at the base stations and their associated facilities.

CE1.1 Tipify corrective maintenance operations to be performed on the telephone base stations and their associated facilities:

-Radiation systems.

-Transmission systems.

-Infrastructure (power, cooling, balizing, protections, grounding, among others).

-Infurniture (fire detection, fire extinguishers, luminaires and power outlets, among others).

CE1.2 Identify the general techniques and specific means used for corrective maintenance in the base stations of telephony and their associated facilities.

CE1.3 Locate facilities, equipment, and materials where corrective maintenance can be done.

C2: Repair of the telephone base station, according to the technical documentation of the installation and the manual of the manufacturer of the switchboard under personal safety standards and the materials used.

CE2.1 Relate the typology and typical features of the breakdowns in the telephone base stations and their facilities associated with the block, elements or dysfunction responsible for the breakdown.

CE2.2 Describe the diagnostic, localization, measurement, and specific means used in the location of properly characterized breakdowns in the telephone base stations and their associated facilities.

CE2.3 In an assumed, properly characterized, real or simulated breakdown in a telephone base station:

-Identify the symptoms of the fault, characterizing it for the effects it produces on the installation.

-hypothesize the possible cause or causes of the breakdown by relating it to the symptoms present in the installation.

-Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

-Select the appropriate tools, tools, and measuring instruments for the necessary interventions, to be performed in the repair of the fault.

-Replace the element or component responsible for the fault, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results, structuring it appropriately for correct documentation of both the process and the results obtained.


1. Documentation for corrective maintenance of telephone base stations.

-Corrective maintenance plan.

-Planes, schemas, and sketches.

-Inventory. Identification of equipment.

-Instructions manual.


-Team book. History of breakdowns.

-Checks procedure.

-A breakdown repair report.

-Computer applications.

-Other documents.

2. Diagnosis of faults in the telephone base stations.

-Operating parameters. Measures.

-Typology and diagnostics.

-troubleshooting techniques.

-Methods and techniques for diagnosing breakdowns in facilities at rest and in transmission.

-Identification and description of critical breakdowns in base station systems.

-Equipment and tools.


3. Repair of faults in the telephone base stations.

-Specific intervention plan.

-Replacing items. Radiants, transmission and infrastructure.

-Adjustments and tuning.

-Put-in-service procedures.

-Quality in interventions.

-Personal and team security rules.

-Reporting and historical breakdowns.



Code: UF1972

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2 and RP3, in terms of risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and base stations telephony.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk and electromagnetic fields and waves.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension and radiating elements, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize possible the number of elements in voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical and electromagnetic hazards.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Exposition to electromagnetic fields and waves. Thermal effects.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1564_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1564_2 Mount telephone network telecommunication systems.

Duration: 120 hours.



Code: UF1972

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, and RP6, as regards the equipment and elements of the telephone network telecommunication systems.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the regulations and the technical documentation used for the realization of the telephone network telecommunication systems, identifying their elements and the most relevant characteristics of them.

CE1.1 Identify the technical characteristics of telephone network telecommunication systems.

CE1.2 List the equipment (power, switching, transmission, protection, delivery, alarms, among others) and elements that make up the telecommunication systems of the telephone network describing its function and characteristics general.

CE1.3 In the analysis of a properly characterized telephone network telecommunication system:

-Identify the type of installation, the equipment and elements that configure it, relating the actual components to the symbology that appear in the project plans.

-Escorch the installation in functional blocks, describing the function and characteristics of each of the elements that compose it.

-Identify the parameters characteristic of the installation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C2: Interpret the most relevant technical characteristics present in the documentation of a project of telephone network telecommunication systems of the equipment (power, switching, transmission, delivery, alarms, (a) and of the elements forming part of a telephone network telecommunication system, identifying the parts that make up them.

CE2.1 Classify the types of communications enclosures that exist according to their usage and characteristics.

CE2.2 Identify the various auxiliary equipment (power, equipment deliverymen, among others) needed in the equipment of the telecommunication systems.

CE2.3 Interpret the technical characteristics of the various racks, support, pedestals, and auxiliary elements among others to be used in the assembly of telephone base stations based on their use and location.

CE2.4 Identify the different equipment (radio controllers, transmission, switching, among others) existing in the telephone network telecommunication systems according to their use and technical characteristics.

CE2.5 Describe the grounding systems of the telecommunication systems of a telephone network based on the characteristics of the project and the current regulations.

CE2.6 Check the technical characteristics of the drivers (power, pair cable, coaxial, optical fiber, among others) to be used.

CE2.7 Select the pipes to use.

CE2.8 Check the technical characteristics of the different connectors to use based on the driver and the connection.


1. Telephone network telecommunication systems

-Features magnitudes. Voltage, current, impedance, power among others.

-Electric and magnetic fields.

-Electromagnetic waves, characteristics, transmission and propagation.

-Technologies and generations of mobile phone systems.

-Interconnection to the telephone network:

-Basic architecture of the mobile phone network.


-Base station control.

-Switch centers for mobile telephony.

-Radio network controllers.

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas.

-Radio and Transmission Subsystems:

-Interfaces, bandwidths.

-Base station control systems.

-Radio service providers teams.

-Electrical installations: grounding, crowding, interferences, protections, and associated circuits.

-Telephone network telecommunication systems regulations.

2. Equipment and elements of telephone network telecommunication systems.

-Macrocellular base station: Block diagram, systems, and equipment.

-Housing elements, racks, cabling, fixing, and equipment installation systems.

-Transmission channel: Radiolink, optical fiber.

-Radio controllers:


-Types and features.

-Parameters, configuration.

-Initial running, verification.

-Transmission and Receive Equipment:


-Types and features.


-Parameters, configuration.

-Initial running, verification.

-Switch equipment. Types and functions.

-Auxiliary elements of the infrastructure: Regulations, electrical connections, land network, refrigeration, CC/AC converters, power supplies, etc.

-Guided broadcast media:

-Cables, optical fiber, waveguide. Types and features.

-Electrical pipes.

-Installation and laying rules.

-Connection elements. Types and features.



Code: UF1973

Duration: 60 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, and RP6, regarding the assembly of telephone network telecommunication systems.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the materials, tools and equipment necessary for the assembly of telephone network telecommunications systems, fulfilling the technical and quality specifications of the project taking into account security as the rules in force.

CE1.1 In the preparation of materials, tools and equipment for transport to the assembly zone:

-Identify in the project the list of materials needed to carry out the assembly based on what is indicated in the technical documentation.

-Make a list of the measurement tools and appliances to perform the assembly of equipment.

-To estimate the means of transport, the fixing and fixing of equipment, materials and tools.

-Perform a plan for the distribution of equipment and tools on the basis of the work plan indicated in the technical documentation

C2: Perform rack mount operations ("racks") and pedestals from the technical documentation.

CE2.1 In the repose of the mounting of the frames of the equipment and auxiliary elements of the telephone network telecommunication systems characterized with the technical documentation:

-Identify spaces where they are located based on the technical information by checking that it matches what is indicated in the project or technical documentation.

-Check that the space for mounting meets the requirements of the technical documentation.

-Detect the possible difficulties that can be presented by indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

CE2.2 In mounting the frames of the equipment and auxiliary elements the telephone network telecommunications systems:

-Use the appropriate tools and measuring instruments.

-Use the appropriate protection media and equipment to the activity to be performed.

-Check the elements required for the assembly according to the project documentation.

-Mount the racks ("racks") and pedestals in their position by adjusting to the technical documentation, ensuring their mechanical fixation and following the manufacturer's instructions and the technical documentation.

-Label media, racks, pedestals, among others as indicated in the project's technical specifications by following the appropriate procedure.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made to the mount.

C3: Perform pipeline and cabling mount operations on telephone network telecommunication systems, based on technical documentation.

CE3.1 In the repose of the pipe mount of a telephony base station:

-Identify the spaces by which the installation will run from the technical documentation.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas through which the pipes perform interpreting the symbology of the planes indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

-Distribute items and materials (pipes, anchors, pipes, cables, barbs, among others) to be used.

-Select the tools (welder, crimping tongs, impact tool, among others) required for mounting.

CE3.2 In the cable laying of a telephone network telecommunication system:

-Mounting the pipes and wiring elements taking into account the manufacturer's specifications and ensuring mechanical restraint and aesthetic quality.

-Tender the wiring without modifying the characteristics of the cables, respecting the recommended distances and avoiding the cross between the cables.

-Label the cables by following the project specifications and/or the established procedures.

-Perform connector connection by applying the techniques of soldier, merged, crimped among others according to needs.

-Check the distribution and continuity of cables and connections according to the technical documentation.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made to the assembly of the various elements.

C4: Perform the assembly of the auxiliary equipment of the telephone network telecommunications systems from the technical documentation.

CE4.1 In the repose of the equipment for the assembly of a telephone network telecommunications systems characterized by the technical documentation:

-Identify space for power systems, accumulators, cooling, equipment deliverymen, among others, by checking that it matches the one indicated in the project or technical documentation.

-Check that space destined for power systems, accumulators, refrigeration, equipment delivery systems, among others meets the appropriate environmental conditions (temperature and ventilation among others) and allows installation and maintenance.

-Select the items and materials to be used in the mount, choosing the items over catalog or in the storeroom.

-Select the tools and equipment required for mounting on a variety of tools or catalog.

CE4.2 In the assembly of auxiliary equipment for telephone network telecommunications systems:

-Use the tools as well as the measurement instruments and the appropriate protection equipment and media for the activity to be performed.

-Mount the power systems, accumulators, refrigeration, equipment delivery systems, among others at their location, ensuring their operation according to the manufacturer's instructions.

-Conexion the different systems and equipment by getting good electrical contact and no deterioration of the connectors.

-Develop a report of mounting of the developed activities, incidents and results obtained.

C5: Perform the assembly of the equipment (switching, transmission, interlinking, among others) of the telephone network telecommunications systems in the locations determined by the project, following the established procedures, in terms of quality and safety in accordance with the rules in force.

CE5.1 In the assembly of the equipment (switching, transmission, interconnecting deliverymen, among others) of the telephone network telecommunications systems characterized by their technical documentation:

-Identify spaces where they are located based on the technical information provided in the project.

-Detect possible mounting difficulties at the established location with special attention to the conditions offered by the site where the installation is to be carried out (civil work, obstacles, among others) indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

CE5.2 In the assembly of the equipment (switching, transmission, interconnecting deliverymen, among others) of the telephone network telecommunications systems characterized by their technical documentation:

-Mounting the telephone network telecommunications systems according to the technical documentation, taking into account the manufacturer's specifications, ensuring mechanical restraint and aesthetic quality.

-Configure the equipment (switching, transmission, interconnecting deliverymen, among others) of the telephone network telecommunications systems according to the basic parameters of the technical documentation.

-Perform and verify the grounding of the structure by checking that it complies with the current regulations.

-Develop a report of the activities carried out and the modifications made, as well as the solutions adopted to the difficulties encountered in the assembly of elements.

C6: Perform operations to check the operation of equipment and elements in telephone network telecommunication systems, based on technical documentation.

CE6.1 Select the documents required for the verification of the basic operation of the equipment and system elements (manufacturer's manual, among others) from the technical documentation.

CE6.2 Describe the phases to be followed in checking the operation of the different equipment and elements of the telecommunication system.

CE6.3 In a practical scenario of verifying the operation of the equipment of a telecommunication system, with real elements, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Check that the installation conforms to what is indicated in the technical documentation.

-Supply power to the teams according to the technical manual.

-Verify the basic parameters of the installation by contrasting the values obtained with those specified in the technical documentation.

-Verify that the signal (electrical or optical) reaches the equipment by performing the measures indicated in the technical documentation and using the appropriate measuring instrument

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.


1. Installation of a telephone network telecommunication system.

-Interpretation of architectural plans:

-Architectural symbology.

-Identifying spaces.

-Characteristics of the physical spaces.

-Interpretation of electrical planes:

-Electrical symbology.

-Connection Schemes.

-Block Diagrams.

-Listing of materials and tools.

-Measurements and quantities.

-Provision of materials.

2. Mounting racks in telephone network telecommunication systems.

-Interpretation of mechanical planes:


-Projections and profiles.

-Despièce, auxiliary materials.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Fixing systems:

-Identification of fixings types.

-Mount techniques.




-Mount techniques.

-Security regulations.

3. Assembly of pipes and wiring in telephone network telecommunication systems.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Drivers: Types and features, checking.

-Cabling driving systems:

-Choosing the driving system.

-Preparing the driving systems.

-Driving system assembly techniques.

-Selection of equipment and application of safety standards used in the preparation, machining and fixing of driver driving systems.

-Driver's cleft. Labeling and checking.

-Connectorization. Types and techniques, tools. Verification.

-Security regulations.

4. Assembly of equipment in telephone network telecommunication systems.

-Control system equipment assembly:

-Mount and fixation procedures.

-BSC control takeover.


-Auxiliary infrastructures, strength, air conditioning, connection and frames.

-Land and protection installation.

-Mount of transmission and reception equipment:

-Mount and fixation procedures.

-Interconnection with filter racks.

-Connection of nodes.

-Transmission channel via radio links.

-Transmission channel by optical fiber.

-Land and protection installation.

-Assembly of interconnection equipment with telephone network systems.

-Assembly of rectification and battery equipment.

-Assembly of electrogens.

-Equipment and Element Conexion:

-Connectors. Types, features, verification.




-Identification and tagging of equipment and drivers.

-Waste Management.

5. Functional and commissioning tests.

-Access control.

-Monitoring installed items and equipment.

-Configuring parameters.

-Action protocols.

-Measurement teams.

-Parameter measures.


-Checking the grounding.

-Checking the connection lines.

-Security tests.

-Puesta in service.

-Interconnection and cabling documentation.

-Final test report and verifications.



Code: UF1969

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5 and RP6 as regards risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and telephony base stations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk and electromagnetic fields and waves.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension and radiating elements, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize possible the number of elements in voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical and electromagnetic hazards.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Exposition to electromagnetic fields and waves. Thermal effects.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1565_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1565_2 Maintain telephone network telecommunication systems.

Duration: 180 hours.



Code: UF1974

Duration: 70 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3, in terms of maintaining telephone network telecommunication systems.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze a telephone network telecommunication system characterized by its technical documentation.

CE1.1 Identify the type of technology and the elements that configure it, relating the elements of the installation to the symbols that appear on the planes.

CE1.2 Escorch the functional blocks of telephone network telecommunication systems, describing the function and characteristics of each of the blocks that compose it.

CE1.3 Describe the operability of the different blocks, their relationship, interconnection and function in the telephone network telecommunication systems.

CE1.4 Develop a report of the developed activities and results, structuring it appropriately.

C2: Identify the parts that are susceptible to preventive maintenance of the telephone network telecommunication systems and their associated facilities.

CE2.1 Type the preventive maintenance operations performed on the telephone network telecommunication systems and their associated facilities:

-Preventive maintenance of service protection systems (redundant systems)

-Preventive maintenance on transmission systems.

-Preventive maintenance on the switching systems.

-Infrastructure maintenance (power, cooling, protections, Earth, among others).

-Maintenance of the building (alarm systems, fire extinguishers, luminaires and power outlets, among others).

-Enclosure maintenance (cleanup, access among others).

CE2.2 Identify the general techniques and specific means used for preventive maintenance in the telephone network telecommunication systems and their associated facilities.

CE2.3 Locate facilities, equipment, and materials where preventive maintenance should be done.

C3: Apply preventive maintenance techniques and track a telephone network telecommunication system, acting under personal security rules and the materials used.

CE3.1 Inspect the status of each of the equipment and elements of a telephone network telecommunication system where preventive maintenance techniques can be applied.

CE3.2 Select and prepare the materials, equipment, tools and documentation necessary to perform preventive maintenance and follow-up tasks, depending on the equipment to be maintained.

CE3.3 Apply preventive maintenance operations and procedures according to maintenance plan:

-Identify the elements to act on.

-Identify the waste management plan.

-Identify risk factors, associated risks, and measures to be taken.

-Prepare the work area according to the requirements of the operation according to established procedures.

-Use the tools, measurement instruments, and protection equipment set for the activity to be performed.

-Check the general state of media and fixings, among others.

-Perform cleaning operations and check the absence of deformations on equipment, facilities, and accessories.

-Check the connections and continuities of cables, connectors, reglettes, among others, of electrical and communications facilities.

-Check the voltage and state of the batteries and the security and protection elements.

-Replace the item or component indicated in the maintenance plan, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Modify system capacity, updating the "firmware" and hardware required according to the technical documentation, manufacturer's manuals, and network availability requirements.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the team documentation.

-Meet the performance report by collecting the interventions performed and in the format set.


1. Preventive maintenance on telephone network telecommunication systems.

-Preventive maintenance plan.

-Programming of periodic operations of:

-Infrastructure and access security.

Frames and metal structures.

-Radio and control systems and equipment.

-Transmission lines.

-Electrical installations.

-Tomás de tierra.

-Communication and control forms.

-Team book. Maintenance history.

-Identifying and coding tasks.

-Inventory. Identification of equipment.

-Planes, schemas, and sketches.

-Instructions manual.

-Computer applications.

2. Preventive maintenance of the telephone network telecommunication system infrastructure.

-Tools, equipment, measuring instruments and auxiliary technical means.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.

-Criteria and review points.

-Diagnostic techniques. Tests, measures, procedures among others.

-Preventive maintenance on: Building, racks and supports, electrical connection and frames, grounding and protection, air conditioning, etc.

-Replacing items based on their useful life.

-Waste Management.

-Inventory control.

-Reporting and historical breakdowns.

3. Preventive maintenance of radio and control subsystems.

-Tools, equipment, measuring instruments and auxiliary technical means.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.

-Verifying and controlling installed equipment:

-Fixing and holding frames.

-Slots enabled.

-Light indicators.


-Review of distribution power lines to radio equipment.

-Review of cabling and connections.

-Filter review for transmission and receipt.

-Equipment monitoring and monitoring utilities:

-Power levels.

-Technical alarms.

-Historical events.

-Review of the grounding of radio equipment.

-Replacing items based on their useful life.

-Waste Management.



Code: UF1975

Duration: 80 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4, in terms of maintaining telephone network telecommunication systems.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the parts that are susceptible to corrective maintenance on the telephone network communication systems and their associated facilities.

CE1.1 Type the corrective maintenance operations performed on the telephone network communication systems and their associated facilities:

-Transmission systems.

-Switch systems.

-Pipeline systems.

-Infrastructure (power, cooling, protection, grounding, among others).

-Infurniture (detection of alarms, fire extinguishers, luminaires and power outlets, among others).

CE1.2 Identify the general techniques and specific means used for corrective maintenance in the telephone network communication systems and their associated facilities.

CE1.3 Locate facilities, equipment, and materials where corrective maintenance should be done.

C2: Repair breakdowns in telephone network communication systems, according to the technical documentation of the installation and the manufacturer's manuals under personal safety standards and the materials used.

CE2.1 Relate the typology and typical features of the breakdowns in the telephone network communication systems and their facilities associated with the block, elements or dysfunction responsible for the breakdown.

CE2.2 Describe the diagnostic, localization, measurement and specific means used in the location of properly characterized breakdowns in the telephone network communication systems and their facilities associated.

CE2.3 In an assumed, properly characterized, real or simulated breakdown in a telephone network communication system:

-Identify the symptoms of the fault, characterizing it for the effects it produces on the installation.

-hypothesize the possible cause or causes of the breakdown by relating it to the symptoms present in the installation.

-Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

-Select the appropriate tools, tools, and measuring instruments for the necessary interventions, to be performed in the repair of the fault.

-Replace and configure if the element or component responsible for the fault is required, making the necessary interventions.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results, structuring it appropriately for correct documentation of both the process and the results obtained.


1. Documentation for corrective maintenance on telephone network telecommunications systems.

-Corrective maintenance plan.

-Interpretation of drawings, schemas, and sketches.

-Inventory. Identification of equipment.


-Team book. History of breakdowns.

-Checks procedure.

-A breakdown repair report.

-Instructions manual.

-Computer applications.

-Other documents.

2. Diagnosing breakdowns in telephone network telecommunications systems

-Operating parameters. Measures.

-Typology and diagnostics.

-Troubleshooting techniques: At rest, in transmission.

-Identification and description of critical breakdowns in telecommunications systems.

-Hypothesis elaboration according to the symptomatology.

-Intervention plan.

-Equipment and tools.


3. Repair of telephone network telecommunications systems.

-Specific intervention plan.

-Identification of items to replace.

-Replacing elements:

-On the infrastructures.

-On the radio and control subsystems.

-Adjustments and tuning.

-Put-in-service procedures.

-Quality in interventions.

-Personal and team security rules.

-Reporting and historical breakdowns.



Code: UF1969

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3 and RP4, as regards risk prevention and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of network equipment and base stations telephony.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk and electromagnetic fields and waves.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension and radiating elements, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize possible the number of elements in voltage.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks of the job at height.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical and electromagnetic hazards.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Exposition to electromagnetic fields and waves. Thermal effects.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0418

Duration: 80 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Tender cabling for the assembly of telephone base stations and telephone network telecommunication systems characterized by their technical documentation under security rules.

CE1.1 Identify and point in a sketch the locations of the installation elements.

CE1.2 Mark the location of the pipes.

CE1.3 Select the tools based on the procedures applied.

CE1.4 Collaborate on the assembly of the elements, boxes and tubes, ensuring their proper mechanical fixation and aesthetic quality.

CE1.5 Collaborate on cabling.

C2: Install the radiating systems, equipment and auxiliary elements of a telephone base station and telephone network telecommunication systems, characterized by their technical documentation, under security rules.

CE2.1 Select the items, equipment, and materials (anchors, masts, racks, pedestals, transmission, reception, power, among others) to be used in the system assembly.

CE2.2 Help prepare the tools and equipment required for mounting together with individual protective equipment.

CE2.3 Collaborate in the assembly of the auxiliary elements of the antennas (supports, masts, racks, closets, pedestals, among others) applying the appropriate techniques in each case and achieving the aesthetics and the level of security established.

CE2.4 Participate in the labeling of the auxiliary elements of the antennas (supports, masts, among others) following the indications.

CE2.5 Assist in locating, fixing and orienting the radiating elements according to the technical documentation.

CE2.6 Collaborate on fixing the racks and pedestals at the appropriate location, check that they are grounded.

CE2.7 Participate in the fixing of devices and items in their place of location.

CE2.8 Set the equipment (transmission, switching, power, cooling, interconnection, routers, among others) in place of location.

CE2.9 Identify and collaborate in the connection of the conductors to the different elements, ensuring the correct electrical contact after checking the correspondence of the cable and the terminal of the apparatus applying the security rules in force.

CE2.10 Collaborate on equipment tuning and installation metrics and parameters checking.

C3: Diagnose dysfunctions or breakdowns in the equipment and facilities of the telephone base stations and telecommunication systems of the telephone network, locating and identifying them and determining the causes that the produce, by applying the required procedures under security conditions.

CE3.1 Explain the typology and characteristics of the symptoms of the dysfunctions or breakdowns occurring in the telephone base stations and telephone network telecommunication systems.

CE3.2 In a supposed theoretical diagnosis of dysfunctions or breakdowns in a telephone base station or in a telephone network telecommunication system, from the technical documentation:

-Identify the symptoms of the dysfunction or breakdown, characterizing it by the effects it produces and measures taken.

-Assay hypotheses of the cause or causes that may cause dysfunction or breakdown, relating to the symptoms presented by the equipment or system.

-Define the intervention procedure to determine the cause or causes that cause the dysfunction or breakdown.

-Locate the element or equipment responsible for the dysfunction or failure at the appropriate time.

-Develop a report of the activities developed and the results obtained.

C4: Repair previously diagnosed breakdowns or dysfunctions in the telephone base stations or telephone network telecommunication equipment, using the procedures, means and tools under security, with the required quality.

CE4.1 In a practical case of repairing a dysfunction or failure in a telephone base station or telephone network telecommunication system, from the technical documentation:

-Identify the various affected elements and teams in the installation by relating them to the schemas in the technical documentation.

-Collaborate on verifying the installation of the diagnosed symptoms of dysfunction or failure.

-Select the appropriate tools and equipment for the necessary interventions, which must be performed in the repair of the fault.

-Help ensure the absence of danger to people and the installation.

-Participate in the replacement of the deteriorated elements by following the procedure set for restoring the correct operation of the installation.

-Collaborate on making the necessary adjustments of the equipment involved.

-Help verify the reset of functional conditions.

-Develop a report of the activities developed and the results obtained.

-Participate in the application of safety and occupational risk prevention standards.

C5: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Channelings and cabling of telephone base stations and telephone network telecommunications systems.

-Identifying the location in the plane.

-Measurement and preparation of channeling systems, supports, boxes, etc.

-Assembly of elements and devices.

-Assembly of elements, masts, anchors, racks, pedestals, boxes, tubes, bases among others.

-Driver laying procedures.

-Identification and tagging of drivers.

-Waste Management.


2. Installation of equipment from the facilities of telephone base stations and telephone network telecommunications systems.

-Assembly of elements and devices.

-Location and attachment of equipment (antennas, radiating cables, power systems, cooling systems, transmitter-receivers, switching systems among others).

-Radiating systems orientation.

-Equipment and element connection procedures.

-Measure and parameter checking.

-Equipment tuning procedures.

-Waste Management.


3. Preventive maintenance of telephone base stations and telephone network telecommunications systems.

-Preventive maintenance plan.

-Identification of items subject to preventive maintenance.

-Identifying risk factors.

-Measurement tools and appliances.

-Work area preparation procedures.


-Replacement protocol.

-Test and tuning procedures.

-Maintenance management software.


4. Corrective maintenance of telephone base stations and telephone network telecommunications systems.

-Interpretation of breakdowns.

-Intervention plans.

-Work area preparation procedures.

-Measurement tools and appliances.

-Substitution procedures for the elements, components.

-Adjustments and calibrations procedures.

-Maintenance management software.

-Waste Management.


5. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Formative Module

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

No accreditation

MF1562_2: Telephony base station assembly.

{\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1}

\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1 Other equivalent titles.

● Technical superior of the professional family of Electricity and Electronics.

● Certificate of professionalism of level 3 of the professional area of Installations Telecommunications of the professional family of electricity and Electronics.

2 years

5 years

MF1563_2: Maintenance of base stations telephony

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Technician Superior of the professional family of Electricity and Electronics.

● Certificate of professionalism of level 3 of the professional area of Telecommunications Facilities of the professional family of Electricity and Electronics.

2 years

5 years

MF1564_2: Network telecommunication system assembly telephone.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or Title of corresponding grade or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Technician Superior of the professional family of Electricity and Electronics.

● Certificate of professionalism of level 3 of the professional area of Telecommunications Facilities of the professional family of Electricity and Electronics.

2 years


MF1565_2: Telephone network telecommunication system maintenance.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Level 3 Professional Area Professional Area Certificate of Telecommunication Facilities of the Professional Electricity and Electronics Family.

2 years

5 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Workshop of installations telecommunication.



Forming Space













Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment.

-network-installed PCs, projection canon, and internet.

-Specialty-specific software.

-Pizars to write with marker.

- Flip-chart.

-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students

Telecommunication Facilities Workshop.

-Manual tools for electronic-electronic jobs.

-Manual tools for mechanical jobs.

-Machines for mechanical jobs.



-Artificial load.

-Mobile phones.

-Satellite positioning systems.


-Monitor for digital token.

-Power Equipment.

-Power Equipment.

-Cooling Equips.

-Radio controllers.

-Switch teams.

-Pedestals and racks.

-Antennas and radiating cables.

-Supports and masts.

- Welding-desoldering stations.

-Driver junction Kits.

-Elements for cable labeling.

-Optical fiber fusioner.

- Fiber optic cutter.

-Individual and collective protective equipment and elements (gloves, goggles, boots, portable lands, sidewalks, and insulating carpets among others).

-Computer tools for documentation.

-Portable terminal for maintenance.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.




Code: ELES0211

Professional family: Electricity and Electronics.

Professional area: Telecommunication installations.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

ELE483_2 Assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems. (RD 144/2011 of 4 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1566_2: Mounting and maintaining audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

UC1567_2: Mount and maintain transmission systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

General competition:

Assemble and maintain audiovisual and broadcast production systems in fixed installations and mobile units, with the established quality criteria, ensuring comprehensive safety and optimum operating conditions and environmental conservation.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in micro, small, medium and large public and private companies, in the areas of installation and maintenance of audiovisual production systems, transmission centers for radio and television and of mobile, self-employed or self-employed units.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the field of programming and broadcasting activities of radio and television, subactivities for the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual production systems and broadcasting in fixed installations and mobile units.

Occupations and related jobs:

38321058 Signal maintenance technician on television and video.

38321067 Technical on mobile unit links.

Technical assembly and maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

A technician for mounting and maintaining broadcast systems.

Electronic technical equipment for audiovisual equipment.

Electronics and Broadcasting Telecommunications Technician.

Duration of the associated training: 440 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1566_2: Assembly and maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (200 hours)

● UF1976: Assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (90 hours)

● UF1977: Maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (80 hours)

● UF1978: (Transversal) Prevention of risks and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems. (30 hours)

MF1567_2: Mounting and maintaining transmission systems for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units. (190 hours)

● UF1979: Montage of transmission systems for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units. (90 hours)

● UF1980: Maintenance of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units. (70 hours)

● UF1978: (Transversal) Prevention of risks and environmental management in the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems. (30 hours)

MP0419: Module of professional non-working practices for the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems. (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1566_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Montar pipes and accessories in control rooms, plates and operating areas in fixed installations and in mobile units, in conditions of quality and safety, according to the repose and the technical documentation, and complying with the current regulations.

CR1.1 Material collection (canfins, power regts, fastening elements, among others) is adjusted to the technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR1.2 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR1.3 The conditions (civil work, absence of obstacles, among others) of the control rooms, plates or areas of operation are checked by ensuring their suitability for the installation of the pipes and accessories.

CR1.4 The installation repose is in line with plans, work conditions, and technical documentation.

CR1.5 Cabling and wiring elements are mounted according to the manufacturer's instructions and ensuring mechanical restraint and aesthetic quality.

CR1.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP2: Tender and "connect" transmission lines between different technical areas (dishes, control rooms, areas of operation, among others) in fixed installations and in mobile units according to the technical documentation, in quality and safety conditions, and in compliance with current regulations.

CR2.1 Material collection (audio cables, video cables, control cables, connectors, among others) conforms to the specifications of the technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR2.2 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.3 The distribution and type of audio, video, and control cables is adjusted to that indicated in the technical documentation.

CR2.4 The audio, video and control cabling is tended from the signal sources to their respective destinations without modifying the characteristics of the same, respecting the required distances with other facilities and ensuring the aesthetic quality.

CR2.5 Retractile cabling systems are installed on the mobile units according to the manufacturer's requirements and instructions.

CR2.6 Cabling is grouped, marked, and labeled following the established procedure.

CR2.7 The connectors are implanted (welded, crimped, among others) into the cables according to the technical documentation and following manufacturer's specifications.

CR2.8 The cabling features are verified by performing the appropriate testing (continuity, signal quality, among others).

CR2.9 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP3: Mount the equipment supports ("racks", pedestals, panels and connection boxes, among others) and auxiliary elements in the locations of location in fixed installations and in mobile units, in conditions of quality and safety and complying with the current regulations.

CR3.1 Material collection (pedestals, "racks", among others) conforms to the specifications of the technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR3.2 Tools are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.3 The "racks" are mounted and located by consulting the technical documentation (assembly instructions, plans, among others) and contain the necessary elements for the assembly of the equipment (organization of the wiring, feeding, expansion capabilities, cooling, among others).

CR3.4 Consoles, panels, and connection boxes for video and control audio, among others, are mounted and located by consulting the technical documentation.

CR3.5 The media, "racks", pedestals, among others, are labeled following the specifications of the technical documentation and established procedure.

CR3.6 Media and pedestals are mounted and located following the manufacturer's instructions and contain all of the auxiliary elements necessary for the fixing and securing of the equipment.

CR3.7 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP4: Install and connect equipment and system elements (sources, mixers, recorders, among others) in fixed installations and mobile units according to the technical documentation and in quality and safety conditions; and complying with the current regulations.

CR4.1 The characteristics of the electrical boxes and ground shots of control rooms and technical areas, among others, are verified to meet the requirements necessary for the operation of the equipment.

CR4.2 Equipment collection (audio, video, among others) conforms to the specifications of the technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR4.3 The tools and tools are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR4.4 The audio and video equipment and system elements are located and fixed in the indicated order by consulting the manufacturer's manual and technical documentation, ensuring mechanical attachment and aesthetic quality.

CR4.5 Teams are tagged following the established procedure.

CR4.6 Audio and video equipment are connected by following the connection schemes and ensuring the quality of the connection.

CR4.7 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP5: Configure and verify the operation of video and audio equipment and systems in fixed installations and mobile units using the appropriate instruments and equipment to achieve compliance with technical specifications of the installation with the required quality conditions.

CR5.1 The video and audio signals are checked to reach all the equipment and are distributed according to the sources and destinations specified in the technical schemas.

CR5.2 Audio and video equipment are configured according to the parameters indicated in the technical documentation.

CR5.3 The basic functions of the equipment and the installation are verified by starting the same and contrasting its operation with the one indicated by the manufacturer.

CR5.4 The levels of audio, frequency response, distortion, among others, of the sound signals are verified to meet the values specified in the measurement protocols.

CR5.5 The levels and parameters of the video tokens are verified to meet the values specified in the measurement protocols.

CR5.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP6: Maintain audiovisual production systems in fixed installations and mobile units, following established procedures, in conditions of adequate quality, safety and response time.

CR6.1 Preventive maintenance is performed by following established protocols (periodic testing, parameter checking, head cleaning, synchronism adjustment, useful life end element replacement, etc. other).

CR6.2 Corrective maintenance is done by following the protocol set in the maintenance plan.

CR6.3 The dysfunction or failure, the cause that produces it, and the affected elements are determined by functional checking and installation parameters.

CR6.4 The replacement of the deteriorated element is performed using the appropriate mount and dismount sequence and checking that the replaced element is identical or the same characteristics as the broken down.

CR6.5 The extensions, updates, and modifications of the system elements (hardware and software) are made according to the manufacturer's technical and manual documentation.

CR6.6 The configuration of the equipment is modified according to the manufacturer's manual and the client's needs.

CR6.7 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR6.8 The developed work, the replaced elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the repair or modification report.

Professional Context

Production media

Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, among others). Manual tools for electronic/electronic works (pelacables, impact tools, among others). Machines for basic machining work. Measuring instruments and equipment (polymeter, oscilloscope, vumeter, picometer, wiring checker, test generators for video and audio, vectorscope, waveform monitor and monitor for digital signal, among others). BER meter. Elements for identifying cables at tips. Computer tools. Equipment and protective elements.

Products and results

Audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units installed. Maintenance in audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Information used or generated

Planes. Schemes. User manual. Technical service manual. You wake up. A numbered list of cables with source, target, type, and connector specification. Technical documentation. Work orders. Parts of breakdowns. Equipment maintenance protocols. Safety standards. Rules and regulations (REBT). ITU recommendations. Assembly report. Report of measures. Repair report.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1567_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Mounting the auxiliary elements of the antennas in fixed installations and in mobile units in the locations of location according to the procedures established in conditions of quality, safety and compliance with the regulations in effect.

CR1.1 The material collection (supports, fixed or motorized masts, towers, among others) conforms to the project specifications and technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR1.2 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR1.3 Conditions (civil work, absence of obstacles, among others) of the location of media and masts are checked by ensuring their suitability for installation.

CR1.4 Personal and element safety standards are met in all interventions performed.

CR1.5 The supports, fixed or motorized masts, towers, among others, are mounted and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions, checking their fixation, stability, mobility and safety in working conditions (environmental) and allowing the interventions for the assembly and maintenance of the antennas and the structure itself.

CR1.6 The grounding of the structure is verified to comply with the current regulations and is connected if necessary.

CR1.7 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP2: Mount the transmission and reception antennas in fixed installations and mobile units in the locations of location following the established procedures under conditions of quality, safety and compliance with the regulations in effect.

CR2.1 The antenna collection conforms to the project specifications and technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR2.2 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR2.3 Personal and element safety rules are met in all interventions performed.

CR2.4 The antennas are mounted and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions, checking their fixation, stability, mobility and safety in working conditions (environmental) and allowing the interventions for the maintenance.

CR2.5 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP3: Mounting pipes and laying the transmission lines in fixed installations and mobile units, according to the project and technical documentation, in conditions of quality and safety and complying with the current regulations.

CR3.1 Material collection conforms to project specifications and technical documentation, and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR3.2 The installation repose is in line with project plans and specifications and technical documentation.

CR3.3 The channelings and fixing elements of the transmission lines are mounted according to the manufacturer's instructions and ensuring mechanical fastening and aesthetic quality.

CR3.4 The characteristic parameters (isolation, impedance), and distribution of transmission lines are verified to meet the technical documentation.

CR3.5 Transmission lines between antennas and equipment are tended and labeled without modifying the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the antennas.

CR3.6 The technical means, tools and apparatus of measurement are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR3.7 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP4: Install, connect and configure the equipment and elements of the transmission system in fixed installations and mobile units, according to the project and technical documentation in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the rules in force.

CR4.1 Equipment collection (transmission and reception, among others) is in line with project specifications and technical documentation and is distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR4.2 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR4.3 The "racks" are mounted and located by consulting the technical documentation (manufacturer's instructions, project, among others) and contain the necessary elements for the assembly of the equipment (organization of the wiring, feeding, expansion capabilities, cooling, among others).

CR4.4 The transmission and reception equipment (active equipment, deliverymen, diplexers, among others) and system elements are located and fixed in the indicated order and ensuring mechanical attachment.

CR4.5 Teams are tagged following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR4.6 The transmission and reception equipment is connected by following the connection schemes and ensuring the quality of the connection in both fixed and mobile units.

CR4.7 The basic functions of the equipment and the installation are verified by starting the same and contrasting its operation with the one indicated by the manufacturer.

CR4.8 Teams are configured according to the parameters indicated in the technical documentation.

CR4.9 The antennas are oriented and configured according to the technical documentation and getting the signal parameters (PIRE, G/T ratio, ROE, secondary lobes level, among others) to be established.

CR4.10 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work order.

RP5: Maintain radio and television transmission systems, following established procedures, in appropriate quality and safety conditions and response time.

CR5.1 Preventive maintenance is performed by following established protocols (periodic testing, parameter checking, oiling, end-of-life element replacement, among others).

CR5.2 Corrective maintenance is done by following the protocol set in the maintenance plan.

CR5.3 The dysfunction or failure, the cause that produces it, and the affected elements are determined by functional checking and installation parameters.

CR5.4 The replacement of the deteriorated element is performed using the appropriate mount and dismount sequence and checking that the replaced element is identical or of the same characteristics as the broken down.

CR5.5 The extensions, updates, and modifications of the system elements (hardware and software) are made according to the manufacturer's technical and manual documentation.

CR5.6 The configuration of the equipment is modified according to the manufacturer's manual and the client's needs.

CR5.7 Measurement instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR5.8 The developed work, the replaced elements, and the modifications introduced are collected in the repair or modification report.

Professional Context

Production media

Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, fiber-cutter and wire-cutting, among others). Hand tools for electronic electronic works. Machines for mechanical work. Measuring instruments and equipment (Polymeter, frequency meter, earth meter, artificial load, radio communications analyzer, RF Vatimeter and monitor for digital signal, sealing applicator for sealing, ROE meter, among others). BER meter. Elements for identifying cables at tips. Computer tools. Equipment and protective elements.

Products and results

Radio and television transmission systems installed. Radio and television transmission systems in operation.

Information used or generated

Planes. Schemes. You wake up. A numbered list of cables, with source, target, type, and connector specification. Technical documentation. Work orders. Parts of breakdowns. User and technical manuals of the teams. Equipment maintenance protocols. Safety standards. Product catalogues. Rules and Regulations (REBT). UIT-T. Recommendations Assembly report. Report of measures. Repair report. CCIR.




Code: MF1566_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1566_2: Mounting and maintaining audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

Duration: 200 hours.



Code: UF1976

Duration: 90 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, and RP5, as regards the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the fixed and mobile audiovisual production systems, identifying the parts that make up them and the most relevant features of them.

CE1.1 Classify audiovisual production systems (radio, television, music recording, dubbing, among others) according to their functionality, indicating the differences between them.

CE1.2 Describe the functional characteristics of audio production systems by relating them to their characteristic applications.

CE1.3 Describe the functional characteristics of video production systems by relating them to their characteristic applications.

CE1.4 In a practical analysis of an audiovisual production system, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Identify the type of system (audio study, dubbing study, video study, among others) and the elements that configure it, relating the elements of the installation to the symbols that appear on the planes.

-Burn the functional blocks of the audiovisual production system, describing the function and characteristics of each of the blocks that compose it.

-Describe the operability of the different blocks, their relationship and function on the system.

-Develop a report of the developed activities.

C2: Analyse the technical areas of the fixed and mobile audiovisual production systems, identifying the equipment and elements that make up them and the most relevant characteristics of them.

CE2.1 Describe the characteristics of the technical areas (dish, control, post-production, duplication, among others) by relating them to their functionality.

CE2.2 List the teams and elements that make up the technical areas describing their function and general characteristics.

CE2.3 In a practical analysis of the technical areas of an audiovisual production system characterized by its technical documentation:

-Identify the type of system, technical areas, and equipment and elements that configure it, relating the actual components to the symbols that appear in the schemas.

-Escorch the installation in functional blocks, describing the function and characteristics of each of the elements that compose it.

-Identify the function and interconnection of the equipment and elements, describing their technical characteristics.

-Describe the electrical signals and their characteristic parameters in the inputs and outputs of the equipment.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C3: Perform the assembly, laying and connecting of transmission lines in audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, based on their technical documentation.

CE3.1 Describe the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical means, auxiliary and safety means both in fixed installations and in mobile units.

CE3.2 In the laying of transmission lines for the assembly of an audiovisual production system characterized by its technical documentation:

-Identify the spaces by which the installation runs and the elements that make it up (pipes, wiring, and accessories, among others) from the location plans.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas through which the pipes run, interpreting the symbology of the planes and indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

-Identify the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

CE3.3 In the assembly, laying and connecting of transmission lines of an audiovisual production system characterized by its technical documentation:

-Select the items and materials (pipes, anchors, connection boxes, among others) to be used in the system mount.

-Select necessary tools and equipment (crimping tongs, wiring checker, general tool, and machine tools) for mounting.

-Select the documents required for the assembly (drawings, sketches, schemas, cutting, among others) from the technical documentation.

-Use the measurement tools and instruments and the appropriate protection equipment and media for the activity to be performed.

-Repose the installation according to the plans and taking into account possible solutions to contingencies.

-Mounting pipes and pipes by applying the appropriate techniques in each case and getting the right aesthetics.

-Tender the wiring in the pipes without any of its features and labeling it by applying the appropriate technique.

-Implement the connectors on the cables (soldier, crimped, among others) following the manufacturer's instructions.

C4: Perform the assembly of media, equipment and auxiliary elements in audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, based on their technical documentation.

CE4.1 Describe the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical means, auxiliary and safety means both in fixed installations and in mobile units.

CE4.2 In the assembly of an audiovisual production system characterized by its technical documentation:

-Identify spaces for installation of equipment and auxiliary elements (racks, pedestals, panels, and connection boxes, among others) from the location plans.

-Detect the possible difficulties in the mounting zones by interpreting the symbology of the planes and indicating the possible solutions to be adopted.

-Identify the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

CE4.3 In the assembly of equipment, supports and auxiliary elements of an audiovisual production system characterized by its technical documentation:

-Use the measurement tools and instruments and the appropriate protection equipment and media for the activity to be performed.

-Repose the installation according to the plans and taking into account possible solutions to contingencies.

-Mount the "racks", equipment, connection boxes, pedestals and panels, among others, optimizing the available spaces.

-Locate and fix the equipment according to the technical documentation.

C5: Interconnect, configure and verify the operation of equipment in audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, based on their technical documentation.

CE5.1 Conexion equipment (consoles, panels, among others) achieving good electrical contact and no deterioration of connectors.

CE5.2 Check that the different signals reach all the computers and are distributed according to the sources and targets specified in the technical schemas.

CE5.3 In the commissioning of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units:

-Perform the measurements of the parameters (audio and video levels, signal quality, among others) of the installation by contrasting the values obtained with the values indicated in the measurement protocols.

-Adjust the equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions.

-Develop a report of mounting of the developed activities, incidents and results obtained.


1. Audiovisual production facilities.

-Structure and technical equipment of:

-Radio studies.

-TV studios.

-Double-bending studies.


-Functional blocks of the audiovisual production system.

-Characteristics of the technical areas (dish, production control, post-production among others).

-Interpretation of schemas and symbology.

2. Audio production systems.

-The sound, nature, and characteristics.

-Audio signal magnitudes: Sound pressure, wavelength, period, frequency, etc.

-Transmission lines. Types.

-Boxes and connection panels.

-Audio processors (amplifiers, equalizers, signal generators, compressors, etc.): Functions and features.

-Microphones and Acoustic Boxes: Types and Features.

-Audio signal recording systems.

-Audio signal recording media.

-Audio signal recording and playback equipment.

-Audio production systems in mobile units structure and equipment.

3. Video production systems.

-Electronic image.

-The video signal, elements, and features.

-Video technologies. Types, formats, and interface.

-Video production equipment (cameras, monitors, storage, etc.): Operation, technical characteristics and connectivity.

-Video production systems in mobile units and equipment.

4. Assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas:

-Symbology and representation of equipment and pipes.

-Block Diagrams and Connection Schemes.

-Planning for the mount:

-Sequencing mount operations.

-Technical and auxiliary media.

-Cable driving systems:

-Tubes, channels, trays, technical floor, etc.

-Installation techniques.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Boxes and connection panels. Types.

-Elements for location and fixing of equipment (cabinets, racks, desks, etc.).

-Cabling Tend. Identification, marking, labeling.

-Cable connectors: Types and mounting techniques.

-Optical fiber connectors: Types and assembly techniques.

-Assembly and connection of equipment.

5. Verification of audiovisual production facilities.

-Measurement equipment for sound systems (real time analyzers and spectra, reverberation and distortion meters, generators, among others).

-Measures in sound systems (power, distortion, noise signal ratio, among others).

-Image system measurement equipment (waveform monitor, vectorscope, spectra analyzer, among others).

-Measures in imaging systems: Signal levels, chrominance phase, frequency response, distortion, etc.

-Put protocols in service.

-Activities reports developed.



Code: UF1977

Duration: 80 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP6 as regards the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform preventive maintenance of an audiovisual production system according to your technical documentation.

CE1.1 Establish the frequency of preventive maintenance of equipment and system elements from established protocols and the manufacturer's technical documentation.

CE1.2 In the preventive maintenance of an audiovisual production system based on the technical documentation:

-Interpret the protocols to follow from the maintenance plan.

-Use the appropriate tools, measurement instruments, and protective equipment for the activity to be performed.

-accurately perform the actions, inspections, and checks provided for in the maintenance protocol/plan.

-Replace the scheduled item or equipment, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the maintenance plan.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C2: Perform the repair of an audiovisual production system according to your technical documentation.

CE2.1 Describe the usual breakdowns that occur in the audiovisual production systems, determining the cause of the systems and their effects on the system.

CE2.2 Describe the techniques of diagnosis, localization, measurement and the specific means used in the location of properly characterized breakdowns in the audiovisual production systems.

CE2.3 Describe the procedures for each corrective maintenance operation to be performed on computers and system components at the most common breakdowns.

CE2.4 Describe the tools and equipment used in corrective maintenance operations, indicating the manner of use and precautions to be taken into account.

CE2.5 In the diagnosis and location of breakdowns of an audiovisual production system based on the technical documentation:

-Interpret the symptoms of the failure by relating it to the system elements.

-hypothesize the possible causes of the breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the breakdown.

-Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

-Indicate the tests, measures and checks to be performed, specifying the procedures, equipment, and technical and security means to be used.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and the results obtained.

CE2.6 In the repair of a breakdown or dysfunction of an audiovisual production system from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the symptoms of the dysfunction or breakdown by relating it to the system elements.

-hypothesize the possible causes of dysfunction or breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the dysfunction.

-Perform an intervention plan for the detection of the cause or causes of the dysfunction or failure.

-Use the appropriate tools, measurement instruments, and protective equipment for the activity to be performed.

-Replace the broken item or equipment, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C3: Develop documentation for the maintenance and repair of an audiovisual production system according to your technical documentation.

CE3.1 Perform a model document for preventive maintenance plan tracking.

CE3.2 Establish a report model to collect the developed activities and results obtained in corrective maintenance interventions.

CE3.3 Select the technical documentation for the equipment and installation for use in maintenance work.

CE3.4 Update the history of breakdowns and interventions on the computers and on the installation.

CE3.5 Indicate the schedule update procedure for configuration or connection changes due to the installation of new equipment, or substitutions on existing ones.

CE3.6 Plant preventive and/or corrective maintenance measures that may be necessary and/or appropriate for the proper functioning of equipment and/or facilities.


1. Preventive maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

-Preventive maintenance plan.

-Action protocols.

-Elements and control points, verification.

-Service and manufacturer documentation.

-Maintenance actions at each checkpoint:

-Checking for signal quality parameters.

-Cleaning controls and controls.

-Tensions and signal adjustments.

-Cleaning and adjusting mechanical elements.

-"Software" and "firmware" updates.

-Equipment, tools and means of protection.


2. Corrective maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

-Typical Averies, causes, and effects.

-Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques.

-Types of breakdowns (electronic, mechanical, ground failures among others).

-Diagnosis and hypotheses.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Take Action Procedures.

-Equipment and tools used.

-Put protocols in service.

-Personal and system protection measures.

3. Documents for maintenance management

-Service technical documentation for installations and equipment.

-Intervention parts.

-Intervention reports.

-History of breakdowns.

-Inventory of equipment and control points.



Code: UF1978

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5 and RP6 as regards risk prevention and environmental management for the assembly and maintenance of production systems audiovisual and broadcasting.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk and electromagnetic fields and waves.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension and radiating elements, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize the number possible of elements in tension.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion, or special features to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical and electromagnetic hazards.

-Effects of the electrical current on the human body. Determining factors.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Using very low security stresses (MBTS).

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses. Equipotential networks.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Separation of circuits.

-Using very low security stresses (MBTS).

-Exposition to electromagnetic fields and waves. Thermal effects.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1567_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1567_2: mount and maintain transmission systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

Duration: 190 hours.



Code: UF1979

Duration: 90 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4, as regards the assembly of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the transmission systems for radio and television, identifying the equipment, antennas and elements that compose it and the most relevant characteristics of the same.

CE1.1 Classify transmission systems for radio and television (link and broadcast) according to their functionality, indicating the differences between them.

CE1.2 Describe the functional characteristics of radio transmission systems by relating them to their characteristic applications.

CE1.3 Describe the functional characteristics of television transmission systems by relating them to their characteristic applications.

CE1.4 In the analysis of a transmission system for radio and television, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Escorch in functional blocks the system, describing the function and characteristics of each of the elements that make it up.

-Describe the operability of the different blocks, their relationship and function on the system.

-Describe the radio spectrum used in the transmission of radio and television systems.

-List the computers, antennas, and elements that make up the system describing their function and general characteristics.

-Describe the characteristics of the transmission media (coaxial cable, optical fiber, antennas, among others) according to the speed of transmission and scope of application in the installation.

-Describe the optimal layout of the distribution, accessories, and wiring equipment in the racks.

C2: Perform the assembly of masts, supports and antennas in radio and television transmission systems, based on their technical documentation.

CE2.1 Describe the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical means, auxiliary and safety means in both fixed and mobile units.

CE2.2 In the assembly of masts, supports and antennas of a transmission system for radio and television, characterized by the technical documentation:

-Identify the location locations of the media and transmit antennas from the location plans.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties by interpreting the symbology of the planes and indicate possible solutions to be adopted.

-Identify the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

CE2.3 In the assembly of masts, supports and antennas of a transmission system for radio and television, characterized by technical documentation:

-Select the elements and materials (masts, media, anchors, and antennas, among others) to be used in the system mount.

-Select the documents required for the assembly (drawings, sketches, schemas, cutting, among others) from the technical documentation.

-Use the tools, measurement instruments, and protection equipment and media that are appropriate for the activity to be performed.

-Repose the installation according to the plans and taking into account possible solutions to contingencies.

-Mount the auxiliary elements of the antennas (supports, masts, towers, among others) by applying the appropriate techniques in each case and achieving the appropriate aesthetics and level of safety.

C3: Perform the assembly of pipes, equipment supports, and auxiliary elements in transmission systems for radio and television, based on their technical documentation.

CE3.1 Describe the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical means, auxiliary and safety means both in fixed installations and in mobile units.

CE3.2 In the assembly of pipes, equipment supports and auxiliary elements in transmission systems for radio and television, characterized by the technical documentation:

-Select the documents required for the assembly (drawings, sketches, schemas, cutting, among others) from the technical documentation.

-Identify the places where the pipes and equipment supports are located from the location plans.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas where they run and are located, interpreting the symbology of the plans and indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

-Identify the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

CE3.3 In the assembly of pipes, equipment supports and auxiliary elements in transmission system for radio and television, characterized by the technical documentation:

-Repose the installation according to the plans and taking into account possible solutions to contingencies.

-Select the items and materials (pipes, media, anchors, among others) to be used in the system mount.

-Use the tools, measurement instruments, and protection equipment and media that are appropriate for the activity to be performed.

-Mount channelings, supports and auxiliary elements by applying the appropriate techniques in each case and achieving the right aesthetics and level of security.

C4: Performing transmission lines and assembly of equipment in transmission systems for radio and television, based on their technical documentation.

CE4.1 Describe the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical means, auxiliary and safety means both in fixed installations and in mobile units.

CE4.2 In the laying of transmission lines for the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television, characterized by the technical documentation:

-Identify the spaces by which the installation runs and the elements that make it up (pipes, wiring, and accessories) from the location plans.

-Detect the possible difficulties of mounting in the areas by which they run, interpreting the symbology of the plans and indicating the possible solutions that can be adopted.

-Identify the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

C4.3 In the laying of transmission lines and the assembly of equipment of a transmission system for radio and television, characterized by technical documentation:

-Select the elements and materials (pipes, anchors, among others) to be used in the system mount.

-Select the necessary tools and equipment (Een tongs, wiring checker, general tool, and machine tools) for mounting.

-Select the documents required for the assembly (drawings, sketches, schemas, cutting, among others) from the technical documentation.

-Use the tools, measurement instruments, and protection equipment and media that are appropriate for the activity to be performed.

-Tender the wiring in the pipes without any of its features and labeling it by applying the appropriate technique.

-Locate and fix the equipment according to the technical documentation.

C5: Interconnect, configure and verify the operation of equipment in radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units.

CE5.1 Conexion equipment (deliverymen, transmitters, receivers, among others) achieving good electrical contact and no deterioration of connectors.

CE5.2 In the commissioning of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units:

-Adjust the equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions.

-Check that the different signals reach all the equipment and are distributed according to the sources and targets specified in the technical schemas.

-Perform the measurements of the installation parameters (ROE, PIRE, among others) by contrasting the values obtained with the values indicated in the measurement protocols.

-Develop a report of mounting of the developed activities, incidents and results obtained.


1. Transmission facilities for radio and television.

-Structure and technical equipment of radio transmission systems:




-Functional blocks of the radio-transmission system, functions and features.

-Interpretation of schemas and symbology.

2. Transmission systems for radio and television.

-Electromagnetic spectrum. Frequency bands.

-Transmission and propagation of radio waves. Electric and magnetic fields.

-Modulation: concept, modulations used in radio and television.

-Radio and TV transmitters. Function, types, and features.

-Equipment and auxiliary elements (diplexers, distributors, mixers, among others).

-Radiating systems: Types of antennas, parameters of an antenna.

-Cables: Types, parameters.

-Wave guides.

-Electrical supply: generators, SAI.

-Transmission systems for radio and television in mobile units and equipment.

3. Mounting of media, masts and antennas of transmission systems for radio and television.

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas:

-Symbology and representation of masts and antennas.

-Block Diagrams and Connection Schemes.

-Planning for the mount:

-Sequencing mount operations.

-Technical and auxiliary media.

-Repose of the installation.

-Masts and antenna fixing systems:

-Installation techniques.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Assembly of antennas. Alignment and guidance.

4. Assembly of channels, equipment and transmission lines for transmission systems for radio and television.

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas:

-Symbology and representation of equipment and pipes.

-Block Diagrams and Connection Schemes.

-Planning for the mount:

-Sequencing mount operations.

-Technical and auxiliary media.

-Repose of the installation.

-Canalizations. Types.

-Canalization mount procedure.

-Transmission lines. Types.

-Cabling Tend. Identification, marking, labeling.

-Cable connectors: Types and mounting techniques.

-Optical fiber connectors: Types and assembly techniques.

-Elements for location and fixing of equipment (cabinets, racks, media, etc.).

-Assembly and connection of equipment.

-Ground Thomas and electric apantallation.

-Mounting on mobile units.

5. Verification of transmission systems for radio and television.

-Measurement equipment of radio frequency transmission systems (directional vatimeter, spectra analyser, field intensity meter, among others).

-Measures in transmission systems (measurement and adjustment of channels, power, field strength, ROE, PIRE, BER, among others).

-Put protocols in service.

-Activities reports developed.



Code: UF1980

Duration: 70 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP5 for the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform preventive maintenance of a transmission system for radio and television according to your technical documentation.

CE1.1 Establish the frequency of preventive maintenance of equipment and system elements from established protocols and the manufacturer's technical documentation.

CE1.2 In the preventive maintenance of a transmission system for radio and television from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the protocols to follow from the maintenance plan.

-Use the appropriate tools, measurement instruments, and protective equipment for the activity to be performed.

-accurately perform the actions, inspections, and checks provided for in the maintenance protocol/plan.

-Replace the scheduled item or equipment, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Perform the necessary tests, measures, and adjustments as specified in the maintenance plan.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C2: Perform the repair of a transmission system for radio and television according to your technical documentation.

CE2.1 Describe the usual breakdowns that occur in the transmission systems for radio and television, determining the cause of the same and its effects on the system.

CE2.2 Describe the diagnostic, localization, measurement and specific means used in the location of properly characterized breakdowns in radio and television transmission systems.

CE2.3 Describe the procedures for each corrective maintenance operation to be performed on computers and system components at the most common breakdowns.

CE2.4 Describe the tools and equipment used in corrective maintenance operations, indicating the manner of use and precautions to be taken into account.

CE2.5 In the diagnosis and location of breakdowns of a transmission system for radio and television from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the symptoms of the failure by relating it to the system elements.

-hypothesize the possible causes of the breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the breakdown.

-Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

-Indicate the tests, measures and checks to be performed, specifying the procedures, equipment, and technical and security means to be used.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and the results obtained.

CE2.6 In a breakdown or dysfunction of a transmission system for radio and television from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the symptoms of the dysfunction or breakdown by relating it to the system elements.

-hypothesize the possible causes of dysfunction or breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the dysfunction.

-Perform an intervention plan for the detection of the cause or causes of the dysfunction or failure.

-Use the appropriate tools, measurement instruments, and protective equipment for the activity to be performed.

-Replace the broken item or equipment, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.


1. Preventive maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television.

-Preventive maintenance plan.

-Frequency of maintenance.

-Action protocols.

-Elements and checkpoints and verification points.

-Service and manufacturer documentation.

-Maintenance actions at each checkpoint:

-Checking for signal quality parameters.

-Cleaning connections and antennas.

-Tensions and signal adjustments.

-Tuning channels.

-Diplexer settings.

-"Software" and "firmware" updates.

-Equipment, tools and means of protection.


2. Corrective maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television.

-Typical Averies in broadcast systems for radio and television, causes and effects.

-Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques.

-Types of breakdowns (electronic, mechanical, ground failures among others).

-Diagnosis and hypotheses.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Take Action Procedures.

-Equipment and tools used.

-Put protocols in service.

-Personal and system protection measures.

3. Documents for maintenance management

-Service technical documentation for installations and equipment.

-Intervention parts.

-Intervention reports.

-History of breakdowns.

-Inventory of equipment and control points.



Code: UF1978

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4 and RP5 as regards risk prevention and environmental management for the assembly and maintenance of production systems audiovisual and broadcasting.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Apply preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Adopt the prevention and safety measures necessary for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the face of electrical risk and electromagnetic fields and waves.

CE3.1 Disconnect the part of the installation in which the job is to be performed, verifying the absence of tension in all the active elements of the electrical installation.

CE3.2 Perform maneuvers, measurements, tests, and verifications, using protective equipment to perform established operations.

CE3.3 Determine the feasibility of the operations to be carried out before starting the work in the vicinity of elements in tension and radiating elements, taking the necessary safety measures to minimize the number possible of elements in tension.

CE3.4 Analyze sites at risk of fire or explosion, or special features to comply with established regulations.


1. Basic concepts about safety and health at work.

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention.

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

3. Acting in emergencies and evacuation.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

4. Electrical and electromagnetic hazards.

-Effects of the electrical current on the human body. Determining factors.

-Types of electrical accidents.

-Direct contacts:

-Direct contact with two active drivers for a line.

-Direct contact with an active line and mass or ground conductor.

-Download by induction.

-Direct contact protection:

-Removing the active parts.

-Interposition of obstacles.

-Recovering the active parts.

-Using very low security stresses (MBTS).

-Indirect contacts:

-Puesta a land of the masses. Equipotential networks.

-Double isolation.

-differential switch.

-Separation of circuits.

-Using very low security stresses (MBTS).

-Exposition to electromagnetic fields and waves. Thermal effects.

-Take action in case of accident.

-Security rules:

-Jobs without tension.

-Tension jobs.

-Security material.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0419

Duration: 80 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the installation of pipes and the laying and connectoring of transmission lines in audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, based on their technical documentation.

CE1.1 In the assembly of pipes, supports and auxiliary elements in audiovisual production systems:

-To intervene in the process of identification of the spaces by which the installation and the elements that compose it (pipes, supports and auxiliary elements (racks, pedestals, panels and boxes of connection, between other) from the location plans.

-Participate in the repose of the facility according to the plans and taking into account possible solutions to contingencies.

-Contribute to the selection of the elements and materials (pipes, anchors, connection boxes, among others) to be used in the system assembly.

-Assist in the use of tools and measuring instruments, and the means and protective equipment suitable for the activity to be performed.

-Collaborate on the pipe and pipe assembly by applying the appropriate techniques in each case and achieving the right aesthetics.

CE1.2 In the assembly, laying and connecting of transmission lines for the assembly of an audiovisual production system characterized by its technical documentation:

-Participate in the selection of necessary tools and equipment (crimping tongs, wiring checker, general tool, and machine tools) for mounting.

-To intervene in the selection of the necessary documents for the assembly (drawings, sketches, schemes, cutting, among others) from the technical documentation.

-Participate in the wiring of the wiring in the unmerited pipes of its characteristics and labeling it by applying the appropriate technique.

-Contribute to the implantation of connectors on the cables (soldier, crimped, among others) following the manufacturer's instructions.

C2: Perform the masts, antennas and channelings and the laying of transmission lines in transmission systems for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, based on their technical documentation.

CE2.1 In the assembly of masts and antennas in transmission systems for radio and television audiovisual production:

-To intervene in the process of identification of the locations of the installation and the elements that compose it (masts, supports, antennas and auxiliary elements) from the planes.

-Participate in the repose of the facility according to the plans and taking into account possible solutions to contingencies.

-Contribute to the selection of items and materials to be used in the system mount.

-Assist in the use of tools and measuring instruments, and the means and protective equipment suitable for the activity to be performed.

-Collaborate in the assembly of masts and antennas by applying the appropriate techniques in each case and getting the right orientation.

CE2.2 In the assembly of channelling and laying of transmission lines for the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Participate in the selection of tools and equipment required (general tool, machine-tools, enspend tongs, among others) for mounting.

-Assist in and assembly of cable management systems and media for equipment.

-To intervene in the selection of the necessary documents for the assembly (drawings, sketches, schemes, cutting, among others) from the technical documentation.

-Participate in the wiring of the wiring in the unmerited pipes of its characteristics and labeling it by applying the appropriate technique.

-Contribute to the installation of connectors on the cables by following the manufacturer's instructions.

C3: Mounting, connecting and verifying the operation of equipment in audiovisual and broadcast production systems for radio and television, in studios, fixed installations and mobile units from their documentation technique.

CE3.1 Support in the process location and assembly of the equipment according to the technical documentation.

CE3.2 Collaborate on the connection of the equipment (consoles, panels, among others) achieving good electrical contact and without deterioration of the connectors.

CE3.3 Participate in checking that the different signals reach all the computers and are distributed according to the sources and targets specified in the technical schemas.

CE3.4 Intervening in the commissioning of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units:

-Collaborate on the measurement of parameters (levels of audio and video, levels of field intensity, ROE, frequencies, BER, signal quality, among others) of the installation contrasting the values obtained with the values indicated in the measurement protocols.

-Assist in fitting the equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions.

-Assist in the pointing and orientation of antennas

-Develop a report of mounting of the developed activities, incidents and results obtained.

C4: Perform preventive maintenance of an audiovisual production and transmission system for radio and television according to their technical documentation.

CE4.1 Cooperate in tracking maintenance plan protocols.

CE4.2 Participate in the performance of the actions, inspections and checks provided for in the maintenance protocol/plan.

CE4.3 Assist in the process of replacing the scheduled item or equipment, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

CE4.4 Collaborate on performing the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the maintenance plan.

CE4.5 Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C5: Perform the repair of an audiovisual and broadcast production system for radio and television according to their technical documentation.

CE5.1 Help interpret the symptoms of dysfunction or breakdown by linking it to system elements.

CE5.2 Contribute to the formulation of the possible causes of dysfunction or breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the dysfunction.

CE5.3 Collaborate on the concretion of an intervention plan for the detection of the cause or causes of the dysfunction or breakdown.

CE5.4 Assist in replacing the broken item or equipment, making the necessary interventions for such replacement.

CE5.5 Participate in performing the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

CE5.6 Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C6: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE6.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE6.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE6.3 Diligently undertake tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the company's work rate.

CE6.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE6.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Mounting of pipes, laying, and connectoring.

-Identifying the elements that make up the installation from the drawings and schemas.

-Assembly of cable-driving systems.

-Tend and cable identification.

-Mounting connectors on cables.

-Teams and tools.

2. Mounting of masts and antennas.

-Identifying the elements that make up the installation from the drawings and schemas.

-Assembly of masts and antennas.

-Tend of transmission lines.

-Antenna Orientation.

-Teams and tools.

3. Assembly, connection, and verification of equipment.

-Equipment location.

-Team Conexion.

-Puesta in service.

-Measurement of the various parameters specified in the documentation.

-System configuration and verification.


4. Maintenance of audiovisual production and radio transmission systems.

-Preventive maintenance plan.

-Performance frequency.

-Corrective maintenance.

-Localization of typical breakdowns.

-Take Action Procedures.

-Teams and tools.

-Substitute procedures.

-Tuning the equipment according to the technical documentation.

-Making performance reports and results.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Formative Module

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

No accreditation

MF1566_2: Assembly and Maintenance of Audiovisual Production Systems in Studies and mobile units.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer or Architect Technician or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Senior Technical and Electrical Family of Electricity and Electronics.

● Certificate of professionalism Level 3 of the professional area of Telecommunications Facilities of the family Electricity and Electronics Professional

2 years

5 years

MF1567_2: Assembly and maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalent.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer or Technical Architect or the title of corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

● Senior Technical and Electrical Family Technician.

● Area Level 3 Professional Certificate Professional Electricity and Electronics Family Telecommunication Facilities

2 years

5 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Workshop of installations telecommunication.



Forming Space







Forming Space


-Audio-visual equipment.

-Network-installed PCs, projection canon, and internet.

-Specialty specific software.

-Pizars to write with marker.

- Flip-chart.

-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students

-Manual tools for mechanical jobs.

-Tools for marking and reposing.

-Manual tools for electronic-electronic jobs.

-Machines for basic machining jobs.

-Elements for cable labeling.

-Equipment for splicing or connection in field for fibre optical.





-Checkers cabling.

-Test Generators for video and audio.


-waveform monitors.

-Monitor for digital signal.

-Meters of Audio-frequency impedance.

-Spectrum Analyzer.

-Field Inline Meter.

-Communications Analyzer.


-Generators of radio frequency.

-Selective Optical Power Gauge.

-Optical Fiber Tester

-Computer Tools for Performing documentation.

-Equipment and protective elements.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.




Code: ELEM0111

Professional family: Electricity and electronics

Professional area: Electromechanical machines.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

ELE550_2 Mount and maintenance of domotic and inmodic systems (RD 559/11, April 20)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1818_2: Mount domotic and inmotic systems

UC1819_2: Maintain domotic and inmotic systems.

General competition:

To assemble and maintain domotic and inmotic systems, applying the techniques and procedures required in each case, achieving the quality criteria, fulfilling the plans of prevention of occupational and environmental risks the company, and the current application regulations.

Professional Environment:

Professional Scope

Develops its professional activity in small, medium and large companies, public and private, both self-employed, in the areas of assembly and maintenance of electrical installations, depending, if necessary, functional and hierarchically of a superior and being able to have at his personal level lower level.

Productive Sectors

It is located in the field of automation of housing and buildings, in the activities of assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic equipment and systems.

Relevant occupations and jobs

Home Home Installer.

Immotic Building Installer.

Domotic and inmotic maintenance technician.

Duration of the associated training: 480 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1818_2: Mounting of domotic and inmotic systems. (210 hours)

● UF1951: Assembly of control boxes and electrical and electronic devices of the domotic and inmotic systems. (90 hours)

● UF1952: Installation and commissioning of domotic and inmotic systems. (90 hours)

● UF1953: (Transversal) Safety and environmental protection in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems. (30 hours)

MF1819_2: Maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems (180 hours)

● UF1954: Preventive maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems. (80 hours)

● UF1955: Diagnosis of breakdowns and corrective maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems. (70 hours)

● UF1953: (Transversal) Safety and environmental protection in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems. (30 hours)

MP0414: Non-work practices module of the Certificate of Assembly and Maintenance of Domotic And Inmotic Systems (120 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1818_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP 1: Make the collection of materials, tools and equipment necessary for the assembly of the domotic or inmotic system from the technical documentation and instructions received, and in conditions of quality, safety and complying with the current regulations.

CR 1.1 The materials, tools and equipment are selected according to the specifications of the technical documentation (manufacturer's manual, project, among others).

CR 1.2 Materials, tools, and equipment are proven to be in perfect conditions of use.

CR 1.3 The measuring devices are checked to be the ones established, adjusted and with the corresponding calibration certificate in force when required by the regulations.

CR 1.4 The organization of materials and equipment conforms to the assembly plan.

CR 1.5 Materials, tools and equipment are transported in material and personal safety conditions.

CR 1.6 Individual protective equipment is selected on the basis of existing safety conditions and procedures in the workplace by checking in the same way for any defects or anomalies that may occur. entangle a loss of its protective efficacy.

CR 1.7 Personal and element safety rules are met in the operations performed.

RP 2: Install the control cabinets and control boxes of the domotic and inmotic systems in the locations indicated in the technical project, following the procedures set out in the technical documentation and instructions received, and in conditions of quality, safety, environmental compliance and complying with the current regulations.

CR 2.1 The installation infrastructure (civil work, electrical installation, envelope, among others) is verified to be the ideal for the installation to be mounted.

CR 2.2 The wrappers (cabinets, frames, desks, among others) are located and fixed according to the technical documentation.

CR 2.3 The protection, control and control elements (differentials, power supplies, control modules, among others) are checked to meet project specifications and technical documentation.

CR 2.4 Protection, command and control elements are identified and distributed according to the assembly plan.

CR 2.5 The measuring instruments and tools are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR 2.6 The elements of protection, maneuver and control are mounted and installed according to the technical documentation, verifying their fixation, position and safety in working conditions and allowing the interventions for the maintenance.

CR 2.7 The elements of protection, maneuver and control are labelled using the indicated support and ensuring their durability and legibility.

CR 2.8 The developed work and the modifications introduced are collected in the mount report.

CR 2.9 Operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

RP 3: Tender the cable management systems, accommodate and connect the wiring of the domotic and inmotic systems, following the established procedures according to the technical documentation and instructions received, in conditions of quality, safety, environmental compliance and complying with current regulations.

CR 3.1 The testing and measurement tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR 3.2 The cable management systems (trays, gutters, tubes, among others) are based on plans and schemes.

CR 3.3 The distribution and type of the cables (power, signal, and communications bus) is in accordance with the technical documentation and the established procedure.

CR 3.4 The cabling is tended without modifying the characteristics of the same, respecting the distances required with other installations, using the cable management system for its use and ensuring the aesthetic quality.

CR 3.5 Wiring features are verified by performing the testing tests (continuity, isolation, signal quality, among others).

CR 3.6 The developed work and the modifications introduced are collected in the mount report.

CR 3.7 Operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

CR 3.8 The generated waste is collected according to the established waste management plan.

RP 4: Install and parameterize the equipment and devices of the domotic and inmotic system, according to the technical documentation and in conditions of quality, safety and compliance with the current regulations.

CR 4.1 The testing and measurement tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR 4.2 Equipment and devices (sensors, actuators, SOS pulsators, among others) of the system are located and fixed in the order indicated in the technical documentation and ensuring mechanical attachment.

CR 4.3 Equipment and devices are labeled following the project and procedure specifications set.

CR 4.4 Equipment and devices are connected by following connection schemes, ensuring the quality of connection and communication with internal or external networks.

CR 4.5 Equipment power is connected by following the technical documentation.

CR 4.6 Equipment and devices are parameterized from the technical documentation (project, technical manuals, and product manuals).

CR 4.7 Functional tests are performed by following the established procedure.

CR 4.8 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the work report.

CR 4.9 Operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

CR 4.10 The generated waste is collected according to the established waste management plan.

RP 5: Intervening, at the level of the application of the domotic and inmotic systems, according to the technical documentation, instructions received and the manufacturer's standards, applying the procedures, means of safety established and complying with current regulations.

CR 5.1 The necessary technical documentation (project, technical manuals and product manuals) is collected for use in commissioning.

CR 5.2 The measuring devices are checked to be adequate, adjusted and with the corresponding calibration certificate in force when required by the regulations.

CR 5.3 System startup is performed by ensuring, among others:

-The indicated power values of the electrical elements.

-The reception/transmission of input/output signals in sensors and actuators.

-The operation of mobile devices (engines, actuators, among others) and the absence of elements that interfere with their travel.

-The status of the system or system indicators corresponds to your actual situation.

-The startup sequence is in accordance with what is indicated in the project.

-The information provided by the user interface units is indicated and corresponds to the actual state of the computer or system.

-The parameters of the system devices are within the established performance ranges, adjusting them if necessary and following the procedures indicated in the corresponding manuals.

-The security systems of the computer operate correctly, according to the manufacturer's indications and current rules of application.

CR 5.4 The functional system check is performed according to the test plan and the scheduled scene.

CR 5.5 System restoration after an electrical power outage occurs at a duration less than or equal to that declared by the manufacturer or integrator.

CR 5.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the report of the work order or mount.

CR 5.7 Personal and element safety rules are met in the operations performed.

RP 6: Intercome, at your level, in the delivery of the installation to the customer, according to the technical documentation and instructions received.

CR 6.1 User manual information, installer manuals, among others, is collected and delivered to the end user of the installation.

CR 6.2 The technical, operational, and functional characteristics (among others) of the system are clearly transmitted to users.

CR 6.3 End-user modifiable parameters are explained by simple demonstrations according to the manufacturer or integrator's instructions.

CR 6.4 The action measures in case of contingency are explained to system users.

CR 6.5 Technical documentation is delivered to users, taking into account current regulations.

RP 7: To intervene, at the level, in the elaboration of the technical documentation in the assembly of the domotic and inmotic systems, in the support and means established.

CR 7.1 The technical features of the installation are accurately collected in the appropriate document.

CR 7.2 The necessary information (location and distribution of the system, technical characteristics of the equipment and devices) for the preparation of the documentation was collected in good time.

CR 7.3 The sketches and schemas of the adopted solutions describe control and control circuits, and require the location of the installed devices.

CR 7.4 The documentation collects calculations, plans, schemes, lists of materials and other documents in number and form.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, among others). Manual tools for electronic and electronic work (tenaza and fiber cutting, among others). Machines for mechanical work. Measuring instruments (phase checker, network certifier, polymeter, oscilloscope, wiring checker, among others). Computer tools. Equipment and protective elements.

Products and results:

Domotic and inmotic systems installed. Domotic and inmotic systems in operation. Installation delivered to the client. Elaborate technical documentation.

Information used or generated:

Drawings and schemes for assembly, situation and connection. You wake up. Project documentation. Work orders. Technical working protocols. User manuals. Installer Manual. Technical service manual. Standards for quality control. Product catalogues. Regulations. Albaranes. Invoices. Budgets. Assembly report. Legislation and standards on safety and risk prevention.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1819_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Apply the preventive maintenance program of the domotic and inmotic systems, reviewing the operating conditions of the installation and its elements, in the established deadlines and response times, from of the technical documentation and instructions received, and in conditions of quality, safety, environmental compliance and complying with the current regulations.

CR 1.1 Technical manuals for equipment, installation and accessories are consulted, where necessary, in maintenance interventions.

CR 1.2 The technical means, tools and apparatus of measurement are the appropriate and are used according to the requirements of each intervention, must be adjusted and with the corresponding certificate of calibration in force when the requires the regulations.

CR 1.3 Preventive maintenance operations are performed following the maintenance plan.

CR 1.4 Maintenance is done by following established protocols and taking into account, among others:

-The external cleaning and absence of deformations in the equipment, installation and accessories.

-The connections and continuities of cables, connectors, reglettes, among others, both electrical power and communications.

-The functionality and adjustment of the protection, control and control elements (differentials, sensors, keyboards, among others).

-The functionality of the system security devices.

-The functionality of sensors and actuators (presence, temperature, engines, among others).

-The parameterization of the system devices.

CR 1.5 The impairments observed in maintenance are communicated to the maintainer.

CR 1.6 The work order of the intervention carried out is completed in the corresponding format indicating the substituted elements, the modifications introduced and the actions carried out, among others, for incorporation into the installation history.

CR 1.7 Operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the occupational risk prevention and environmental protection plan.

CR 1.8 The generated waste is collected according to the established waste management plan.

RP 2: Diagnose, in the field of their competence, the dysfunctions or breakdowns produced in the domotic and inmotic systems, from the detected symptoms, information from the manufacturer and history of breakdowns, complying with the times established to satisfy service level agreements, in quality, security and enforcement conditions.

CR 2.1 Initial tests or observations make it possible to verify the symptoms of dysfunction or breakdown in the work order and are contrasted with the history of breakdowns.

CR 2.2 The diagnosis and location of the malfunction or malfunction is performed using the technical documentation of the installation, when necessary, with the appropriate measuring tools and devices, applying the procedure set and under security conditions.

CR 2.3 The starting hypothesis and the elaborate action plan allow you to accurately diagnose and locate the broken device (sensor, actuator, controller, among others) as well as the cause that produces it.

CR 2.4 Repair possibilities or their transfer to the controller are evaluated and priorities are set based on the level of risk of the repair and the availability of the facility's use.

CR 2.5 The impairments observed in the diagnosis are communicated to the person responsible.

CR 2.6 The developed work is collected in the repair report.

CR 2.7 The personal and element safety rules are met in the operations performed.

RP 3: Repair the disfunctions or breakdowns diagnosed in the domotic and inmotic systems, in function of the established times and the contingency situations, optimizing the available resources, in quality conditions, security, environmental compliance, complying with current regulations and service level agreements.

CR 3.1 Interventions for the repair of dysfunctions or breakdowns are performed in compliance with the industry application regulations.

CR 3.2 Technical manuals for equipment, installation and accessories are consulted, where necessary, in corrective actions.

CR 3.3 The technical means, tools and apparatus of measurement are appropriate and are used according to the requirements of each intervention.

CR 3.4 The measuring devices are checked to be adequate, adjusted and with the corresponding calibration certificate in force when required by the regulations.

CR 3.5 The replacement of the deteriorated element (mechanisms, control module, connectors, among others) is performed using the disassembly and assembly sequence recommended by the manufacturer ensuring that it is identical or compatible with the broken down and does not alter any mandatory standards.

CR 3.6 The parameterization of the replaced devices is performed according to the technical manual of the installation.

CR 3.7 The reception and transmission of the input and output signals is verified by ensuring its functional integration in the installation according to requirements.

CR 3.8 The extensions and updates made are verified that do not alter the intended purpose or the initial quality conditions marked by the manufacturer and comply with applicable regulations.

CR 3.9 The work order of the intervention is completed in the corresponding format and verifying the compliance of the services involved.

CR 3.10 The operations are carried out on the basis of quality criteria and in accordance with the plan for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

CR 3.11 The waste generated is collected according to the waste management plan.

RP 4: Collaborate in the commissioning of the domotic and inmotic systems, according to the technical documentation and standards of the manufacturer, applying the established procedures and means of safety, and complying with the regulations in effect.

CR 4.1 The necessary technical documentation (project, technical manuals, and product manuals) is collected for use.

CR 4.2 The measuring devices are checked to be adequate, adjusted and with the corresponding calibration certificate in force when required by the regulations.

CR 4.3 The commissioning of the equipment or installation is made from the technical documentation.

CR 4.4 Installation service is performed by ensuring:

-The indicated power values of the electrical elements.

-The operation of mobile systems (engines, actuators, among others) and the absence of elements that interfere with their travel.

-The reception/transmission of input/output signals in sensors and actuators.

-The status of the system or system indicators corresponds to the actual situation of the machine or equipment.

-The startup sequence is in accordance with what is indicated in the project.

-The information provided by the user interface units is indicated and corresponds to the actual state of the machine or equipment.

-The parameters of the system devices are within the established performance ranges, adjusting them if necessary and following the procedures indicated in the corresponding manuals.

-The security systems of the computer operate correctly, according to the manufacturer's indications and current rules of application.

-Setting, calibrating, and configuring the replaced items according to the specifications in the technical documentation.

CR 4.5 The functional system check is performed according to the technical documentation.

CR 4.6 The work developed and the modifications introduced are collected in the report of the work order or assembly.

CR 4.7 Personal and element safety rules are met in the operations performed.

Professional context:

Production media:

Manual tools for mechanical work (pliers, screwdrivers, among others). Manual tools for electronic and electronic work (tenaza and fiber cutting, among others). Machines for mechanical work. Measuring instruments (phase checker, network certifier, gauge, polymeter, oscilloscope, wiring checker, among others). Computer tools. Equipment and protective elements. Maintenance management software. History of breakdowns. Book of the installation. Warehouse book.

Products and results:

Domotic and inmotic systems diagnosed. Maintenance in domotic and inmotic systems. Domotic and inmotic systems in operation.

Information used or generated:

Mount, situation and connection plans and schemes. Maintenance manual. Installer Manual. User's manual. Technical service manual. You wake up. Project documentation. Work orders. Technical protocols for action. Parts of breakdowns. Standards for the maintenance of equipment. Standards for quality control. Product catalogues. Regulations. Albaranes. Invoices. Budgets. Maintenance report. Legislation and standards on safety and risk prevention. History of breakdowns. Book of the installation. Warehouse book.




Code: MF1818_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1818_2: Mount domotic and inmotic systems

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1951

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the domotic and inmotic systems, identifying the parts that compose them and the most relevant characteristics of them from technical documentation.

CE1.1 Identify the parts and elements that configure the installations by analyzing the operation, features, and application regulations.

CE1.2 Relate the elements (sensors, detectors, control devices, actuators, among others) that consists of the installation with the function they perform and their applications.

CE1.3 Identify the location of the installation elements based on the application areas and using the appropriate symbology from the execution plans.

CE1.4 From the schema of an installation of a domotic or inmotic system:

-Relate the symbols of the elements that make up the system with the actual element.

-Interpret the schema by describing the operation.

CE1.5 In a scenario of analysis of a domotic or inmotic system, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Identify the computers and elements that configure the system, interpreting the technical documentation, and relating the actual components to the symbols that appear in the schemas.

-Describe the operating logic of the installation based on the elements that make up each circuit, using the electrical schemes and checking it through the functional analysis of the installation.

-Verify that the sensors, control equipment, actuators, and auxiliary elements that make up the installation meet the requirements set out in the documentation.

-Determine the variation that occurs in the operation of the installation, assuming modifications to the parameters of the elements and verifying it functionally over the installation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

CE1.6 Relate the teams and media with the associated risk factors.

C2: Perform installation and assembly operations on frames, cabinets and desks, and apply control, maneuver, and protection element mounting techniques for a domotic or inmotic system from drawings and schemas.

CE2.1 Describe the mounting phases by indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical means, auxiliary and security means.

CE2.2 Develop the schema that responds to the optimal operating conditions using the representation symbology, given the specifications of the installation.

CE2.3 In a practical case of mounting, with real elements of control, maneuver and protection in a frame of a domotic or inmotic system, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Mount the control equipment and the power, protection, and maneuver elements by following the element distribution plane.

-Cabling and connect the different devices following the electrical power and control schemes, the applicable regulations, ensuring the reliability of the connections and achieving the proper aesthetics.

-Identify devices by following the technical documentation.

-Check the sequence and operating conditions set.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C3: Perform location and assembly operations of equipment, devices, and cabling on a domotic or inmotic system, from drawings, schemas, and assembly manuals.

CE3.1 Describe the mounting phases indicating the necessary devices, materials, technical means, auxiliary and security means.

CE3.2 In a practical scenario of mounting a domotic or inmotic system, from the technical documentation:

-Identify the location of the installation and the elements that make it up (frames, pipes, wiring, sensors, actuators, auxiliary elements, among others).

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas by which the cable management systems run, and in the location of tables and elements, interpreting the plans and proposing solutions to solve these problems contingencies.

-Detect the possible mounting and orientation difficulties of wireless devices by checking the connectivity of wireless devices.

-Select the elements and materials to be used (cabinets, tables, sensors and actuators, cables and cable management systems, among others) from technical information (commercial catalogues, inventory of store, among others).

-Select the tools, measurement instruments, and protective equipment required for the activity to be performed.

CE3.3 In a practical case of mounting, with real elements, of a domotic and inmotic system, from the technical documentation:

-Mounting cable management systems by applying the right techniques in each case and getting the right aesthetics.

-Tender the wiring in the cable management systems, without any of its technical characteristics, marking it in an unmistakable way and following the established procedure.

-Mount the cabinets, frames, sensors and actuators, among others, in their locations, following the manufacturer's instructions and getting the right aesthetics.

-Interconnect the power and control elements with the sensors, actuators, and auxiliary modules, among others, ensuring the reliability of the connections and achieving the proper aesthetics.

-Connect the system to the internal or external communication network by ensuring the quality of the connection.

-Use the equipment and media in the interventions to be performed.

CE3.4 In a practical case of checking the operation of an assembly of a domotic or inmotic system, with real elements, from the technical documentation:

-Configure and parameterize control elements, devices, sensors, and actuators, using the specific programming language, according to the functional specifications of the installation.

-Verify that the installation operation responds to the given control program and specifications.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results, structuring it appropriately.


1. Fundamental elements for the assembly of the domotic and inmotic systems

-Classification of domotic and inmotic systems:

-Transmission medium.


-Level of domotization according to current regulations. Facilities for domotic systems in dwellings. General installation and assessment requirements.

-Domotic and inmotic, application fields:

-Security areas.

-Management of comfort.

-Energy management.


-Components of a control system.

-Elements and devices for domotic and inmotic systems:




-Communications devices.

-Auxiliary and interface elements.

-Systems by carrier streams:





-Systems with specific cabling. Two-thread bus system.



-Transmission media. Communication by bus and wireless

-Programming tools.

-Sensors used in domotic and inmotic systems:












-Motion detectors.

-Actuators used in domotic and inmotic systems:

-Rels and contactors.


-Variators for engines.



-Electronic Electronics.

-blinds and awnings.

-Light Regulators.

-Communications devices used in domotic and inmotic systems.

-Devices that connect to providers and communication networks, fixed and mobile networks.

-Auxiliary and interface elements used in domotic and inmotic systems:



-Command Pipitres.





-Power systems.

-Electrical safety items and equipment.

-Standard symbology of representation of domotic and inmotic systems.

-Regulations and regulations applicable to domotic and inmotic systems.

2. Techniques for mounting the devices of the domotic and inmotic systems

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas

-Installation Regulations (Electrotechnical Regulation for Low Tension)

-Cable driving systems:

-Mount features

-Degree of protection

-Land in case that is required by the regulations.

-Transmission media:

-Optical lines

-Cable and wireless communication networks.

-Communications bus.



-Display screens.

-Location techniques and deployment of wrappers.

-Precautions on the placement of sensors, antennas, among others.

-Electrical protection devices (Automatic switches, differential switches, etc.).

-Mount bases:

-Choosing the materials


-Distribution of elements

-Fixing and marking

-Tend and wiring and cable marking


-Tests and metrics.

3. Parameterization techniques and features of programmable automatons

-Central processing unit and input and output modules

-Technical characteristics of programmable automatons. Applications.

-Interconnect to the field elements. Communications buses.

-Types of automatons.

-Automatic programming languages. Load and transfer operations.

-Device parameterization.



Code: UF1952

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4, RP5, RP6, and RP7

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform starting operations of a domotic or inmotic system, based on the technical documentation.

CE1.1 Select the necessary documents for the commissioning of the installation equipment and devices (commissioning protocols, manufacturer's manual, among others) from the technical documentation.

CE1.2 Describe the phases to be followed in the commissioning of different installation devices and devices according to their technical complexity.

CE1.3 In a practical scenario of starting up a domotic or inmotic system, from the technical documentation:

-Check that the installation conforms to what is indicated in the technical documentation.

-Verify the power settings indicated on the devices.

-Check the operation of mobile systems (engines, actuators, among others).

-Confirm the reception/transmission of input/output signals in sensors and actuators.

-Verify that the information provided by the user interface units is indicated and corresponds to the actual state of the devices.

-Operating the system by following the sequence set in the technical manual and checking that it conforms to the scheduled scene.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C2: Develop the technical documentation of the process of mounting and commissioning of a domotic or inmotic system according to the current regulations.

CE2.1 Identify and collect the documents used (delivery minutes, albarans, inventory, among others) to document the domotic and inmotic systems.

CE2.2 Document the modifications made to the installation during the mounting phase to elaborate the technical documentation.

CE2.3 Fill in the documentation regarding the result of the tests required regulations, start-up, inventory, among others.

CE2.4 In a scenario of preparing the installation user manual:

-Collect and describe the security instructions for users and installations.

-Develop the installation's unifilar schema.

-Develop the relationship of installed devices with their fundamental technical characteristics.

-Develop the location plane of the devices.

-Collect the parameterization and performance specifications data.

-Develop simple explanations that allow the user to install and modify user-adjustable parameters.

-Specify the system extension capabilities.

-Identification of the installer and the installer.

-Prepare the delivery declaration.


1. Start-up techniques for domotic and inmotic systems

-Measure, adjustment, and control appliances.

-Verification of parameters.

-Verification of alarms and security.

-Verifying the monitoring and display system.

-Device startup protocols.

-System startup protocols.

-Relation to the client.

-Protective equipment.

2. Documentation and regulations for the assembly of domotic and inmotic systems

-Interpretation of plans and schemes in domotic and inmotic installations.

-Electrical Schemes.

-Distribution Croquis and Deployment Plans.

-Mount and commissioning reports

-Device mount manuals.

-Quality rules

-Waste management regulations.

-Safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

-User manual.

-Installation manual.



Code: UF1953

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3 RP4, RP5, RP6, and RP7 as regards security and environmental protection

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Describe the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Relating preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Adopt performance protocols to potential emergencies.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Relating the means and safety equipment used in the assembly and maintenance of the domotic and inmotic systems, complying with the current regulations.

CE3.1 Describe the properties and use of the most common personal protective clothing and equipment.

CE3.2 Identify waste generated in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic installations

CE3.3 Apply preventive measures to the recycling of waste generated in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic installations.

CE3.4 Identify the system of disposal of waste generated in the assembly, maintenance and commissioning of the installations.


1. Basic concepts about health and safety at work

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public bodies related to safety and health at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

3. Means, equipment and safety techniques used in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems

-More common risks in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems.

-Protection of machines and equipment.

-Clothes and personal protective equipment.

-Environmental prevention rules:

-Energy saving.

-Atmospheric pollution.

-Noise control and removal.

-Waste treatment and management.

-Labor risk prevention rules.

-Fire extinguishing systems:



-Properties and jobs for each of them.

-Fire protection rules.

-Senalization: Location of emergency equipment. Exit points.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2 must be exceeded the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1819_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1819_2: Maintain domotic and inmotic systems

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1954

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the domotic and inmotic systems, identifying the parts that compose them and the most relevant characteristics of them, based on technical documentation.

CE1.1 Identify the parts and elements that configure the installations by analyzing the operation, characteristics, maintenance needs, and applicable regulations.

CE1.2 Relate the elements (sensors, detectors, control devices, actuators, among others) that consists of the installation with the function they perform and their applications.

CE1.3 Identify the location of the installation elements based on the application areas and using the appropriate symbology from the location plans.

CE1.4 From the control scheme of a domotic system:

-Relate the symbols of the elements that make up the automatism with the actual element.

-Interpret the schema by describing the operation.

CE1.5 In a practical scenario of analysis of a domotic and inmotic system, characterized by its technical documentation:

-Identify the teams and elements that configure it, interpreting the technical documentation, and relating the actual components to the symbols that appear in the schemas.

-Describe the operating logic of the installation based on the elements that make up each circuit, using the electrical schemes and checking it through the functional analysis of the installation.

-Verify that the sensors, control equipment, actuators, and auxiliary elements that make up the installation meet the requirements set out in the documentation.

-Determine the variation that occurs in the operation of the installation, assuming modifications to the parameters of the elements and verifying it functionally over the installation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

CE1.6 Describe the parts of the installation that can be maintained.

CE1.7 Describe the maintenance types of a domotic and inmotic system.

CE1.8 Relate the equipment and media to the associated risk factors.

C2: Apply preventive maintenance techniques to the domotic and inmotic systems acting under personal safety standards and the materials used.

CE2.1 Select and prepare the required materials, equipment, tools and documentation to perform maintenance and tracking tasks based on the equipment and element to be maintained.

CE2.2 Describe the procedures for each of the preventive maintenance operations that must be performed on the equipment and devices of the installation based on the equipment to be maintained.

CE2.3 In a practical case of preventive maintenance of a domotic or inmotic system, from the technical documentation:

-Identify the items on which preventive maintenance operations are to be performed.

-Identify the waste management plan.

-Identify risk factors, associated risks, and measures to be taken.

-Prepare the work area according to the requirements of the operation according to established procedures.

-Check the state of the installation framework.

-Perform cleaning operations and check the absence of deformations on equipment, facilities, and accessories.

-Check equipment power, connections, cable continuities, wireless links, among others.

-Check system connectivity to the internal or external communication network.

-Check the performance of security and protection elements.

-Check the system and equipment parameters and compare the measurements obtained with the technical documentation, checking their correct operation.

-Review and maintain operational status of equipment and tools used in maintenance.

-Replace the item or device indicated in the maintenance plan, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the technical documentation.

-Meet the intervention report by collecting the interventions performed and in the format set.


1. Types of maintenance of the domotic and inmotic systems

-Preventive maintenance:

-Procedures set.

-Replacing items based on your average life.

-Corrective maintenance.

-Scheduled Repair.

-Procedures set.

-Maintenance requirements for different facilities managed by a home system:



-Energy management.




2. Elements and equipment in the maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems

-Classification of domotic and inmotic systems:

-Transmission medium.


-Domotization level.

-Sensors and actuators.

-Control elements:




-Auxiliary elements.

-Cables and cable management systems:



-Electrical safety items and equipment.

-Normalized Symbology.

3. Documentation and regulations for the maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems

-Interpretation of drawings and schemas.

-Electrical Schemes.

-Maintenance plan.

-Put into service reports.

-Report and documentation of incidents.

-Technical Manuals.



Code: UF1955

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2, RP3, and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply diagnostic and corrective maintenance techniques to the domotic and inmotic systems from the technical documentation.

CE1.1 Describe the usual breakdowns that occur in the domotic and inmotic systems, determining the cause of them and their effects on the system.

CE1.2 Describe the procedures for each corrective maintenance operation that must be performed on the equipment and devices of the facilities at the most common breakdowns.

CE1.3 Describe the tools and equipment used in corrective maintenance operations, indicating the manner of use and precautions to be taken into account.

CE1.4 In a scenario of diagnosis and location of breakdowns of a domotic or inmotic system, from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the symptoms of the failure by relating it to the system elements.

-hypothesize the possible causes of the breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the breakdown.

-Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

-Indicate the tests, measures, and checks to be performed, specifying the procedures, equipment, and technical and security means to be used.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and the results obtained.

CE1.5 In a practical case of failure or dysfunction of a domotic or inmotic system, from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the symptoms of the fault by relating it to the elements of the installation.

-hypothesize the possible causes of the breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the breakdown.

-Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

-Identify the waste management plan.

-Use the appropriate tools, measuring instruments, and protective equipment for the activity to be performed.

-Replace the element or device responsible for the failure, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

-Verify the integration of the replaced device with the input and output token schema collected in the technical documentation.

-Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C2: Perform commissioning operations for a domotic or inmotic system, based on the technical documentation.

CE2.1 Select the necessary documents for the installation of the equipment and devices of the installation (commissioning protocols, manufacturer's manual, among others) from the technical documentation.

CE2.2 Describe the phases to be followed in the commissioning of different installation devices and devices.

CE2.3 In a practical case of commissioning equipment and devices from an installation, from the technical documentation:

-Check that the installation conforms to what is indicated in the technical documentation.

-Verify the power settings indicated on the devices.

-Check the operation of mobile systems (engines, actuators, among others).

-Confirm the reception/transmission of input/output signals in sensors and actuators.

-Verify that the information provided by the user interface units is indicated and corresponds to the actual state of the devices.

-Configure and parameterize system devices within the established performance ranges.

-Operating the system by following the sequence set in the technical manual and checking that it conforms to the scheduled scene.

-Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.


1. Techniques for the diagnosis of breakdowns and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems.

-Diagnostic operations of the domotic and inmotic systems and their elements.

-Typology of breakdowns.

-Assignment of priorities.

-Tools, teams.

-Measure instruments and auxiliary technical means.

-Diagnostic techniques:




-Failure analysis techniques:

-False in the contributed material.

-External conditions failed.

-Inappropriate use.

-Online analysis of control teams

-Maintenance ranges.

-Maintenance reports.

-Protective equipment.

2. Commissioning techniques for control equipment and field elements of the domotic and inmotic systems

-Measure, adjustment, and control appliances.

or Voltmeter.

or Amperimeter.

or Diagnostic of the Bus.

or Bus Monitor

or Group Monitor.

-Verifying and tuning parameters through programming software.

-Verification and adjustment of alarms and security.

-Device service putting protocols.

-Equipment and element commissioning protocols.

-Control equipment commissioning protocols.

-Modifying the user and installation manual

-Relation to the client.

3. Documentation and regulations for the maintenance of industrial automation systems

-Interpretation of blueprints and schemes in domotic and inmotic installations.

-Electrical Schemes.

-Maintenance Plan

-Put into service reports.

-Incident Parties

-Technical Manuals.

-Quality rules



Code: UF1953

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4 as regards security and environmental protection.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.3 Identify environmental protection requirements derived from actions with polluting products.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Describe the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.1 Relating preventive and corrective measures to the identified risks, including selection, conservation and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment.

CE2.2 Adopt performance protocols to potential emergencies.

CE2.3 Adopt the basic sanitary measures, first aid techniques and the transfer of accidents in different accident scenarios.

C3: Relating the means and safety equipment used in the assembly and maintenance of the domotic and inmotic systems, complying with the current regulations.

CE3.1 Describe the properties and use of the most common personal protective clothing and equipment.

CE3.2 Identify waste generated in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic installations

CE3.3 Apply preventive measures to the recycling of waste generated in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic installations.

CE3.4 Identify the system of disposal of waste generated in the assembly, maintenance and commissioning of the installations.


1. Basic concepts about health and safety at work

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public bodies related to safety and health at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

3. Means, equipment and safety techniques used in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems

-More common risks in the assembly and maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems.

-Protection of machines and equipment.

-Clothes and personal protective equipment.

-Environmental prevention rules:

-Energy saving.

-Atmospheric pollution.

-Noise control and removal.

-Waste treatment and management.

-Labor risk prevention rules.

-Fire extinguishing systems:



-Properties and jobs for each of them.

-Fire protection rules.

-Senalization: Location of emergency equipment. Exit points.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0414

Duration: 120 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Interpret projects and technical memories, as well as collaborate on the assembly and installation operations of all elements of the domotic and inmotic systems

CE1.1 Identify and locate control, maneuver and protection devices following technical documentation, i.e., tables, pipes, wiring, sensors, actuators, auxiliary elements, etc. ..

CE1.2 Mounting the control equipment and the power, protection and maneuvering elements according to the layout planes of the elements.

CE1.3 Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas by which the cable management systems run, and in the location of tables and elements, interpreting the plans and proposing solutions that resolve such contingencies.

CE1.4 Cabling and connect the different devices following power and control electrical schemes.

C2: Collaborate on the start-up operations of a domotic or inmotic system, based on the technical documentation.

CE2.1 Check that the installation is consistent with the technical documentation.

CE2.2 Verify the power settings indicated on the devices.

CE2.3 Check the operation of mobile systems (engines, actuators, among others).

CE2.4 Confirm receipt/transmission of input/output signals in sensors and actuators.

CE2.5 Verify that the information provided by the user interface units is indicated and corresponds to the actual state of the devices.

CE2.6 Operating the system by following the sequence set in the technical manual and checking that it fits the scheduled scene.

CE2.7 Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C3: Apply diagnostic and corrective maintenance techniques to the domotic and inmotic systems from the technical documentation.

CE3.1 Interpret the symptoms of the failure by relating it to the elements of the installation.

CE3.2 Make assumptions about the possible causes of the breakdown by describing the relationship between the effects described and the causes of the breakdown.

CE3.3 Perform an intervention plan for the cause or cause of the breakdown.

CE3.4 Replace the element or device responsible for the failure, making the necessary interventions for that replacement.

CE3.5 Verify the integration of the replaced device with the input and output token schema collected in the technical documentation.

CE3.6 Perform the necessary tests and adjustments as specified in the installation documentation.

CE3.7 Develop a report of the developed activities and results obtained.

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE4.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE4.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE4.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE4.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Documentation and regulations for the assembly and installation of domotic and inmotic systems.

-Interpretation of planes and electrical schemes.

-Installation Regulations (Electrotechnical Regulation for Low Tension)

-Cable driving systems:

-Mount features.

-Degree of protection.

-Land in case that is required by the regulations.

-Transmission media:

-Optical lines.

-Cable and wireless communication networks.

-Communications bus.



-Display screens.

-Location techniques and deployment of wrappers.

-Precautions on the placement of sensors, antennas, among others.

-Electrical protection devices (Automatic switches, differential switches, etc.).

-Mount bases:

-Choice of materials.


-Distribution of elements.

-Fixing and marking.

-Tend and connection and cable marking.


-Tests and metrics.

2. Start-up techniques for the domotic and inmotic systems.

-Measure, adjustment, and control appliances.

-Verification of parameters.

-Verification of alarms and security.

-Verifying the monitoring and display system.

-Device startup protocols.

-System startup protocols.

-Relation to the client.

-Protective equipment.

3. Documentation and regulations for the maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems

-Maintenance plan.

-Put into service reports.

-Report and documentation of incidents.

-Technical Manuals.

4. Maintenance techniques for domotic and inmotic systems

-Typology of breakdowns.

-Tools, equipment, measuring instruments and auxiliary technical means.

-Diagnostic techniques:




-Maintenance ranges.

-Protective equipment.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Formative Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

No accreditation


Assembly of domotic systems and inmotics.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

● Senior technical family of electricity and electronics.

● Level 3 professionalism certificates of the professional area electromechanical machines of the professional family electricity and electronics.

2 years

5 years


Maintenance of domotic and inmotic systems

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

. electricity and electronics.

2 years

5 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils



The Domotics Workshop.



Forming Space









Forming Space



-Audiovisual equipment.

-network installed PCs, projection canon, and Internet.

-Specialty specific software.

-Office software.





-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students

Domotics Workshop.

-Digital Multimeters

-Coaches for Domotics installation.

- Domotic modules

-Programmable microcontrollers.

-Electrical equipment for performing installations

-Racks for realization of automatisms and for PLC wiring.

-Hand tools

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.




Code: ELES0311

Professional family: Electricity and Electronics.

Professional area: Telecommunication installations.

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

ELE487_3 Managing and monitoring the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcast production systems. (RD 144/2011, of 4 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1578_3: Manage and monitor the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

UC1579_3: Manage and monitor the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

UC1580_3: Manage and monitor the mounting of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

UC1581_3: Manage and monitor the maintenance of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

General competition:

Plan, manage, monitor and perform, where appropriate, the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual production systems and associated transmission equipment, in accordance with established standards and the intended quality, ensuring comprehensive safety and the optimum operating and environmental conservation conditions.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in micro, small, medium and large public and private companies, in the areas of installation and maintenance of audiovisual production systems, transmission centers for radio and Television and mobile units, self-employed or employed.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the field of programming and broadcasting activities of radio and television, subactivities of assembly and maintenance of audiovisual production systems and broadcasting in fixed installations and units mobile.

Occupations or related jobs:

Technician in supervision, verification and control of radio and television systems equipment in production studies and audiovisual production systems.

Installation technician of radio and television systems in production studies and audiovisual production systems.

Technical maintenance of radio and television systems in production studies and audiovisual production systems.

Technician in monitoring, verifying and controlling broadcast system equipment.

Broadcasting system installation technician.

Broadcasting system maintenance technician.

Duration of the associated training: 680 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1578_3: Managing and monitoring the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (150 hours)

● UF1981: Management of the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (90 hours)

● UF1982: Monitoring of the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (60 hours)

MF1579_3: Management and monitoring of the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (180 hours)

● UF1983: Management of the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (90 hours)

● UF1984: Supervision of the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. (90 hours)

MF1580_3: Managing and monitoring the assembly of broadcast systems for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units. (120 hours)

● UF1985: Managing the assembly of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units. (70 hours)

● UF1986: Monitoring the assembly of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units. (50 hours)

MF1581_3: Managing and monitoring the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units. (150 hours)

● UF1987: Managing the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units. (90 hours)

● UF1988: Monitoring of transmission systems maintenance for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units. (60 hours)

MP0420: Non-working professional practice module for the management and supervision of the assembly and maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems. (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1578_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop programs to assemble, supply, put into service and test the operation of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, starting with the project, memory or working conditions.

CR1.1 The mounting program is made aware of:

-The results to be obtained in each of its phases, indicating the progress of work to be achieved.

-Subcontracting activities.

-The optimal allocation of human and material resources for each of the phases established in the project or memory.

-The absence of unwanted interferences or dependencies between different work teams.

-The mount and quality advance control procedures to be obtained.

CR1.2 The provisioning program is made aware of:

-The mount program.

-The existing material in the warehouse.

-The existence of approved products and suppliers.

-The "interchangeability" between material from different manufacturers.

-The means of transport required according to the type of material to be transported.

-The warehouse forecast.

-Moving the material based on the mounting phases.

-The availability of the material (equipment, tools, among others) for each mount phase, so that no interruptions are generated in the execution of the installation.

-The existence of materials that require special storage conditions.

CR1.3 The warehouse is located in the most suitable place and optimizing the space available, guaranteeing the preservation of the materials and complying with the regulations and implementing rules according to the proximity to the area job.

CR1.4 The quality levels to be obtained are indicated in the quality plan.

CR1.5 Installation verification tests are defined to determine the status of the installation and parameter values, and are collected in the technical documentation.

CR1.6 The technical means (measurement and verification equipment as well as the tools) used in each intervention are precisely defined.

CR1.7 The conditions defined in the technical documentation are taken into account for the commissioning of the installation (project or memory, manual of service instructions, recommendations of manufacturers, recommendations of supply companies, among others).

CR1.8 The location of the mobile units is defined taking into account the electrical supply needs, the characteristics of the area, the availability of permits and licenses, among others.

RP2: Repose and launch the installation from the assembly program and the general plan of the work.

CR2.1 The civil work conditions are verified that are those foreseen in the project and if not they are communicated to the person responsible proposing the possible solutions.

CR2.2 The documentation required for the installation (placement authorizations, work licenses, among others) is managed or verified to be available in such a way that no unwanted delays occur or interferences between the work of different teams.

CR2.3 Equipment, machines, tools, protective equipment and auxiliary means, among others, necessary for the installation of the installation, are distributed, taking into account the installation phases of the installations and characteristics of the work.

CR2.4 The assignment of the material and human means to the various phases of the installation assembly is performed according to the mounting program.

CR2.5 The mobile units are located verifying that the electrical supply needs, the characteristics of the zone, the availability of permits and licenses, among others, are those defined.

CR2.6 The impediments or disconformities in the execution of the work are reported to the responsible indicating possible solutions.

RP3: Track and monitor the installation assembly program, resolving contingencies and meeting scheduled goals.

CR3.1 The work plan is performed by taking into account, among others:

-The material resources to use.

-Run times.

-The required human resources.

-The jobs to be performed.

-The security measures and means.

-The mount program.

CR3.2 The job plan is verified to be met according to the set, while respecting the expected execution times and work units.

CR3.3 The management of sourcing of materials is coordinated by ensuring compliance with delivery times, assembly phases, and quantity and quality of supplies.

CR3.4 The coordination between the different work teams is done by avoiding delays in the execution of the installation.

CR3.5 Checks and measurements are performed to verify that the executed job conforms to the mount program.

CR3.6 Contingencies arising in the installation execution are resolved by avoiding distortions in the assembly program and are reported to the controller following the established procedure.

CR3.7 Assembly reports and work items are performed by collecting the information established with the activities performed, the incidents raised and the solutions adopted, as well as the materials, resources and times employees.

CR3.8 Waste management takes into account, among others:

-The different types of waste generated in the installation of the installations.

-The current regulations.

-The appropriate containers according to the type of waste.

-Personal protection means according to the type of waste to be handled.

-Vehicles for transport to collection points, depending on the type of waste.

RP4: Apply quality plans in the supervision of the assembly of audiovisual production systems, in studies and mobile units to ensure compliance with the programmed objectives and current legislation.

CR4.1 The corresponding control parameters are collected in the test and test protocols.

CR4.2 The mount execution check controls are adjusted in time and shape to the overall execution plan.

CR4.3 Test and measurement equipment (vectorscope, waveform analyzer, BER meter, audio analyzer, sonometer, among others) is verified to be calibrated (as required by the regulations) and adjusted for ensure the reliability of the results obtained.

CR4.4 The characteristics of the materials used are verified to meet the quality requirements specified in the technical documentation.

RP5: Monitor interventions for the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, with the quality and safety conditions established, according to the technical and regulatory documentation in effect.

CR5.1 The locations and locations of equipment and items are verified as indicated in the technical documentation and meet the requirements set.

CR5.2 The "racks" are mounted by consulting the manufacturer's instructions and contain the necessary elements for the assembly of the equipment that is properly labeled inside according to the technical documentation.

CR5.3 The equipment (mixer, monitors, among others) is located and fixed at the location indicated in the technical documentation respecting the mounting conditions indicated by the manufacturer and checking the labelling of the devices mount.

CR5.4 The audio and video equipment is connected by ensuring its mechanical fixation, electrical supply, grounding, connectivity, among others, without modifying the characteristics of the same and achieving good contact electrical.

CR5.5 Equipment accessories (remote console, remote panel, among others) are connected according to the technical documentation and complying with current regulations.

CR5.6 The cabling of the power, data and audio, video and control transmission networks, are tended and labeled without the power of their mechanical and electrical properties.

CR5.7 The tools are selected and used according to the type of intervention.

CR5.8 Monitoring of mount operations is performed by ensuring compliance with established security procedures.

RP6: Perform and supervise the commissioning and testing of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, adjusting equipment and elements, and ensuring operating conditions set.

CR6.1 Legislation, regulations, ITC's and enforcement regulations are met.

CR6.2 The measuring instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention and have the calibration certificate in force.

CR6.3 Mechanical structures, installations and equipment (electrical, electronic, among others) are verified to be in accordance with the project and the manufacturer's specifications.

CR6.4 The system verification and verification tests allow you to know the status of the installation and the levels of the regulatory parameters.

CR6.5 Installation security conditions conform to the current regulations.

CR6.6 The system service is performed taking into account the conditions defined in the technical documentation (project, manual of service instructions, recommendations of manufacturers, among others).

CR6.7 The test report collects the measurements and verifications performed as well as the equipment and tools used.

CR6.8 The teams (digital mixing table, recorders, editors, among others) are adjusted and configured according to the current technical documentation and regulations.

RP7: Adopt and enforce the protection, security and risk prevention measures required in the assembly operations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, ensuring the safety of people, media and their environment.

CR7.1 The equipment and safety means used in each intervention are verified as indicated in the specific protocols for technical action.

CR7.2 The security conditions listed in the technical documentation are analyzed in order to develop and complete them if necessary.

CR7.3 Individual protective equipment and materials (protective gloves, protective goggles, among others) and collectives (signalling material, among others) are used and comply with current safety regulations.

CR7.4 Mount operations are monitored according to established security procedures, otherwise appropriate measures are taken.

CR7.5 Performance procedures in the event of a work accident are verified to be known to all members of the work team.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and software specific. Manual tools for mechanical and electrical work. Measurement and verification equipment. Equipment and means of safety and prevention. Mounting equipment. Materials.

Products and results

Programs for the assembly and commissioning of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Programmes for the supply of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Testing and commissioning procedures. Planning diagrams. Lists of materials, media and equipment. Assembly of studies and mobile units of supervised audiovisual production. Safety tests performed and monitored. Work tabs.

Information used or generated

Projects and other technical documentation of installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Programmes for the assembly and commissioning of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Programmes for the supply of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Testing and commissioning procedures. Documentation of project installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Regulations (REBT). ITU recommendations. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Quality standards. Other rules. Documentation of equipment and installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Technical-commercial catalogues of the manufacturers of the materials and equipment. Work orders. Administrative documentation (testing protocol, plans, manual of use and prevention of risks, among others). Report of the assembly tests. Mount monitoring report. Budgets. Permits and licenses. Technical documentation of installation of the facilities. Mounting procedures.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1579_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop programmes for the maintenance and supply of media and materials of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, in line with the objectives and contingency situations optimizing the available resources.

CR1.1 Preventive maintenance programs are elaborated by taking into account, among others:

-Manufacturer manuals.

-Stop and put in service procedures.

-Human resources and equipment used.

-The installation history.

-The documentation to be completed.

-Take action procedures and maintenance ranges.

-The current regulations.

CR1.2 Corrective maintenance procedures are elaborated by taking into account, among others:

-The workload and the system availability needs.

-Manufacturer manuals (cutting, block diagrams).

-The stop and service of the equipment.

-The performance, scaling, and remote support procedures.

-The "interchangeability" of the elements and accessories.

-Human resources and equipment used.

-The incident history.

-The contingency plans.

-Protection measures.

-The documentation to be completed.

-The current regulations.

CR1.3 Maintenance improvement proposals are made from the analysis of system maintenance processes as a whole (proactivity).

CR1.4 The scheduling of preventive maintenance and corrective actions are communicated to users according to established protocols.

CR1.5 The provisioning program for maintenance is elaborated by taking into account among others:

-The existence of approved products and suppliers.

-The "compatibility" between materials from different manufacturers.

-The installation history.

-The existing inventory.

-The existence of replacement equipment for critical functions in service delivery.

-Future facilities reforms.

-The current regulations.

-The unpredictable and strategic factors.

CR1.6 The reservation of equipment and items with suppliers is contemplated in the provisioning program.

CR1.7 Maintenance needs are contemplated and answered with the provisioning program.

RP2: Organize and manage interventions for the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, according to the programmed objectives and the contingency situations optimizing the available resources.

CR2.1 Preventive and corrective maintenance interventions are performed in accordance with the manufacturer's standard procedure and specifications.

CR2.2 The starting hypothesis for a malfunction or dysfunction is collected in the work order.

CR2.3 The modifications introduced in the installation, in preventive or corrective maintenance interventions, are recorded in the documentation and plans and schemes of the facility to allow the updating of the same.

CR2.4 Equipment, materials and technical documentation for preventive and corrective maintenance of the facility are located allowing easy localization.

CR2.5 Equipment and materials used in the maintenance of installations are checked to ensure the approval and good condition of the equipment, rejecting those that do not meet the required requirements.

CR2.6 The test and measurement equipment indicated in the regulations is verified to have the calibration certificate in place.

CR2.7 The breakdown and incident repair report for audio-visual systems is performed in the format set.

CR2.8 Material sourcing management is performed according to maintenance needs and is coordinated by ensuring compliance with delivery times and quantity and quality of on-site supplies intended.

CR2.9 In waste management is taken into account:

-The different types of waste generated in the installation of the installations.

-The current regulations.

-The appropriate containers according to the type of waste.

-Personal protection means according to the type of waste to be handled.

-Vehicles for transport to collection points, depending on the type of waste.

RP3: Perform the diagnosis of dysfunctions or breakdowns in the audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile production units, based on the detected symptoms, technical information and history of the installation.

CR3.1 Legislation, regulations, ITC's and enforcement regulations are met.

CR3.2 The strategy to be followed by a malfunction or failure in a team or in the system is determined by assessing the possibilities of internal or external logistical support and the costs of the system.

CR3.3 Functional tests are performed to check for symptoms in the breakdown part and confirm equipment or system dysfunction or breakdown.

CR3.4 The equipment or part of the affected system is located and diagnosed from the action plan and baseline scenario.

CR3.5 The diagnosis and location of dysfunction or failure is performed with the appropriate measurement tools and devices, applying the convenient procedure with time estimates.

CR3.6 The activities performed and the incidents produced are recorded in the corresponding format and are communicated according to the established protocol.

CR3.7 The typology of the dysfunction or breakdown and the cost of the intervention are collected in the budget.

RP4: Monitor interventions for the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, based on programmed objectives and contingency situations optimizing resources available.

CR4.1 The assembly, disassembly and replacement or repair operations of the damaged elements are performed using the appropriate technical documentation, standard procedures and tools, ensuring the the integrity of the materials and equipment and the quality of the interventions.

CR4.2 The affected item is replaced by using the manufacturer's recommended assembly and disassembly sequence by ensuring that the item, component or part of the equipment, installation or replacement is identical or identical. characteristics that the broken down and does not alter any standard of mandatory compliance.

CR4.3 The replaced or repaired components and devices are adjusted with the required accuracy, following procedures and with the appropriate equipment.

CR4.4 Functional tests, final adjustments, and reliability tests are performed systematically, following the appropriate procedures.

CR4.5 The installation or equipment is redeployed in compliance with the personal safety standards, equipment and materials and following established protocols.

CR4.6 The installation breakdown repair report is performed in the established format, collecting the information to ensure traceability, among others.

RP5: Monitor and test the performance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, adjusting equipment and elements and ensuring established operating conditions.

CR5.1 Installation verification tests are performed to know the status of the installation and the levels of the regulatory parameters.

CR5.2 The security conditions (acoustics, electrical, among others) of the installation conform to the current regulations.

CR5.3 The measures and tests required by the technical documentation are performed to verify the performance.

CR5.4 The measurement and verification instruments that the regulations indicate are verified to have the calibration certificate in place.

CR5.5 The conditions defined in the technical documentation (instruction manual, manufacturer recommendations, among others) are taken into account for commissioning of the installation.

CR5.6 The test report is performed in the established format and collects the measures and verifications, equipment and tools used to ensure traceability, among others.

RP6: Apply quality plans in monitoring the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

CR6.1 The system control parameters and their elements are collected in the preventive maintenance plan.

CR6.2 Check controls are adjusted in time and shape to the overall maintenance plan.

CR6.3 Equipment (measure, test, among others) is verified to be calibrated (when required by the regulations) and adjusted to ensure the reliability of the results obtained.

CR6.4 The characteristics of the replacement materials in preventive and corrective maintenance tasks are verified to meet the quality requirements specified in the technical documentation.

CR6.5 The measures for maintenance plan enhancements are obtained from the analysis and application of the maintenance plan (proactivity).

RP7: Adopt and enforce the protection, security and risk prevention measures required in the maintenance operations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units, ensuring the security for people, media and their environment.

CR7.1 The equipment and safety means used in each intervention are verified as indicated in the specific protocols for technical action.

CR7.2 The security conditions listed in the technical documentation are analyzed in order to develop and complete them if necessary.

CR7.3 Individual protective equipment and materials (protective gloves, protective goggles, among others) and collectives (signalling material, tension detectors, among others) are used and comply with the current regulations security.

CR7.4 Maintenance operations are monitored according to established security procedures, otherwise appropriate measures are taken.

CR7.5 Performance procedures in the event of a work accident are verified to be known to all members of the work team.

CR7.6 Communication procedures in case of adverse incident apply.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and specific programs. Manual tools for mechanical and electrical work. Measurement and verification equipment. Equipment and means of safety and prevention.

Products and results

Provisioning programs for maintenance. Maintenance programs. Maintenance ranges. Intervention chips. History of breakdowns. List of materials. Planning diagrams and maintenance processes. Reports and technical reports on the maintenance of installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Diagnosis of dysfunctions and breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Projects of installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Documentation of project installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Documentation of equipment and installations of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units. Implementing rules and regulations (REBT). ITU recommendations. Quality standards. Other rules. Technical-commercial catalogues of the manufacturers of the materials and equipment. Work orders. Administrative documentation. Maintenance report. Maintenance procedures. Preventive maintenance programs.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC1580_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop assembly, provisioning, staging and commissioning programs for radio and television transmission systems, from project, memory, and work conditions.

CR1.1 The mounting program is made aware of:

-The results to be obtained in each of its phases, indicating the progress of work to be achieved.

-Subcontracting activities.

-The optimal allocation of human and material resources for each of the phases established in the project.

-The absence of unwanted interferences or dependencies between different work teams.

-The mount and quality advance control procedures to be obtained.

CR1.2 The provisioning program is made aware of:

-The mount program.

-The existing material in the warehouse.

-The existence of approved products and suppliers.

-The "interchangeability" between material from different manufacturers.

-The means of transport required according to the type of material to be transported.

-The warehouse forecast.

-Moving the material based on the mounting phases.

-The availability of the material (equipment, tools, among others) for each mount phase, so that no interruptions are generated in the execution of the installation.

-The existence of materials that require special storage conditions.

CR1.3 The warehouse is located in the most suitable place and optimizing the space available, guaranteeing the preservation of the materials and complying with the regulations and implementing rules according to the proximity to the area job.

CR1.4 The management of sourcing of materials is coordinated by ensuring compliance with delivery times, assembly phases and quantity and quality of supplies.

CR1.5 The quality levels to be obtained are indicated in the quality plan.

CR1.6 The measurements, tests, testing and verification of the installation are defined to determine the state of the same and the values of the regulatory parameters (ground, power, ROE, margin of frequencies, among others) and in accordance with current regulations and regulations.

CR1.7 The technical means (measurement and verification equipment as well as the tools) used in each intervention are precisely defined.

CR1.8 The conditions defined in the technical documentation are taken into account for the commissioning of the installation (project, programs, schemes, manual of service instructions, recommendations of manufacturers, recommendations from supply companies, among others).

CR1.9 The location of the mobile units is defined taking into account the electrical supply needs, the characteristics of the area, the availability of permits and licenses, among others.

RP2: Repose and launch the installation of radio and television transmission systems from the assembly program and the general plan of the work.

CR2.1 The civil work conditions are verified as those provided for in the project and if they are not communicated to the person responsible proposing the possible solutions.

CR2.2 The documentation required for installation (placement authorizations, work licenses, pass-through licenses, among others) is managed or verified to be available in a way that does not occur unwanted delays or interferences between the work of different teams.

CR2.3 Equipment, machines, tools, protective equipment and auxiliary means, among others, necessary for the installation of the installation, are distributed, taking into account the installation phases of the installations and characteristics of the work.

CR2.4 The assignment of the material and human means to the various phases of the installation assembly is performed according to the mounting program.

CR2.5 The mobile units are located verifying that the electrical supply needs, the characteristics of the zone, the availability of permits and licenses, among others, are those defined.

CR2.6 The impediments or disconformities in the execution of the work are reported to the responsible indicating possible solutions.

RP3: Track and monitor the installation program for the installation of radio and television transmission systems, resolving contingencies and meeting scheduled targets.

CR3.1 The work plan is performed by taking into account, among others:

-The material resources to use.

-Run times.

-The required human resources.

-The jobs to be performed.

-The security measures and means.

-The mount program.

CR3.2 The job plan is verified to be met according to the set, while respecting the expected execution times and work units.

CR3.3 The coordination between the different work teams is done by avoiding delays in the execution of the installation.

CR3.4 The checks and measurements verify that the work done is in line with the assembly program and the progress of the work is being carried out.

CR3.5 Contingencies arising in the installation execution are resolved by avoiding distortions in the assembly program and are notified to the controller following the established procedure.

CR3.6 The assembly reports and work items are performed by collecting the information established with the activities performed, the incidents arising and the solutions adopted, as well as the materials, resources and times employees.

CR3.7 In waste management is considered:

-The different types of waste generated in the installation of the installations.

-The current regulations.

-The appropriate containers according to the type of waste.

-Personal protection means according to the type of waste to be handled.

-Vehicles for transport to collection points, depending on the type of waste.

RP4: Apply quality plans in monitoring the assembly of radio and television transmission systems to ensure compliance with the scheduled objectives and current legislation.

CR4.1 The corresponding control parameters are collected in the test and test protocols.

CR4.2 The mount execution check controls are adjusted in time and shape to the overall execution plan.

CR4.3 Test, measurement equipment, among others (field meter, reflectometer, spectrum analyzer, power probe, artificial load, among others) is verified to be calibrated (when required by the regulations) and adjusted to ensure the reliability of the results obtained.

CR4.4 The characteristics of the materials used are verified to meet the quality requirements specified in the technical documentation.

RP5: Monitor interventions for the assembly of radio and television transmission systems, with the quality and safety conditions established, according to the current technical and regulatory documentation.

CR5.1 The locations and locations of equipment and items are verified as indicated in the technical documentation.

CR5.2 The auxiliary elements and transmission antennas are located and fixed at the location indicated in the technical documentation, respecting the mounting conditions indicated by the manufacturer and checking the labelling of the devices mount.

CR5.3 Equipment for radio and television transmission systems (modulators, demodulators, circulators, transmitters, receivers, diplexers, among others) are located and fixed at the location indicated in the technical documentation respecting the mounting conditions indicated by the manufacturer and checking the labelling of the devices to be mounted.

CR5.4 The equipment is connected by ensuring its mechanical fixation, electrical supply, grounding, connectivity, among others.

CR5.5 The wiring of the power grids, data, transmission media, is tended and labeled without any of its mechanical and electrical properties.

CR5.6 The "racks" are mounted by consulting the manufacturer's instructions and they contain the necessary elements for the assembly of the equipment that is properly labeled inside according to the technical documentation.

CR5.7 The equipment and auxiliary elements in the rack are connected without modifying the characteristics of the same and achieving good electrical contact.

CR5.8 Tools are selected and used according to the type of intervention.

RP6: Perform and monitor the testing of the staging and commissioning of radio and television transmission systems, adjusting equipment and elements, and ensuring established operating conditions.

CR6.1 Legislation, regulations, ITC's and enforcement regulations are met.

CR6.2 The measuring instruments, tools and apparatus are used according to the requirements of each intervention and have the calibration certificate in force.

CR6.3 Mechanical structures (towers, masts, among others), installations and equipment (electrical, electronic, among others) are verified to be in accordance with the project and the manufacturer's specifications.

CR6.4 The system verification tests allow you to know the status of the installation and the levels of the regulatory parameters (coverage, frequency, power, among others).

CR6.5 Installation security conditions conform to the current regulations.

CR6.6 System-based tuning is performed taking into account the parameters defined in the project as well as the levels of the regulatory parameters (audio and video signal quality, channel frequency margin, ROE, among others).

CR6.7 The system service is performed taking into account the conditions defined in the technical documentation (manual of service instructions, recommendations of manufacturers, current regulations, among others).

CR6.8 The test report collects the measurements and verifications performed as well as the equipment and tools used.

RP7: Adopt and enforce the protection, security and risk prevention measures required in the assembly operations of radio and television transmission systems, ensuring the safety of persons, media and its environment.

CR7.1 The equipment and safety means used in each intervention are verified as indicated in the specific protocols for technical action.

CR7.2 The security conditions listed in the project are analyzed in order to develop and complete them if necessary.

CR7.3 Individual protective equipment and materials (protective gloves, helmet among others) and collectives (signalling material, among others) are used and comply with current safety regulations.

CR7.4 Mount operations are monitored according to established security procedures, otherwise appropriate measures are taken.

CR7.5 Performance procedures in the event of a work accident are verified to be known to all members of the work team.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and software specific. Manual tools for mechanical and electrical and electronic works. Measurement and verification equipment (field meter, reflectometer, spectrum analyzer, power probe, oscilloscope, among others). Equipment and means of safety and prevention. Mounting equipment. Materials.

Products and results

Radio and television transmission system installation programs. Programmes for the supply of radio and television transmission systems. Testing and commissioning procedures. Planning diagrams. Lists of materials, media and equipment. Installation of monitored radio and television transmission systems. Security tests performed and monitored.

Information used or generated

Projects of radio and television transmission system installations. Technical information of equipment manufacturers, media and materials. Documentation of equipment and installations of radio and television transmission systems. Programmes for the installation of radio and television transmission systems. Programmes for the supply of radio and television transmission systems. Testing and commissioning procedures. Regulations (REBT). General Telecommunications Law. ITU recommendations. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Quality standards. Other rules. Technical-commercial catalogues of the manufacturers of the materials and equipment. Work orders. Administrative documentation. Mount monitoring report. Report of the assembly tests. Budgets. Permits and licenses. Technical documentation of installation of the facilities (test protocol, plans, manual of use and prevention of risks, among others). Mounting procedures.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 3

Code: UC1581_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop programs for the maintenance and supply of media and materials of radio and television transmission systems, in function of the objectives and contingency situations optimizing the resources available.

CR1.1 Preventive maintenance programs are elaborated by taking into account, among others:

-Manufacturer manuals.

-Stop and put in service procedures.

-Human resources and equipment used.

-The incident history.

-The documentation to be completed.

-Take action procedures and maintenance ranges.

-The current regulations.

CR1.2 Corrective maintenance procedures are elaborated by taking into account, among others:

-The criticality of the system in the care load.

-Priority levels.

-Manufacturer manuals (cutting, block diagrams).

-The stop and service of the equipment.

-The performance, scaling, and remote support procedures.

-The "interchangeability" of the elements and accessories.

-Human resources and equipment used.

-The incident history.

-The contingency plans.

-Protection measures.

-The documentation to be completed.

-The current regulations.

CR1.3 Maintenance improvement proposals are made from the analysis of system maintenance processes as a whole (proactivity).

CR1.4 The scheduling of preventive maintenance and corrective actions is communicated according to established protocols.

CR1.5 The provisioning program is made by taking into account among others:

-The existence of approved products and suppliers.

-The "compatibility" between materials from different manufacturers.

-The incident history.

-The existing inventory.

-The existence of replacement equipment for critical functions in service delivery.

-Future facilities reforms.

-The current regulations.

-Unpredictable and strategic factors.

CR1.6 The reservation of equipment and items with suppliers is contemplated in the provisioning program.

CR1.7 Maintenance needs are contemplated and answered with the provisioning program.

RP2: Organize and manage interventions for the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems, based on programmed objectives and contingency situations by optimizing available resources.

CR2.1 Preventive and corrective maintenance interventions are performed in accordance with the manufacturer's standard procedure and specifications.

CR2.2 The starting hypothesis for a malfunction or dysfunction is collected in the work order.

CR2.3 The modifications introduced in the installation, in preventive or corrective maintenance interventions, are recorded in the documentation and plans and schemes of the facility to allow the updating of the same.

CR2.4 Equipment, materials and technical documentation for preventive and corrective maintenance of the facility are located allowing easy localization.

CR2.5 The materials and equipment used in the maintenance of installations are checked to ensure the approval and good condition of the equipment, rejecting those that do not meet the required requirements.

CR2.6 The measurement equipment indicated in the regulations is verified to have the calibration certificate in place.

CR2.7 The system incident and breakdown repair report is performed in the set format.

CR2.8 Material sourcing management is performed according to maintenance needs and is coordinated by ensuring compliance with delivery times and quantity and quality of on-site supplies intended.

CR2.9 In waste management is taken into account:

-The different types of waste generated in the installation of the installations.

-The current regulations.

-The appropriate containers according to the type of waste.

-Personal protection means according to the type of waste to be handled.

-Vehicles for transport to collection points, depending on the type of waste.

RP3: Perform the diagnosis of dysfunctions or breakdowns in radio and television transmission systems, from detected symptoms, technical information, and installation history.

CR3.1 Legislation, regulations, ITC's and enforcement regulations are met.

CR3.2 The strategy to be followed by a malfunction or failure in a team or in the system is determined by assessing the possibilities of internal or external logistical support and the costs of the system.

CR3.3 Functional tests are performed to check for symptoms in the breakdown part and confirm equipment or system dysfunction or breakdown.

CR3.4 The equipment or part of the affected system is located and diagnosed from the action plan and baseline scenario.

CR3.5 The diagnosis and location of dysfunction or failure is performed with the appropriate measurement tools and devices, applying the convenient procedure with time estimates.

CR3.6 The activities performed and the incidents produced are recorded in the corresponding format and are communicated according to the established protocol.

CR3.7 The typology of the dysfunction or breakdown and the cost of the intervention are collected in the budget.

RP4: Monitor interventions for the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems, based on programmed objectives, optimizing available resources and in security conditions.

CR4.1 The assembly, disassembly, repair, and replacement operations of the broken elements are performed using the appropriate technical documentation, standard procedures, and tools.

CR4.2 Personal and element safety rules are met in all interventions performed.

CR4.3 The affected element is replaced and is identical or of the same characteristics as the broken down and does not alter any mandatory compliance rules.

CR4.4 The replaced components and devices are adjusted with the required accuracy, following procedures and with the appropriate equipment.

CR4.5 Functional tests, final adjustments, and reliability tests are systematically monitored and performed, following the appropriate procedures.

CR4.6 The installation breakdown repair report is performed in the established format, collecting the information to ensure traceability, among others.

RP5: Monitor and test the staging and commissioning of radio and television transmission systems, adjusting equipment and elements and ensuring established operating conditions.

CR5.1 Installation verification tests are performed to know the status of the installation and the levels of the regulatory parameters.

CR5.2 The security (electrical, mechanical, and other) conditions of the installation conform to the current regulations.

CR5.3 The measures and tests required by the current regulations and regulations (electrical and electromagnetic safety test, signal quality, among others) are carried out.

CR5.4 Tools, technical means, measurement and verification equipment (field meter, spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, among others) are used according to the type of intervention.

CR5.5 Measurement and verification instruments are used to apply manufacturer-defined safety and use recommendations.

CR5.6 The measurement teams that indicate the regulations are verified to have the calibration certificate in place.

CR5.7 The conditions defined in the technical documentation (project, instruction manual, manufacturer recommendations, among others) are taken into account for commissioning of the installation.

CR5.8 The test report is performed in the established format and collects the measures and verifications, equipment and tools used to ensure traceability, among others.

RP6: Apply quality plans in the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems to ensure compliance with the scheduled objectives and current legislation.

CR6.1 The system control parameters and their elements are collected in the preventive maintenance plan.

CR6.2 Check controls are adjusted in time and shape to the overall maintenance plan.

CR6.3 Equipment (measure, test, among others) is verified to be calibrated (when required by the regulations) and adjusted to ensure the reliability of the results obtained.

CR6.4 The characteristics of the replacement materials in preventive and corrective maintenance tasks are verified to meet the quality requirements specified in the technical documentation.

CR6.5 The measures for maintenance plan enhancements are obtained from the analysis and application of the maintenance plan (proactivity).

RP7: Adopt and enforce the protection, security and risk prevention measures required in the maintenance operations of radio and television transmission systems, ensuring the safety of persons, of the media and its environment.

CR7.1 The equipment and safety means used in each intervention are verified as indicated in the specific protocols for technical action.

CR7.2 The security conditions listed in the technical documentation are analyzed in order to develop and complete them if necessary.

CR7.3 Individual protective equipment and materials (protective gloves, helmet, among others) and collectives (signalling material, among others) are used and comply with current safety regulations.

CR7.4 Maintenance operations are monitored according to established security procedures, otherwise appropriate measures are taken.

CR7.5 Performance procedures in the event of a work accident are verified to be known to all members of the work team.

CR7.6 Communication procedures in case of adverse incident apply.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and specific programs. Manual tools for mechanical and electrical and electronic works. Measurement and verification equipment. Equipment and means of safety and prevention. Materials.

Products and results

Provisioning programs for maintenance. Maintenance programs. Maintenance ranges. Maintenance of radio and television transmission systems. Repaired radio and television transmission systems. Diagnosis of dysfunctions and breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Projects of radio and television transmission system installations. Technical Manual of equipment and installations of radio and television transmission systems. Implementing rules and regulations (REBT). Quality standards. Other rules. General Telecommunications Law. ITU recommendations. Technical-commercial catalogues of the manufacturers of the materials and equipment. Work orders. List of materials. Planning diagrams and maintenance processes. Reports and technical reports on maintenance of radio and television transmission systems. Administrative documentation. Maintenance report. Maintenance procedures. Preventive maintenance programs.




Code: MF1578_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1578_3 Manage and monitor the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

Duration: 150 hours.


Naming: Managing the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Code: UF1981

Duration: 90hrs.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP7 as regards the management of the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and select the necessary project information from an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units to develop the assembly program and its provisioning.

CE1.1 Identify the parts of which a project consists of an audiovisual production system.

-Memory: General data; elements constituting an audiovisual production system; elements constituting a mobile audiovisual production unit.


-Statement of Conditions: Specific Conditions; General Conditions.

-Budget and metrics.

-Safety and health rules.

CE1.2 Select project parts (blueprints, schemas, specifications, among others) that are useful for planning provisioning.

CE1.3 Identify the various phases of assembly of the work and the necessary materials, tools, equipment and means of safety at each of its phases.

CE1.4 Identify the tasks to be performed (cabling, mounting, installation of equipment, among others) in the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

CE1.5 Interpret the list of equipment, means, auxiliary elements, despite, among others, to perform the provisioning, according to the different phases of the assembly of the work.

CE1.6 Describe procurement control procedures for assembly (warehouse control, shape and delivery times, destinations, among others) indicating the most common correction measures (discounts, returns, between other).

C2: Plan and organize the provisioning and assembly of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, based on the information gathered from their technical documentation.

CE2.1 From the technical documentation of an installation of an audiovisual production system type:

-Describe the conditions (location, organization, special storage characteristics, among others) that must be met by the mount store to ensure the availability and security of the stored resources.

-Develop the list of materials and media required for each of the mounting stores that are required according to each of the installation stages.

-Elaborate delivery sheets of the material, media and equipment, optimizing the delivery times according to the plan of assembly of the work and its availability (existence or not in storage, dates of supply of suppliers, between other).

CE2.2 From the technical documentation of an audiovisual production system type:

-Develop planning diagrams for the assembly by setting the different phases, workloads, and tasks to be performed based on the project and the work's repose.

-Uncompose and plan each of the phases (repose, assembly, tuning, among others) in the various tasks (wiring, wiring, attachment of equipment, fixing of supports, among others) that compose them.

-Determine the human and technical resources required to run the mount processes.

-Determine the tasks that can be "externalized", depending on the resources available.

-Identify and describe process control points (performed tasks and dates).

-Prepare the quality conditions to be met in the installation run.

-Prepare the documentation for the assembly plan according to industry rules.

C3: Relating the individual and collective security means and equipment used in the assembly of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, with the risk factors that can be presented in the same.

CE3.1 Identify individual and collective security media and equipment by relating to the associated risk factor.

CE3.2 Describe the characteristics of the individual and collective security media and equipment required in each of the installation stages.

CE3.3 Describe the characteristics and purpose of the regulatory signals, to indicate places of risk and emergency situations.

CE3.4 Describe the procedures for action to be followed in a workplace accident.

C4: Properly manage waste in the assembly of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units.

CE4.1 Plan the waste management program generated in the installation of audiovisual installation in studies and mobile units, preparing the necessary documentation taking into account the implementing regulations and collecting:

-The manufacturer's instructions.

-The necessary containers depending on the type of residue.

-The storage zones based on the type of waste.

-Personal protection means according to the type of waste to be handled.

-Indicate the type of transport to use.

CE4.2 Describe the traceability of waste from its generation to its collection at the points indicated.


1. Elements and equipment for the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Electrical supply. Land grabs.

-Power supplies. Uninterruptible power supply (SAI).

-Audio equipment: Features and types. Mixers. Distributors. Audio generators and synthesizers. Other equipment.

-Image equipment: Features and types. Cameras. Monitors. Mixers. Editors. Distributors. Video generators and synthesizers. Teletext inserter. Other equipment.

-Non-linear audio and video production systems.

-Record equipment: Magnetic. Optical. Magneto-optics.

-Measurement equipment: Oscyloscope. Vectorscope. Waveform analyzer. BER meter. Audio analyzer. Sonometer. Other equipment.

-Cables and connectors. Types.

2. Documentation for the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Project: Memory and attachments.

-Planes, schemas, and standardized sketches.

-Statement of conditions: General and private.

-Budgets and measures.

-Work or mount projects.

-Mount processes: "planning" for the mount.

-Repose, measurements, and quantities.

-Task schedule (mount, distribution among others).

-Resource allocation, checklists.

-Equipment and materials to be used. Instruction Manual.

-Basic legislation and regulations in place.

-Legislation on occupational safety and risk prevention.

-Quality assurance.

3. Management of the supply and assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Interpretation of plans: Project, assembly and civil work.

-Organization of a type store.

-Stores: Location, organization, and security.

-Provision of materials and their management: Organization and control of the warehouse. Shopping. Computer tools.

-Mount Processes: Phases.

-Repose of the work, measurements, and quantities.

-Mount activities.

-Contingency plan.

-Allocation of resources.

-Despièce, auxiliary materials.

-Res: required times per unit of work.

-Quality Plan: Quality Assurance. Phases and procedures. Resources and documentation.

4. Means and safety equipment for the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Telecom security regulations.

-Individual and collective security media and equipment.

-Work in height.

-Accident prevention.

-Plan for evacuation and rescue of people.

-Emergency procedures. Security and the environment.

-Activity report and incidents.

5. Waste management generated in the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Waste types.

-Classification of the waste.

-Waste management regulations for electrical and electronic equipment.

-Manufacturer's recommendations.

-Types of storage canisters.

-Characteristics of the storage zones.

-Protection media and equipment.

-Collection, transport and storage of waste: Traceability.

-Software for waste management.



Code: UF1982

Duration: 60 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6, and RP7 as regards the monitoring of the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Monitor the repose and the execution of the assembly of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, contrasting the civil work plans and the schemes of the same with its location in a facility real.

CE1.1 Interpreting the schemas and plans of an audiovisual production system, detecting the needs of the assembly (height assembly, specific tool, presence of other installations, among others) and indicating the solutions that can be adopted by applying the existing rules.

CE1.2 Identify contingencies that may arise (no coincidence of measures between the plane and the work, presence of other unanticipated installations, among others) in the launch of the assembly of a production system audiovisual and describe the solutions adopted.

CE1.3 In the execution of the assembly of a type audiovisual production system, characterized by its plans and technical documentation:

-Contrasting the plans and location of a type audiovisual production system by identifying the usual contingencies that arise in real works, to ensure the viability of the assembly.

-Repose the installation considering all the necessary aspects (flow of channels, location of "racks", boxes and registers, viability of the work, interference with other installations, among others) for the launch of the same.

-Verify compliance with application regulations and regulations.

-Verify that the equipment, machines, tools, and protective equipment, among others, are those indicated for each of the installation stages.

-Verify that the material for the installation is indicated in the list of materials and without any of its physical and electrical properties.

-Verify compliance with the protection, security and risk prevention measures required in the assembly operations of an audiovisual production system.

-Check compliance with regulations on the treatment of waste generated during assembly.

C2: Define the key aspects of control applicable to a monitoring process and perform the assembly, of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units to ensure the quality, in the assembly process, the compliance with the programmed objectives and the implementing rules.

CE2.1 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different subsystems, equipment, and auxiliary elements.

CE2.2 From a project of mounting an audiovisual production system:

-Indicate the mounting phases indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas where the installation runs and indicate any possible solutions that may be adopted.

-Check the technical and personal protection techniques and means necessary for: cabling, rack mounting, location and equipment attachment, system-point, among others.

CE2.3 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the mounting phases and the quality plan and describing the assembly operations of the audiovisual production systems.

CE2.4 In the assembly of an audiovisual production system using the appropriate procedure, tools and means of protection and security, perform the following operations:

-Select the tools and means required according to the needs of the mount.

-Perform the repose by meeting the specifications of the technical documentation.

-Mount pipes and accessories according to the technical documentation.

-Tender and "connect" the cables without damage and disposing of them according to the type of installation and the current regulations.

-Mark and group drivers at appropriate distances by following the technical documentation provided.

-Mount the media for the equipment by following the location plans and the manufacturer's instructions.

-Install and connect system computers by following the blocks and block diagrams.

-Configure video and audio equipment and systems following technical documentation.

-Verify system operation by performing tests and measures set on the mount plan.

-Develop a report of the activities developed and the results obtained.

CE2.5 Describe the contents of a quality plan by relating it to the assembly process and to the quality standards.

CE2.6 In the monitoring of a program of mounting an audiovisual production system perform the following operations:

-Verify compliance with application regulations.

-Check that the location of the system elements matches what is set in the technical documentation.

-Verify that cables, auxiliary elements, and equipment, electrical connections, among others, meet established technical conditions.

-Verify that the system meets accessibility requirements for maintenance operations.

-Develop a report describing the contingencies that have arisen and the solutions adopted in the installation of the installations in the established format.

C3: Identify and define the protocols for the implementation of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units based on the current regulations.

CE3.1 Identify the tuning protocols of an audiovisual production system.

CE3.2 Define functional and commissioning tests, indicating the points to be controlled, signal quality, and parameter levels according to a recognized industry standard, and current regulations.

CE3.3 Define the measurement procedures to be used for functional, commissioning, and parameter measurements in those facilities where there is no regulation in this respect.

CE3.4 Develop the documentation for the installation and commissioning protocols for the installation.


1. Technical characteristics of the audiovisual production systems.

-The audio signal: Features.

-Acoustic sensitivity. The decibel. Types (dBspl, dBu, dBv, dBm).

-Audio signal metrics: Distortions, response in frequency.

-Features of radio and television studios, music recording, post-production and dubbing.

-Analog and digital production systems.

-The video signal: Features.

-Television systems: Fundamentals, formats.

-The CCD: Basic concepts.

-Characteristics of the production and postproduction studies of image.

-Analog and digital production systems.

-Mobile units.

2. Repose of the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Interpretation of plans. Accessibility.

-Contingencies and solutions.

-Documentation (placement authorizations, work licenses, among others).

-Listing of equipment and materials.

-Distribution of equipment and auxiliary elements.

-Distribution of work teams.

-Mobile units. Features.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.


3. Processes for the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Location and fixing of equipment and auxiliary elements.

-Location of mobile units.

-Technical documentation of equipment.

-Interconnection of elements: distribution systems.

-Physical connection: connectors, cables, and labeling. Welding and crimping.

-Team Conexion.

-Supports and fastening elements.

-Tools and mounting equipment.

-Measure instruments and auxiliary technical means.

-Regulations and individual and collective security elements.

-Waste management generated in the assembly of audiovisual production systems. Regulations.

3. Putting into service of audiovisual production systems

-Measures and checks. Procedures.

-Check lists.

-Instructions Manuals.

-Connection and disconnect procedures.

-Installation procedure in service.

-Regulatory measures and verifications.


Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1579_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1579_3 Manage and monitor the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

Duration: 180 hours.


Naming: Managing the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Code: UF1983

Duration: 90 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP7, as regards the management of the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and select the required project information from an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units to plan maintenance and provisioning.

CE1.1 Select project parts (blueprints, schemas, specifications, among others) that are useful for planning maintenance.

CE1.2 Identify and select the technical documentation (manufacturer manuals, service instructions, among others) that is useful for planning maintenance.

CE1.3 Identify the tasks to be performed (head cleaning, replacement of elements at end of life, among others) in the maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

CE1.4 Identify different types of system maintenance (preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance).

CE1.5 Interpret the list of equipment, media, auxiliary elements, despite, among others, to perform the provisioning, depending on the type of maintenance.

CE1.6 Describe the configuration and organization typical of a warehouse of an audiovisual production systems maintenance company.

CE1.7 Describe provisioning control procedures for maintenance (warehouse control, shape and delivery times, targets, among others).

C2: Plan and organize maintenance and supply for an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, defining human and material resources, interventions to be performed and their sequencing from the information gathered from the technical documentation.

CE2.1 Describe the types of maintenance to be performed on audiovisual production systems.

CE2.2 Describe the programming techniques and requirements to be met in your applications for maintenance.

CE2.3 Develop a workload chart.

CE2.4 Develop the preventive maintenance program of a type audiovisual production system taking into account:

-The maintenance tab model.

-The manufacturers ' instructions.

-Stop and put in service procedures.

-The inspection points.

-The interventions to be performed.

-The required human and material resources.

-The security media.

-The sequencing of the interventions.

-The failure history.

CE2.5 Develop corrective maintenance procedures for a type of audiovisual production system taking into account:

-The manufacturers ' instructions.

-Stop and put in service procedures.

-The interventions to be performed.

-The required human and material resources.

-The interchangeability of elements.

-The adjustments to be made.

-The security media.

-The failure history.

-Unpredictable and strategic factors.

CE2.6 Develop proposals for the improvement of maintenance and energy saving from the analysis of the system maintenance processes as a whole (proactivity).

CE2.7 Interpret the characteristics of the equipment, media, auxiliary elements, despite, among others, to plan the provisioning.

CE2.8 Develop a provisioning plan by taking into account the sequencing and needs of maintenance activities.

CE2.9 Indicate the individual and collective protection means to be applied in each maintenance task.

C3: Manage the maintenance plan of an audiovisual production system in studies and type mobile units, based on a specific planning and health and safety study.

CE3.1 Identify security regulations.

CE3.2 Indicate process control points, taking into account time and results.

CE3.3 In the management of the maintenance plan of an audiovisual production system type:

-Distribute maintenance (preventive and corrective) tasks between work teams.

-Manage the distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Verify the guidelines to be followed to ensure quality in the facility maintenance process.

CE3.4 Organize waste management in the maintenance of a type of audiovisual production system taking into account the rules of application.

C4: Relating the individual and collective security means and equipment used in the maintenance of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, with the risk factors that can be presented in same.

CE4.1 Identify individual and collective security media and equipment by relating to the associated risk factor.

CE4.2 Describe the characteristics of the individual and collective security media and equipment used in each of the interventions.

CE4.3 Describe the characteristics and purpose of the regulatory signals, to indicate places of risk and emergency situations.

CE4.4 Describe the procedures for action to be followed in an accident at work.


1. Documentation for the maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

-Technical Documentation: Project. Flat. Specifications.

-Manufacturer's Manuals.

-Organization of the storerooms.

-Purchase procedures.

-Material Receipt:

-Forms and delivery times for materials.

-Discounts, returns, etc.

2. Planning of maintenance in audiovisual production systems.

-Maintenance: Preventive and corrective.

-Identification of maintenance on equipment:




-Maintenance procedures:


-Manufacturer's indications.

-Inspection points, etc.

-Human and material resources.

-Allocation of resources.

-Link and delimitation between tasks in mount and maintenance.

-Computer tools for maintenance planning.

-Individual and collective protection elements.

-Health and safety plans.

-Quality Plan: Quality Assurance. Phases and procedures. Resources and documentation.

3. Management of the maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

-Electrotechnical regulation for low voltage.

-Recommendations (ITU, CCIR).

-Basic legislation and regulations in place.

-Legislation on occupational safety and risk prevention.

-Control points.

-Distribution of tasks.

-Distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Incident and breakdown history.


-Computer tools for maintenance management.

-Quality management.

-Waste Management.

4. Means and safety equipment for the maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

-Telecom security regulations.

-Individual and collective security media and equipment.

-Work in height.

-Accident prevention.

-Plan for evacuation and rescue of people.

-Emergency procedures. Security and the environment.

-Activity report and incidents.



Code: UF1984

Duration: 90 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, RP5, and RP6, as regards the monitoring of the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Diagnose dysfunctions and breakdowns in an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, locating and identifying the dysfunction or breakdown, determining the causes that produce and applying the procedures required under security conditions.

CE1.1 Describe the typology and characteristics of the breakdowns that occur in the equipment and installations of the audiovisual production systems:

-Audio studies.

-Video studies.

-Mobile audio drives.

-Mobile video drives.

CE1.2 Describe the techniques of diagnosis, localization, measurement and the specific means used in the location of properly characterized breakdowns in the audiovisual production systems.

CE1.3 In the diagnosis of breakdowns in a type system for audiovisual production, based on the technical documentation:

-Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different teams and elements that compose it.

-Describe the application and procedures of the use of the equipment and measuring instruments (sonometer, vectorscope, waveform monitor, multimeter, among others) for the diagnosis of breakdowns.

-Identify the symptoms of the breakdown, characterizing it for the effects it produces and measures taken, determining the affected subsystem (catchment, control, intercommunication, registration, among others).

-Assay hypotheses of the cause or causes that may cause the breakdown, relating to the symptoms that the system presents.

-Define the intervention procedure to determine the cause or causes that cause the breakdown.

-Locate the element responsible for the fault in the estimated time.

C2: Define the key aspects of control applicable to a monitoring process and perform preventive maintenance of an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, to ensure operation and conservation of the same, according to the objectives programmed in the maintenance plan and the implementing regulations.

CE2.1 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different subsystems, equipment, and auxiliary elements.

CE2.2 Interpret the performance protocols and the quality plan for the preventive maintenance of the audiovisual production systems.

CE2.3 In the monitoring of a preventive maintenance program of an audiovisual production system verify:

-Compliance with the application and quality plan.

-Performing the interventions according to the maintenance plan.

-Drivers, connecting elements, catchment elements, fastening elements, among others, replaced in the different installations, comply with the established technical conditions.

-Perform verification and verification tests to know the status of the installation and the levels of the regulatory parameters.

-Develop a report by collecting the measures and verifications performed, the equipment and tools used, the contingencies arising and the solutions adopted in the maintenance of the audiovisual production system.

C3: Define the key control aspects applicable to a monitoring process and repair previously diagnosed dysfunctions or breakdowns in an audiovisual production system in studies and mobile units, using the procedures, means and tools under security conditions and with the required quality.

CE3.1 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different subsystems, equipment, and auxiliary elements.

CE3.2 In the repair of faults in an audiovisual production system with real elements, from the technical documentation:

-Identify the different subsystems (fetch, control, intercommunication, logging, among others) and their affected elements in the system, relating them to the schemas in the technical documentation.

-Verify the diagnosed symptoms of dysfunction or failure on the installation.

-Select the appropriate tools, tools, and measuring instruments for the necessary interventions, to be performed in the repair of the fault.

-Perform corrective interventions on elements and equipment of audio and video signal capture, control and recording facilities.

-Make adjustments for the equipment and items that have been tapped.

-Perform the test tests to know the conditions and levels of the system parameters.

CE3.3 Interpret the performance protocols and quality plan for corrective maintenance of audiovisual production systems.

CE3.4 In a scenario of monitoring the repair of faults in an audiovisual production system with real elements, from the technical documentation:

-Monitor that corrective interventions on system items and equipment conform to the quality plan.

-Monitor that the results obtained in the measurements and tests are in accordance with the parameters set.

-Verify the reset of the functional conditions.

-Develop a report of the activities developed and the results obtained.


1. Diagnosis of breakdowns in audio production systems.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Technical documentation of equipment and audio elements.

-Type Averies in Audio Facilities:

-Audio studies.

-Mobile audio drives.

-Audio breakdown diagnosis and localization techniques:

-Symptoms of breakdowns.

-Effects produced.

-Determining affected subsystems.

-Hypothesis of causes.

-Intervention procedures.

-Measurement tools and equipment to be used.

2. Diagnosis of breakdowns in video production systems.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Technical documentation of equipment and video elements.

-Type Averies in Video Facilities:

-Video studies.

-Mobile video drives.

-Video breakdown diagnosis and location techniques:

-Symptoms of breakdowns.

-Effects produced.

-Determining affected subsystems.

-Hypothesis of causes.

-Intervention procedures.

-Measurement tools and equipment to be used.

3. Preventive maintenance in audiovisual production systems.

-Quick occurrence failures on equipment and installations.

-Slow occurrence failures on equipment and installations.

-Problematic of cables and connectors. Welding and crimping.

-Replacing items. Adjustments and checks.


-Means to use (computer, measurement, etc.).

-Documentary support. Review point table.

-Tools and auxiliary technical means.

-Individual and collective security teams.


4. Corrective maintenance in audiovisual production systems.

-Classification of system breakdowns: power, audio, video, control, intercommunication, among others.

-Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques.

-Equipment operating parameters.

-Localization of breakdowns.

-Substitution of elements.

-Updating the firmware.

-Checking and tuning parameters.

-Procedures for monitoring the repair.

-Tools and instrumentation.

-Quality plan.

-Personal, collective and equipment security teams.

-Personal, collective, and equipment security rules.

5. Implementation of the audiovisual production systems

-Measures and checks. Procedures.

-Connection and disconnect procedures.

-Installation procedure in service.

-Regulatory measures and verifications.

Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1580_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1564_2 Manage and monitor the mounting of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

Duration: 120 hours.



Code: UF1985

Duration: 70 hours.

Competition Referred: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP4, and RP7 as regards the management of the transmission system assembly for radio and television in fixed installations and units mobile.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and select the required information from a project of a broadcast system for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units to manage provisioning and assembly.

CE1.1 Identify the parts of which a transmission system project consists of radio and television:

-Memory: General data. Elements constituting a transmission system for radio and television. Elements constituting a mobile transmission unit.


-Technical specifications: Specific conditions. General conditions. Budget and measures.

-Safety and health rules.

CE1.2 Select project parts (blueprints, schemas, specifications, among others) that are useful for planning provisioning.

CE1.3 Identify the tasks to be performed (installation of antennas, auxiliary elements, installation of equipment, among others) in the assembly of transmission systems for radio and television.

CE1.4 Identify the various phases of assembly of the work.

CE1.5 Interpret the list of equipment, means, auxiliary elements, despite, among others, to perform the provisioning, according to the different phases of the assembly of the work.

CE1.6 Describe the typical configuration and organization of a transmission system for a transmission system for radio and television.

CE1.7 Describe procurement control procedures (warehouse control, form and delivery times, destinations, among others) indicating the most common correction measures (discounts, returns, among others).

CE1.8 Contrasting media and equipment (racks, antennas, equipment, wiring, among others) necessary for the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television with those of a warehouse inventory, to produce delivery sheets of material, media and equipment.

C2: Plan and organize the provisioning and assembly of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, based on the information gathered from their technical documentation.

CE2.1 From the technical documentation collected from an installation of a transmission system for radio and television type:

-Elaborate delivery sheets of the material, media and equipment, optimizing the delivery times according to the plan of assembly of the work and its availability (existence or not in storage, dates of supply of suppliers, between other).

-Describe the conditions (location, organization, special storage characteristics, among others) that the warehouse must meet to ensure the availability and security of the stored resources.

-Develop the list of materials and means necessary for each of the stores in work that are needed according to each of the installation stages of the installation.

-Identify the various phases of the work-mount plan from the installation's technical documentation and repose, by performing a workload graph and the corresponding time allocation.

-Describe the tasks to be performed in the assembly processes of a transmission system for radio and television.

-Identify the materials, tools, equipment, and security means necessary for the assembly of each of the phases of the work.

CE2.2 From the technical documentation of a transmission system for radio and television type:

-Set the phases of the assembly process taking into account the project and the repose of the work.

-Uncompose each of the phases (repose, mount, set-up, among others) in the various tasks (wiring, wiring, equipment, location of antennas, among others) that compose it.

-Determine the equipment, tools, and auxiliary media, among others, needed to run the assembly processes.

-Determine the human resources and execution times of each task.

-Determine the tasks that can be "externalized", depending on the resources available.

-Identify and describe process control points (performed tasks and dates).

-Represent activity sequencing using workload diagrams.

-Prepare the quality conditions to be met in the installation run.

-Prepare the documentation for the assembly plan according to industry rules.

CE2.3 Indicate the individual and collective means of protection to be applied in each of the assembly tasks, defining the safety tests (exposure levels, electrical safety, among others) indicating the points to be controlled, equipment to be used and the levels of the parameters according to the current regulations.

C3: Manage the plan to mount a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, based on the planning and the health and safety study.

CE3.1 Identify security regulations.

CE3.2 Indicate process control points, taking into account time and results.

CE3.3 In the management and monitoring of the assembly plan of a transmission system for radio and television type:

-Distribute assembly tasks (location of antennas, cabling, connection of equipment, fixing of media, among others) among work teams.

-Manage the distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Verify the guidelines to be followed to ensure quality in the installation process.

CE3.4 Organize waste management in the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television, type taking into account implementing regulations.

C4: Relating individual and collective security means and equipment used in the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, with the risk factors can present in the same.

CE4.1 Identify individual and collective security media and equipment by relating to the associated risk factor.

CE4.2 Describe the characteristics of the individual and collective security media and equipment required in each of the installation stages.

CE4.3 Describe the characteristics and purpose of the regulatory signals, to indicate places of risk and emergency situations.

CE4.4 Describe the procedures for action to be followed in an accident at work.

C5: Properly manage waste in the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units.

CE5.1 Plan the waste management program generated in the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, preparing the necessary documentation taking into account the application regulations and collecting:

-The manufacturer's instructions.

-The necessary containers depending on the type of residue.

-The storage zones based on the type of waste.

-Personal protection means according to the type of waste to be handled.

-Indicate the type of transport to use.

CE5.2 Describe the traceability of waste from its generation to its collection at the points indicated.


1. Elements and equipment for the assembly of radio and television transmission systems.

-Electrical installations, protections, and associated circuits. Grounding, lightning rod, crowding, interferences. Single-phase and three-phase power.

-The electromagnetic signal and its physical parameters (frequency, wavelength, intensity, power, spectrum).

-Modulations: Analog and Digital. Types used for audio and video transmission.

-Transmission and propagation of electromagnetic waves. Means of transmission.

-A-D/ D-A. conversion techniques and technologies

-Adaptation of impedance.

-Transmitters and radio links. Analog and digital.

-Transmission lines: coaxial cable, optical fiber, waveguide.

-Antennas. Antenna arrays.

-Receivers. Sensitivity.

-Signal Distributors.

-Measurement Equipment: Spectrum Analyzer, power probe, ROE meter, BER meter, field meter, spectrum analyzer, vector analyzer, among others.

2. Documentation for the assembly of systems of radio and television transmission systems.

-Project: Memory and attachments.

-Planes and normalized schemas.

-Statement of conditions: General and private.

-Budget and metrics.

-Work or mount projects.

-Permissions and licenses.

-Frequency allocation plan.

-Electrotechnical regulation for low voltage.

-General Telecommunications Law.

-Recommendations (ITU, CCIR).

-Basic legislation and regulations in place.

3. Management of the supply and assembly of radio and television transmission systems

-Interpretation of plans: Project, assembly and civil work.

-Mount Processes: Phases.

-Planning tasks and allocating resources.

-Provision of materials and their management: Organization and control of the warehouse. Shopping.

-Computer tools.

-Repose of the work, measurements, and quantities.

-Mount activities.

-Contingency plan.

-Allocation of resources.

-Despièce, auxiliary materials.

-Res: Times required per unit of work.

-Quality Plan: Quality Assurance. Phases and procedures. Resources and documentation.

4. Means and safety equipment for the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Telecom security regulations.

-Individual and collective security media and equipment.

-Work in height.

-Accident prevention.

-Plan for evacuation and rescue of people.

-Emergency procedures. Security and the environment.

-Activity report and incidents.

5. Waste management generated in the assembly of audiovisual production systems.

-Waste types and classification.

-Waste management regulations for electrical and electronic equipment.

-Manufacturer's recommendations.

-Types of storage canisters.

-Characteristics of the storage zones.

-Protection media and equipment.

-Collection, transport and storage of waste: Traceability.

-Software for waste management.



Code: UF1986

Duration: 50 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP5, and RP6, as regards the monitoring of transmission system assembly for radio and television in fixed installations and units mobile.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Monitor the repose and the execution of the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, contrasting the civil works plans and the schemes of the same with their place of location, in a real installation or at scale with actual elements.

CE1.1 Interpreting the schemas and plans of a transmission system for radio and television, detecting the needs of the assembly (height assembly, access, among others) and indicating the solutions that can be adopted by applying the rules in force.

CE1.2 Identify the contingencies that may arise (no coincidence of measures between the plane and the work, characteristics of the terrain, among others) in the launch of the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television and describe the solutions adopted.

CE1.3 In the execution of the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television type, characterized by its plans and technical documentation:

-Contrasting the plans and location of the equipment and elements of the system by identifying the usual contingencies that arise in real works, to ensure the viability of the assembly.

-Repose the installation considering all the necessary aspects (flow of channels, location of antennas, supports, hardware and "racks", feasibility of the work, interference with other installations, among others) the launch of the same.

-Verify compliance with application regulations and regulations.

-Verify that the equipment, machines, tools, and protective equipment, among others, are those indicated for each of the installation stages.

-Verify that the material for the installation is indicated in the list of materials and without any of its physical and electrical properties.

-Verify compliance with protection, security, and risk prevention measures required in mount operations.

-Check compliance with regulations on the treatment of waste generated during assembly.

C2: Define the key aspects of control applicable to a monitoring process and perform the assembly of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, to ensure quality in the assembly process, meeting the scheduled objectives and implementing regulations.

CE2.1 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different subsystems, equipment, and auxiliary elements.

CE2.2 From a project of mounting a transmission system for radio and television:

-Indicate the mounting phases indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

-Detect the possible mounting difficulties in the areas where the installation runs and indicate any possible solutions that may be adopted.

-Check the technical and personal protection techniques and means necessary for: wiring, mounting of wave guides, assembly of masts and antennas, location and fixing of auxiliary elements, set up of the system, among others.

CE2.3 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the mounting phases and the quality plan and describing the assembly operations of the broadcast systems for radio and television.

CE2.4 In the assembly of a radio and television transmission system using the appropriate procedure, tools and means of protection and security, perform the following operations:

-Select the tools and means required according to the needs of the mount.

-Perform the repose by meeting the specifications of the technical documentation.

-Install the auxiliary elements of the antennas at the places set in the location plans.

-Install the transmit and receive antennas on the indicated media and with the guidance specified in the technical documentation.

-Mount pipes and accessories according to the technical documentation.

-Tender and connect transmission lines without damage and availability according to current regulations.

-Mark and group drivers by following the technical documentation.

-Mount the "racks" and the equipment supports by following the location plans and the manufacturer's instructions.

-Install and connect the system teams by following the plans.

-Configure the transmission equipment by following the technical documentation.

-Verify system operation by performing tests and measures set on the mount plan.

-Develop a report of the activities developed and the results obtained.

CE2.5 Describe the contents of a quality plan by relating it to the assembly process and to the quality standards.

CE2.6 In the monitoring of a program of mounting a type transmission system for radio and television perform the following operations:

-Verify compliance with application regulations.

-Check that the location of the system elements matches what is set in the technical documentation.

-Verify that transmission lines, auxiliary elements, and equipment, electrical connections, among others, meet established technical conditions.

-Verify compliance with the tuning and commissioning protocols.

-Check that the system meets accessibility requirements for maintenance operations.

-Develop a report describing the contingencies that have arisen and the solutions adopted in the installation of the installations.

C3: Identify, the protocols for putting in place and putting into service a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and type mobile units, based on the current regulations and their documentation technique.

CE3.1 Define the security tests (exposure levels, electrical safety, among others) indicating the points to be controlled, equipment to be used and the levels of the parameters according to the current regulations.

CE3.2 Identify the tuning and commissioning protocols of a transmission system for radio and television.

CE3.3 Define the protocols for putting in place and putting into service a transmission system for radio and television describing the procedures to be followed.

CE3.4 Define the measurement procedures to be used for functional, commissioning, and parameter measurements in those facilities where there is no regulation in this respect.

CE3.5 Develop the documentation for the installation and commissioning protocols for the installation.


1. Repose of the assembly of radio and television transmission systems

-Interpretation of plans. Accessibility.

-Contingencies and solutions.

-Documentation (work licenses, passing licenses, sites, among others).

-Installation elements: Canalizations, antennas, media, Racks among others.

-Equipment (modulators, transmitters, demodulators, etc.).

-Tools and auxiliary media.

-List of equipment and materials.

-Distribution of equipment and tools.

-Location and needs of mobile units.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.


2. Processes for the assembly of radio and television transmission systems.

-Location and fixation of equipment, antennas, and auxiliary elements.

-Mobile units. Location.

-Technical documentation of equipment.

-Mechanical setting of equipment.

-Electrical supply, grounding.

-Telling and labeling of cabling.

-Physical connection: connectors, cables. Welding and crimping.

-Alignment and antenna orientation.

-Tools and equipment for mounting.

-Measure instruments and auxiliary technical means. Measurement techniques.

-Regulations and individual and collective security elements.

-Waste management generated in the assembly of transmission systems. Regulations.

3. Putting into service of radio and television transmission systems

-Measures and checks. Procedures.

-Typical parameters: Pire, signal/noise ratio, directivity).

-Connection and disconnect procedures.

-Installation procedure in service.

-Installation security conditions. Regulations.

-Regulatory measures and verifications.

-Service Manuals.


Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1581_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1581_3 Manage and monitor the maintenance of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

Duration: 150 hours.


Naming: Managing the maintenance of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units

Code: UF1987

Duration: 90 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP6 and RP7, as regards the management of maintenance of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and mobile units.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and select the required information from a project of a broadcast system for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units to plan maintenance and provisioning.

CE1.1 Select project parts (blueprints, schemas, specifications, among others) that are useful for planning maintenance.

CE1.2 Identify and select the technical documentation (manufacturer manuals, service instructions, among others) that is useful for planning maintenance.

CE1.3 Identify the tasks to be performed (power, stationary, frequency, among others) in the maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television.

CE1.4 Identify different types of system maintenance (preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance).

CE1.5 Interpret the list of equipment, media, auxiliary elements, despite, among others, to perform the provisioning, depending on the type of maintenance.

CE1.6 Describe the configuration and organization typical of a warehouse of a transmission system maintenance company for radio and television.

CE1.7 Describe procurement control procedures (warehouse control, shape and delivery times, targets, among others).

C2: Plan and organize maintenance and supply for a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, defining human and material resources, interventions to perform and its sequencing from the information collected from a project.

CE2.1 Describe the types of maintenance to be performed on broadcast systems for radio and television.

CE2.2 Describe the programming techniques and requirements to be met in your applications for maintenance.

CE2.3 Develop a workload chart.

CE2.4 Develop the preventive maintenance program for a radio and television transmission system with the following in mind:

-The maintenance tab model.

-The manufacturers ' instructions.

-Stop and put on service procedures and times.

-The inspection points.

-The interventions to be performed.

-The required human and material resources.

-The security media.

-The sequencing of the interventions.

-The failure history.

CE2.5 Elaborate the corrective maintenance procedures of a radio and television transmission system, taking into account:

-The manufacturers ' instructions.

-Stop and put on service procedures and times.

-The interventions to be performed.

-The required human and material resources.

-The interchangeability of elements.

-The adjustments to be made.

-The security media.

-The failure history.

-Unpredictable and strategic factors.

CE2.6 Develop proposals for the improvement of maintenance and energy saving from the analysis of the system maintenance processes as a whole (proactivity).

CE2.7 Interpret the characteristics of the equipment, media, auxiliary elements, despite, among others, to plan the provisioning.

CE2.8 Develop the provisioning plan by taking into account the sequencing and needs of maintenance activities.

CE2.9 Indicate the individual and collective protection means to be applied in each of the assembly tasks.

C3: Manage the maintenance plan of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and type mobile units, based on a given planning and health and safety study.

CE3.1 Identify security regulations.

CE3.2 Indicate process control points, taking into account time and results.

CE3.3 In the management and monitoring of the maintenance plan of a transmission system for radio and television type:

-Distribute maintenance (preventive and corrective) tasks between work teams.

-Manage the distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Verify the guidelines to be followed to ensure quality in the installation process.

CE3.4 Organize waste management in the maintenance of a transmission system for radio and television, taking into account the rules of application.

C4: Relating the individual and collective security means and equipment used in maintaining a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, with the risk factors can present in the same.

CE4.1 Identify individual and collective security media and equipment by relating to the associated risk factor.

CE4.2 Describe the characteristics of the individual and collective security media and equipment used in each of the interventions.

CE 4.3 Describe the characteristics and purpose of the regulatory signals, to indicate places of risk and emergency situations.

EC 4.4 Describe the procedures for action to be followed in the event of an accident at work.


1. Documentation for the maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television.

-Technical Documentation: Project. Flat. Specifications.

-Manufacturer's Manuals.

-Organization of the storerooms.

-Purchase procedures.

-Material Receipt:

-Forms and delivery times for materials.

-Discounts, returns, etc.

2. Maintenance planning in the transmission systems for radio and television.

-Maintenance: Preventive and corrective.

-Identification of maintenance on transmission equipment of:



-Mobile units.

-Planning tools:


-Gantt diagrams.

-PERT Techniques.


-Maintenance procedures:

-Tab models.

-Manufacturers ' indications.

-History of breakdowns.

-Inspection points, etc.

-Human and material resources.

-Allocation of resources.

-Individual and collective protection elements.

-Health and safety plans.

-Quality Plan: Quality Assurance. Phases and procedures. Resources and documentation.

3. Maintenance management in transmission systems for radio and television.

-Electrotechnical regulation for low voltage.

-Recommendations (ITU, CCIR).

-Basic legislation and regulations in place.

-Legislation on occupational safety and risk prevention.

-Control points.

-Distribution of tasks.

-Distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Res: repair/replacement times.

-Incident and breakdown history.


-Computer tools for maintenance management.

-Quality management.

-Waste Management.

4. Means and safety equipment for the maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television.

-Telecom security regulations.

-Individual and collective security media and equipment.

-Work in height.

-Accident prevention.

-Plan for evacuation and rescue of people.

-Emergency procedures. Security and the environment.

-Activity report and incidents.


Naming: Monitoring the maintenance of broadcast systems for radio and television on fixed installations and mobile units.

Code: UF1988

Duration: 60 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP5, as regards monitoring the maintenance of radio and television transmission systems in fixed installations and units mobile.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Diagnose dysfunctions and breakdowns in the facilities of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, locating and identifying the dysfunction or breakdown, determining the causes the production and application of the required procedures under security conditions.

CE1.1 Describe the typology and characteristics of the breakdowns that occur in equipment and installations of transmission systems for radio and television:



-Mobile units.

CE1.2 Describe the diagnostic, localization, measurement and specific means used in the location of properly characterized breakdowns in radio and television transmission systems.

CE1.3 In the diagnosis of breakdowns in a transmission type system for radio and television, from the technical documentation:

-Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different teams and elements that compose it.

-Describe the application and procedures for the use of measurement equipment and instruments (spectrum analyzer, field meter, reflectometer, multimeter, watimeter, among others) for the diagnosis of breakdowns.

-Identify the symptoms of the breakdown, characterizing it for the effects it produces and measures, determining the affected subsystem (power stage, modulator, power, radiant system, among others).

-Assay hypotheses of the cause or causes that may cause the breakdown, relating to the symptoms that the system presents.

-Define the intervention procedure to determine the cause or causes that cause the breakdown.

-Locate the element responsible for the fault in the estimated time.

C2: Define the key control aspects applicable to a monitoring process and perform preventive maintenance of a transmission system for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units, to ensure the operation and conservation of the same, in accordance with the objectives set out in the maintenance plan and the implementing rules.

CE2.1 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different subsystems, equipment, and auxiliary elements.

CE2.2 Interpret the performance protocols and quality plan for the maintenance of broadcast systems for radio and television.

CE2.3 In monitoring a preventive maintenance program for a radio and television transmission system verify:

-Compliance with the application and quality plan.

-Performing the interventions according to the maintenance plan.

-Transmission lines, connection elements, antennas, masts and towers, among others, replaced by the different installations, meet the technical conditions established.

-Perform verification and verification tests to know the status of the installation and the levels of the regulatory parameters.

CE2.4 Develop a report by collecting:

-The measurements and verifications performed, the control points, equipment, and tools used.

-Contingencies and solutions adopted in the maintenance of the transmission system for radio and television.

C3: Define the key control aspects applicable to a monitoring process and repair previously diagnosed dysfunctions or breakdowns in the facilities of a radio and television transmission system in installations fixed and mobile units, using the procedures, means and tools under security conditions and with the required quality.

CE3.1 Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the different subsystems, equipment, and auxiliary elements.

CE3.2 In a repair of faults in a transmission system for radio and television with real elements, from the technical documentation:

-Identify the different subsystems (power stage, modulator, power, radiant system, among others) and their affected elements in the system, relating them to the technical documentation schemes.

-Verify the diagnosed symptoms of dysfunction or failure on the installation.

-Select the appropriate tools, tools, and measuring instruments for the necessary interventions, to be performed in the repair of the fault.

-Perform corrective interventions on the different subsystems (power stage, modulator, power, radiant system, among others).

-Make adjustments for the equipment and items that have been tapped.

-Perform the test tests to know the conditions and levels of the system parameters.

CE3.3 Interpret the performance protocols and the quality plan for corrective maintenance of the transmission systems.

CE3.4 In the monitoring of breakdown repair in a transmission system for radio and television with real elements, from the technical documentation:

-Monitor that corrective interventions on system items and equipment conform to the quality plan.

-Monitor that the results obtained in the measurements and tests are in accordance with the parameters set.

-Verify the reset of the functional conditions.

-Develop a report of the activities developed and the results obtained.


1. Diagnosis of breakdowns in radio transmission systems.

-The audio signal. Features.

-Modulation techniques.

-Broadcast systems: Types.

-RDS System.

-Mobile units.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Technical documentation of radio transmission equipment and elements.

-Type Averies in Audio Facilities:

-Audio studies.

-Mobile units.

-Audio breakdown diagnosis and localization techniques:

-Symptoms of breakdowns.

-Effects produced.

-Determining affected subsystems.

-Hypothesis of causes.

-Intervention procedures.

-Measurement tools and equipment to be used.

2. Diagnosis of breakdowns in television transmission systems.

-The video signal: Features.

-Modulation. Types.

-Television systems: Types.

-Interpretation of schemas.

-Technical documentation of equipment and video elements.

-Classification of system breakdowns: power, modulation, amplification.

-Type-Averations in video installations at:


-Mobile units.

-Video breakdown diagnosis and location techniques:

-Symptoms of breakdowns.

-Effects produced.

-Determining affected subsystems.

-Hypothesis of causes.

-Intervention procedures.

-Measurement tools and equipment to be used.

3. Preventive maintenance on radio and television transmission systems.

-Quick occurrence failures on equipment and installations.

-Slow occurrence failures on equipment and installations.

-Problematic of cables and connectors. Welding and crimping. Fiber optic breakages and splices.

-Replacing items. Adjustments and checks.


-Means to use (computer, measurement, etc.).

-Documentary support. Review point table.

-Tools and auxiliary technical means.

-Individual and collective security teams.


4. Corrective maintenance in audiovisual production systems.

-Classification of system breakdowns: power, audio, video, control, intercommunication, among others.

-Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques.

-Equipment operating parameters.

-Localization of breakdowns.

-Substitution of elements.

-Checking and tuning parameters. Updating the firmware.

-Checking and tuning parameters.

-Procedures for monitoring the repair.

-Tools and instrumentation.

-Quality plan.

-Personal, collective and equipment security teams.

-Personal, collective, and equipment security rules.

5. Implementation of the audiovisual production systems

-Measures and checks. Methodology.

-Connection and disconnect procedures.

-Installation procedure in service.

-Security conditions (electrical, mechanical among others).

-Regulatory measures and verifications.

-Technical documentation.


Methodological guidelines

To access the formative unit 2, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0420

Duration: 80 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Repose an installation and launch the execution of the audiovisual and broadcasting production systems by contrasting the civil works plans and their schemes with the locations in a real installation.

CE1.1 At the launch of the assembly of audiovisual and broadcast production systems characterized by their plans and technical documentation:

-Contrasting the plans, locations, and elements of the systems, identifying the usual contingencies that arise in real works, to ensure the viability of the assembly.

-To collaborate on the repose of the installation considering all the necessary aspects (flow of channels, location of "racks" and antennas, supports, fittings, boxes and registers, viability of the work, interference with other facilities, among others) for the launch of the same.

-Help verify compliance with application regulations and regulations.

-Participate in the verification that the equipment, machines, tools, and protective equipment, among others, are those indicated for each of the installation phases of the installation.

-Help to verify that the material for the installation is indicated in the list of materials and without any of its physical and electrical properties.

-Collaborate on verifying compliance with the required security, safety, and risk prevention measures in all assembly operations.

C2: Manage and monitor the plan for the assembly of audiovisual and broadcast production systems from the planning and the health and safety study.

CE2.1 In the management and supervision of the plan for the assembly of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems:

-Participate in the distribution of assembly tasks (cabling, equipment connection, antenna location, media fixation, among others) among the work teams.

-Collaborate in managing the distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Help verify the guidelines to be followed to ensure quality in the installation process.

C3: Define the key aspects of control applicable to a monitoring process and perform the assembly and repair of previously diagnosed dysfunctions or breakdowns, of an audiovisual production and broadcasting system in security conditions and with the required quality.

CE3.1 Starting from a project to assemble an audiovisual production and type broadcasting system:

-Indicate the mounting phases indicating the necessary elements, materials, technical, auxiliary, and security means.

-Point out the possible mounting difficulties in the areas where the installation runs and indicate any possible solutions that may be adopted.

-Describe the technical and personal protection techniques and means necessary for: cabling, rack mounting, wave guides, mast and antenna assembly, location and equipment attachment, system, among others.

CE3.2 Collaborate in the interpretation of the protocols of action and the quality plan for the corrective maintenance of the systems of audiovisual production and broadcasting.

CE3.3 In the supervision of a preventive and corrective maintenance program for repair of faults in an audiovisual and broadcasting production system, based on the technical documentation:

-Assist in verifying the diagnosed symptoms of dysfunction or breakdown.

-Collaborate on monitoring that corrective interventions on system items and equipment conform to the quality plan.

-Participate in the monitoring that the results obtained in the measurements and tests are in accordance with the parameters set.

-Collaborate in the performance of corrective interventions in the various subsystems (power stage, modulator, power, radiant system, among others).

-Participate in the tuning of the equipment and elements that are involved.

-Assist in testing tests for the conditions and levels of the system parameters.

-Collaborate to verify the restoration of functional conditions and compliance with the application and quality plan.

-Develop a report by collecting the measurements and verifications performed, the equipment and tools used, the contingencies arising, and the solutions adopted.

-Participate in the monitoring of the state of transmission lines, connection elements, antennas, masts and towers, among others, replaced by different installations, checking that they meet the technical conditions set.

C4: Manage the maintenance plan for audiovisual and broadcast production systems based on a given planning and health and safety study.

CE4.1 In the management of the maintenance plan of the audiovisual production and broadcasting systems types:

-Collaborate in the distribution of maintenance tasks (preventive and corrective) among work teams.

-Participate in the management of the distribution of material resources and equipment.

-Help verify the guidelines to be followed to ensure quality in the facility maintenance process.

C5: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Repose of the assembly of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems.

-Interpretation of plans. Accessibility.

-Contingencies and solutions.

-Documentation (placement authorizations, work licenses, among others.

-Distribution of equipment and materials.

-Mobile units. Features.

-Location and needs of mobile units.

-Individual and collective protective equipment.


2. Management and supervision of the assembly of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems.

-Distribution of tasks: control and monitoring.

-Distribution of material resources and equipment. Monitoring and monitoring.

-Store. Location and organization.

-Quality rules. Verification.

-Waste Management.


3. Monitoring of the maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems.

-Quality plan and preventive and corrective maintenance protocols.

-Preventive and corrective maintenance actuations.

-Verification procedures.

-Procedures for maintenance.

-Inspection points.

-Equipment adjustments and checks. Verification.


4. Management of the maintenance of audiovisual and broadcasting production systems.

-Distribution of preventive and corrective maintenance tasks.

-Distribution of material resources and equipment. Effectiveness.

-Res: Repair/replacement times.

-Quality management.

-Prevention plan.

-Quality rules. Verification.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Module

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

MF1578_3: Managing and monitoring the assembly of audiovisual production systems in studies and mobile units.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other titles equivalents.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF1579_3: Managing and monitoring the maintenance of audiovisual production systems in studios and mobile units.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or the title of corresponding grade or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF1580_3: Management and monitoring of transmission system assembly for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF1580_3: Management and monitoring of the maintenance of transmission systems for radio and television in fixed installations and mobile units.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalent.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or the title of corresponding grade or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Workshop of installations telecommunication.



Forming Space













Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment.

-network-installed PCs, projection canon, and internet.

-Specialty-specific software.

-Pizars to write with marker.

- Flip-chart.

-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students

Telecommunication Facilities Workshop.

-Manual tools for electronic-electronic jobs.

-Manual tools for mechanical jobs.





-Land Meter.

-Field Meter.


-Parser spectrum.

-Power Probe.

-BER Meter.

-Artificial load.

-Mobile phones.

-Satellite positioning systems.


-Pedestals and racks.

-Antennas and radiating cables.

-Media and masts.


-Welding-Welding Stations.

-Driver junction Kits.

-Elements for cable labeling.

-Optical fiber fusioner.

- Fiber optic cutter.

-Optical fiber cutter.

-Individual and collective protective equipment and elements.

-Computer tools for documentation.

-Terminal portable for maintenance

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.