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Royal Decree 1271 / 2012, 31 August, Amending Royal Decree 1398 / 1995, Of 4 August, Which Regulates The Draw For The Formation Of The Lists Of Candidates For Jurors.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1271/2012, de 31 de agosto, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1398/1995, de 4 de agosto, por el que se regula el sorteo para la formaciĆ³n de las listas de candidatos a jurados.

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The Organic Law 5/1995 of 22 May of the Court of the Jury, in the third section of Chapter II, regulates the appointment of the jurors and the second subparagraph of Article 13 (2) states that the draw, to be held in Previously announced public session in a local enabled by the corresponding Provincial Audience, will be developed in the way that it is regulated.

Article 1 (2) of Royal Decree 1398/1995 of 4 August, which regulates the drawing for the formation of lists of candidates for juries, establishes that the Provincial Delegations of the Census Bureau Elections shall order the publication in the Official Gazette of the province and in two newspapers of maximum provincial dissemination, at least seven days in advance of the date indicated, of the notice in which the day and time of the Conclusion of the draw, in public session, in the premises enabled by the Provincial Audience.

The widespread use of the Internet by the public as a means to obtain information advises to replace the publication of the announcement of the draw in the two newspapers of major provincial dissemination by the publication on the web pages of The Office of the Electoral Census of that same information, without losing effectiveness and in a manner compatible with the reduction of public expenditure.

This royal decree has been reported favorably by the General Council of the Judiciary and the Central Electoral Board.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Ministers of Economy and Competitiveness and of Justice, with the prior approval of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at their meeting on 31 August 2012,


Single item. Amendment of Royal Decree 1398/1995 of 4 August, which regulates the drawing for the formation of lists of candidates for juries.

Article 1 (2) of Royal Decree 1398/1995 of 4 August, which regulates the drawing-up for the formation of lists of candidates for juries, is worded as follows:

" 2. The provincial delegations of the Electoral Census Bureau shall order the publication in the Official Gazette of the province of the notice in which the day and time of the drawing of the drawing, in public session, are recorded on the premises For the purpose of the Provincial Hearing, with a minimum advance of seven days to the date indicated. Identical information will be disseminated on the official website of the Electoral Census Bureau, accessible at, from the same date of publication in the Official Gazette of the province and up to the date of celebration. of the draw.

This information will be published in a clear, structured and understandable way for stakeholders, in appropriate formats and following the rules marked by the design principle for all people. "

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on August 31, 2012.


The Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency,