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Resolution Of August 3, 2012, Of The Directorate-General For Energy And Mines, Which Approve The Procedures Of Performance Tests, For The Determination Of The Parameters Applicable To The Variable Costs Of The Inst...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 3 de agosto de 2012, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, por la que se aprueban los procedimientos de pruebas de rendimiento, para la determinación de los parámetros aplicables a los costes variables de las inst...

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I. On 28 December 2006, the Director-General for Energy Policy and Mines refers to the System Operator a request for a procedural proposal for the performance of the performance tests of generation plants under ordinary conditions. determine the parameters applicable to the start-up costs and the costs of operation and maintenance, as set out in Article 6.2 of Order ITC/913/2006 of 30 March, approving the method of calculating the cost of each of the of the fuels used and the procedure for the clearance and clearance of energy in the systems Island and extra-island electricity (hereinafter SEIE).

II. In reply to the letter mentioned above, on 16 March 2007 it has entered the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (currently the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) a trade of Spanish Electricity Network for which a first version of the proposal for the requested procedures. This proposal was sent to the National Energy Commission for its mandatory report.

III. On 10 September 2007, Red Electrica de España refers to the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines a second version of the performance testing procedures, which was sent to the National Energy Commission for report.

IV. On 30 October 2008, the Board of Directors of the National Energy Commission approves the Report on the proposals for performance testing procedures for SEIE groups provided for in Article 6.2 of Order ITC/913/2006, March 30.

V. On May 20, 2010, the Board of Directors of the National Energy Commission approves the Report on the Proposal for a Order regulating different aspects of the regulation of island and extra-island electrical systems.

VI. Order ITC/1559/2010 of 11 June, regulating various aspects of the rules of the island and extra-island electrical systems, amends Article 6.2 of the Order ITC/913/2006 of 30 March, among other points, some of which aspects related to the performance tests to be carried out on generation facilities in the island and extra-island electrical systems.

VII. In the second term transitional provision for the performance of the performance tests for the determination of parameters for the existing generation groups of Order ITC/1559/2010, of 11 June, it is established that " the operator of the system, taking into account the proposal of the companies that own the groups, will forward before 1 October 2010 to the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines the listing of the existing generation facilities to which proposes to carry out the performance tests in accordance with the provisions of Article 6a (3) of the Order ITC/913/2006, dated 30 March. '

In compliance with the above mentioned paragraph, the System Operator dated September 29, 2010, a listing of existing generation facilities to which it intended to do the performance tests. Taking into account the time taken from this proposal, as well as the implementation of new groups, it is necessary to request a review of this list.

Fundamentals of Law

I. Royal Decree 1747/2003 of 19 December 2003 regulating the island and extra-island electricity systems has among its objectives that the remuneration of the generation activity is adequate and sufficient to ensure continuity of the activities for the supply of electrical energy that are developed in these territories, while at the lowest possible cost.

In the development of this Royal Decree the Order of ITC/913/2006 is issued, of March 30, which establishes the remuneration framework of the variable costs of the installations of these systems, which is a direct function of some parameters defined for each technology and size. For the purpose of determining these parameters, the companies that own the groups will have to carry out performance tests, which in turn will allow the review of these parameters every four years, taking into account the evolution of the different technologies.

In this regard, the third paragraph of Article 6a of Order ITC/913/2006, of 30 March, provides that ' [...] the undertakings which own the groups must carry out the relevant performance tests. These will respond to a single procedure, which will be approved by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, after the National Energy Commission's report and on the proposal of the System Operator. "

II. Furthermore, the third paragraph of Article 6a, in its wording given by Order ITC/1559/2010 of 11 June 2010, provides that:

" Generation facilities will be grouped into families, according to technologies and sizes. The performance tests shall be carried out only on a representative sample of the groups of each family, which shall meet the criteria laid down by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines in the resolution adopted performance tests. "

This resolution develops the criteria to be met by the sample of facilities on which performance tests are to be performed, so that it is representative of the different technologies and SEIE.

In view of the above regulatory precepts, this Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines, resolves:

First. Approve the performance testing procedures for the determination of the technical parameters applicable to the variable costs of generation facilities belonging to SEIE, which are included in Annex A to this Regulation. resolution.

Second. For the purposes referred to in Article 6a (3) of Order ITC/913/2006 of 30 March, the method of calculating the cost of each of the fuels used and the procedure for the clearance and clearance of the fuel used shall be approved. energy in island and extra-island electrical systems:

1. The following families are established, according to technologies and sizes, in which the generation facilities of the island and extra-island electrical systems will be grouped:


Gas Heavy Duty

Power Interval (MW)

Diesel 4T

Power <2

Diesel 4T

2 ≤ Power < 5

Diesel 4T

5 ≤ Power < 14

14 ≤ Power < 24

Diesel 2T

Power < 5

14 ≤ Power < 24

Diesel 2T

5 ≤ Power < 14

Diesel 2T

14 ≤ Power < 24

Diesel 2T


< 50

Power < 15

Gas Heavy Duty

15 ≤ Power < 25

Gas Heavy Duty

25 ≤ Power < 50

Gas Heavy Duty

Power ≥ 50

Steam Steam

Power ≤ 40


40 < Power ≤ 60

Vaper of Fuel

60 < Power ≤ 80

2x1 Combined Cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250

200 ≤ Power ≤

2. Performance tests shall be performed on a representative sample of the groups in each family, so that the following criteria are met:

a. In each SEIE, testing shall be carried out on at least 50% of the generation facilities.

b. All SEIGs shall be tested on at least 50% of the facilities of a family.

c. In each insulated electrical system, testing shall be performed on at least one generation facility of each family.

d. The tests will be conducted between the three and six months after a review and never beyond the nine months.

3. In this sense, the system operator, taking into account the proposal of the companies that own the groups, will transmit within two months from the entry into force of this Resolution, to the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines a listing of the sample of the existing generation facilities to which the performance tests are proposed. It shall also send the list proposed by the companies holding the groups, justifying, where appropriate, the changes made.

The General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines will decide on the list of generation groups to be tested and will notify the system operator and the group owners of the groups.

Third. Once the actual parameters have been obtained as a result of the performance tests carried out, they will be approved by Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines and after report of the National Energy Commission, the parameters by technology and size applicable to fuel, boot and hot-reserve costs in each SEIE.

Fourth. This resolution shall have effect from the day following that of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Madrid, 3 August 2012. -Director General of Energy Policy and Mines, Jaime Suarez Perez-Lucas.


Performance test procedures

Annex A. I: Gas turbine thermal power stations.

Annex A.I. 1: Methodology for the calculation of specific consumption and start-up costs in gas turbine thermal power plants.

Annex A.I. 2: Performance test procedure and starting cost of gas turbine thermal power plants.

Annex A.I. 3: Specific measurement and sampling procedure in gas turbine thermal power plants.

Annex A. II: Ffuel thermal power stations.

Annex A. II.1: Methodology for the calculation of the specific consumption and the start-up costs in fuel thermal power plants.

Annex A. II.2: Performance test procedure and the cost of starting fuel thermal power plants.

Annex A. II.3: Specific measurement and sampling procedure in fuel thermal power plants.

Annex A. III: Combined cycle thermal power stations.

Annex A. II.1: Methodology for the calculation of specific consumption and start-up costs in combined cycle thermal power plants.

Annex A. III.2: Performance testing procedure and the cost of starting combined cycle thermal power plants.

Annex A. III.3: Specific measurement and sampling procedure in combined cycle thermal power plants.

Annex A. IV: Coal thermal power plants.

Annex A. IV.1: Methodology for the calculation of specific consumption and start-up costs in coal-fired power plants.

Annex A. IV.2: Performance testing procedure and cost of starting coal-fired power plants.

Annex A. IV.3: Specific measurement and sampling procedure in coal-fired power plants.

Annex A. V: Diesel groups.

Annex A.V. 1: Methodology for the calculation of specific consumption and start-up costs in diesel groups.

Annex A.V. 2: Performance test procedure and cost of starting diesel groups.

Annex A.V. 3: Specific measurement and sampling procedure in diesel groups.

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