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Resolution Of June 7, 2012, Of The Universidad Europea De Madrid, By Which Publishes The Graduate Curriculum In Sports Management.

Original Language Title: ResoluciĆ³n de 7 de junio de 2012, de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, por la que se publica el plan de estudios de Graduado en GestiĆ³n Deportiva.

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Obtained the verification of the curriculum by the Council of Universities, prior to the positive report of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation, and agreed on the official character of the title by Council Agreement of Ministers of 24 February 2012, establishing the official character of certain degree titles and their registration in the Register of Universities, Centres and Titles (published in the BOE of 26 March 2012, by Resolution of 5 March 2012). March 2012, from the General Secretariat of Universities), this Rectorate has resolved to publish the studies leading to the achievement of the degree in Sport Management.

Villaviciosa de Odon, June 7, 2012. -Rectora, Agueda Benito Capa.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.