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Order Hap/1335/2012, Of 14 June, Delegation Of Powers.

Original Language Title: Orden HAP/1335/2012, de 14 de junio, de delegación de competencias.

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The creation of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations by Royal Decree 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the ministerial departments and the modifications made by the Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments and by the Royal Decree 256/2012, of 27 January, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance is developed and Public administrations affect the exercise of the powers of the higher bodies and department managers.

The purpose of this Order is both the delegation of powers by the holder of the Department in different bodies, and the approval of the delegations made by the holders of the Secretaries of State and Deputy secretary of the department in other organs.

The same is issued under Article 13 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure and of the additional provision of the Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

In its virtue, I have:


Competencies delegated by the Minister

Article 1. Delegation of powers on the own affairs of the Secretaries of State.

It is delegated to the holders of the Secretaries of State of Finance, Budget and Expenditure, and of Public Administrations to resolve the files and matters of the jurisdiction of the dependent management centers or assigned to them and whose decision or authorization is attributed to the Minister of Finance and Public Administration in the legal order, with the following exceptions:

(a) The files that give rise to the granting of extraordinary credits or credit supplements or any alteration of those entered in the General Budget of the State.

b) The privileges that are expressly delegated to other organs of the department.

Article 2. Delegation of competencies in the field of human resources.

The following human resources competencies are delegated:

1. In the headlines of the Ministry's Secretaries of State:

(a) Appointment and termination of the positions of level 30 of the respective Secretariat of State, except as provided in paragraph (b) of paragraph 7 of this Article.

b) Appointment and termination of the 30-level posts of the management bodies and the autonomous bodies attached to the Ministry through the respective Secretariat of State or, where appropriate, of the management bodies dependent on it, except as provided for in paragraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 7 of this Article.

2. In the holder of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations:

(a) Propose and execute, in the field of their competencies, the employment plans of the Ministry and its autonomous bodies.

(b) To convene and resolve the selective testing of temporary staff and the non-collective agreement of the Ministry and its self-employed bodies, in accordance with the relevant public employment offer, except as provided for in the in paragraph 7 (e) of this Article.

c) Call for the selective testing of the bodies and scales attached to the Department referred to in paragraph I. 1 of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of 16 March 2001 amending the membership of certain bodies Bodies and Escalations of Officials of the various Ministerial Departments, published by the Resolution of 9 April 2001, by the Secretariat of State for Public Administration, as well as in Article 53 of Law 53/2002, of 30 June 2001. December, of Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures, according to the corresponding public employment offer.

(d) The approval of lists of admitted and excluded in the selective processes of bodies and scales attached to the department referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of this Article.

e) Appointment of officers in the practice of the bodies and scales attached to the department referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of this article.

f) Propose and report any modification concerning the bodies and scales attached to the department referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of this article.

g) To exercise disciplinary authority with respect to personnel assigned to the department, with the exception of the imposition of the penalty of separation of service and except as provided for in paragraphs 5 and 6 of this article. However, the imposition of serious and very serious misconduct will be reported by the General Inspectorate in accordance with the provisions of Article 21.1 k) of Royal Decree 256/2012 of 27 January, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

(h) The appointment and termination of the Deputy Directors General and posts level 30 of the Secretariat and of the autonomous bodies attached to the Ministry through the Ministry.

i) The appointment and termination of the Economy and Finance Delegates.

j) the call for the provision of jobs by the free designation and competition systems of the Ministry and its self-employed bodies and their resolution, except as provided for in paragraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 7 thereof; Article.

k) The resolution of calls for social action grants of more than EUR 300,000, except as provided for in paragraph 8 of this Article.

l) The determination of the minimum services in the case of strikes affecting the staff of the department and its autonomous bodies, except in the peripheral services, which will be fixed by the Delegates or Subdelegates of the Government, as appropriate.

m) The call for and resolution of calls for transfers of labour personnel, except as provided for in paragraph 7 (g) of this Article.

3. In the holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination:

(a) The resolution of calls for social action grants of more than EUR 50 000 and not exceeding EUR 300 000 at the Ministry's level, except as provided for in paragraph 8 of this Article.

(b) The modification of the working relations of the Ministry and its self-employed bodies, except as provided for in paragraph 7 (d) of this Article.

(c) To execute the appointment agreements in jobs and ceases in the Ministry and its autonomous bodies, arising from calls for the provision of jobs by the free designation system, with the exception of relating to Deputy Directors General and assimilated as referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1, paragraph 2 (h) and subparagraph (b) of paragraph 7 of this Article.

(d) The appointment of the members of the commissions for the valuation of the contracts for the provision of jobs, except as provided for in point (c) of paragraph 7.

4. In the holder of the Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources:

(a) The approval and commitment of the expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations corresponding to the reintegrable advances, to the remuneration of the personnel of the Ministry and to the contributions to the pension scheme which it carries out as a promoter, and the authorisation, in accordance with the rules in force, of the proportional deductions of assets, except as provided for in point (h) of paragraph 7 and in paragraph 8 of this Article Article.

(b) The resolution of calls for social action aid in the amount not exceeding EUR 50 000 at the Ministry's level, except as provided for in paragraph 8 of this Article.

(c) To execute the appointment arrangements in the Ministry and its self-employed bodies, derivatives of selective processes and calls for tender for the provision of jobs, except as provided for in the in paragraph 7 (c) of this Article.

5. In the presidents or directors of the autonomous bodies, the exercise of disciplinary authority, in relation to the official and labor personnel of the autonomous body, with the exception of the imposition of the penalty for the separation of the service. However, the imposition of serious and very serious misconduct must be reported by the General Inspectorate in accordance with the provisions of Article 21.1 (k) of Royal Decree 256/2012 of 27 January 2012.

6. In the heads of the executive organs of the department with a rank of Directorate General or higher, as well as in the Delegates and Subdelegates of the Government in their respective territorial scope, the exercise of disciplinary authority, in relation to the dependent official and employment staff, for the imposition of penalties for minor faults which, in any case, shall be communicated to the Subdirectorate General of Human Resources for entry in the Central Personnel Register and the Subdirectorate General of Administrative Responsibilities, as well as the Inspectorate of the Services of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of the Peripheral Government of the State in the case of staff seconded to Government Delegations and Subdelegations and Insular Directorates.

7. In the holder of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Peripheral Government of the State the following powers in the field of government delegations in matters of official, eventual or employment personnel, as appropriate:

(a) The appointment and termination of the eventual staff.

(b) Call, resolution, appointment and cessation of free designation, except for the holders of Government Subdelegations, Insular Addresses and Headquarters of Foreign Offices.

(c) Call for and resolution of competitions for the provision of jobs, and the appointment and termination of the posts, in accordance with the bases previously approved, as well as the determination of the members of the Valuation Commissions.

d) The proposal for the approval or modification of the relations of jobs, as well as their modification, in cases where expressly authorized by the Ministry

e) The call for and resolution of selective testing for the hiring of temporary and out-of-convention workforce.

(f) The provision of job vacancies, in the competence of the delegating body.

g) Call for and resolution of job staff transfers.

(h) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations under Chapter I (staff expenditure), except for expenditure under concept 162 (expenditure staff), of the budget appropriations of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State.

(i) Any other powers conferred on the holder of the Ministry referred to the staff of the Government Delegations, except as provided for in paragraph 8 of this Article.

8. Approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for the payment of the economic obligations relating to the Member State, are delegated to the holder of the Financial Management Subdirectorate-General of the Peripheral Administration. Concept 162 (social expenditure) of the appropriations for the Directorate-General for the Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State.

9. In the headlines of the Government Delegations in respect of the services of the province where the Delegation is based, in the Government Delegations in the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in the Subdelegations of the Government and Directorates Islands in the provinces in which they do not radiates the seat of the Government Delegation and the islands respectively, the formalisation, in the terms laid down in the relevant call, of the employment contracts of the labour force they have previously been authorised by the appropriate authorities.

Article 3. Delegation of powers in the field of civil service.

1. The following powers of the Minister of the Department are delegated to the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations:

(a) The call for evidence of access to the Corps or Escalations of officials attached to the Ministry, except as referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of Article 2.

(b) The appointment of the officers in the practice of the Corps and Escalas attached to the department, except as referred to in paragraph 2 (e) of Article 2.

c) The determination of the requirements and tests for access from Sub-group Bodies or Scales or, where appropriate, lower group than other corresponding sub-group or, where applicable, higher group, in the terms set out in the Article 4.5 of Royal Decree 2169/1984 of 28 November 1984 on the attribution of competence in respect of personnel.

(d) Resolutions on the integration of civil servants in other Bodies or Escalas, issued under the laws or regulations prior to Law 30/1984 of 2 August of Measures for the Reform of the Function Public.

e) Resolutions on promotion of immediate superior employment in compliance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law 41/1977 of 8 June on personnel killed or missing in the territory of the Sahara.

f) The classification as career officials of the staff who provided services in Autonomous Bodies, in compliance with the provisions of the first transitional provision of the Staff Regulations to the Service of the Bodies Autonomous, approved by Decree 2043/1971 of 23 July.

g) Call for and resolution of unit contests for the provision of jobs with administrative and ancillary functions referred to in Article 40.2 of the General Staff Regulations to the Service of the General Administration of the State and Provision of Jobs and Professional Promotion of Civil Servants of the General Administration of the State, approved by Royal Decree 364/1995 of 10 March (hereinafter referred to as the General Regulation) ).

(h) The granting of the authorization provided for in Article 41.4 of the General Income Regulation, so that officials of the Corps or Escalas who have reserved exclusive posts may participate in competitions to cover (i) posts of work of an indistinct nature.

(i) The convening and resolution of the competitions for the provision of jobs of the Autonomous Communities referred to in Article 68 of the General Rules of Procedure.

(j) the assignment of non-singularised posts and of officials who hold such posts to other units or centres where it involves a change of the Ministry, in accordance with Article 61 (1) of the Regulation; General of Income.

(k) The authorisation or refusal of compatibility for the performance of a second post or activity in the public sector provided for in Article 9 of Law 53/1984 of 26 December 1984 on the Incompatibilities of Personnel to the Service General government, where the main activity corresponds to the General Administration of the State and its Autonomous Bodies and related or dependent Public Law Entities, and the resolution is in disagreement with the proposal formulated by the competent body.

(l) The recognition of compatibility for the exercise of professional, labor, commercial or industrial activities outside the Public Administrations, provided for in Article 14 of Law 53/1984 of 26 December, where the main activity corresponds to the General Administration of the State and its related or dependent Autonomous Bodies and Public Law Entities, and the resolution is in disagreement with the proposal made by the body competent.

m) The prior approval for the creation of electronic records by the ministries or public bodies, provided for in Article 27 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, for which the Law is partially developed 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services.

n) The resolution of disciplinary cases of state-habilitation officials, in which the official is destined in a Autonomous Community other than that in which the official was initiated file, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of the second provision of Law 7/2007 of 12 April 2007, of the Basic Staff Regulations.

2. The following competencies of the Minister of the Department are delegated to the head of the Directorate of the Conflict of Interest Office:

(a) The resolution of the options relating to the staff at the service of the General Administration of the State and its Autonomous Bodies and Entities of Public Law linked or dependent, in application of the provisions Transitional provisions of Law 53/1984 of 26 December.

(b) The issuance of the reports referred to in Article 6.3 of Royal Decree 598/1985 of 30 April 1985 on the incompatibilities of staff at the service of the State Administration, Social Security and the authorities, bodies and dependent companies, corresponding to requests for compatibility of activities in the public sector, when the second position is of the General Administration of the State and its Autonomous Bodies and Entities of Public Law linked or dependent, and must be resolved in the field of competence of an Autonomous Community or of a Local Corporation.

(c) The authorisation or refusal of compatibility for the performance of a second post or activity in the public sector provided for in Article 9 of Law 53/1984 of 26 December 1984, where the main activity corresponds to the The General Administration of the State and its related or dependent Autonomous Bodies and Public Law Entities and the resolution is in accordance with the proposal made by the competent body.

d) The recognition of compatibility for the exercise of professional, industrial, commercial or industrial activities outside the Public Administrations, provided for in Article 14 of Law 53/1984 of 26 December, where the main activity corresponds to the General Administration of the State and its related or dependent Autonomous Bodies and Public Law Entities, and the resolution is consistent with the proposal made by the competent body.

(e) The decision where, by virtue of any title to a new post of public sector capable of compatibility, the decision is in the terms provided for in Article 10 of Law 53/1984, 26 of December.

3. The call for and resolution of the selective testing of free access and internal promotion of labour personnel falling within the scope of the Single Collective Convention for the purposes of the Single Collective Convention is delegated to the head of the Directorate-General of the Civil Service. the staff of the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the relevant annual Public Employment Offer.

4. The Director of the National Institute of Public Administration is delegated the approval of the lists of admitted and excluded in the selective processes of Bodies and Escalations attached to the Department, except those referred to in paragraph (c) of the Article 2 (2).

Article 4. Delegation of responsibilities for remuneration and assistance.

1. The following powers are delegated to the holder of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure:

(a) The fixing of the remuneration and expenses of the Heads of Mission abroad.

(b) The annual update and subsequent reviews of the remuneration of the Presidents of the State Agencies and of the Presidents, Vice-Presidents and, where appropriate, of the Directors-General and Directors when they are it corresponds to the exercise of top-level executive functions of public entities and other public entities.

c) The fixing of economic compensation for assistance, personnel or representation, to meetings of collective bodies of the Administration and administrative bodies of public bodies referred to in the Royal Decree 462/2002, of 24 May, on compensation for the service.

d) The modification of the maximum amounts authorised to take care of the productivity supplement, the bonuses for extraordinary services and other performance incentives, of the officials included in the field of application of Law 30/1984 of 2 August. These are excluded from the amounts to be used to satisfy the productivity supplement and the number of special services of the staff of the State Tax Administration Agency.

2. The holder of the Deputy Finance and Public Administration shall be responsible for the fixing of the annual post supplement and the maximum annual variable supplement to be allocated in the contracts of the maximum responsible and managers of those entities in the State public sector, other than State-owned companies, which are attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, in accordance with the powers conferred on the Ministry of Finance Article 7 of Royal Decree 451/2012 of 5 March 2012 governing the remuneration of workers senior managers and managers in the business public sector and other entities.

3. The holder of the General Inspection of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations is delegated the fixing and evaluation of the objectives, the achievement of which conditions the perception of the variable complement of the maximum responsible and managerial of those entities in the State public sector, other than State-owned companies, which are attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, in accordance with the competence attributed to the Ministry of State in accordance with Article 7 of the Royal Decree 451/2012, of 5 March

4. The following privileges of the Minister of the Department are delegated to the head of the General Administration of the Civil Service:

(a) The authorisation of the assimilation of the staff referred to in the second final provision of Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May.

(b) The authorisation of the payment of assistance for the participation in the Courts and Organ of Personnel Selection referred to in Articles 29 and 30 of Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May.

5. It is delegated to the head of the General Directorate of Personnel and Public Pensions Costs to issue the reports provided for in Articles 29, 30, 33 and final provision of Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May 2002.

Article 5. Delegation of competence in the field of representatives in various bodies.

1. The functions, assistance and vote that Article 34 (3) of Law 13/2011, of May 27, of regulation of the game, attributes to the head of the Ministry of Finance and Administrations are delegated to the head of the Secretariat of State of Finance. Public as chair of the Game Policy Council.

2. It is delegated to the holder of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations, unless it is the designated person or proposal and unless the appointment of the proposed representatives corresponds to the Council of Ministers, the following competencies:

(a) The proposal or appointment, as appropriate, of representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations in collegiate bodies, governing bodies and working groups attached to other ministerial departments or to entities governed by public law or public bodies linked to them.

b) The proposal or appointment, as appropriate, of representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations in commissions to follow up collaboration agreements and management contracts.

c) The proposal or appointment, as appropriate, of representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations in the governing bodies of foundations of the state public sector, of the consortia or of the organs The administrative authority referred to in Article 27 of Law 49/2002, of 23 December, of Tax Regime of the Non-profit Entities and of the Tax Incentives to the Patronage, and of the consortia created in relation to declared cities Heritage of Humanity.

3. The following shall be delegated to the holder of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations to the holder of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration for the appointment of representatives to the following bodies:

a) State Mobile Park Rector Board.

b) Bureau for the procurement of the central services of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

(c) Board of Contracting of the Central Services of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

d) State Administrative Contracting Advisory Board.

Article 6. Delegation of powers in the field of economic and budgetary management.

1. The holding of conventions corresponding to the holder of the department shall be delegated to the holders of the State Secretaries in the following cases:

(a) When they affect appropriations entered in the expenditure programmes of the Secretariat of State.

(b) failing which the Secretariat of State participates in the monitoring of the Convention, unless other Secretaries of State or the Secretariat are involved in the monitoring committee, in which case the Secretariat of State shall attend the criterion of the largest number of representatives.

(c) In the absence of such agreements, where the conventions have an impact on their powers, unless they also affect other Secretaries of State or the Secretariat in which case the delegation is in favour of the Holder of the Subsecretariat.

2. The following powers are delegated to the holder of the Finance and Public Administrations Secretariat, which, by virtue of the provisions in force, correspond to the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations:

a) The conclusion of conventions, when not delegated to other bodies.

(b) Competition to formalize management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 (n) in conjunction with Article 24.6 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by Royal Decree Legislative 3/2011 of 14 November, not delegated to other bodies of the department.

(c) The procurement powers, in relation to contracts with a value equal to or greater than EUR 300,000.

d) the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations corresponding to the appropriations entered in the expenditure programmes for current and capital operations; for an amount equal to or greater than EUR 300,000.

(e) The powers in relation to the payment scheme to be justified and fixed cash advances.

f) The approval of the annual accounts that the Ministry has to render in accordance with Article 138.1 of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget, and of Rule 40 of the Instruction of Accounting State General Administration, approved by Order EHA/30 67/2011 of 8 November.

(g) The authorisation of the claims of appropriations and of budgetary changes, as referred to in Articles 34.3 and 63.1 of Law 47/2003, of 26 November.

(h) The competence to convene and grant grants in their respective scope, including the approval of the expenditure, in the terms provided for in Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants and, where applicable, their reimbursement, up to the limit of EUR 1,200,000, without prejudice to the powers delegated to other bodies.

(i) The authorisation referred to in Article 8.1 of Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May 2002 for compensation for the exact amount of the costs incurred in the service fees by the Directors-General of the Department or assimilated.

3. The powers recognised in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be delegated to the head of the Technical General Secretariat of the department, in respect of the appropriations entered in his budget service, by a limit less than EUR 300,000.

4. The powers recognised in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be delegated to the holder of the General Inspection of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations in respect of the appropriations entered in his service. budget, for a limit of less than € 300,000.

5. The powers recognised in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be delegated to the holder of the State Heritage Directorate-General for appropriations entered in expenditure programmes allocated to the Directorate-General for State Heritage, where the quantitative limit is greater than EUR 150 000 and does not exceed EUR 300 000

6. The powers recognised in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be delegated to the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the State Heritage Office, corresponding to appropriations entered in expenditure programmes. attributed to the General Directorate of the State Heritage, up to the quantitative limit of 150,000 euros.

7. The following powers are delegated to the holder of the Department of Services and Territorial Coordination of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations:

(a) The powers referred to in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article, corresponding to the appropriations entered in the budget service 01 of Section 15 and the budget service 04 of the Section 31, in cases of an amount equal to or greater than EUR 150 000 and less than EUR 300,000.

(b) The power to conclude contracts of an amount exceeding EUR 50 000 and not exceeding EUR 300 000, in the case of social action, training, prevention of occupational and insurance risks in the department, and authorisation and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of economic obligations and a proposal for payment with the same limit and in the same matters, except those relating to the budgetary appropriations of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Peripheral administration of the State, which is delegated in the same terms as those established in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 21.

(c) The power to deconcentrate the appropriations entered in the budget service 01 in the Economic and Finance Delegations, for the exercise by those of the powers referred to in Royal Decree 1330/2000, of 7 June, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance is developed.

8. The powers recognised in paragraphs (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article, with the quantitative limit of less than EUR 50 000, in the field of social action, are delegated to the holder of the Department's Deputy Director-General for Human Resources, training, prevention of occupational and insurance risks in the field of the department, except those corresponding to the budgetary appropriations of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State, which is delegated to them terms as laid down in Article 21 (3) and (4


9. The powers referred to in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article, corresponding to the appropriations entered in the budget service 01, shall be delegated to the holder of the staff of the Department of the General Staff of the department. a quantity of less than EUR 150 000, in the materials corresponding to the functions conferred on it by Article 18.8.b) of Royal Decree 256/2012 of 27 January 2012.

10. The powers recognised in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be delegated to the holder of the Department of Financial Management and Infurniture of the department corresponding to the appropriations entered in the Budget service 01 of Section 15 and Budget service 04 of Section 31, with a quantitative limit of up to EUR 150 000, in any other file not attributed to the bodies referred to in the preceding numbers, as well as the approval of the supporting accounts for the replenishment of fixed-box advances of services budgets managed by the paying boxes attached to the general sub-directorate, with the same limit of EUR 150 000.

11. The powers relating to the approval and commitment of expenditure and the recognition and proposal for the payment of the economic obligations which are imputable to the Member States are delegated to the holder of the General Secretariat for Autonomic and Local Coordination. Appropriations for Sections 32 "Other financial relations with territorial authorities", 33 "Interterritorial Compensation Funds" and 36 "Land-based financial systems", of the General Budget of the State.

12. It is delegated to the holders of the Finance Ministry in the Foreign Ministry, the power to order the payer of the counseling, the origin of the material payments to be made, from the funds to the funds. attached to each of the counseling.

13. It is delegated to the holders of the Economic and Finance Delegations, the recognition of the economic obligations and the proposal for payment in their territorial scope of powers, in respect of postal communications contracts, of supply of power and all those whose award is made by the Department of Contracting of the Department and the billing is done in a decentralized manner.

14. The exercise of the powers referred to in the preceding numbers shall be without prejudice to the powers delegated to the bodies of the Directorate-General for State Heritage in this Order.

Article 7. Delegation of competences in matters of State Heritage.

1. The following are delegated to the holder of the Subsecretariat of Finance and Public Administrations, in general, the powers of Law 33/2003 of 3 November of the Heritage of Public Administrations and other special rules and The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, with the exception of those corresponding to the Council of Ministers, are attributed to the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, with the exception of those provided for in Article 170 of the aforementioned Treaty. Law and of those delegated to other authorities by this Order and by Order EHA/1670/2007, of 8 May, by the (a) the delegation of powers to the management of assets relating to the leasing of immovable property in different management bodies of the ministerial departments.

2. The privileges recognized to the Minister by the following articles of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, are delegated to the holder of the State Heritage General Directorate:

(a) Article 21, relating to movable property, rights over the same and incorporated properties.

b) Article 68.

(c) Article 72 (1) and (4), in respect of the change of destination of the goods and the demanial rights themselves or attached between bodies or between a body and the General Administration of the State and Articles 74 and 75, as well as Article 81 (3).

(d) Article 91 (2).

(e) Articles 102, 105 and 107, where the term of the holding is longer than one year and does not exceed three years.

(f) Article 116 (1), Article 117 (2) and Articles 118 and 121, where the value of the property, as assessed, exceeds 2,000,000 and does not exceed EUR 3,500,000.

(g) Article 135 (5) and Article 154 (5), where the value of the property, as assessed, exceeds 2,000,000 and does not exceed EUR 3,500,000.

h) Articles 129 and 195.

i) Article 165.

(j) The powers of entrustment of management actions governed by the additional provision of Law No 33/2003 of 3 November 2003, which are financed by the budgetary appropriations of the Directorate-General of the State Heritage, without limitation of the amount.

3. The following competencies recognized to the Minister by the following articles of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, are delegated to the holder of the General Secretariat of the State Heritage General Secretariat:

(a) Article 116 (1) and Articles 117, 118 and 121, up to a value of EUR 2,000,000.

(b) Article 135 (5) and Article 154 (5), where the value of the property, according to the expert's assessment, exceeds 150,000 and does not exceed EUR 2,000,000; and Article 138 (4), where the value of the property, valuation, be higher than 150,000 euros.

4. The powers conferred on the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations in the following articles of Law 33/2003 of 3 November are delegated to the holder of the State Heritage Subdirectorate General:

a) Articles 70, 77, and 78.

(b) Article 116 (2) and Article 122 as regards the change of the body or body.

(c) Article 141 and Article 188 (2).

5. The following articles of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, are delegated to the holders of the Department of Economy and Finance of the department:

(a) Articles 135 (4) and (5) of Article 138 and Article 154, where the value of the property, according to the expert assessment, does not exceed EUR 150 000 and Article 51 in the field of the Ministry of Finance and Administration Public.

(b) Those which, pursuant to Articles 142 and 143, correspond to the Minister in the disposal, disposal and destruction of the movable property concerned with the use of the services of the Economic and Finance Delegations and of the awarded in favour of the General Administration of the State in judicial or administrative proceedings, with the limit set, as to the value of the latter, in the letter above.

(c) The powers of entrustment of those actions of wealth management governed by the additional provision of Law No 33/2003 of 3 November 2003, which fall within its jurisdiction under that Act or its rules of development or implementation within its respective territorial scope, as well as the authorisation and provision of the expenditure for this purpose, within the budget appropriations which are not concentrated for the purposes of its management delegations.

6. The following competencies recognized to the Minister by the following articles of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, are delegated to the holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination:

(a) In Article 72 (3) and (4), as regards the mutation of destination within a public body.

(b) Recognized to the Minister by Articles 142 and 143, relating to the disposal of movable property affected by the use of the department's central services.

7. The powers, in the field of government delegations, recognised in Articles 142 and 143 of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, are delegated to the head of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the State Peripheral Administration of the State. the disposal of movable property whose value at the time of the valuation for sale is less than 25% of the acquisition.

Article 8. Delegation of powers to the enforcement of judgments.

1. It is delegated to the holders of the Secretaries of State and the Deputy Secretariat of the department, in their respective fields, to be responsible for the adoption of the agreements for the execution of judgments in the administrative legal jurisdiction. where the acts or provisions which are the subject of the appeal are dictated by the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and affect matters or matters of the management centres which they depend on.

2. It is delegated to the Secretary of State and the Deputy Secretary of the Department, in their respective fields, to be responsible for the adoption of the agreements for the execution of judgments in judicial orders other than the administrative-administrative matters, without prejudice to the following paragraph in respect of the execution of judgments in the field of personnel.

3. It is delegated to adopt the agreements for the execution of judgments in respect of acts or provisions concerning staff in the holders of bodies which have been assigned or delegated the power to issue such acts or provisions. on personnel matters.

4. The holder of the Secretariat is delegated the provision of compliance with the sentences that entail the loss of the status of an official in the field of the central and peripheral services of the department as well as its agencies. public, in accordance with Articles 63 (e) and 66 of Law 7/2007, of 12 April, excluding the scope of the Government Delegations, in which it is delegated to the holder of the Secretariat of State of Administrations Public.

5. The approval and commitment of the expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations arising from the execution of judgments and the conviction in costs to the State in the processes in which it intervenes and which referring to matters of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, is delegated to:

(a) The holder of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations, where the amount is equal to or greater than EUR 300,000.

(b) The holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination where the amount is equal to or greater than EUR 150 000 and less than EUR 300,000.

(c) The holder of the General Financial Administration Subdirectorate General, where the amount is less than EUR 150 000, except for the materials listed in Article 2.4 of this order.

(d) The holder of the General Sub-Directorate of Human Resources where the amount is less than EUR 150 000 and relate to the matters referred to in Article 2.4 of this order.

e) In the field of the General Directorate of State Heritage, the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposals for the payment of the economic obligations arising from the execution of judgments, delegates to the holder of the General Directorate of the State Heritage, without limit of amount.

Article 9. Delegation of powers in the field of resources, complaints and petitions

1. The following privileges are delegated to the holder of the Technical General Secretariat:

(a) The resolution of the cases of trade review referred to in Articles 102 et seq. of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Administrative Procedure Common.

(b) The resolution of the administrative resources provided for in Articles 107 et seq. of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, with the exception of those brought against the resolutions or acts of the General Secretariat itself Technique.

(c) The resolution of prior judicial complaints, as provided for in Articles 120 et seq. of Law 30/1992, of 26 November.

(d) The resolution of the public administration's liability procedures, as referred to in Articles 139 et seq. of Law 30/1992, of 26 November.

e) The resolution of requests made by individuals under Article 29 of the Spanish Constitution.

(f) Competition to answer the requirements set out in Article 44 of Law 29/1998 of July 13, Regulatory Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction.

2. It is delegated to the head of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State to resolve the claims of interest on late payment for the delay in fixing the case by the Provincial Jurors of Expropriation.

Article 10. Delegation of powers in respect of the exercise of actions.

The holder of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations is delegated the authorization for the exercise of actions of any nature in matters that fall within the competence of the department and the authorization for the defence in the criminal jurisdiction of civil servants in the cases where appropriate.

Article 11. Delegation of competence in the field of consortia of free zones.

The holder of the Subsecretariat of the department is delegated the privileges relating to the organization and operation of the Consorcios of the Free Zones, constituted under the Royal Decree-Law of 11 June 1929.

Article 12. Delegation of competences in the field of the National Mint and Timbre-Royal Mint.

The powers conferred on the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations in paragraphs (d), (h), (i), (j) and (m) of Article 8.1 of the Staff Regulations of the business public entity are delegated to the Subsecretariat. National de Moneda y Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, approved by Royal Decree 1114/1999 of 25 June, adapting the National Currency and Timbre Factory to Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the Administration General of the State, its Statute is approved and its name is agreed as the National Mint and Doorbell-Royal Mint.

Article 13. Delegation of competence in the field of publications.

1. The approval of the Department's Editorial Program, attributed to the Minister in Article 2 (2) of Royal Decree 118/2001 of 9 February, is delegated to the holder of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations. Management of Official Publications.

2. Approval of the inclusion of publications in the editorial programme is delegated to the holder of the Technical General Secretariat, for reasons of necessity and urgency, in accordance with the exceptional procedure provided for in the additional provision second of the aforementioned Royal Decree 118/2001 of 9 February.

Article 14. Delegation of powers in other matters.

1. It is delegated to the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure, the production of acts and the resolution of procedures whose production or authorization corresponds to the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, according to provided for in Organic Law 2/2012 of 27 April 2012 on budgetary stability and financial sustainability with the exception of those inselectable powers in accordance with Article 13 of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November and without prejudice to the powers conferred on the holder of the Secretary of State of the Public Administrations, by Royal Decree 256/2012, of 27 January, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations is developed.

2. It is delegated to the holder of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations for the prior approval of the draft general provisions referred to in Article 67.4 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April 1997. Organization and Operation of the General Administration of the State, in the matters referred to in Article 66.1 of that Law.

3. The holder of the Subsecretariat is delegated the competence for the issue, after consulting the Secretaries of State of the department, of the report on the supporting memory and on the economic memory of the creation of Foundations of Sector State public referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 45 of Law 50/2002 of 26 December of Foundations.

4. It is delegated to the holder of the Presidency of the State Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and the Quality of the Services the competence of the holder of the Department of convocation and award of the prizes to the quality and innovation in the public management referred to in Article 25 of Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 July 2005 establishing the general framework for the improvement of quality in the General Administration of the State.

5. It is delegated to the following bodies of the State Administration of Tax Administration the jurisdiction that Article 10.2 of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget, attributes to the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations for authorise the subscription of the agreements or conventions provided for in the court of law, as well as to agree, in accordance with the debtor and with the guarantees which are deemed appropriate, to be paid in exceptional circumstances, in the case of claims of the State Public Finance other than those whose management is responsible for the State Agency for Tax Administration or corresponding to the Wage Guarantee Fund:

(a) In the head of the Management of the Department of Collection of the State Administration of Tax Administration, when the amount of the debts owed by the appropriations to which the delegation is referred to in the corresponding procedure exceeds EUR 1,500,000.

(b) In the headlines of the Central Delegation of Large Contributors and of the Special Delegations of the State Tax Administration Agency, when the amount of the debts owed to the credits to which it is The delegation in the relevant procedure is equal to or less than 1,500,000 euros and there are any of the following circumstances:

1. It is a process involving persons or entities with debts whose management is collected in the State Agency of Tax Administration by the bodies of the delegation of the delegation. Major Taxpayer or Special Delegation Central.

2. It is a process involving persons or entities without debts whose management is being carried out by the State Administration of Tax Administration. The jurisdiction shall be the responsibility of the Central Delegate of Great Contributors if the person concerned is assigned to that Central Delegation, and if not, to the holder of the Special Delegation in whose territory the seat of the court is located you are aware of the bankruptcy process.

In order to exercise the powers referred to in (a) and (b) above, it shall be necessary to seek the judgment of the creditor holder of the insolvency credit and to exercise the competence of point (b). prior to the holder of the Collection Department.

Of the decisions taken as a result of the delegation contained in paragraph 5 of this article, the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations shall be informed.


Approval of delegation of powers of the head of the Secretariat of State of Finance

Article 15. Delegation of powers in the field of administrative resources and execution of judgments.

1. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Finance in the holder of the Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations of the following powers:

(a) The resolution of the cases of trade review referred to in Articles 102 et seq. of Law 30/1992 of 26 November.

(b) The resolution of the administrative resources provided for in Article 14 (7) of Law 6/1997 of 14 April.

c) Resolution of pre-employment claims

2. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Finance of the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal of payment of the economic obligations arising from the execution of judgments in the scope of the administrative-administrative jurisdiction, in:

(a) The holder of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations when their amount is equal to or greater than EUR 300,000.

(b) The holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations when the amount is equal to or greater than EUR 150,000 and less than EUR 300,000.

(c) The holder of the General Financial Administration Subdirection and Infurniture when its amount is less than EUR 150,000.

With the exception of that delegation, those concerning the alleged assets arising from the operation of the Economic and Administrative Courts, which are delegated to the President of the Court Economic-Administrative Central and those related to the scope of the General Directorate of the Catastro which are delegated to the holder of the General Directorate of the Catastro, in both cases without limitation of the amount.

The cases relating to the execution of judgments in respect of claims for compensation for patrimonial liability of the Member State of the legislature as a result of the decision are also exempted from that delegation. declaration of unconstitutionality in Article 38 (2) (2) of Law 5/1990 of 29 June on measures in the budgetary, financial and tax matters, creating a supplementary levy on the tax rate for the games of luck, send or chance.

Article 16. Delegation of powers in the field of economic and financial management.

The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Finance in the headlines of the Directorates General, of the Catastro, and of the Management of the Game, as well as in the President of the Court Economic-Administrative Central, within the framework of the competences of each of the respective management centers, of the following attributions:

1. The approval and commitment of the expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations relating to current and capital expenditure which are the own of the respective management centres, up to the limit of EUR 600,000.

2. The powers of contracting and formalization of collaboration agreements attributed to the Secretary of State of Finance, pursuant to article 316 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts and of article 14.6 of Law 6/1997, of April 14, to the limit of 600,000 euros.

3. The powers that Article 10 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, recognizes to the Secretaries of State in matters of convocation and grant of grants, up to the limit of 600,000 euros.

4. The formalisation of management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 (n) of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, up to the limit of EUR 600,000.


Approval of the delegation of powers by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure

Article 17. Delegation of powers in the field of administrative resources and execution of judgments.

1. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure in the holder of the Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations of the following powers:

(a) The resolution of the cases of trade review referred to in Articles 102 et seq. of Law 30/1992 of 26 November.

(b) The resolution of the administrative resources provided for in Article 14 (7) of Law 6/1997 of 14 April.

c) The resolution of pre-employment claims.

2. The delegation was approved by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure on the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations arising from the implementation of the Judgments in the field of Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction, in:

(a) The holder of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations when their amount is equal to or greater than EUR 300,000.

(b) The holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations when the amount is equal to or greater than EUR 150,000 and less than EUR 300,000.

(c) The holder of the General Financial Administration Subdirection and Infurniture when its amount is less than EUR 150,000.

The payment of benefits of the Passive Classes Scheme and others to be paid out of Section 07 of the State Expenditure Budget, which are delegated to the holder of the budget, are exempted from that delegation. Directorate General for Personnel and Public Pensions Costs.

Article 18. Delegation of powers in the field of economic and financial management

1. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure in the holder of the General Intervention of the State Administration in the framework of the powers that are of the responsibility of the following powers:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations relating to current and capital expenditure, which are of the highest organ, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euro.

b) The powers of contracting and formalisation of collaboration agreements attributed to the Secretary of State for Budgets and Expenditure, under Article 316 of the recast of the Law on Public and Public Sector Contracts Article 14.6 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

(c) The powers that Article 10 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, recognizes to the Secretaries of State in matters of convocation and grant of grants, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

d) The formalisation of management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 n) of the recast text of the Public Sector Contracts Act, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

2. The delegation was approved by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure on the heads of the Directorates-General for Budgets, Personnel and Public Pensions and Community Funds, in the framework of the the competence of each of the respective management centres, of the following powers:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for the payment of the economic obligations relating to current and capital expenditure, which are the own of the respective management centres, up to the limit of EUR 600,000.

b) The powers of contracting and formalisation of collaboration agreements attributed to the Secretary of State for Budgets and Expenditure, under Article 316 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts and Article 14.6 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April, up to the limit of EUR 600,000.

(c) The powers that Article 10 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, recognizes to the Secretaries of State in matters of convocation and grant of grants, up to the limit of 600,000 euros.

d) The formalisation of management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 n) of the recast text of the Public Sector Contracts Act, up to the limit of EUR 600,000.

3. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure in the head of the Directorate-General for Community Funds of the powers relating to the approval of the grant budget and the commitment of the expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the obligations relating to regional incentives for the correction of inter-territorial economic imbalances, subject to approval of the relevant certifications.


Approval of delegation of powers by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations

Article 19. Delegation of powers in the field of civil service.

The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations in the head of the Directorate General of the Civil Service of the following powers:

1. To agree the service commissions in the cases provided for in Article 64.3 (a) of the General Rules of Procedure.

2. The authorisation of the bases of the calls for tenders for the provision of posts, as referred to in Article 39 of the General Rules of Procedure.

3. The postponement, exceptionally, of the date of cessation up to a maximum of three months, for the requirements of the normal functioning of the services in application of the provisions of Article 48.2 of the General Rules of Procedure.

4. The granting of union permits of an institutional nature in the field of the General Administration of the State.

5. Agree to the redistribution of personnel in the case referred to in Article 59.2.a) of the General Rules of Procedure.

6. To determine, by means of a single public draw, prior notice in the "Official State Gazette", the order of action of applicants in all the selective entrance tests to be held during the year, in accordance with the provisions laid down Article 17 of the General Rules of Procedure.

7. To resolve the mobility procedures for reasons of health or rehabilitation referred to in Article 66a of the General Rules of Procedure which are attributed to the Secretariat of State in accordance with the provisions of Article 64.3 of the said Regulation Regulation.

8. To resolve the mobility procedures of the female victim of gender-based violence referred to in Article 66b of the General Rules of Procedure attributed to the Secretariat of State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 64.3 of the said Regulation.

9. Prior authorization to appoint an official for free designation in case of unfavorable report of the department.

Article 20. Delegation of powers in the field of administrative resources and execution of judgments.

1. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations in the holder of the Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations of the following powers:

(a) The resolution of the cases of trade review referred to in Articles 102 et seq. of Law 30/1992 of 26 November.

(b) The resolution of the administrative resources provided for in Article 14 (7) of Law 6/1997 of 14 April.

c) Resolution of pre-employment claims

2. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations of the approval and commitments of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations arising from the execution of Judgments in the field of Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction, in:

(a) The holder of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations when their amount is equal to or greater than EUR 300,000.

(b) The holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination of the Sub-Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations when the amount is equal to or greater than EUR 150,000 and less than EUR 300,000.

(c) The holder of the General Financial Administration Subdirection and Infurniture when its amount is less than EUR 150,000.

The scope of the General Secretariat for Autonomous and Local Coordination, which is delegated to the head of the General Secretariat for Autonomous and Local Coordination, is excepted from that delegation, without limitation amount, as well as those relating to the scope of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State which are delegated as provided for in Article 21 (3) and (4


3. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations in the head of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of Competences of the Autonomous Communities and the Local Authorities of the Competition to answer the requirements laid down in Article 44 of Law No 29/1998 of 13 July relating to funds managed by the Directorate-General.

Article 21. Delegation of powers in the field of economic and financial management.

1. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administration in the head of the General Secretariat for the Autonomous and Local Coordination of Competition for the granting and revocation of aid and grants corresponding to the local economic cooperation programme.

The delegation is also approved in the holder of the General Secretariat for the Autonomous and Local Coordination of the following powers in the framework of the General Secretariat's own powers:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations relating to current and capital expenditure other than those provided for in the preceding letter, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

b) The powers of contracting and formalization of collaboration agreements attributed to the Secretary of State of Public Administrations, pursuant to Article 316 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts and Article 14.6 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

(c) The powers that Article 10 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, recognizes to the Secretaries of State in respect of the granting of grants, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

d) The formalisation of management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 n) of the recast text of the Public Sector Contracts Act, up to the limit of 1,200,000 euros.

2. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations of the following powers in the headlines of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of Competences with the Autonomous Communities and the Local Entities, the Directorate-General of the Civil Service and the Directorate-General for Administrative Modernization, Procedures and Impulse of the Electronic Administration, within the framework of the competences of each of the respective management centers, following attributions:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for the payment of the economic obligations relating to current and capital expenditure, which are the own of the respective management centres, up to the limit of EUR 600,000, except as expressly delegated to other bodies.

b) The powers of contracting and formalization of collaboration agreements attributed to the Secretary of State, pursuant to article 316 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts and article 14.6 of the Law 6/1997, from 14 April, to the limit of EUR 600,000.

(c) The powers that Article 10 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, recognizes to the Secretaries of State in matters of convocation and grant of grants, up to the limit of 600,000 euros.

d) The formalisation of management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 n) of the recast text of the Public Sector Contracts Act, up to the limit of EUR 600,000.

3. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administration in the head of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Peripheral State Administration of the State of the following powers in relation to the appropriations Budget for that Directorate-General:

(a) Competition for the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations of an amount exceeding EUR 450,000 and which is not attributed or expressly delegated to it of other organs.

(b) The powers conferred by the legal order on the holder of the Secretary of State as the contracting authority, including the approval of the expenditure, in relation to contracts whose value exceeds EUR 450,000.

(c) The formalisation of management arrangements referred to in Article 4.1 (n) of the recast of the Public Sector Contracts Act, the amount of which exceeds EUR 450,000

4. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations in the holder of the Subdirectorate-General of Financial Administration of the Peripheral Administration of the following competences in relation to the budget appropriations for the Directorate-General for the Coordination of the Peripheral Government of the State:

(a) Competition for the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for the payment of the economic obligations, up to the limit of EUR 450,000, relating to the expenditure programmes of the budget of the Secretary of State not responsible for Chapter I (personnel costs), except for the concept 162 (social expenditure of staff), which is not attributed or expressly delegated to other bodies.

b) All powers, not delegated to other bodies, which the legal system attributes to the head of the Secretariat of State as contracting authority, including the approval of expenditure, in relation to contracts whose initial budget, does not exceed EUR 450,000.

(c) The formalisation of management arrangements referred to in Article 4.1 (n) of the recast of the Public Sector Contracts Act, the amount of which does not exceed EUR 450,000.

(d) the issue of the bookkeeping to be justified, as well as the approval of the accounts supporting them, once audited, as well as their referral to the Court of Auditors.

e) The approval of expenditure and management of the payment from the fixed cash advance of this Unit, as well as the authorization of the accounting documents necessary for the replenishment of funds and imputation to the budget of the expenditure carried out, within the limits of the specific budget consignment indicated at any time, as well as its referral to the Court of Auditors.

f) Competition to agree to the cancellation and/or return of warranties of any kind constituted before the Department.

5. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations in the delegations of the Government in respect of the services of the province where the Delegation is based, in the delegations of the Government in the Cities by Ceuta and Melilla, in the Subdelegations of Government and Insular Directorates in the provinces in which they do not radiates the seat of the Delegation of the Government and the islands, respectively, of the following powers:

(a) The competence for the approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the corresponding economic obligations always within the limit of the budgetary consignment to be indicated in each time.

(b) The powers in the field of procurement of goods and services, including the approval of expenditure, in its territorial scope, with the exception of the acquisition of goods and services.

(c) The approval of the expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the obligations under the fixed cash advances, the authorization of the accounting documents necessary for the replenishment of funds and budget of expenditure incurred, subject to the limit of the specific budget entry to be noted at any time.

(d) The approval of the supporting accounts of the obligations satisfied by the fixed cash advances and, once they have been audited, their referral to the Court of Auditors.

6. The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administration in the holder of the General Affairs and Coordination Subdirectorate General of the following powers:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the obligations corresponding to current and capital expenditure, in relation to the appropriations of the budget service Secretariat of State of Public Administrations, with the exception of Chapter I, and in respect of the functions conferred on it by Article 12.6 of Royal Decree 256/2012 of 27 January 2012.

b) The powers of contracting and formalization of collaboration agreements attributed to the head of the Secretariat of State, pursuant to article 316 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts and the article 14.6 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, in relation to the appropriations of the budget service Secretariat of State of Public Administrations and with respect to the functions attributed to it by article 12.6 of Royal Decree 256/2012, of January 27.

(c) The formalization of management agreements referred to in Article 4.1 (n) of the consolidated text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, in relation to the appropriations of the budget service Secretariat of State of General Administrations and in respect of the functions conferred on it by Article 12.6 of Royal Decree 256/2012, of 27 January.

(d) The approval and commitment of expenditure, as well as the recognition and proposal for payment of the economic obligations corresponding to current and capital expenditure, in relation to the appropriations for the budget service Secretary of State of Public Administrations managed by other management centres of the same up to the limit of 300,000 euros.

(e) The issuing and authorisation of the accounting documents in relation to the appropriations of the budget service Secretariat of State of Public Administrations.

(f) In the field of the central services of the Secretariat of State, the approval of the expenditure and management of the payment under the fixed cash advances, as well as the authorization of the accounting documents necessary for the replenishment of funds and imputation to the budget of expenditure incurred, subject to the limit of the specific budget consignment to be noted at any time.

g) The issue of the payment books to justify.

(h) The approval of the supporting accounts of the obligations satisfied by the fixed-box advances and the supporting accounts of the payments to be justified, once audited, as well as their remission the Court of Auditors, except as expressly delegated to other bodies.

Article 22. Chair of the Council of Official Languages.

The delegation is approved by the head of the Secretariat of State of Public Administrations in the head of the General Secretariat for the Autonomous and Local Coordination of the Presidency function of the Council of Official Languages in the General Administration of the State.


Approval of delegation of powers by the holder of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations

Article 23. Delegation of powers in the field of human resources.

The delegation of the following powers is approved by the holder of the Undersecretary of Finance and Public Administrations:

1. In the headlines of the higher and managerial organs with the rank of Directorate General or higher of the Department and in the holder of the Department of Services and Territorial Coordination, the designation of the commissions of service in the territory (a) national law for the right to compensation of dependent personnel organically or functionally dependent on such organs when it is intended to carry out their own tasks.

2. In the holder of the Secretariat of State of Finance, the designation of the commissions of service in the national territory entitled to compensation of the members of the Council for the Defense of the Contributor.

3. In the headlines of the Special Delegations of Economy and Finance, the designation of commissions of service entitled to compensation within the national territory of the Delegates of Economy and Finance of its territorial scope.

4. In the headlines of the Economic and Finance Delegations, the designation of service commissions entitled to compensation within the national territory of the staff of their delegation except in the case of trade union representatives attend the negotiating meetings convened by the Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources.

5. In the holder of the Technical Cabinet of the Secretariat, the designation of the service commissions entitled to compensation within the national territory of the staff assigned to the Office for Budget, Deputy General Coordination Regulations and Institutional Relations and in the Technical Cabinet of the Secretariat, with the exception of the holder of the Cabinet.

6. In the holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination and, where appropriate, in the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or in the headlines of the competent sub-directorates-general for human resources of the other bodies autonomous, the following powers, with the exception of those relating to the staff of the Government Delegations:

a) Regarding the official staff:

1. The designation of the service commissions entitled to compensation within the national territory of the Special Delegates of Economy and Finance, as well as the staff of the Department that is a member of the competitions and competitions.

2. The declaration of the administrative situation of special services.

3. The declaration of the administrative situation of service in other Public Administrations, except in the autonomous bodies, where it will be exercised by the head of the MUFACE General Directorate or by the holders of the General sub-directorates responsible for the human resources of the other self-employed bodies.

4. The granting of voluntary leave in the special interest, except as provided for in Article 13.4 of the Regulation of Administrative Situations of Civil Servants of the General Administration of the State, approved by Royal Decree 365/1995 of 10 March 1995 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Administrative Situations Regulation') of voluntary leave by family grouping and of leave for the care of family members, of the staff of the Ministry, except in the bodies self-employed persons, where it shall be exercised by the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or by the holders of the relevant sub-directorates-general in the field of human resources of the other self-employed bodies, except in the Economic and Finance Delegations and Regional and Local Administrative Economic Courts.

5. The granting of leave on the basis of gender-based violence.

6. To agree to voluntary or forced service commissions, as provided for in Article 64 of the General Income Regulation, when they are filled in other public administrations by this provision of Officials of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, as well as to occupy positions in the Universities, in accordance with the provisions of the fourth Additional provision of the General Rules of Procedure.

7. The granting of re-entry to the active service on a provisional basis from officials of bodies and scales attached to the department referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of Article 2.

8. The attribution of the provisional performance of a job at the Ministry and its autonomous agencies.

9. The recognition of the complement of destination provided for in Article 33.2 of Law 31/1990 of 27 December of the General Budget of the State for 1991.

10. The reallocation and mobility for the change of the position of the officials in the field of the Ministry and its autonomous agencies.

11. The redistribution of officials in the department's field, except in the autonomous agencies, where it will be exercised by its presidents or directors.

12. The appointment of interim officials of bodies and scales attached to the Department referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of Article 2.

(b) In respect of the employment staff, the holder of the Department of Territorial Services and Coordination is delegated the conclusion of fixed and temporary contracts in the field of the department and, where appropriate, its extinction, except in the autonomous bodies where it shall be exercised by its presidents or directors.

7. In the holder of the Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources and, where appropriate, the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or the presidents, directors or heads of the general sub-directorates responsible for the human resources of the rest of self-employed bodies, the following powers with the exception of those relating to staff of Government Delegations:

a) Regarding the official staff:

1. No different from the cessation and extension of the time limit for taking possession arising from the resolution of calls for the provision of jobs except in the autonomous bodies, where it will be exercised by its presidents or directors.

2. To formalize the taking of possession and the cesses, except in the autonomous agencies, where it will be exercised by the holder of the Directorate General of MUFACE or by the holders of the competent subdirectorates general in matters of human resources of the other self-employed bodies, except in the Economic and Finance Delegations and Regional and Local Administrative Economic Courts.

3. The declaration of the situation of voluntary leave for the provision of services in the public sector, or in another body or scale, with the exception of staff employed in self-employed bodies, where it shall be exercised by the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or by the holders of the general sub-directorates responsible for human resources of the other autonomous bodies, except in the delegations of the Economy and Finance and Administrative Economic Courts Regional and local.

4. The temporary attribution of functions provided for in Article 66 of the General Rules of Procedure.

5. To authorize residence in a municipal term other than that of destination, except in the autonomous bodies, where it will be exercised by the head of the MUFACE General Directorate or by the owners of the subdirectorates general competent in the field of human resources of the other autonomous bodies.

6. Authorize Permutas among officials.

7. º Credit on payroll the remuneration on account of department officials who do not occupy a job in accordance with the current rules.

8. The declaration of situations of forced leave and voluntary leave of absence of particular interest, or voluntary service for the provision of services in the public sector, in accordance with Article 13 (1) (b), (4) and (5), respectively, of the Regulations of Administrative Situations, of officials of the bodies and scales attached to the department referred to in Article 2 (2) (c) from the situation of a firm suspension.

9. The granting of re-entry to the active service of officials from the situation of leave of absence due to the care of relatives who have a job reserve in the department, except in the self-employed, where it shall be exercised by the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or by the holders of the general sub-directorates responsible for human resources of the other autonomous bodies.

10. Acordar the commissions of service, voluntary or forced regulated in Article 64 of the General Regulation of Income, when they have to be produced in the field of the Ministry itself or between this and the public agencies dependent on it, or between such bodies, except to agree to the provision of posts by this procedure in the Government Delegations and Subdelegations.

11. Acordar the granting of permits and licenses except in the autonomous organizations, where it will be exercised by the holder of the Directorate General of MUFACE or by the holders of the competent subdirectorates general in matters of human resources of the other self-employed bodies, except in the Economic and Finance Delegations and Regional and Local Administrative Economic Courts.

12. º Authorize the attendance of selective courses for access to bodies or scales of officials except in the autonomous agencies, where it will be exercised by the holder of the Directorate General of MUFACE or by the holders of the General sub-directorates responsible for the human resources of the other self-employed bodies.

13. The recognition of trienes except in autonomous bodies, where it shall be exercised by the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or by the holders of the general sub-directorates responsible for human resources of the other self-employed bodies, except in the Economic and Finance Delegations and Regional and Local Administrative Economic Courts.

14. The recognition of the previous services provided and their accumulation, in accordance with the provisions of Law 70/1978 of December 26, of Recognition of Services in the Public Administration, except in the autonomous bodies, where it shall be carried out by the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or by the holders of the general sub-directorates responsible for human resources of the other self-employed bodies.

15. The recognition of the acquisition and change of personal grade, except in the autonomous bodies, where it will be exercised by the holder of the Directorate General of MUFACE or by the owners of the subdirectorates general competent in the field of human resources of the other autonomous bodies.

16. º Acordar la retirements forzósa by age and by incapacity and agree the authorization to remain in the active service of the official staff except in the autonomous agencies, where it will be exercised by the holder of the Directorate-General of MUFACE or by the holders of the general sub-directorates responsible for human resources of the other autonomous bodies, except in the delegations of the Economy and Finance and Administrative Economic Courts Regional and local.

17. º Acordar the voluntary retirement of officials of bodies and scales attached to the Ministry referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of Article 2.

b) With regard to work staff:

1. Acordage the declaration of forcible retirement, suspension and termination of the employment contract for incapacity of the worker except in the autonomous agencies, where it will be exercised by its presidents or directors.

2. To agree to the granting of voluntary retirement except in self-governing bodies, where it will be exercised by its presidents or directors.

3. The recognition of trienes and services provided except in the autonomous bodies, where it shall be exercised by, the holder of the General Directorate of MUFACE or by the deputy general managers in matters of resources the rest of the autonomous bodies.

c) Regarding the official and labor personnel:

1. The processing of the application for the appointment of the interim official staff and the hiring of temporary staff, in the field of the department and its autonomous agencies.

2. Conceding the trade union permits, except in the autonomous bodies, where it will be exercised by the head of the Directorate General of MUFACE or by the deputy general managers in the field of human resources of the rest of the autonomous bodies.

3. The authorization of assemblies, as well as the accreditation of the members of the negotiating commissions, Personnel Boards and other organs of representation of the staff, except in the autonomous organizations, where it will be exercised by its presidents or directors.

4. To designate the commissions of service entitled to compensation within the national territory of the union representatives to attend negotiating meetings convened by the Subdirectorate General of Human Resources.

5. Propose the resolution of the calls for social action aid amounting to more than 50,000 euros in the department's scope.

6. The administrative handling of disciplinary cases for serious and very serious misconduct, and the request for a report, prior to its resolution, to the Inspectorate General of the department, to whom it will be given, in any case, the initiation of disciplinary proceedings relating to such files, whether they are the subject of their opening or a preliminary information.

7. To process and present to the Inter-Ministerial Commission of Remuneration and its Executive Committee the proposals of the Ministry and its self-governing bodies to be considered.

8. Acordar and formalize all acts of administration and ordinary management related to the pension plan, except in the autonomous agencies, where it will be exercised by the holder of the Directorate General of MUFACE or by the Deputy Directors-General responsible for the human resources of the other self-employed bodies

9. Exercise the powers that are not attributed to other bodies in this Order, on acts of administration and ordinary management of the staff, except in the autonomous bodies, where the head of the Directorate General will be exercised of MUFACE or the general sub-directors responsible for the human resources of the other autonomous bodies

8. In the holder of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State of the following powers:

(a) In the field of official, labour and eventual personnel, as appropriate, of Government Delegations:

1. The call for assistance and courses in the development of social action and training programmes and their resolution.

2. The designation of representatives of the Administration in negotiating commissions and in the own areas of relations with representative trade union members of the staff.

(b) Any jurisdiction conferred on the holder of the Subsecretariat by Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May, which is not attributed to other bodies of the Department in the field of Government Delegations, provided that it is of service commissions on national territory and up to the limit of their respective claims.

9. In the holder of the Subdirectorate-General of Personnel of the Peripheral Administration of the following competencies in the field of staff of the services of the Government Delegations.

(a) In matters of official staff:

1. Acordar the commissions of service for the performance of posts in the delegations of the Government of the Ministry, with respect to the staff assigned in the field of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and agencies dependents.

2. The recognition of personal acquisition and change.

b) In terms of both official and labour staff:

1. The granting of voluntary leave of absence for particular interest.

2. The granting of re-entry to the active service from any situation involving the reserve of a job.

3. º In general, all acts of administration and ordinary management of the staff of the Government delegations attributed by the legislation to the Undersecretary and not delegates to other bodies.

10. In the delegations of the Government in the Autonomous Communities and in the Government Delegations in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla of the powers conferred on the Subsecretariat by Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May, in relation to the Subdelegates of the Government, Island Directors of the General Administration of the State and Secretaries-General of the Government Delegations under their dependence, provided that they are commissions of service in national territory and up to the limit of their respective credits.

11. In the Subdelegations of the Government in the provinces in which it is not radiating the seat of the Government Delegations and in the Insular Directorates of the powers conferred on the Subsecretariat by Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May, in relation to the Secretaries-General of the Subdelegations and the Island Directorates under their dependence, provided that they are service commissions on national territory and up to the limit of their respective claims.

12. In the Subdelegations of Government, Insular Directorates and General Secretariats of the Government Delegations, in relation to the staff assigned in their respective territorial scope, of the following powers, with the exception of the staff of the peripheral services of MUFACE, in which case it shall be the responsibility of the holder of its Directorate-General.

(a) Those attributed to the Subsecretariat by Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May, provided that they are commissions of service on national territory and up to the limit of their respective claims.

(b) The temporary allocation of tasks provided for in Article 66 of the General Rules of Procedure in the field of staff and services integrated into Government Delegations.

c) In terms of staff, both official and work:

1. The authorization for assistance to training, selection and improvement courses.

2. The time and time compliance control.

3. The recognition of previous services.

d) In relation to the workforce:

1. The incorporation and cessation of jobs.

2. The granting of permissions and licenses.

3. The recognition of trienes.

4. The opening of disciplinary cases for serious and very serious misconduct and the resolution of cases for minor faults, in accordance with the provisions of the Single Convention.

13. In the Presidents and Directors of Autonomous Bodies, the competence on the opening of disciplinary cases, in relation to the staff assigned to those bodies.

Article 24. Delegation of powers in matters of administrative resources and complaints.

The delegation is approved in the holder of the Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations of the following competencies:

(a) The resolution of the administrative resources raised before the Secretariat.

b) The resolution of pre-employment claims.

Article 25. Delegation of competence in the field of archives.

The delegation is approved by the holder of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations in the holder of the Technical General Secretariat of the competition provided for in Article 13 (4) (a) of the Royal Decree 1708/2011 of 18 November, establishing the Spanish Archives System and regulating the System of Archives of the General Administration of the State and its public bodies and its access regime.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

As of the entry into force of this order, the following rules remain without effect as regards the scope of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations:

(a) Order of 29 August 2000 regulating the exercise of certain powers in the field of the public entity Lotteries and Gambling of the State.

(b) Order EHA/1320/2007 to delegate certain powers to the Secretariat of State for Finance and Budgets as regards the implementation of Laws 18/2001 of 12 December 2001 General for Budgetary Stability and Organic 5/2001, of 13 December, Complementary to Law 18/2001, of 12 December, General of Budget Stability.

(c) Order EHA/2359/2008 of 31 July 2008 delegating powers to various bodies of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

(d) Order EHA/2358/2008 of 31 July 2008 on the delegation of powers in the field of human resources.

e) Order EHA/472/2011 of 28 February, which delegates powers to the proposal and appointment of representatives in various bodies.

(f) Order TAP/2964/2010 of 18 November 2010 on delegation of powers.

g) Order TER/144/2010 of 19 January on delegation of powers.

(h) Order PRE/3545/2009 of 28 December 2009 on the delegation of powers in the organs of the Ministry of the Presidency and its public bodies, except as provided for in the eighth paragraph.

(i) Order HAP/455/2012 of 6 March 2012 for the authorisation to subscribe and conclude the agreements or conventions provided for in the insolvency law in respect of certain claims on public finances.

j) Order HAP/588/2012 of 22 March of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, for which the functions, assistance and voting are delegated to the Council for the Policy of the Game.

k) Resolution of 24 September 2004, by the Secretariat of State for Finance and Budget, which delegates powers to human resources.

(l) Resolution of 11 May 2011, of the Secretariat of State of Finance and Budget for which powers are delegated in favour of certain organs of the Department.

m) Resolution of 31 July 2008, of the Secretariat for Economic and Financial Affairs, on the delegation of powers in the field of human resources.

n) How many provisions of equal or lower rank concerning the subjects included in this Order are opposed to it.

Final disposition first. Exercise of delegated powers.

1. The delegation of powers contained in this order is without prejudice to the fact that, at any time, the delegating body may endorse the knowledge and resolution of any matters covered by it at any time.

2. The holders of the bodies in which powers are delegated by this order may submit to the Minister for Finance and Public Administration the files which they consider appropriate.

3. Whenever the delegation contained in this provision is used, it shall be expressly stated in the relevant administrative decision.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 14 June 2012.-The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro Romero.