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Resolution Of May 17, 2012, Of The University Of Malaga, Which Publishes Modification Of The Curriculum Of Master In Research And Social And Community Intervention.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 17 de mayo de 2012, de la Universidad de Málaga, por la que se publica la modificación del plan de estudios de Máster en Investigación e Intervención Social y Comunitaria.

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In accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October, as amended by Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July 2010 laying down the procedure for the amendment of curricula verified and once received the communication from the Evaluation Agency-the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, AAC-accepting the modifications presented in the curriculum corresponding to the teaching of the Master University in Research and Social and Community intervention, official title established by the Council of Ministers Ministers of 30 July 2010 (published in the "Official Gazette of the State" of 29 September 2010)

Ordering the publication of the modification of the Plan of Studies of the University of the University in Research and Social and Community Intervention (which modifies the curriculum published by the Rectoral Resolution of 25 October 2010, from the University of Malaga, in the "Official State Gazette" dated November 15, 2010 and in the "Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía" of 12 November 2010), concerning the change of semester of the subject " Techniques and resources of social intervention ", which shall have effect from the 2012/2013 course.

The new temporary management of learning would be as detailed in the Annex to this Resolution.

Málaga, May 17, 2012. -Rectora, Adelaide de la Calle Martín.


Modification of the Plan of Studies leading to the obtaining of the official title of Master University in Research and Social and Community Intervention by the University of Malaga

1. Temporary Management of Learning


Psychoenvironmental Intervention in the Social, Family, and School Context


Qualitative Research Methods and Quantitative in the Study of Contemporary Social Problems.

First semester

Community Intervention: Sense of Community, Social Support and Quality of Life in the Community Context

Psychosocial Impact of Inequality, Poverty, and Social Exclusion.

Social Policies and Community Intervention

Social Policies and Social Welfare Organization in Spain: Analysis and Implementation

Intervention and Research in Emotional Intelligence in Spain Social, Educational and Health Context

Intervention in Multicultural Contexts: Acculturation, Prejudice, and Immigration

Family Violence.

Community Intervention in Homosexual Collectives

Social Intervention With Excluded Groups: Prison, Prostitution, Substance Consumption, Minors and People Without Home

Participation for Social Transformation: Social Movement, Volunteering and Participatory Budgets.


Intervention Psychoeducational for the Improvement of School Coexistence

Psychoeducational Intervention in Host and Adopt Families.

Intervention Techniques and Resources.

End Job

Job End of Master.