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Order Hap / 1294/2012, Of June 14, Laying Down The Rules For The Preparation Of The State Budget For 2013 Are Given.

Original Language Title: Orden HAP/1294/2012, de 14 de junio, por la que se dictan las normas para la elaboración de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2013.

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Article 36 (2) of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget, provides that the procedure governing the drawing up of the General Budget of the State shall be established by the Order of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations.

In accordance with the Law, this Ministerial Order dictates the rules for the elaboration of the General Budget of the State for 2013. It sets out the general criteria for budgeting, the institutional scope of the budgets, and the composition and functions of the bodies involved in the preparation process. The Ministerial Order also regulates the processing of the preliminary draft budget, setting the deadlines and documentation for the preparation, and details the content of the budgetary structures.

The General Budget of the State for 2013 is the first to be drawn up after the entry into force of the Organic Law 2/2012 of 27 April, of budgetary stability and financial sustainability, which constitutes the new Regulatory framework for reference in budgetary matters.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. General budgeting criteria.

The State Budget for 2013 will be oriented towards achieving the objectives of the government's economic policy and will adjust its revenue and expenditure to meet the objectives of budgetary and budgetary stability. public debt which, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Organic Law 2/2012 of 27 April 2012 on budgetary stability and financial sustainability, approves the General Courts for the State public sector.

The guidelines for the distribution of expenditure and the criteria for the allocation of resources will be determined by the head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, in line with the updating of the Government-approved stability. The 2013 budget will also take into account the recommendations of the Council of the European Union in the framework of the European Semester.

The State Budget for 2013 should be adjusted to the non-financial spending limit established by the government in a manner consistent with the stability objective approved for that year in the State and the spending rule. provided for in Article 12 of the Organic Law 2/2012 of 27 April 2012 on budgetary stability and financial sustainability.

Article 2. Institutional scope.

1. State General Budget Area.-The General Budget of the State will comprise:

a) The State budget.

b) The budgets of the autonomous agencies of the General Administration of the State.

c) The Social Security budget.

d) State agencies ' budgets.

e) The budgets of the public bodies whose specific regulations confer a limiting nature on the appropriations of their expenditure budget.

f) The budgets of the remaining state administrative public sector entities.

g) The budgets of the funds lacking legal personality as referred to in Article 2.2 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget.

h) The budgets of state mercantile societies.

i) The budgets of state public sector foundations.

j) The budgets of public entities and other public bodies of this nature.

2. The budgets of the consortia referred to in the additional ninth provision of the General Budget Law shall, for information purposes, accompany the General Budget of the State.

Article 3. Budgeting Unit.

The General Budget of the State will be drawn up in thousands of euros, with two decimal places.

Article 4. Committees involved in the process of drawing up the General Budget of the State.

1. Expenditure Policy Committee. -In accordance with Article 36 of Law 47/2003, General Budget, the guidelines for the distribution of expenditure, laying down the criteria for drawing up proposals for budgets and their limits Quantitative with the priorities and limitations to be respected, they shall be determined by the holder of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

To this end, the Committee on Spending Policies will be set up to be chaired by the head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration and, in his absence, by the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure, and shall be made up of the holders of the ministerial departments.

The Chair of the Spending Policy Committee may convene other spending managers, as well as the advisory staff it deems necessary.

The Spending Policy Commission, which will have the proper functioning of a working group, will perform the following functions:

(a) To set out the spending priorities to be adjusted for the drawing up of the managers ' proposals, taking into account the government's budgetary policy objectives.

b) To analyse the budgetary content of public expenditure policies and actions and, taking into account the objectives to be achieved and the resources available to them, to propose the criteria for allocation of appropriations. between the different spending policies.

2. Program Analysis Commissions. -Program Analysis Commissions are the working groups responsible for analyzing the adequacy and validity of the spending programs with respect to the objectives pursued by them, and their needs financial resources, in line with the priorities of the expenditure policies and within the financial resources established.

At least one Program Analysis Commission will be set up for each ministerial department, with the following composition:

(a) The holder of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenses.

(b) The holder of the Directorate-General for Budgets.

(c) The holder of the Sub-Secretariat of the ministerial department.

(d) The Head of the Budget Office of the ministerial department.

Will act as chairman of the Program Analysis Commissions the head of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure and, in his absence, the Director General of Budgets.

The President of the Program Analysis Commissions may call other expense managers, as well as the advisory staff that they deem necessary.

The Program Analysis Commissions will perform the following functions:

(a) The analysis of the expenditure programmes, their corresponding objectives and the priority they submit in order to their allocation, in line with the guidelines defined by the Commission on Expenditure Policies, and the degree of compliance with the objectives set out in the last financial year.

b) The forecast of the cost of the spending programs.

Particular attention will be given to projects which may be eligible for funding from the Structural Funds, Cohesion Fund or other support mechanisms from the European Union or from other sources of assistance. external funding.

Actions will also be taken into account that, being subject to a specific schedule and affecting any type of expenditure, are considered to be completed, freeing up the corresponding resources for reallocation.

c) The adequacy of the financial envelopes of the programs to the volume of available resources.

d) Analysis of the impact of gender equality spending programmes.

3. The Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure will coordinate the proposals of the management centers of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and those of the management centers of other Ministries with competence in the field. revenue for the implementation of forecasts and estimates to be taken into account in the drawing up of the revenue statements of the preliminary draft general budget of the State.

Article 5. Process of drafting and processing of the preliminary draft.

The Budget Directorate-General will draw up the expenditure statements of the preliminary draft general budget of the State for 2013 taking into account the economic policy guidelines, the priorities formulated by the Commission Expenditure Policies, analyses carried out within the Programme Analysis Commissions and proposals submitted by the various management centres.

The Directorate-General for Budgets will draw up the revenue statements of the preliminary draft general budget of the State for 2013 taking into account the proposals made by the various management centres with powers in the preparation of estimates and estimates of revenue.

Once elaborated, the states of expenditures and revenues will be raised to the head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, who will submit to the Government's agreement the preliminary draft of the State General Budget Law for 2013.

With the same criteria, the Directorate-General for Budgets will prepare the preliminary draft budgets of the National Institute of Health Management and the Institute of Older and Social Services from the proposals submitted by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. These two projects, the Directorate-General for Budgets, will send them to the Ministry of Employment and Social Security for integration in the preliminary draft Social Security budget.

For its part, the Ministry of Employment and Social Security will join the preliminary draft budgets of the National Institute of Health Management and the Institute of Older and Social Services to those of the rest of the Management Entities, Joint and Mutual Service of Accidents of Work and Professional Diseases to form the preliminary draft budget of Social Security, which will be transmitted to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations so that the holders of both Ministries raise it jointly with the government for approval and inclusion in the draft General Budget of the State.

Article 6. Structure of the General Budget of the State.

1. General structure of the expenditure budget of the state administrative public sector members with limited budget.

The expenditure budget of the staff referred to in Article 2.1 (a) to (e) of this Order is structured in the light of the objectives or objectives which the budget intends to achieve, the organisation of the various entities in the state administrative public sector and the economic nature of the expenditure. Additionally, it will inform the territorial distribution of the actual investments.

1.1 Program Structure: The allocation of resources will be made within a structure of spending programs, which will be appropriate to the contents of the spending policies that delimit and concretize the different areas of budget action, and will enable the management centres to pool budget appropriations in line with the objectives to be achieved.

The program structure will differentiate the finisher spending programs from the instrumental or support programs and management programs. The finalists are those that can be assigned quantifiable targets and measurable performance indicators. The objectives shall be expressed in physical units where this is possible which, together with the establishment of the appropriate indicators, will enable them to monitor their degree of performance during the financial year. The implementation and management programmes are those which aim at some of the following purposes: the administration of the resources necessary for the implementation of general planning, regulation and planning activities; of an activity that is perfected by its own realization, without it being possible to proceed to a material quantification of its objectives; or the support to a finalist program.

Spending programs are structured into groups of programs, spending policies, and spending areas, according to the classification contained in Annex I of this Order.

The Directorate-General for Budgets may authorise, on a proposal from the management centres, amendments to the code, denomination and content of the expenditure programmes, in order to adapt the classification by programmes to the needs of public management.

1.2 Organic structure: The appropriations entered in the expenditure programmes will be distributed by management centres, which are those organic units with budgetary differentiation and responsibility for managing them.

The organic classification of credits and endowments will be performed according to the following subsectors:

a) The State, which will be divided into sections and these in turn into services.

b) The autonomous agencies of the General Administration of the State.

c) Social Security.

d) State agencies.

(e) Public bodies, as listed in Annex II, whose specific rules give the appropriations in their expenditure budget limited in nature.

The bodies and entities referred to in (b), (d) and (e) above shall be grouped according to the Ministry to which they are attached.

1.3 Economic structure: The appropriations included in the statements of expenditure of the budget shall be ordered according to their economic nature, according to the classification by chapters, articles, concepts and subconcepts detailed in Annex III shall be grouped together by separating the current operations, the capital operations, the financial operations and the budgetary execution contingency fund.

The creation of concepts and sub-concepts which are not listed in Annex III will be approved by the Directorate-General for Budgets on a proposal, if appropriate, from the management centres concerned, so that the which are deemed to be necessary as untyped.

1.4 Territorial structure: Investment projects will be detailed in the annex to the budget, with their territorial classification by autonomous communities, autonomous cities and provinces, and the indication of the year in which the project, in line with the provisions of Article 37 (2) (d) of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget.

2. General structure of the revenue budget of the state administrative public sector members with limited budget.

The revenue budget of the agents referred to in Article 2.1 (a) to (e) of this Order is structured according to the organic and economic classifications.

2.1 Organic structure: The organic classification will distinguish the income corresponding to the State, the Social Security and each of the autonomous agencies, state agencies and public bodies whose regulations specifies that the appropriations in your expenditure budget are limited to the appropriations.

2.2 Economic structure: The resources included in the income statements of the budget shall be ordered, according to their economic nature, according to the classification by chapters, articles, concepts and subconcepts, which is attached as Annex IV to this Order, and shall be grouped by separating current, capital and financial operations.

3. Specific structures.

3.1 Social Security: Social Security will present its budget in the framework of the procedure provided for in Article 36 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget, according to its organic structure and accompanied, for the purposes of its integrated presentation, a document of equivalences between the structure by programmes of its budget and the one defined in general in paragraph 1.1 above.

3.2 Of the autonomous agencies of the General Administration of the State: In addition to the structure established in general, the autonomous bodies referred to in the first transitional provision of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget, will include in their budgets the states to be established by Resolution of the General Directorate of Budgets.

3.3 Of the public bodies whose specific legislation gives the appropriations for their expenditure budget limited: In addition to the general structure, the Directorate-General for Budgets determine the bodies referred to in Article 2.1 (e) of this Order to be submitted by the states referred to in paragraph 3.2 above.

3.4 Of the other entities in the State administrative public sector: The remaining entities in the State administrative public sector, which are listed in Annex V, whose expenditure budget is not limited, develop operating and capital budgets.

3.5 Of funds lacking in legal personality: Funds lacking legal personality as referred to in Article 2.1 (g) of this Order shall draw up operating and capital budgets, in accordance with the provisions of the established in Article 64 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget.

3.6 State-owned business entities: Business public entities, state-owned commercial companies, and the rest of the State's public sector entities, will draw up exploitation and capital, in accordance with Article 64 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget.

3.7 Of State Public Sector Foundations: State Public Sector Foundations will develop operating and capital budgets, in accordance with Article 64 of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget.

3.8 Of the consortia referred to in the ninth additional provision of the General Budget Law: The consortia referred to in the ninth provision of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget, develop operating and capital budgets.

4. Specific information for certain credits and actions.

4.1 Actuations affecting various expenditure programmes: Regardless of the pre-regulated classifications, the budgetary databases will provide additional information regarding the initial budget of the plans or actions listed in Annex VI of this Order.

This information should be specified, for the field of programmes or credits to which it affects, in the preparation phase of the Budget for 2013 and will be the subject of specific encodings.

In addition to those listed in Annex VI to this Order, the Directorate-General for Budgets may implement additional plans or actions, on its own initiative or on a proposal from the ministerial departments.

4.2 Explanatory notes to the expenditure programmes: In accordance with the additional fiftieth of the Law No 2/2004 of 27 December, of the General Budget of the State for the year 2005, the explanatory notes of the expenditure programmes shall, where appropriate, detail the planned investments disaggregated by projects, provinces and autonomous communities, as well as externalised or deferred investments in time and loans or equity contributions the State grants to third parties for capital operations or acquisition of assets of capital.

Article 7. Documentation and deadlines for the preparation of the General Budget of the State.

1. State, autonomous bodies, state agencies and public bodies whose specific rules confer a limiting nature on the appropriations for their expenditure budget. -The management centres included in the sub-sectors referred to in Article 6 paragraph 1.2 (a), (b), (d) and (e) of this Order, shall use, for the justification of their proposals, the documentation set out in the Resolution which the General Budget Directorate shall establish.

All documents to be completed by the management centers must be submitted through the budget offices. These offices shall, throughout the process, coordinate and process the information produced by the aforementioned centres, as well as the information received from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and which affects them.

The proposals of the management centres will be forwarded to the Directorate-General for Budgets by 29 June 2012.

Documents P-347.F1 and P-347.F2 contained in Annex VII, which are completed by the various autonomous communities concerned, shall be forwarded to the Directorate-General for Community Funds by 6 July 2012.

2. Social Security.-The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality will send to the General Budget Directorate the proposals for budgets of the National Institute of Health Management and the Institute of Older and Social Services, of an agreement with the documentation to be established by that Directorate-General, before 29 June 2012.

The Ministry of Employment and Social Security will forward to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration the preliminary draft budget for Social Security, accompanied by the documentation outlined in Article 37 of the Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget, and of an annex of equivalences between the structure of programmes of its budget and the structure of the general budget, before 6 July 2012.

3. State administrative public sector entities which do not have a limited budget. -Administrative public sector entities referred to in Article 2.1 (f) of this Order shall complete and transmit to the Directorate-General for Budgets, through the budget office of the ministerial department of which they are dependent and before 6 July 2012, their proposals for operating and capital budgets, accompanied by the explanatory memory of their contents, the implementation of the budgets for the preceding financial year and the forecast for the implementation of the financial year stream.

Additionally, they will submit a description of the investments they will be carrying out in the financial year, with the expression of the objectives they intend to achieve, as well as an annex to their regional investment projects. provinces, with indication of the project start year.

This documentation, together with the complementary financial statements, will be in line with the formats detailed in the Resolution that will be set out by the Directorate-General for Budgets.

4. Funds lacking legal personality. -Funds lacking legal personality as referred to in Article 2.1 (g) of this Order shall be completed and forwarded to the Directorate-General for Budgets through the Office. the budget of the ministerial department on which they are dependent and before 6 July 2012, their proposals for operating and capital budgets, in line with the content of their annual accounts as defined in the Resolution of 1 July 2012. 2011 of the General Intervention of the State Administration, for which the accounting rules are approved relating to those funds, accompanied by the explanatory memorandum to their contents, the implementation of the budgets for the previous financial year and the forecast for the implementation of the current financial year.

This documentation, together with the complementary financial statements, will be in line with the formats detailed in the Resolution that will be set out by the Directorate-General for Budgets.

5. Entities in the State-owned business sector. -State-owned business entities, state-owned commercial companies, and other entities in the State-owned business sector, shall complete and transmit to the Directorate-General for Budgets, through the budget office of the ministerial department of which they are dependent and before 6 July 2012, their proposals for operating and capital budgets, accompanied by the explanatory memorandum of their contents, the implementation of the budgets for the preceding financial year and the forecast for the implementation of the financial year stream.

Additionally, the companies and entities that make up the public sector of the State will submit a description of the investments that they will carry out in the exercise, with expression of the objectives that are intended to obtain, as well as an annex to their investment projects territorialized by provinces, with indication of the year in which the project is started.

The entities covered by this Article shall, where appropriate, send their multiannual action programmes, as referred to in Article 65 of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget, together with their budgets. (a) the holding and capital. These programs will reflect the financial-economic data for the financial years 2013, 2014 and 2015, according to the strategic and objective lines defined for each entity.

This documentation, together with the complementary financial statements, will be in line with the formats detailed in the Resolution that will be set out by the Directorate-General for Budgets.

6. State public sector foundations. -State public sector foundations will refer to the Directorate-General for Budgets, through the ministerial department to which they are attached, and before 6 July 2012, their proposals for operating and capital budgets, accompanied by the explanatory memorandum of their contents, the execution of the budgets for the preceding financial year, the forecast of the execution of the current financial year, and the description of their investments public with the Annex to its territorialization by the provinces referred to in the previous point of this Order.

This documentation, together with the complementary financial statements, will be in line with the formats detailed in the Resolution that will be set out by the Directorate-General for Budgets.

7. Articles of the preliminary draft law.-The Ministries will have to forward to the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure, before 6 July 2012, exclusively by electronic means, the proposals for rules of budgetary content whose inclusion in the article of the preliminary draft of the Law of the Budgets consider appropriate, accompanied by an explanatory memory of the connection of the proposed articulated with the ratings of expenditure, the forecasts of income or the economic policy of the Government, quantifying, where appropriate, the effect of the proposed rule on the revenue or expenses to be budgeted.

8. Gender impact report. -Ministerial departments will send to the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure a report analyzing the gender impact of their spending programs, in terms that are set for the purpose of the report. Secretary of State.

These reports will form the basis for the formulation by the Secretariat of State for Budget and Expenditure of the Gender Impact Report, which will be a working group composed of representatives. of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure and the Directorate-General for Budgets to form the final wording of the Gender Impact Report to accompany the preliminary draft State General Budget Law.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

Order EHA/1333/2011, dated 19 May, for which the rules for the preparation of the General Budget of the State for 2012 are issued, and how many standards of equal or lower rank are opposed to the provisions of the This Order.

Final disposition first. Operation of the Program Analysis Commissions.

The Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure is hereby authorized to adapt the operation of the Program Analysis Commissions referred to in Article 4 (2) of this Order to the needs of the process. budget.

Final disposition second. Treatment of information.

In the exercise of its coordinating role in the preparation of the General Budget of the State, the Directorate-General for Budgets will carry out the processing of all the information necessary for obtaining the Final document of the draft General State Budget.

The General Intervention of the State Administration, in accordance with the functional guidelines of the Directorate-General for Budgets, will assume the IT support of the General Budget of the State through the maintenance, development and exploitation of the necessary IT systems.

Final disposition third. Referral of the annual accounts and audit reports for the financial year 2011.

The entities referred to in Article 7 (3), (5) and (6) of this Order shall forward to the Directorate-General for Budgets before 14 September 2012 and by the electronic means referred to in the the second final provision, a copy of the annual accounts and the audit report for the financial year 2011.

The same obligation applies to the entities managing the funds lacking legal personality as referred to in Article 7 (4) of this Order.

Final disposition fourth. Authorizations to the Directorate-General for Budgets.

The General Budget Directorate is authorized to:

(a) Dictate the rules and make the modifications that come with regard to the structures for programs and economics, as well as the criteria for imputation of expenses and income.

b) To collect the necessary supporting reports and statements necessary to accurately determine the economic and financial reality of the management centers included in the budget.

c) Establish the information collection media and the format of the documentation referred to in Article 7 of this Order.

(d) to determine the public bodies whose specific legislation confers the limitation on the appropriations in their budget of expenditure to which the provisions of Article 6 (3) of this Order apply.

e) Expand the number of entities listed in Annexes II and V to this Order.

(f) Determine, where appropriate, additional plans or actions referred to in Article 6 (4.1) of this Order.

Final disposition fifth. The budgets of the consortia referred to in the ninth provision of the General Budget Law.

For the purposes of Article 2 (2) of this Order, a consortium meeting the requirements of the additional provision, ninth of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget, must forward the same information and on the same terms as those provided for the entities referred to in Articles 7.3 or 7.5, according to their nature, of this Order.

Final disposition sixth. Innovative Public Purchase.

The ministerial departments that include among their investments projects that have the consideration of Innovative Public Procurement (Council of Ministers Agreement of 8 July 2011) will have to identify such projects by means of the inclusion of the letter 'K' in the column 'Project type' of the Investment Annex.

Final disposition seventh. Entry into force.

This Ministerial Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 14 June 2012.-The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro Romero.


Classification by expense programs

In accordance with Article 6 (1.1) of this Order, the program structure will differentiate the finisher programs from the instrumental and management programs. This differentiation is established with the fourth character of the program code: the letters "A" to "L" identify the finalists and the letters "M" to "Z" to the instrumental and management.

Expense Area 1. Basic public

Area 3. Production of preferred public


11 Justice.

111 General Administration of Justice.

111 M Government of the Judiciary.

111 N Address and General Services of Justice

111 O Selection and training of judges

111 P Documentation and publications judicial.

111 Q Justice Administration Staff Training

111 R Tax career training

112 Administration of Justice

112 A Courts of Justice and Fiscal Ministry

113 Records.

113 M Records linked to Public Faith

12 Defense

121 General Administration of Defense.

121 M Defense General Administration and Services

121 N Staff Training Armed Forces.

121 OR Personal in reservation

122 Forces Armed.

122 A Modernization of the Armed Forces

122 B Special Modernization Programs.

122 M Armed Forces Operational Expenses

122 N Logistic Support.

13 Citizen Security and Penitentiary Institutions.

131 General Administration of Security and Civil Protection

131 M Directorate and General Security and Civil Protection Services

131 N Forces and Corps Training State security

131 OR Forces and Bodies in reserve

131 P Asylum law and stateless

132 Security and Public Order.

132 A Citizen Security.

132 B Road safety.

132 C Police Actuations on Drugs

133 Penitentiary Institutions.


133 A Centers and Penitentiary Institutions

133 B Job, training, and assistance to inmates

134 Civil Protection.

134 M Civil Protection.

135 Data Protection.

135 M Personal Data Protection.

14 Foreign Policy.

141 General Administration of Foreign Relations

141 M Address and General External Affairs Services

142 Diplomatic and Consular


142 A State Action Abroad

142 B Diplomatic Action to the European Union

143 Development Cooperation.

143 A Cooperation for Development

144 Cultural Cooperation, Promotion, and Broadcast on the Exterior.

144 A Cooperation, Promotion, and Cultural Dissemination on the Outside

Area 2. Protection and Social Promotion Actuations

21 Pensions.

211 Contributory Pensions.

211 Social Security contributory pensions.

211 N Passive Classes Pensions.

211 Or Other Passive Class pensions and benefits

212 Non-contributory Pensions.

212 M Pensions contributive benefits and benefits.

212 N War Pensions.

219 Pension Management

219 M Security Economic Performance Management Social.

219 N Passive Classes Pension Management

22 Other Economic Benefits.

221 Social Security Economic Benefits

221 M Temporary Disability Allowances and Other Social Security Economic Benefits

222 Economic Benefits of Administrative Mutualism

222 M Economic Benefits of Administrative Mutualism

223 Pay Warranty Stations


223 M Pay Warranty Benefits.

224 Economic Benefits by Eesc.

224 M Economic Prstations by Eesc

23 Social Services and Social Promotion.

231 Action social.

231 A National Drug Plan.

231 B Actions in favor of emigrants

231 C Social Security Social Services to people with disabilities

231 D Social Security Social Services to older people

231 E Other Social Security social services.

231 F Other State Social Services

231 G Attention to childhood and families

231 H Actions in favour of immigrants.

231 I Self-Autonomy and Care for Dependence.

232 Social Promotion.

232 A Promotion and Services to Youth

232 B Equality of opportunities between women and men

232 C Current Forecast integral to gender-based violence

239 Social services management

239 M Management social security social services

24 Employment Promotion

241 Job and Employment Promotion Promotion

241 Promoting job insertion and stability

241 N Development of social economy and corporate social responsibility

25 Unemployment.

251 Unemployment Assistance

251 M Benefits to Unemployed.

26 Access to Housing and Building Building.

261 Housing Access and Building Promotion.

261 N Promotion, administration, and help for rehabilitation and access to housing

261 Or Building and Building Building.

261 P Urbanism and soil

29 Social Security Management and Administration.

291 Management, Inspection, and Social Security and Social Protection control

291 A Inspection and Control

291 M Address and General Services Social Security and Social Protection

31 Health.

311 Health General Administration.

311 M Address and General Services for Health, Social Services and Equality

311 O Health and Professional Management Policies

312 Hospitals, Care Services, and Health Centers

312 To Hospital Assistance in the Armed Forces

312 B Primary health care. National Health Management Institute

312 C Specialized health care National Health Management Institute

312 D Maritime Medicine.

312 E Administrative Mutualism Healthcare.

312 F Primary Health Care Primary Care Accidents and Professional Diseases and Navy Social Institute

312 G Specialized Health Care Mutual Accidents Job and Professional Diseases and Marine Social Institute

313 Public Health Actions

313 A Benefits and Pharmacy.


313 B Public health, healthcare exterior and quality

313 C Food security and nutrition.

313 D Donation and transplantation of organs, tissues, and cells.

32 Education.

321 General Administration of Education.

321 M Address and General Education, Culture, and Sport Services

321 N Permanent Education Teacher Training

322 Teaching.

322 A Child and primary education

322 B Secondary education, vocational training and Official Language Schools.

322 C University Teachings

322 D Special Education.

322 E Teachings arts.


322 F Education on the outside

322 G Compensation Education.

322 H Education permanent and non-university distance

322 I Special Teachings.

322 J New technologies applied to education

322 K School age sport and at the University.

323 Educational Promotion.

323 M Grants and aids to students.

324 Complementary teaching services

324 M Services

324 N Support for other school activities.

33 Culture.

332 Libraries and Files.

332 To Files.

332 B Libraries.

333 Museums and plastic arts.

333 To Museums.

333 B Expositions.

334 Cultural Promotion.

334 A Promotion and cultural cooperation

334 Book Promotion and Cultural Publications.

334 C Promotion of cultural industries

335 Performing Arts.

335 A Music and Dance.

335 B Theatre.

335 C Cinematography.

336 Sports and Physical

336 A Promotion and Support of Sports Activities

337 Archaeology and Historical-Artistic Heritage Protection.

337 A Historical-National Heritage Administration

337 B Conservation and restoration of cultural assets

337 C Historical Heritage Protection.

Spend_table_body ">Expense Area 4. Economic

41 Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

412 Improvements to agricultural structures and production systems

412 C Competitiveness and quality of production and agricultural markets

412 D Competitiveness and Quality of Agriculture

412 M Regulation of the agricultural markets

413 Agri-food industrial competitiveness and food quality

413 A Competitiveness agri-food industry and food quality

414 Rural development.

414 A Water Resource Management for Irrigation.

414 B Rural

414 C Sustainable Rural Development Program

415 Protection and development of fisheries resources and improvement of structures.

415 A Protection of Fishery Resources and Sustainable Development

415 B Improvement of fisheries structures and markets


416 Risk forecasting in agricultural and fisheries productions.

416 A Risk Forecast on Agricultural and Fishing Productions.

42 Industry and Energy.

421 Administrative Actions on industry

421 M Address and General Industry and Energy Services and

421 N Regulation and protection of industrial property

421 O Quality and industrial security

422 Reconversion and Industrial

422 Regional Incentives To Industrial Localization.

422 B Industrial Development

422 M Reconversion and reindustrialisation

423 Development of Mining and Mining Comarcs

423 M Alternative development of coal mining districts

423 N Mining Exploitation.

424 Nuclear Protection and Security.

424 M Nuclear security and radiation protection.

425 Energy Management and Efficiency

425 A Normative and Energy Development.

43 Commerce, Tourism, and Pymes.

431 Commerce.

431 A Business Promotion and Internationalization of the Company

431 N Foreign Trade Sorting

431 Or Sorting and Modernizing Commercial Structures.

432 Tourist promotion and promotion


432 A Coordination and Promotion of Tourism

433 Development business.

433 M Small and Medium Business Support

44 Transport Grants

441 Transport Grants

441 M Grants and support for land transport

441 N Grants and support for shipping

441 O Grants and support for air transport


441 P Grants to the extrapeninsular transport of merchandise.

45 Infrastructures.

451 General Infrastructure Management

451 M Studies and services Public Works and Urbanism technical assistance

451 N Address and General Promotion


451 OR Agriculture, Food and Environment Directorate and General Services

452 Hydraulic Resources.

452 A Water Management and Infrastructure

452 M Norms and territorial management of water resources

453 Land transport infrastructures

453 A Rail Transport Infrastructure


453 B Road infrastructure creation

453 C How to store and exploit roads

453 M Land Transport Management and

454 Maritime Transport Infrastructures

454 M Maritime Traffic Regulation and

455 Air Transport Infrastructures

455 M Regulation and oversight of civil aviation

456 Environmental actuations.

456 A Quality of Water.

456 B Protection and Environment Improvement.

456 C Protection and improvement of the natural environment

456 D Take Action on the

456 M Actuations for Pollution Prevention and Climate Change

457 Performances in coal mining districts

457 M Infrastructures in coal mining districts

46 Research, development and innovation

462 Research and studies related to general public services

462 M Research and Sociological and Constitutional Studies.

462 N Research and Statistics and Economic Studies.

463 Basic Research.

463 A Scientific Research.

463 B Fomento y coordination of scientific and technical research

464 Defense-related research and development.

464 Armed Forces Research and Studies

464 B Support for technology innovation in the defense sector

464 C Public security research and studies

465 Health-related research and development

465 Health Research.

466 Research and Development related to the education


466 A Research and educational assessment

467 Research and development in other sectors

467 A Astronomy and astrophysics.

467 B Research, development, and experimentation in Transports and Infrastructures

467 C Technology-industrial research and development

467 D Agricultural Research and Experimentation

467 E Oceanographic and Fishing


467 F Geologic-mining and environmental research

467 G Research and Development of the Society of the Information.

467 H Energy, environmental and environmental research

467 I Telecom Technology Innovation.

49 Other economic performances

491 Communications.

491 M Ordination and promotion of telecommunications and the Information Society

491 N Universal Postal Service

492 Defense of Competition.

492 M Competition Defense

492 N Regulation and surveillance of competition in the Tabacos Market

492 O Protection and promotion of the rights of consumers and users

493 Financial Sector Management.


493 M Address, control, and insurance management

493 OR Accounting and Audit

494 Labor relationships.

494 M Administration of labor relations and working conditions

495 Mapping, meteorology, and metrology.

495 A Development and application of Spanish geographic information

495 B Meteorology.

495 C Metrology.

496 Game Sector Sorting

496 M Regulation of the game.

497 Maritime Services.

497 M Save and Fight against pollution at sea

area 9. General character

91 High address.

911 High Address State Address.

911 M Head of the Status.

911 N Legislative Activity

911 OR External Control of the Public Sector.

911 P Constitutional Control.

911 Q Support for Administrative Management of the Head of State

912 High Address of the Government.

912 M Government Presidency

912 N High State advice

912 OR Relations with the General Courts, Government Secretariat and Support for High Direction

912 P Advice on Government on social, economic and labor issues

912 Q Advice for the protection of national interests

92 Character Services general.

921 General Administration.

921 N Address and organization of the Public Administration.

921 OR Training of Administrations Staff Public.

921 P State peripheral administration

921 Q Informational Coverage.

921 R Advertising of the legal rules

921 S State interest advice and defense.

921 T Ministries Transport Services

921 U Publications.

921 V Assessment of public policies and programs, quality of regulatory services and impact.

922 State coordination and territorial organization

922 M Territorial Organization of the State and development of their collaboration systems

922 N Coordination and Financial Relations with Territorial Authorities

923 General Administration of Economics and Finance

923 A State Heritage

923 C Elaboration and statistical dissemination

923 M Address and General Administration of Finance and Public Administrations

923 N Economics and Finance staff training

923 OR Management Debt and State Treasury

923 P Relations with the Agencies Multilateral Financials.

923 Q Economic and General Management and Services Competitiveness.

924 Citizen Participation.

924 M Elections and Political Parties

929 Unforeseen, transient situations and execution contingencies

929 N Budget execution contingency fund

93 Financial and tax administration

931 Economic and Fiscal Policy

931 M Forecast and Economic

931 N Budget Policy


931 OR Tax Policy.

931 P Internal Control and Public Accounting

932 Tax System Management.

932 A Application of the state tax system

932 M Real Estate Catstar

932 N Administrative-economic claims resolution

94 Transfers to other public administrations

941 Transfers to Autonomous Communities

941 M Transfers to CC.AA. by participation in state revenue

941 N Transfers to CC.AA. by Interterritorial Compensation Funds

941 OR Other Transfers to Autonomous Communities

942 Transfers to Local Entities

942 A Local Economic Cooperation of the State

942 M Transfers to Local Entities by Participation in State Revenue

942 N Other contributions to Local Entities

943 Financial Relations with the European Union.

943 M Transfers to the European Union General Budget.

943 N Development Cooperation through the European Development Fund

95 Public Debt.


951 Public debt

951 M Amortization and financial expense of public debt in national currency

951 N Depreciation and Financial Expenses of Public Debt in Foreign Currency


Public bodies whose specific rules confer a limiting nature on the appropriations in their budget of expenditure referred to in Article 6.1.2.e) of this ministerial order

Cervantes Institute.

Spanish Data Protection Agency.

National Intelligence Center.

State Tax Administration Agency.

National Competition Commission.

Economic and Social Council.

Nuclear Security Council.

National Prado Museum.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.


Economic classification of expenditure

In those assumptions that development is anticipated by sectors of a concept, they will be identified by the following digits.

0. State administration.

1. Autonomous Bodies.

2. Social Security.

3. State agencies and other Public Bodies.

4. Companies, public entities, foundations and other public sector entities.

5. Autonomous Communities.

6. Local Corporations.

7. Private companies.

8. Families and non-profit institutions.

9. Exterior.

Economic classification of the expense budget

. Staff expenditures

10. High charges

100. Basic remuneration and other remuneration

00. Basic rewards

01. Supplemental rewards

107. Pension plan contributions

11. Eventual staff

110. Basic remuneration and other remuneration

00. Basic rewards

01. Supplemental rewards

02. Other remunerations

117. Pension plan contributions

12. Officials

120. Basic rewards

00. A1 group and group A.

01. Group A2 and group B.

02. C1 group and group C.

03. C2 group and group D.

04. Personal wages of professional groupings and group E.

05. Trienes.

06. Extraordinary pagas.

07. Other basic rewards

10. Troop salaries and permanent professional marinery.

11. Non-permanent professional troop and seafaring salaries

121. Supplemental rewards

00. Target addon.

01. Specific add-on.

02. Compensation for residency.

03. Other add-ons

09. Professional troop and marinery destination complement.

10. Specific complement of professional troops and marineria.

11. Add-on and years of service.

12. Volunteer reserve compensation.

122. Rewards in kind.

00. Home.

01. Locker room

02. Bonuses.

09. Others

123. Compensation received by destination abroad

00. Overseas destination compensation

01. Education Compensation

124. Remuneration of officials in practice

00. A1 group and group A.

01. Group A2 and group B.

02. C1 group and group C.

03. C2 group and group D.

04. Personal wages of professional groupings and group E.

05. Trienes.

06. Extraordinary pagas.

07. Supplemental remuneration

127. Pension plan contributions

13. Labor.

130. Job Fixed.

00. Basic rewards

01. Other remunerations

131. Eventual work.

132. Rewards in kind.

00. Home.

01. Locker room

02. Bonuses.

09. Others

137. Pension plan contributions

14. Other staff

143. Other staff

147. Pension plan contributions

15. Performance incentives

150. Productivity

151. Rewards.

153. Special dedication add-on.

16. Contributions, benefits, and social expenses in charge of the employer

160. Social quotas

00. Social Security


02. ISFAS.


09. Others

161. Social Benefits

00. Civil servants ' pensions

01. Pensions to families, civil status

02. Pensions to officials, military in character

03. Pension to families, military in character

162. Staff social expenditures

00. Training and perfecting staff

01. Economates and eaters.

02. Transport of personnel

04. Social action

05. Insurance.

09. Others

164. Family protection

2. Current expenditures on goods and services.

20. Leases and royalties.

200. Land and natural assets leases

202. Building leases and other constructs.

203. Machine, facility, and tooling leases

204. Transport media leases

205. Furniture and Enseres Leases.

206. Equipment leases for information processes

208. Leases of other tangible assets

209. Cannons.

21. Repairs, maintenance, and preservation

210. Infrastructure and natural assets

212. Buildings and other constructs.

213. Machinery, installations and tools.

214. Transport elements

215. Furniture and Enseres.

216. Teams for information processes

218. Goods located outside

219. Other material immobilized.

22. Material, supplies, and others.

220. Office material

00. Ordinary non-inventorable.

01. Press, magazines, books, and other publications.

02. Non-inventorable computing material

15. External office material

221. Supplies

00. Electrical power

01. Water.

02. Gas.

03. Fuel

04. Locker room

05. Power.

06. Pharmaceutical products and sanitary material

07. Military and police supplies

08. Supplies of sports, didactic and cultural material

09. Work National Mint and Timbre

11. Supplies of machinery parts, tools, and transport elements

12. Supplies of electronic, electrical, and communications material

15. Supplies on the outside

99. Other supplies

222. Communications

00. Telecom Services

01. Postcards and Messaging.

15. External communications

99. Others

223. Transports.

224. Insurance premiums.

225. Tributes.

00. State.

01. Autonomics.

02. Local.

15. Tributes outside

226. Miscellaneous expenses

01. Protocolary and representative attentions.

02. Advertising and propaganda

03. Legal, contentious.

06. Meetings, conferences and courses

07. Selective oppositions and tests

08. Reserved Expenses

09. Cultural and sporting activities

15. Miscellaneous expenses abroad

99. Others

227. Jobs performed by other companies and professionals

00. Cleaning and grooming.

01. Security.

02. Assessments and expertise

04. Custody, warehousing and storage.

05. Popular polling and polling processes

06. Studies and technical jobs

07. For the hiring of the national and international information coverage service in the public interest

15. Jobs performed by other companies and professionals abroad


99. Others

23. Compensation for service reason

230. Diets

231. Locomotion.

232. Move.

233. Other indemnities

24. Publications Expenses

240. Editing and Distribution Expenses

25. Healthcare concerts

250. With Social Security.

251. With free insurance entities

259. Other healthcare concerts

27. Purchases, supplies, and other activity-related expenses

3. Financial expenses

30. Public debt in national currency

300. Interests.

301. Emission, modification, and cancellation expenses

303. Implicit returns

309. Other financial expenses

31. National currency loans

310. Interests.

311. Emission, modification, and cancellation expenses

313. Implicit returns

319. Other financial expenses

32. Foreign currency public debt

320. Interests

321. Emission, modification, and cancellation expenses

322. Change differences

323. Implicit returns

329. Other financial expenses

33. Foreign currency loans

330. Interests

331. Emission, modification, and cancellation expenses

332. Change differences

333. Implicit returns

339. Other financial expenses

34. Of deposits and sureties.

340. Deposit interests

341. Trust interests

35. Interest on delay and other financial expenses

352. Interest on delay

359. Other financial expenses

4. Current transfers.

40. To the State Administration

41. To stand-alone organisms

42. To Social Security.

43. To State Agencies and other Public Bodies

44. To Companies, Business Public Entities, Foundations, and Rest of Public Sector Entes

45. To Autonomous Communities

46. To Local Entities.

47. To private companies

48. To non-profit families and institutions

49. Outside

5. Contingency Fund and Other Unforeseen.

50. Envelope the Budget Execution Contingency Fund

500. Budgetary Execution Contingency Fund. Article 50 of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget

6. Actual investments

60. New investment in infrastructure and goods for general use

600. Investments in land

601. Others

61. Reorder investment in infrastructure and goods for general use

610. Investments in land

611. Others

62. New investment associated with operational operation of services

620. New investment associated with operational operation of services

63. Replacement investment associated with operating operation of services

630. Reorder investment associated with operating operation of services

64. Instock investment expenses

640. Expenses on instock investments

65. Military investments in infrastructure and other goods

650. Military investments in infrastructure and other goods

66. Military investments associated with the operation of services

660. Military investments associated with the operational operation of services

67. Military expenditures of intangible character investments

670. Military expenditures on instock investments

7. Capital transfers

70. To the State Administration

71. To Stand-alone Bodies

72. To Social Security

73. To State Agencies and other Public Bodies

74. To Companies, Business Public Entities, Foundations, and Rest of Public Sector Entes

75. To Autonomous Communities

76. To Local Entities.

77. To private companies

78. To non-profit families and institutions

79. Outside

8. Financial assets

80. Public Sector Debt Acquisition

800. Short-term Public Sector debt acquisition

801. Long-term Public Sector debt acquisition

81. Acquisition of bonds and bonds outside the Public Sector

810. Acquisition of bonds and bonds outside the Public Sector in the short term

811. Acquisition of bonds and bonds outside the Public Sector in the long term

82. Granting loans to the Public Sector

820. Short term loans

821. Long-term loans

83. Granting loans outside the Public Sector

830. Short term loans

831. Long-term loans

84. Building deposits and bonds

840. Repositories.

00. In the short term

01. Long term

841. Sureties.

00. In the short term

01. Long term

85. Procurement of Public Sector shares and units

850. Procurement of shares and units of the Public Sector

86. Acquisition of shares and units outside the Public Sector

860. From national or European Union companies

861. From other companies

87. Heritage contributions

870. Heritage Contributions

9. Financial liabilities

90. Amortization of public debt in national currency

900. Amortization of public debt in short-term national currency

901. Amortization of public debt in long-term national currency

91. Amortization of loans in national currency

910. Amortization of short-term loans from Public Sector entities

911. Amortization of long-term loans from Public Sector entities

912. Amortization of short-term loans from outside the Public Sector

913. Amortization of long-term loans from outside the Public Sector

92. Amortization of public debt in foreign currency

920. Amortization of public debt in foreign currency in the short term

921. Amortization of public debt in long-term foreign currency

93. Amortization of foreign currency loans

930. Amortization of short-term foreign currency loans

931. Amortization of long-term foreign currency loans

94. Return of deposits and sureties.

940. Deposit return

941. Return of sureties.


Economic Classification of Revenue

Revenue Budget Economic Classification

. Direct taxes and social contributions.

10. About the rent

100. Of the physical persons

00. Physical Persons Income Tax

101. From societies

00. Corporation Tax

102. Non-residents

00. Nonresident Income Tax

11. About capital

119. Other capital taxes

12. Social quotes

120. Special scheme contributions from officials

00. Passive Rights Fees.

01. Officials ' contributions to Mutuals

02. Mandatory State contribution to the Mutualities of officials

129. Other quotes

00. Unemployment Share

01. Professional training fee

02. Business quotas to the Wage Guarantee Fund

19. Other direct taxes

190. Other direct taxes

2. Indirect taxes

21. About Value Added

210. Value Added Tax

00. VAT on imports

01. VAT on internal operations

22. About specific consumption

220. Excise.

00. About alcohol and derived beverages

01. About beer

03. About tobacco work

04. About hydrocarbons

06. About intermediate products

07. About electricity

99. Others

23. About external traffic

230. Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect established for the import or export of goods

231. Levies and other agricultural levies

28. Other indirect taxes

280. Listing, producing and storing sugar and isoglucose.

281. Insurance Premium Tax

283. Gambling activities tax

00. Sports mutual bets

01. For counterpart sports betting

02. From other games

289. Other indirect taxes

3. Rates, public prices, and other income

30. Rates

300. Rights to issue professional identity cards to foreign workers

301. Occupation canon and use of public land-maritime domain

302. Rate per address and inspection of works

303. Rate for the exercise of jurisdictional power

304. DNI expedition rates and Passports.

01. D.N.I.

02. Passports.

305. Consular rates

306. Traffic Head Rates

307. Rates by radio domain reservation

308. Airport security rates

309. Other rates

00. Rate by cadastral accreditation.

01. Rate of Play

02. Acknowledgments, authorizations, and contests

03. Service delivery and performance of air navigation activities

04. Provision of services by the Merchant Marine Directorate General

05. Telecom Rate

07. External health control meats and animal products from non-EU countries

08. Exam Rights

11. Rate for administrative management of the game (D.T. 1. Act 13/2011)

99. Others

31. Public Prices

310. Tuition fees on courses and seminars

311. Tickets to museums, exhibitions, shows, etc.

319. Other public prices

32. Other income from service delivery

320. Commissions for financial operations and insurance

322. From Financial Management

01. Administration and collection.

02. Compensation for traditional European Union own resource perception expenses

99. Others

329. Other income from service delivery

33. Selling goods

330. Selling your own publications

332. Selling photocopies and other reprographics products

333. Selling drugs

334. Selling agricultural products

335. Selling waste material

336. Income from the Fund governed by Law 17/2003

339. Selling other goods

38. Stream operations reintegrs.

380. From closed exercises

381. From the current budget

39. Other income

391. Surcharges and fines

00. Executive period surcharges

01. Interest on delay

02. Fines and penalties

03. Recharge on autoliquidations.

99. Others

392. Change differences

393. Differences between redemption and emission values.

394. Reintegrating of amounts paid to the workers on behalf of the companies (Salarial Guarantee Fund)

399. Miscellaneous revenue

00. Service compensation provided by public officials

01. Eventual resources

02. Revenue from self-contained, deleted organisms

99. Other miscellaneous revenue

4. Current transfers.

40. From the State Administration.

400. From the department to which it is attached

401. From other ministerial departments

41. From Autonomous Bodies

410. Autonomous body stream transfers

42. From Social Security.

43. From State Agencies and other Public Bodies

430. From State Agencies

431. From other Public Bodies

44. From Societies, Business Public Entities, Foundations and other Public Sector entities

440. From state mercantile societies

441. From business public entities

442. From Public Foundations.

449. From the rest of the public sector

45. From Autonomous Communities.

450. Concerted Contributions.

00. Basque Country quota

01. From Navarra.

459. Other current transfers.

46. From Local Entities.

460. From Councils.

461. Of Island Diputations and Cabildos.

469. Other current transfers.

47. From private companies.

48. From non-profit families and institutions

49. From outside

490. From the European Social Fund

491. From the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)

492. Other European Union transfers

493. Contributions derived from international cooperation agreements

499. Other current transfers.

5. Heritage Income

50. Title and value interests

500. From the State.

501. From stand-alone organisms

504. From Societies, Business Public Entities, Foundations and other Public Sector entities

505. From Autonomous Communities.

506. From Local Entities.

507. From private companies.

51. Interest on advances and loans granted.

510. To the State

511. To stand-alone organisms

512. To Social Security

514. To Companies, Business Public Entities, Foundations, and other Public Sector entities

01. I.C.O.

99. Others

515. To Autonomous Communities

516. To Local Entities.

517. To private companies

518. To non-profit families and institutions

519. Outside

52. Deposit interests

520. Bank account interests

00. Interests of the judicial consignations.

09. Treasury account interests at the Banco de España

99. Other bank account interests

529. Interest from other depots.

53. Dividends and stakes in benefits

531. From stand-alone organisms

534. From Companies, Business Public Entities, Foundations, and other Public Sector entities

03. Bank of Spain

04. Official Credit Institute

06. Real Casa de la Moneda. National Currency and Timbre Factory

09. Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA)

10. State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI)

11. State Lotteries and State Gambling Society (SELAE)

12. Other Heritage Group State Societies

99. Other benefit interests

537. From private companies.

54. Real estate rents

540. Rental and real estate products.

00. Rental housing

10. Local rental

99. Other real estate products

541. Rustic farm leases

549. Other rents

55. Concessions products and special leverage

550. Administrative concessions

551. Agricultural and forestry

559. Other concessions and leverage

57. Business operations results

570. Business operations results

59. Other heritage income

591. Benefits by making financial investments

599. Others

6. Disposal of actual investments.

60. From grounds

600. Selling solar

601. Sale of rustic estates.

61. Of the other actual investments.

619. Selling other real investments

68. Return to capital operations

680. From closed exercises

681. From the current budget.

7. Capital transfers

70. From State Administration

700. From the department to which it is attached

701. From other ministerial departments

71. From stand-alone organisms

710. Autonomous body capital transfers

72. From Social Security.

720. Social Security Capital Transfers

73. From State Agencies and Other Public Bodies

730. Capital transfers from state agencies and other public bodies

74. Corporate Public Entities, Foundations and other Public Sector entities

740. State mercantile societies

741. Business public entities

749. From the Rest of Public Sector entities

75. From Autonomous Communities.

76. From Local Entities.

760. From Councils.

761. Of Island Diputations and Cabildos.

769. Other capital transfers

77. From private companies.

78. From non-profit families and institutions

79. From the outside

790. European Regional Development Fund

791. Cohesion Fund

792. European Fisheries Fund and other agricultural and fisheries resources

793. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

795. Other European Union transfers

799. Other transfers

8. Financial assets

80. Public Sector debt disposal

800. Short-term public sector debt disposal

801. Long-term public sector debt disposal

81. Disposal of bonds and bonds from outside the Public Sector

810. Disposal of bonds and bonds from outside the Public Sector in the short term

811. Disposal of bonds and bonds from outside the Public Sector in the long term

82. Loan Reintegration to the Public Sector

820. Loans to the Public Sector in the short term

821. Long-term Public Sector Loan Reintegration

83. Loan reintegrations granted outside the Public Sector

830. Loan reintegrations granted outside the Public Sector in the short term

831. Loan reintegrations granted outside the Public Sector in the long term

84. Return of deposits and sureties.

840. Deposit return

841. Return of sureties

85. Disposal of public sector actions and units.

850. Disposal of Public Sector shares and units

86. Disposal of shares and units from outside the Public Sector

860. From national or European Union companies

861. From other companies

87. Treasury Remainer

870. Treasury Remover

9. Financial liabilities

90. Issuance of public debt in national currency

900. Issuance of public debt in short-term national currency

901. Issuance of public debt in long-term national currency

91. Loans received in national currency

910. Short term loans from Public Sector entities

911. Long-term received loans from Public Sector entities

912. Short term received loans from outside the Public Sector

913. Long-term received loans from outside the Public Sector

92. Issuance of public debt in foreign currency

920. Issuance of public debt in foreign currency in the short term

921. Issuance of public debt in long-term foreign currency

93. Loans received in foreign currency

930. Loans received in short term foreign currency

931. Loans received in long-term foreign currency

94. Deposits and sureties received.

940. Deposits received.

941. Sureties received.

95. Currency minting benefit

950. Currency minting benefit


State administrative public sector entities with non-limiting budgets as referred to in Article 6.3.4 of this Ministerial Order

The Arab House Consortium and its International Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies.

Sepharad-Israel Center Consortium.

Mediterranean House Consortium.

City of Toledo Consortium.

Consortium City of Santiago de Compostela.

Cuenca City Consortium.

Consortium of Logistics, Business, Technological, Environmental and Services Activities of the Bay of Cadiz, Aletas Consortium.

Consortium for the Equipment and Exploitation of the Canfranc Underground Laboratory.

Network Biomedical Research Support Consortium (CAIBER).

Consortium for the Creation, Construction, Equipment and Exploitation of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-National Supercomputing Center.

Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT).

National Energy Commission (CNE).

National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

National Postal Sector Commission.

Consortium of the Canary Special Zone (CZEC).

Consortium Research Institute on Climate Change in Zaragoza (I2C2).

CIBER Consortium for the Mental Health Theme Area.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Liver and Digestive Diseases.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Neurodegenerative Diseases.

CIBER Consortium for Rare Disease Topic Area.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Respiratory Diseases.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Epidemiology and Public Health.

CIBER Consortium for the Thematic Area of Obesity and Nutrition Physiopathology.


2013 Action Plans





Statistical Plan


Plan Avance.


Equal opportunities plan between women and men.


Canarian Integral Strategy.


Soria Plan.


Extremadura Plan.


Plan Leon

Teruel Plan.


Plan Jaen XXI.


Rural Development sustainable

Here are several images in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.