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Order Ecd/1299/2012, Of 11 June, That Quotas Are Set By Services, Teachings, And Activities Of Complementarity In The Spanish Educational Centres In France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, United Kingdom And Colombia, During The Cur...

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/1299/2012, de 11 de junio, por la que se fijan las cuotas por servicios, enseñanzas y actividades de carácter complementario en los centros docentes españoles en Francia, Italia, Marruecos, Portugal, Reino Unido y Colombia, durante el cur...

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Royal Decree 1027/1993, of 25 June, which regulates the educational action abroad, in its article 18.3, establishes that the students, both Spanish and foreign, of the Spanish educational centers abroad, pay for supplementary services, teaching and activities, quotas to be determined by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and in Article 19, which may be established or approved by this department. aid for the payment of the financial contributions referred to in the previous Article.

To this end, this order provides for the payment of the fees for the provision of services, teaching and complementary activities in the Spanish centres in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, United Kingdom and Colombia, for the course 2012-2013.

In its virtue, I have:

First. Fees for services, teaching and complementary activities in Spanish schools abroad for the course 2012-2013.

The fees for services, teachings and activities of a complementary nature in the Spanish teaching centers abroad for the 2012-2013 course, to be paid by Spanish and foreign students enrolled in them, the form of payment and the reductions and exemptions are those set out in the Annex to this Order.

Second. Fees for school transport and dining services.

The fees for the school transport and dining services, in those centres where they exist, will be determined by the respective Education Department and in the countries where it does not exist, by the Director of the Centre, according to the with the actual cost of the service and the number of users.

Single end disposition. Effectiveness.

This order will have effects from the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, 11 June 2012.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, P. D. (Order ECD/565/2012, 2 March), the Undersecretary of Education, Culture and Sport, Fernando Benzo Sainz.



Centro: Liceo Español "Luis Buñuel" de Paris

Fee (ESO, Baccalaureate and C. International): EUR 175.00/course.

The quotas are annual in character and will be made effective in single payment, by means of nominative check or transfer issued in favor of the Spanish Liceo "Luis Buñuel" at the time of the registration.

Centro: Colegio Español "Federico García Lorca" in Paris

Supplementary School Insurance: 12.00 Euros/course.

Fee (Child and Primary Education): EUR 175.00/course.

The quotas are annual and will be made effective in single payment by means of a registered cheque issued in favor of the Spanish Colegio "Federico García Lorca" at the time of the registration.


Centro: Liceo Español "Cervantes" in Rome

Fee (Child, Primary and Secondary): 280.00 Euro/course.

The single payment for the whole shall be made by bank transfer in the month of May 2012.

These fees will be paid by all students of the Center. However, the Board of Education may, on a proposal from the Director of the Centre, authorise a reduction in the payment of such reduction in the event of family circumstances of an economic nature over the course of the school year.


Centro: Instituto Español "Melchor de Jovellanos" de Alhucemas

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Instituto Español "Juan Ramón Jiménez" in Casablanca.

Fee: 5,100 dirhams/course.

Centro: Instituto Español "Lope de Vega" de Nador

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Instituto Español "Severo Ochoa" de Tanger

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Instituto Español "Juan de la Cierva" de Tetuan

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Instituto Español "Nuestra Señora del Pilar" de Tetuan

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Colegio Español "Luis Vives" de Larache

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Colegio Español de Rabat

Fee: 5,100 dirhams/course.

Centro: Colegio Español "Ramón y Cajal" de Tanger

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

Centro: Colegio Español "Jacinto Benavente" by Tetuan

Fee: 3,500 dirhams/course.

The payment will be made in two periods (first half of July 2012 and during the month of January 2013), in cash or by transfer.

As a specific aid scheme for payment of these quotas, the following is set out:

a) Automatic reduction of 30% to the second brother enrolled in the center and 50% for the following siblings.

b) Reduction of 50% for the children of staff dependent on Spanish official institutions in Morocco.

c) Waiving or reducing students who, due to over-close family circumstances, have significantly changed the family's economic level.

The maximum number of exemptions or reductions in the quota for this paragraph (c) at half of the quota will be 10% of the number of pupils enrolled in the centre. Its concession corresponds to the Steering Team of the designated Center or Commission, among those who demonstrate good academic performance and insufficient economic resources.


Centro: Instituto Español "Giner de los Rios" in Lisbon

Share: EUR 150.00/course.

The single payment will be made by bank deposit and direct debit at the time of registration.

United Kingdom

Centro: Instituto Español "Vicente Canada Blanch" from London

Fee: 185 pounds/course.

The annual and mandatory payment will be made by cheque or by transfer within a single period when the registration is formalized.


Centro: Centro Cultural y Educativo "Reyes Catholics" in Bogotá


Child Education: 3,923,900 pesos/course.

Primary Education and 1. ESO: 3.743,000 Pesos/Course.

2. º and 3. ESO: 1.234,000 pesos/course.

4. ESO: 1.147,000 pesos/course.

Baccalaureate: 1,147,000 pesos/course.

The total amount per course will be divided into eleven quotas of the same amount, plus a fee corresponding to didactic material. Payments shall be made exclusively through the electronic payment system established by the Centre. The monthly instalments shall be paid in the first 10 days of each month. The registration fee and the fee for teaching materials will be paid at one time at the time of registration.