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Royal Decree 1239 / 2011, From 8 September, Laying Down The Statutes Of The National University Of Distance Education.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1239/2011, de 8 de septiembre, por el que se aprueban los Estatutos de la Universidad Nacional de EducaciĆ³n a Distancia.

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The National University of Distance Education (UNED) is an institution of public law, endowed with legal personality and full autonomy in the development of its functions without more limitations than those established by the laws.

The Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities, as amended by Law 4/2007, of 12 April, establishes in its additional provision second that the UNED will impart university teaching throughout the national territory and which, in the light of its special characteristics, the Government shall establish a specific regulation of the same, which shall take into account, in any event, the arrangements of its associated centres and agreements with the Autonomous Communities and other entities public and private, the specific obligations of their teachers, as well as the tutors.

By Royal Decree 426/2005 of 15 April, the Statutes of the UNED currently in force were approved.

In compliance with the provisions of the eighth additional provision of Law No 4/2007 of 12 April 2007, this rule is intended to adapt the Statutes of the UNED to the provisions of that law.

The Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the Ministry of Territorial Policy and the Ministry of Territorial Policy have issued a report on this standard. Public Administration.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Education and on the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting of the day 8 September 2011,


Single item. Approval of the Statutes of the National University of Distance Education.

The Statutes of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) are approved.

Additional disposition first. Adaptation of Conventions.

The agreements signed prior to the entry into force of this royal decree must be adapted to the provisions of the Statutes of the National University of Education at Distance approved in this standard within one year. from the entry into force of the same.

Additional provision second. Implementation and implementation of the Statutes.

The Governing Council is empowered to establish how many provisions are necessary for the implementation and development of these Statutes.

Additional provision third. Adequacy of the regulation of the organization and functioning of the governing bodies.

In the twelve months following the entry into force of these Statutes, the governing bodies of the National University of Distance Education will take the necessary measures to adapt their organizational regulations. and function as provided in the same.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

Royal Decree 426/2005 of 15 April, which is approved by the Statutes of the National University of Distance Education, is repealed.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Royal Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State".

Given in Madrid, on September 8, 2011.


The Minister of the Presidency,



Title I. Principles and objectives.

Title II. Basic functions

Chapter I. Teaching and study.

Section 1. General Provisions.

Section 2. Official Teachings.

Section 3.

Section 4. The study.

Chapter II. Research and the transfer of knowledge.

Section 1. General Provisions.

Section 2. Research Programming.

Section 3. Contracts and research projects.

Title III. Structure and organization.

Chapter I. General provisions.

Chapter II. Faculties and Schools.

Chapter III. Departments.

Chapter IV. University Research Institutes.

Chapter V. Associated Centers.

Chapter VI. Centers attached.

Title IV. Governing bodies and representation.

Chapter I. Collegiate Organs.

Section 1. General Provisions.

Section 2. Social Council.

Section 3. University Cloister.

Section 4. 1st Governing Council.

Section 5. School or School Board.

Section 6. Department Council.

Section 7. 1st Council of Research University Institute.

Chapter II. Unipersonal organs of government of the university.

Section 1. General Provisions.

Section 2. The Rector.

Section 3.

Section 4. Secretary General.

Section 5. Manager.

Section 6.

Section 7. Vincentians and Subdirectors.

Section 8. School or School Secretaries.

Section 9. Department Directors.

Section 10. Department secretaries.

Section 11. Directors of the University Research Institute.

Section 12. Secretaries of the University Research Institute.

Title V. Associated Centers.

Chapter I. Organization.

Chapter II. Governing bodies.

Section 1. Patronato, Board and Board of Directors.

Section 2. Principal and Secretary.

Chapter III. Teacher tutors.

Chapter IV. Administration and service personnel.

Title VI. The university community.

Chapter I. Students.

Chapter II. Teaching and research staff.

Section 1. General Provisions.

Section 2. Teacher of university teaching bodies.

Section 3. Hired Staff and Research Staff.

Section 4. Selection and promotion.

Section 5. Guardian Teachers.

Section 6. Rights and duties of teachers.

Chapter III. Administration and service personnel.

Section 1. General Provisions.

Section 2. Selection and promotion.

Section 3. Rights and Duties.

Chapter IV. The University Defender.

Chapter V. Social responsibility.

Title VII. Support services to the university community.

Chapter I. General provisions.

Chapter II. Services supporting study, teaching and research.

Section 1. Library and General File.

Section 2. Centers of support for distance methodology.

Section 3. Computer Service Center.

Section 4. Office of Transfer of Research Results.

Chapter III. Services to the university community.

Chapter IV. UNED inspection service.

Title VIII. Economic and financial regime.

Chapter I. General provisions.

Chapter II. Programming and budgeting.

Section 1. MFF programming.

Section 2. The Budget: Revenue and expenses.

Section 3. Budget structure and budget implementation rules.

Chapter III. Control and audit.

Section 1. Accounting System.

Section 2. Internal Control and External Control.

Chapter IV. Procurement of goods and services.

Chapter V. Creation of foundations and other instrumental entities.

Title IX: The legal and electoral regime.

Chapter I. Legal regime.

Chapter II. Electoral regime. General provisions.

Chapter III. Election administration.

Chapter IV. Elections to collegiate bodies.

Chapter V. Elections to Rector.

Title X. Reform of the Statutes.

Additional provisions.


Principles and objectives

Article 1. Definition of the institution.

The National University of Distance Education (UNED) is an institution of public law, of those referred to in the Additional Disposition 10th of Law 6/1997, of April 14, of the Organization and the Functioning of the The General Administration of the State, endowed with legal personality and full autonomy in the development of its functions, without more limitations than those established in the laws.

Article 2. Scope of action.

1. The UNED will carry out its activities throughout the national territory and in those places abroad where it is recommended for demographic, cultural, educational or research reasons. Its headquarters are in Madrid and will have the necessary Associated Centers.

2. In accordance with the current regulations, the Spanish Courts and the Government of Spain will exercise, in respect of the UNED, the powers that the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December of Universities, attributes respectively to the Legislative Assembly and to the Governing Council of the Autonomous Communities.

Article 3. Finnish.

1. The UNED performs the public service of higher education through research, teaching and study.

2. It is the commitment of all members of the university community to contribute, from their respective responsibilities, to the best performance of the public service.

Article 4. Functions.

Are specific functions of the UNED, in addition to those established in law, the following:

(a) Facilitate access to university education and the continuity of their studies to all persons trained to follow higher studies that choose the educational system of the UNED by its methodology or for reasons labor, economic, residence or any other.

b) The preparation for the exercise of professional activities that require the application of scientific knowledge and methods and for artistic creation.

c) Establish and develop programs of permanent education, cultural promotion, improvement and professional updating.

d) To incorporate, develop and facilitate the use of technological methods and systems that are best suited to the educational model of the UNED at any time.

e) Develop research in all branches of science, technology and culture.

f) Encourage the training and promotion of all its teaching, research and administration staff and services.

g) Facilitating the creation of a broad and plural university community, founded on scientific and cultural knowledge that serves as a union and promotes the progress and solidarity of the peoples of Spain.

h) Develop their teaching, research and management activities under coordination.

i) Promoting scientific exchange, academic mobility and cooperation for the development of peoples.

Article 5. Activities.

The UNED, as a National University, assumes as fundamental missions the insertion and coordination between the different partner centers of each of the Autonomous Communities as well as the support to the languages and cultures of Spain.

To do this and as appropriate in each case, the UNED may develop the following activities:

a) It will collaborate with the Autonomous Administrations and other Territorial Administrations for the dissemination of the language, culture and the best service to its citizens in higher education.

b) Potentiate teaching and knowledge of Spanish official languages, both in Spain and abroad.

c) It will progressively incorporate the Spanish official languages into the web pages and other publications of the University, especially in Communities with two official languages, whose Associated Centers will foster coexistence enriching the two languages in all their activities.

d) It will be progressive that students can be tutored in the official language they want.

Article 6. Symbology.

1. The shield and seal of the UNED are in accordance with the description contained in the Order of 18 July 1975. The governing bodies and representation of the University, as well as those of the Associated Centers, must make use of them in all official activities.

2. It is up to the Government Council of the University to adopt the logos and other distinctive signs of the UNED and to regulate its conditions of use.

3. No natural or legal person may use the signs referred to in the preceding paragraphs, unless expressly authorised by the Rector.


Basic functions

Article 7. Essential functions.

1. In accordance with the general objectives and principles that define its institutional project, the UNED recognizes as essential functions of its activity the teaching, study, research and transfer of knowledge, in order to the full scientific, cultural, artistic and technical development of society.

2. In order to fulfil these tasks, the UNED shall at any time adopt the measures best able to contribute to the updating of knowledge, through research and its application to quality education.


Teaching and studying

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 8. Objective of teaching.

Teaching aims at the transmission of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge and is oriented to the full development of the person in the framework of the principles and values of a plural and democratic society.

Article 9. Distance methodology.

1. The UNED provides education by means of distance learning, which is characterised by the use of a specific didactic methodology with the use of all forms of print, audiovisual and the most advanced technologies. as the face-to-face assistance to students through the tutors of the Associated Centers and the various communication systems between teachers and students.

2. The UNED shall carry out the necessary adaptations to ensure that the set of means referred to in the previous paragraph, in relation to the specific teaching methodology of distance learning, is accessible and comprehensible to persons with disabilities.

Article 10. Methodology and Teaching Committee.

1. In order to address the needs of distance learning and to promote quality education, the Governing Council will be a Commission on Methodology and Teaching, which will be chaired by the Vice-Chancellor with competence in the field and will be composed of all the deans and school principals, the director of the University Institute of Distance Education (IUD), three professors of the university teaching bodies, two hired professors, a teacher, a student and a member of the administration and services staff.

2. The Commission on Methodology and Teaching may set up a permanent commission, composed of the vice-chancellor, who will chair it, and by a number of members to ensure representation of all sectors.

Article 11. Powers of the Commission.

The Methodology and Teaching Commission will have the following attributions:

a) Velar why UNED performs a constant updating of the design of teaching and learning methods.

b) To press the periodic evaluation of their teaching programs and methods, as well as possible modification proposals, in the faculties, schools, departments and university research institutes.

c) Vellar for the adequacy and quality of the teaching material used in the university.

d) Report requests for incentives to teachers who are not subject to further evaluation.

e) Propose to the Governing Council the edition of the corresponding printed didactic material, with the previous report of the IUU, as well as promote and encourage its edition in computer support or in any other that demands the society of new technologies.

(f) Any other that is assigned to it by the internal rules of the UNED or the University Cloister and the Governing Council.

Article 12. Teaching policy.

1. The Governing Council will set the teaching policy and approve the general programming of teaching at university.

2. In the general programming of its teaching, the UNED will adopt as a guiding principle the flexibility of academic curricula and will take particular account of the needs of the sectors of society which have difficulties in monitoring of his studies at the in-person universities.

Article 13. Titles.

The teaching of the University may be conducive to the obtaining of official titles and valid throughout the national territory or conducive to obtaining their own titles.

Section 2. Official Teachings

Article 14. Implementation of official teachings.

1. Official university teaching will be structured in cycles. The overcoming of such teachings will entitle, in the terms established by the Government, to the obtaining of the official degrees of degree, master and doctor.

2. It is for the Governing Council to approve the proposal for the implementation of official teachings, as well as for its study plans, after a report from the Commission on Methodology and Teaching.

3. The proposal to create new qualifications, to draw up or revise curricula and to abolish the official teachings referred to in this Article corresponds to the Governing Council, to the Councils of the Department, to the School or School boards and the boards of the University of Research, in the terms set out in these statutes.

4. For the approval of the proposal for the implementation of these official teachings, the following reports will be required:

a) Study on the scientific, technical or artistic feasibility, as well as the socioeconomic justification of the titration.

b) Economic and financial study of the cost of implementation and resources for financing.

c) Elaboration of the corresponding curriculum, according to the requirements that in each case the law establishes.

d) Determination of the degree to which the studies lead.

5. The corresponding procedure shall involve the Departments, Faculties, Schools, University Institutes of Research or other centres which are directly affected by the implementation of the relevant teachings.

6. Curricula shall be submitted to the university community for information not less than one month before they are approved. The allocation of the teaching burden to the Departments will be determined in them.

7. For the implementation of new studies, the Governing Council shall appoint a management committee responsible for ensuring compliance with the following requirements:

(a) The existence of sufficient and adequate teaching staff to teach the relevant teaching.

b) The availability of all teaching material corresponding to these teachings.

c) The existence of sufficient infrastructure and management personnel and services for proper management of academic and administrative processes.

8. The University may organise the teachings in such a way as to permit the simultaneous acquisition of more than one degree.

9. The UNED shall take the necessary measures for the full integration of its teachings into the European Higher Education Area.

Article 15. Doctoral studies.

1. Doctoral studies shall be carried out under the supervision and responsibility of the departments or the university research institutes, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable general legislation and the guidelines set out in this Directive. end the Governing Council, on a proposal from the University's Research and Doctorate Commission.

2. It is up to the Research and Doctorate Commission to report to the Governing Council on doctoral programmes.

Section 3

Article 16. Specialization courses.

1. The UNED may provide courses of specialisation and teachings leading to the attainment of other titles or diplomas other than those provided for in the preceding section.

2. In the framework of these titles, the organization of postgraduate studies, courses for the updating and permanent training of professionals and courses of university extension will be promoted.

3. It will also assume, as one of its priority missions, the updating of knowledge of those graduates who, due to their personal situation, choose the distance learning modality of the UNED.

Article 17. Organization of the specialization courses.

1. The programmes and the duration of their own titles shall be approved by the Governing Council, on a proposal from the Department, or the School or School Board. The Institutional Courses, proposed on the initiative of the Board of Directors or derivatives of specific agreements of collaboration with other institutions, will be approved directly by the Governing Council.

2. The programmes and studies in this section shall be carried out in accordance with the rules adopted by the Governing Council.

3. Certificates or diplomas certifying the use of such studies shall include, where appropriate, the mention of the Department or Departments in which they have been completed.

4. The management of these lessons, and the possible intervention in this management of foundations or other instrumental entities, will be the subject of a regulation of the Governing Council, which will also regulate the distribution of the funds generated and the economic compensation to the participating teachers.

Article 18. University extension courses.

1. The UNED will implement teachings leading to university extension titles aimed at spreading knowledge, science and culture in society and to complete the integral training of students.

2. University extension titles may be carried out in collaboration with other public and private entities.

3. University extension titles developed through the Associated Centers and support centers abroad will consider the needs of their environment in a special way.

Section 4. Study

Article 19. Admission.

1. Any person may apply for admission to study at the UNED, provided that he meets the legally established requirements for the commencement or continuation of university studies of a regated character, or those established by the University for continuing training studies.

2. The UNED shall manage its infrastructure and facilities in such a way as to ensure, as far as possible, to meet the demands of the places requested, without prejudice to the quality required of the teaching provided.

3. The Governing Council, taking into account the material and personal resources available, may, in accordance with current legislation, establish criteria for access to its teachings.

4. The university shall be informed of the decisions taken.

Article 20. Registration and registration. Governing Council.

1. The Governing Council shall adopt the rules for the registration and registration of students in the relevant teaching.

2. The Governing Council shall also establish the conditions under which the University's teaching and research staff may be taught in accordance with the applicable general law.

Article 21. Registration and registration fees.

1. Where the determination of the registration or registration rights in any teaching corresponds to the University, those rights shall be established by the Social Council, on a proposal from the Governing Council.

2. In order to ensure that no one is excluded from the study at the University for economic reasons, the Social Council, in the field of its powers and in the measure of budgetary resources, will establish a system of grants, grants and appropriations, as well as the partial or total exemption and the fractionation of the payment of the registration fees.

Article 22. Support for the student.

1. To ensure the orientation of the student, the Associated Centers will provide tutorial support in the qualifications they have attached, with the most appropriate means, as well as professional orientation to facilitate the vocational development and the job insertion.

2. In order to improve the academic performance of students, the UNED will establish a system of continuous evaluation to ensure adequate monitoring of learning and to facilitate the effective assistance of students to assessment.

3. The Governing Council will propose to the Social Council, after a report by the Council of Universities, the rules governing progress and permanence at the University of the students, according to the characteristics of the respective studies and the academic record of the student.

Article 23. Support for the student with specific needs.

1. To encourage the study of students with specific needs, UNED will have:

a) A student support unit abroad that will aim to facilitate the relations with the University of all those students who are studying abroad.

b) A student unit in penitentiary centers that will aim to facilitate the relations with the University of all those students who study through the programs established by means of agreements signed with the various competent bodies.

c) A disability care facility that will have as one of its primary objectives to ensure equal opportunities for students who present specific needs arising from a situation of disability.

d) An academic and professional orientation unit, as well as the promotion of job insertion, to support the academic and professional development of students and graduates.

2. All the units and centres referred to in the previous paragraph shall be treated with the material and personal resources of the UNED, without their creation being likely to increase any expenditure.

Article 24. Recognition of validation of studies and experience.

1. The Governing Council shall establish the criteria and procedures for changes in qualifications, recognition of credits and any other forms of recognition for the validation of studies and/or experience, in accordance with the provisions laid down in this Regulation. in the legislation in force.

2. The cases of partial validation or recognition of credits from studies previously carried out in other institutions or universities shall be carried out in the faculties, schools, departments or university institutes of research which they have the respective plans or programmes of studies in which the applicant is enrolled in the UNED.

3. The favourable resolution of applications for the validation or recognition of study credits shall have purely academic effects.

Article 25. Extraordinary prizes.

1. Extraordinary career end awards will be established to recognise the special merit of students who have completed their studies and have the best academic record in each of the qualifications.

2. Extraordinary doctoral awards will also be established.

3. The award of the extraordinary career and doctoral awards shall be governed by a specific regulation approved by the Governing Council.

Article 26. Student mobility.

1. The UNED will contribute to the mobility of its students in the European Higher Education Area and, in particular, in distance learning, through collaboration with universities in other European Union States and through programmes. complementary grants and grants.

2. The UNED will also promote relations with other university institutions and, in particular, those belonging to Ibero-American countries.


Research and knowledge transfer

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 27. Basis, exercise and assurance of the investigation.

1. Scientific research is the foundation of teaching and a primary tool for social development through the transfer of its results to society. As such, it is the right and the duty of teachers and it is one of the basic and unrenountable objectives of UNED activity.

2. The exercise of full research capacity lies in choosing and carrying out research freely, with no limits other than those established by laws and rationality in the use of resources.

3. The UNED will guarantee the exercise of this right and will ensure the fulfilment of this duty, and will also guide its activity towards research of interest to the area of action of the Associated Centers.

Article 28. Support, impetus and guidance for research.

1. In order to contribute to the full realization of the right of free research, it is up to the Departments and the University of Research to support, promote and guide, in the field of their respective competences, the initiatives and research activities of all its teachers and researchers. The participation of students in research tasks will also be encouraged.

2. The research groups with the corresponding recognition by the Commission of Research and Doctorate will also be responsible for guiding and developing the activities corresponding to their line of work. The Research and Doctorate Commission shall regulate the criteria and procedures for the recognition of the group.

3. The government bodies will promote the training of researchers and actions aimed at obtaining resources for research, development of appropriate infrastructures and support for quality research activity.

Section 2. Research Programming

Article 29. Commission of Inquiry and Doctorate.

In order to plan, coordinate and stimulate research activity at the UNED, the Governing Council, within the framework of the applicable general rules, will constitute a Research and Doctorate Commission. This commission will be chaired by the Vicerrector with competence in the field and in it will be represented the Departments, the University Institutes of Research, the research groups, the Faculties and the Schools, as determined the rules of procedure of the Commission. In the case of teachers belonging to university teaching bodies, in order to be a member of the Research and Doctorate Committee, it will be essential to have at least one six-year term.

Article 30. Powers of the Committee of Inquiry and Doctorate.

The Committee of Inquiry and Doctorate, without prejudice to the powers assigned to it by the legislation in force, will have the following powers:

a) Develop the development and development programming of the research.

b) Issue report on the creation of the University Research Institutes and on the recognition of research groups.

c) Propose the distribution of resources for research among the Faculties, Departments, University Research Institutes and research groups. This distribution of resources will be done on the basis of objectives, which must be approved in advance, and must ensure the economic viability of the projects selected.

d) Propose the criteria for the allocation of aid for the promotion of research activity.

e) Evaluate and report contracts for the conduct of research work to be signed under these statutes.

f) Raise the Governing Council and the Rector with proposals for the promotion of research initiatives and activities.

g) Approve, on a proposal of the organ that coordinates the studies of Doctorate, the final projects and works of doctoral thesis, as well as the composition of the courts that have to judge them.

h) Report the proposals for the award of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.

i) To inform, on a proposal of the organ that coordinates the studies of Doctorate, the doctoral programs of the University.

j) Develop its draft internal rules of procedure, which must be approved by the Governing Council.

k) Any other that is assigned to you by the Governing Council or the University Cloister.

Article 31. Research groups.

1. Research groups, as basic units structured around a common line of scientific activity and coordinated by a responsible researcher, will have the autonomy of work organization.

2. Similarly, within the limits established by the rules governing the sources of funding and the rest of the university regulations, they shall have the autonomy of management of the funds that have been made available to them.

3. In the administrative order, the research groups shall be linked to the Department, University Institute of Research or Centre to which their responsible investigator belongs.

Section 3. 3rd Contracts and research projects

Article 32. Research contracts.

According to the current legislation, the Departments, the University Institutes of Research, the research groups recognized by the University and the professors and researchers through these or the organs, centres and foundations may conclude contracts with natural or legal persons and with universities or public and private entities for the carrying out of works of a scientific, technical or artistic nature, as well as works for the development of teaching or training or specialisation activities. The Social Council will have to promote these contracts in their role of linking the University with the companies and institutions.

Article 33. Obligations and rights of contracts.

1. Contracts shall lay down the obligations and rights of each of the contracting parties and the treatment applicable to the results obtained, including the clauses concerning the ownership of intellectual property rights. or industrial, as well as the future participation of the benefits to be obtained.

2. The Governing Council shall establish the arrangements for the participation of teaching and research staff in the benefits arising from the commercial exploitation of the results of scientific, technical or artistic work carried out.

Article 34. Formalization of the contract.

1. The contracts will be signed by the Rector when they are due to the University in general or several of its organs or centers. In other cases, they may be signed, after authorization from the Rector, by the Dean, the Directors of the Departments and Institutes of Research or by the professors and researchers in their own name.

2. All contracts shall require the prior report of the Commission of Inquiry and Doctorate, heard by the Department or University Institute of Research concerned.

3. In order for the greater agility of the procedure laid down in this Article, the Governing Council shall regulate the maximum period for the conclusion of the contract to be considered.

4. Contracts concluded by teachers, individually or in collaboration, are excluded from the above, aimed at the publication of works resulting from research or production activities and literary, artistic, scientific or technique.

Article 35. Destination of the goods and resources.

The fate of the goods and resources obtained through the contracts will, in the framework of the basic norms established by the Government, be in accordance with the following criteria to be developed by the Governing Council of the University:

(a) From the income earned, the material and personal expenses which the University assumes for the carrying out of the research project or the course of specialization or training may be deducted.

b) The resulting net amount will be deducted a percentage that will be allocated to the research budgets of the University and the Department or University Research Institute concerned. The remainder of the resources will be allocated to the compensation of the interveners in proportion to their participation in the contract. The approval of the contract will determine the percentages from the contract.

(c) Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the assets and materials acquired with funds from the research contracts shall be integrated into the University's heritage.

Article 36. Research and collegiation.

When the performance of the work, by its object, materially implies the development of an activity that requires the collegiation, the professors and researchers will be, to this exclusive effect, incorporated to the corresponding professional college and discharged, where appropriate, in the tax census of the professional activity concerned.


Structure and Organization


General provisions

Article 37. General structure.

The UNED will perform its functions and competencies through the Faculties, Schools, Departments, University Institutes of Research, Associated Centers, affiliated centers, organs and services that integrate it and by those other necessary centres or structures to be created for the performance of their functions.

Article 38. Faculties and Schools.

Faculties and Schools are the centers of organization, in the field of their attributions, their respective teachings, as well as the management of the complementary activities of administration and services, in relation to those studies legally established as means of obtaining the corresponding diplomas or diplomas. Faculties and Schools may exercise those other functions that are determined by the University.

Article 39. University Research Departments and Institutes.

1. The Departments are the teaching and research units responsible for coordinating the teaching of one or more fields of knowledge in one or more centers, according to the teaching program of the University, to support the activities and teaching and research initiatives of teachers, and of exercising those other functions that are determined by the statutes.

2. University Research Institutes are primarily dedicated to research and development in the fields of science, technology or art and will be able to organise, coordinate and develop master's programmes, doctoral studies and studies of specialisation. They may also provide scientific and technical advice in the field of their competences.

Article 40. Justification for creating, modifying, or deleting organs.

1. Any agreement or proposal for the creation, modification or deletion of Faculties, Schools, Departments or University of Research shall be accompanied by a supporting document, including, where appropriate, the explicit reference at the following ends:

(a) Objectives that are pursued with the creation, modification or deletion, and reasons that support the proposed decision.

b) Specific functions assigned to the entity to be created or modified.

c) General infrastructure and equipment plan.

d) Plan of expenditure and proposal to finance them.

e) Preliminary draft rules of procedure for the internal system.

2. In the case of modification or deletion, the memory shall also include the detailed and reasoned project of the future membership of its members and of the destination to be given to the different assets belonging to the assets that the entity had allocated.

Article 41. Generic obligations of the organs.

1. Each of the Faculties, Schools, Departments and Institutes of Research will have those privileges that are essential for the normal development of their functions. They shall carry out all their activities in accordance with the applicable rules and, in particular, the guidelines set by the Governing Council.

2. In particular, and as soon as they are in accordance with their nature and with the tasks entrusted to them, the following are specifically recognised:

a) Develop your internal regime draft regulation.

b) Designate, by choice, your governing and governing bodies.

c) Manage assets assigned to your activities.

d) Apply the budgetary appropriations allocated to them.

e) Organize and program, in coordination with Management, its administrative management.

f) Report on all projects for the creation, modification or suppression of Faculties, Schools, Departments and University Research Institutes.

Article 42. Regulation of the internal system.

1. All the Faculties, Schools, Departments and Institutes of Research shall draw up and submit to the approval of the Governing Council a draft of the rules of procedure within the maximum period of six months from the date of time of its creation or constitution.

2. The draft regulation shall conform to the principles and guidelines laid down in the general laws and in these statutes, and shall be approved by the Governing Council.

3. After three months from the date on which the draft regulation has been submitted for approval by the Governing Council without the express resolution of the draft regulation, that regulation shall be deemed to have been adopted.

Article 43. Working memory processing.

1. At the end of each academic year, all Faculties, Schools, Departments and University Research Institutes shall provide the General Secretariat of the University with a memory of activities, in which it is reflected in a summary the teaching and research work carried out during the immediately preceding course, in which the specific contribution of each of its teachers and researchers will be expressed.

2. The activities mentioned above, deposited with the secretariat of the various centers, will be available to the entire university community, preferably by telematic means.


Faculties and Schools

Article 44. Composition and media.

1. The Faculties and Schools shall be composed of all the teachers, students and administrative staff and services that are formally linked to the development of their teaching and research activities.

2. The departments, means and infrastructures assigned to them for the performance of their own functions and activities shall be assigned to their organization and operation.

Article 45. Functions.

Faculties and Schools shall have their own functions, in addition to those assigned to them in general and from which they may occasionally be entrusted to them by the higher governing bodies of the UNED, following:

(a) Organize the teachings that lead to the qualifications that they hold, and coordinate the teaching activity of their Departments or other affected departments.

b) Plan and order the academic and administrative management of your teachings.

c) Encourage and coordinate the development of academic and cultural activities aimed at improving the quality of teaching, as well as the professional preparation and integral human formation of all its members.

d) Contribute to the social exploitation of the knowledge of their respective field of knowledge.

Article 46. Competencies.

Corresponds to Faculties and Schools:

a) Choose your Dean or Director.

(b) Develop and propose to the Governing Council the draft curricula of the qualifications whose teachings they have or will be in charge of.

c) Coordinate the teaching activities of the different Departments in relation to the teachings they hold.

d) Organize the human resources and materials assigned to them for the development of their activities.

e) Monitor the academic activity of teachers who teach in the disciplines of their curricula, as well as the fulfillment of their teaching activities.

f) Issue report on the need for creation, deletion and change of denomination or category of teaching places linked to their Departments.

g) Arbitrage in the conflicts that have arisen between the Departments or in their breast, in relation to the teaching or material means available.

h) Propose the appointment of Honoris Causa Doctors.

Article 47. Sections.

When the complexity of teaching taught, the existence of diverse specialties within its curriculum or the regulatory possibility of organizing studies leading to different degrees or diplomas, require it, the Faculties or Schools may request the Governing Council to set up sections or specialties.



Article 48. Name and fields of knowledge.

1. The name of each department, indicative of the area or group of areas or areas that make up it, will be determined by the Governing Council, at the time of its creation or modification, prior to the report of those Departments with which share areas or areas of knowledge or denomination.

2. In accordance with criteria of interdisciplinarity or scientific specialisation, departments may be established whose scope of activity does not coincide with any of the areas or areas of knowledge established in general.

Article 49. Composition.

1. The Departments shall be composed of the teachers, researchers and members of the administration and related services staff and/or contractually with the conduct of the teaching or research activities they have allocated.

2. Tutors who are in charge of mentoring disciplines whose teaching is responsible for the Department will be linked to it for as long as they perform this tutorial function.

3. Students who are subject to the responsibility of the Department will also have a temporary link with this.

Article 50. Temporary admission of the Teaching and Investigator Staff.

1. At the request of a Department and for the sole purposes of extraordinary collaboration in teaching or research, the Governing Council may authorize temporary admission to the Department of other teachers or researchers, the remaining ears Departments concerned, for a minimum duration of one academic year, renewable for three identical periods and through the same procedure.

2. Teachers and researchers temporarily assigned to a Department shall be a part of the Department, for all the purposes provided for in the applicable legislation.

Article 51. Own functions.

In addition to those legally assigned to them and from which they may occasionally be entrusted to them by the governing bodies of the University, the Departments have the following functions of their own:

a) Schedule and organize, in connection with the general programming of each center, the teachings of the different subjects or specialties assigned to them, as well as to be responsible for the suitability and adequacy of the teaching materials, according to the centers where they are taught.

b) To foster and coordinate research within the fields of knowledge or disciplines within them and to determine the orientation and guidelines of their own research, with respect due to academic freedom of all its members.

c) Organize, direct and develop master's studies and doctoral programs in the field or fields of knowledge that are of their own.

d) Develop all those complementary activities that contribute to the best scientific and pedagogical preparation of its members and to the higher quality of the teaching and research they develop.

e) To promote the social exploitation of its teaching and research activities, through the execution of specific works and the periodic development of specialization and recycling courses.

f) Organize and coordinate technical, scientific and artistic collaboration and advisory activities in accordance with the legal provisions.

g) Propose to the Governing Council, with the report of the respective Faculty or School Board, the provision of the places of teaching staff that are necessary for their teaching and research activities.

h) Select and propose, in the form that these statutes determine, the candidates who are to fill the positions of teaching staff and hired investigator for the subjects they hold.

i) Propose to the Governing Council the members of the commissions to resolve the access contests that the UNED has to cover to cover teaching places created in the Department.

j) Propose the deletion or change of denomination or category of the teaching places integrated in their respective faculty staff.

k) Select in the terms that are regulated to the tutors tutors of the subjects to their position, as well as to issue the preceptive report to the effects of the concession of the "coming docendi".

l) Propose the appointment of Honoris Causa Doctors related to any of their fields of knowledge.

Article 52. Create, modify, or delete.

1. The initiative for the creation, modification or suppression of the Departments can be adopted by a group of teachers that meets the necessary conditions to form a Department, by one or several Departments, by some Faculty or School, by some University Research Institute or by the Governing Council.

2. The agreement on the creation, modification or deletion will be adopted by the Governing Council, after the Councils of Departments, Boards of Faculties, Schools and University Research Institutes are directly affected. by the decision.

3. When the creation of new Departments is the result of the division of existing Departments, the teaching of the teachers to the new Departments will be done according to the criterion of free choice and scientific, technical or artistic, while the assignment of the subjects and the material means will be carried out on the proposal of the corresponding Faculty or School Board, which will study the conflicts that may arise between the different parts.

4. The request for the creation or modification of a Department, together with the relevant explanatory report or report, shall be available from the Secretariat of the Centre or Centres concerned for a period of 15 working days. The reports and allegations referred to the Faculty or School in connection with the application shall be incorporated into the application's documentation.

Article 53. Requirements.

1. In the creation, modification or deletion of departments, the Governing Council of the University will preferably meet the requirements of the development of teaching activities to be integrated or integrated into the them.

2. The minimum number of teachers in each body or teaching category deemed necessary for the creation or permanence of the Departments shall be set by the Governing Council, without prejudice to the provisions of the legislation in force.

3. In the agreement of creation or modification of a Department, the Governing Council, prior to the report of the affected Centers and taking into account the programming requirements of the teaching and research activities, will be assigned the Department to a Center according to the criterion of predominant teaching. The Department's scientific expertise, as well as its historical trajectory at the University, may also be taken into account.

Article 54. Departmental sections.

1. Where the teachers of a Department give teaching in two or more Centres and if the circumstances so advise, the Governing Council, on a proposal from an interested party or, failing that, on its own initiative, may authorise the establishment of departmental sections. These may be represented in all the commissions of the Department.

2. These sections may be set up with a quarter of the teachers who are required to form a Department and, in terms of their organisation, structure and operation, shall be governed by the rules of procedure of the Department of be part.

3. In addition, in the Departments integrated by several areas of knowledge, a delegated committee can be established for each area to program and coordinate the activities of the area.

Article 55. Material and personal means.

1. The Departments shall have at their disposal the provision of material and personal means, both teachers and administrative, which are necessary for the proper performance of the duties assigned to them.

2. Without prejudice to the powers of supervision and coordination which correspond to the Faculties and Schools in whose buildings they have their respective dependencies, they shall be considered as goods assigned to the Departments of the means that have been assigned to them by the Governing Council for the performance of their activities.


University Research Institutes

Article 56. Composition.

1. The College of Research will integrate all researchers, teachers, students and administration staff and services that are formally linked to the development of their own activities.

2. The infrastructure and the means allocated to them by the Governing Council for the performance of their own activities shall be considered as property assigned to the Research University Institutes.

Article 57. Name and fields of research.

1. The Research Institutes must bear the name corresponding to their respective fields of research or creation. That name cannot match that of the areas of knowledge, Departments or Centers.

2. In the event that a University Research Institute integrates several fields of scientific, technical or artistic research, the agreement or resolution of its creation must expressly set out the name to be given.

3. The University Research Institutes of the UNED may be either own or attached. University Research Institutes may also be established by agreement with other universities or with other public or private entities.

Article 58. Creating, modifying, and deleting.

1. The creation, modification or abolition of the University Research Institutes will be agreed by the Government, either on a proposal from the Governing Council or on its own initiative, with the agreement of the Council, and in any case with the favourable report of the Social Council.

2. The Governing Council may, on its own initiative or at the request of one or more departments, of one or more of the Centres or of a group of teachers, propose to the Social Council for the creation, modification or abolition of Research.

3. In all cases, the Governing Council shall open a period of prior information during which the institutions, departments and other University Research Institutes of the University may present allegations.

4. After this period has been completed and the allegations have been examined, the Governing Council shall submit the relevant file to the Social Council for processing, which shall be reported to the University Cloister.

Article 59. Supporting memory.

1. The project for the establishment of a University Research Institute shall be accompanied by an explanatory memorandum which shall include at least the following:

a) Scientific, technical or artistic justification that advises its creation, its social relevance and the innovative nature of its action, in relation to the work already performed by the Departments and University Institutes of Existing research.

b) Research and teaching plans you intend to develop.

c) Teaching and research staff whose allocation is foreseen and their corresponding dedication.

d) Administration and service personnel deemed necessary to assign.

e) Economic and financial forecasts and use of material resources.

(f) Preliminary draft internal rules of procedure.

2. No University of Research institutes whose objectives constitute a simple duplication of the activities developed by any of the University Departments or Institutes of Research that exist at the UNED will be created.

Article 60. Requirements.

1. The proposal for the creation, modification and abolition of the University of Research will be adopted in the light of the requirements of the development of research and/or creation activities in the field or fields which are to be integrated into, or already integrated into, them.

2. The determination of the minimum insoles of researchers and administrative personnel and services deemed necessary for the creation and permanence of the University Institutes of Research will be carried out by the Council of Government.

Article 61. Functions.

addition to those legally assigned to them and from which they may occasionally be entrusted by the governing bodies of the University, the Research Institutes have the following specific functions: field or fields of their respective competence:

a) Foster research and creative initiative among all members of the university community.

b) Coordinate scientific and technical research and artistic creation activities developed by UNED.

c) Collaborate in the scientific training of PhD students and helpers.

d) Promote the social exploitation of their own activities, through the execution of specific works and the periodic organization of courses or seminars of specialization and scientific updating.

e) to provide professionals in their respective fields of activity with access to advances in the field of science, technology or the arts, as well as the improvement, expansion and deepening of their specific knowledge.

f) Develop all those complementary activities that contribute to the best preparation of its members and to the higher quality of the research they develop.

Article 62. Competencies.

The University Institutes of Research is recognized, to the extent that its specific conventions do not establish anything else, the following competencies:

(a) Establish the objectives and basic lines of the research and artistic creation activities of their respective fields, without prejudice to the subjection due to the general guidelines of the University and within the maximum respect for the scientific freedom of its members.

b) Develop and approve the draft of its rules of procedure.

(c) Approve the performance of research or teaching collaboration activities, according to the criteria and conditions laid down in its rules of procedure, and subject to the guidelines of the respective regulations that is in force at the UNED.

(d) Develop, at the beginning of each academic year and without prejudice to multiannual programming, the programme of their activities.

e) Choose your Director and the Board of the University Research Institute.

Article 63. Evaluations.

1. The Governing Council shall take appropriate measures to ensure that, at the University Institutes of Research, regular scientific evaluations are carried out on the work they have carried out in the field of research. specific activities.

2. Such assessments shall be carried out by committees of experts of recognised standing at national or international level, appointed by the Governing Council.

Article 64. Applicable rules.

1. The College of Research of the UNED, as soon as it is fully integrated in it and without prejudice to the provisions of the general legislation, shall be governed by these statutes, by the complementary rules which are given in its development and its own rules of procedure. They will also have their own premises.

2. The funding of the University's own research institutes, which will seek to secure resources generated by them, will be made through the University's budget, and will have a differentiated budget allocation.

Article 65. Membership conventions.

1. By convention, they may be attached to the UNED as University Institutes of Research, institutions or research centres of a public or private nature, in accordance with applicable regulations.

2. The membership agreement will require compliance with the general requirements set out in this chapter and will be approved by the government on a proposal from the Social Council, following a favourable report from the Governing Council.

3. The membership agreement shall include at least the duration of the membership, the conditions of resolution and its renewal, its system of financing, the arrangements for the appointment or recruitment of the investigators, the intervention of the University in its direction and government and participation in the control of its activities.

4. In terms of its operation, the University Institutes of Research attached will have the regime that establishes its own agreement of membership.

Article 66. University Institute of Joint Research.

1. By special agreement with other universities or scientific institutions, the UNED may constitute University Institutes of Research of an interuniversity or mixed character, respectively.

2. The College of Interuniversity or Mixed Research College shall be governed by the rules laid down in its Convention of Creation.


Associated Centers

Article 67. Definition.

The Associated Centers regulated in Title V of these statutes are units of the academic structure of the UNED. They territorially develop the University's own activities and contribute to the socio-cultural progress of the environment where they are located.


Attached Centers

Article 68. Applicable definition and rules.

1. Any teaching institution, public or private, may be assigned to the UNED to provide university teaching, as provided for in Article 11 of the Organic Law of Universities.

2. The proposal of the Social Council for the membership of institutions to the UNED will require the previous report of the Governing Council, and from it will be given information to the university Claustro.

3. The centres attached to the UNED shall be governed by the general law applicable, by these statutes, by the convention of membership and by its rules of procedure.

Article 69. Supporting supporting memory.

Any proposal for membership shall be accompanied by a supporting document stating at least the documentation relating to the following:

a) Personality of the promoters.

b) Economic study of funding, specifying the origin of the various resources.

c) Plan of study or plan project.

d) Number of school positions and evaluation of students ' knowledge.

e) Current or projected installations with which the center is to be counted.

f) Governance and administration regime.

g) Legal and economic status of teachers.

h) The project of the agreement.

Article 70. Agreement of membership.

The terms in which the attachment is made must be collected in a convention where the following are specified, at least:

a) Duration of the membership and conditions of resolution and renewal of that, guaranteeing the right of the students to complete the curriculum.

b) System of financing and procedure of control of the expenses of the center.

c) Procedure for the appointment and regime of their teachers.

d) Determination of the initiative that corresponds to the UNED in the elaboration of the curriculum, in the direction and government of the center and in the knowledge control of the students.

e) Commitment to impart the scheduled teachings throughout the duration of the agreement.


Governance and representation organs

Article 71. Types of organs.

The management and administration of the UNED is articulated through governing bodies and representation:

a) Colleges:

1. University: the Social Council, the University Cloister and the Governing Council.

2. of the centers: Faculty or School Board, Department and Council of the University of Research Council.

b) Unpersonal:

1. University: Rector, Vice-Chancellors, General Secretary and Manager.

2. Of the Centers: Dean, School Directors, Vice-Dean or Deputy Directors, Faculty or School Secretaries, Directors and Secretaries of Department and Directors and Secretaries of the University Research Institute.


Collegiate organs

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 72. Calls and sessions.

1. The collegiate bodies shall meet in ordinary session at least once a semester of each academic year.

2. They shall also meet, in accordance with the procedure laid down for each case, to be convened by the President, on his own initiative or at the request of the number of members legally established.

3. Except in cases of urgency, meetings of the collegiate bodies may not be held during the periods declared non-lective, during the conduct of the in-person tests, or in the 15 calendar days prior to the commencement of such tests.

4. Unless otherwise provided for in the regulation, the meetings of the collegiate bodies shall be convened by their chairman at least 15 days in advance, in writing in which they shall contain all the points to be submitted. a study or debate. The relevant documentation shall be submitted at least five working days in advance, unless justified.

Article 73. Quorum.

1. In order for the constitution of the collegiate bodies to be valid, the absolute majority of its members must be present at the meeting. If the quorum is not present, they shall be constituted on a second call half an hour later than the time fixed for the first, and the presence of the third party of its members shall be sufficient in this case.

2. For the purposes of the validity of the agreements of the collegiate bodies, they shall be present at the time of adoption of the minimum required for the establishment of the body on the second call.

3. No agreements may be adopted in the collegiate bodies directly affecting Faculties, Schools, Departments, University Institutes of Research, Centres, Administrative Services, Bodies or Persons, without being offered prior to them. the possibility of submitting and exposing the reports and allegations they wish to.

Article 74. Guests.

1. In all the meetings of the collegiate bodies, they may be invited to attend, with the prior authorization of their president, who are not members of them but have a legitimate interest in intervening in the discussion of any of the issues that will be addressed. to deal with and who can contribute to the clarification of any of its implications.

2. In no case shall those who are not members of the collegiate bodies be entitled to vote and intervene in their sessions.

Section 2. Social Council

Article 75. Definition, action plan and composition.

1. The Social Council is the body for the participation of society in the University and for permanent collaboration between the two, and it will contribute to the provision of the public service of higher education that is the responsibility of the UNED through the exercise of its the role and promotion of initiatives conducive to effective financial support from social organisations.

2. In order to promote the collaboration of the society in the financing of the University, the Social Council will approve an annual plan of actions aimed at promoting the relations between the University and its cultural, professional, economic and social service to the quality of university activity.

3. Members of the Social Council shall be the personalities of cultural, professional, economic, labour and social life to be determined by the applicable general law, the Rector, the General Secretary and the UNED Manager, as well as a teacher, a a student, a representative of the administration and services staff and a tutor, elected by the Governing Council among its members.

Article 76. Support services.

For the performance of their duties, the Rector will provide the Social Council with the use of the services of the UNED and, in accordance with the available budget, the establishment of a basic support organization.

Section 3. University Cloister

Article 77. Definition and purposes.

To the University of the University, which is the highest organ of representation of the university community, it is up to him to know and discuss the management of the University and the general lines of action in the different areas of life university.

Article 78. Composition and duration of the command.

1. The University Cloister will be composed of the Rector, who will preside, the Secretary General, who will be Secretary of the Cloister, the Manager and by 300 members of the university community, according to the following distribution:

A) 281 representatives of the headquarters:

a) 174 representatives of doctors with permanent links to the University, who will be distributed in each electoral call between:

University Professors.

Professors from university, teachers, school-holders, and university school professors.

Teachers hired doctors.

Teachers collaborating doctors.

b) 15 representatives of the remaining categories of teaching and research staff.

c) Two emerite teachers.

d) 22 representatives of administration and service personnel.

e) 68 students.

B) 19 partner partner representatives:

a) 15 representatives of tutors teachers.

b) Three representatives of administration and service personnel.

c) A representative of the associated center managers.

2. The term of office of the Cloister shall be four years. The condition of cloister is personal and inselectable and will only be lost by resignation, firm judicial decision, extinction of the mandate, disengagement of the claustral of the sector that chose it, firm sanction for serious or very serious lack as a consequence of disciplinary or low-level case in the active service at the UNED.

3. The Vicerchancellors and Dean or School Directors who are not members of the College shall be able to attend, with a voice and without a vote, the sessions held by the university.

4. The previous UNED rectors, in active service in the UNED, will be members of honor of the University Claustro and will participate in it in a voice and without a vote.

Article 79. Competencies.

The following competencies correspond to the university Cloister:

a) Elaborate and modify the statutes.

b) Develop, approve, and modify your own regulations.

c) Approve the operating regulations of the University Ombudsman, as well as elect him and discuss his annual report.

d) Call for extraordinary elections to Rector, in a session called exclusively for this, at the initiative of one-third of its components and with the approval of two-thirds in secret ballot, according to the art. 264 of these Statutes. If the initiative is not approved, none of its signatories will be able to participate in the presentation of another initiative of this character until a year after its vote.

e) To elect representatives of the various sectors of the Cloister in the Governing Council.

f) Deliberate on the general lines of action of the University in the field of teaching and research provided by the Governing Council.

g) Formulate recommendations, proposals, and institutional statements, as well as discuss reports presented to you by the Rector, the Governing Council, or other bodies or members of the university community.

h) To collect as much information as is necessary about the University's functioning and to request the appearance of representatives of any university organ or service.

i) Designate, on a proposal from the Governing Council, the seven professors to be part of the Claims Commission referred to in Article 66 of the Organic Law of Universities.

j) Any other that is attributed to it by these Statutes and the other implementing rules.

Article 80. Internal operation.

1. The University Cloister will operate in full and in commissions.

2. The College shall be entitled to set up the committees it deems appropriate in terms of its rules.

3. The President shall, at the end of the university's seat, lay down the agenda for the ordinary meetings of the University of the University and the calendar of sessions which shall be a priority, except for urgent cases, in respect of calls for other meetings. University collegiate bodies.

4. For the purposes of Article 72.2, the plenary session of the university shall be held in extraordinary session, provided that it so requests at least a quarter of its members, who shall propose to the bureau the points it wishes to incorporate into the order of the day.

5. The University Cloister may invite, with a voice and without a vote, the members of the university community that it considers appropriate according to the topics to be addressed in its sessions.

6. Any member of the university community may attend the meetings of the university cloister with a voice and without a vote.

Section 4. First Governing Council

Article 81. Definition and purposes.

The Governing Council is the collegiate governing body of the University to which it is responsible to establish its strategic and programmatic lines, as well as guidelines and procedures for its implementation in the fields of organization of the teaching, research, human and economic resources and preparation of the budgets, and exercises the functions provided for in the Organic Law of Universities, and in these statutes.

Article 82. Composition.

The Governing Council shall be composed of the Rector, who chairs him, the Secretary-General, who performs his/her duties, the Manager and up to a maximum of 50 members:

(a) 21 members elected by the University Clauister from among its members with the following distribution:

1. Three Chairs.

2. Āŗ Seven representatives of the rest of the doctors with permanent linkage in proportion to their presence in the Cloister.

3. Two representatives of the remaining categories of teaching and research staff.

4. A professor emeritus.

5. A representative of tutors teachers.

6. Two representatives of the management and service personnel of the Central Headquarters and another representative of the management and service personnel of the Associated Centers.

7. An Associate Center director.

8. Āŗ Three students.

(b) All Vice-Chancellors and those assimilated which are regulated, up to a maximum of 13.

c) All Dean and School Directors, up to a maximum of 11.

d) Two Department Directors.

e) A Director of the University Research Institute.

f) Two members of the Social Council not belonging to the university community itself.

In the case of paragraph (c), if they are higher in number than 11, a choice shall be made between them.

Article 83. Competencies.

Correspond to the Governing Council with the following competencies:

1. Exercise the regulatory authority of the University and approve its rules of procedure.

2. Report the creation, deletion or modification of Faculties, Schools and University Research Institutes, as well as the membership of the latter.

3. Approve the creation, modification or deletion of departments and departmental sections and their attachment to Faculties or Schools.

4. Approve the creation or deletion of Associated Centers, as well as the agreements that may be signed with other entities, in accordance with the provisions of these statutes.

5. Approve the corresponding rules of the internal regime, with the exception of those whose approval is expressly attributed to other bodies in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes or in another standard of legal status.

6. Approve the creation, deletion or modification of assistance services to the university community, as well as establish the criteria for their organization and operation.

7. Approve the plans for the study of official degrees on the proposal of the Faculties or Schools.

8. Approve the doctoral programs proposed by the Departments or University of Research.

9. To approve the establishment of the teachings leading to the attainment of diplomas and diplomas.

10. Establish the general criteria for the methodology, contents and conditions for the delivery of the support course for the preparation of access tests for over 25 years and 45 years, as well as for the systems and criteria for the evaluation of such tests.

11. Create and regulate the organs of academic coordination and follow up the development of the teachings.

12. Approve the collaboration agreements with other universities, natural persons or public or private entities that subscribe to the Rector on behalf of the University.

13. Choose your representatives in the Social Council.

14. Approve the annual academic calendar.

15. Approve the editing of the teaching material and publications of its own, as well as the criteria for the drafting of corresponding author contracts.

16. To establish procedures for the authorization of the work and the conclusion of the contracts provided for in Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities, as well as the criteria for determining the destination of the resources and assets that with them obtain.

17. Approve the regulation for the hiring and extension of teachers.

18. Approve the awarding of the University's medals and the appointment of Honoris Causa Doctors.

19. Establish the criteria and procedures for granting permits, licenses for studies, sabbatical years and temporary stays in the Associated Centers or in other departments of professors belonging to the university teaching bodies, promoting their mobility at international level.

20. To establish the admission regime for university studies, as well as to propose to the Social Council the standards of progress and permanence of students according to the characteristics of the respective studies.

21. To establish the general policy of grants, grants and credits to students, and the arrangements for partial or total exemption from the payment of public prices for the provision of academic services, as well as for measures to promote the mobility of students at international level.

22. Establish, in accordance with Article 36 of the Organic Law of Universities, the specific rules for the validation and adaptation of studies.

23. To propose to the Social Council the individual allocation of additional remuneration, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 55 and 69 of the Organic Law of Universities.

24. Establish the regime for the selection, evaluation and promotion of teaching and research staff as well as administration and service personnel.

25. Approve the University's draft budget and multi-annual programming, as well as know the report on its implementation.

26. Approve the employment relationship of teaching and research staff, which will include the teachers hired, as well as their modifications.

27. Approve, on a proposal from the Manager, the relation of positions of staff of administration and services.

28. Approve grants to the Associated Centers.

29. Propose to the Social Council the amounts for academic fees and fees for university activities.

30. Approve the prices of teaching materials published by the UNED.

31. Approve, where appropriate, credit transfers between the various concepts of the current trading chapters and between the various chapters of capital operations in accordance with the provisions of Article 223.

32. Draw up the annual activity memory for presentation to the University Cloister.

33. Assist the Rector and collaborate with the other governing bodies of the University in the exercise of their own functions.

34. The Governing Council may, on the proposal of a Department or University Research Institute, appoint honorary collaborators among relevant professionals and scientific personalities. The status of an honorary contributor shall not imply a contractual or service relationship or a right of economic perception.

35. Any other that are attributed to it by these statutes, the Organic Law of Universities, and the legislation in force.

Article 84. Delegated sessions and commissions.

1. The Governing Council shall meet in ordinary session, at least twice in the four-month period, during the school year, in accordance with the provisions of Article 72.3. It shall also meet in extraordinary session when the Rector is convened or at the request of at least a quarter of its members.

2. The Governing Council may set up the delegated committees it deems necessary, which shall be constituted under the chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor responsible for the matter. Its operation shall be established by the rules of procedure of the internal system, which shall ensure the presence of the various sectors participating in the Governing Council, with the exception of those whose composition is established by other provisions.

3. The Governing Council, in accordance with its rules of procedure, shall appoint a permanent Commission, chaired by the Rector, which shall resolve the matter of urgency, without prejudice to the powers conferred upon it by the Regulation.

Section 5. School or School Board

Article 85. Definition and composition.

1. The Faculty or School Board is the highest collegiate body of deliberation and governance of the Faculties and Schools.

2. They shall be part of the Board of Faculty or School of the Dean or Director, who presides it, the Vicedecans or Deputy Directors, the Administrator, the Registrar, the Directors of all the Departments of the Faculty or School to which they are attached. basic or, where appropriate, basic and compulsory training lessons of the Faculty or School.

3. In addition, on the Board, there will be a representation of the different sectors, which will be at least:

a) 53 percent of professors with permanent links to the University, distributed in a proportional manner among the different categories affected.

b) 10 percent of the remaining categories of teaching and research staff.

c) 18 percent of students.

d) 8 percent administration and service personnel.

e) 5 percent teacher tutors.

4. The representation of students shall in any case be the delegate and sub-delegate of the Faculty or School.

5. The procedure for the election of its members shall be carried out in accordance with the composition referred to in the third paragraph of this Article and the provisions contained in Articles 248 and following of these Statutes.

Article 86. Competencies.

They are competencies of the Faculty or School Board:

(a) Develop and approve the project of the inner regime of the center.

b) Develop, approve and propose the project of your own curricula.

c) Establish the general lines of academic policy and the concrete plans of the center's teaching, as well as the basic criteria for the preparation of students.

d) Attend and advise the Dean or Director in all matters of their competence.

e) Designate, by choice, the members of the Board's delegated commissions.

(f) Request, on a proposal from the Dean or Director, the creation of vicedecanates and sub-directions, which shall be elevated to the Governing Council.

g) Examine and approve the destination and internal distribution of how many economic envelopes or grants are assigned to the Faculty or School for the development of their activities.

(h) Monitor the performance of the functions of the teaching and administrative units and services, attached to the performance of the activities of the Faculty or School.

i) Exercise the privileges that, if any, correspond to him in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes.

j) Approve the center's annual memory.

k) Any other that is assigned to you by the current legislation or by the governing bodies of the University.

Article 87. Permanent commission.

1. In the use of their powers, the Faculties and Schools may establish in their rules of procedure the existence of a permanent Commission, which shall carry out, on behalf of and by delegation of the Board, the number of functions of government entrusted.

2. The composition of this committee shall be specified in the Rules of Procedure, and shall belong to the Dean or Director and the Secretary who shall act respectively as President and Secretary. The regulation shall also specify the choice of its members.

3. The Faculty and School Boards, at least once a year, will debate on the reports of the Grade Titling Commissions.

Section 6. Department Council

Article 88. Definition and composition.

1. The Council is the collegiate governing body of the Department and will be chaired by its Director.

2. The Department's Board shall be composed of the following members:

a) All doctors attached to the Department.

b) At least one representative from each of the other categories of teaching staff and non-medical investigator attached to the Department. The representation of these categories may be increased as appropriate by the Department of the Department, provided that the number of representatives of such staff does not exceed 50% of the total number of doctors.

c) Two representatives of tutors teachers.

d) A representative of the administration and services personnel assigned to the Department.

e) Three representatives of students, one of whom will be, where appropriate, an official post-graduate.

Article 89. Competencies.

These are the competencies of the Department of the Council, in accordance with the general criteria established by the Governing Council:

(a) Approve the draft of its rules of procedure, which must include the deadlines and conditions for the renewal of the corresponding government, collegiate and single-person bodies.

b) Choose and, if applicable, remove the Director.

c) Establish the Department's broad lines of action in teaching and research.

d) Schedule studies and doctoral activities that are linked to their areas of knowledge and coordinate the development of corresponding doctoral programs.

e) Approve the basic programs of the subjects whose teachings the Department teaches, as well as fix the general characteristics of the didactic material in which they are developed.

f) Monitor the applicable evaluation criteria.

g) Designate, from among its members, the teachers responsible for the subjects whose teaching is in charge.

h) Schedule the displacements of teachers to the Associated Centers on the occasion of lectures, in-person tests, as well as the displacements of the tutors to the headquarters.

i) Report requests for research licenses or sabbatical years to be made by your members.

(j) Having knowledge of contracts for the performance of scientific or specialised work and training which, within the legal or statutory provisions, holds the Department or one of its members.

k) Approve the Department's annual memory.

(l) Create commissions whose composition will be governed by the rules of the internal regime according to their task.

m) Issue the precept report for the purpose of granting or non-automatic renewal of the coming docendi to the tutors teachers, hear the representation of students from the Associate Center and the Department.

n) Vellar for the fulfillment of the rights and duties of students and resolve their claims in the Department's field of competence.

n) Designate from among its members the representatives of students who will be part of the review review commission in terms of the rules of the internal regime.

o) Any other attributes that are attributed to you by the laws or by these statutes.

Section 7. 1st Council of Research University Institute

Article 90. Definition and composition.

The Council is the collegiate governing body of the University Institutes of Research. It shall consist of a representation of the researchers, teachers, trainees, students, administration and service personnel, as well as of the technical research technicians, in the form laid down in their rules of procedure, which shall include the time limits and conditions for the renewal of the relevant government, collegiate and single-person bodies.

Article 91. Competencies.

1. The Council of the Research Institute shall be responsible for all the powers conferred on the Research Institute and have not been reserved by these statutes or by the rules of procedure of the none of the other governing bodies.

2. In particular, the following shall be the responsibility of the


(a) Choose, where appropriate, the Director of the University Research Institute.

b) Establish the objectives and basic lines of the research and creative activities to be developed by the University Research Institute.

c) Approve the realization by the University Institute of Research of activities of direction or collaboration in the field of research or artistic creation.

d) Adopt general agreements on research or development activities developed by the University Research Institute.

e) Approve the annual memory of the University Research Institute.


Unipersonal Organs of Government of the University

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 92. Appointment.

The performance of one-person government charges requires full-time dedication. The same person may not simultaneously exercise the ownership of two or more charges.

Article 93. Eesc.

1. Holders of elected single-person governing bodies shall cease in their duties:

a) At the time of the deadline for which they were appointed.

b) At the time of causing discharge as full members of the collegiate bodies that appointed them, in the event that, as a condition for their choice, they should belong to the collegiate body that designated them.

c) By own decision, by formally waiving the authority that appointed them.

d) By means of the motion of censure, if it is approved.

e) For incapacity of longer duration than five consecutive months or ten consecutive months.

f) By disabling or suspending for public charges.

2. Trusted office holders, whose proposal or designation corresponds to one-person bodies, shall cease in their performance:

(a) In the cases referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (f) of paragraph 1.

b) When the authority that designated them ceases, whatever the cause of the cessation.

(c) When they are dismissed, by resolution communicated in writing, by the appointing authority.

Article 94. Exercise in functions.

1. All holders of single-person governing bodies who cease to perform their duties shall remain in office until the holding of those who replace them, except in the cases referred to in paragraphs (b), (c) and (f) of paragraph 1 and in the (c) of paragraph 2 of the previous Article.

2. In the event that the lawns are unable to remain in office, the competent authority in each case shall appoint those who have to replace them in the performance of their duties, as long as new holders are appointed by the procedure. regulatory.

3. In any event, the designation of the new holders shall be made within the time limit laid down in these statutes or, in the absence of an express deadline, within the month following the end of the period.

Article 95. Question of trust.

1. Holders of single-person governing bodies whose designation is made by the collegiate bodies may raise the issue of trust in the project and the implementation of their programme.

2. Trust shall be understood when voting in favour of the absolute majority of the members present of the legally constituted collegiate body.

Article 96. Motion of censure.

1. The collegiate governing body of a Faculty or School, Department or University Research Institute may raise the motion of censure on its Dean or Director.

2. The motion of censure, which shall be submitted, at least for one third of the components of the collegiate body, shall include a program of policy and university management and a candidate for the post whose holder is the subject of the motion of censure.

3. The motion of censure shall be put to a vote within a period of not more than 30 days from the time of its submission.

4. The approval of the motion of censure requires the vote of the absolute majority of the members present of the corresponding collegiate body.

5. If the motion of censure is not approved, its signatories may not present another one until two years after the previous vote.

Article 97. Waiver of academic obligations.

At the request of the Council of the Department and of the School or School Boards in which they provide teaching, the holders of single-personal organs of government may be dispensed by the Governing Council of the total or partial form of other academic obligations.

Section 2. The Rector

Article 98. Rector.

The Rector is the University's highest academic authority and performs the University's representation. He exercises the direction, governance and management of the University. It develops the lines of action approved by the collegiate bodies and executes their agreements.

Article 99. Competencies.

1. The following competencies correspond to the Rector:

a) Represent the University in all manner of business and legal acts.

b) To direct and supervise the University's activities, as well as to ensure the proper functioning of the collegiate and one-person governing bodies.

c) To preside over the university acts to which he attends, with respect to the current protocol provisions.

(d) Call, chair and lead the deliberations of the University of the University and the Governing Council.

e) Designate and appoint the Vice-Chancellors and the Secretary-General of the University.

f) Designate and appoint the University Manager, according to the Social Council.

g) Appoint officials and subscribe to the contracts of the staff to provide services to the University.

h) Name the academic positions of the University, on a proposal from the competent bodies.

i) Appoint the Directors of the Associated Centers and tutors, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes.

(j) Run the agreements of the Social Council, the University Cloister and the Governing Council.

k) Call the elections to the governing bodies and representation of the University.

l) Exorder the degrees and diplomas awarded by the University, according to the appropriate procedure in each case.

m) Call for competitions and competitions for access to and provision of University staff, in accordance with the statutes.

n) Appoint members of the courts and selection commissions for the access and provision of University staff positions, in accordance with the statutes.

n) Subscribe or report the corresponding collaboration agreements with the sponsoring entities of the Associated Centers.

o) Subscribe or report collaboration agreements with other universities, natural persons, or public or private entities that the University holds.

p) Conceding permits, surplus and sabbatical years to teachers belonging to university teaching bodies, in accordance with the criteria established by the Governing Council.

q) Exercise the top leadership on staff who provide services at the University, as well as take disciplinary decisions about members of the university community that the current legislation does not attribute to another. organ.

r) Contry on behalf of the University, authorize expenses and order payments, in terms that are established regulatively.

s) Approve the budgetary modifications in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes.

t) Compose the annual memory of its management and present it to the university Cloister.

u) Grant the appointment of Doctor Honoris Causa and impose the University's medals.

v) Exercise any other functions arising out of his or her office or which confer upon him the laws in force or these statutes, as well as those entrusted to him by the Social Council, the University Cloister or the Governing Council; and powers are not expressly attributed to other organs of the University.

2. When appointing the Vice-Chancellors, the Rector must appoint Vice-Rectors first and second, who will replace him in the event of absence or illness and when the Rectorate becomes vacant. The latter situation shall be communicated to the Governing Council and shall in no case be extended for more than six consecutive months, within which elections shall be convened.

3. The Rector may benefit from the partial or full exemption from his or her teaching duties during the performance of his duties.

Article 100. Duration of the command.

The duration of the Rector's term of office will be four years, and may be re-elected for a single consecutive time.

Section 3

Article 101. Vice Chancellors.

1. Vice-Chancellors are responsible for the areas of university activity that the Rector ascribes to them and will develop the strategic and programmatic lines assigned to them.

2. The number of Vice-Chancellors, their denomination and competencies shall be determined by the Rector, heard by the Governing Council.

3. Vice-Chancellors will be appointed and appointed by the Rector among the professors who provide services at the UNED.

4. Vice-Chancellors shall cease in office on their own request, by decision of the Rector or when the mandate of the Rector who appointed them is concluded.

Section 4. Secretary General

Article 102. Secretary-General.

The Secretary General directs the General Secretariat of the University under the authority of the Rector and is responsible for the university public faith, as well as the University records and archives.

Article 103. Appointment and termination.

1. The Secretary-General shall be appointed and appointed by the Rector among career officials who belong to a Body or Scale classified in subgroup A1 and who meet the other requirements required by law and who provide services at the UNED.

2. The Secretary-General may propose to the Rector the appointment of Vicesecretarians.

3. He shall cease in office on his own request, by decision of the Rector or when the mandate of the Rector who appointed him is concluded.

Article 104. Competencies.

Correspond to the Secretary General the following competencies:

a) Attend the Rector in the organizational and operating tasks of the University.

b) Compose and safeguard the minutes of the sessions of the University Claustro and the Governing Council, as well as issue certifications of their agreements.

(c) Vellar for compliance with the agreements and resolutions of the University Cloister, the Governing Council and the Rector, and ensure their publicity when appropriate.

d) Address the general register, guard the general file and the University's seal and issue the corresponding certifications.

e) Keep an updated file of the legal regulations affecting the University available to members of the university community.

f) Any other jurisdiction that is delegated to you by the Rector or conferred on these statutes and the rules dictated for its development.

Section 5. Manager

Article 105. Manager.

The Manager, under the dependency of the Rector, is responsible for the management of the administrative and economic services of the University.

Article 106. Appointment and termination.

1. The Manager will be appointed and appointed by the Rector, according to the Social Council, based on criteria of professional competence and experience. He will be fully dedicated to his duties and will not be able to perform any teaching duties.

2. It shall cease in office on its own request or by decision of the Rector, after consulting the Social Council.

Article 107. Competencies.

The Manager corresponds to the following competencies:

(a) Organize administrative and economic services and coordinate the administration of the other services of the University in order to facilitate its smooth functioning and the exercise of the powers of the governing bodies.

b) Develop and update the inventory of the assets and rights that make up the University's heritage, as well as maintain its accounting system.

c) Develop the preliminary draft budget and, where appropriate, the multiannual programming, as well as the rules of procedure and budget implementation.

d) Develop the proposal for the settlement of the budget and the remainder of the documents constituting the annual accounts of the University and propose the rules for the elaboration and settlement of the equivalent documents in the entities linked to or dependent on it.

e) Any other jurisdiction that is delegated to you by the Rector or conferred on these statutes and the rules dictated for its development.



Article 108. Choice.

1. In each Faculty and School there will be a Dean or Director who will be elected, by direct and secret ballot, by all teachers and staff members and services attached to the school, in addition to a representation of their staff. teachers and their students.

2. The vote will be weighted by sectors of the university community. This weight shall be at least:

a) 55 percent of professors with permanent ties to the University.

b) 8 percent of the rest of the teaching and research staff.

c) 18 percent of students.

d) 8 percent administration and service personnel.

e) 5 percent teacher tutors.

3. Teachers with permanent links to the University may be candidates.

Article 109. Duration of the command.

The term of office of the Dean or Director shall be four years, and may be re-elected only once in a row.

Article 110. Designation of directors of assigned centers.

The designation of the Directors of the institutions, public or private, of teaching that are assigned to the UNED shall be governed by the provisions of these statutes for the designation of the Dean and Directors of the Faculties and Schools, in so far as it is relevant, as far as it determines its membership agreement or, failing that, by the relevant general rules applicable to it.

Article 111. Competencies.

Correspond to the Dean and Directors the following competencies:

a) Lead, coordinate and supervise the activities of your Faculty or School.

b) Exercise their representation.

c) Call and chair the meetings of the Board and, where appropriate, the standing committee, and establish the corresponding agenda.

d) Run and enforce the agreements of the Board and its delegated commissions.

e) Propose to the Board the proposal to create Vicedecanates and Subdirections.

f) Monitor the exercise of the functions entrusted to the various organs of the center.

g) Adopt, in application of the guidelines established in this regard by the Board, how many decisions of an executive character are required by the ordinary development of the activities of the center.

h) Submit to the Faculty or School Board the annual report of their management.

i) Any other that is attributed to it by these statutes or by the general legislation in force.

Section 7. Vincentians and Subdirectors

Article 112. Vicedecanos and Deputy Directors.

1. The Dean or Director shall be assisted in the performance of his duties by the Vicedecans or Deputy Directors.

2. On the proposal of the respective Dean or Directors, the number of Vicedecans or Deputy Directors will be fixed by the Government Council of the University, taking into account the needs of each Faculty or School, prior to the favorable report of the respective Board.

Article 113. Functions.

1. It is up to the Vicedecans or Deputy Directors to direct and coordinate, by delegation and under the authority of the Dean or Director, the activities assigned to them.

2. In the case of a number of Vicerecans or Deputy Directors in the Faculty or School, the Dean or Director shall establish the order in which they are to be replaced in the event of absence.

Article 114. Appointment.

The Vicedecans and Deputy Directors will be appointed by the Rector, on a proposal from the Dean or Director among the teachers who have full-time dedication and are members of the respective Faculty or School.

Section 8. School or School Secretaries

Article 115. Secretaries of Faculty or School.

1. The Secretary of the Faculty or School shall assist the Dean or Director in the direction, coordination and supervision of the centre's own activities.

2. The Registrar shall be appointed by the Rector at the proposal of the Dean or the corresponding Director among the teachers who have full-time dedication and are members of the respective Faculty or School.

3. In the event of the vacancy being vacant or in the absence of the holder, the duties and privileges of the Registrar shall be performed by the lower-seniority Professor of the Board who is a member of the Board.

Article 116. Competencies.

Corresponding to the Secretary are the following competencies:

(a) Act as Secretary of the Board and, where appropriate, of its Standing Committee.

b) Give faith in the agreements and resolutions of the governing and representation bodies of the centre.

c) Respond to the formalization and custody of the minutes corresponding to the actions of the Board and, where appropriate, its standing committee.

(d) Receive, legitimize and safeguard the records of the examinations of the subjects of the institution that correspond to the tests of official calls.

e) Librar the certifications and documents that the secretariat of the center must issue.

f) Monitor the organization of the solemn acts of the center and ensure compliance with the protocol.

g) Any other that is conferred on you by this statute or by the general legislation in force.

Section 9. Department Directors

Article 117. Department Directors.

1. In each department there will be a Director who will be elected by the Council, by direct and secret ballot, among the professors who are permanently linked to the University who are members of the Department. The candidate who has obtained an absolute majority of the votes cast shall be elected Director. In the event that no candidate obtains it, a new vote will be held to which the two most-voted candidates, or one candidate, will be able to stand for new candidates.

2. The term of office of the Director of Department shall be four years, and may be re-elected only once in a row.

Article 118. Competencies.

They are the privileges of the Director of the Department:

a) Lead, coordinate and monitor the activities of the Department and its institutional relations.

b) Exercise the representation of the Department.

c) Canalize the relationships of the Department with the Associated Centers.

d) Call and chair the sessions of the Department of the Council.

e) Propose the appointment of the Secretary, as well as that of the Deputy Director in case he considers it appropriate or if it is indicated by the Rules of Procedure.

f) Vellar for compliance with agreements adopted by the Department of the Department.

g) Present the annual report to the Department of the Department, as well as proposals, projects and reports to be submitted for approval.

h) Require compliance with the functions and tasks that are relevant to each of the members of the Department.

i) Canalize official relations that the Department maintains with other public and private entities and agencies.

(j) Other than the statutes or rules of procedure of the Department have not expressly attributed to other bodies.

Section 10. Department Secretaries

Article 119. Secretary of Department.

1. The Secretary of the Department shall be appointed by the Rector on a proposal from the corresponding Director among full-time full-time teachers who are members of the Department.

2. In the event of vacancy or absence of the holder, the duties of Secretary shall be performed by the faculty of the Council of the Department of the lowest academic category and seniority.

Article 120. Competencies.

They are specific attributions of the Department Secretary:

a) Act as Secretary of the Department of the Department.

b) Give faith in how many acts or acts you witness in the performance of your secretary's function, as well as those that are in the official documentation of the Department.

(c) Reply to the formalisation and custody of the documentation relating to the examination of the examination tests carried out by the Department itself, as well as the minutes corresponding to the meetings of the Council Department.

d) Librar the certifications and documents that the Department must issue, whatever the cause it should do.

Section 11. Directors of the University Research Institute

Article 121. Choice.

1. At the head of each University Research Institute there will be a Director, who will chair the Council of the University Research Institute.

2. The Director of the University Research Institute will be elected, by direct and secret ballot, by the Council of the University Institute of Research among the doctors with full-time dedication from the Institute.

3. The Directors of University Institutes attached to, or otherwise agreed to, an agreement with another Institution shall be appointed among medical professors with extensive research experience, in the terms established by the relevant Convention.

4. The term of office of the Director of the Research Institute shall be four years and may be re-elected.

Article 122. Competencies.

They are the attributions of the Director of the University Research Institute:

a) Directing, coordinating and supervising the activities of the University Research Institute and its institutional relations.

b) Exercise the representation of the University Research Institute.

c) Call and chair the sessions of the Council of the University Research Institute.

d) Propose, where appropriate, the appointment of the Secretary of the University Research Institute.

e) Develop the annual report of the University Research Institute, as well as the projects, reports and proposals to be submitted for approval by the Council.

f) Require compliance with the functions and tasks that are relevant to each of the members of the University Research Institute.

g) Canalize relations of an official nature that the University Institute of Research maintains with other public and private entities and agencies.

Section 12. Secretaries of the University of Research Institute

Article 123. Secretary of the University Research Institute.

1. The Director of the Research Institute shall be assisted in his duties by the Registrar.

2. The Secretary of the University Research Institute will be proposed by the Director, among the researchers or teachers of the institute with full-time dedication.

Article 124. Competencies.

They are specific attributions of the Secretary of the University Research Institute:

a) Act as Secretary of the Council of the University Research Institute.

b) Reply to the minutes corresponding to the meetings of the Council of the Research Institute.


Associated Centers



Article 125. Partner Centers.

According to Article 2, for the development of its activities the UNED has associated Centers located in the different Autonomous Communities and in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, as well as abroad.

Article 126. An initiative to create Associated Centers.

The Associated Centers will be created at the initiative of the Autonomous Communities, local authorities or other public or private entities, by means of a convention that will guarantee the correct functioning of the center, its stability and adequate financing, and which will regulate the formation of a consortium, foundation or other legal person, as well as of the Board of Trustees, Board of Directors or collegiate body of equivalent government. They may also be set up as a subsidiary on the initiative of the UNED, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the legislation in force; to this end, a budgetary envelope will be required for this purpose.

The economic and financial control of the Associated Centers shall be exercised by the competent authority in the State or regional administration, depending on the majority of its funding.

Article 127. Partner Centres in the Autonomous Communities.

1. In order to ensure the proper provision of the public service of higher distance learning, the UNED will ensure that in each Autonomous Community, in consideration of its structure and needs, there are Associated Centers in which they are implemented all his teachings. In these centres, with extraordinary character, the UNED will be able to assume its funding and direct management, in terms and in accordance with the procedures outlined by the legislation in force, and in any case the existence of an endowment will be required. specific budget for this purpose.

2. The Associated Centers shall coordinate the services provided by the Governing Council in terms of territorial and functional units.

3. The Governing Council, in coordination with the existing Associated Centres, shall establish the procedure for its compliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs.

Article 128. Creation and deletion of the Associated Centers.

1. The creation and suppression of the Associated Centers will require prior approval from the University's Governing Council. In the case of deletion, such an agreement shall be adopted after a report of the Board of Trustees, Governing Board or equivalent governing body.

2. The economic contribution of the UNED to the Associated Centers will be determined by the Social Council of the University, on a proposal from the Governing Council. The Social Council shall ensure the rights generated by its contributions in real estate to the Associated Centers.

Article 129. Composition of the Associated Centers.

The Associated Centers will be integrated by the tutors, administration and service staff and the students linked to each of them and will have the means and infrastructures required for their operation.

Article 130. Functions.

The Associated Centers will have the following functions:

a) Develop relevant teaching and research activities in coordination with the Departments.

b) Foster in their environment the development of scientific and cultural activities.

(c) Make available to its members the appropriate means and services for the development of its purposes.

d) Facilitate administrative relationships between students and the University.

e) Contribute to the organization of the in-person tests, in collaboration with the corresponding services of the University.

f) Any other that is permanently or occasionally assigned to you by the legislation.

Article 131. Regulation of the internal system.

1. The academic organization and the organs of representation, government and administration of the Associated Centers shall be established in an internal rules of procedure, adjusted to the guidelines laid down by the Governing Council, in which it will necessarily be regulate:

(a) The Cloister, the Centre Council, the Director and the Registrar.

(b) The relationship of the guardian teachers to the legal entity of the associated centre.

c) The roles of the Director and the Secretary.

d) The selection, organization, and functions of administration and service personnel.

e) The form of designation of the single-person organs and the members of the collegiate bodies.

2. The rules governing the internal rules of the Centre shall be drawn up by the Centre's highest governing body and representation, and shall be subject to the approval of the Governing Council of the University.

Article 132. Mobility of staff to the Associated Centers.

The Governing Council may authorize temporary stay in the Associated Centers, both of teachers and staff of management and services of the UNED for teaching, research or organization needs, prior to Report of the relevant Department or Unit and of the Board of Trustees, Governing Board or equivalent governing body.


Governing Bodies

Section 1. Patronato, Board and Board of Directors

Article 133. Collegiate body of government and representation.

1. The Board of Trustees, Board of Directors or equivalent collegiate body of the legal entity of the Associate Center is the highest governing body and representation of the same. It shall be composed of representatives of institutions which finance the budget of the Centre, the Director of the Centre, a representative of the tutors of the Centre, the student delegate and a representative of the staff of the Centre. administration and services. He will act as Secretary, with a voice but without a vote, the Secretary of the Center. It shall carry out the tasks entrusted to it by the establishment agreement and the associated Centre's rules of procedure, in any event, in accordance with the coordination of the academic aspects of the UNED.

2. The Board of the Centre is the collegiate body for the management and supervision of the operation of the centre, it shall be composed of the Director, the representative of the tutors, the staff of administration and services and the students. The Secretary and the Coordinators will attend, with voice and no vote.

Section 2. Principal and Secretary

Article 134. Directors of the Associated Centers.

1. The Directors of the Associated Centers, which must preferably possess the title of Doctor, shall be appointed by the Rector by means of the free designation system, heard by the Board of Trustees, Board of Directors or collegiate body of equivalent government, prior to public notice of the University in which the link between the candidate and his environment will have to be assessed.

2. The Directorate shall be compatible with the public teaching function, without prejudice to the authorisations that are required.

3. The appointments will be for four years and may be renewed.

Article 135. Secretaries, coordinators and sub-directors.

The Secretary of the Associate Centre, the Coordinators and, where appropriate, the Deputy Director shall be appointed by the Director of the Centre, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.

Article 136. Applicable rules.

The holders of the single-person organs of the Associated Centres shall be subject, as soon as they are applicable, to the general provisions contained in Chapter II of Title IV.


Tutors teachers

Article 137. Functions.

1. Without prejudice to other functions entrusted to them by the current regulations, the tutors have teaching roles in the UNED, which are basically done in:

a) Orienting the student in his studies, clarifying and explaining the issues related to the content of the subjects whose tutoring they perform, following the guidelines of the Department.

b) Inform the teacher responsible for each subject of the level of preparation of the students.

2. The tutors will perform the in-person tutorial function in their Associate Center and, by video conference and other telematic means, for other Associated or Support Centers. The tutors will use the technologies of education employed by the University and they will have to have it learned. The Associated Centers will have the appropriate means to facilitate this task.

3. In accordance with current legislation and the effects of competitions, the UNED will compute the period of time they would have developed their teaching function.

Article 138. Appointments and concession of "came docendi".

1. The Rector shall appoint, on a proposal from the Board of Trustees, the Governing Board or the equivalent governing body, the tutors selected by a public call made by these bodies and determined by a committee composed of members. of the Department and the corresponding Associate Center. The renewal of appointments shall be automatic by academic year, unless otherwise proposed, up to the age of 70.

2. The agreements of the Associated Centres on non-renewal of tutoring must be motivated. To this end, consideration will be given to the evaluation of the performance of the tutorial functions entrusted to the person concerned, the decrease in the number of students enrolled in the respective subject or subjects, the needs of the planning tutorial and the teaching of the teaching taught by the University. Such agreements shall, in any event, be made available to the Rector.

3. The "coming docendi" obtained by contest will be automatically understood as extended and will remain in force, even if the renewal of the appointment does not occur as a tutor teacher during one or several academic courses. The revocation of the "coming docendi" will be agreed upon by the Rector on a proposal of the respective Associate Center, prior to the report of the Department that corresponds and heard the representation of students of the Center.

Article 139. Representation of tutors teachers.

1. The representation of the Tutors in the various collegiate bodies of the UNED will be carried out through:

a) The Centers representatives.

b) The National Board of Tutors.

c) The National Council of Tutors.

d) President, Vice President and Secretary of the National Council of Tutors.

e) In addition, they will be part of the Departments, Faculty or School Board and, where appropriate, area or faculty coordination within its own Associate Center.

2. The representation and the process of choice shall be established in their respective Regulations.


Administration and service personnel

Article 140. Functions.

The management and service personnel of the Associated Centers perform the administrative functions of the center and the coordination with the rest of the University. To do this they will have the necessary means and training.

Article 141. Representation.

1. The representation of the staff of administration and services of the Associated Centers will be articulated through their representatives in them and the General Board of the staff of administration and services of the centers, which will participate, as established in these statutes, in the governing bodies of the University and the Associated Centers.

2. Their duties shall be regulated in the draft regulation drawn up by the General Board of staff for administrative and service centres, which shall be approved by the Governing Council.

3. The members of the administrative staff and services of the Associated Centers shall have the right to vote in the elections to Rector.


The University Community



Article 142. Students from the UNED.

It is students of the UNED all those persons who are enrolled in any of its teachings, as well as those who have registered in it their doctoral thesis or, where appropriate, the project of the end of the career.

Article 143. Rights.

They are the rights of students, in so far as they are applicable to them according to the type of teaching, the following:

a) Conduct a common tuition for any of the lessons learned from the UNED.

b) To be oriented and assisted in studies by tutors teachers and through a teaching system with the most appropriate means.

c) Receive the theoretical and practical teachings corresponding to the chosen studies.

d) Participate in the programming and management of teaching as set out in these statutes.

e) Dispose in each discipline of the complete teaching material and appropriate to the methodology of distance learning, which must be completely edited and distributed before the beginning of the academic year.

f) Having access, at the beginning of the course, free of charge, to the information about the teachings, the tutorial modalities and evaluation criteria of the different subjects and the timing of the tests.

g) Having access to an academic, professional, and employment orientation.

(h) Equal opportunities and non-discrimination on grounds of sex, race, religion or disability or any other personal or social condition or circumstance in access to the University, entry into the centres, stay in the university and exercise of its academic rights.

i) Obtain academic recognition for their participation in cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities.

j) An attention that makes it easier to combine studies with work activity.

k) To be objectively evaluated in their academic performance, as well as to know who is the teacher responsible for their assessment.

(l) Contain, in any case, the in-person evidence of the subjects of the official teachings in which they are registered, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22.2.

m) That your exams be guarded and not be harmed academically in case of loss for causes outside the student.

n) Obtain from the Department or, where appropriate, from the Faculty or School Committee, the review of its examination, in accordance with the rules of procedure approved by the Governing Council, and, in the case of of disconformity, a copy of your examination.

n) Receive notification of qualifications within established deadlines, as well as a valid certification of attendance at in-person testing.

o) Request compensation in cases where the requirements required by the current regulations are met.

p) Collaborate on the research tasks as set out in these statutes.

q) Contar with the appropriate economic and material support for the development of cultural, recreational and sports activities that complement their full training.

r) Request the performance of the University Defender to ensure their rights through appropriate procedures.

s) To participate in the evaluation of the quality of teaching and teaching of teachers.

t) Participate in all the collegiate governing bodies of the UNED through its delegates and representatives, in accordance with the provisions of these statutes and in the complementary regulations, without being sanctioned by acts derivatives of the exercise of the representation.

u) To freedom of expression, assembly and association in the university field.

v) To the protection of your personal data, as established in the legislation in force. In any event, the consent of the students shall not be required for the publication of the results of the tests relating to the assessment of their knowledge and competence or of the acts necessary for the appropriate assessment. implementation and monitoring of such assessment.

w) To communicate with student representatives.

x) Any other that is detached from the current regulations.

Article 144. Duties.

They are students ' duties:

a) Exercise your condition with maximum use and dedication.

b) Respect the rules of academic discipline to be established.

c) Cooperate with the rest of the university community for the achievement of the University's goals, as well as for the conservation and improvement of its services.

d) Take responsibility for the charges for which they have been elected.

e) Use the means of information to understand the orientations of the subjects in which they are enrolled.

f) Making proper use of the facilities, assets and resources that form the University's heritage. In particular, they shall use the electronic communication tools placed at their disposal in accordance with their purpose, refraining from performing actions contrary to the rules of intellectual property and academic discipline and respecting the criteria of use that are regulated.

Article 145. Representation.

1. The student representation bodies will be constituted by the Councils of students of the Associated Centers, of Faculties and Schools, and by the General Council of Students.

2. The system of election of representatives, as well as the organization and functioning of these Councils, will be regulated by a regulation whose project will be prepared and approved by the General Council of Students, with the advice of the Vicerrectorate and of the legal services of the UNED.

3. If the Governing Council considers it appropriate to include amendments to the draft, they shall be re-examined by the General Council of Students for study and for the preparation of a new proposal which will be elevated to the Governing Council for approval.

Article 146. Rights of student representatives.

1. Student representatives will be entitled to:

(a) Dispose of premises and sufficient means for the development of their representation activities, which in no case will be economically burdensome for the representatives.

b) To hold prior meetings, at least 24 hours in advance, to the meeting of the collegiate body of which they are a party, after the notification of their agenda to the academic, collegiate or unipersonal authority, of whom it depends the organ to be gathered.

c) To be advised by the University in any doubt as they arise in the exercise of their representation functions.

d) To participate in exam review commissions, in terms established by the University's Governing Council.

2. The UNED will include in its budgets a heading that guarantees autonomy and the normal functioning of student representation.

Article 147. General Council of Students.

The General Council of Students is the highest representative body for students. Its functions, in addition to those set out in its regulations, are as follows:

a) Choose your President, who will act as the general delegate of students, with the functions and competencies assigned to him by the regulation.

b) Participate in the care policy of the UNED towards the students.

c) Propose to single-person or collegiate bodies those improvements that they deem relevant.


Teaching and research staff

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 148. The teaching and research staff of the UNED.

The teaching and research staff of the UNED will be composed of officials from university teaching bodies and hired staff. Trainees who collaborate in teaching or research assignments will also have the consideration of teaching staff and research fellows.

Article 149. Relationship between teaching staff and research staff.

1. The University shall establish annually in its expenditure budget the ratio of faculty positions in which all places shall be classified with the inclusion of the teaching staff and the hired investigator.

2. The Governing Council, on a proposal from the Departments and Institutes of Research and with a prior report of the Faculties or Schools and the Board of teaching and research staff and the Committee of Business, may modify the (a) the number of posts in the staff, by extension or minorification of existing places, or by change of name of vacant places.

3. The names of the seats of the teaching staff of the UNED will correspond to those of the areas of knowledge of the catalogue established by the Government.

Article 150. Dedication.

Teachers shall perform their duties on full-time dedication, which shall be considered to be preferential or, upon request, on a part-time basis. Full-time dedication shall be in any case compatible with the performance of scientific, technical or artistic work, as laid down in the applicable legislation and in these statutes. For the performance of one-person positions of government, full-time dedication will be necessary.

Article 151. Remuneration.

Without prejudice to the criteria laid down by the Government on the remuneration of teachers and the general rules on additional remuneration linked to the merits of teachers, researchers and management provided for in Articles 55 and 69 of the Organic Law of Universities, the Social Council may, on a proposal from the Governing Council, agree on the allocation of these or other remuneration supplements, in accordance with the limits laid down by the Government.

Article 152. Prestigious teachers.

The UNED will strive to incorporate into the teaching and research tasks personalities of recognized prestige and to hire and preserve as teachers emeritus to retired teachers who have provided outstanding services to teaching or research.

Article 153. Teacher displacement.

The teachers must accept the displacements to the Associated Centers in Spain and the Centers abroad, derived from the fulfillment of their teaching obligations and their academic functions. It shall be entitled to a fair compensation for the costs incurred in connection with such displacements, in accordance with the provisions of the State rules on compensation for the purpose of the service, and to be adequately insured against possible contingencies arising from the fulfilment of these obligations.

Article 154. Service commissions, licenses, and permissions.

1. The Rector, after report of the Department or University Institute of Research concerned and of the Governing Council, may grant teachers renewable service commissions when they are called as visiting professors or with another technical or specialized character to other universities, research centres or other institutions. The remuneration of such teachers shall be borne by the centre which receives them, without prejudice to the regulation provided for in the specific mobility agreement, if it exists.

2. The Rector, with the reports provided for in the previous paragraph, may also grant licences for studies of shorter duration than one year for teachers to carry out teaching or research activities which may be extended for another year when these activities and the training of the candidate so require. The remuneration scheme shall be in accordance with the rules applicable in each case.

3. The Governing Council shall lay down the conditions and procedure for granting teachers of the sabbatical year, provided that they have provided services to the University at least during the six years preceding the application. At the end of the sabbatical year, the beneficiary shall present a memory of the activity performed.

4. The Rector, in accordance with the criteria previously established by the Governing Council and with prior report of the corresponding Department or University Research Institute, may, with a reasoned decision, grant no paid to teachers with a place reserve for the one-year period, renewable for a period of another year.

5. In the event of an application for interim reentry to the active service in a vacant place after a period of leave, as provided for in Article 67 of Law 6/2001 of 21 December, the subscription shall be automatic and shall be effects until the relevant access contests are held. When multiple stakeholders are present, it will take precedence to provisionally cover the oldest vacancy in the body.

Article 155. Periodic evaluation of the teaching activity.

1. The periodic evaluation of the teaching and research performance of the faculty by the University will be carried out in accordance with the procedures established for this purpose by the Governing Council, which will always respect the freedom of chair.

2. The evaluation of the teaching activity will be carried out by the Commission on Methodology and Teaching. This commission will act in accordance with the principles of rationality, rigor, confidentiality and objectivity.

Article 156. Freedom of Chair.

Recognized the freedom of professorship, to ensure the adequacy of teaching to study plans, as well as the equality of service offered to students, the department council will approve a basic program for each subject, to which all teacher proposals must be adapted, under the coordination of the Faculty or School.

Article 157. Teaching assignment criteria.

The Council of the Department, in the coordination of the teaching and in the assignment of the teaching tasks and the evaluation of the students, will preferably take into account the membership of the teaching bodies, the antiquity, the specialty and teacher training.

Section 2. Teacher of university teaching bodies

Article 158. University teaching bodies.

1. The official university faculty shall belong to the following teaching bodies:

a) University Catedratics.

b) Professors of University.

2. Notwithstanding the above and in accordance with the additional first and second provisions of the Organic Law 4/2007, of 12 April, the teachers belonging to the teaching bodies of the School Catedratics will be able to remain in their current situation. University and University School Teachers, who will have full teaching capacity and, where appropriate, a researcher.

3. The official faculty shall be governed by the bases established in the Organic Law of Universities, in its implementing rules, by the general legislation of officials that are applicable to them and by the statutes.

Section 3. Teacher and Hired Investigator

Article 159. Teaching staff and contracted investigator.

1. The University will be able to recruit teaching staff and research workers in the following ways:

a) Assisting.

b) Teaching assistant teachers.

c) Doctors hired doctors.

d) Associated teachers.

e) Visiting teachers.

f) Emerite teachers.

2. They will perform their teaching and research functions, if any, the collaborating professors, according to the additional provision of the Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12.

3. The University may contract by specific work or service to teaching staff, research personnel, technical personnel or other personnel for the development of specific scientific or technical research projects.

Article 160. Helpers.

1. The assistants shall be recruited by means of public competition between higher graduates in accordance with the conditions and conditions laid down in Article 49 of the Organic Law of Universities.

2. The activity of the assistants will be basically aimed at completing their research training and will be able to collaborate in auxiliary teaching activities, but never substitute for the teacher. They shall also be part of the courts of evidence in the terms laid down by the specific regulation. The Assistants shall collaborate on teaching assignments within the limits set by the applicable legislation. Your contract will be temporary and full-time in nature.

Article 161. Teacher assistant doctors.

1. The professors assistant doctors will be hired by public tender among doctors who meet the requirements of Article 50 of the Organic Law of Universities. The selection commission may request a report from the Methodology and Teaching Commission, which will mainly value the experience in the teaching methodology of distance learning.

2. The purpose of the contract will be to develop teaching and research tasks. The contract will be of a temporary nature and with full-time dedication. The duration of the contract may not be less than one year and not more than five, and may be extended or renewed if the duration of the contract is less than the maximum, provided that the total duration does not exceed five years. In any event, the total time of the joint duration between this contractual figure and the one provided for in the previous article, in the same or different University, may not exceed eight years. Situations of temporary incapacity, maternity and adoption or acceptance during the term of the contract will interrupt your computation.

Article 162. Professors hired doctors.

The Contract for Doctors Hired Doctors will be held with doctors who receive the positive evaluation from the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation or from accredited external evaluation body equivalent.

The purpose of the contract will be to develop, with full teaching and research capacity, teaching and research tasks. The contract will be of an indefinite nature and with full-time dedication.

Article 163. Associate professors.

Prior to the report of the Department or the University Institute of Research concerned and the Governing Council, it may be contracted by public tender on a temporary basis and with part-time dedication to teachers. (a) partners from recognised specialists who demonstrate their professional activity outside the academic academic field.

Article 164. Visiting professors.

It will be possible to temporarily hire, as visiting professors, professors and researchers of recognized prestige from other universities and research centers, both national and foreign, at the request of the University departments or Institutes of Research and previous favourable report of the Governing Council.

Article 165. Teachers emeritus.

1. The Rector, at the request of the interested parties, heard the Department and with the favorable report of the Governing Council, may hire as professors emeritus to those retired officials of the teaching bodies that have provided outstanding services at the University at least for 15 years, of them 10, at least, at the UNED. The recruitment of emeritus professor shall be taken into consideration for the teaching and scientific or technical merits of the proposed candidate.

2. The teachers in question will be linked to the University for a temporary employment relationship. The title of professor emeritus will be for life to the honorific and university protocol effects.

3. The corresponding remuneration will always be compatible with the perception of your pension as a retiree. The sum of both remuneration, in annual computation, shall be equivalent to that which he received as a teaching officer at the time of retirement with the corresponding updates.

4. In the framework of the teaching and research activities carried out by the Department to which they are assigned, the teachers may perform all the functions and tasks for which they are legally entitled. To this end they must have the necessary material and personal means.

5. The recruitment will be carried out on a part-time basis for a period of two years, with the possibility of renewal. For carryovers, the teaching activity and its recent scientific production will be taken into account.

Section 4

Article 166. Selection of faculty from university teaching bodies.

The Governing Council will agree to the convening of university teaching bodies, in accordance with the regulations applicable to each of them, on a proposal from the University Departments and Institutes of Research, prior to a report from the Faculty or School concerned.

Article 167. Selection commissions.

1. The selection commissions will be appointed by the Rector once approved by the Governing Council on a proposal from the Departments and University of Research, prior to the report of the Faculty or School concerned. Its composition shall be consistent with the principles of impartiality and professionalism of its members, seeking a balanced composition of women and men, unless it is not possible for justified and duly substantiated reasons. Each commission shall take into account the terms set out in the Access Competition Regulation approved by the Governing Council.

2. The Governing Council shall lay down the rules necessary for the convening and time-limits for the conclusion of the competitions.

Article 168. Selection criteria.

1. The selection commissions shall take into account when taking their decisions the teaching and research activities of the candidates and the quality of their work, and shall ensure equal opportunities and respect for the principles of merit and capacity.

2. The criteria for the resolution of the contest must necessarily include the following:

a) Adequation of the candidate's resume to the profile of the plaza being called. The preparation and experience in the techniques and means of distance learning will necessarily be included in the figure and will preferably be valued.

(b) Those to be established on a general basis by the Governing Council.

3. The call for the competition may establish a debate with the candidates on their curriculum and on the merits of the contest.

4. The contestants may lodge a complaint with the Rector against the proposals of the access contest commissions. If the complaint is accepted, the appointments will be suspended until the resolution of the Rector is delivered.

Article 169. Selection of contracted research faculty staff.

1. The selection of the assistants, teachers assistant doctors, collaborators, teachers, associate professors and professors hired doctors will be done through public competition, respecting the principles of equality, merit and capacity.

2. The selection commissions, which will be appointed by the Rector on a proposal from the Department of the Department and after a report from the Faculty or School, will be made up of five teachers in the area of knowledge of the square called, all of them or equal to that of the square called, one of which will be proposed by the representation of the workers. They shall appoint the President and the Registrar.

3. The adequacy of the candidate's resume to the profile of the place to be called will be taken into account for the contest resolution. The preparation and experience in the techniques and means of distance learning will necessarily be included in the figure and will preferably be valued.

Article 170. Commission of complaints.

The University's complaints commission, whose members will be appointed by the university's Cloister in the terms provided for in Article 66 of the Organic Law of Universities, will be composed of seven professors of University of different areas of knowledge, with extensive teaching and research experience. It will be presided over by the oldest professor in the body and will be the most modern secretary. This committee shall appraise complaints against the decision of access contests and shall issue a reasoned decision, with a nominal vote and, where appropriate, a record of the individual votes. You will have to hear the complainant, the rating committee and how many candidates are affected by the resolution.

Article 171. Appointments.

The teachers 'appointments of the teachers' bodies will be made by the Rector and will be communicated to the Council of Universities in accordance with the legislation in force. Teachers will be recognized for the services provided previously in this or other University.

Section 5.

Article 172. Role of teacher tutors.

Tutors teachers perform teaching duties on the subjects assigned to them according to the academic guidelines determined by the relevant Department and in accordance with the legislation in force.

Section 6. Teacher Rights and Duties

Article 173. Teachers ' rights and duties.

They are faculty rights and duties:

a) To exercise teaching with the freedom of professorship, without limits to those established in the Constitution, and in the laws and derivatives of the organization of the teachings, approved by the collegiate organs of the University.

b) Conduct the investigation and participate in it, in accordance with the general purposes of the UNED and within the limits established in the legal order. The research will be conducted primarily in research groups, Departments and University Research Institutes, with respect and safeguarding of individual initiative.

c) Participate in the elaboration of the teaching materials of the subjects.

Article 174. Teacher's rights.

They are teachers ' rights:

(a) Dispose of the facilities and means necessary for the performance of their duties.

b) Making use of the means provided for in the existing rules are necessary for their training, especially in distance learning techniques.

c) Dispose of facilities for professional promotion in your field of work.

d) Having access to information on matters of interest to the university community and on how many agreements the governing bodies adopt.

e) Know the procedures and systems of assessment of their performance established by the Governing Council.

f) Receive from the University effective protection, information and training in the prevention of occupational and legal risks for the exercise of their functions and against third parties.

g) Enjoyed temporary licensing of study and research, or sabbatical in the conditions laid down in regulation.

(h) The reduction and, where appropriate, exemption from fees and public prices in official qualifications, own securities or any other training activity of the UNED, under conditions to be determined in a regulated manner.

Article 175. Teacher duties.

They are the duties of teachers, in addition to those established in the current legislation:

(a) adequately perform the teaching and research tasks of your job and dedication regime, as well as pay due attention to your students, especially within the schedule set for this purpose.

b) Contribute to the good functioning of the University as a public service, with special attention to students, and to develop their functions in accordance with the principles of legality and effectiveness.

c) Develop the teaching materials of the subjects within the deadlines and conditions established in each case to ensure the proper functioning of the teaching.

d) Update training to improve your teaching and research activities.

e) Exercise responsibility for the charges for which you have been elected or appointed.

f) Participate in the procedures established at the University for the control and evaluation of their teaching and research activities.

g) Accept the displacements required for them to attend the face-to-face tests and the lectures and meetings with the students in the centers, at the request of these and the tutors. In the absence of conferences or meetings, due attention will always be paid to the rest of the students.

h) Make proper use of the facilities, assets and resources that form the University's heritage.

i) Report annually in writing of your teaching and research activities.

Article 176. Representative bodies.

The Board of teaching and research staff is the organ of representation of the teaching staff and the official researcher. The Business Committee is the body representing the teaching staff and research staff employed on the labour market.

Article 177. Negotiation table.

1. The negotiation table is the organ of participation of the teaching and research staff in collective bargaining and in the establishment of working conditions.

2. The representatives of the UNED, the most representative trade union organisations, the Board of teaching and research staff and the Business Committee will be present at the negotiating table.

3. The subjects to be negotiated shall be those to be determined by the bureau, in addition to those covered by the legislation in force.

4. The University will approve, on a biennial basis, and after negotiation at the sector table of the UNED, plans of social action for teachers.


Administration and service personnel

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 178. Composition and functions.

1. The UNED's management and service personnel are made up of officials of their own scales and staff of the University's own groups, as well as career officials and fixed staff members of the bodies, scales and groups of other public administrations, providing services at this University.

2. The management and service personnel are the sector of the university community to which they correspond, according to the organization and coordination of management, management and administration, as well as support, assistance and advice to the academic authorities in the areas of human resources, economic affairs, library, archive, computer services, production and distribution of print and audiovisual media, general services and any other management processes administrative, technical and support for teaching and research to be determined necessary for the University in the fulfilment of its aims.

Article 179. Relationship of jobs.

1. The Governing Council, acting on a proposal from the Manager, shall establish the organic, economic and administrative structure, after negotiation with the representative bodies of the administration and services staff, which shall be reflected in the list of posts job.

2. It is up to the management to draw up the proposal for the relation of the staff of administration and services, after negotiation with their representatives, ears of the Centers, Departments, University Institutes of Research and services, based on criteria of efficiency and quality in management.

3. The employment relationship shall contain at least:

a) The naming of the position.

b) The organic unit to which it is attached.

c) The number of positions of identical denomination and characteristics.

d) The target add-on level.

e) The membership group.

f) The form of provisioning.

g) The access requirements, if any.

h) The amount of the specific add-on.

i) The day.

(j) The groups and categories corresponding to the implementation agreement, in the case of the workforce.

4. A catalogue will be part of the list of jobs in which the object, functions and degree of responsibility for each position will be specified.

5. An economic forecast shall be adopted with the ratio of posts to which the appropriations to be budgeted in Chapter 1 shall be determined for each financial year for the purposes of compliance.

6. The Governing Council shall review and, where appropriate, amend the employment relationship every two years or, in a potestative manner, each year. In the event of an increase in expenditure, it will require the subsequent approval of the Social Council.

Article 180. Scales.

1. The scales of administration and official services are as follows:

a) Scale of Management Technicians, for the income in which the undergraduate degree or those of Licentiate, Engineer, Architect or equivalent will be required, corresponding to the previous university ordination.

b) School, Library and Museum Factories Scale, for the entry into which the undergraduate degree or those of Licentiate, Engineer, Architect or equivalent will be required, corresponding to the previous ordination university.

c) University Management Scale, for the entry into which the undergraduate degree or the Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or equivalent will be required, corresponding to the previous ordination university.

d) Scale of Assistant Archives, Libraries and Museums, for the entry into which the university degree of Graduate or the Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or equivalent, corresponding to the previous one will be required university management.

e) Administrative Scale, for the entry into which the title of Bachiller, Technician or equivalent will be required.

f) Scale of Auxiliary Library Technicians, for the entry into which the title of Bachiller, Technician or equivalent will be required.

g) Administrative Auxiliary Scale, for the entry into which the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory or equivalent secondary education will be required.

2. The scales of the staff of administration and official services of the University may be created, modified or deleted, in accordance with the regulations in force, by the Governing Council, on a proposal from the Manager.

3. The groups and categories of the University's workforce will be those established by the collective agreement that applies to it.

Article 181. Remuneration.

1. The staff of administration and official services shall be paid in accordance with the remuneration scheme approved by the Governing Council, within the limits set by the Government.

2. The staff of administration and services may provide support in the contracts referred to in Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities, by exercising their functions and with a view to the remuneration which they give to them. correspond, in accordance with current legislation.

Section 2

Article 182. Selection, provision, and promotion.

1. The Governing Council shall approve, on a proposal from the Manager and after negotiation with the representatives, a regulation regulating the selection systems, the provision of jobs and the professional promotion of the official staff. In the case of staff, such regulation shall be established in the relevant collective agreement.

2. Approved the offer of public employment, the selection of the personnel will be carried out through the selective systems of concurring-opposition and opposition. The system of competition will be a priority in the attention of the specific organizational and management model of the UNED. They shall ensure the constitutional principles of equality, merit and capacity, as well as the principles of advertising.

3. The internal promotion of administration and service personnel shall be facilitated and encouraged and a system of access to higher scales and categories shall be arbitrated through the overcoming of the relevant selective, opposition or -opposition, which may include a course or training period, in which the principles of equality, merit, capacity and publicity are guaranteed. An effective administrative and professional career will also be ensured, within the budgetary resources.

Article 183. Call for vacancies.

1. The call for access to the vacancies in the different scales and categories of the staff of administration and services, committed in the offer of employment of the University, will be carried out by the Rector, on the proposal of the Manager, previous negotiation with the representative bodies.

2. To this end, vacancies which have become vacant will be included in the offer of public employment within the limits established annually in the laws of general budgets of the State. Prior to the inauguration of the officials of the new entry, the vacancies shall be convened to contest in accordance with the provisions of Article 185

3. Where the selection system is the opposition system, it shall be considered in the evidence, among other knowledge, of the organisational and management forms of the UNED.

Article 184. Courts and Commissions of Valuation.

The courts and valuation commissions will be appointed by the Rector on a proposal from the Manager. The assessment fees shall always ensure that an official of the unit of staff is present as a member of the commission or as an advisor.

Article 185. Provision of jobs.

1. The provision of jobs will be carried out on a general basis by means of competition. Exceptionally, those posts which, having regard to the nature of their duties, are determined by the employment relationship, may be covered by free designation in accordance with the general rules of the public service.

2. The mobility agreements that are signed in accordance with Article 76a (2) of the Organic Law of Universities will require the prior favourable report of the union representation of the staff of administration and services.

3. The posts reserved for any staff shall be included in the list of posts. Such staff shall perform exclusively advisory and trust tasks and shall cease automatically when the termination of the mandate of the Rector or when the authority to which they provide their trust or advice ceases.

4. The commissions of services granted to officials of other administrations shall require the favourable report of the Official Staff Board.

Article 186. Mobility of administration and service personnel.

The University will promote the mobility of administration and service personnel through appropriate agreements with other public administrations and, in particular, with other universities, in accordance with current legislation. In addition, and in terms of the rules applicable, it will lay down the conditions for such staff to be able to provide services at the Associated Centres, Support Centres, UNED Foundation, University Institutes linked to the UNED and similar centres, such as the Higher Centre for Virtual Teaching.

Article 187. Training.

The University will promote and organize courses for the training and professional updating of the administration and service personnel, and will facilitate their assistance. To this end, the Manager shall approve, on a biennial basis, and after negotiation with the representative bodies, training plans.

Article 188. Special licenses.

1. The administration and service staff will be able to have special licenses up to one year for training activities aimed at improving the university management and quality of its services. Remuneration during these periods shall be determined in accordance with the rules laid down in the State rules applicable to them.

2. The UNED may grant to administration and service personnel special licences of more than one month and less than one year for carrying out activities in other universities, public or private institutions or institutions, aimed at the improvement of the management of the services of this University. The rules applicable to such situations shall be drawn up for this purpose.

Article 189. Social Action Plans.

The University Management will approve on a biennial basis, and after negotiation at the sector table established in the UNED, social action plans for the administration and services personnel.

Section 3. Rights and Duties

Article 190. Rights.

In addition to those granted to you by law, they are the rights of administration and service personnel:

(a) Full respect for their personal and professional dignity in the exercise of their duties and in the performance of their work.

b) Participate, as full members of the university community, in the governing bodies and representation of the University.

c) Collective bargaining and participation in the determination of working conditions.

d) The perception of the relevant remuneration on the basis of the job it performs.

e) Getting the social benefits to which you are entitled.

(f) The effective performance of the tasks listed in the catalogue included in the employment relationship and not being removed, unjustifiably and without due guarantees, from their job.

g) The use of the means and services of the university community in accordance with the regulatory standards of their use.

h) Perfecting and promoting yourself in your professional activity with the help of the University.

i) Dispose of the appropriate means and information necessary for the performance of your tasks, as well as know the functions assigned to your job.

j) Receive from the University effective protection, information and training in the field of occupational risk prevention.

k) Enjoy holidays, permits, and licenses that are regulated or determined by agreement.

(l) The reduction or, where appropriate, exemption from public fees and charges in official qualifications, own titles or any other training activity of the UNED, under conditions to be determined in a regulated manner.

Article 191. Right to collective bargaining.

1. The UNED recognizes the right to collective bargaining of administration and service personnel. To this end, the negotiating table will be set up in which the representatives of the University and the most representative trade union organizations will be present. The subjects to be negotiated shall be those to be determined by the bureau, in addition to those covered by the legislation in force.

2. The organs of representation of the staff of administration and services shall be the official Staff Board and the Business Committee.

Article 192. Duties.

It is the duties of the administration and service personnel, in addition to those provided for in the laws and other implementing rules, the following:

(a) adequately perform the administration and management tasks that correspond to your job, subject to the time schedule.

b) Exercise the responsibility of the performance of the positions of leadership, administration and management assigned to them, as well as the positions for which they have been appointed.

c) Collaborate with all sectors of the university community to achieve the goals set out in these statutes.

d) Participate in the training and professional promotion courses according to the criteria and priorities set out in the relevant training plan.

e) Contribute to the best government and management of the University.

f) Participate in the evaluation and control procedures of your activity.

g) Respect the University's heritage, as well as make proper use of its facilities, assets and resources.


The University Defender

Article 193. University defender.

The University Ombudsman is the member of the university community responsible for ensuring respect for the rights and freedoms of teaching and research staff, tutors, students and administration staff, and services to the actions of the various university bodies and services. Their actions, aimed at improving the University, will be inspired by the principles of independence and autonomy, and will not be subject to an imperative mandate from any university.

Article 194. Choice and functions.

1. The University Ombudsman shall be elected by the University of the Member State by the absolute majority of its members every four years and shall not be able to hold office for more than two consecutive periods. It may be waived for other obligations.

2. In addition to the expiry of his or her term of office or on his own request, his or her termination shall take place by acting with obvious negligence in the performance of the duties and duties of the office.

3. It corresponds to the University Ombudsman:

a) Propose to the university Cloister, for approval, the draft operating regulations.

b) Request from the various university bodies and bodies how much information they deem appropriate for the performance of their duties.

c) Request the appearance of the persons responsible for any university service or organ, except the Rector, who may report personally or in writing.

d) Receive, hear and address the complaints presented by members of the university community.

e) Develop how many reports are requested or consider it appropriate to issue at the request of an interested party or on its own initiative.

f) Propose the appointment of two assistant defenders.

g) Make the appropriate proposal and resolutions to the solution of the cases submitted to your knowledge.

h) Request from the Rector the initiation of the corresponding administrative and judicial procedures.

i) Present annually to the University Claustro a memory of its activities in which it will be able to present recommendations and suggestions for the improvement of the university services.

4. The University Ombudsman and the assistant defenders must belong to each of the different sectors of the university community: teaching and research staff, students and administration and service personnel.

5. For the purposes of remuneration and of university protocol, the University Ombudsman will be appointed as Vicerrector, and that of the Deputy Ombudsman, to that of Vicedean.


Social responsibility

Article 195. Social Responsibility Committee.

1. In order to contribute to a more humane and sustainable development from the University, the Governing Council will constitute a Social Responsibility Commission, which will be chaired by the Rector and will be composed of teachers, experts, students, administration and service personnel, members of the governing bodies and management, representatives of social organisations and other interest groups.

2. The Social Responsibility Commission may set up a standing committee, consisting of a number of members to ensure representation of all sectors.

Article 196. Competencies.

The Social Responsibility Commission will have the following attributions:

a) Know and guide the university's policy, objectives, and social responsibility guidelines.

b) To put in place procedures and mechanisms to achieve these objectives and to account for their progress.

c) Develop an annual social responsibility report.

(d) Any other that is assigned to it by the internal rules of the UNED or the University Cloister and the Governing Council.


University community assistance services


General provisions

Article 197. Definition.

It is services of assistance to the university community the units that serve as support for the realization of the activities of study, teachers and research, and those that assure the correct development of the modality educational of the UNED.

Article 198. Creating, modifying, and deleting service units.

1. It is for the Governing Council to approve the creation, modification or deletion of a service.

2. In the case of the creation of a service, the proposal shall be accompanied by a memory including at least the following points:

a) Objectives and purposes of the service.

b) Human and material resources required and their characteristics, specifying the organic dependence of the first.

c) Budget, funding and service management.

3. The initiative for the creation, modification and suppression of services will be the responsibility of the Departments, Centers, University Institutes of Research, governing bodies or other interested members of the university community, through the submission of the relevant proposal to the Governing Council.

Article 199. Legal assistance.

The University will provide legal assistance to those of its members who, in the legitimate exercise of their functions, may be affected by a judicial process. The University will also take charge of the compensation that corresponds to its staff for the damages caused in the performance of their duties except that it has been attended by him or the official's grave fault, in the terms established in the laws.


Services in support of study, teaching and research

Section 1. Library and General File

Article 200. Library.

1. The UNED library is a resource center for learning, teaching, research, continuing training and activities related to the operation and management of the University as a whole.

2. The library's funds will be made up mainly of the acquisitions made from the University's budget, the legacies and donations of public and private entities, as well as natural persons, and received as an exchange with other institutions.

3. The library shall be governed by the bodies established in its rules of procedure, approved by the Governing Council. This regulation will guarantee the representation of the Departments, students, Associate Centers and staff of administration and services of the University.

4. The library will cooperate with the libraries of the Associated Centers and coordinate their actions and objectives to achieve a library system for the UNED capable of assuring its users an adequate service to their needs and expectations, regardless of where they are located. The Associated Centres shall provide sufficient human and technological resources to ensure the viability and further fulfilment of this objective.

Article 201. General File.

1. The general archive of the University is the service responsible for guarding and maintaining all documents of any nature, period and material support of the heritage of the UNED, to facilitate access to information to the university community contained in them.

2. The general file will depend organically on the General Secretariat of the University and is regulated by a specific regulation approved by the Governing Council.

Section 2. Centers for Remote Methodology Support

Article 202. Editorial.

1. The Editorial of the UNED aims at the design, production, dissemination and marketing of the scientific, technical, literary, artistic, didactic and cultural publications that are published, in any support, in the University.

2. The UNED Editorial will have all the material and personal means to achieve its objectives.

Article 203. Audiovisual Media Center (CEMAV).

1. The Center for Audiovisual Media of the UNED (CEMAV), has as its purpose the design, production, realization, editing and dissemination of radio and television programs as well as other audiovisual productions.

2. The CEMAV shall have all the material and personal means to achieve its objectives.

Article 204. Telematic services centre and new technologies.

The center of telematic services and new technologies is the service that includes all the university units that have as an end the incorporation of the most advanced technologies for the communication between the members of the university community, as well as the dissemination of knowledge and the monitoring of learning.

Section 3. Computer Service Center

Article 205. IT Service Center.

1. The IT service centre is the service responsible for the general organisation of the automated information systems for support for study, teaching, research and management.

2. The following functions correspond to the IT service center:

a) The planning and management of the University's computer network.

b) The provision of computer support to the management of the University.

c) The attention and technical support of members of the university community as users of computer services.

d) The adoption of technical measures to ensure the security of personal data held by them.

Section 4. Research Results Transfer Office

Article 206. Office of transfer of research results.

1. The office of transfer of research results is the administrative technical service charged to promote and manage the relations of the University with the world of the company in the field of research and innovation technology.

2. The following functions correspond to the research results transfer office:

a) Encourage the participation of the university community in research and development projects.

b) Develop a data bank of knowledge, infrastructure, and research and development offerings from the University.

c) Identify the results generated by the research groups, disseminate them and facilitate their transfer to the companies.

d) Collaborate and participate in the negotiation and management of research, technical assistance, advisory and patent licensing contracts between their research groups and companies.


Services to the university community

Article 207. Guidance, Information and Employment Centre (COIE).

The Center for Guidance, Information and Employment of the UNED (COIE) is the service that provides support and support to the university community for both the adaptation and academic integration of students and for integration and professional promotion. The governing bodies of the University will ensure the coordination of the COIE with the Associated Centers. The governing bodies of the University will ensure, in collaboration with the Associated Centers, the proper functioning and coordination of the COIE in each and every one of the centers that make up the network of the UNED.

Article 208. Internal newsletter for information coordination (BICI).

The internal newsletter for information coordination (BICI) is the official means of dissemination of the provisions, acts, calls and notices of the UNED which, by virtue of the principles of transparency and publicity, must be known by the university community.

Article 209. University Center for Remote Languages (CUID).

The university of remote languages (CUID) will be responsible for the activities aimed at completing the training of the university community in the knowledge of foreign languages and Spanish languages. Officers.

Article 210. Promotion of cultural activities.

UNED will encourage the development of cultural activities in the various fields of arts, letters and sciences. They will be oriented preferably towards those that are particularly relevant in the field of distance learning and will coordinate their implementation in the Associated Centers.

Article 211. Promotion of sport; international cooperation and solidarity.

The UNED will promote sports activities and facilitate their practice to members of the university community, to ensure their national and international projection, and will articulate formulas to make sports studies compatible with the international community. high level with its sporting activities, in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations.

UNED will encourage the participation of members of the university community in activities and projects of international cooperation and solidarity. It will also encourage the implementation of activities and initiatives that contribute to the promotion of the culture of peace, sustainable development and respect for the environment, as essential elements for solidarity progress.

The UNED will arbitrate the means necessary to strengthen its commitment to intellectual reflection, the creation and dissemination of culture. It will specifically promote the approach of humanistic and scientific cultures and strive to pass on knowledge to society through the dissemination of science.


UNED Inspection Service

Article 212. Inspection Service.

1. The UNED will have an Inspection Service to contribute to the best functioning of all its services and to assume the instruction of all disciplinary files and for the overall monitoring and control of academic discipline.

2. The vowels of the Inspection Service shall be appointed by the Rector, heard by the Governing Council, among the members of the Teaching and Investigator Staff and Personnel of Administration and Services who have the status of an official. for a period of two years, which may be renewed.

3. The Rector shall appoint among the members the Director of the Inspection Service, with a category of Vice-Rector, who will depend directly on the Rector.

4. The Governing Council shall adopt a Regulation on the functioning of the Service.

5. For the performance of its duties, the Inspection Service shall receive the necessary legal and administrative support.


Economic and financial regime


General provisions

Article 213. Economic and financial autonomy.

UNED has economic and financial autonomy and, to this end, must have sufficient resources for the performance of the functions it has attributed, in the terms established in the Organic Law of Universities.

Article 214. Heritage.

1. It constitutes the patrimony of the UNED the set of its assets, rights and obligations, which will be governed by the provisions of the Organic Law of Universities, and in Law 33/2003, of 3 November, of the Heritage of Public Administrations.

2. The UNED shall assume the ownership of the public domain assets that are affected by the performance of its functions, as well as those that are destined for other public administrations in the future.

3. The administration and disposal of public domain goods, as well as property assets, shall comply with the general rules governing this matter.

4. The Governing Council is responsible for the management of public domain assets and property assets. Acts of disposal of immovable property and furniture of extraordinary value shall be agreed by the Governing Council with the approval of the Social Council in accordance with applicable law.

5. The Manager shall promote and process the registration and registration records that are accurate, as well as to issue the certificates in the assets.

6. All the goods and rights that make up the University's heritage must be inventoried.

7. It is up to the Manager to draw up the inventory and establish the appropriate system for updating it; to this end, it will collect the precise data from all the centers, organs and services of the UNED.

Article 215. Benefits.

The UNED will enjoy the benefits that the legislation attributed to the benefit-teachers. The goods affected to the fulfilment of the purposes of the UNED, the acts that are carried out for the immediate development of such ends and their yields will enjoy tax benefits in accordance with the provisions of article 80.4 of the Organic Law of Universities.


Programming and budgeting

Section 1. MFF programming

Article 216. Multi-annual programming.

The University will develop a multi-annual programming that will comprise the economic assessment of the plan of activities to be carried out over a four-year period and will be updated annually.

Article 217. Development and approval of multi-annual programming.

1. The multiannual programming shall be carried out by the Manager in accordance with the criteria to be identified by the Governing Council.

2. Drawn up the preliminary draft multiannual programming, the Rector shall submit it to the Governing Council for approval.

3. The draft multiannual programming approved by the Governing Council, of which information will be given to the cloistals, will be forwarded to the Social Council for knowledge and approval.

Article 218. Conventions and program contracts.

The approval of the multi-annual programming empowers the Rector to formalize the agreements and contracts-program aimed at its fulfillment, which must be taken into account by the Governing Council and the Social Council.

Section 2. Budget: Revenue and expenses

Article 219. Budget.

The budget will be public, annual, unique and balanced. It shall contain in detail all the revenue and expenditure of the University during its lifetime.

Article 220. Revenue.

1. The budget of the UNED will contain in the income statement:

(a) Transfers for current and capital expenditures fixed annually by the State, as well as those from government and government grants.

b) Revenue from public prices for academic services and other rights that are legally established. Compensation shall also be entered in respect of the amounts resulting from the exemptions and bonuses that are legally available in the field of public prices and other rights.

c) Income from own lessons, specialization courses, open tuition and other analogues.

(d) The income from the sale of goods and services, as well as the income from their assets and their economic activity.

e) All income derived from the contracts provided for in Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities, and other similar agreements.

f) Grants, inheritances, legacies, and donations that they receive from any entity, public or private.

g) Revenue from concerted credit operations, subject to prior authorization by the Government, for the necessary fulfilment of its purposes.

h) Cash balances and any other income.

2. The UNED shall urge the various public administrations and public authorities to return the exemptions and bonuses that are legally applicable.

Article 221. Expenses.

1. The budget of the UNED shall contain in the statement of expenditure:

a) All staff remuneration.

b) Current expenditure on goods and services.

(c) Current and capital transfers, grants and aid, which are intended to operate the Associated Centers, or to stimulate the study and research of students and scholars.

d) The necessary for the realization and conservation of works and installations, their equipment, as well as the laboratories and the acquisition of scientific material.

(e) The amounts necessary for the repayment of financial liabilities payable in the financial year, as well as the amount of other debts and liabilities.

2. The state of expenditure shall be accompanied by the employment relationship of the staff of the UNED by specifying all of its costs.

Article 222. Preparation and approval of the budget.

The procedure for preparing and approving the budget will be as follows:

(a) The Manager shall draw up a preliminary draft budget, in accordance with the criteria to be identified by the Governing Council. To this end, you must have the information provided in time and form by the Faculties, Schools, Departments, University Institutes of Research, services and other Centers about your needs.

(b) The Rector shall submit the preliminary draft for approval to the Governing Council.

(c) The draft budget approved by the Governing Council shall be forwarded to the Social Council for its knowledge and approval.

(d) Where the budget is not approved before the beginning of the financial year, the budget for the previous year shall be extended.

Article 223. Credit transfers and other budgetary changes.

1. Credit transfers between the various concepts of the chapters of current or capital operations, as well as of current expenditure on capital expenditure, shall be authorised by the Rector if they do not exceed five per cent of the appropriations the total of the chapter concerned or by the Governing Council when they exceed that percentage but do not exceed 15%.

2. The remaining budgetary changes will be approved by the Rector or the Governing Council according to the same percentages in the previous paragraph.

3. These percentages shall be applied cumulatively with the modifications made during the financial year.

4. Where the amendments exceed the percentages indicated, either once or cumulatively, or in the case of transfers of capital expenditure appropriations to current expenditure, they shall be authorised by the Social Council on a proposal from the Council of Government.

Section 3. Budget structure and budget implementation rules

Article 224. Structure.

The structure of the University's budget, its accounting information system and the documents that comprise the annual accounts will be adapted to the rules that are generally established for the public sector. state.

Article 225. Development and execution.

The rules of the budgetary procedure, which will cover all the procedures for each stage of implementation, will be reviewed annually together with the budget's implementation bases and will collect the ones to be followed in the various stages. expenditure centres, as well as the procedures for the use and management of available appropriations and their justification when they are carried out through the system of provision of funds.


Control and Audit

Section 1. Accounting System

Article 226. Principles of internal control.

For the purposes of ensuring internal control of investments, expenditures and revenues, the UNED will organize its accounts in accordance with the principles of budgetary, patrimonial and analytical accounting, in accordance with the principles of accounting officers applicable to entities in the public sector that are subject to the General Public Accounting Plan.

Article 227. Budget settlement.

At the end of each financial year, the Manager shall prepare the settlement of the budget and the other documents constituting the annual accounts to be approved by the Social Council, on a proposal from the Governing Council.

Article 228. Annual accounts.

The annual accounts will be adapted to the rules that, in general, are established for the state public sector. They shall be formed in accordance with the accounting principles and standards set out in the General Public Accounting Plan.

Article 229. Account plan and accounting organization.

Within the scope of internal management, the Manager will propose to the Governing Council, for approval, the account plan and the accounting organization of the University. Each unit of expenditure shall bear its own simplified accounting, in accordance with the principles and criteria laid down in general in the University for its internal management.

Article 230. Report to the University Cloister.

The Rector, in its annual report to the University Claustro, will include detailed information on the settlement of the previous financial year and the rest of the annual accounts. It shall also include the report carried out by the internal control administrative unit. The annual report shall be made public in advance of the call for the university's Cloister.

Article 231. Other reports.

Those responsible for the decentralized spending centers will inform the respective collegiate bodies about the management of the resources assigned to them.

Section 2. Internal Control and External Control

Article 232. Internal control of expenses and revenue.

The University will ensure internal control of its expenses and revenues in accordance with the principles of speed, legality, effectiveness and efficiency.

Article 233. Asset protection plan.

The internal control administrative unit of the UNED shall establish annually an organizational plan and procedures to ensure the protection of the University's assets and the fidelity of the accounting records.

Article 234. Internal control administrative unit.

The person responsible for the internal control administrative unit, in accordance with the internal audit rules or those other than, where appropriate, considered appropriate for the purpose proposed, shall annually raise the work plan and the Report on the outcome of the checks carried out; both documents shall be reported to the Governing Council. The person responsible shall carry out his duties under the authority of the Rector, who shall appoint the Social Council.

Article 235. Accountability.

The UNED, as an institution of public law that is part of the state public sector, is obliged to report its activity to the Court of Auditors through the General Intervention of the State Administration.

Article 236. Storyteller.

The Rector will be a storyteller, as a holder and a representative of the University, of how many states and accounts must surrender.

Article 237. Control of the General Intervention of the State Administration.

The UNED is subject to the control of its economic and financial management by the General Intervention of the State Administration, which will exercise it in accordance with the provisions of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget. The reports issued by the General Intervention of the State Administration in the exercise of that control function shall be forwarded by the Rector to the Governing Council and to the Social Council.


Hiring goods and services

Article 238. Authorization and ordering of expenses and payments.

The authorisation and management of the expenditure and the planning and implementation of the payments correspond to the Rector, who is also entitled to conclude on behalf and representation of the UNED the contracts in which the University, subject to the provisions of Law 30/2007, of October 30, of Public Sector Contracts.

Article 239. Approval of documents.

It is for the Rector to approve the specifications of particular administrative clauses which should serve as a basis for each contract and also the approval of the technical specifications which will eventually be incorporate.

Article 240. Express information of certain contracts.

The budget execution report accompanying the annual accounts will include express contract information:

(a) that they have an execution period of more than one year or that they commit future budgetary exercise credits.

(b) The purpose of the acquisition of goods and services, where negotiated procedures are used without advertising, at a level exceeding that which is determined each year in the budget implementation bases.

(c) For the purpose of the specific purpose of the leasing of immovable property the amount of which is equal to or greater than five per cent of the budget of Chapter II of the University, as well as those relating to banking and which are of general character.

Article 241. Log book.

Management will take a book of record and follow up on the contracts that the University holds.

Article 242. Control of the legality of the concessionary companies.

The University will ensure that those companies that provide services in the concession regime and, as far as the services provided in the UNED are concerned, comply with the current legal regulations.


Creating foundations and other instrumental entities

Article 243. Power of creation of instrumental entities.

The University, in the interest of the general interests and for the development and dissemination of its purposes, may create, within the framework of Article 84 of the Law of Universities, by itself or in collaboration with other entities, companies, foundations or other legal persons, in accordance with applicable general law, after approval by the Social Council on a proposal from the Governing Council.

Article 244. Requirements for the constitution of instrumental entities.

1. The founding endowment or the contribution to the social capital and the resources allocated to these instrumental entities shall be subject to Law 50/2002 of 26 December of Foundations and the general rules applicable and shall be entered specifically in the University's budget.

2. No more than a public domain property of the University may be provided, the duration and return of which shall be laid down in the agreement of transfer.

Article 245. Minimum content of agreements and contracts signed by the UNED.

1. The content of rights and obligations for entities and the University shall be expressly regulated in all conventions and contracts, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable general law.

2. Such agreements and contracts shall establish the participation of the UNED in the governing and management bodies, as well as the destination of the income and income obtained. The allocation or transfer of material resources shall be made in accordance with the applicable general law.

Article 246. Extinction of instrumental entities.

When it is not possible to carry out the objectives and objectives foreseen in its creation, the property and rights belonging to the instrumental entities will revert to the University in proportion to their participation in them.


The legal and electoral regime


Legal regime

Article 247. Legal regime.

1. The UNED, as public administration, enjoys the powers and prerogatives recognized in the legal system, without other limits than those expressly established in law and, in any case, the following:

(a) The power of organization and regulation of its activity and operation.

b) The presumption of legitimacy and enforceability, if any, of their acts.

c) Inembargability of your goods and rights.

d) The power to review their acts and agreements on their own.

e) Tax exemptions and tax benefits, as well as the exemption from providing all kinds of guarantees and guarantees to public bodies and courts.

(f) The prerogatives that are recognized by public administrations in the current legislation on administrative procurement.

2. Its collegiate bodies shall be subject to the arrangements laid down in these statutes, their regulations and other implementing rules, as well as in the other applicable general rules and, in particular, in Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992. Legal of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

3. The provisions and acts of the organs of the UNED shall be adopted and applied in accordance with these statutes and the rest of the applicable rules, in exercise of the fundamental right of university autonomy, with respect to the principle of hierarchy rules.

The resolutions of the Rector and the agreements of the Social Council, the Council of Government and the University Claustro deplete the administrative route and will be directly impugable before the judicial-administrative jurisdiction, (a) the provisions of Law 30/92 of 26 November of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.


Electoral regime. General provisions

Article 248. Participation.

In the organs of government and representation of the UNED will guarantee the participation of the different sectors of the university community, in the terms that establish the Organic Law of Universities, and these statutes.

Article 249. Active and passive suffrage.

1. In all electoral processes, the teaching and research staff, students and staff of administration and services who, on the date of the call of the respective elections, will have the relevant choice will be electors and eligible. linking with the University or, where appropriate, with the Associated Centers. The vote may be submitted in person or by telematic vote in accordance with the Electoral Regulation.

2. They shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate, where appropriate, all students who are enrolled in official teaching, as well as students in the course of direct access to the University.

3. No teacher shall be entitled to vote or stand as a candidate in elections to the governing body of a Faculty or School while the term of office of the equivalent governing body of another Faculty or School in whose elections is held is in force. participated.

Article 250. Call for elections.

It is up to the Rector to call the elections to be held at the University, on its own initiative or on a proposal from the various governing bodies or representatives, within the time limits set by these statutes.

Article 251. Census and polling stations.

Corresponds to the Secretary General:

(a) The elaboration and updating of the various electoral censuses of the University, for which it will count on the collaboration of the other university bodies and, in particular, of the Secretaries of the Faculties, Schools, University Institutes of Research, Departments and Associated Centers.

b) The publication of the updated census on the occasion of the elections which, after the timely period of complaints, will be definitively approved by the Central Electoral Board or, by delegation, by the committees election of university centres.

c) The organization of the electoral tables of the various sectors that may delegate, where appropriate, in the Secretaries of the Faculties and Schools, as well as in the Secretaries of the Associated Centers.

Article 252. Electoral regulations.

1. The Governing Council shall draw up an electoral regulation which will necessarily contain general regulation on the various electoral censuses, periods of complaint, duration of the campaigns, challenges and other aspects relating to the process. election.

2. Without prejudice to the above, the regulations governing the internal rules of the various university institutions, as well as the regulations for the representation of students, the representation of tutors and the representation of staff of the administration and services of Associated Centers, shall set the specific conditions of the elections in their field.


Election Administration

Article 253. Election administration.

1. The electoral administration of the University is intended to ensure, in the terms of the general legislation and these statutes, the transparency and objectivity of the electoral process and the principle of equality.

2. The electoral administration of the UNED is made up of the Central Electoral Board of the University, the electoral commissions of the center and the electoral tables, which will supervise the development and resolve the incidents of the corresponding processes. election in the field of their competence.

Article 254. Central Electoral Board.

1. The Central Electoral Board of the University will be chaired by the longest-serving professor at the UNED, and will act as secretary-general of the University, and as a vocal, a member of each of the University community appointed by lot.

2. It is for the Board of the Claustro to draw up the public drawing of the vowels and their respective alternates, whose term of office shall be four years. The students ' mandate shall be in accordance with Article 258.

3. With the same criteria, the rules governing the internal rules of the various centres will regulate the constitution of electoral commissions.

Article 255. Functions of the Central Electoral Board.

1. They are the functions of the Central Electoral Board of the University:

a) Approve the various electoral censuses.

b) Ensure that the elections to the university and the elections to Rector are conducted with the legal and statutory guarantees.

c) Monitor the elections to the Governing Council and the other governing bodies of the University.

d) To resolve the queries, resources and complaints that arise in relation to the electoral processes, without this leading to a standstill and without affecting the remaining actions outside the complaint.

e) Proclaim the results of the electoral processes.

f) Any other that assigns you the current legislation and these statutes.

2. The Central Electoral Board may delegate the above functions to the electoral commission relevant to the electoral processes in its field of competence.


Elections to collegiate bodies

Article 256. Elections of the collegiate bodies.

1. The election of the representatives of the various sectors of the university community in the University of the University, Faculty or School Boards and Councils of the Department will be carried out by universal suffrage, free, equal, direct and secret, and they must provide for the balanced presence of women and men in the terms laid down in the Statute. The same criteria will apply in the choice of the Clauses of the Associated Centers.

2. The election of the representatives in the Governing Council of the University shall be held within the university or the relevant body of representation.

Article 257. Voting system.

1. In the elections to all the collegiate bodies, which shall be carried out by the open list system in each electoral constituency, all the voters who appear on the census may be candidates.

2. The vote may be submitted in person or by telematic vote. Whenever more than one candidate is chosen, each voter may give his or her vote, at most, to a number of candidates equal to two-thirds of the total of the eligible candidates, rounded up, where appropriate, to the nearest integer, without prejudice to of raising this proportion in the light of electoral constituencies.

3. Where the number of representatives to choose permits, electoral constituencies may be established provided that proximity and proportionality are ensured.

Article 258. Periodicity of the elections.

All elections to the collegiate bodies will be held every four years, except those of the student representatives that will take place every two years, with the exception of the course of direct access to the University, which will be each year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that there are not enough substitutes, partial elections shall be held to cover the vacancies produced.

Article 259. Alternates.

1. When an elected member of a collegiate body ceases to belong to it, he/she shall be replaced by his/her alternate until the end of the period for which he was elected.

2. The order of supply between two electoral processes, within each sector of the electoral body, will be determined by the largest number of votes obtained by the candidates in the immediately preceding elections.


Elections to Rector

Article 260. Pick of the Rector.

The Rector will be elected by the university community, by direct election and universal, free and secret suffrage, among professors of active University who will serve in the UNED.

Article 261. Guarantees.

The Central Electoral Board, the General Secretariat and the Secretariats of the various centers will ensure the proper development of the electoral process to assure the voters of the right to vote, and to the candidates, the necessary equality, objectivity and the right to establish an electoral intervention system.

Article 262. Equality of candidates.

The Central Electoral Board shall establish the material and economic conditions to ensure the equality of candidates in the development of the electoral process.

Article 263. Weighting of vote.

1. The vote for the Rector's election will be weighted by sectors of the university community, according to the following percentages:

A) Headquarters:

a) Doctors with permanent ties to UNED, 58 percent.

b) Rest of the teaching and research staff: 7 ' 5 percent.

c) Management and Services Staff members: 7.5 percent.

B) Associated Centers:

a) Teachers Tutors: 5 percent.

b) Administration and Services Personnel: 2 percent.

c) Students: 20 percent.

2. For the purposes of Article 20.3 of the Organic Law of Universities, the number of votes obtained by each candidate, from each of the sectors listed, shall be multiplied by a coefficient equal to the ratio of the respective percentage divided by the number of votes validly cast in the sector concerned.

3. The candidate who achieves the proportional support of more than 50 percent of the votes weighted to valid candidates will be proclaimed in the first round. If no candidate reaches it, a second vote shall be taken only to be attended by the two most supported candidates on the first ballot, taking into account the above weightings. In the second round, the candidate who obtains the simple majority of weighted votes will be proclaimed.

4. In the case of a single application, Rector shall be proclaimed if he obtains the proportional support of more than half of the votes validly cast, once the corresponding weightings have been applied and applied. In the event of not having reached 50 percent of the weighted votes, a new electoral process will begin.

Article 264. Extraordinary call for elections.

With extraordinary character, the elections to Rector can be called by the university's Cloister, at the initiative of a third of its members and with the approval of two-thirds. The approval will lead to the dissolution of the university cloister and the cessation of the Rector, which will continue in office until the inauguration of the new Rector. The electoral process shall be governed by the rules laid down in the previous Title of these Statutes.


Reform of the Statutes

Article 265. Initiative.

1. The initiative for the total or partial reform of these statutes corresponds to:

a) Governing Council.

b) University cloister, on the proposal of the fourth part of its members.

2. The initiative will be presented to the University of the University and will be accompanied by the motivation of the reform and the proposed text.

3. The plenary session of the university, convened in an extraordinary session, will decide, by a simple majority, on the taking into account of the reform initiative presented and will agree, if necessary, on the election of the committee set out in the article. next.

4. The Permanent DiputaciĆ³n del Claustro Universitario will have the initiative of adapting the statutes in the event that legal norms are enacted that imply the obligation of its text. Your proposals must be approved by the university's Cloister under the conditions laid down in your regulations.

Article 266. Implementation of the reform initiative by the Clastral Commission.

1. Once the reform of the reform initiative has been approved, the University Claustrut will elect a commission for its study of a representation of the Cloister which will be regulated, respecting the proportionality of the Cloister as well as the representation of all collectives. Members shall be the Rector, who shall act as President, either by Vice-Chancellor or by delegation, and by the Secretary-General, who shall also be the President of the Commission.

2. A deadline for the submission of amendments to the proposed text will also be opened by the clostrals.

3. The Commission will draw up an opinion on the initiative and the amendments tabled, which will serve as a basis for the discussion of the reform in the university's plenary session.

4. The reform of the statutes must be approved by an absolute majority of the members of the university, called for this purpose in extraordinary session.

5. Approved the reform of the statutes by the university cloister, will be raised to the competent administration for approval and publication.

Additional disposition first. Higher Center for Virtual Teaching.

In accordance with the additional provision of the Organic Law of Universities, the Higher Center for Virtual Teaching, as a center specifically dedicated to this modality of teaching in the various cycles of university studies, will be part of the academic structure of the UNED. It is up to the Government to create and establish the particular forecasts, and to the Governing Council of the University of its development.

Additional provision second. Major Colleges and University Residences.

1. The UNED may create, by itself or at the initiative of other public or private entities, major colleges and university residences.

2. The higher schools will provide residency to the members of the university community, promote the integral formation of those who reside in them and project their activity in the service of the community. The statutes of each school, which shall be approved by the Governing Council on a proposal from the collegial Council, shall determine the composition, powers and functioning of the collective bodies.

3. University residences may be set up as own services of the UNED or adopt any of the instrumental legal forms provided for in these statutes.

Additional provision third. Commitment to equality.

In line with the principles of equality that the current Organic Law of Universities has, all the governing bodies of the National University of Distance Education will be able to count on a balanced presence of men and women in all their organs and commissions.

Additional provision fourth. Equality Unit.

The University will count on its organizational structures with equal units for the development of the functions related to the principle of equality of men and women.

Additional provision fifth. Assessment of other merits in selection processes.

1. In the event that those who request to take part in the selection processes referred to in Article 169 are or have been teachers engaged in administrative arrangements at the UNED, it will be particularly valuable, in addition to the teaching and research, as specific merits:

a) Antiquity at UNED, which will be computed for years of services provided.

b) Report issued by the Department on which it has provided services and related to the work carried out.

c) Report of the General Secretariat or competent Vicerrectorate concerning participation in the courts for face-to-face testing.

d) Services provided to the University in management positions.

e) Experience, knowledge and research in teaching methodology and distance learning.

To this end, the elaboration of a memory or the conduct of interviews that must be specified in the call of the contest may be requested.

2. The score by the concepts set out in the previous paragraph may not exceed 51 percent of the total maximum score previously set, and may never be less than 30 percent.