Key Benefits:
By the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure, approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979, of 4 April, all aspects were regulated to take into account in relation to the design, manufacture, repair, modification and inspections periodic of the apparatus under pressure.
The European Economic Community and subsequently the European Union have come to issue implementing directives on certain pressure equipment or apparatus which have amended the Regulation on the Regulations to Pressure adopted in 1979. Royal Decree 473/1988 of 30 March 1988 transposed Directive 76 /767/EEC on pressure equipment, Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October 1991 and Royal Decree 2486/1994 of 23 December 1994, Directives 87 /404/EEC, 90 /488/EEC and 93 /465/EEC on simple pressure vessels; Royal Decree 2549/1994 of 29 December 1994, Directives 75 /324/EEC and 94 /11/EEC on aerosol dispensers; Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999, Directive 97 /23/EC on pressure equipment, establishing new criteria for the design, manufacture and assessment of conformity and the Real Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001, together with Order CTE/2723/2002 of 28 October and Royal Decree 2097/2004 of 22 October 2004, Directives 1999 /36/EC, 2001 /2/EC and 2002 /50/EC on transportable pressure equipment.
On the other hand, at present, taking into account the experience gained with the implementation of all these regulations, it seems necessary to address the updating and revision of the regulation of pressure equipment.
The time since the publication of the said Regulation of the Apparatus to Pressure, the experience acquired in its application and the new criteria established by the transpositions of the directives, make it necessary update and revise the requirements of that Regulation.
By this royal decree a new regulation is approved laying down the requirements for the installation, commissioning, periodic inspections, repairs and modifications of the pressure equipment, with maximum permissible pressure exceeding 0,5 bar, with the understanding of devices, pressure equipment, assemblies, pipes, simple pressure vessels or transportable pressure vessels. In addition, additional technical instructions for certain equipment or installations are approved. Foreign natural persons who may be directly or indirectly involved in the content of this royal decree must comply with the regulations in force on immigration and immigration, and in particular on development and exercise of business, employment, economic or professional activities.
The regulation now adopted complements the legislation on pressure equipment provided for in Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, which provides for the application of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the European Parliament. Council, 97 /23/EC, relating to pressure equipment and amending Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April 1979, which approved the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure. The aforementioned royal decree only regulates the requirements for the design, manufacture and certification of the conformity of the pressure equipment.
In the project phase, this royal decree has been submitted to the hearing procedure prescribed in article 24.1.c) of Law 50/1997 of 27 November, of the Government and the autonomous communities have been consulted. It has also been subject to the procedure for information on technical standards and regulations and regulations relating to the information society, which is regulated by Royal Decree 1337/1999 of 31 July, for the purpose of complying with the Directive 98 /34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June, as amended by Directive 98 /48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July. He has also reported favourably on the royal decree of the Industrial Security Coordination Council.
This provision is dictated by the provisions of Article 149.1.13. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State the competence to determine the bases and coordination of the general planning of the activity. without prejudice to the powers of the autonomous communities in the field of industry.
In this respect, it should be noted that the regulation adopted is of a basic regulation and contains forecasts of a purely and markedly technical nature, and therefore the law is not an appropriate instrument for its establishment and its approval is justified by royal decree.
In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on December 12, 2008,
Single item. Approval of the Pressure Equipment Regulation and the accompanying Technical Instructions EP-1 to EP-6.
1. The Pressure Equipment Regulation, which is inserted below, is approved.
2. Also approved are the complementary technical instructions ITC EP-1 on boilers, ITC EP-2 on power plants, ITC EP-3 on refineries and petrochemical plants, ITC EP-4 on cryogenic deposits, ITC EP-5 on bottles of self-contained respiratory equipment and the JTI EP-6 on transportable pressure vessels, which are inserted after that Regulation.
3. The requirements of this Regulation and its accompanying Technical Instructions (JTIs) shall apply without prejudice to the provisions laid down in the rules on the prevention of occupational risks.
Additional disposition first. Existing pressure equipment.
1. Pressure equipment not subject to the provisions of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council, 97 /23/EC, on pressure equipment and amending Royal Decree 1244/1979, of 4 April, which approved the current Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure.
(a) Pressure equipment (pressure equipment, simple pressure vessels, pressure equipment, assemblies, pipes and transportable pressure vessels which are permanently used in fixed installations) with Maximum permissible pressure exceeding 0,5 bar, the installation and commissioning of which would have been carried out prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, shall continue to be governed by the technical requirements applicable to them in the the time of their putting into service.
However, for the purposes of applying the requirements of the Regulation on pressure equipment, these equipment shall be treated as categories I to IV as referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999, of 7 May, or to the teams and/or assemblies referred to in Article 3.3 of that royal decree.
(b) periodic inspections of equipment under pressure under the heading "a" which are assimilated to categories I to IV shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Regulation on pressure equipment and, where appropriate, the corresponding ITC.
For these purposes, the periodic inspection plate as indicated in Annex II to the Pressure Equipment Regulation shall be placed, considering as the starting date for accounting the time limits:
Level A and B inspections: the entry into force of this royal decree.
Level C Inspections:
In the event that a periodic hydrostatic test has been carried out, the test shall be carried out when the time limit for the last periodic inspection corresponds to it. The following shall be carried out in accordance with the deadlines set out in Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
If no periodic hydrostatic testing has been carried out, the new time limits set out in Annex III to the Regulation of pressure equipment counted from the date of manufacture or installation shall be met.
The hydrostatic test pressure to which the C-level inspections are to be carried out shall be the one for which it applies in accordance with the conditions under which they were manufactured and the rules of procedure applicable to them. application at the time of its commissioning.
c) Pressure equipment, which, by application of paragraph (a), is assimilated to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 or which is in the field of application of the actual decrees referred to in Article 1.3.6 of the royal decree referred to above, they shall be treated as category I, they shall comply with the obligations laid down in Article 9 of the Regulation on pressure equipment. They shall not be subject to the periodic inspections referred to in the rules applicable to them at the time of their installation.
(d) For pressure equipment not previously affected by Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April 1979, which approved the current Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure or any of its JTIs, which by application of the previous heading (a) In the case of any of the categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 and must be subject to periodic inspections, they shall be regarded as the starting date for the entry into force of the entry deadlines. in force of the present royal decree.
e) The installation and putting into service by change of location of the equipment under pressure under heading (a) which are assimilated to categories I to IV of Royal Decree 769/1999, of 7 May, shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of the Regulation on pressure equipment and, where applicable, the relevant ITC.
(f) The repair of the pressure equipment under heading (a) which is assimilated to categories I to IV as referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Article 7 of the Regulation on pressure equipment and, where appropriate, the relevant ITC, considering its original design and manufacturing conditions.
g) In order to significantly modify a pressure equipment under the heading "a" which is assimilated to categories I to IV as referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, the presentation shall be required, before the competent authority of the autonomous community, of a technical project signed by a competent technician and endorsed by the relevant official college, in which the calculations of mechanical strength and safety fittings are justified. adopted, together with the corresponding plans. This project shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by an approved inspection body.
Following the implementation of the amendment, a technical certificate of technical management entitled and endorsed by the relevant official college shall be issued.
In case the modification is not considered to be important in accordance with the criteria of Article 8 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation or the relevant ITC, the requirements for repairs in the Article 7 of the same Regulation.
They will not have the consideration of modifications as indicated in article 8.3 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
In any case, the new elements that are incorporated into the pressure equipment must comply with the requirements of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
(h) Pressure equipment for the purposes of the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April 1979 or in the Regulation of pressure vessels, approved by Decree 2443/1969, of 16 June 1979, August, have design, installation or stamp plates in accordance with those provisions, shall keep these plates at the entry into force of this royal decree, and must place the plate indicated in Annex II of the Regulation of equipment to pressure on the first periodic inspection to be carried out. In the latter case, the first date to be indicated on the said plate shall be that of the completion of this inspection.
i) Users of the pressure equipment under heading (a) shall comply with the requirements set out in Article 9 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. Pressure equipment complying with the requirements of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
(a) These pressure equipment shall comply with the requirements of Chapter III, IV and, where applicable, Chapter II of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
(b) These pressure equipment which has been placed in service upon the entry into force of this royal decree shall be affixed to the installation plate and periodic inspections, as specified in Annex II to the Pressure Equipment Regulation, where they carry out the corresponding periodic inspection of level B or C, as set out in Annex III to this Regulation
Additional provision second. Pressure equipment used from another Member State of the European Union or assimilated.
1. In order to be able to use the pressure equipment used, not subject to the provisions of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or to the provisions of Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October 1991, which provides for the application of the Council of the European Communities 87 /404/EEC, on simple pressure vessels, originating in a Member State of the European Union, as well as Turkey or legally manufactured in a State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Contracting Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) shall be accredited to the competent authority of the autonomous community where the following are installed:
a) Design project signed by technical entitled and endorsed by the corresponding official college.
(b) Manufacturing documentation of the pressure equipment, including the building certificate, in accordance with the applicable regulations in the State of origin.
c) Certificate of completion of a regular C-level inspection
d) Certificate of compliance of an approved control body indicating that the equipment is safe.
2. Used pressure equipment which complies with the provisions of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council, 97 /23/EC, on pressure equipment or on Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October 1991 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the Directive of the Council of the European Communities 87 /404/EEC on simple pressure vessels may be installed or used Under the terms of the pressure equipment regulation, which is approved by this royal decree, A C-level inspection must be performed in advance.
Additional provision third. Pressure equipment used from countries outside the European Union or treated as such.
Used pressure equipment from countries other than those referred to in the second provision shall, where appropriate, provide for the CE marking in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 769/1999, May 7, and for use the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Regulation shall be met.
However, the pressure equipment referred to in Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 must have a statement from the importer indicating compliance with the provisions of the Directive. This is a real decree and also that they have been designed and manufactured in accordance with the good engineering practice of a Member State of the European Union (selection of materials, welding procedures, approval of welders, etc.). to ensure the security of their use.
Additional provision fourth. Vessels excluded from previous ITC MIE AP 6.
The existing vessels excluded from the scope of the ITC MIE AP 6 of the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure, approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April 1979 on oil refineries and petrochemical plants, but by application of the JTI EP-3, which is approved by this royal decree, they must carry out periodic inspections, they may be classified as Class 5, as indicated in Article 6 of the JTI EP-3.
Additional provision fifth. Legal regime applicable to aerosol dispensers.
The aerosol dispensers will continue to be governed by the provisions of the Supplementary Technical Instruction MIE AP 3 of the Regulations of Apparatus to Pressure, in the wording given by Royal Decree 2549/1994 of 29 December.
First transient disposition. Control bodies authorized prior to the entry into force of this royal decree.
The control bodies authorized in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of Apparatus to Pressure, approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979, of 4 April, may continue to develop the activities for which they are authorized within eighteen months, from the date of entry into force of this royal decree.
After that period, those bodies must be accredited and authorised in accordance with the new rules adopted by this royal decree and, where appropriate, their implementing rules.
Second transient disposition. Facilities at the processing stage.
The processing facilities, provided that the corresponding installation project has been endorsed prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, may be put into service in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure, approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979, of 4 April and its accompanying technical instructions (ITC) of development.
Transitional provision third. Gas supply companies or bottle manufacturers.
Companies authorised to carry out tests and inspections of bottles in application of the JTI AP-7 may continue with such activity, and where appropriate, with the reloading thereof, and must be adapted to the requirements of the ITC EP 6 within one year from the entry into force of this royal decree.
Transitional disposition fourth. Industrial operator meat of boilers.
1. The meat of an industrial operator of boilers complying with the conditions laid down in the previous Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure, approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April 1979 and issued prior to the entry into force of the Regulation adopted by this royal decree, will continue to be valid.
2. Establishments with boiler installations which, by the previous ITC MIE AP-1 do not require meat of industrial boilers and for which the present ITC EP1 of the Regulation on pressure equipment is required, shall have a period of three years to accredit the training of the installation's operating personnel.
To these effects, operators with proven experience in the management of boilers in the two years prior to the entry into force of this royal decree will be able to obtain the meat, after overcoming a training course, by entities authorised by the competent authority of the Autonomous Community of a minimum duration of 20 hours. In addition, they shall comply with the conditions laid down in Article 13.3 of the JTI EP1.
Transient disposition fifth. Modification of existing boiler installations.
1. Existing installations with non-EC marked boilers with a quality control file may be adapted to the requirements of the JTI EP-1 by submitting the relevant technical project to the competent authority of the autonomous community.
In the case of adaptations affecting the safety of the boiler, it must be accompanied by a favourable report from an approved inspection body.
2. Existing boilers may adapt their surveillance systems to those referred to in Article 7 of the JTI EP-1, for which a technical adjustment project, to be included in addition to the description and characteristics of the existing boilers, shall be submitted. necessary adaptations, the new operating instructions. In case the manufacturer has devices for a different type of surveillance, it will not be necessary to present an adequacy project.
Transitional disposition sixth. Use of transportable pressure vessels.
Bottles and bottles which, at the entry into force of the Regulation on pressure equipment, comply with the requirements of the ITC MIE AP 7 of the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure, approved by Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April, and have not been revalued as set out in Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March (unmarked containers (π)), they may continue to be used if they meet the conditions specified in the JTI EP-6.
Transitional disposition seventh. Colours for the identification of transportable pressure vessels.
Bottles and bottles using the colours indicated in the ITC MIE AP 7 must be adapted to those indicated in the JTI EP-6 within five years from the entry into force of this royal decree.
Transient disposition octave. Gas supply companies or bottle manufacturers.
Companies authorized to carry out tests and inspections of bottles in application of the ITC MIE AP 7 will be able to continue with this activity, and in their case, with the recharge of the same, having to adapt to the requirements required in the EP-6 ITC within one year of the entry into force of this royal decree.
Single repeal provision. Repeal of regulations.
As many provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed, they oppose the provisions of this royal decree and, in particular, Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April, approving the Regulation of Apparatus to Pressure, as well as its Technical Complementary Instructions (JTIs) of development, except for the supplementary technical instruction MIE-AP3, relating to aerosol dispensers, approved by Royal Decree 2549/1994 of 29 December.
Final disposition first. Competence title.
This royal decree is issued in accordance with the provisions of article 149.1.13. of the Spanish Constitution which attributes to the State exclusive competences on the basis and coordination of the general planning of the activity. economic.
Final disposition second. Regulatory enablement.
1. The Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade is authorised to make the necessary arrangements to ensure the proper implementation and development of this royal decree in the field of its powers.
2. The Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade is empowered to amend and update this Regulation and its accompanying Technical Instructions (JTI) in order to keep them permanently adapted to the progress of the technical and technical provisions. of international or Community law in the field.
3. The Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade is also empowered to approve, on a general and provisional basis, technical requirements relating to the technological development, in the light of technological development. installation, periodic inspections, repairs or modifications of pressure equipment not included or excluded from the scope of the Regulation on pressure equipment and its accompanying technical instructions (JTI). Such requirements shall be aimed at ensuring a level of safety at least equivalent to that laid down for equipment covered by that scope.
4. It also enables the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade to declare, by order, that rules issued by European or international standardisation bodies may be enforced, provided that they fall within the scope of the application of the pressure equipment regulation and its accompanying technical instructions (JTI).
Final disposition third. Application measures.
1. The management body of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade responsible for industrial safety shall draw up and keep up to date a technical guide for the practical application of the requirements of the Regulation on pressure equipment and its Additional technical instructions (JTI), which may provide for general clarifications.
2. The same board of directors of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade may modify, by resolution, the references to standards contained in the JTIs that are approved by this royal decree.
Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.
This royal decree will enter into force six months after its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State".
Given in Madrid, on December 12, 2008.
The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade,
General provisions
Article 1. Object and scope of application.
1. The purpose of this Regulation is to establish the safety standards and criteria for the proper use of pressure equipment in relation to the fields defined in the scope of this Regulation.
2. This Regulation applies to the installation, periodic inspection, repair and modification of pressure equipment subject to a maximum permissible pressure exceeding 0,5 bar, and in particular the following:
(a) Pressure equipment falling within the scope of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 97 /23/EC on the pressure equipment.
(b) Simple pressure vessels falling within the scope of Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October 1991 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Directive of the Council of the European Communities 87 /404/EEC, on simple pressure vessels.
(c) Transportable pressure vessels falling within the scope of Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 1999 /36/EC of 29 April 2001, on transportable pressure equipment.
d) The pipes for connection or conduction of any fluid or substance, with all of its equipment not included in paragraph 2.1 above.
e) Pressure equipment with a maximum permissible pressure exceeding 0,5 bar, excluded or not covered by the above paragraphs, shall comply with the obligations laid down in Article 9 of this Regulation.
3. Pressure equipment with specific safety regulations, in which the conditions laid down in this Regulation are expressly regulated, are excluded from this Regulation.
In any case, the networks of pipes for the supply or distribution of cold water or liquid or gaseous fuels, as well as the water networks against fires and the driving water of the power plants are excluded. Hydroelectric.
Article 2. Definitions.
1. For the purposes of this Regulation, in addition to the definitions contained in Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 in Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October and in Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001, the following shall be taken into account:
(a) "Marketing" means the placing on sale, the sale, the sale, the import, the rental, the making available or the disposal of pressure equipment or assemblies in the European Union.
(b) "pressure equipment installation company" means the person, natural or legal person, who accrediting the appropriate means, performs the facilities and assumes responsibility for the correct installation.
(c) "pressure equipment repair company" means the person, natural or legal person who, by means of the appropriate means, performs the repairs and assumes responsibility for the repairs.
(d) "Manufacturer" means the person, natural or legal, who assumes responsibility for the design and manufacture of a product for the purpose of placing it on its behalf or putting it into service.
(e) "periodic inspection", examination, recognition, testing and testing, necessary to ensure that the safety and functionality required by this Regulation are maintained.
(f) "Inspections and tests at the site of the site", any inspection prior to the putting into service or during the installation of a pressure or installation equipment.
g) "Installation" means the placement of pressure equipment that meets an operational function, including assemblies of the different elements.
h) "Modification of pressure equipment", the transformation or change of the original technical characteristics or the main function of a pressure equipment, as well as its security accessories.
i) "Modification of installations", the transformation of an existing installation by extension, reduction or replacement of pressure equipment by other different characteristics.
(j) " Authorised control body (O.C.A. )", public or private entity, with legal personality, which is constituted for the purpose of verifying compliance with the mandatory safety conditions of products and industrial installations, established by the industrial safety regulations, by means of certification, testing, inspection or audit activities and which has the authority of the Administration to carry out the tasks referred to therein Regulation, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 2200/1995, of 28 of December, for which the Regulation on the infrastructure of industrial quality and safety is adopted.
k) "Maximum permissible pressure PS" means the maximum pressure for which the equipment specified by the manufacturer is designed. This pressure is equivalent to the design pressure in the previous regulation.
l) "Pp seal pressure", the pressure to which the safety element is tarred which protects the equipment under pressure.
m) "PT test pressure", the pressure to which the pressure equipment is subjected to check its strength. It corresponds to the highest effective pressure exerted at the highest point of the apparatus during the pressure test.
n) "Pms maximum service pressure", the highest pressure, in operating conditions, which can be achieved by a pressure or installation equipment.
o) "Service may", the operation by the user of a pressure or installation equipment, for the first use or after a repair, modification or change of site.
p) "Repair" means the action of recompiling the parts under pressure from a team, which ensures the initial manufacturing and operating characteristics and conditions.
q) "Temperature", the physical magnitude of the thermal level of the fluids inside a pressure equipment, measured in degrees Celsius.
r) "Tms service maximum/minimum temperature", the highest or lowest temperature estimated can occur inside the equipment under extreme operating conditions
s) "User" means the natural or legal person who uses, under his or her responsibility, pressure equipment or installations.
2. Irrespective of the definitions referred to in this Article, the name 'shall be used in this Regulation'. Pressure equipment " to refer to any element designed and manufactured to contain pressure fluids exceeding 0,5 bar. This name includes all the elements referred to in this Regulation, such as pressure equipment, simple pressure vessels, pressure equipment, assemblies, pipes and transportable pressure equipment. Where reference is made in this Regulation to pressure equipment falling within the scope of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Directive 97 /23/EC, it shall be indicated in accordance with express.
Installing and commissioning
Article 3. General conditions.
1. The facilities shall be designed taking into account all relevant factors to ensure safety during their intended life. The design will include the appropriate security coefficients to consistently prevent all types of failures.
2. For the purposes of this Regulation, the pressure equipment referred to in Article 1 shall be assimilated to the categories referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999.
3. The installation of pressure equipment, in order to be able to carry out the activities referred to in this Regulation, must be registered in the register of the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to its registered office and, Article 13.3 of Law 21/1992, of 16 July, of Industry, is available to develop its activity in the entire state.
In order to be registered, they will have to count, with prior character, with the authorization of the aforementioned competent body for which they will accredit the availability of technical and human means, as well as the coverage of the corresponding civil liability arising from their actions. Registration must be renewed on a regular basis.
In Annex I the specific criteria and requirements for the authorisation of the pressure equipment installation companies, as well as their obligations and validity period of the registration are indicated.
The manufacturers or users of the pressure equipment may also be registered if they justify compliance with the conditions laid down for the installation companies.
4. Prior to the installation, the pressure equipment installation company shall verify the technical documentation and instructions of the equipment manufacturers.
Article 4. Installation.
1. The facilities shall require the presentation of a technical project by competent technician and endorsed by the appropriate official college, to the competent authority of the corresponding autonomous community, in accordance with the criteria indicated in Annex II to this Regulation.
However, at the lowest risk facility, in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II, the project presentation shall not be required and may be replaced by the documentation referred to in Annex II.
2. The installation of pressure equipment of categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to those categories in accordance with Article 3.2 of that royal decree, shall be carried out by undertakings Pressure equipment installers registered in the register of the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to their registered office, in accordance with the category necessary for each type of installation.
The facilities may be made by manufacturers or users if they have the technical and human resources to be determined in Annex I for the installation companies.
Facilities with pressure equipment in Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to that category under Article 3.2, may be carried out under the responsibility of the user.
In any case, appropriate criteria for sizing, choice of materials, techniques of permanent unions, training of the personnel conducting them and tests or trials should be taken into account. tests to obtain expected results for the proposed purpose.
3. The facilities of the pressure equipment shall be equipped with the appropriate protective devices and means to ensure that they are operated safely.
Pressure equipment shall be installed in conditions allowing for the subsequent performance of the maintenance and control operations provided for in the manufacturer's instructions and the carrying out of periodic inspections. referred to in Article 6 of this Regulation.
Permanent junctions to be performed on the premises must be performed with suitable welding procedures and by accredited professionals.
The discharge of safety valves or rupture discs must be evacuated safely.
4. For the purposes of this Regulation, the installation of mobile compact pressure equipment which does not require fixed elements or which are connected to other fixed pressure equipment, or those for which it is intended, shall not be taken into account for the purposes of this Regulation. operation only require electrical connection.
5. Site changes will be considered as a new installation.
Article 5. Putting into service.
1. Finalisation of works of execution or assembly, for the putting into service of installations which include pressure equipment corresponding to categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999, of 7 May, or Similar to those categories according to Article 3.2 of that royal decree, the prior accreditation of the security conditions of the installation shall be required before the competent organ of the corresponding autonomous community, by means of the presentation of the documentation set out in Annex II to this Regulation.
2. Before putting into service, the tests must be carried out at the site of the site, in order to verify its proper functioning and that it has safe conditions of use, in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II.
In the event that the pressure equipment has failed during transport or handling that may have affected the resistance of the equipment, or the checks are detected, any actual or apparent failure will be detected. tests and tests necessary to ensure their safety, before they are put into service. The tests and tests to be carried out shall be certified by an approved inspection body or by the manufacturer. If repairs are necessary, it shall be in accordance with Article 7 of this Regulation.
3. The competent authority of the autonomous community concerned may require that, on the premises which require a project in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II.1, the tests at the site of the site are supervised by a control body authorised in the application of this Regulation of pressure equipment.
4. The minimum contents of the documents required for the accreditation of the installations are set out in Annex IV.
5. The extension or modification of an installation, by incorporation or replacement of new pressure equipment, as well as changes of location of the already installed, will be subject to the same conditions as the installation of equipment. new.
In case of extensions, for the purposes of requiring the installation project indicated in Annex II.1, only the enlarged part shall be taken into account.
6. All the pressure equipment of categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to those categories according to Article 3.2 which are part of an installation, in accordance with the Article 4 criteria shall provide for the appropriate installation plate and periodic inspections as set out in Annex II.
Periodic inspections, repairs, and modifications
Article 6. Periodic inspections.
1. All the pressure equipment of categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to those categories in accordance with Article 3.2 thereof, shall be subject to periodic inspections and tests. ensure the maintenance of the technical and safety conditions necessary for its operation.
In the case of the sets included in Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, the classification of the different pressure equipment that compose it may be taken into account.
2. The inspections shall demonstrate adequate safety and resistance conditions and may provide for checks, inspections with non-destructive tests, hydrostatic tests or other replacement tests.
In case of installations, all components associated with the equipment will be contemplated.
3. The user shall provide the necessary material and human means and the preparation of the equipment or facilities for such inspections or tests to be carried out under security conditions.
4. Periodic inspections shall be carried out by a manufacturer of pressure equipment, by the manufacturer or by the user, if they provide evidence of the technical and human resources set out in Annex I for the installation undertaking, or an approved inspection body.
In any case, the approved inspection bodies may carry out the inspections entrusted to the pressure equipment installation companies.
5. Annex III to this Regulation lays down the time limits for inspection, the agents to be carried out and the levels of inspection with the scope and conditions of the inspection.
Periodic inspections shall be carried out from the date of manufacture of the pressure equipment or assemblies or from the date of the previous periodic inspection, at the latest in the month corresponding to the period indicated.
In case of not knowing the specific date of manufacture, the first periodic test shall be performed from the date of the installation certificate or, if it does not require installation, the year of the year indicated in the equipment marks.
The time limits for inspection must be considered as maximum, and must be reduced if the approved inspection body considers that the condition of the equipment requires it. In the latter case, it shall notify the competent authority of the autonomous community.
6. These periodic inspections shall be carried out in the presence of the user, the corresponding certificate being extended by duplicate, with one copy being held by the user and the other by the entity that has carried out the inspection. shall keep at the disposal of the competent authority of the autonomous community. The minimum content of the inspection certificate is given in Annex IV to this Regulation.
The competent authority of the autonomous community may require the approved inspection bodies to present the inspection certificates or information of the actions.
7. All pressure equipment to be subjected to periodic inspections shall have the appropriate plate for the purpose of recording periodic inspections as indicated in Annexes II or III to this Regulation. This plate shall record the dates for the completion of the periodic inspections of level B and C as set out in Annex III to this Regulation.
8. If deemed necessary, the competent authority of the autonomous community may require the user to carry out an approved inspection body for the checks which it considers necessary.
9. In accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation, in exceptional cases, special special conditions may be authorised by the competent authority of the autonomous community.
10. When the agent performing the inspection detects a serious and imminent risk, it shall paralyse the facility and immediately notify the competent authority of the autonomous community.
Once the deficiency is remedied, the pressure equipment or the installation may be put into service upon notification to the competent authority of the autonomous community by the agent who carried out the inspection.
Article 7. Repairs.
1. Repairs affecting the parts under pressure of the categories I to IV equipment referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to those categories in accordance with Article 3.2 thereof, shall be carried out by firms which are repairers of pressure equipment registered in the register of the competent authority of the autonomous community, and which, as provided for in Article 13.3 of Law 21/1992 of 16 July of Industry, may develop their activity at the entire state level.
In order to be registered, they will have to count, with prior character, with the authorization of the aforementioned competent body for which they will accredit the availability of technical and human means, as well as the coverage of the corresponding civil liability arising from their actions. Registration must be renewed on a regular basis.
In Annex I to this Regulation, the specific criteria and requirements for the accreditation of the repair companies, as well as their obligations and period of validity of the registration, are indicated.
However, the companies that have built such equipment, or the users who justify the fulfilment of the conditions established for the companies, may be registered for repairs. repair of pressure equipment.
2. They shall not have the consideration of repairs to the replacement of joints or the change of accessories by other of the same or higher characteristics or function.
3. Once repaired pressure equipment must continue to comply with the design characteristics defined by the manufacturer, and in the equipment with the CE marking, in addition, the essential safety requirements referred to in the Royal Decree 769/1999, dated 7 May.
4. Any pressure equipment, once repaired, shall be subjected to an inspection by an approved inspection body, which shall carry out the tests, examinations and checks it deems necessary in order to verify that the repair has not been carried out. affected to the security conditions, the corresponding certificate being issued.
5. Prior to the placing in service of a repaired pressure equipment, regular C-level inspection shall be carried out, as set out in Annex III to this Regulation.
6. Repairs to be carried out must be certified by the repairer by issuing the corresponding repair certificate, in accordance with the minimum content set out in Annex IV to this Regulation.
Article 8. Modifications.
1. Modification of a pressure equipment.
(a) The modifications of a pressure equipment of categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to those categories in accordance with Article 2 (2) thereof and their corresponding security accessories shall be made taking into account the requirements for repairs.
The modifications must be certified by the repair company of pressure equipment, by extension of the corresponding certificate of modification, according to the minimum content indicated in Annex IV of this rules.
(b) Important modifications of a pressure equipment that alter the original performance (increasing the values of PS, TS or V, or using a higher risk fluid in accordance with the requirements of the Royal) shall be considered as important modifications. Decree 769/1999 of 7 May), the function or the original type and will require a new procedure for the assessment of conformity, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned royal decree, as if it were a new apparatus
2. Modification of installations.
Facility modifications shall be carried out by appropriate category pressure equipment installers, which shall issue the appropriate certificate as set out in Annex IV to this Regulation.
It will be considered important modifications of facilities that alter the main function, replace the fluid with another of greater risk according to the Royal Decree 769/1999, of 7 May, increase the pressure, modify the temperature in such a way that it can influence the material, or replace the security elements with other elements of a different type. These modifications, as well as the extensions, will be considered as a new facility for the purposes of Chapter II of this Regulation.
3. Changes, adjustments or changes made when essentially the same contents (fluid of the same group compatible with the materials) remain essentially the same as the modification of pressure equipment or installations. main function and safety devices, or other devices provided by the manufacturer, provided that they do not involve operations on the parts under pressure such as perforations, welds affecting an important part of the thickness.
These modifications will be made under the responsibility of the user or, if applicable, the current company.
Other Provisions
Article 9. User obligations.
Users of all the pressure equipment referred to in this regulation must:
1. To know and apply the provisions and instructions of the manufacturer regarding the use, safety and maintenance measures.
2. Do not put in service the installation or prevent the operation of pressure equipment if the requirements of this Regulation are not met.
3. Have at least the following documentation of the pressure equipment as long as they are installed: Declaration of conformity, where applicable, manufacturer's instructions, and if applicable, certificate of installation, together with other documentation accreditative (if applicable, project of the installation, minutes of the last periodic inspection, certifications of repairs or modifications of the equipment, as well as any other documentation required by the corresponding technical instruction (ITC) of this Regulation).
In Annex IV to this Regulation, the minimum contents of the documents necessary for the accreditation of the installation, periodic inspections, repair or modification of the pressure equipment or of the sets.
This documentation shall be made available to the competent authority of the autonomous community and to the undertakings engaged in the maintenance, repair and periodic inspections.
4. Use the pressure equipment within the limits of the performance prescribed by the manufacturer and remove them from the service if they fail to meet the necessary safety requirements.
5. Carry out the maintenance of the installations, pressure equipment, safety fittings and control devices in accordance with the operating conditions and the manufacturer's instructions, and must be examined at least once a year.
6. Order the conduct of the periodic inspections to which they are responsible, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this Regulation.
7. To provide and keep up to date a record of the pressure equipment of categories I to IV of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to those categories in accordance with Article 3.2 thereof, as well as of the installations covered by this Regulation, except for extinguishers and equipment that do not require periodic inspections, including the dates for carrying out periodic inspections, as well as modifications or repairs.
8. Order, as appropriate, any repairs or modifications in accordance with the provisions of Articles 7 and 8 of this Regulation.
9. Report of accidents occurring in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of this Regulation.
Article 10. Complementary Technical Instructions (JTI).
Regardless of the application of the criteria of this Regulation to all pressure equipment, the Technical Additional Instructions may develop, supplement or indicate the specific conditions applicable to certain pressure equipment, in respect of their installation, commissioning, periodic inspections, repairs or modifications.
Pressure equipment which is expressly excluded from the scope of an ITC and which is not included in it, shall be excluded from compliance with this Regulation, with the exception of the above mentioned in the previous Regulation. Article 9.
Article 11. Approved control bodies (O.C.A.).
The approved control bodies must have the status of control bodies, as referred to in Chapter I, of Title III of Law 21/1992 of 16 July 1992 on Industry, developed in Chapter IV of the Regulation of the Infrastructure for Quality and Industrial Safety, approved by Royal Decree 2200/1995 of 28 December.
Article 12. Special conditions.
In exceptional and duly motivated cases, at the request of the holder, the competent authority of the autonomous community concerned may authorise special special conditions, different from those indicated in the present (a) a Regulation or its ITC, provided that they ensure an equivalent level of safety. The application must be accompanied by a favourable report from an approved inspection body, which may require additional reports and documents deemed appropriate.
In this regard, the replacement of the test fluid, the decrease in the values of the test pressures, the use of special testing techniques may be authorized for the conduct of the periodic inspections. destructive or modification of the conditions set out in Annex III to this Regulation or in the relevant ITC.
Article 13. Accidents.
Whenever an accident occurs, the user of the team must immediately give an account to the competent authority of the autonomous community, which will carry out the actions it deems appropriate to clarify the causes, and inform the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade for the purpose of compiling a statistic, giving knowledge, if necessary, to the Industrial Safety Coordination Council.
Article 14. Responsibilities.
They shall be held responsible for compliance with the provisions of this regulation which are determined for each case and are defined in Article 33 of Law 21/1992 of 16 July of Industry.
Article 15. Infringements and penalties.
The infringements of the precepts contained in this Regulation and the failure to comply with the obligations laid down in this Regulation shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Title V of Law 21/1992 of 16 July 1992. Industry.
Regardless of the above, the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities may order the cessation of a team or facility, in the event that the non-compliance that has been detected may involve a serious risk to people, flora, fauna, property or the environment.
Pressure equipment installation and repair companies
1. Registration of pressure equipment installation companies.
1.1. The installation companies referred to in Article 3 of this Regulation shall be registered with the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to their registered office.
These entries will be valid for three years, and may be renewed before their expiry. However, the competent authority of the autonomous community may have a higher time limit.
The registered companies must communicate to the competent authority of the autonomous community the modifications of the data or requirements that have been used for their registration.
1.2. The installation companies will be classified into two categories:
-EIP-1 Category: With capacity to perform installations that do not require project.
To obtain registration as an EIP-1 category installer, you must complete at least the following sections:
(a) Relation of personnel to staff for the performance of the facilities, with indication of the technical officer of the company.
b) Relation of appropriate available technical means.
(c) Accreditation of staff for the performance of permanent unions and the corresponding procedures for action. In the case of exclusively using non-permanent joint systems, a description of the non-permanent union systems shall be sufficient. In this case, the company's accreditation must include this limitation.
d) Indication of other accreditations of the company, if any (quality system, manufacturer authorizations, ...).
e) Indication of the punch mark or tenaza for the seal of safety valves.
(f) Credit cover for civil liability arising out of your actions through a civil liability policy, guarantee or other sufficient guarantee contracted with a duly authorised entity, of at least EUR 300,000 per disaster. The quantity indicated shall be updated in accordance with the annual changes in the consumer price index, from the entry into force of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
g) Statement of knowledge of such a regulation and of its accompanying technical instructions by those responsible for the company and by the staff on the premises.
h) Book or system of record of the performances (installations or inspections).
-EIP-2 Category: With capacity to perform installations with pressure equipment that require project, as well as those indicated for the EIP-1 category.
To obtain registration as an EIP-2 category installer, you must credit, in addition to what is indicated for companies of category EIP-1, the availability of technical entitled in template, which will act as the company's technical officer as well as a civil liability cover of EUR 600,000 per claim. The quantity indicated shall be updated in accordance with the annual changes in the consumer price index, from the entry into force of the Regulation.
2. Registration of pressure equipment repair companies.
The repair companies referred to in Article 7 of this Regulation shall register with the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to their registered office.
These companies must credit the paragraphs indicated in the previous point for the EIP-2 category and will be identified by the acronym ERP-2.
However, for pressure equipment of up to category I of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated to that category in accordance with Article 3.2 or the additional first provision, the the conditions set out for the companies in the EIP-1 category. These companies will be identified with the acronym ERP-1.
These entries will be valid for three years, and may be renewed before their expiry. However, the competent authority of the autonomous community may have a higher time limit.
3. Validity and effectiveness of the actions of the installation and repair companies.
The authorization of the installation or repair companies granted by any autonomous community, or by the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, will have validity and effectiveness in the entire Spanish territory.
4. Obligations. The installation and repair companies of pressure equipment are obliged to:
4.1. To have the corresponding registration in the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to its registered office.
4.2. Keep the registration requirements up to date and renew it before it expires, notifying, where appropriate, the modifications of the declared data.
4.3. If you take action in another autonomous community, notify the relevant competent body of the actions you intend to take, accompanying a certificate of registration and non-sanction.
4.4. Carry out periodic installations, repairs or inspections in accordance with this Regulation, issuing the relevant certifications.
4.5. Have the corresponding book or record in which the actions taken are recorded, indicating at least:
-Take Action Date.
-Type of action.
-Identification or features of equipment or installation.
Requirements for installation and commissioning of installations
1. Installation project.
In general, they will require installation project, the following facilities:
(a) The sum of the products of the maximum service pressure of the equipment that make up the installation in bar by the volume in litres of all the pressure equipment permanently connected in the same installation is exceeding 25,000, excluding pipes for connection of the vessels and equipment referred to in Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999.
(b) Those which may generate an increase in pressure for being subjected to the action of a flame, heat input with a danger of overheating or chemical reactions (autoclaves, reactors, ...), in which the sum of the products of the maximum service pressure in bar by the volume in litres of each of the pressure equipment connected at the same installation is greater than 10,000, excluding the connection pipes of the vessels and the equipment to which it relates Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
(c) Those containing dangerous fluids in quantities greater than those indicated below. The sum of the quantities of all the pressure equipment connected to the installation containing dangerous fluids, including those classified in Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 and excluding pipes, shall be considered. connection of the containers.
Quantity | Description | ||
Toxica | 5 | inhalation, ingestion and/or skin penetration may involve serious, acute or chronic risks, and even death | |
toxic | 0.5 | Those that can be caused by inhalation, ingestion and/or skin penetration extremely serious, acute or chronic risks, and even death | |
burden | 50 | that, in contact with other substances and, in particular, flammable substances, result in a highly exothermic | |
Inflammable | 500 | 21 ° C < inflammation temperature < 55 ° | |
Very flammable | 50 | Identified with risk R17 or with inflammation temperature < 55 ºC and remain Liquid state under pressure | |
Extremely flammable | 10 | Identified with risk R12 and liquid-state substances and preparations maintained at a temperature above their point of | |
Explosive | 1 | Identified with risk R2 or R3 |
The classification of the substances will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 363/1995 of 10 March, approving the Regulation on the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and their subsequent modifications.
(d) The pipes included in Article 1.3 of categories II and III of those referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
In these cases that require project presentation, the installation must be performed by EIP-2 category company.
Notwithstanding the above, the Technical Instructions Complementary to this Regulation may indicate different conditions for requiring the presentation of a project of installation or other documentation specifies.
2. Project content.
If installation project is required, its content will be at least the following:
a) Memory:
-Industrial activity class and use to which the pressure equipment is intended.
-Identification and characteristics of pressure equipment.
-Justification of all applicable regulatory requirements.
-Study of safety in the use of the installation (loading and unloading elements, openings and closures, discharges of safety valves or process, devices that prevent access under risk conditions, surface temperatures, decomposition or fire of contained substances, special criteria for maintenance or inspection, ...)
-Instructions in case of emergency and action procedures in case of activation or failure of the securities.
b) Budget.
c) Planes:
-Installation principle scheme with indication of all the pressure equipment and the situation of the security accessories. The main operating parameters (pressure, temperature, ...) shall be indicated.
-Installation or establishment plan, with an indication of invariable references (road, point kilometers, river, ...) and approximate scale of 1/ 10,000 to 1/50,000.
-Location plan of the installation at the site with general dimensions, location of the main equipment, and if applicable, distances to other risks.
3. Lower risk facilities.
Facilities not covered by paragraph 1 above will be considered to be of lower risk, so they will not require any installation project.
4. Putting into service.
The placing on the service of installations with pressure equipment corresponding to categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 or assimilated to those categories according to Article 3.2 shall require the submission of at least the following documentation:
(a) Certificate of technical address issued by a technician entitled and endorsed by the appropriate official college, in case of installations requiring installation project.
(b) A certificate of installation signed by both the installation of pressure equipment and its technical officer, in which it is stated that the equipment complies with this Regulation, which has the instructions for all the equipment (including those mentioned in Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999), that the required tests have been carried out, including, where appropriate, the corresponding hydrostatic test of resistance of the not tested elements and that the operation is correct.
When it is necessary to perform the hydrostatic stress test indicated in the preceding paragraph, it shall be carried out at a test pressure which shall at least be the highest value of the following two:
-The Pms pressure of the installation multiplied by 1.43, or
-The Pms pressure of the installation multiplied by a factor that takes into account the greater strength of the materials at the test temperature with respect to the Tms temperature and multiplied by 1.25.
However, in no case can the test pressure corresponding to each pressure equipment be exceeded.
On installations that require installation project, the installation certificate will be issued and signed by the technical entitled EIP-2 company and endorsed by the corresponding official school. In this case, the installation certificate may replace the technical address certificate referred to in the previous paragraph "a" if it includes the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex IV.
At lower risk facilities, the installation certificate can be performed by EIP-1 installers.
(c) Statements of conformity of the equipment under pressure or assemblies in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 or Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October 1991 and, where appropriate, of the security accessories or pressure.
In the case of transportable pressure equipment which is permanently used in a fixed installation, the installer's declaration that the pressure equipment has the marking referred to in the Royal shall be sufficient. Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Directive 1999 /36/EC of 29 April on transportable pressure equipment
In case of used equipment, the periodic inspection record of level C shall be accompanied.
If the appliances were placed on the market before the entry into force of the R.D. 769/1999 of 7 May, or of Royal Decree 1495/1991 of 11 October and without CE marking, the production certificates of agreement may be submitted with regulations in force at the time of their manufacture.
d) In case of no installation project, scheme of principle of the installation, signed by the installation company of pressure equipment, in which the main parameters of operation are indicated (pressure, temperature, ...) and a plane or sketch of the installation.
5. Installation plate and periodic inspections.
5.1. All equipment under pressure from installations which are subject to periodic inspections must be equipped with a plate made of durable materials, indicating the identification number given by the competent authority of the autonomous community, the maximum installation service pressure, the test pressure of the equipment or assembly, its category and group, as well as the dates for carrying out the inspections, the level of inspection carried out and the stamp of the entity responsible for the inspection.
The plates will be legible and will be placed in a visible place of the equipment or assembly.
The plates shall be provided by the competent authority of the autonomous community, after the presentation of the appropriate documentation of the installation or equipment indicated in the preceding paragraphs. When the equipment has board, if a change of placement occurs to another autonomous community, it will decide whether to keep it or grant it a new one.
5.2. For the pressure equipment of categories I to IV referred to in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated as referred to in Article 3.2, a permanent installation shall be used one of the following: The following board models:
Installation board model and periodic inspections
The large plate will have dimensions of 70 x 75 mm.
The small plate can be used in small-scale pressure equipment and will have dimensions of 70 x 55 mm. The following data shall be indicated in the filling of the plates:
The number granted by the competent authority of the autonomous community. | |
Date | Installation Certificate |
Pressure. service | Maximum installation service pressure |
Date | The first date shall correspond to the manufacture of the equipment under pressure or assembly. The following dates will be for the corresponding periodic level B and C |
Indication The inspection level B or C according to Annex III and the punch of the authorized control body performing the periodic inspection | |
Pressure | The pressure of the hydrostatic test of the team at pressure or set |
Category and Group | Category of the apparatus, pressure equipment, or set and fluid group, according to Royal Decree 769/1999, of 7 May |
6. Installations with equipment of a category lower than category I.
The facilities in which all the pressure equipment is of a category lower than the category I provided for in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or assimilated in accordance with the provisions laid down in that Article. Article 3.2 shall comply with Article 9 of this Regulation and shall in particular require users to have at the disposal of the competent authority of the autonomous community the documentation referred to in Article 9 (3) of this Regulation. pressure equipment regulation.
Periodic Inspections
1. Agents and periodicity of the inspections.
In addition to the checks indicated in the manufacturer's instructions, at least the level of inspections and tests indicated below shall be carried out with the periodicity and the agents indicated in the following tables. The classification of the pressure equipment is that laid down in Article 9 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
Table 1. Containers for gases and liquids included or assimilated, as referred to in Article 3.2 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999, to Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Annex II thereto.
Team Category and Fluid | ||||
I-2 and II-2 | I-1, II-1, III-2, and IV-2 | III-1 and IV-1 | ||
Level A | installationCompany | Installation company | Installation company | |
Level B | O. C. A. | O. C. A. | O. C. A. | |
Level C | Not Required | O. C. A. | O. C. A. |
Notes:-Fire extinguishers, by way of exception, will be subject exclusively to NIVEL C tests every five years by maintenance companies authorized by the Fire Protection Facilities Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 1942/1993 of 5 November and will have a useful life of twenty years from the date of manufacture.
-Fridges, as an exception, since they have no express regulation on periodic inspections of pressure equipment, will be inspected by a number of manufacturers authorized by the Regulation of Safety for Plants and Refrigeration Installations, approved by Royal Decree 3099/1977 of 8 September and does not require the carrying out of level C inspections, unless the equipment has been damaged, has been out of service for a period of more than two years, the fluid is changed to another of higher risk or has suffered a repair.
-Compressed air containers whose maximum service pressure in the bar by volume in litres is less than 5,000 may be performed by pressure equipment installers.
Table 2. Equipment subjected to the action of a flame or heat input included in Table 5 of Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May for obtaining steam or overheated water.
Categories I-II-III and IV | ||
Level A | Installation or manufacturer company | |
Level B | O. C. A. | |
Level C | O. C. A. |
Note: Pressure pots are excluded.
Table 3. Pipes included or assimilated, as referred to in Article 3.2 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999, to Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Annex II thereto.
Categories I-2 and II-2 | Category III-2 | Category I-1, II-1, and III-1 | ||
Level B | O. C. A. | O. C. A. | O. C. A. | |
Level C | Not Required | Not Required | O. C. A. |
2. Inspection levels.
The indicated inspection levels will have the following scope:
2.1. Level A: Inspection in service.
It shall consist, at least, in a check of the documentation of the pressure equipment and in a complete visual inspection of all parts under pressure, safety fittings, control devices and conditions regulations, it is not necessary to remove the heat from the equipment.
If this inspection proves that there are reasonable grounds for a deterioration of the facility, a level B inspection by an approved inspection body will be carried out below.
Level A inspections will be carried out by equipment installing companies under pressure from the category corresponding to the installation or the manufacturer or the user, if they provide evidence of the technical and human resources that are determine in Annex I for the installation companies, it is not necessary to put the equipment or facility to be inspected out of service.
2.2. Level B: Off-duty inspection.
It shall consist of at least one level A check and a visual inspection of all areas subjected to increased stress and corrosion, thickening checking, testing and testing of safety accessories. and those non-destructive tests deemed necessary. Consideration shall be given to the design criteria of those pressure equipment which may be slow-yielding, fatigue or corrosion, as indicated in paragraphs 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 of Annex I to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
In equipment or pipes that have heat-on equipment it will not be necessary to completely remove it, being sufficient to select the points that can present major problems (internal or external corrosion, erosion, ...) perform the corresponding check openings.
Level B inspections shall be carried out by the approved control bodies and the pressure or installation equipment to be inspected shall be put out of service.
In the case of pipelines, the inspection can be performed without leaving the installation out of service, if the indicated tests can be performed.
2.3. Level C: Off-duty inspection with pressure test.
It shall consist of at least one level B inspection in addition to a hydrostatic pressure test, under the same conditions and pressures as the first test, or the one indicated on the labelling in paragraph 3.3 of the Annex I to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999, or any special substitute test for it which has been expressly indicated by the manufacturer in his instructions or previously authorised by the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to the location of the equipment or installation.
3. Annotation of the inspections.
Regular inspections of level B and C carried out shall be recorded on the installation plate and periodic inspections as indicated in Annex II to this Regulation or, where appropriate, in the case of periodic inspections of paragraph 4. next.
4. Plate of periodic inspections of fire extinguishers and other equipment.
In the case of fire extinguishers, pipes and other mobile equipment of categories I to IV as provided for in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, after the first periodic inspection of level B or C If it does not exist, it will be placed on a board by the agent that performs it.
The models of the board to be used will be as follows:
a) Periodic Fire Extinguishing Plate Model
The plate may be adhesive and will have dimensions of 70 x 35 mm. The following data shall be indicated in the filling of the plates:
The manufacturing number of the extinguisher. | |
| The maximum allowable design pressure of the fire extinguisher. |
Date | The first date will correspond to the manufacture of the fire extinguisher. The following dates will be for the corresponding periodic C-level |
| N ° of enrollment in the Registration of industrial establishments of the authorized company to perform the inspections |
Pressure | The pressure of the periodic hydrostatic test. |
b) Regular inspections board model of other equipment
The plate may be adhesive and will have dimensions of 70 x 35 mm. The following data shall be indicated in the filling of the plates:
The manufacturing number of the equipment under pressure | |
In case of pipes the n ° or the internal reference of the user will be indicated. | |
Pressure | The maximum allowable pressure equipment pressure. |
In case of pipes will indicate the value of the maximum service pressure of the installation | |
Date | The first date will correspond to the manufacturing date of the team at pressure or assembly. The following dates will be for the corresponding periodic level B and C |
Level/Seal | Indication The inspection level B or C and the Agent punch that you perform the periodic inspection. |
Pressure | The test pressure Team hydrostatic pressure or assembly |
Category and group | Device category, pressure equipment or assembly and fluid group, according to Royal Decree 769/1999, of 7 May |
Documents for installation, periodic inspections, repair and modification
The documents to be used to accredit the installation, repair, modification and periodic inspections of pressure equipment shall include at least the following data:
1. Technical address certificate.
-Identification of the qualified technician, DN or NIE (in his/her defect number of passport), official college to which he belongs and number of collegiate.
-Installation location (holder, address, and R.E.I.)
-Installation technical features:
Identification of all pressure equipment, denomination, PS, V, PT and classification.
Maximum installation service pressure (Pms) and content fluid.
Seal Security and Pressure Accessories (Pp).
If applicable, other specific characteristics according to the type of equipment (TS, ...).
-That the installation was done according to the project (project identification).
-That the installation complies with the regulatory requirements, with the manufacturer's indications having been observed and tests performed at the site of the site.
-That its operation is correct.
-Identification of accompanying documentation.
-Date and signature.
-Visado of the official college to which you belong.
2. Installation certificate.
-Identification of the pressure equipment installer (name, address and identification number).
-Installation location (holder, address, and R.E.I.)
-Installation technical features:
Description of all the pressure, identification, PS, V, PT and classification equipment.
Maximum installation service pressure (Pms) and content fluid.
Seal Security and Pressure Accessories (Pp).
If applicable, other specific characteristics according to the type of equipment (TS, ...).
-That the installation complies with the regulatory requirements, the manufacturer's indications having been observed and the tests at the site of the site, which will include the appropriate test, hydrostatic.
-That all manufacturers ' instructions are available
-That its operation is correct.
-Identification of accompanying documentation.
-Date and signature.
-Identification of the technical officer of the installer who subscribes to the company's certificate and stamp.
3. Periodic inspection certificate.
-Identification of the installation company or O.C.A. that performs the inspection (name, address, and identification number).
-Installation location (holder, address, and N. R.E.I.)
-Technical characteristics of the pressure equipment:
Identification, naming, PS, V, PT, and classification.
Maximum service pressure (Pms) and content fluid.
Seal Security and Pressure Accessories (Pp).
If applicable, other specific characteristics according to the type of equipment (TS, ...).
-Inspection level.
-Description of the checks made.
-Result of the checks.
-That, if any, security conditions are maintained.
-That the pressure equipment can continue to operate, the next periodic inspection must be performed before ...........
-Date and signature.
-Identification of the technical officer of the pressure equipment installer who subscribes to the certificate or the inspector of the approved control body (O.C.A.) and the company's stamp.
4. Certificate of repair.
-Identification of the pressure equipment repair company (name, address and identification number).
-Installation location (holder, address, and R.E.I.)
-Technical characteristics of the pressure equipment:
Identification, naming, PS, V, PT, and classification.
Maximum service pressure (Pms) and content fluid.
Seal Security and Pressure Accessories (Pp).
If applicable, other specific characteristics according to the type of equipment (TS, ...).
-Description of the repair.
-The pressure equipment still maintains the design features.
-Date, name, signature of the controller, and stamp of the repair company.
-Identification of the authorized control body (O.C.A.) that has intervened.
-Description of tests, controls, and tests performed.
-The pressure equipment is safe.
-Date and signature.
-Identification of the technical officer of the repair company that subscribes to the company's certificate and stamp.
5. Certificate of modification of a pressure equipment (which does not require re-evaluation).
-Identification of the pressure equipment repair company (name, address and identification number).
-Installation location (holder, address, and R.E.I.)
-Technical characteristics of the pressure equipment:
Identification, naming, PS, V, PT, and classification.
Maximum service pressure (Pms) and content fluid.
Seal Security and Pressure Accessories (Pp).
If applicable, other specific characteristics according to the type of equipment (TS, ...).
-Description of the modification.
-Date, name, signature of the controller, and stamp of the repair company.
-Identification of the authorized control body (O.C.A.) that has intervened.
-Description of tests, controls, and tests performed.
-The pressure equipment is safe.
-Date and signature.
-Identification of the technical officer of the repair company that subscribes to the company's certificate and stamp.
6. Certificate of modification of an installation.
-Identification of the installation or repair company of pressure equipment (name, address and identification number).
-Installation location (holder, address, and R.E.I.)
-Installation technical features:
Identification and characteristics of pressure equipment.
Seal Security and Pressure Accessories (Pp).
If applicable, other specific features depending on the type of installation.
-Description of the modification.
-Date, name, signature of the controller and stamp of the installation or repair company.
-Identification of the authorized control body (O.C.A.) that has intervened.
-Description of tests, controls, and tests performed.
-That the installation is secure.
-Date and signature.
-Identification of the technical officer of the installation or repair company that subscribes to the company's certificate and stamp.
Scope and definitions
Article 1. Scope of application.
1. This Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) applies to the installation, repair and periodic inspections of boilers and their associated elements (economizers, overheating, etc.), as provided for in the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. The following boilers and their associated elements are exempted from the application of the provisions of this ITC:
(a) Integrated into electrical power generating plants included in the EP-2 ITC.
b) Integrated into refineries and petrochemical plants included in the JTI EP-3.
(c) Overheated steam and water classified in Article 3.3 and in Category I as provided for in Article 9 and Annex II to Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May 1999 on pressure equipment.
d) Hot water for industrial use with Pms x VT < 10,000 (Pms: maximum service pressure at the facility expressed in bar and VT: total volume in litres of the boiler) and those included in Royal Decree 1027/2007, 20 of July, for which the Regulation of thermal installations in buildings (RITE) is approved.
e) Thermal fluid with Pms x Vi < 200 if Tms > 120 ° C or with Pms x Vi < 2,000 if Tms £ 120 ° C (Pms: maximum service pressure in the facility expressed in bar, Vi: total volume in litres of the installation and Tms: temperature maximum service).
Article 2. Definitions.
Without prejudice to the terminology set out in Article 2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation and the UNE 9-001 standard, the following definitions shall be used for the purposes of this ITC:
1. 'Boiler' means any pressure apparatus in which heat from any source of energy is transformed into usable, calorie-based means of transport in liquid phase or steam.
2. 'Steam boiler' means the boiler which uses water vapour as a heat-carrying fluid or means of transport.
3. 'Overheated water boiler' means any boiler in which the means of transport is water at a temperature of more than 110 ° C.
4. 'Hot water boiler' means a boiler in which the means of transport is water at a temperature of 110 ° C or less.
5. 'Thermal fluid boiler' means any boiler in which the heat transport medium is a liquid other than water.
6. 'Automatic boiler' means a boiler which performs its normal operating cycle without requiring any manual action, except for its initial operation or in the case of any of the safety devices which have been blocked by the calorific input.
7. "Manual boiler", which requires manual action to perform some of the functions of its normal function cycle.
8. "Mobile boiler", which is in service while moving.
The following definitions will also be adopted:
9. 'Variable-site boiler' means a boiler mounted on a frame to facilitate its change of location.
10. "Other risk" means housing, public premises, streets, squares and other public roads, and workshops or working rooms outside the user.
11. 'boiler room' means a closed local exclusive and independent use of other services, in which the boiler is installed.
12. 'boiler enclosure' means a space protected by fencing, which may be internal to a local or open to the outside.
13. 'Black-remote recovery boiler' means a steam boiler which uses as fuel the concentrated black remoteness generated in the process of making the pulp paper to the sulphate.
Installing and commissioning
Article 3. Classification of boilers.
For the purposes of the conditions required, the facilities shall be classified according to the type of boiler in:
1. Class 1:
a) Pirotubular Calderas whose Pms x VT < 15,000.
b) Aquotubular calderas whose Pms x VT < 50,000. In case of thermal fluid boilers, those with a Pms x Vi < 15,000.
-Pms: The maximum service pressure in the installation expressed in bar. For hot water boilers, overheated water and thermal fluid, the maximum service pressure is composed of:
-The pressure due to the geometric height of the liquid.
-The steam voltage of the thermal carrier at the maximum service temperature.
-The dynamic pressure produced by the circulation pump.
-Vt: total volume in litres of the boiler, plus the volume of the overheating if you have it.
-Vi: total volume in litres of full installation.
2. Class 2: Calderas that match or exceed the values indicated in the previous section.
Article 4. Installation.
1. First class boilers.
The installations must be carried out by companies in the EIP-2 category.
The installation is considered to be of lower risk, so it will not require the presentation of the installation project, in addition to what is indicated in paragraph 4 of Annex II of the Regulation of pressure equipment, a memory the installation business technique, including the following:
-Installation or establishment plan, with an indication of invariable references (road, point kilometers, river, ...) and approximate scale of 1/ 10,000 to 1/50,000.
-Plano of the boiler room in the establishment.
-Plano of the boiler room with indication of the general dimensions, situation of the different elements of the installation, distances to risks, characteristics and thicknesses of the protective walls if applicable.
-Description and characteristics of consumer teams.
-The surveillance system indicated by the manufacturer in the operating instructions. In the case of indirect surveillance, the periods of verification of the different control and security elements and, where appropriate, the recognised standards used shall be indicated.
2. Second class boilers.
The installations must be carried out by the EIP-2 category installation companies.
The installation shall require the submission of a project including at least the requirements of paragraph 2 of Annex II to the Pressure Equipment Regulation, further adding:
-The consumer teams, as well as the distribution pipeline, that will be reflected in the memory.
-For regulatory requirements, the monitoring system indicated by the manufacturer shall be indicated in the operating instructions. In the case of indirect surveillance, the periods of verification of the different control and security elements and, where appropriate, the recognised standards used shall be identified.
-The drawings referred to in paragraph 4.1 above.
3. Other requirements.
In steam boilers, if the maximum service pressure (Pms) is less than 10% of the maximum permissible pressure (PS), the presentation of a certificate issued by the manufacturer or by a body of the manufacturer shall be required. authorised control, including the adequacy of the equipment at the pressure, in particular with regard to the output speeds of the steam and the discharge capacity of the safety valves.
Article 5. Putting into service.
The commissioning will require the submission of the documentation that is determined for each case in Article 5 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
Article 6. Installation security requirements.
1. General prescriptions.
Safety, performance or environmental measures shall be adopted as indicated in the relevant specific provisions.
The flue of the combustion products must be designed according to the criteria set out in the UNE 123.001 standard or in another recognized standard. The insulation of the chimney shall only be mandatory for the accessible parts.
For the location of the boilers, the classification shall be taken into account in accordance with Article 3, considering the class of the largest boiler in it installed and regardless of its number.
2. Location conditions of the boilers.
Boilers must be placed in a room or enclosure, which meets the following requirements:
(a) Be of sufficient size so that all maintenance, inspection and control operations can be carried out under safe conditions, with at least 1 m of distance to the walls or fencing. In areas where there are no safety elements and no handling or maintenance is prevented, this distance may be reduced to 0,2 m.
b) They must be permanently ventilated, with continuous air arrival for both their renovation and combustion, and meet the specific requirements in relation to the fuel used.
If the room or enclosure of boilers linda with the exterior (yards, solar, etc.), it must have some openings in its lower part for air inlet, distant not more than 20 cm. of the ground, and in the top, in position opposite to the above, openings for air outlet The total minimum section of the openings, in both cases, will be given by the following expression S = Qt/0,58; where S is the net section of required ventilation, expressed in cm2 and Qt the total installed heat output of the combustion equipment or the heat source, expressed in kW.
No S values of less than 0,5 m2 shall be permitted for rooms with Class 2 boilers, and not less than 0,1 m2 for rooms with Class 1 boilers.
In the case of isolated premises, with no possibility of air arrival by natural circulation, canalized air arrivals will be provided, with a minimum flow rate of 2.5 Nm3/hour per kW of total installed heat power of the equipment. Boilers that as a source of energy do not use combustion may reduce ventilation in the room by half.
(c) Any boiler room or enclosure shall be completely clean and free of flammable dust, gases or vapours.
d) In the boiler room or enclosure, any work not related to the equipment contained therein is prohibited, and in all accesses there will be a sign with the express prohibition of entry of foreign personnel to the service of the boilers. Only the elements corresponding to its services may be installed, the storage of products not permitted, with the exception of the fuel tank and the necessary for the boiler service.
e) The operating manual of the boilers installed and the procedures for action in case of activation of the security shall be available.
Instead, easily visible from the boiler room or enclosure, a table will be placed with the instructions for emergency cases.
3. Location conditions of the Class 1 boilers.
Class 1 boilers may be located in an enclosure, but the space required for maintenance and inspection services shall be properly enclosed by a metal fence of 1,20 m in height, for the purpose of prevent the access of foreign personnel to the service.
For steam or overheated water boilers with Pms x VT ≥ 10,000, the minimum distance to be between the boiler and the foreign risk shall be 5 m. Alternatively, a wall of protection with the resistance specified in paragraph 4.b.2 of this Article may be available. The minimum distance indicated is understood from the outer surface of the pressure parts of the boiler nearest to the risk and the risk.
4. Placement conditions for Class 2 boilers.
(a) These boilers must be located within a room with two easy-access exits located, each of them, on different walls.
In case the distances to the risks themselves and others are greater than 10 and 14 m, respectively, there will be no need for a wall of protection.
b) The protection walls of the room must meet the following conditions:
b.1 The height shall be at least one meter above the highest part under pressure from the boiler.
b.2 It shall be made of reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 20 cm and with at least 60 kilograms of steel and 300 kilograms of cement per cubic meter. In any case, walls may be used with an equivalent flector moment.
c) The openings in the protection walls must meet the following conditions:
c.1 The doors will be metallic, with a maximum dimensions of 1.60 m wide by 2.50 m high. They can incorporate lattices into lattice for ventilation.
c.2 The minimum dimensions of at least one of the accesses must be such as to allow the passage of equipment and accessories to the boiler (such as burners, pumps, etc.), with a minimum of 0.80 m of width by 2 m high.
c.3 The doors of the boiler rooms shall be opened in the direction of the exit of the room and shall be equipped with an easy-to-open device from the inside.
c.4 Any opening of measures exceeding 1,60 m wide and 2,50 m high shall be closed by means of panels, detachable or not, one of which may be fitted with a free port, capable of servicing. The panels will offer a resistance equal to that of the wall in which they are installed, resistance that will be duly justified.
c.5 The openings of the protection walls intended for windows shall be at least one metre above the highest point under pressure from the boiler.
c.6 Any ventilation door or opening located in front of a burner, containing the burner shaft, shall have an effective protection with a resistant module of 250 cm3 in order to withstand the possible impact of the burner on accident case.
d) The room ceiling must meet the following conditions
d.1 The height of the ceilings shall never be less than 3 m above the ground level and must be exceeded by at least one metre, the highest point in the boiler between those under pressure from the boiler and at least 1,80 m above the ceiling. Boiler platforms, if they exist.
d.2 The roof of the enclosure will be of light construction (fiber-cement, plastic, etc.), with a minimum surface of 25% of the total of the room and will not have habitable floors or public places of public concurrence; they will only be able (a) to allow superstructures to withstand equipment other than boilers, which are considered to be part of the installation, such as feeding water treatment plants, degasifiers, etc., it being understood that such equipment may not be install on the surface occupied by the boiler.
5. Specific conditions for thermal fluid boilers.
Thermal fluid boilers must meet the requirements of the installation of the standard UNE 9-310. or any other equivalent standard. Furthermore, any other standard providing equivalent security may be used, in this case a favourable report from an approved inspection body should be accompanied.
Thermal fluid boilers in the second class may be installed on an independent or outdoor premises, not requiring the requirements of paragraph 4 above to be met.
Article 7. Systems for monitoring boilers.
Boilers included in the scope of this ITC shall have the surveillance system indicated by the manufacturer in the operating instructions.
The operator of the boiler must carry out the proper checks of the controls, safety elements and the quality of the feed water to ensure the good condition of the boiler.
The monitoring system will meet the following requirements:
1. Direct surveillance.
The operator of the boiler must ensure its presence in the boiler room or in room with repetition of the signs of security, to be able to act immediately in case of anomaly. In that local, there must be an emergency push-button that immediately stops the calorific delivery system safely and activates the power dissipation systems that have been designed.
If the manufacturer has not indicated instructions for the monitoring of the boiler, it shall be considered as direct surveillance.
2. Indirect surveillance.
The check intervals of the control and security systems for the operation of the installation to be safe shall be indicated by the boiler manufacturer. The boiler surveillance system shall be related to the control devices available to it.
In boilers which, in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions, can operate automatically, without the presence of the driving staff in the boiler room, the operator must carry out checks functional to ensure the operability of your control and security systems
The control and safety systems referred to in UNE-EN 12953 and 12952 or any other equivalent standard that the manufacturer may use are considered appropriate.
In case of failure of controls or safeties it will require the use of the emergency instructions, with direct monitoring until the failure of the anomaly.
Article 8. Water supply and water from the boiler.
For all steam and overheated water boilers, there must be an efficient water treatment that ensures the quality of water, as well as an adequate system of controls, purges and extractions.
The indicated in the UNE-EN 12953-10 and 12952-12 standards is considered appropriate. Furthermore, any other standard providing equivalent security may be used, in this case a favourable report from an approved inspection body should be accompanied.
It will be the user's obligation to keep water from boilers, at least, within the specifications of the standards mentioned in the previous paragraph.
For these purposes, the user will perform or perform the relevant analyses and, if necessary, install the debugging system indicated by the manufacturer, a company specializing in water treatment, or the designer of the installation.
Periodic inspections, repairs, and modifications
Article 9. Periodic inspections.
All boilers included in this ITC shall be inspected periodically as indicated in Annex I to this ITC, taking into account that level A and B inspections may be carried out by the Manufacturer, if he/she is credited with having the technical and human resources identified in Annex I to the Regulation for the EIP-2-category installers.
In Annex I. 1, the scope and conditions of the inspections are indicated.
In addition to periodic inspections, the user shall take into account the information and instructions provided by the manufacturer of the equipment or assembly, and carry out the controls indicated by the manufacturer.
Article 10. Repairs.
The repairs of the parts under pressure of the equipment or assemblies covered by this ITC must be carried out by duly authorised repairers according to Article 7 of the Equipment Regulation pressure.
The following boiler repairs are not considered as the following:
-Replacement of up to 15% of the tubular beam in pirotubule boilers (including welded and mandrined tubes), which do not involve more than 5 tubes.
-Replacing the boiler tubes, provided that the original design conditions are maintained and that it has not originally undergone a heat treatment.
Article 11. Modifications.
1. The amendments shall comply with the provisions of Article 8 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. For the fuel change, the specific regulation in relation to the new fuel must be met.
In any case, in the change of fuel changes a project of a qualified technician, endorsed by the corresponding official school and the corresponding certificate of modification, in which it is justify the suitability of the new burner, of the combustion chamber and that in the tubular plate of the tubes of the first passage of gases in the pirotubular boilers, or in the rear screen of the home in the aquotubulars, the temperature is not exceeded limit of the material allowed by the design code. In the case of pirotubule boilers, the method for connecting tube to tubular plate shall be adapted, as indicated in the design code for the new operating conditions.
It should be noted that the heat power and any other design characteristics cannot be exceeded. Prior to putting into service, a C-level inspection will be performed
However, the project will not be necessary if the original documentation of the equipment manufacturer is proof that the boiler is suitable for the new fuel. In this case, a level B inspection will be performed
3. The modification of the surveillance system or the control and safety systems should be considered as an important modification if systems not foreseen by the manufacturer are incorporated, requiring a new conformity assessment by a notified body.
Other Provisions
Article 12. User obligations.
In addition to the obligations referred to in Article 9 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, at the facilities included in this ITC, the following shall be met:
1. Operation of the boiler.
The user must designate a trained person to perform the operation of the boiler, while in operation, complying with the requirements of Article 13 on boiler operators at all times.
2. Maintenance of the boiler.
The user will have to perform a proper maintenance of all the systems of the installation, with special dedication to the limiting or regulatory organs to maintain their reliability, proceeding to the verification of its operation during the verifications. In the same way, it shall pay particular attention to the obligations referred to in Article 8 of this ITC on the treatment of food water.
3. Boiler surveillance.
In the event of a failure of any of the control or safety elements, the boiler surveillance system must be adapted to direct surveillance as long as the initial conditions are not restored and check the correct operation of the broken elements.
4. Documentation.
The following documentation must be available:
a) Installation book.
The operator of the boiler must have at its disposal a book indicating the characteristics of the installation and the actions, controls or inspections carried out.
The book may be replaced by corresponding records that include equivalent information.
In Annex III of this ITC, the minimum information to be included in the corresponding book or record is indicated. The book or record shall record the operations carried out for the control of securities.
In the same way, checks on the control of the feed water, possible operating failures, inspections or controls carried out, as well as any repairs or modifications that may be carried out, should be noted. be performed.
b) Installation documentation.
The boiler operator shall have at least the following documentation:
● Manual of boiler instructions.
● Manual of combustion equipment instructions.
● Water treatment instruction manual.
● Relationship of items and devices for operation or security.
● Operator security manual, written by the user himself, which will contain at least:
-Operation personnel security regulations.
-Security instructions for emergency situations.
-Security instructions for control or security element failure situations. Modification of the boiler surveillance system.
-Instructions in case of accident.
-Instructions in the periods of inspections, maintenance and repair. Required security equipment.
-Personal security benefits.
-Instructions for personnel outside the boiler itself.
-First aid instructions.
-Security Manual Review System.
● Data obtained in the commissioning protocol.
● Prescriptions of emissions levels to the atmosphere.
● Technical service address for boiler and burner assistance.
● Address of the nearest fire service.
Article 13. Boiler operators.
1. Operator training.
Driving boilers should be entrusted to technically trained personnel.
The boiler operators shall be instructed to drive them by the manufacturer, the installer or by the user, if he or she has a qualified technician.
2. Responsibilities.
The operator of the boiler is responsible for monitoring, monitoring and controlling the proper functioning of the boiler, and must be aware of the dangers that a false maneuver can cause, as well as a bad entertainment or bad driving.
During the process of starting the boiler it will be mandatory for the boiler to be operated by the boiler operator, not being able to be absent until it has been proven that the boiler operation is correct and all the security devices, limiters, and drivers are working properly.
It should be possible to act immediately, manually or remotely, in case the safety valve or any other of the security of the installation is fired, until the normal operating conditions are restored, using the written procedures referred to in Article 5.2.f.
3. Meat of Industrial Operator of boilers.
boilers of the second class, referred to in Article 3.2 of this ITC, of steam or overheated water shall be conducted by personnel with industrial operator meat of boilers.
To obtain the meat, adequate technical knowledge must be available. To this end, a training course given by entities authorised by the competent authority of the Autonomous Community in Annex II of this ITC shall be exceeded, the minimum knowledge, the duration of the course and the requirements to be met. comply with the entities for the delivery of such courses.
The meat, which will have validity and effectiveness for the entire Spanish territory, will be issued by the competent organ of the autonomous community, once accredited by the applicant:
a) Be served 18 years.
(b) Overcoming a course taught by an authorised entity, including the knowledge and minimum duration as set out in Annex II.
c) Overcoming an examination by the competent authority of the Autonomous Community.
(d) In the case of foreigners, prior to the requirements laid down in the current Spanish legislation on immigration and immigration.
Black Distance Recovery Boilers
Article 14. Recovery boilers of black remoteness.
1. General conditions.
(a) The recovery boilers of black remoteness shall comply with the conditions set out in the Regulation of pressure equipment and in this ITC, with the particular conditions set out in this Article.
b) The main fuel of these units of recovery are the black remoteness that are generated in the process of manufacture of paper pulp to the sulphate, previously concentrated in units of evaporation.
Used as auxiliary fuels, liquid fuels (fuel oil) and/or gaseous (natural gas, liquefied petroleum gases, ...)
c) These combustion units have specific equipment such as:
-Disolver: tank equipped with agitation, in which the solutions of the molten salt are taken.
-Colada's Pico or casting channel: device in the form of an eyebrow, internally cooled, and the function of which is to pour the molten salt from the household to the dissolver.
2. Technical prescriptions.
(a) For the purposes referred to in Article 6 of this JTI, recovery units are considered as automatic direct-monitoring steam boilers and must be provided with the permanent presence of an operator in the Boiler zone or control room adjacent to it, which is responsible for ensuring the periodic cleaning and operation of the air openings, the openings of the auxiliary burners and the casting channels.
(b) In relation to the specific conditions indicated for the boiler rooms in Article 6.4 of this ITC, in this type of facility, no protective walls are necessary.
(c) boilers must have two separate water supply systems and are operated by different energy sources. The water flow to be provided by each of these pumps shall be 1,5 times the maximum vaporization plus the flow of water.
3. Operating conditions.
a) Training of security personnel. The staff shall be duly trained on a regular basis. To this end, they will also be performed, simulations scheduled at regular intervals to ensure that staff are familiar with the procedures set out in the Safety Manual.
b) Scheduled simulation of emergency situations.
4. Boiler operators.
Given the uniqueness of this type of boilers, the operator meat required in Article 11.3 shall be issued by the competent authority of the autonomous community, after certification by the Standing Committee on Safety and Use of Black Leths Recovery Calderas.
5. Maintenance.
Regardless of the actions and checks to be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the following shall be carried out:
a) Daily check:
-Direct level indicators.
-Analysis of the different fundamental parameters of the boiler that affect the good progress and safety of the boiler.
-Power water and boiler water analysis.
b) Weekly check:
-Distance-level indicators.
-Alarm signal lines.
-Minimum level.
-Pressure Detector.
-Contrast of the dry matter content measurement elements in the black feed bleach.
c) Monthly check:
-Verification of the proper operation of the control valves. Checking in place of the apparatus for regulating the basic parameters of the boiler.
-Contrast of the measurement elements in the plant.
d) Half-yearly check:
-Calibration of the apparatus for regulating the fundamental parameters of the boiler
6. Periodic inspections.
Regular inspections shall be carried out in accordance with Article 6 of the Regulation on pressure equipment and taking into account the specificities set out in Annex I. 2. Such inspections shall be carried out by a control body or by the manufacturer of the boiler, if they provide evidence of the technical and human resources identified in Annex I to the abovementioned Regulation for the installation of the EIP-2 category.
7. In the absence of specific rules, the Standing Committee on Safety and Use of Black Leths/Black Liquor, integrated in the Technical Research Association of the Spanish Trash Industry (IPE), may propose to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade for approval, the particular technical conditions applicable to this type of boilers.
Article 15. UNE rules for the implementation of the ITC
In Annex IV of this ITC the references of the UNE standards which, in whole or in part, are prescribed for the fulfilment of the requirements included in the scope of application are indicated.
The specific editions of the UNE standards listed in the Annex will remain valid for the correct application of the JTI, even if they have been approved and published later in the rules, as long as they do not publish in the "Official State Gazette" by the leading industrial safety management centre the resolution that updates these standards.
The same resolution will indicate the new references and the date from which the new editions will apply and, consequently, the date when the old editions will cease to be.
Periodic inspections and tests of boilers
The conditions set out in the UNE 9-103 standard must be taken into account.
1.1-Level A.
The periodicity of these inspections will be annual.
A boiler inspection shall be carried out in accordance with paragraph 2.1 of Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
The inspection will also include the following checks:
(a) Existence and updating of the documentation for the maintenance and operation of the boiler, as well as the quality of water in steam boilers and overheated water.
(b) Cleaning and visual inspection of the smoke circuit and the parts under pressure. In order to perform these operations, the boiler must be stopped and the parts under pressure must be accessible, with no need to remove the heat.
c) Operation of the operating elements and the security of the boiler, causing your intervention.
d) Maintenance of boiler site conditions and safety instructions (including fire protection).
e) Gas circuit inequity.
f) Visual inspection of the pipes and equipment using the boiler fluid.
The performances will be written in written form.
1.2-Level B.
The periodicity of these inspections will be every three years.
In addition to what is indicated for Level A inspection, a complete inspection of the documentation and the status of the boiler shall be carried out in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 6 of the UNE 9-103 standard.
The inspection will include the following checks:
(a) Checking the documentation of the boiler and the installation plate and periodic inspections (certificate of installation, project, declaration of conformity or certificate of manufacture, operating instructions, Boiler marks, ...)
b) Inspection of the boiler elements:
-Pre-and post-cleaning visual inspection.
-Supplemental Trials.
-Welding Cordons.
-Measurement of thicknesses.
-Security valves and accessories.
-Manometers and thermometers.
-Home and smoke ducts.
-Refractory work.
-Electric circuit.
-Virotilles and braces (in pirotubular boilers).
-Reinforcing carcloths (in pirotubular boilers).
-Tubes, tubular plates and collectors (in pyrotubular boilers).
-Cajas of fumes (in pirotubular boilers).
-Structure and fixings of tubes to drums and collectors (in aquotubular boilers).
-Economizers, overheated and reclining (in aquotubular boilers).
-Haces tubular or serpentine (in aquotubular boilers).
c) Operating test:
-Regulation and seal of safety or relief valves.
-Checking for regulatory automatisms.
-Security automatisms.
1.3-Level C.
The periodicity of these inspections will be six years.
In addition to the above for Level B inspection, the hydrostatic test shall be performed for existing boilers in accordance with paragraph 5 of the UNE 9-103 standard.
In the "CE" marked boilers, the test pressure shall be as shown in paragraph 2.3 of Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
The inspection will include the following checks:
a) Checking the documentation.
b) Inspection of the boiler elements.
In pyrotubular boilers the following non-destructive tests shall be carried out by means of penetrating liquids or magnetic particles of:
-100% of the joint home weld with the backplane or with the tubular home plate.
-100% of the household tube welds.
-50% of the union of the backplane with the tubes of the first step, if the fuel is gaseous and 10% for the rest of the fuels.
-100% of the union of the hammers to the chamber of the household and to the rear tubular plate, when the fuel is gaseous and 50% in the rest of the fuels.
In aqueous boilers, except for thermal fluid boilers:
-100% of the bonding welds of the tubular beams to collectors, reclining or overheating.
c) Hydrostatic Test.
d) Operating test.
The inspections shall be carried out in accordance with paragraph I. 1 above.
2.1-Level A and B.
Inspections will be performed annually with the following criteria:
a) General inspection.
A visual inspection of the accessible parts from inside the boiler will be made and the possible deformations of the parts under pressure will be checked. This will remove the deposits and embeds that make it difficult to inspect.
b) Calderines.
Top and bottom calderines will be opened and inspected (if any), checking:
-Existence of punctual corrosions "pitting" inside.
-Existence of sludge, chemical analysis and removal of sludge.
-Interior state of the mouths of the tubes to the Calderines.
-Subject and state of internal fittings.
After inspection the change of affected joints will be mandatory.
c) Solera.
The condition of the refractory of the solera shall be inspected, in the event that there is any repair or replacement of the defective areas.
d) Power collectors.
The feeding collectors shall be inspected with a range similar to that indicated for the Calderines where possible, using the practicable records arranged for this purpose. A mirror, endoscope or any other useful may be used to allow the interior vision of the total collector.
e) Security valves.
They will be totally removed to ensure the perfect condition of all the elements that make up them, as well as to ensure that it is free of moulds, inlays or strange elements that prevent its perfect operation. It shall be checked that the discharge pipe drain is free from any obstruction, to prevent condensate water from being accumulated over the valve and to increase the back pressure thereof.
f) Inspection of blower entry zones.
Each and every curve of the tubes in the blowing step shall be examined to find out the possible formation of cracks in the closing and breaking fins of the welds that attach the tube to the tapes, such as result of the condensate drip due to possible deficiencies in the automatic blower valve. In cases where the eye inspection advises, penetrating liquids or other testing systems shall be used.
The perfect alignment of each blower will be checked in the entirety of its journey.
g) Control of Ultrasound Thicknesses.
The thickness of the tubes shall be measured at the points and percentages indicated:
-At the solera level, if carbon steel tubes are used, 50%. If bimetallic tubes are used, 15%.
-At the level of the primary air input shaft, 100% of the entire carbon steel pipe.
If bimetallic tubes are used, 100% of the tubes that make up the air inlet itself and 25% of the straight tubes.
-At the level of black-distance burners, 100% of those that make up the entry itself.
-At the level of secondary air entries, 100% of those that make up the air inlet.
-At two more levels, between primary and secondary air, the percentage will be chosen in each boiler according to the experience and corrosion rates observed.
-At two levels above the secondary air intake, the percentage will be chosen in each boiler, according to the experience and corrosion rates observed.
-In the accessible curvatures of all tubes that are located up to 2 m. above the secondary and/or tertiary air levels, 100%.
-In the curves of the accessible tubes of the tubular beam and at least one point on the straight part thereof, 100%.
-In the accessible curves of the firewall panels, 100%.
-In the lower curves of the recliners, 25%.
-The user must also measure thicknesses in those parts which, either by means of the builder or by their own experience, may be subjected to high corrosion rates.
When a thickness is located in a pipe whose corrosion rate is higher than usual, it will be mandatory to continue measurements along this tube and contiguous to narrow the affected area.
Each user will carry a record of the measured thicknesses, as well as the maximum corrosion rates and trends thereof.
Within a maximum of one year, all sections of tubes whose thickness, depending on the expected corrosion rate according to the trend of that area, will be changed, will compromise the safety of the boiler in the period of two years, the minimum thickness calculated according to the code adopted at the end of that period.
h) Other controls for bimetallic tubes.
Additionally, in those units that use bimetallic tubes, it will be carried out by the use of penetrating liquids or other valid system, the verification that there are no cracks or cracks in the layer Stainless steel tubes and membranes. The verification shall be done by sampling, in the following proportions:
-In the peripheral area of the solera, 1 m wide, 10% of the surface.
-At the bottom of the four walls up to the primary air openings, including the same, 5% of the surface.
-In the opening of the colada peaks, primary and secondary air inlets and other curved tubes of pipe openings, myrillas, tufts, manholes, etc. 100% of the accessible surface that make up the entry itself.
-The rest of the accessible surface of all bimetallic tubes shall be inspected, thoroughly, visually and, where signs of anomalies are observed, the same shall be checked by means of Penetrating liquids.
In case any of the analyzed zones give linear indications greater than 1.6 mm, two other contiguous zones will be analyzed, and so on. A linear indication is the indication of the anomaly whose length is greater than three times its width.
If the thickness of the steel material to the carbon of the tube is diminished or affected by the detected anomaly, the corresponding tube section shall be replaced.
i) Valves.
All valves in the circuit under pressure will be checked, inspecting the status of the closing elements.
j) Gas pipelines.
The state of conservation and sealing of the direct contact evaporator and smoke ducts shall be cleaned and inspected.
k) Solds.
In the welds of elements under pressure to be performed in repairs, the techniques recommended by the boiler builder must be used. The user's log book will include the repairs, as well as the technique used. The transition welds between bimetallic and carbon steel tubes should also be reviewed
l) Instrumentation and other security apparatus.
General inspection of the instrumentation, especially the water, pressure and temperature control of the generator. It shall be determined that the connecting ducts between the appliances and the generator are free of any substance which may result in obstructions.
m) Disolver.
Inspection of the saline melt dissolver, with special attention to the agitation system, expansion gates and internal incrustations, as well as obstructions in recirculation pipes and jet-breaker elements cast.
n) Inspection and control of fins.
An eye inspection of the fins will be done in the home area, using penetrating liquids or other system when there are signs of cracks. Any crack whose progression may be able to intercept the tube must be stopped by practicing a 3 or 4 mm drill at the nearest end thereof.
o) Colada Picos.
Each year the colada peak will be replaced. The replaced peak will be examined by ultrasounds and hydraulic testing, and can be recoverable if it is satisfactory.
2.2-Level C.
Regular C-level inspections will be carried out every three years.
Industrial boiler operators.
1. In order to obtain the meat of an industrial operator of boilers, the following knowledge must be established:
1.1-Basic concepts.
a) Pressure, your measurement, and drives
b) Atmospheric pressure
c) Temperature, measurement, and units
d) Status, vaping, and condensation changes
e) Heat transmission: radiation, convection and driving
f) Saturated, Overheated, Overheated, Expanded Water Vapor
g) Specific volumes of steam
h) Specific Heat
i) Relationship between pressure and steam temperature
1.2-Generalities over boilers.
a) Definitions
b) Required conditions
c) Elements that incorporate
d) Security requirements
e) Main parts of a boiler
f) Heating surface: radiation and convection surface
g) Heat transmission in boilers
h) Types of boilers as available
i) Types of boilers according to their circulation
j) Classification of boilers according to their main characteristics
a) Natural and forced Tyre
b) Homes in depression and overpressure
c) The process of combustion. Theoretical volumes of air and smoke
d) Chimneys
1.4-Constructive general provisions in pyrotubular boilers.
a) Hogars. Smooth and wavy
b) Home Chambers
c) Tubes. Braces and pins
d) Setting of tubes to tubular plates
e) Tyroped. Bars, rods, bars
rodsf) Fume boxes
g) Log doors: man, head, hand and gas expansion
1.5-Constructive general provisions in aquotubular boilers.
a) Home
b) Vaporizer
c) Collectors
d) Drums and Domes
e) Setting up tubes to drums and collectors
f) Gas logging and expansion doors
g) Economizers
h) Air Heaters
i) Encouraging
j) Encouraging
k) Vertical flags. Field tubes. Screen tubes for flames
l) Instant vaping Calderas. Streamers
1.6-Accessories and additional elements for boilers.
a) Step valves. Seat and gate
b) Retention valves. Seat, Clapet and Disk
c) Safety valves
d) Quick Download valves
e) Continuous Purge Valve
f) Level indicators. Taps and column
g) Level controls by float and by electrodes
h) Thermostatic Level Limitations
i) Power water pumps
j) Water injectors
k) Cavalry and power water turbines
l) Manometers and thermometers
m) Presostats and thermostats
n) Burner types
o) Elements of the combustion equipment
1.7-Water treatment for boilers.
a) Water characteristics for boilers
b) Descalcifiers and deminerators
c) Thermal and additive asification
d) Regularization of the pH
e) Condensate Recovery
f) Purgas regime to be performed
1.8-Boiler driving and maintenance.
a) First start: inspections
b) Put into service
c) Out of service
d) Causes that increase or decrease pressure
e) Causes that drop the level sharply
f) Communication or incommunication of a boiler with others
g) Maintenance of boilers
h) Conservation in prolonged unemployment
1.9-Pressure Equipment Regulation and ITC EP-1.
(a) Part relating to boilers, economizers, overheating and overheating
b) Realization of hydraulic tests
c) Daily parts of operation
2. The training courses for obtaining the meat will have a minimum duration of 50 hours.
3. Entities intending to conduct training courses shall be accredited to the competent authority of the Autonomous Community, at least the following requirements:
a) Dispose of the human resources necessary for the delivery of the courses. The name of the technical officer of the courses must be indicated, indicating their qualifications and experience.
b) Dispose of adequate technical and material resources. Available teaching material, description of the location and characteristics of the classrooms, ...
(c) Dispose of experience in the delivery of courses for vocational training or the like, with particular reference to those related to boiler operator meat.
d) Teaching methodology with indication of the organisation of the teaching and assessment systems envisaged.
e) Maximum students per course.
Installation book
The installation book or equivalent record must include at least the following information:
1. Characteristics of boilers:
-Identification (manufacturer, type or model, manufacturing number, year, ...).
-Technical data (permissible limits for the operation of boilers, fuel data and combustion equipment, ...).
2. Features of the installation:
-Description of the installation.
-Identification of the elements of the installation (fuel supply, water treatment system, evacuation of combustion products, pipes, ...).
-Identification of consumer equipment (manufacturer, type or model, manufacturing number, year, ...).
-Eligible installation limits for the installation.
-Characteristics of the boiler site (room or enclosure, ...).
-Installer data.
3. Installation security items:
-Identification of all security items.
4. Installation documentation:
-Description of the available documentation and its location.
5. Obligations of the operator and the boiler operator:
-Text of Article 9 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
-Article 12 text of the ITC EP-1.
6. Performance and security checks:
-Daily checks.
-Weekly checks.
-Monthly checks.
-Other checks.
7. Inspections:
-Level A: dates and responsable.
-Level B: Dates and responsable.
-Level C: dates and responsable.
8. Repairs or modifications:
-Identification and scope of the boiler and installation repairs.
-Identification and scope of the boiler and installation modifications.
UNE Rules
UNE 9-001: 1987, Calderas. Terms and definitions.
UNE 9-103: 1985, Calderas. Periodic reviews.
UNE 9-310: 1992, Heat-transmitting installations using liquid other than water.
UNE 123001 :2005 + UNE 12301:2005/1M: 2006, Calculation and design of metal chimneys. Application Guide.
UNE EN 12952-7:2003, Part 7: Requirements for boiler equipment.
UNE-EN 12952-8:2003, Part 8: Requirements for the combustion systems of the liquid and gaseous fuels in the boiler.
UNE-EN 12952-9:2003, Part 9: Requirements for the combustion systems of solid fuels sprayed for the boiler.
UNE-EN 12952-12:2004, Part 12: Requirements for the quality of the boiler water and water.
UNE-EN 1293-6:2003, Part 6: Requirements for the boiler equipment.
UNE-EN 12953-7:2003, Part 7: Requirements for the combustion systems of liquid and gaseous fuels for the boiler
UNE-EN 12953-10:2004, Part 10: Requirements for the quality of the boiler water and water.
Scope and definitions
Article 1. Scope of application.
1. This Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) applies to the installation, repair and periodic inspections of all pressure equipment included in the enclosure of a power generating plant of a power exceeding 50 MW and which are covered by the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
Including thermal, hydraulic, combined cycle, nuclear power plants and urban solid waste incineration plants are included.
2. The following pressure equipment is exempted from the application of the provisions of this ITC:
(a) Fire extinguishers, which shall comply with the general requirements of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
(b) Pressure equipment, pipes or assemblies which are classified in Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, or those assimilated with that classification under Article 3.2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
(c) Transportable pressure equipment falling within the scope of Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Directive 1999 /36/EC of 29 April 2001, on transportable pressure equipment.
d) Integrated into refineries and petrochemical plants included in the JTI EP-3.
e) The cryogenic deposits included in the EP-4 ITC.
(f) Equipment specifically designed for nuclear use, the breakdown of which can cause radioactive emissions.
3. Equipment installed and put into service in accordance with previous regulations shall apply the provisions of this JTI for periodic inspections and repairs.
Article 2. Definitions.
Without prejudice to the terminology set out in Article 2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, the following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this JTI:
1. 'power generating plant' means a set of processing and auxiliary installations for the production of electrical energy.
2. 'Conventional equipment' means those which use fluids not considered as radioactive according to Royal Decree 1836/1999 of 3 December, approving the Regulation on nuclear and radioactive installations.
3. 'Hours of operation' means the hours in which the power station is coupled to the power grid.
4. "Cold start, warm and warm", in the case of thermal power plants, the corresponding criteria which the manufacturer of the main turbine for the temperature of the first stage, during the process of the new start up of the unit. In other cases, as determined by the manufacturer.
5. 'Equivalent hours of operation':
a) In the case of thermal power stations, the result of adding to the operating hours the number of cold starts per 100, the number of starts tempered by 40 and the number of hot starts by 20. That is:
Hef = Hf + (Af x 100) + (At x 40) + (Ac x 20)
Being: Hef: Operating equivalent hours
Hf: Operating Hours
af: Cold starts.
At: Tempered Arranques
Ac: Hot Starts
(b) In the case of combined cycle plants, or other power plants, depending on the technology, this formulation shall be determined by the manufacturer concerned with the gas turbine, the steam turbine, the generator or the boiler. recovery.
Installing and commissioning
Article 3. Categories.
For the purposes of their treatment by this ITC, the elements included in a power generating plant or other plants included in Article 1 of this ITC are classified as:
1. Standard equipment: those with a design temperature of more than 0 ° C and their maximum service pressure exceeding 0,5 bar. For guidance, they include:
a) Calderas (main and auxiliary).
b) Heat exchangers (overheated, reclining, and economizers).
c) Acumulators, calderines, separators, and other containers in general.
d) Tuberies, and safety and pressure accessories.
2. Special equipment: those that meet some of the following characteristics:
Appliances filled with resins or filter materials, or with fragile or hygroscopic inner coating, such as neoprene, ebonitado, vitrified, etc.
Article 4. Safety requirements.
1. Boiler enclosure.
Central boilers included in this ITC do not require to be located in rooms with protective walls that limit them.
2. Security distances.
The minimum distances to be saved between the site property limit of the site and the equipment shall be at least:
-From the projection of the plant of the central building where the boilers are to the nearest point of the property limit: 15 m.
-From the plant projection of the pressure parts of the main boiler and its auxiliary equipment, or any other equipment in the open, to the nearest point of the property limit: 35 m.
3. Maximum service pressure.
If the maximum service pressure (Pms) is less than 10% of the maximum permissible pressure (PS), the presentation of a certificate issued by the manufacturer or by an approved inspection body shall be required in the The suitability of the equipment at the pressure, especially with regard to the output speeds of the steam and the discharge capacity of the safety valves.
Article 5. Installation.
1. Installation project.
For the purposes of compliance with Article 4 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, the installation of the equipment referred to in this ITC shall require the presentation of the installation project.
2. The installation project shall include at least the following points:
d) Memory:
-Features of the computers that make up the installation.
-Use to which the equipment is intended, with indication of the consumer devices.
-Justification of all applicable regulatory requirements.
-Identification of the pipeline and consumer equipment.
-Consideration on security against overpressure, size, location, and discharge capacity of safety valves.
e) Budget.
f) Planes:
-The boiler and equipment situation plane included in the ITC.
-Plano implantation of the boiler with indication of general dimensions, distances to risks, characteristics, etc.
-Installation principle schema, with indication of the location of the security accessories.
d) Identification of the installer.
Article 6. Putting into service.
1. The putting into service of the equipment and installations referred to in this JTI shall be carried out in accordance with Article 5 of the Regulation on pressure equipment and in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex IV thereto, with the Presentation of the following documentation:
(a) Statements of compliance of the pressure equipment and, where appropriate, of the safety fittings.
b) Certification of the execution of the installation, carried out by the EIP-2 installation company and signed by the technical qualified manager of the company.
(c) Certification of the carrying out of the checks and tests necessary to ensure that the installation and its equipment are adapted to the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, under the conditions set out in this JTI, the technical project submitted and its operation is correct, extended by an approved inspection body to act in the regulatory field of pressure equipment.
2. The periodic installation and inspection plates as set out in Annex II to the Pressure Equipment Regulation may be replaced by the identification in the user's equipment register as referred to in Article 9 of the Equipment Regulation. pressure.
Inspections and repairs
Article 7. Periodic inspections.
The periodicity and the competent agents of the periodic inspections shall be those set out in Table 2 of Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation, under the following conditions:
1. Level A: They may be made by the user if he has the requirements set out in Annex I of the Pressure Equipment Regulation for the EIP-2 category installers.
2. Level B and C: annual periods of working equivalent hours, as defined in Article 2 (5) of this JTI, may be considered at the rate of 8.760 hours per year and provided that the equivalent working hours are achieved within a period not exceeding six years for level B or 12 years for level C.
3. The inspections shall be carried out on the basis of the Annex to this ITC.
4. The normal inspection of the safety valves shall be carried out during the ordinary maintenance stop of the installations or during the periodic inspections of the pressure equipment, with a frequency not exceeding six years. These tests shall be certified by an approved inspection body.
5. The hydrostatic test pressure to which the periodic level C inspections are to be carried out shall, for each case, be as indicated in Article 10 of this ITC.
6. The equipment defined in Article 3 of this JTI as special shall be considered to be included in Article 12 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation for the purposes of carrying out these periodic inspections.
Article 8. Repairs.
1. Repair companies.
The repairs of all equipment included in this ITC shall be carried out by undertakings of the ERP-2 category, as provided for in Annex I to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. Scope of the repairs.
Repairs will be considered "great repair" when they reach the following levels:
2.1 Calderas:
(a) The replacement of the envelope, when it is under pressure, or of tubes with a surface greater than 2 per 100 of the total heating surface, comprising the water walls, overheated and economizer.
(b) The repair in which the calderines or collectors are affected, in any of its forms and arrangements, regardless of the number of welds or the need for thermal treatment of distensioning during repair.
Except for this "great repair" consideration:
(a) The operations in which tubes are cut, or collector plugs are removed to inspect the inner state of the boiler, which will be conceptualized as inspections. The welds made for this reason shall be inspected 100 per cent by non-destructive testing.
b) Repairs that interest the reheartening, given the lowest working conditions of the same and its impossibility of isolation, to the only effects of hydraulic testing, although the goodness of the work must be assured performed by an X-ray inspection or any other equivalent non-destructive test, recognised for that purpose, in 100 per 100 of the welds.
2.2 Heat exchangers:
(a) The operations in the housing, in any of the two chambers, when the length of the solder concerned, expressed as a percentage of the total of the chamber in question, exceeds 10 per 100.
b) In case the equipment has been heat-treated during repair, whatever the scope of the repair.
c) The replacement of 10 per 100 tubes.
Except for this consideration of "great repair", to the only effects of hydraulic testing, the repairs of the capacitors for their working conditions and impossibility of isolation.
2.3 Other Equipment:
(a) When the length of the weld concerned, expressed in terms of the length of the equipment, measured between tangents to the bottoms (for longitudinal welds) or to the development of the perimeter (for circumferences), match or exceed the values of the table below, with the exception of the sealing welds:
Category III | Category II |
Any length | Type of gaskets | Type of gaskets | ||
Longitudinal Weld | Circumferential Welding | Longitudinal Weld | 15% | |
15% | 15% Centro_table_body "> 30% | 20% | 40% |
b) When the apparatus has been heat-treated during repair, whatever the length of the repair or modification.
c) In the case of interchangers, when the pipe replacement is equal to or greater than 15%.
In Category I equipment no repair will be considered "Great Repair".
2.4 Pipeline Systems
In this case, it is defined as great repair all that which simultaneously meets the following conditions:
a) That the welding procedure requires heat treatment or that the thicknesses of the pipes to be attached are both greater than 12 mm.
b) That the number of the union welds between tubes made is higher than those indicated in the following table, according to the category referred to in Article 9.1 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May.
category | WELDING | |
| |
6 | ||
I | 12 |
3. Repair manual.
Repairs that are considered to be "great repair" must be provided with a Repair Manual, prepared by the repair company in which it is included:
(a) Name and registration number on the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to its registered office.
b) Identification of equipment and features.
c) Reasons that motivate your repair.
d) A complete description of the repair, including detailed drawings of the repair.
(e) Documents supporting the suitability of the basic and input materials, corresponding to the components used in their repair, approved by the authorised repairer, engineering or control body.
f) Procedure for repair, welding, thermal treatments and controls, qualification of welding procedures and welders, all approved by the authorised repairer, engineering or control body.
g) The status of the areas under control by non-destructive testing, required testing and extension of the test areas.
The radiographic plates shall be properly preserved by the user for at least five years from the date of repair of the equipment.
In the case of pipelines undergoing major repair, the above paragraphs shall be required, except for (b).
The repair company of a pressure equipment is responsible for providing the appropriate guarantees for the purpose for which it is intended.
Article 9. Inspections of repaired appliances.
1. Any equipment, including within the scope of this JTI and suffering a repair or major repair, as defined in Article 8 thereof, shall be subject to the following inspections and tests:
(a) An inspection by an approved control body to check that the equipment has been repaired according to the documentation contained in the repair manual.
(b) An examination of the repaired equipment and, where appropriate, a value pressure test and under the conditions set out in Article 10 of this ITC in each case.
2. If the repair does not have the scope defined as a major repair, the hydraulic test shall not be required, the tests and tests prescribed for level B must be carried out unless, as a result of the result of the repair, the the approved control body which monitors them considers it necessary to carry out a pressure test, which shall be carried out under the same conditions as that corresponding to a major repair.
If the results of these inspections and tests were satisfactory, in the case of a repair not defined as a major repair, the equipment may be put back into operation.
3. If the repair has the scope defined as a major repair, the tests set for level C.
will be required.Article 10. Post-commissioning test pressure settings.
The Design Code or the Manufacturer's Instructions Book will be available, but if they are lacking, the following requirements must be met at least:
1. Pressure equipment, except boilers: The value of the hydraulic test pressure shall be equal to 1,1 the maximum permissible pressure, i.e.:
PT = 1.1 x PS
2. For boilers, including forced-circulation, single-pass boilers, with variable vaporization point and pressure parts designed for different levels of pressure along the flow path of the water-steam flow, the hydraulic test shall be a value equal to 1.1 the maximum service pressure, if any, i.e.:
PT = 1.1 x Pms
Other Provisions
Article 11. Operating conditions.
The installation shall have the corresponding operating procedures and shall be structured in such a way that, in rotating shifts, the 24-hour day is covered.
The operating personnel, prior to their incorporation into the post and periodically, in their training plan, will receive specific instructions from the technical director of the facility, in writing, on:
a) Organization and operating procedures.
b) Main features of the installation.
c) Regulation of pressure equipment and the present ITC.
d) Function and correct use of security and personal protective equipment and facilities.
e) Consequences of incorrect operation or use of security and personal protective equipment and facilities.
f) Actions to be taken in failed installation situations.
Article 12. Maintenance.
1. Responsible for maintenance
The installation must have a technician entitled responsible for general maintenance of the installation.
2. Inspection Manual.
The user shall have an inspection manual, which shall contain at least the description of the organisation, the number and qualification of the persons to be involved and who constitute the inspection service itself, the detailed inspection procedures and the programme of inspections.
The inspection program should ensure compliance with regulatory deadlines.
In addition to the periodic inspections indicated in the Pressure Equipment Regulation and in this ITC, it shall be necessary to carry out as many controls, inspections or tests as are necessary to ensure the integrity of the equipment and facilities. In this regard, the indications of the manufacturer of the equipment and the criteria for inspection of the recognised standards or internationally accepted standards in the sector shall be taken into account.
The user must take advantage of scheduled technical stops (general unit stops for maintenance, change of catalysts, market conditions, etc.) or caused by breakdowns, to carry out inspections, checks or tests.
The inspection service of the user shall keep the plant management informed of the state of the equipment or systems, and shall recommend that the plant be put out of service for those in which the safety has been detected. The requirement is not met. The inspection service may not be dependent on production or maintenance.
3. Maintenance program.
A preventive maintenance program must be available to ensure the availability and reliability of all the elements of the facilities included in this ITC. This programme shall be based on the standards of manufacturers, on criteria of recognised standards or internationally accepted standards in the sector and on their own experience.
Article 13. Other controls.
In addition to the checks and inspections that are expressly indicated in this ITC, at least the following controls must be carried out:
a) Corrosion control.
There should be sufficient technical information available for each pressure equipment to know the corrosion margins of the containers and pipes of each system.
Checks should ensure that all parts of the systems are checked, taking into account the different physical-chemical states of the fluids or the geometric factors.
The pipeline inspection program may be based on predictive analysis that controls the residual life of the systems, and controls must be carried out in good time to the exhaustion of the corrosion margins. The analysis should preferably be based on software which controls the evolution of the thicknesses. Similarly, the experience of similar systems may be used.
The possibility of corrosion under isolation or under stress should be taken into account.
b) Control of erosion.
The possible erosion that may occur in the systems due to the characteristics of the fluid and its velocity should be taken into account.
(c) Special controls, depending on particular characteristics that may be presented by certain equipment or installations.
Specific studies should be available to identify the particular risks that may condition the integrity of the pressure equipment.
In this sense, consideration should be given to the possible evolution of the materials according to the operating conditions (structural changes in the materials, slow creep analysis at high temperatures, fatigue, etc.).
Inspections and tests
1. General considerations.
This Annex defines the conditions for carrying out the inspections and testing of the pressure equipment included in this ITC.
Special reference is made to the boiler as the main element of the operation and maintenance of the plants that are the object of this ITC, and the criteria that are set, in whatever form, are extended to the rest of the equipment.
In addition to the instructions and standards set by the manufacturer of the various elements, all the actions referred to in this paragraph shall be construed as inspection and shall in particular be carried out in The instructions are given in the following sections.
2. Inspections.
2.1. Visual inspections.
Consist of the inspection of the boiler and pressure equipment, both on the side of the smoke and on the fluid side, observing the accumulated deposits on their surfaces to detect possible service anomalies and/or operation.
Subsequently to this inspection, removal of all inlays and deposits that may prevent further examination with depth of the parts under pressure shall be carried out.
Once the cleaning is done, another new visual inspection of all the components (economizers, overheating, etc. and partition plates, welds, grubes, fixings, etc.) will be carried out both from the boiler and from the other Pressure elements. The parties which, in the opinion of the inspector, may have an important anomaly, such as deformations, fissures, corrosions, wear and tear, etc., shall be checked by appropriate means.
2.2. Supplementary tests.
When visual inspection and the operating history of the boiler and the pressure equipment are prima facie evidence to suspect that any part, element or component thereof may be defective. important, the additional tests that the inspection officer agrees with the user or the technician designated by the user should be carried out, leaving the tests written.
If the visual inspection and the supplementary tests were to be concluded that any of the parts under pressure are deficient, the repair or replacement of the test parts should be carried out.
2.3. Deformations.
If deformations exceeding the maximum permissible values referred to in the design are detected, repair, replacement or, possibly, the reduction of their maximum service pressure should be carried out, in particular in:
a) homes and their joints to the tubular plates
b) drums and collectors
2.4. Hammers and braces.
Viromers and braces must be replaced with breakage or a decrease in diameter equal to or greater than 2 mm.
2.5. Reinforcement carcloths.
For the total or partial break of a weld cord joining the boiler reinforcement carwebs, prior to repair it will be checked whether, as a result of such breakage, possible cracks have occurred or deformations in the sheets which are the object of the reinforcement or in the tubes, which, if necessary, shall be repaired.
2.6. Welding cords.
All those seams whose weld cords present anomalies will be exceeded. Repair welds must respond to recognized procedures and the specialist welder must be qualified.
2.7. Tubes, tubular plates and collectors.
The possibility of replacing the upholstered tubes and cleaning those with obstructions will be considered. The joints of the tubes shall be checked at the tubular plates, especially at the end of the household box. In the aqueous boilers, the fixing of the tubes to the drums and collectors shall be checked, in particular in the case of joints with points of rigidity.
In the case of boiler tubes in contact with the gases, the cut of a sample of worn tubes, among the most significant, will be subjected to a pressure test in a workshop or replacement, taking the result of the same as representative of the whole area inspected and therefore, if not satisfactory, the appropriate repair will be carried out.
2.8. Measurement of thicknesses.
All points where visual inspection has detected possible corrosions or abnormal wear will be checked. If no thickness defects have been observed in the visual inspection, the check of randomly chosen points will be performed and where there is experience of previous wear and tear.
When the thickness of the material falls below the thickness of the calculation, the user and the inspector of the approved inspection body may agree to replace the material, the repair with a suitable method, as may be the recargüe with welding, or a decrease in the maximum service pressure.
When the inspections carried out show that the actual thickness is less than the initial minus the over-thickness expected by corrosion, or that the presence of discontinuities of magnitude greater than that admitted in the design is present, you must proceed to:
(a) Perform a supporting calculation showing that the actual thickness will be capable of withstanding the maximum service pressure throughout the period of time until the date on which the next step is to be taken inspection.
b) Pressure-proof Someter to the affected element, all with the supervision of an approved control body.
c) If the result is not successful it will be repaired.
2.9. Lamination defects of the sheets located at the thickness check.
The existence of possible lamination sheet defects will be especially checked, using standards of recognized prestige or appropriate procedures.
If, during the measurement of ultrasonic thicknesses, an abnormal decrease in thicknesses is detected at some point or zone of a sheet that has not been observed in the visual inspection, it shall be checked if the thickness is not detected. is punctual or is due to a lamination defect of the veneer (lamination sheets). If the use of ultrasound and visual examination leaves room for doubt as to whether the anomaly found is for lack of thickness or sheet of lamination, a small drill will be carried out and the thickness will be measured directly.
If the defect is found to be laminating, the contour and surface of the sheet shall be determined and, if this is within the limits of a circle of 75 mm in diameter, the defect shall not be taken into account. If, on the other hand, the surface of the sheet exceeds the limit indicated above, but no abnormal deformation is observed, the contour, surface and situation of the same shall be determined, leaving a written record to the back or an annex to the minutes. for inspection and periodic testing, the purpose of which, in successive revisions, may be checked for deformations in the bounded area, in which case the repair of such formations must be carried out.
If during the following inspections, at which a lamination defect has been observed, no deformation is detected in the affected area, the following periodic review shall check the surface of the contour of the the leaf and, if the leaf has increased by more than 20%, the repair of the affected party must be carried out, even if no deformation is observed.
Lamination defects located in sheets of elements under pressure inside shall not be taken into account, except in the areas where there is a weld-bonded reinforcement element.
2.10. Pipelines.
(a) Zones subject to time (turbine and boiler) and trousers:
Conducting magnetic particles and ultrasounds in welds, sampling by metallographic replicas in pipes subjected to slow creep at high temperatures.
b) Pipeline Rest:
In pipes subjected to slow creep at high temperatures (hot and heated main steam), the circumferential welds shall be subjected to inspections by magnetic particles and ultrasounds by 10% and the Longitudinal welds, if any, by 20%. The welding of the accessories (supports, instrumentation, drains, etc.) will be controlled by 20% by magnetic particles.
In pipes that are not subjected to slow creep at high temperatures (cold heated steam, feed water, etc.), welds will be subjected to inspections by magnetic particles and ultrasounds by 10%, while the welding of the accessories shall be controlled by 10% by magnetic particles.
2.11. Security fittings and valves.
Prior cleaning of the accessories, the regulators and water and pressure level limiters, valve, purgators, level indicators, studs, tubers, connection tubes, etc. will be inspected. If there is a flotation chamber, it shall be checked that its interior, as well as the connecting tubes, are clean.
The safety valves will be dismantled to check that their different elements do not fail and that their interior is clean of rust, incrustations or foreign substances. The adjustment, testing and sealing shall be carried out.
The inspection and cleaning of the elements of the safety valves, flotation chambers and accessories can be carried out by the manufacturer or the authorised repairer ERP-2 prior to the visit of the responsible inspector. of the periodic inspection and test. All safety valves must be removed, adjusted correctly, then tested and sealed. In this case, the manufacturer or the repair undertaking shall extend a certificate certifying that the operations indicated have been carried out.
The verification of the operation of the indicated elements, as well as the regulation and sealing of the safety valves, shall be necessarily certified by the inspector of the approved inspection body. In the case of boiler safety valves, these inspections shall, in addition, be carried out in conjunction with the pressure test and, failing this, by means of replacement hydraulic equipment.
2.12. Gauges and thermometers.
All thermometers, pressure gauges and pressure detectors shall be checked and calibrated with a standard element.
2.13. Pipes and boxes of smoke.
The pipes and boxes of smoke whose plates are not subject to pressure shall be examined, not admitting sheets with a thickness of less than 2 mm.
2.14. Refractory work.
The good condition of the refractory work of the combustion chamber, solera, home chamber, ashtray, etc., shall be checked by replacing those defective parts.
3. Pressure tests.
3.1. Pressure test procedure.
It shall be established in accordance with the manufacturer's rules and instructions, including a detailed description of the manufacturer, as well as:
a) Test Conditions
b) Equipment required for test execution.
(c) Measurement and control devices, duly checked and with appropriate sensitivity.
d) Fill and flush system and test maintenance time.
e) Indication of the points at which attention should be extreme
3.2. Safety requirements during pressure testing.
Before testing, it will be verified that the test equipment is correct and that the connections are appropriate to the maximum pressures to be reached, as well as the safety measures. sufficient to prevent the test pressure from being exceeded, which at no time may be below the temperature specified by the manufacturer and which cannot be damaged by the internal elements of the apparatus.
3.3. Hydraulic test.
Before filling with water, it will be necessary to verify that the structures and foundations that support the apparatus or system are in a position to resist the load to which they will be subjected, and will be placed blind flanges or plugs threaded, as appropriate, in steam or safety valves.
It will take care that staff stay away during test development, funds, caps, threaded parts, and avoid the presence of people outside the test.
The manometers will be installed outside the vertical projection and will be preferred to position them laterally or in a higher position. During the filling of water, the circuit will be carefully vented to prevent air chambers from remaining.
Due to the high energy stored in the hydraulic test, special precautions shall be taken when the test pressure is greater than 80 bar or if the product of the test pressure (PT) in bar by volume (V) in litres is greater than 10,000.00, for which it is necessary to make a detailed plan of sequence of the same, duration and minimum distance of security.
In any case, the pressure rise will be gradually done up to the test value, with a stay time of no less than 15 minutes after the stability has been achieved. Close visual inspection will not be required for leaks, in this first stage. It will then be reduced to maximum service pressure (Pms) and carefully inspected. The temperature of the metal must not be less than a pre-fixed limit in each case depending on the strength or fragile break of the material.
The temperature of the test fluid must not reach the values that constitute accident hazards for the persons performing the inspection and test.
If fluid leaks are observed during the hydraulic test, the pressure will be lowered and the necessary repairs will be made to remove them, starting the test again.
3.4. Pneumatic test.
In case of not being able to perform the hydraulic pressure test, a pneumatic test may be performed.
For the increased risk of this test, a visual inspection of the equipment must be carried out in advance and taken into account:
a) A detailed plan of the stages of its development should always be made with time to maintain the pressures during each stage, defining also the minimum safety distances.
b) During the development of the test, the zone shall be marked by which the movement of personnel outside the test shall not be permitted.
c) All the above checks must be performed by competent technical personnel of the test performer.
4. Inspection and test levels.
The inspection levels of the different pressure equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation, taking into account the following specifications:
4.1. Level A.
A visual inspection of the equipment will be performed, understanding that it will not be necessary to remove any coating from the equipment under pressure for performance, unless there is evidence of anomalies. that are hidden under it.
The inspection, in the case of the boiler, will also include the following checks:
a) Existence and updating of the documentation for maintenance and operation, as well as water quality.
b) Operation of the operating elements and some of the securities, causing their intervention (e.g. electrical safety valve).
c) Maintenance of boiler placement conditions and safety instructions.
d) The gas circuit's safety.
e) Visual inspection of the elements using the boiler fluid.
4.2. Level B.
In addition to the above for Level A inspection, a complete inspection of the boiler and parts of the boiler and parts shall be carried out in accordance with:
(a) Checking the documentation of the boiler and the installation plate and periodic inspections (certificate of installation, project, declaration of conformity or certificate of manufacture, operating instructions, Boiler marks, etc.).
(b) Inspection of the elements of the boiler, in accordance with a representative sampling of those parts which, depending on the history and experience of the user, and the approved inspection body, are subject to a increased probability of failure; the scope of the failure will be determined by both parties, not being less than 20% of the installation. In the event that major anomalies were detected, the scope of action would be extended to corroborate the disappearance of defects. To be considered:
● Pre-and post-cleaning visual inspection.
● Supplemental Trials.
-Measures of ultrasonic thicknesses (US) in areas subjected to loss of material by corrosion and/or erosion.
-Localization of fissures in areas subjected to stiffness and/or fatigue by Penetrating Liquids (LP) and/or Magnetic Particles (PM).
-Determination of degradation in elements subjected to high temperature by type test magnetite layer measurement and/or metallographic replica (RM).
-Radiographies in those areas where they are required.
● Deformations.
● Viromers and braces.
● Reinforcing Carfabrics.
● Welding and grubby cords
● Tubes, tubular plates and collectors.
● Measurement of thicknesses and checking of sheet lamination defects
● Tuberies
● Accessories and safety valves.
● Manometers and thermometers.
● Conducts and smoke boxes.
● Refractory work.
c) Operating test:
● Regulation and seal of safety valves.
● Checking the automatisms of regulation.
● Security automatisms.
4.3. Level C.
In addition to the above, for level B inspection, the hydraulic test shall be performed in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of this Annex. The inspection shall include the following checks:
a) Checking the documentation.
b) Inspection of boiler elements and parts under pressure.
(c) The following tests, not destructive, shall be carried out on pyrotubular boilers by means of penetrating liquids or magnetic particles:
● 100% of the joint home weld with the backplane or with the tubular home chamber.
● 100% of the household tube welds.
● 50% of the union of the backplane with the tubes of the first step, if the fuel is gaseous and 10% for the rest of the fuels.
● 100% of the union of the hammers to the home chamber and to the rear tubular plate, when the fuel is gaseous and 50% in the rest of the fuels.
d) Hydraulic testing.
e) Operating test.
Scope and definitions
Article 1. Scope of application.
1. This Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) applies to the installation, periodic inspections and repairs of all pressure equipment included in the Regulation of pressure equipment installed in oil and plant refineries petrochemicals.
2. Excluded from this ITC:
a) Gas bottles for respiratory devices included in the EP-5 ITC.
(b) Transportable pressure equipment included in Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Directive 1999 /36/EC of 29 April on equipment to be carried out transportable pressure
c) The extinguishers, which must meet the general requirements of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
d) pipelines, pipelines and urban distribution networks.
e) Driving pipes to another external installation, from the last isolation device within the limits of the undertaking, including such a device, which shall comply with the requirements of the pressure equipment.
f) The housing or wrapping of dynamic elements.
g) The pressure equipment of Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May or assimilated to those categories under Article 3.2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
Article 2. Definitions.
For the purposes of this ITC is understood by:
1. 'Oil Refinery' means the set of processing and ancillary facilities for refining, processing and storage of crude oil and its derived products.
2. 'petrochemical plant' means a set of processing and ancillary facilities which use as raw material oil fractions, natural gas or products made from them.
3. "System" means the set of equipment normally connected in process sequence and capable of being tested together.
4. 'Special equipment' means any of the following characteristics:
a) The catalyst fillers or with fragile or hygroscopic inner coating, such as refractory, vitrified, ebonitado, enamelled, etc.
b) Those subjected to a service temperature less than or equal to 0 ° C, in non-corrosive fluid systems.
(c) Those included in provisional installations, such as pilot plants, research and control laboratories, etc.
(d) Under vacuum conditions (with lower than atmospheric pressure under normal operating conditions) where pressure may exist under exceptional conditions or pressure or seal tests are carried out with values greater than 0,5 bar.
5. 'own inspector' means the competent technical staff designated by the user or contracted with experience in the inspection of pressure equipment from refineries or petrochemical plants.
6. 'Proof of tightness' means the checking of the tightness of a pressure equipment or system, as well as of the connections or removable elements, under conditions of use.
Installing and commissioning
Article 3. Classification of containers.
Pressure vessels, for the purposes of this ITC, shall be classified according to their hazard with the following criteria:
1. Risk potential.
The containers shall be classified according to the maximum permissible pressure (PS in bar) product by volume (V in m3):
-Potential 1: Greater than or equal to 1,000.
-Potential 2: Greater than or equal to 300 and less than 1,000.
-Potential 3: Greater than or equal to 25 and less than 300.
-Potential 4: Greater than or equal to 10 and less than 25.
-Potential 5: Less than 10.
2. Characteristics of the fluids.
According to the characteristics of the fluids with which the equipment operates, they will be classified:
-Group 1.1: flammable fluids in the form of vapours, liquids, gases and their mixtures, at maximum service temperature Tms equal to or greater than 200 ° C; gases or liquids classified as very toxic and hydrogen at any temperature in concentrations greater than 75% by volume.
-Group 1.2: Other hazardous fluids included in Group 1 of Article 9 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May and not classified in the previous group.
-Group 2.1: Non-hazardous gases included in Group 2 of Article 9 of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May (water vapour, inert gases, innocuous gases, air, ...).
-Group 2.2: Other non-hazardous fluids that are not classified in the previous group.
3. Equipment classes.
By combining the risk potential and the characteristics of the fluids, the vessels of this ITC shall be classified:
Potential | Fluid | ||||
1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | ||
1 |
Class 1 | Class 1 | Class 1 | Class 2 | |
2 | Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 2 | Class 3 | |
3 | Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 3 | Class 4 | |
4 | Class 3 |
Class 4 | Class | ||
5 | Class 4 | Class_table_body"> Class 4 | Class 5 | Class 5 | Class 5 |
Article 4. Installation.
1. Installation project.
For the purposes of Article 4.3 of the Regulation on pressure equipment, they shall require installation projects, including pressure vessels of Classes 1 or 2 of Article 3.3 of this ITC.
The project should include information about:
a) Description of the process that is performed on the installation.
b) Installer data and copy of your registration.
c) Technical characteristics of the containers:
-Total volume of the parts under pressure and if applicable, volumes of the internal chambers or volume of water at medium level.
-Maximum permissible pressure (PS), maximum permissible temperature (TS), maximum service pressure (Pms), maximum service temperature (Tms), seal pressure (Pt), test pressure of manufacture and subsequent periodicals.
-Fluid content.
-Surround material.
-Security elements and features of the same.
-Auxiliary elements and characteristics of them.
-Where appropriate, other relevant technical features.
d) Manufacturer data for each pressure equipment.
e) Nominal ratio of all pressure equipment included in the installation.
f) Budget.
g) Planes:
-General of each team or the set in which it is integrated.
-The location of the containers, including adjacent areas, with indication of risks.
-From the set of the installation.
-Installation principle schema.
2. Installations that do not require installation project.
Facilities that do not require the installation project to be submitted in accordance with the above paragraph shall be processed as referred to in paragraph 3 of Annex II to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
3. Installation companies
The installations of all the equipment included in this ITC shall be carried out by companies of the EIP-2 category, as provided for in Annex I to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
Article 5. Putting into service.
1. The putting into service of the pressure equipment or installations referred to in this JTI shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. The installation companies will be responsible for the execution of the facilities. If the design has been made by engineering or by the user, they shall be responsible for the design and shall record it in the Installation Certificate indicated in Annex IV to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
3. The installation plates and periodic inspections as set out in Annex II to the Regulation on pressure equipment may be replaced by the identification in the user equipment register as referred to in Article 9 of the Equipment Regulation. pressure.
Periodic inspections and repairs
Article 6. Periodic inspections.
1. Periodic inspections shall be carried out on the basis of the criteria set out in the Annex to this ITC.
2. The inspections and tests to be carried out on the vessels shall be carried out on the basis of the classification set out in Article 3.3 of this ITC by the agents and with the following maximum periods:
Classification | Inspection level (Annex) | ||
A | B | C | |
Own Inspector 4 years | O. C. A. 6 years | O. C. A. 12 years | |
Class 2 | Own Inspector 4 years | O. C. A. 8 years | O. C. A. 16 |
Class 3 | Own Inspector 6 years | Own Inspector (*) 10 years |
Does not |
Class 4 | Own Inspector 6 years | Inspector 12 years | Does not |
Class 5 | Own Inspector 8 years | Does not require | Does not require |
(*) In the case of special equipment, Class 3 level B inspections shall be carried out by OCA.
3. Pipes corresponding to processing units with a diameter greater than DN 50 and the value of PS.DN > 1,000 must be inspected, at least with level B, by the agents and with the maximum periods indicated, not being compulsory. perform the C-level
inspection | Fluid Group (artº 3.2) | |||
1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 and 2.2 | ||
Level B | Own Inspector 5 years | Own Inspector 10 years | 12-year-old |
4. Exceptionally, level B and C inspections of oil-liquefied gas storage areas or storage tanks shall be carried out jointly and shall be for a maximum of 10 years.
5. In addition to regular inspections, it shall be necessary to carry out checks, inspections or tests as necessary to ensure the integrity of equipment and installations.
When periodic inspections, as well as additional inspections performed by the user, are discovered corrosions or damage, their evolution must be followed by the user's inspections at the stops of the facilities for deciding, in the light of corrosion and the state of the apparatus, whether a repair is to be carried out.
6. Where the experience gained in carrying out periodic inspections, certain equipment does not present problems of use, ageing or special techniques for non-destructive testing which provide equivalent safety, may be authorised in accordance with Article 12 of the Regulation on pressure equipment, the modification of the inspection levels or the time-limits, with the corresponding favourable report of an approved inspection body.
Article 7. Repairs.
1. Repair companies.
The repairs of all equipment included in this ITC shall be carried out by undertakings of the ERP-2 category, as provided for in Annex I to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. Scope of the repairs.
Repairs affecting an important part of the equipment will be considered as "great repair", taking into account the criteria set out in the following section.
In the case of repairs affecting parts under pressure, the extent of which does not range from "great repair", the necessary checks shall be carried out by the user and the equipment must be submitted to the corresponding hydrostatic test or non-destructive tests deemed appropriate.
3. Great repair.
3.1. A repair in the enclosure of containers, columns, reactors and exchangers is considered to be in the category of "great repair" if it corresponds to any of the following:
(a) When the length of the solder concerned, expressed in terms of the length of the equipment, measured between tangents to the longitudinal welds and the development of the perimeter for the circumferential, match or exceed the values of the table indicated in this section. The sealing welds and all other sealing welds which do not adversely affect the mechanical and metallurgical characteristics of the resistant elements of the apparatus are exempted.
(b) Whatever the extent of their extension, in devices under vacuum, except those containing non-combustible fluids, or non-explosive-mix trainers.
(c) In classes 3 and 4, the containers shall not be regarded as major repairs carried out on the tubers or the welding recesses.
Class 3rd | Class | |||
Any length | Type of gaskets | Type of gaskets | ||
Longitudinal Weld | Circumferential Welding | Longitudinal Weld | 15% | |
15% | 15% Centro_table_body "> 30% | 20% | 40% |
3.2. In addition to the above, great repair will be considered in the following cases:
a) Aerorrefrigerants. The replacement of 10 per 100 of the tubes or repair on heads requiring welding.
b) Horns. Replacement of a pipe length greater than 10 per 100 of the total development of the tubular circuit.
c) Calderas and steam production equipment called. Replacement of a pipe length greater than 10 per 100 of the total development of the tubular circuit.
d) Piping. In this case it is defined as "great repair" any one that meets the following conditions simultaneously:
-That in the welding procedure heat treatment is included or that the thicknesses of the pipes to be joined are both greater than 12 millimeters.
-That the number of pipe join welds performed is higher than those indicated in the following table:
Number of welds | |
III | |
II | 6 |
I | 12 |
e) Untyped cases.
In Class 5 equipment, no repair will be considered for major repair.
3.3. Repair manual.
Repairs that are considered to be "great repair", as indicated in previous section, must have a Repair Manual developed by the repair company, including:
(a) Registration number on the competent authority of the autonomous community corresponding to its registered office.
b) Identification of the container, characteristics and classification, according to this ITC.
c) Reasons that motivate your repair.
d) A complete description of the repair, including detailed drawings of the repair.
(e) Documents supporting the suitability of the basic and input materials corresponding to the components used in their repair, approved by the repairer, engineering or control body.
f) Procedure for repair, welding, thermal treatments and controls, qualification of welding procedures and welders, all approved by the repair company, engineering or control body.
g) A situation plan for areas subject to control by non-destructive testing, required testing, extension of the test areas and results. The radiographic plates shall be properly preserved by the user for at least five years from the date of repair of the equipment.
h) Certificate of tests and tests performed during the repair subscribed by the technician entitled to the repair company, which can be owned or contracted.
i) Pressure test act subscribed by a control body.
In the case of pipes subjected to great repair, the above paragraphs shall be required, except for (b).
3.4. Any equipment that has a "great repair" must be subjected to the following inspections and tests:
(a) An inspection by the repair company to verify that the equipment has been repaired according to the documentation contained in the repair file.
b) An examination of the repaired apparatus and a pressure test of value and conditions equal to those of the first test, by a control body.
If the results of these inspections and tests are acceptable, the repaired equipment may be put into service.
Other Provisions
Article 8. User obligations.
In addition to the obligations set out in Article 9 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, the user must have:
1. Maintenance.
The user must perform a maintenance that ensures the availability and reliability of all elements of the facilities included in this ITC.
This maintenance will be based on the manufacturer's instructions and on the experience itself, and should be carried out with the required periodicity.
2. Inspection Manual
The user shall have an inspection manual, which shall contain at least the description of the organisation, the number and qualification of the persons to be involved, the detailed inspection procedures and the programme inspections
The inspection program must ensure compliance with regulatory deadlines.
In addition to the periodic inspections indicated in the Pressure Equipment Regulation and in this ITC, it shall be necessary to carry out as many controls, inspections or tests as are necessary to ensure the integrity of the equipment and facilities. In this regard, the indications of the manufacturer of the equipment and the criteria for inspection of the recognised standards or internationally accepted standards in the sector shall be taken into account.
The user must take advantage of scheduled technical stops (general unit stops for maintenance, change of catalysts, market conditions, etc.) or caused by breakdowns, to carry out inspections, checks or tests.
The inspection service of the user shall keep the management of the refinery or the petrochemical plant of the state of the equipment or systems informed, and recommend the putting out of service of those in which it is detected that the required security is not met. The inspection service may not be dependent on production or maintenance.
3. Other controls.
In addition to the checks and inspections that are expressly indicated in this ITC, at least the following controls must be carried out:
a) Corrosion control.
There should be sufficient technical information available for each pressure equipment to know the corrosion margins of the containers and pipes of each system.
The checks must ensure that all parts of the systems are checked, taking into account the different physical-chemical states of the fluids or the geometric factors.
The pipeline inspection program may be based on predictive analysis that controls the residual life of the systems, and controls must be carried out in good time to the exhaustion of the corrosion margins. The analysis should preferably be based on software which controls the evolution of the thicknesses. Similarly, the experience of similar systems may be used.
The possibility of corrosion under isolation or under stress should be taken into account.
b) Control of erosion.
The possible erosion that may occur in the systems due to the characteristics of the fluid and its velocity should be taken into account.
(c) Special controls, depending on the particular characteristics that may be presented by certain equipment or installations. Specific studies identifying the particular risks that may condition the integrity of the pressure equipment should be available.
In this sense, consideration should be given to the possible evolution of the materials according to the operating conditions (structural changes of the materials, slow yield analysis at high temperatures, ...).
Periodic Inspections
In the application of this ITC, the following criteria shall be taken into account in Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation:
1. Inspection Level A (External Inspection in Service).
In addition to the requirements set out in Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation, an ultrasound and/or any non-destructive test shall be carried out as necessary. In the case of equipment whose temperature of the metal does not allow such tests to be carried out, they must be carried out within a period not exceeding one year of the year of the establishment.
2. Inspection Level B (Off-duty internal inspection).
Consist, at least, in a complete internal visual inspection and check of thicknesses of all the parts under pressure. If this inspection results in reasonable grounds for increasing control, the non-destructive tests deemed necessary shall apply.
Where an internal inspection cannot be carried out by physical impossibility or justifiable technical reasons, it shall be replaced by the necessary non-destructive tests which ensure equivalent safety or a test of pressure.
In the case of pipelines, internal inspection will not be required.
3. Inspection Level C (Pressure test).
Empty equipment will not require hydrostatic testing.
4. The following considerations shall be taken into account in carrying out the inspections:
4.1 Test fluid.
For hydrostatic pressure testing, water will normally be used at room temperature. During the test the water temperature shall not be less than 10 ° C.
When the design of the equipment sets the nature, quality and temperature of the test fluid, the pressure tests shall be done in accordance with the requirements, taking all appropriate precautions.
Among others, they are considered to be supporting technical reasons for the change of test fluid or replacement of the following:
a) Reasonable doubts in the structural strength of foundations or foundations.
b) Harmful Effect of fluid on internal elements or apparatus walls.
c) Circuit drying, drain, or vent difficulties.
d) Material difficulty to perform hydrostatic test.
4.2 Test Pressure.
(a) The value of the test pressure (Pp) shall be that indicated by the manufacturer of the equipment, or in the absence of the hydrostatic manufacturing test, not exceeding 90 per cent of the elastic limit of the material to the Test temperature for primary membrane efforts.
As an exception, any reduction in the test pressure values shall be approved by the competent authority of the autonomous community, after technical justification and with the favourable report of a control body.
(b) In the case of vacuum equipment, special attention must be paid to the tightness of the equipment, so that when a level B inspection is carried out, a proof of tightness must be carried out before it is put in place. service. Vacuum equipment containing non-combustible fluids or non-formers of explosive mixtures is exempt from these tests.
c) Equipment with service temperature less than or equal to 0 ° C in systems with non-corrosive fluids.
To equipment operating under conditions of use under which experience shows that no internal corrosion problems arise, the following requirements shall apply to them:
-The equipment shall be subjected to the first hydrostatic pressure test, being exempted from the following periodic tests of level B and C, except that for other causes they have to be put out of service for repair. In this case visual inspection of the repaired area shall be carried out and shall be subjected to a pressure test.
-In any case the inspectors themselves will do regular level A inspections, in order to know the status of the areas where there can be external corrosion and where the greatest efforts are concentrated.
d) The pressure test procedure shall be as indicated by the manufacturer of the equipment or, failing that, provide a detailed description of the pressure test procedure as well as:
-Test Conditions.
-Equipment required for test execution.
-Measure and control devices, duly checked and with adequate sensitivity. It shall be ensured that the reading is at the central third of the scale of the apparatus.
-Fill and flush systems and test pressure maintenance time.
-Indication of the points at which attention should be taken.
5. Security requirements during testing.
During testing and testing, strict safety conditions must be observed to prevent the actions from being carried out to cause accidents.
Before carrying out the pressure tests it will be checked that the test equipment is correct and that the connections are appropriate to the maximum pressures to be reached, as well as the safety measures sufficient to avoid exceeding the test pressure, nor at any time to be below the temperature indicated in the design, nor to damage the internal elements of the apparatus.
5.1 Hydrostatic testing.
Before filling with water, it will be necessary to verify that the structures and foundations that support the equipment or system are in a position to resist the burden to which they will be subjected.
It will take care that staff stay away during the development of the test of the funds, caps, threaded parts and avoid the presence of people outside the test.
The manometers will be installed outside the vertical projection and will be preferred to position them laterally or in a higher position. During the filling of water, the circuit will be carefully vented to prevent air or steam chambers from remaining.
Due to the high energy stored in the hydrostatic test, special precautions shall be taken when the test pressure is greater than 80 bars or if the product of the test pressure (Pp) in bars by volume (V), in cubic meters is greater than 10,000, for which it is necessary to make a detailed plan of sequence of the same, time of duration and minimum distance of safety.
In the event that the minimum safety distance indicated in the plan cannot be maintained, the plan must be replaced by another additional safety standard, which must be submitted for approval by the competent authority of the Community. autonomic.
5.2 pneumatic testing.
This test is a higher risk than the hydrostatic test, so an inspection of the device must be done beforehand.
A detailed plan of the stages of its development should always be made, with pressure maintenance times during each stage, also defining the minimum safety distance.
During the test development, the zone will be marked by which no other personnel will be allowed to circulate.
6. User inspections.
(a) The user shall have the appropriate personnel, means and organization of his or her own or contracted to carry out the necessary inspections and controls during the life of the equipment or systems, to know at all times the degree of compliance with this ITC.
(b) Regardless of periodic inspections and tests, the user's inspectors shall examine and verify during the general and partial stops of the plants, those equipment which are opened for cleaning or repair. The results of such checks shall be shown in the User Registry referred to in Article 9.7 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
c) The inspection department of the user will carry the history of the equipment or systems. The user will check that the design conditions, failure duration, repairs, and modifications are not exceeded.
7. Inspection of the safety valves.
Safety valves shall be dismantled when the scheduled inspection stop of the system to which they belong is carried out, or when the frequency of inspections corresponds to the performance of the level B inspections for their adjustment, test and seal. The regulation shall be carried out by the test bench, taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturers.
In the case of flame boilers, the frequency of the checks shall be at least every two years.
The valves of the steam production systems, and all of them which, by their operating characteristics, allow them, may be checked at their place of placement.
The tarado and sealed checks will be monitored by a control body.
8. Inspection report.
All checks and tests corresponding to this paragraph that are carried out by the control body shall be reflected in the corresponding record.
Inspections made by the inspector must be recorded in the User Registry referred to in Article 9.7 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
Scope and definitions
Article 1. Scope of application.
1. This Supplementary Technical Instruction (JTI) applies to the conditions for the installation and periodic testing of cryogenic tanks and their equipment, with volumes exceeding 1,000 litres of geometric capacity, for storage and use of cryogenic gases such as: argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, nitrogen protoxide N2O, crypton, neon, oxygen, xenon, ethane, ethylene, hydrogen and air.
Also included are the auxiliary elements of said tanks such as pipes, valves, control elements, vaporization units/gasification units or external to the tank, refrigeration equipment and laying equipment. pressure.
2. Except for the application of the provisions of this ITC:
a) The transport elements of these products (cisterns).
b) Creogenic botchones for transport and supply.
(c) Refinery and petrochemical plant equipment included in the EP-3 ITC.
Article 2. Definitions.
Without prejudice to the definitions set out in Article 2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, for the purposes of this JTI, in particular, the following definitions shall apply:
1. 'cryogenic deposit' means a set consisting of the container, insulation, envelopes, supports, pipes, valves, manometers, thermometers, levels, etc., for storing cryogenic liquids.
2. 'cryogenic liquid' means a cryogenic liquid whose boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure is less than-40 ° C, in the case of CO2 less than -20 ° C.
3. 'insulation' means material placed around the inner container and reducing the thermal flow from the outside to the inside. This isolation may or may not be in vacuum chambers.
4. "Envelope", outer coating that exists around the insulation to protect and contain it.
5. "Cooling equipment" means a mechanical system that produces the necessary cooling to compensate for heat gains through insulation.
6. 'inert gas' means any gas or gas mixture that does not react with other products at normal temperature and pressure (15 ° C and 1.013 bar).
7. 'oxidant or oxidising gas' means any gas or gas mixture with higher than air-oxypotential.
8. "Owner", is the person, physical or legal, with title of ownership over the installation.
9. "The stored product user", is the person, physical or legal, that uses the stored product.
Installing and commissioning
Article 3. Classification of cryogenic deposits.
For the purposes of this ITC, cryogenic deposits are classified taking into account the following criteria:
1. Size.
Depending on the total geometric capacity, expressed in litres, of each cryogenic deposit (composed of one to more vessels), it shall be classified as:
a) Deposits of more than 1,000 to 5,000 liters.
b) Deposits from more than 5,000 to 20,000 liters.
c) Deposits from more than 20,000 to 60,000 litres.
d) Deposits from more than 60,000 to 200,000 litres.
e) Deposits of more than 200,000 to 400,000 litres.
f) Deposits of more than 400,000 litres.
2. Gas contained.
According to the dangerousness and characteristics of the gas contained, three categories are established:
-Group 1.1: flammable gases: Etane, ethylene and hydrogen.
-Group 1.2: oxidizing or oxidising gases: Oxygen and nitrogen protoxide.
-Group 2: inert gases: Argon, nitrogen, air, carbon dioxide, helium, crypton, neon and xenon.
Article 4. Installation.
The installations covered by this JTI shall require the submission of a technical project to the competent authority of the autonomous community, including at least the information referred to in paragraph 2 of Annex II to the Regulation. pressure equipment.
Article 5. Putting into service.
The commissioning of the facilities shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
A proof of tightness and check of the security system with seal of the safety valves must be performed. In tanks with vacuum insulation, the tightness test may be replaced by a vacuum measure and, if this is less than 0,60 mbar, the test shall be considered valid. This test may be carried out by the installer or by an approved inspection body.
Article 6. Installation security requirements.
1. Site.
Storage vessels should preferably be placed in the open air and above ground level, or in adequately ventilated non-combustible construction buildings.
For containers to contain flammable gases, the ceilings must be light construction with a maximum resistance of 50 mbar.
The placement of the vessels shall be such as to permit easy access to the supply vehicles and to the authorised personnel.
In facilities containing oxygen and/or nitrogen protoxide containers, the solera and pavements of the surrounding area shall be free of asphalt or bituminous products.
2. Security distances.
The distances indicated at this point are the minimum that must exist between the limits of the container with its auxiliary equipment and the various places that are cited.
In the case of multiple containers in the same enclosure, the recommended separation between them, whenever possible, should be the semi-sum of their radii and at least 0,5 m.
In Annex I, the distances to be maintained for various risks are indicated. For those risks not indicated in that table, the equivalent shall apply. The distances indicated in Annex I shall be measured according to the possible path of the gas in case of escape by contouring the walls of protection, if they exist, both horizontally and vertically, also estimating the right angles as equivalent to 2,5 m when the tranches constituting their sides have a minimum length of 1,3 m.
To ensure ventilation, no more than three sides can be placed with these walls. In special cases where it is necessary to close more than three sides with protective walls, the project shall justify the impossibility of other solutions and the ventilation system adopted.
Non-flammable gas containers (Groups 1.2 and 2), with outer steel envelope, are considered to be protected by this enclosure, in which case the parts not included inside the outer envelope must be protected. (pipes, control equipment, valves, etc.)
If the containers are placed in closed enclosures, ventilation must be ensured by appropriate procedures, such as grilles, fans, etc., except in those premises whose dimensions allow to be located a minimum separation of 15 m with a wall and simultaneously 5 m in its perpendicular direction.
3. Fenced.
The cryogenic deposit (s) shall be surrounded, on the sides where it is not protected by walls, by a light metal fence, at least 2 m high, in order to prevent persons from outside the service being able to access to installations or to manipulate them.
A poster should be placed on a visible site indicating the gas contained, specific hazards, and recommended safety measures.
The fencing obligations that are imposed, do not include the installations of the producing or packaging plants, may be performed without the fencing that will be limited to the perimeter of the plant.
4. Disposal of equipment.
Vaporizers/gasifiers outside the cryogenic tank or tanks shall be anchored and their connection pipes shall be calculated and designed to avoid the effects due to procrastination and contractions caused by temperature changes.
5. Taking of land.
Containers, equipment, and discharge station for flammable gases, must be made of ground with resistance less than 20 W.
6. Fire protection.
The criteria that are set out in Royal Decree 2267/2004 of 3 December 2004, for which the Regulation on Fire Safety in Industrial Establishments are adopted, will apply.
7. Spill protection.
The containers for flammable gases of any capacity and those of other gases of more than 1,000,000 litres shall be provided with the collection of the spilled product.
These cubetos may be formed by natural barriers, levees, retaining walls, or an excavation on the ground capable of resisting the mechanical, thermal, and chemical actions of the content product.
The capacity of the cubetos will be established according to the following criteria:
(a) If the cubeto serves a single container, the minimum useful volume of the vessel must be that of the liquid, filling the container entirely in the case of flammable and 50 per cent in other cases.
(b) If the cubeto provides services to more than one container and measures have been taken to prevent low temperatures or exposure to fire from spills in any vessel included in the bowl, it affects the other, the volume of the cubeto shall be that of the content filled with the highest capacity, in the case of flammable and 50 per cent of that volume in the other.
(c) For cubets that hold more than one container and the measures of the previous paragraph have not been taken, the volume of the cubeto shall be the sum of all the liquid contained in the tanks and all the containers filled in the case of Flammable and 50 per cent in other cases.
The dimensions of the cubets and the heights of their walls, in addition to the volume required in the preceding paragraphs, shall comply with the ratios set out in Annex II.
8. Other security measures.
Equipment intended to contain, or for which oxygen or nitrogen protoxide is to circulate, must be free of oil, grease or other readily oxidizable materials.
The discharge of the safety valves or rupture discs must be directed in such a way that it cannot cause damage to humans, fauna, flora or the environment.
Periodic Inspections
Article 7. Periodic inspections.
1. Level A inspections
It shall be carried out, with the periodicity and under the conditions set out in Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation.
2. Level B inspections
They shall be carried out at the intervals and by the agent indicated for these inspections in Annex III to the Pressure Equipment Regulation and without the need to leave the cryogenic deposit out of service, the following: checks:
-Measurement of the cryogenic deposit vacuum (it will be accepted if the measurement is less than 0.60 mbar).
-Proof of tightness (can be replaced by a vacuum measure).
-Check and seal valve valves.
-Checking compliance with regulatory conditions.
-Checking the land take.
3. Level C inspection
It will be done according to Annex III of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, although the pressure test will be pneumatic at a pressure of 1.1 PS.
Other Provisions
Article 8. User obligations.
The obligations under Article 9 of the Regulation on pressure equipment for users, correspond to the cryogenic deposits included in this ITC, to the owners of the equipment.
However, the owner may delegate to the user of the product, the monitoring functions and the good use of the cryogenic deposits, by written instructions accepted by both parties.
Minimum distances (m) of the cryogenic deposit (with one more containers) with the various risks
| Deposit size and gas | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Risk Type | a | b | c | d | e | f | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 1.2 | 2 | 1.1 |
1.2 | 2 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.2 | ||||||||||||||
Locales (*) | 5 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 30 | 10 | 10 | ||||||||||||
10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 8 |
8 | 8 | 10 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 10 | ||||||||||||
Engines, | 10 | 10 | - | -- | 15 | -- | - | 20 | -- | - | 25 | -- | -- | 30 | -- | -- | 35 | - - | - | ||||||||||||
Deposits, Material flammable; air | 5 | 5 | 3 | 10 |
10 | 3 | 10 | 15 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 5 | 20 | 30 | 5 | |||||||||||||
Deposits, flammable material; subways | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 20 | |||||||||||||
15 | 3 | 3 | 20 | 5 | 3 | 25 | 5 | 3 | 30 | 5 | 3 | 35 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 40 | 20 | 5 | |||||||||||||
8 | 5 | 3 | 10 |
5 | 3 | 15 | 8 | 3 | 25 | 10 | 3 | 30 | 15 | 3 | 30 | 20 | |||||||||||||||
10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 20 | 10 |
25 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 30 | 15 | 35 | 35 | 15 | 10 | 10 | |||||
alusuary | 15 | 1 | 1 | 20 |
2 | 2 | 25 | 2 | 2 | 30 | 2 |
| 5 | 5 | 5 | 35 | 40 | 10 | 10 | ||||||||||||
Projection overhead power lines A.T. | 10 | 5 | 3 | 15 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 15 | 10 | 15 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |||||||||||
habitable buildings | 15 | 5 | 5 | 20 | 10 |
10 | 25 | 10 | 10 | 30 | 15 | 35 | 35 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 40 | 15 |
to: | Repositories over 1,000 to 5,000 liters | 1.1 = flammable Gases |
b: | Deposits over 5,000 to 20,000 liters | |
c: | Deposits over 20,000 to 60,000 liters | |
d: | Deposits over 60,000 to 200,000 liters | |
: | Deposits over 200,000 to 400,000 litres | |
f: | Repositories of more than 400,000 litres |
The dimensions of the cubetos and the heights of their walls in addition to the required volume must be met by the ratios indicated in the following figure and equations:
X ≥ and + Pms/100 γ
X ³ y + Pms/1000 g
-"x", "y", and "h" correspond to the dimensions indicated in the figure in m.
-Pms is the maximum service pressure in the gas phase at bar.
-"γ" the specific weight of the liquid in kg/m3 at the boiling point at atmospheric pressure.
x = Distance from the outer wall of the tank to the outer wall of the cubeto in meters.
y = Maximum distance between the maximum liquid level and a possible liquid spill point (valve, flanges, auxiliary equipment, etc.), in meters.
h = Height of the cubeto in meters.
Note: If "h" is greater than the height of the highest possible spill point (valve, flange, equipment)
General provisions
Article 1. Scope of application.
This Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) applies to the safety conditions of the charging facilities, as well as to the requirements and controls necessary for the use of the self-contained breathing bottles in the underwater activities and in surface work with oxygen content of less than 40 per cent.
Article 2. Definitions.
In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, for the purposes of this ITC, in particular, the following definitions shall be taken into account:
1. "Stand-alone breathing equipment bottle", an easy-to-handle container, which serves to store and transport a breathable fluid, used in underwater activities and in surface work.
2. 'Bottle inspection centre' means an approved establishment with the appropriate elements to carry out the regular and/or visual inspections of the bottles.
3. 'Fixed compressor' means a compression machine located on a fixed site, which is used for the loading of bottles with a breathable fluid.
4. "Portable Compressor" means an easily transportable compression machine which, including air, control and safety treatment elements, serves for the unitary recharging of compressed air bottles for the sole use of its owner.
5. 'Bottle refill centre' means an approved establishment which has the appropriate means to be able to carry out the loading activity of the bottles.
6. 'Visual bottle inspection' means a set of checks to check the storage condition of the bottle and its valve, assessing internal corrosion and the external appearance of the container.
7. 'A mixture of breathable gases' means a mixture other than atmospheric air which can be breathed and which meets the corresponding health requirements.
8. "Recharge zone", closed enclosure where the recharge of the bottles is performed and where the loading ramp and the whips are located to connect to the bottles.
9. 'Loading Ramp' means a collector receiving the compressed fluid, including the corresponding connection devices for filling the bottles, as well as the control and safety elements.
10. 'Bottle valve' means a device that allows or interrupts the flow of fluid from or to the bottle.
Enrollment of Recharge Centers and Bottle Inspection Centers
Article 3. Bottle charging center.
1. Each of the establishments intending to carry out the bottle-charging activity shall, prior to the commencement of their activity, obtain the certificate of recognition of a bottle-refillator undertaking from the competent body of the Autonomous community in which radique, proceeding below to the registration in the corresponding register.
2. The application for the certificate of recognition and registration shall be accompanied by the following documentation:
(a) The project of the installation signed by technician entitled and endorsed by the corresponding official school, in which the site and all the constituent elements of the installation are described, compliance with the specific safety conditions set out in Chapter IV of this JTI.
No installation project shall be required for bottle charging facilities in which the sum of the products of the maximum service pressure in bar by the volume in litres of all fixed pressure equipment which can be be connected simultaneously at the facility is £ 25,000. In this case, a technical memory shall be submitted by the installation undertaking describing the installations and compliance with Chapter IV, and, where appropriate, a specific project certifying the special conditions of protection referred to in Article 12.a of this JTI.
In the event that equipment is used that only requires electrical connection for its operation, in accordance with Article 4.4 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, when not having the installation consideration, the memory may be be subscribed by the holder.
b) EC declaration of conformity for each of the equipment under pressure of the installation.
(c) A certificate of technical direction signed by the competent technician of the installation and visa company by the appropriate official college.
In case of installations that do not require project, the installation certificate will be subscribed to by the pressure equipment installation company that has performed it.
In centers where memory, in accordance with the previous heading (a), can be subscribed by the holder, as it is not considered as an installation, the presentation of the certificate of installation company will not be necessary.
d) The proof of registration in the Register of industrial establishments.
e) A copy of the current civil liability insurance policy, endorsement or other financial guarantee with a duly authorized entity that specifically covers this activity with minimum coverage by accident of 500,000 euro. The amount indicated shall be automatically updated in accordance with the annual changes in the official consumer price index, taking as the starting date 27 July 2005.
f) Statement signed by the company's legal officer, stating that the personnel responsible for its operation are properly instructed in the handling of the installation and knows the requirements and checks to be made for filling the bottles.
g) Manual of procedure of procedure for the reloading of bottles, indicating, where appropriate, the actions for the loading of bottles with pressures other than those of the loading ramp.
(h) Certificate of inspection of the charging centre issued by a control body, when it has been established by the competent authority of the autonomous community.
3. Compressed air production centres and mixtures of breathable gases, located in industries and specialised activities for the production, distribution and use of gases, are considered to be authorised to carry out the recharging activity of bottles. In this case, they shall communicate the start of the activity to the competent body of the autonomous community, together with the Manual of Procedure for the Recharge of Bottles.
Article 4. Periodic inspection centres for bottles.
1. The establishments intending to carry out the inspections of the bottles must obtain, prior to the commencement of their activity, the certificate of recognition of a bottle inspection undertaking by the competent body of the Community. self-contained in which you then proceed to the registration in the corresponding record.
2. The periodic inspection centres for bottles shall also be enabled for the purpose of the visual inspection of the bottles.
3. In order to obtain registration as a periodic inspection centre, the company must prove that it meets the required requirements, presenting the following documentation:
(a) The proof of registration in the Register of Industrial establishments.
b) Project of installation of the inspection centre with site and detail plan. The test area under pressure shall comply with the conditions of placement provided for in Article 12 of this JTI.
(c) A certificate of technical direction signed by the competent technician of the installation and visa company by the appropriate official college.
(d) The relationship of the set of tools, machinery and elements at the centre to carry out the tests, controls and inspections, indicating the daily inspection capacity of the centre. At least the following items must be available:
-System suitable for internal cleaning of bottles.
-Set for the realization of the volumetric dilation hydraulic test.
-Device for internal drying of bottles.
-Calibers and gages for thread control.
-Light device for internal visual inspection of the bottle.
-Bottle thickener meter equipment.
-Bascula for weight control of bottles.
-Tools and elements for fixing and handling bottles.
-Air compressor and elements to check valve tightness.
e) Copy of the punch mark with the rejection password indicated in Annex II of this ITC.
f) Identification of the punch for the marking that identifies the company, which it will use to place on the bottles it has inspected. A copy of this marking shall be attached to an aluminium square of 2x2 cm.
g) A copy of the contract of employment or service provision of a qualified technician who will be responsible for the control of the bottles that are placed in the centre.
(h) Declaration signed by the company's legal officer, stating that the personnel responsible for the inspections are properly instructed and have the necessary knowledge to carry out the tests and controls on the bottles.
i) A copy of the current civil liability insurance policy, endorsement or other financial guarantee with a duly authorized entity that specifically covers this activity with minimum coverage per accident of 500,000 euros. The amount indicated shall be automatically updated in accordance with the annual changes in the official consumer price index, taking as the starting date 27 July 2005.
j) Model of periodic inspection sticker, which the inspection centre shall attach to the bottle in the case of bottles of composite materials, after the periodic inspection has been exceeded and shall at least consist of: the data referred to in Article 7.3 of this ITC.
k) Model of visual inspection sticker, which shall be affixed to the bottle by the centre after the inspection has been completed and where, at least, the data referred to in Article 9.4 of this ITC shall be recorded.
l) Book of inspections to be carried out by the competent authority of the autonomous community in which it radiate and where, at least, the registration data provided for in the corresponding UNE-EN 1968, UNE-EN 1802 and UNE-EN ISO 11623 standards, in the case of bottles of steel, aluminium or composite materials respectively.
4. Compressed air production centres and mixtures of breathable gases located in industries and specialised activities in the production, distribution and use of gases are considered to be authorised to carry out the inspection activity. Regular and visual bottles. In this case, they shall communicate the commencement of the activity to the competent body of the autonomous community, together with the accreditation of compliance with the headings (e), (f), (g), (i), (j), (k) and (l) of paragraph 3 of this Article.
5. The autonomous community shall notify the competent industrial safety authority of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade in the fingerprints of the marking points identifying the periodic inspection centres which have been registered.
6. The Ministry of Industry Tourism and Trade shall publish in the "Official State Gazette", by means of a decision of the competent authority in the field of industrial safety, for information purposes, the marking points to be used by the periodic inspection centres for identification in the bottles, once they have carried out such inspection.
Article 5. Visual inspection centres for bottles.
1. The establishments which intend to carry out the visual inspection of the bottles must obtain, prior to the commencement of their activity, the certificate of recognition of the visual inspection centre for bottles of the competent organ of the Autonomous community in which radio that follows the registration in the corresponding register.
2. In order to obtain registration as a visual inspection centre, the company must prove that it meets the required requirements by submitting the following documentation:
a) Justicizer of the registration in the Register of Industrial Establishments.
b) Technical memory describing the facilities and compliance with Chapter IV of this ITC, signed by the installation company, and site and detail plan of the installation. The pressure test area shall comply with the same site conditions as set out in Article 12 for the recharge of bottles.
Where appropriate, a specific project shall be submitted to demonstrate the special protection conditions referred to in Article 12 (a) of this JTI.
c) The installation certificate subscribed by the authorized installer company that made it.
If you need a specific project to prove the special protection conditions required in the above mentioned article 12 (a), the technical address certificate of the project signed by technician must be presented. qualified and endorsed by the relevant official college.
(d) Statement of the available work items, which shall at least be as referred to in Article 4.3.d) of this JTI, with the exception of the hydraulic testing equipment and the availability of a qualified technician.
e) Declaration signed by the legal officer of the company, stating that the personnel responsible for the visual inspection are properly instructed and have the necessary knowledge for the performance of the tests and controls on the bottles.
f) A copy of the current civil liability insurance policy, endorsement or other financial guarantee subscribed with a duly authorized entity, specifically covering this activity with minimum coverage by accident of 500,000 euro. The amount indicated shall be automatically updated in accordance with the annual changes in the official index of consumer prices taking as the starting date of 27 July 2005.
g) A model of adhesive label which the Visual Inspection Centre shall attach to the bottle, after the inspection has been completed and where at least the data referred to in Article 9.4 of this ITC shall be recorded.
(h) Book of visual inspections, which shall be carried out by the competent authority of the autonomous community in which it radiate and where, at least, the recording data provided for in the corresponding UNE-EN 1968, UNE-EN 1802 and UNE-EN ISO 11623 standards, in the case of steel, aluminium or composite material bottles respectively.
Article 6. Refill bottles from other countries.
Registered recharge centres will be able to recharge bottles which are not legally marketed at national level and which come from other countries, if they meet the following requirements:
1. The reloading company shall request the design documentation or previous inspections, where it has reasonable doubts as to whether the bottle has any type of registration or if it comes from countries where there are no approvals or certificates of conformity and, in particular, where there are doubts about the safety of the bottle. In this regard, the holder of the bottle shall certify that the bottle holder has the following certifications: "EC" declaration of conformity, certificate of conformity to standards, type-approval or type-approval in their respective countries of origin.
2. In order to be able to recharge these bottles without subjecting them to the periodic inspection or visual inspection tests provided for in this ITC, the following conditions shall be met:
(a) That the date of the last test is fully identified and that it complies with the deadline set out in Article 7.1 of this ITC.
b) That the owner or controller of the bottle and the inspection authority that carried out the last test, as well as the product to be contained and the maximum load pressure, is sufficiently identified.
c) That the bottle, in the judgment of the reloading company, is in good condition for use.
Inspections and tests
Article 7. Periodic inspection of the bottles.
1. The cylinders and their valves shall be subjected, every three years, to the periodic inspection tests and verifications shown below.
For seamless steel bottles the criteria of the UNE-EN 1968 standard are used; for aluminium alloy bottles, those of the UNE-EN 1802 standard and for bottles made of materials composed of standard UNE-EN ISO 11623.
For the inspection of the valve of the bottles will be used, in addition to the indicated criteria of the norms of the previous point, those of the norm UNE-EN 14189, " Inspection and maintenance of the valves of the bottles during the periodic inspection of the gas cylinders. "
Tests and verifications to be performed, unless the manufacturer of the bottle has established stricter rejection criteria for a specific model, shall include:
(a) Identification of the bottle and control of recorded marks, taking into account the requirements set out in Annex I to this ITC
b) External visual inspection.
c) Internal visual inspection.
d) Inspection of the bottle neck and internal thread.
e) Hydraulic test for volumetric expansion (permanent volumetric expansion shall be in accordance with the values provided by the manufacturer and, failing that, shall not exceed 5%).
f) Inspection of the valve, checking the matching of the coupling thread with that of the bottle.
2. If there are doubts about some of the results obtained from the tests or controls carried out and/or on the severity of some of the defects detected, other complementary test and test methods as laid down in the standards may be used. which are appropriate according to the type of defect in question.
3. If the result of the periodic inspection is positive, the bottle inspection centre shall record the same by stamping on the bottle the marks set out in the UNE marking standard EN 1089-1.
In the case of bottles of composite materials, the periodic inspection carried out by means of an adhesive and indelible label on the bottle shall be recorded, indicating the following paragraphs:
a) Registration "PERIODIC INSPECTION".
b) Name and address of the center performing the inspection.
c) Registration number in the Industrial Establishment Register.
d) The date the test was performed.
e) Indication of the test validity deadline.
4. Once the periodic inspection tests and verifications have been carried out, the inspection centre shall issue the appropriate certification, identifying the bottle and showing that it has exceeded each of the tests and controls it has been subject. The certificate shall indicate that the period of validity and the punch-password of the entity has been recorded in the bottle. In the case of bottles of composite materials, the above information shall be placed on the label indicated in the preceding paragraph. This document, from which a copy is delivered to the holder of the bottle, must be kept a copy at the centre, at least for five years from the date of execution.
5. All inspections carried out shall be recorded in the Regular Inspection Control Book.
Article 8. Rejection and removal of defective bottles.
In case the bottle does not meet the requirements for safe use, it will be rejected.
In the event of rejection, the inspection centre shall, next to the identification number of the bottle, the punch-point of rejection R, with the dimensions and characteristics set out in Annex II to this ITC. In the case of non-metallic bottles, a legible and indelible label shall be affixed to the mark, but the dimensions of which shall be twice as large as those indicated in that Annex II.
In both cases, the center will notify the owner of the bottle that proceeds to its immediate inuse, and must warn you that before starting the destruction process you must ensure that the bottle is completely empty.
Article 9. Visual inspection.
1. From the year following the first pressure test stamped by the manufacturer, the bottles shall be subjected to a visual inspection each year and the following checks must be carried out.
For seamless steel bottles, the UNE-EN 1968 criteria will be used; for aluminium alloy bottles, those of the UNE-EN 1802 standard and for bottles made of composite materials of standard UNE-EN ISO 11623.
The verifications to perform include:
(a) Identification of the bottle and control of recorded marks, taking into account the requirements set out in Annex I.
b) External visual inspection.
c) Internal visual inspection.
d) Inspection of the bottle neck and internal thread.
e) Inspection of the valve, checking the matching of the coupling thread with that of the bottle
2. If there are doubts about some of the results obtained from the tests or controls carried out and/or on the severity of some of the defects detected, other complementary test and test methods such as: ultrasounds and other non-destructive tests which are appropriate according to the type of defect in question.
3. For bottles of composite materials, as far as checks and acceptance or rejection criteria are concerned, the manufacturer may establish stricter rejection criteria for a specific model.
4. The entity carrying out these inspections shall record the same on the bottle by means of an adhesive label, containing at least:
-Name and address of the center performing the inspection.
-The registration number in the Industrial Establishment Register.
-Indication of the validity deadline.
5. All inspections carried out shall be recorded in the Visual Inspection Control Book.
Article 10. Pre-load checks for bottles.
The Reloading Center, pre-filled, must perform the following checks:
a) Identification of the bottle and control of marks taking into account the provisions of Annex I to this ITC.
b) Checking that they are within the period of validity of the periodic inspection and visual inspection
c) Checking the external state of the bottle and valve.
In the event that a bottle does not meet the requirements set out in this ITC, the reloading company will not be able to recharge.
Article 11. Periodic inspection of the charging centres and inspection centres.
1. Bottle charging centres and inspection centres shall be subject to a periodic inspection every five years from the date of commissioning of the installation, in which it shall be verified that the conditions of the inspection are met. (a)
(EU) No 3900/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1 March 2014.A hydrostatic test of the pressure circuit shall be performed at 1.3 times the maximum permissible pressure of the installation, which shall include filters, decanters, air accumulators and load ramp.
Safety valves will be dismantled and their good status will be checked. Subsequently, these valves shall be tested with the installation in operation and their firing shall be verified, sealing them to the maximum operating pressure of the installation.
All manometers shall be tested, the smooth operation of the pressure reducing systems shall be checked, if any, and the tests and checks shall be carried out to ensure the smooth functioning of the pressure-reducing system. installation.
The periodic inspection will be carried out by a control body. The result shall be a certificate indicating, where appropriate, any identified deficiencies which shall be made available to the competent body of the Autonomous Community.
2. In addition to the inspections referred to in the previous paragraph, the holder of the charging or inspection centre shall review or have to be reviewed annually by authorised installation undertaking, the proper functioning of all control elements and installation security (safety valves, pressure gauges, pressure valves, purging valves, etc.) The results of the reviews and checks shall be recorded in writing by means of a report, which shall be kept at the disposal of the competent authority for a period of 10 years.
Bottle Recharge Centers
Article 12. Site of the recharge zone.
For the site of the recharge zone the following conditions must be met:
(a) The recharging zone may not have walls, ceiling or common ground with other premises or inhabited spaces, unless it is justified in the project that adequate protection is available in the enclosures withstand the impact, in the event of an accident, by the release or explosion of a bottle or any of its components.
In case the installation does not require a project of installation, in accordance with Article 3.2.a) of this ITC, the protection of the site, according to the preceding paragraph, shall be justified by a specific project signed by technical qualified and endorsed by the relevant official college.
(b) Openings that communicate with other premises and outside (doors and windows) must be adequately protected in such a way that damage to persons, property and things in the event of an accident cannot be caused. physical impact or expansion of the fluid.
c) The intake intake of the compression air shall be placed in a place to ensure its quality.
d) During the reloading process, people outside the reloading process will not be allowed to enter. Signs indicating this ban will be placed at the entry gates.
Article 13. Installations for the mixing of breathable gases.
1. The bottles, accessories and all components and elements used in the recharging process for mixtures with oxygen content exceeding 21% must have a rigorous handling and cleaning system to ensure the absence of fat, oil or any other component that may result in explosions.
2. The bottles and components constituting the installation used for the handling, compression and storage of the gas mixture shall be manufactured to contain and treat the product and shall be applied exclusively to the type of mixture to be used.
3. Each component of the equipment used in the preparation of the breathable mixtures must be able to justify compliance with the regulations in force at the time of its placing on the market. These installations must have the corresponding homogenisation and analysis systems of the mixtures in order to ensure their quality and health.
4. The installation shall have an independent loading ramp, which is properly differentiated and separate from the air load ramp.
5. It will be the responsibility of the recharging company to guarantee the quality of the gas. For this purpose, in mixtures of breathable gases other than air, a certificate specifying the characteristics of the mixture introduced in the bottle shall be provided for each reloading.
Article 14. Components of the facilities.
1. Valves, coupling systems and connection fittings.
The system of coupling between valve and bottle, as well as the coupling for connection to the devices of use and for the connection to the loading ramp, must guarantee the tightness and avoid inadequate connections when different mixtures of breathable gases are used.
2. Purge of condensates.
Containers which constitute a system of production and/or storage of air and of breathable high pressure mixtures, shall have a purging device that allows the condensates to be collected and evacuated in accordance with the legislation in force, unless the project is justified by the non-existence of condensates.
3. Treatment and filtering of air and breathable mixtures.
Each installation must have a system of treatment and filtering of the breathable gases that guarantees its quality, so that it is in suitable conditions of being breathed, according to the legislation in force.
The responsibility for atmospheric air and mixtures other than air to be in suitable conditions to be breathed corresponds to the reloading company.
4. Job presostat.
Any charging facility must have the corresponding mechanical or electrical device to allow for the regular working conditions, of the compressors or the compressors, depending on the maximum permissible pressure of the element which the has the lowest inside the installation. In any case, the presostat shall be at lower pressure than that of the loading ramp safety valve.
5. Safety valves.
(a) The protection against pressure in the loading facilities shall be carried out through the mediation of spring-type safety valves, with a total lifting and sealing seat. Each safety valve must be capable of evacuating the entire air flow that can be produced, stored or circular, without causing an increase in pressure at the inlet of the valve to exceed 10 percent of the pressure. tarado, when the maximum flow rate for which it has been scheduled is unloaded.
(b) Safety valves shall be taken and sealed in such a way as to ensure that the maximum permissible pressure of the lower part of the installation element is not permanently exceeded.
c) At least one seal safety valve shall be installed on each of the following parts of the installation:
-After the last compression stage of each compressor.
-In the circuit of high pressure air storage containers.
-On the loading ramp, for each individual load pressure.
d) There can be no sectioning valves between a safety valve and the container or the part of the installation to be protected. After each pressure reducing valve a safety valve must be installed to protect the low pressure sector.
6. Gauges.
a) A manometer must be installed at least in the following points:
-After the last compression stage of each compressor.
-In the circuit of the reservoir or reserve bottles.
-In the load manifold or ramp, for each individual pressure filling pressure.
-Before and after a pressure-reducing valve, if it exists.
(b) Each loading centre must be equipped with a properly calibrated pressure gauge in order to be able to check, at least once a year, the assembly of the manometers of the installation.
Article 15. Bottle storage.
The storage of out-of-service bottles for long periods of time should be maintained with a positive residual pressure inside.
Using Portable Compressors
Article 16. Refill bottles by portable compressors.
1. The use of portable compressors located outside a charging centre shall comply with the following considerations:
(a) This type of compressors may only be used for their own use, without in any case being used to recharge bottles from third parties.
(b) The portable compressor, together with the complementary elements (oil filters and separators) and the elements of connection, safety and regulation, shall comply with the specifications laid down in Articles 13, 14 and 15 of this Regulation. ITC, with the limitation that it will not be able to dispose of air storage containers. The compressor must have at least one sealing safety valve and one gauge at the end of the last compression stage.
c) The use of these pressure equipment, due to their condition of mobile compact equipment, as they have no fixed installation, does not require registration as a bottle charging centre provided for in Article 3.
(d) Recharge activity with portable compressors shall be carried out at a point location, without a public presence and at a minimum distance of 50 metres from any public communication route, premises and inhabited establishments, buildings of any kind and areas in which any type of occupation or activity involving persons and/or animals is carried out. When recharging is carried out in a closed premises, the latter shall comply with the conditions of placement provided for in Article 12 of this ITC.
In sports facilities with swimming pool, which cannot meet for space limitation the requirements of the previous paragraph, will be allowed exceptionally for the practice of swimming with fins and under the responsibility of the Spanish Federation of Subaquatic Activities or Autonomous Federations, in the field of their competences, the recharge of the bottles destined for this activity with portable compressors in the safest area of the corresponding installation, taking into account the possibilities of structural protection of the latter and its removal from all areas accessible to people.
e) In the case of undertakings specialising in works and subsea work, their use shall, on a preliminary basis, require a communication to the competent authority of the autonomous community, indicating the place of placement and certify that they have taken appropriate security measures to ensure the absence of possible damage to persons, animals and property.
2. The requirements indicated in the previous point shall not apply to the Armed Forces, Security Forces and Corps and Civil Protection services. Other similar institutions or bodies shall request the competent authority of the autonomous community for the relevant exemption.
3. However, in order to ensure their safety, all portable compressors shall have instructions for their use and maintenance and shall be subject to the periodic inspections provided for in Article 11 of this ITC every five years. to be counted from the date of the declaration of conformity of the equipment or assembly issued by the manufacturer or his legal representative.
4. These instructions must be provided by the manufacturer, and the holder or the user of the compressor shall be responsible, in all cases, for their preservation and for the strict compliance with them, as well as for the rules of use here. are set.
Article 17. UNE rules for the implementation of the ITC
In Annex III of this ITC the references of the UNE standards which, in whole or in part, are prescribed for compliance with the requirements included in the scope of application are indicated.
The specific editions of the UNE standards listed in the Annex will remain valid for the correct application of the JTI, even if they have been approved and published later in the rules, as long as they do not publish in the "Official State Gazette" by the leading industrial safety management centre the resolution that updates these standards.
The same resolution will indicate the new references and the date from which the new editions will apply and, consequently, the date when the old editions will cease to be.
Bottle identification and marking
1. Each bottle must be marked in visible and durable characters by the inscriptions and markings in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of its placing on the market and which shall correspond to one of the following three forms:
a) Registration password of "type record". You must have a certificate in accordance with the Regulations of Apparatus to Pressure (Royal Decree 1244/1979 of 4 April).
(b) Enrollment corresponding to Directive 84 /525/EEC on seamless steel bottles and, where appropriate, Directive 84 /526/EEC on seamless aluminium bottles, consisting of:
2. No. 1, which identifies Directive 84/525 EEC, or number 2 which identifies Directive 84/526 EEC, cited under the previous heading.
3. º The letter or uppercase letters of the State that issued the Model EEC authorization.
4. The last two digits of the authorization year.
5. º The order number of the EEC authorization.
(c) "CE" marked "CE" followed by the identification number of the notified body which has intervened in the production control phase, in the case of the application of Royal Decree 769/1999 of 7 May, for which the implementing provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directive 97 /23/EC on pressure equipment.
2. Each bottle, in addition to the EC password or marking, must be stamped in the warhead, in the case of metal bottles, or on an adhesive label, in the case of composite materials, the following inscriptions:
a) Name of the gas
b) Manufacturer's brand
c) Number of manufacturing
d) Test Pressure
e) Maximum allowable pressure
f) Volume (of water in litres)
g) Date of the manufacturing test
h) Dates of periodic tests
i) Bottle of the bottle in kg.
Reject password
UNE Rules
UNE-EN 1968, Botellas for Gas Transportation. Periodic inspections and testing of bottles for seamless steel gas.
UNE-EN 1802, Botellas for gas transportation. Periodic inspections and testing of bottles for seamless aluminium alloy gas.
UNE-EN ISO 11623, Bottles for gas transport. Periodic inspections and testing of bottles for gases manufactured with composite materials.
UNE EN 1089-1, Bottles for gas transport. Identification of the gas cylinders (except LPG). Part 1 Marking.
UNE EN 14189, Botellas for gas transport. Inspection and maintenance of the valves of the bottles during the periodic inspection of the gas cylinders.
General provisions
Article 1. Scope of application.
1. This Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) applies to the conditions of use and the charging centres for transportable pressure vessels for industrial, food and medicinal uses, which are included in the Article 2.1.a to Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Directive 1999/36 on transportable pressure equipment such as bottles, bottles, cryogenic bottles, cylinders or cylinder blocks including their valves and other accessories used for their transport.
2. Except for the application of the provisions of this ITC:
a) The LPG cartridges.
b) The fire extinguishers, which will be governed by Royal Decree 1942/1993 of 5 November, approving the Regulation of fire protection installations.
c) The self-contained respiratory equipment bottles included in the EP-5 ITC.
Article 2. Definitions.
In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2 of the Pressure Equipment Regulation, for the purposes of this JTI, in particular, the following definitions shall apply:
1. 'Transportable pressure vessel' means a generic term for the designation of a bottle, a bottle, a cryogenic bottle, a cylinder or a block of bottles.
2. 'Bottle' means a portable pressure vessel with a capacity not exceeding 150 litres.
3. " Pressure or bottom bidon ', a serviceable portable pressure vessel with a capacity exceeding 150 and less than 1,000 litres.
4. 'Cryogenic bottle or container' means a heat-insulated transportable pressure vessel for the transport of refrigerated liquefied gases with a capacity of not more than 1,000 litres.
5. 'Cylinder or tube' means a non-soldered transportable pressure vessel with a capacity of more than 150 and not more than 3,000 litres.
6. 'Bottle block' means a set of bottles attached to each other, connected by a collecting pipe and transported as an unsociable assembly, with a capacity of not more than 3,000 litres, or in the case of toxic gases of 1,000 litres.
7. 'Gas charging centre' means an approved establishment which has the appropriate means to be able to carry out the activity of loading gas canisters.
8. 'Recharge zone' means the space where the reloading of the transportable pressure vessels is carried out and where the loading ramp and the connecting whips are located.
Terms of Use of the Canisters
Article 3. Types of output couplings.
1. The transportable pressure vessels falling within the scope of this ITC shall have the output couplings indicated
Annex I.2. For gases of medical use the couplings indicated in the UNE EN ISO 407 standard may also be used.
3. All components used in the construction of valve couplings must be compatible with the gases contained in the bottles.
Article 4. Identification colors.
1. In order to identify the gas or mixture of gases contained and the risks associated with them, the transportable pressure vessels falling within the scope of this ITC shall comply with the provisions of the UNE EN 1089-3 standard.
The vessels complying with the above standard shall be identified by the letter 'N', marked twice in diametrically opposed points on the warhead and with a colour different from that of the warhead.
2. As an exception to the above section:
(a) The bottles intended to contain butane or propane or their mixtures shall be governed in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1085/1992 of 11 September 1992 establishing the Regulation on the distribution of liquefied petroleum gases.
b) Creogenic botchins must be in clear colours (white, silver, etc.) and they will identify the gas contained, painting their name on the body of the gas with letters of a minimum of 5 centimetres in height, in two places opposites, if space permits.
Article 5. Conditions of use of the vessels.
1. Handling, storage and use of containers.
Appropriate handling, storage and use of the containers should be carried out, taking into account the requirements of the ITC MIE APQ-5 of Royal Decree 379/2001 of 6 April, approving the Regulation of storage of chemicals and the instructions of the company supplying the gases.
2. Changing the product contained in the canister.
Before proceeding to the change of the product contained in the container, it should be checked that it is suitable for containing the new product, and in particular the loading, testing and filling pressures, according to the rules concerning the transport of dangerous goods and the UNE-EN 1795 standard.
3. Gas canisters for food or medicinal use.
Gas containers intended for food or medicinal use shall also comply with the provisions to be laid down by the competent authority in the field of health.
4. Use of containers from other countries.
Packaging from other countries must comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001 and in this ITC.
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, the temporary use of containers with non-manufactured gases in Spain shall be permitted if they justify this and in addition to the current of the periodic tests and the degree and pressure (a) to comply with the requirements of the rules on the transport of dangerous goods. These vessels may only be used for the consumption of existing gas and may not be refilled in Spain, and their entry and subsequent exit from the national territory must be monitored by a control body, and subsequently delivered certifications to the competent authority of the autonomous community of destination of the temporary importation.
Article 6. Periodic inspections of the vessels.
Regular inspections of transportable pressure vessels subject to the provisions of this ITC shall be carried out in accordance with Article 5 of Royal Decree 222/2001 of 2 March 2001.
Gas Charging Centers
Article 7. Certificate of the Gas Recharge Centers.
1. The establishments intending to carry out the reloading activity of the transportable pressure vessels included in this JTI shall, prior to the commencement of their business, obtain the certificate of recognition of the undertaking A bottle reloading of the competent authority in the field of Industry of the Autonomous Community in which it radiuses, then proceeding to the registration in the corresponding register.
2. The application for a certificate of recognition and registration shall be accompanied by the following documentation:
(a) Project of the installation signed by technician entitled and endorsed by the corresponding official college, describing the site and all the constituent elements of the installation.
b) EC declaration of conformity for each of the equipment under pressure of the installation.
c) The installation certificate signed by the technician entitled to the installation company. This certificate shall be considered as a technical certificate.
d) The proof of registration in the Register of industrial establishments.
e) Copy of the current civil liability insurance policy, guarantee or other financial guarantee, subscribed with duly authorized entity that specifically covers this activity, with minimum coverage by accident of 500,000 euro. The quantity indicated shall be automatically updated in accordance with the annual changes in the official consumer price index, taking as the starting date the entry into force of this ITC.
f) Manual of action procedures for the reloading of the containers.
g) Certificate of inspection issued by an approved control body.
Article 8. Conditions of placement of the Recharge Centers.
1. For the site of the loading zone the following conditions shall be met:
(a) The loading zone shall not be adjacent to premises or inhabited spaces unless it is justified in the project that, in the enclosures, adequate protection is available that is capable of bearing the impact, in case of accident, by detachment or explosion of a bottle or any of its components.
(b) The openings that they communicate with other premises and with the exterior (doors and windows) must be adequately protected, so that no damage can be caused to people, property and things in the event of an accident, physical impact or expansion of the fluid.
2. If the site is not completely closed, the safety conditions in the project of the installation referred to in paragraph 7.2.a) of this ITC shall be justified.
Article 9. Pre-recharge conditions.
1. Before the reloading of a container can be carried out, it shall be checked that the requirements of the container are met and, in particular, the requirements of this ITC, as well as the appropriate conditions of use.
The Reload Center must perform the checks indicated in the following Rules:
-UNE-EN 1920 " Bottles for the transport of gas. Bottles for compressed gases (excluding acetylene). Inspection at the time of filling ", or
-UNE EN 13365 " Bottles for the transport of gases. Cylinder assemblies for permanent and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene). Inspection at the time of filling ", or
-UNE-EN 1919 " Bottles for the transport of gas. Bottles for liquefied gases (excluding acetylene and LPG) Inspection at the time of filling ", or
-UNE-EN 1801 " Bottles for the transport of gases. Conditions for the filling of individual acetylene bottles ", or
-UNE EN 12755 " Bottles for the transport of gases. Conditions for the filling of batteries of acetylene bottles ", or
-UNE-EN 12754 " Bottles for gas transport. Bottles for dissolved acetylene. Inspection at the time of filling ", or
-UNE EN 1439. " Portable bottles of welded steel for LPG. Verification procedure before, during, and after filling. "
2. In the case of bottles for the use of food CO2, in addition to paragraph 1, the following requirements shall be met:
(a) No bottles with residual liquefied gas may be recharged without prior sales of the same.
b) Bottles equipped with residual pressure valve (VPR) with anti-return device:
-Check the proper functioning of the VPR (residual gas existence verification).
-If correct, proceed to the food CO2 recharge.
c) No residual pressure valve (VPR) buttons:
You must ensure that the containers are free of internal contamination. Appropriate controls will be carried out for this purpose, such as:
-Control of residual pressure.
-Volting the bottle with open valve.
If moisture or any indication of contaminants is detected with the application of any of these above procedures, it must be:
-Unmount the valve from the bottle.
-Internal visual inspection.
-Internal cleaning of the bottle by bulk, squirt or chemical cleaning.
Article 10. Reloading containers from other countries.
1. The registered charging centres may recharge vessels from other countries if they have carried out the relevant periodic inspection in accordance with the procedure laid down in this ITC and bear the "p" marking. marked "ε", or some of the approval passwords, in accordance with the previous regulations of pressure vessels or vessels.
If the containers are not to be used in the State, they may correspond to other types other than those indicated in the previous section.
2. The reloading company must request the design documentation or previous inspections, when it suspects that the bottle does not have any type of registration or if it comes from countries where there are no approvals or certificates of conformity and, especially, when there are doubts about the safety of the bottle. In this regard, the holder of the bottle must prove that the bottle has the marks corresponding to one of the certifications indicated in the preceding paragraph.
3. In order to reload containers, they must meet the following conditions:
(a) That the date of the last test is fully identified and that it complies with the deadlines set out in Article 6.
b) That the owner or controller of the bottle and the national inspection authority which carried out the last test, as well as the product to be contained, the degree of filling and the maximum load pressure, are sufficiently identified.
c) That the bottle, in the judgment of the reloading company, is in good condition for use.
Article 11. Periodic inspection of the charging centres.
1. The charging centres shall be subject to a periodic inspection every five years from the date of commissioning of the installation, in which it shall be verified that the regulatory conditions of this JTI are met and that they do not have modified the placement conditions.
A pressure circuit test will be performed at 1.3 times the maximum service pressure (Pms) of the installation.
Installation security valves will be removed by a visual review of the status of the installation. Subsequently, these valves will be tested and their firing will be verified, sealing them to the maximum operating pressure of the installation.
All control and safety elements of the installation (safety valves, manometers, presostats, pressure regulators, etc.) will be checked.
The periodic inspection will be carried out by a control body. The result shall be a report indicating, where appropriate, any identified deficiencies which will be made available to the competent body of the Autonomous Community.
2. In addition to the inspections referred to in the previous paragraph, the operator shall review or have to be reviewed annually by authorised installation undertaking, the proper functioning of all the control and safety elements of the facility. installation (safety valves, manometers, presostats, pressure regulators, etc.). The results of the reviews and checks shall be recorded in writing by means of a report, which shall be kept at the disposal of the competent authority for a period of 10 years.
Article 12. UNE rules for the implementation of the ITC
Annex II to this ITC lists the references of the UNE standards which, in whole or in part, are prescribed for compliance with the requirements included in the scope of application.
The specific editions of the UNE standards listed in the Annex will remain valid for the correct application of the JTI, even if they have been approved and published later in the rules, as long as they do not publish in the "Official State Gazette" by the leading industrial safety management centre the resolution that updates these standards.
The same resolution will indicate the new references and the date from which the new editions will apply and, consequently, the date when the old editions will cease to be.
Exhaust Couplings
Refrain (acetylene Type) |
| |
Type B | compressed air | M 30 x 1.75 |
Type C | Ints | M 21.7 x 1,814 righties |
Type E | flammable | M 21.7 x 1,814 (left) |
Type F | Oxygen | W 22.91-14 threads/inch right (R5/8 ') |
Type G | Comburents | M 26 x 1.5 right |
Type H | Acethylene | W 22.91-14 left threads/inch (R5/8 ") |
Type J | Corrosive and Toxic | W 22.91-14 threads/inch left. |
Type K | Highly corrosive | W 26,1-14 threads/inch |
Type M | Calibration mixes | W 19 x1.5 left-table_table_izq"> |
Sulfurous | W 22.91-14 Right-inch threads/inch (R5/8 ") . | |
Type T | Chlorine bottle | W 31.75 x 7 threads/right inch |
Type U | Nitrogen Protoxide | W 16.66 x 19 threads/right inch (R3/8 ") |
Type X | Carbon (bromine) carbonates (bromine) bottles | X1 W 31.75 x 7 threads/right inch |
Type Z | Popular Butane Bottles | M 16 X 1.5 metric right |
1. Type A coupling: Stirrup coupling.
Reserved exclusively for acetylene.
Gases: Acethylene: C2H2
2. Type B coupling: Compressed air.
Reserved for compressed air, excluding any mixture, except for synthetic air.
Gases: Natural Air
Synthetic Aires
3. Type C coupling: Inlots.
Reserved for gases and mixtures of non-flammable gases, particularly for gases considered as inert, including the gas phase of cryogenics, except for calibration mixtures.
W 21.7 x 14 Threads/Inch (RIGHT)
Inert gases:
-Monofluordichloromethane, CHF Cl2 | ||
Nitrogen, N2 | ||
-Difluordichloromethane, CF2Cl2 | -Neon, Ne. | |
- Difluormonochloromethane, CHF2Cl. | -Perfluoro propane C3F8 | |
Carbon dioxide, CO2 |
-Tetrafluormethane, CF4 | |
-Helium, He | -Tetrafluordichloroethane, CF2 Cl CF2Cl. | |
-Sulphur Hexafluoride, F6S. | -Trifluormonobrotometane, CF3Br (2) | |
-Kripton, K. | - Trifluormonochloromethane, CF3Cl. | |
Monofluortrichloromethane, CF Cl3 | -Xenon, Xe |
(2) Other fluorinated and chlorinated methane and ethane derivatives
4. Type E coupling: Inflables.
Reserved for all gases and mixtures of gases containing flammable gases and mixtures, except for mixtures of calibration.
COUPLING M. 21, 7 x 1,814 METRIC (LEFT)
W 21.7 x 14 Threads/Inch (LEFT)
Flammable gases
Arsina, Ashh3 | Natural Gas | ||
Ethylene, C2H3Br | Heptano, C7H16 | ||
Methylene bromide, CH3Br | 2 | ||
1.3 Butadiene, C4H6 | Isobutane, iC4H10 | ||
Butane, C4H10 | (2 Metilpropane) | ||
1-Butene, C4H8 | Isobutene, C4H8 | ||
2-Butene, C4H8 | (2 methylbutene) | ||
Butino, C4H6 | Metano, CH4 | ||
Cianogen, C2N2 | Metiletileter, C2H5OCH3 | ||
CNH Hydrogen Cyanide | Metanotiol CH2 | ||
1 Cloro 1.1 Difluoroethane CH3-CClF2 | Monoethylamine C2H5NH2 | ||
Cloro fluoride ethylene CClF=CF2 | Monomethylamine CH3NH2 |
Cl Methyl Chloride | 5H12 | ||
Cl C2H5 | Carbon Oxide CO | ||
2H3 | ethylene oxide C2H4 | ||
3H6 | 2H4 | ||
Deuterium D2 | Methylene Oxide C2H4 | ||
Pentano C5H12 | |||
Dimethylamine (CH3)2NH | 3H8 | ||
Propadiene (Aleno) C3H4 | |||
Dimethyleter (CH3)2O | Propene C3H6 | ||
1,1 Difluoroethane CH3-CHF2 | 3H4 (Methylacetylene) | ||
1.1 Difluoroethyleno9 CH2= CF2 | Selenide Hydrogen Seh1 | ||
Etano C2H6 | Silano SiH4 | ||
2H4 | 4 | SCO Carbonyl Sulfide body_table_body_zcrow | |
3F Methylene Fluoride | H Hydrogen Sulfide2 |
H Vinyl Fluoride H3 | Trimethylamine (CH3)3 | ||
Ethylene Tetrafluor_table_izq"> Phosphine CF2-CF2 | |||
Vinilmethyleter CH3OCH=CH2 | |||
City Gas |
5. Type F coupling: Oxygen.
Reserved exclusively for oxygen gas. It cannot be used for any kind of mixtures.
Gases: Oxygen or2
6. Type G Coupling: Comburents.
Reserved for all gases and mixtures containing oxidising gases (containing more than 23% oxygen or other oxidising gas in any proportion), except for nitrogen protoxide and calibration mixtures.
7. H: Acethylene type couplings.
Reserved for dissolved acetylene and stabilized mixtures of methylacetylene.
Gases: Acethylene C2H2
Note: Alternate Coupling W 26.44-14 Hyper/Inch (R3/4 ")
8. Type J coupling: Corrosive and toxic.
Reserved for corrosive and toxic gases and mixtures containing corrosive or toxic gases in any proportion, except for calibration mixtures.
Coupling W 25.4-8 threads/inch right.
bromide, BrH. | Hydrogen Fluoride, FH | |
3Br | tungsten Hexafluoride, F6 | |
chloride, ClH |
Hydrogen Iodide, IH | |
Chloride boron, Cl3B | Nitrogen Monoxide, NO | |
carbonyl chloride, COCl2 | phosphorus Pentafluoride, F5 | |
Cloro Cl2 (in bottles) | Nitrogen skiing, N2Or3 | |
Dichlorosilane, If H2Cl2 | Silicon tetrachloride, Cl4 | |
Nitrogen dioxide, NO2. | Tetrafluoride Silicon, F4 | |
carbonyl fluoride, F2CO | Chlorine trifluoride, ClF3 |
9. Type K coupling: Highly corrosive.
Reserved for chlorine fluoride and trifluoride.
Gases: Fluor
Chlorine Trifluoride
10. Type M coupling: Calibration mixtures.
Reserved for precise or calibration mixtures
Gases: All mixtures except those that behave in oxygen exceeding 21%
11. Type S. Sulfurous coupling.
Reserved for sulphur dioxide.
Gases: Sulphur Dioxide
12. Type T coupling: Chlorine bottle.
Reserved for chlorine botchide.
13. Type U coupling: Nitrogen protoxide.
Reserved for gas nitrogen protoxide.
14. X1 and X2type couplings.
Reserved for inert carbonated chlorofluoro (bromine) gases in botchins.
X1 and X2 couplings are used in botches containing inert carbonated (bromine) chlorofluoro compounds.
In the case of bottles of propane, butane or mixtures thereof, the type of thread and coupling which the undertaking concerned considers appropriate may be used, provided that no confusion with the standard for other products is possible uses.
15. Z-Coupling: Popular commercial butane bottle.
Reserved for popular bottles of butane
Z1 Coupling: M 16X 1.5 right metric
Z2 Coupling: W 13.916X 18 threads/right inch
Z3 Coupling: R 3/8 " Right Gas
16. In those cryogenic botchins which have more than one outlet for their different uses (gas, liquid, wind), the coupling of the gas outlet shall remain that provided for in the types indicated above and the couplings for salid/entry in liquid and windy phase shall be as follows:
M 24 x 1.5 | Macho | |||
Nitrogen | W 19 ,05-1/16 " | Macho |
Carbon Dioxide | |
Table_table_izq"> W 19 ,05-1/16 " | Female | |||
Nitrous Oxide (Protoxide Nitrogen) | W 16 ,66-1/19 "(R3/8") | Female | ||
Argon | M 26 x 2 | Male |
The connecting part (racor) must be permanently attached to the outlet valve by means of a seal, silver solder, epoxy resins or the like, so as to prevent the replacement of the valve by personnel from outside the packer.
UNE Rules
-UNE EN ISO 407 Small bottles for medicinal gases. Valve fittings with safety stirrup (pin included).
-UNE EN 1089-3 Bottles for gas transport. Identification of the gas cylinders (except LPG). Part 3 Color code.
-UNE EN 1439. Portable bottles of welded steel for LPG. Verification procedures before, during, and after filling.
-UNE-EN 1795 Bottles for the transport of gas (excluding LPG). Procedures for changing service gas.
-UNE-EN 1801 Bottles for the transport of gases. Conditions for the filling of individual acetylene bottles.
-UNE-EN 1919 Bottles for gas transport. Bottles for liquefied gases (excluding acetylene and LPG). Inspection at the time of filling.
-UNE-EN 1920 Bottles for the transportation of gas. Bottles for compressed gases (excluding acetylene). Inspection at the time of filling.
-UNE EN 12755 Bottles for the transport of gases. Conditions for the filling of batteries of acetylene bottles.
-UNE-EN 12754 Bottles for gas transport. Bottles for dissolved acetylene. Inspection at the time of filling.
-UNE EN 13365 Bottles for gas transport. Cylinder assemblies for permanent and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene). Inspection at the time of filling.