Key Benefits:
During the second half of the 20th century, accelerated urbanization and building processes have shaped the current reality of a large part of our country's edified heritage. These large urbanization processes have generated an edified environment that gives reasonable satisfaction to the basic needs of the majority of the Spanish population. However, the large number of new buildings built in recent years and in previous decades has not always achieved quality parameters adapted to the new demands of the citizens. In fact, Spanish society, as is the case in the countries of our environment, is increasingly demanding quality in buildings and urban spaces.
This demand for a higher quality of construction responds to a more demanding conception of what the quality of life implies for all citizens in terms of the use of the built environment. It also responds to a new demand for sustainability of building processes and urbanizers, in its triple environmental, social and economic dimension.
The process of the construction, due to its direct impact on the configuration of the inhabited spaces, implies a commitment of functionality, economy, harmony and environmental balance, of evident relevance from the point of In the light of the general interest and, therefore, the government's policies. The building sector is also one of the main economic sectors with significant repercussions on society as a whole and on the cultural and environmental values of the architectural heritage.
With the objectives of improving the quality of the building, and promoting innovation and sustainability, the Government approves the Technical Code of the Edification. This is a regulatory instrument which sets out the basic requirements for the quality of buildings and their facilities. This regulation gives satisfaction to certain basic building requirements related to the safety and well-being of persons, which relate to both structural and fire protection and to the protection of the environment. healthiness, noise protection, energy saving or accessibility for people with reduced mobility.
This new regulation makes a decisive contribution to the development of the Spanish Government's policy on sustainability, in particular the Action Plan of the Energy Efficiency and Savings Strategy, and is converted into a as an instrument of long-term government commitments on the environment, such as the Kyoto Protocol or the Göteborg Strategy.
The Technical Code of the Building complies with the basic requirements of the building laid down in Law 38/1999, of 5 November, of the Ordination of the Building, in order to guarantee the safety of the people, the welfare of society, the sustainability of building and the protection of the environment. In fact, Law 38/1999, in its second final provision, authorizes the Government to adopt, by means of Royal Decree, a Technical Code for the Edification in which the basic requirements to be fulfilled in buildings are laid down, in relationship to the basic requirements relating to security and habitability, as listed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of Article 3.1.
On the one hand, the approval of the Technical Code of the Edification implies the overcoming and modernization of the current normative framework of the construction in Spain, regulated by the Royal Decree 1650/1977, of June 10, on regulations of the construction, which established the Basic Standards of the Building, as provisions of mandatory compliance in the project and the execution of the buildings. Within this legal framework, a number of Basic Standards have been adopted since 1979, which have formed an open set of provisions which have been addressed by the various demands of society, but which have not yet become a coordinated set, in the form of a Technical Building Code, similar to those in other more advanced countries.
On the other hand, the Technical Code of the Edification creates a normative framework that is homologable to the existing one in the more advanced countries and harmonizes the national regulations existing in the edification with the provisions of the European Union in this field. Firstly, with those relating to the free movement of construction products within the single European market and, in particular, with Council Directive 89 /106/EEC of 21 December on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to: legal, regulatory and administrative provisions of the Member States on construction products, transposed into national law by Royal Decree 1630/1992 of 29 December 1992 on provisions for the free movement of goods construction. Secondly, Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December on the energy efficiency of buildings, pursuant to which they have been incorporated into the Technical Code of the Edification, is to be considered. requirements relating to the energy efficiency requirements of buildings, as set out in Articles 4, 5 and 6 of this Directive.
In the Technical Code of the Edification, in addition to ordering and completing the basic regulations of the building related to the basic requirements of safety and habitability established in Law 38/1999, a the approach to basic requirements, in line with that adopted at the level of the European Union by the Council Resolution of 5 May 1985 on the "new approach" in the field of technical regulation.
Equally, the Technical Code of Building is aligned with the so-called "benefit-based approach", advocated by the major International Organizations related to building codes, such as the Council International of the Edification, or the Interjurisdictional Committee of Regulatory Collaboration, both inspiring of the codes of advanced countries. This approach, among other advantages, allows the opening of the sector to more global markets of construction products and professionals of the sector. In addition, in the face of traditional prescriptive codes, the adoption of a code based on benefits means a greater openness to innovation, which is also justified by the consideration that knowledge and technology of construction are in continuous progress, in such a way that the rules promote research and do not hinder technological progress.
The Technical Code of Building is divided into two parts, both of which are of a regulatory nature. The first contains the general provisions (scope, structure, classification of uses, etc. ..) and the requirements to be met by the buildings to meet the requirements of safety and habitability of the building.
The second part consists of the Basic Documents whose proper use guarantees the fulfilment of the basic requirements. These include procedures, technical rules, and examples of solutions to determine if the building meets the established benefit levels. These documents are not exclusive. As a complement to the application of the Code, the Recognised Documents are created as those external and independent technical documents of the Code whose use makes it easier to comply with certain requirements and contribute to the promotion of quality of the building.
To give the maximum operability to these Recognized Documents the General Registry of the Technical Code of the Edification in which they will be entered and will make public the same, as well as the distinctive quality or other Technical evaluations of a voluntary nature that contribute to compliance with the Code. Other technical evaluations of the products, equipment or systems, relating to their correct implementation or their final performance, environmental certifications of the life cycle analysis of the products, may also be entered in this Register. products and other environmental assessments that encourage the improvement of the quality of the building.
Moreover, and without prejudice to the immediate entry into force of this Royal Decree, and the consequent application of the Technical Code of the Edification, given its extension and complexity, it has been considered necessary to establish, In the present case, the temporary application of the rules before the present day and that it is the object of repeal in the present Royal Decree, and on the other hand, a transitional regime for the future application of the new ones basic requirements contained in the Technical Code of the Building that is approved. For this purpose, the second and third transitional provisions are provided for the existence of two transitional periods, of six and twelve months, applicable in relation to the rules detailed in each case.
In relation to this, the derogatory provision details the basic regulations of the building which is repealed, as well as some other regulatory provisions affecting buildings, as is the case with the Basic Standards for the internal water supply facilities and certain provisions of the current General Regulations of Police of Entertainment and Recreational Activities, approved by Royal Decree 2816/1982 of 27 August 1982 on protection against fires in these buildings, which have already been exceeded, and which are covered by the Technical Code of Building.
In the proceedings of this Royal Decree, the formalities laid down in Law 50/1997 of 27 November, of the Government, and of Royal Decree 1337/1999 of 31 July, which regulates the remission of information in the (a) the subject of technical standards and regulations and of the rules on the services of the information society, pursuant to Council Directive 98 /34/EC of 28 March establishing a procedure for the provision of information in the (a) the subject of technical standards and regulations, and the Autonomous Communities and the Technical Commission have been heard for the Quality of the Edification, as well as the professional associations and the sectors concerned.
In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Housing, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 17, 2006,
D I S P O N G O:
Single item. Approval of the Technical Code of Building.
The Building Technical Code is approved, the text of which is included below.
First transient disposition. Buildings to which the Technical Code of the Building will not apply.
The Technical Code of the Edification shall not apply to new construction works and to works in existing buildings that have been applied for building a license to the entry into force of this Royal Decree.
Second transient disposition. System of application of the rules before the Technical Code of the Building.
The following transitional application regime is established for the provisions cited, without prejudice to its express repeal in the unique repeal provision of this royal decree:
1. During the six months following the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the following provisions may continue to apply:
(a) Royal Decree 2429/1979 of 6 July, approving the Basic Standard of the NBE CT-79 Building "Thermal conditions of buildings".
b) Royal Decree 2177/1996 of 4 October, approving the Basic Standard of the Edification NBE CPI-96 "Building fire protection conditions".
2. During the twelve months following the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the following provisions may continue to apply:
(a) Royal Decree 1370/1988, of 11 November, of partial modification of the Standard MV-1962 "Actions in the Building" which is renamed NBE AE-88 " Actions in the Building.
(b) Royal Decree 1723/1990 of 20 December 1990 on the Basic Standard of the NBE FL-90 Building resistant brick factory applied in conjunction with Royal Decree 1370/1988 of 11 November 1988. partial modification of the MV-1962 Standard "Actions in the Building" which is renamed NBE AE-88 " Actions in the Building.
(c) Royal Decree No 1829/1995 of 10 November 1995 approving the Basic Standard of the NBE EA-95 Building Steel Structures applied in conjunction with Royal Decree 1370/1988 of 11 November 1988. partial modification of the MV-1962 Standard "Actions in the Building" which is renamed NBE AE-88 " Actions in the Building.
(d) Order of the Minister of Industry, of 9 December 1975, approving the "Basic standards for indoor water supply facilities".
3. During each of these transitional periods, it may be possible to apply the normative provisions to which the same refers or the new forecasts that correspond in each case contained in the Technical Code of the Building that approves.
Transitional provision third. System of application of the Technical Code of the Building.
The following transitional regime is established for the application of the basic requirements mentioned in the Technical Code of the Edification, without prejudice to the provisions of the final provision of this Royal Decree on its entry into force:
1. During the six months following the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the basic requirements developed in the following Basic Documents may be applied:
a) "DB SI Security in Case of Fire".
b) "DB YOUR Utilization Security".
c) "DB HE Energy Saving". The basic requirement of limitation of demand HE 1 shall be applied when the provision referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of the second transitional provision has not been applied.
2. During the twelve months following the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the basic requirements developed in the following Basic Documents may be applied:
a) "DB SE Structural Security".
b) "DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
c) "DB SE-C Cents" applied in conjunction with the "DB SE Structural Security" and "DB SE-AE Actions in the Building".
d) "DB SE-A Steel" applied in conjunction with the "DB SE Structural Security" and "DB SE-AE Shares in the Building".
e) "DB SE-F Factory" applied in conjunction with the "DB SE Structural Security" and "DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
f) "DB SE-M Madera" applied in conjunction with the "DB SE Structural Security" and "DB SE-AE Actions in the Building".
g) "DB HS Salubrity". The basic requirement for water supply HS 4 shall be applied when the provision referred to in paragraph 2 (d) of the second transitional provision has not been applied.
3. Once each of these transitional periods has been completed, it will be obligatory to apply the normative provisions contained in the Technical Code of the Edification to which they refer.
Transitional disposition fourth. Beginning of the works.
All works to which projects are granted building license under the previous transitional provisions shall commence within the maximum period of three months, counted from the date of their grant. If not, the projects must be adapted to the new requirements.
Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.
1. The following provisions shall be repealed from the entry into force of this Royal Decree:
(a) Royal Decree 1650/1977, of 10 June, on Zoning Regulations.
b) Royal Decree 2429/1979 of 6 July, approving the Basic Standard of the NBE CT-79 Building "Thermal conditions of buildings".
c) Royal Decree 1370/1988, of 11 November, of partial modification of the Standard MV-1962 "Actions in the Building" which is renamed NBE AE-88 "Actions in the Building".
(d) Royal Decree 1572/1990 of 30 November 1990 approving the Basic Standard for the NBE QB-90 Building "Covered with bituminous materials" and Order of the Ministry of Public Works of 5 July 1996, for which it is updated the Appendix "Reference UNE Standards" of the Basic Standard of the NBE QB-90 Building.
e) Royal Decree 1723/1990, of 20 December, approving the Basic Standard of the NBE FL-90 Building "brick factory resistant walls".
f) Royal Decree 1829/1995 of 10 November, approving the Basic Standard of the NBE-EA-95 Building "Building steel structures".
g) Royal Decree 2177/1996 of 4 October, approving the Basic Standard of NBE Edification CPI-96 "Building fire protection conditions".
(h) Order of the Minister of Industry, of 9 December 1975, approving the "Basic standards for indoor water supply facilities".
i) Articles 2 to 9, both inclusive, and Articles 20 to 23, both inclusive, with the exception of Article 20 (2) and Article 22 (3) of Royal Decree 2816/1982 of 27 August 1982 on the Regulation General of Police of Entertainment and Recreational Activities.
2. Similarly, any provisions of equal or lower rank shall be contrary to the provisions of this Royal Decree.
Final disposition first. Competence title.
This Royal Decree is of a basic nature and is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Articles 149.1.16., 23. and 25. of the Spanish Constitution, in the field of bases and national coordination of the health, environmental protection and the bases of the mining and energy regime, respectively.
Final disposition second. Regulations for the prevention of occupational risks.
The requirements of the Technical Code of the Building shall be applied without prejudice to the enforcement of the applicable occupational risk prevention regulations.
Final disposition third. Enabling regulatory development.
The Minister of Housing is enabled to approve, by ministerial order, the necessary modifications and periodic revisions of the Basic Documents of the Technical Code of the Edification, as well as the organization and the operation of the General Register of Technical Code of the Building, and how many provisions are necessary for the development and compliance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.
Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.
This Royal Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".
Given in Madrid, on March 17, 2006.
The Minister of Housing,
Chapter 1. General provisions.
Article 1. Object.
Article 2. Scope.
Article 3. CTE content.
Article 4. CTE Recognised Documents.
Chapter 2. Technical and administrative conditions.
Article 5. General conditions for CTE compliance.
5.1 Generalities.
5.2 CTE compliance of products, equipment, and materials.
Article 6. Project conditions.
6.1 Generalities.
6.2 Project Control.
Article 7. Conditions in the execution of the works.
7.1 Generalities.
7.2 Receive control in products, computers, and systems.
7.3 Execution Control of the work.
7.4 Control of finished work.
Article 8. Building conditions.
8.1 Documentation of the executed work.
8.2 Building use and conservation.
Chapter 3. Basic requirements.
Article 9. Generalities.
Article 10. Basic structural security (SE) requirements.
10.1 Basic requirement SE 1: Resistance and stability.
10.2 Basic Demand SE 2: Aptitude to service.
Article 1.1. Basic safety requirements in case of fire (YES).
11.1 Basic Requirement SI 1: Interior Propagation.
11.2 Basic Demand SI 2: Exterior Propagation.
11.3 Basic Requirement If 3: Evacuation.
11.4 Basic Requirements SI 4: Fire Protection Facilities.
11.5 Basic Requirements SI 5: Fire Intervention.
11.6 Basic Requirements SI 6: Structural resistance to fire.
Article 12. Basic requirements for use security (SU).
12.1 Basic Requirements SU 1: Safety from the risk of falls.
12.2 Basic Requirements SU 2: Security against impact or trapping risk.
12.3 Basic Demanding SU 3: Security in the face of the risk of entrapment.
12.4 Basic Demand SU 4: Security versus risk caused by inadequate lighting.
12.5 Basic Demand SU 5: Security versus risk caused by situations with high occupancy.
12.6 Basic Requirements SU 6: Safety from the risk of drowning.
12.7 Basic Demanding SU 7: Security versus Risk caused by moving vehicles.
12.8 Basic Requirements SU 8: Security versus Risk Related to Lightning Action.
Article 13. Basic health requirements (HS).
13.1 Basic Requirements HS 1: Moisture protection.
13.2 Basic Requirements HS 2: Waste collection and disposal.
13.3 Basic Requirements HS 3: Indoor Air Quality.
13.4 Basic Demand HS 4: Water Supply.
13.5 Basic Demand HS 5: Water Evacuation.
Article 14. Basic noise protection requirements (HR).
Article 15. Basic energy saving requirements (HE).
15.1 Basic Demand HE 1: Energy Demand Limitation.
15.2 Basic Requirements HE 2: Performance of thermal installations.
15.3 Basic Requirements HE 3: Energy Efficiency of Lighting Facilities.
15.4 Basic Demand HE 4: Minimum Solar Hot Water Contribution.
15.5 Basic Demand HE 5: Minimum Electrical Energy Photovoltaic Contribution.
Annex I. Project content.
Annex II. Documentation of the work's follow-up.
Annex III. Terminology.
Chapter 1
General provisions
Article 1. Object.
1. The Technical Code of the Edification, hereinafter CTE, is the normative framework that regulates the basic quality requirements that the buildings, including their facilities, must meet in order to satisfy the basic requirements of safety and habitability, in development of what is provided for in the second provision of Law 38/1999, of 5 November, of the Ordination of the Building, hereinafter LOE.
2. The CTE sets out these basic requirements for each of the basic requirements for "structural safety", "fire safety", "safety of use", "hygiene, health and environmental protection", "noise protection" and "safety". 'energy saving and thermal insulation', as set out in Article 3 of the LOE, and provides procedures to ensure that they are met with sufficient technical guarantees.
3. The basic requirements for "functionality" and the functional aspects of building elements shall be governed by their specific rules.
4. The basic requirements must be met in the project, construction, maintenance and conservation of buildings and their facilities.
Article 2. Scope.
1. The CTE shall apply, in the terms established in the LOE and with the limitations that are determined in it, to the public and private buildings whose projects require the corresponding license to be legally authorized. required.
2. The CTE shall be applied to the construction works of new construction, except those constructions of technical simplicity and of little constructive entity, which do not have a residential or public character, whether in an eventual or permanent form, which is develop in a single plant and do not affect people's safety.
3. Similarly, the CTE shall apply to the works of extension, modification, reform or rehabilitation which are carried out in existing buildings, provided that such works are compatible with the nature of the intervention and, where appropriate, with the degree of protection that the buildings concerned may have. The possible incompatibility of application should be justified in the project and, where appropriate, be compensated by alternative measures that are technically and economically feasible.
4. For these purposes, rehabilitation works shall mean those which are intended to achieve any of the following results:
(a) The structural adequacy, considering as such the works that provide the building with constructive safety conditions, in such a way that its stability and mechanical resistance is guaranteed.
b) The functional adequacy, understanding as such the realization of the works that provide the building with better conditions regarding the basic requirements to which this CTE refers. In any case, they are considered to be works for the functional suitability of the buildings, the actions aimed at the removal of barriers and the promotion of accessibility, in accordance with the current regulations; or
(c) The remodeling of a building with housing that is intended to modify the area for housing or to modify the number of dwellings, or to remodel a building without housing that is intended to create them.
5. It is understood that a work is of integral rehabilitation when it has for object actions intended for all the purposes described in this section.
The project must indicate in the memory of the project in which or which of the mentioned assumptions the projected works can be entered and whether these include or not actions in the pre-existing structure; understanding, in case negative, that the works do not involve the risk of damage referred to in Article 17.1.a) of the LOE.
6. In any case, compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE should be checked when the characteristic use of existing buildings is intended to be changed, even if this does not necessarily involve the construction of works.
7. The classification of buildings and their areas shall be subject to the provisions of Article 2 of the LOE, but in certain cases, the buildings and their dependencies may be classified in the Basic Documents of this CTE in accordance with the provisions of this Article. specific characteristics of the activity to which they are to be engaged, in order to align the basic requirements with the possible risks associated with those activities. Where the particular activity of a building or area is not among the classifications provided for, either by analogy, one of the classifications shall be adopted or a specific risk study associated with this particular activity shall be carried out. based on the following risk assessment factors and criteria:
a) The intended activities that users perform.
b) The characteristics of the users.
c) The number of people who usually occupy, visit, use, or work in them.
d) The vulnerability or the need for special protection on grounds of age, such as children or the elderly, for a physical, sensory or mental disability or others that may affect their ability to make decisions, building without help from others or tolerate adverse situations.
e) The familiarity with the building and its means of evacuation.
f) The usual usage time and period.
g) The characteristics of the intended content.
h) The permissible risk in extraordinary situations; and
i) The level of building protection.
Article 3. CTE content.
1. In order to facilitate their understanding, development, use and updating, the CTE is ordered in two parts:
(a) The first contains the general provisions and conditions of application of the CTE and the basic requirements to be met by the buildings; and
b) The second consists of the so-called Basic Documents, hereinafter referred to as DB, for the fulfilment of the basic requirements of the CTE. These documents, based on the consolidated knowledge of the various constructive techniques, will be updated in the light of technical progress and social demands and will be regulated.
2. The DB contains:
(a) The characterization of the basic requirements and their quantification, in so far as the scientific and technical development of the building permits, through the establishment of the levels or limit values of the benefits of buildings or parts thereof, which are understood to be the set of qualitative or quantitative characteristics of the building, objectively identifiable, which determine their suitability to meet the relevant basic requirements; and
(b) Procedures whose use can be used to ensure compliance with these basic requirements, in the form of verification methods or solutions sanctioned by practice. They may also contain remission or reference to instructions, regulations or other technical standards for the purposes of specification and control of materials, test methods and data or calculation procedures, which shall be taken into account in the drafting of the building and its construction.
Article 4. Documents Recognized and General Registry of the CTE.
1. As a complement to the Basic Documents, which are of a regulatory nature, included in the CTE and in order to achieve greater effectiveness in their application, the CTE Recognized Documents, defined as technical documents, are created without character (a) regulatory, with the recognition of the Ministry of Housing that will maintain a public record of the same.
2. The Recognised Documents may have the following content:
(a) Specifications and technical guides or codes of good practice that include procedures for the design, calculation, execution, maintenance and preservation of constructive products, elements and systems.
b) Methods of evaluation and constructive solutions, software, statistical data on disaster in building or other databases.
c) Comments on the CTE application; or
(d) Any other document that facilitates the application of the CTE, excluding those relating to the use of a particular product or system or a patent.
3. It is created, in the Ministry of Housing, and attached to the Directorate General of Architecture and Housing Policy, the General Registry of the CTE, which will have a public and informative character.
4. The Recognised Documents of the CTE shall be entered in that General Register. They may also be enrolled in the same:
(a) Marks, stamps, certificates of conformity and other voluntary quality flags of the technical characteristics of the products, equipment or systems, which are incorporated into the buildings and which contribute compliance with the basic requirements.
(b) The certification systems for the conformity of the final performance of the buildings, the certificates of conformity held by the agents involved in the execution of the works, the certifications environmental assessments that consider product lifecycle analysis, other environmental assessments of buildings, and other certifications that facilitate CTE compliance and encourage improvement in building quality.
(c) Bodies authorised by the competent public authorities for the granting of technical assessments of the suitability of innovative products or systems or other authorisations or accreditations of bodies and entities that support the provision of services that facilitate the implementation of the CTE.
Chapter 2
Technical and administrative conditions
Article 5. General conditions for CTE compliance.
5.1 Generalities.
1. The agents involved in the building process shall be responsible for the implementation of the CTE, as set out in Chapter III of the LOE.
2. To ensure that a building meets the basic requirements of the LOE referred to in Article 1 of this CTE and that it complies with the corresponding basic requirements, the agents involved in the process of the building, to the extent that affect their intervention, they must meet the conditions that the CTE establishes for the drafting of the project, the execution of the work and the maintenance and conservation of the building.
3. In order to justify that a building meets the basic requirements set out in the CTE, it may be chosen by:
(a) Adopt technical solutions based on the DB, whose application in the project, in the execution of the work or in the maintenance and preservation of the building, is sufficient to prove the fulfilment of the basic requirements related to those DB; or
b) Alternative solutions, understood as those that are totally or partially removed from the DB. The project manager or the project manager may, under his or her responsibility and after the promoter's compliance, adopt alternative solutions, provided that they justify the fact that the projected building meets the basic requirements of the CTE because its benefits are at least equivalent to those obtained by the application of the DB.
5.2 CTE compliance of products, equipment, and materials.
1. Construction products which are permanently incorporated into buildings, on the basis of their intended use, shall bear the CE marking, in accordance with Directive 89 /106/EEC of construction products, transposed by the Royal Decree 1630/1992, dated 29 December, as amended by Royal Decree 1329/1995 of 28 July 1995 and implementing provisions, or other European Directives applicable to them.
2. In certain cases, in order to ensure their sufficiency, the DDB lays down the technical characteristics of products, equipment and systems which are incorporated into the buildings, without prejudice to the CE marking applicable to them in accordance with the corresponding European Directives.
3. The marks, stamps, certificates of conformity or other distinctive quality flags that facilitate compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE may be recognized by the competent Public Administrations.
4. Certificates of conformity of the final performance of the buildings may also be recognised in accordance with the above paragraph, the certificates of conformity held by the agents involved in the building. execution of the works, environmental certifications that consider the analysis of the life cycle of the products, other environmental assessments of buildings, and other certifications that facilitate compliance with the CTE.
5. Innovative products, equipment and systems which demonstrate compliance with the basic requirements of the ETC with regard to the constructive elements in which they are involved shall be deemed to be in conformity with the CTE by means of a favourable technical assessment. of its suitability for the intended use, granted, at the entry into force of the CTE, by the entities authorised to do so by the competent public administrations in accordance with the following criteria:
a) They shall act with impartiality, objectivity and transparency by having the appropriate organisation and competent technical staff.
b) They will have a proven experience in the conduct of examinations, tests and evaluations, supported by the appropriate implementation of quality management systems for test procedures, inspection and monitoring of assessments granted.
(c) Dispose of a regulation, expressly approved by the Administration that authorizes the entity, to regulate the concession procedure and to guarantee participation in the evaluation process of a balanced representation of the various building agents.
(d) Maintain permanent information to the public, freely available, on the validity of the technical assessments of aptitude granted, as well as on their scope; and
e) They shall monitor the maintenance of the characteristics of the products, equipment or systems subject to the assessment of the favourable technical suitability.
6. The recognition by the competent public authorities as set out in paragraphs 5.2.3, 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 shall refer to the trade marks, stamps, certificates of conformity or other distinctive quality flags, as well as the certificates of conformity of the final performance of the buildings, the environmental certifications, as well as the authorisations of the entities which grant technical assessments of the suitability, legally granted in the Member States Member States of the Union and the States which are signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
Article 6. Project conditions.
6.1 Generalities.
1. The project shall describe the building and define the works of execution of the building in sufficient detail to enable it to be assessed and interpreted unequivocally during its implementation.
2. In particular, and in relation to the CTE, the project will define the projected works in the detail appropriate to its characteristics, so that it can be verified that the proposed solutions meet the basic requirements of this CTE and other regulations applicable. This definition shall include at least the following information:
(a) The minimum technical characteristics to be collected by products, equipment and systems that are permanently incorporated into the projected building, as well as their conditions of supply, quality assurance and control reception to be performed.
(b) The technical characteristics of each unit of work, indicating the conditions for its implementation and the checks and controls to be carried out to verify their conformity with the project. The measures to be taken during the execution of the works and in the use and maintenance of the building shall be specified in order to ensure compatibility between the different products, elements and building systems.
(c) The verifications and service tests that, if any, must be performed to check the final performance of the building; and
d) The instructions for the use and maintenance of the finished building, in accordance with the provisions of the CTE and other regulations that are applicable.
3. For the purposes of administrative processing, any construction project may be carried out in two stages: the basic project phase and the implementation project phase. Each of these phases of the project must meet the following conditions:
a) The basic project will define the general characteristics of the work and its benefits through the adoption and justification of concrete solutions. Its content will be sufficient to request the municipal works license, concessions or other administrative authorizations, but insufficient to initiate the construction of the building. Even if its content does not permit the verification of all the conditions required by the CTE, it shall define the performance that the projected building must provide in order to meet the basic requirements and, in no case, prevent its compliance; and
(b) The implementation project shall develop the basic project and define the work as a whole, without being able to reduce the performance declared in the basic project, or alter the uses and conditions under which, where appropriate, granted the municipal works license, concessions or other administrative authorizations, except in legal aspects. The implementation project shall include the partial projects or other technical documents which, where appropriate, must be developed or completed, which shall be integrated into the project as separate documents under the coordination of the project.
4. The contents of the building project are listed in Annex I, without prejudice to what, if any, the relevant administrations will establish.
6.2 Project Control.
1. The control of the project aims to verify the compliance of the CTE and other applicable regulations and to check their degree of definition, the quality of the same and all aspects that may have an impact on the final quality of the projected building. This control may refer to all or some of the basic requirements relating to one or more of the basic requirements referred to in Article 1.
2. The DB establishes, where appropriate, the technical and formal aspects of the project which are to be monitored for the implementation of the procedures necessary for the fulfilment of the basic requirements.
Article 7. Conditions in the execution of the works.
7.1 Generalities.
1. The building works of the building shall be carried out subject to the project and its modifications authorised by the promoter's prior work director, to the applicable legislation, to the rules of good constructive practice, and to the instructions of the director of work and the director of the execution of the work.
2. During the construction of the work, the documentation shall be produced. It shall include, without prejudice to the establishment of other competent public administrations, the documentation of the quality control carried out during the work. The content of the documentation for the monitoring of the work is detailed in Annex II, as an indication.
3. When various technicians are involved in the development of the works to direct the works of partial projects, they will do so under the coordination of the work director.
4. During the construction of the works the director of work and the director of the execution of the work shall carry out, according to their respective competences, the following controls:
a) Control of reception in the works of the products, equipment and systems to be supplied to the works in accordance with Article 7.2.
b) Control of execution of the work in accordance with Article 7.3; and
c) Control of the finished work in accordance with Article 7.4.
7.2 Reception control in products, equipment and systems: The purpose of the reception control is to verify that the technical characteristics of the products, equipment and systems supplied satisfy the requirements of the project. This control shall comprise:
a) The control of the documentation of the supplies, carried out in accordance with Article 7.2.1.
(b) Control by means of quality flags or technical assessments of suitability, in accordance with Article 7.2.2; and
(c) Control by means of tests, in accordance with Article 7.2.3.
7.2.1 Control of the documentation of the supplies: The suppliers will deliver to the builder, who will provide them to the director of execution of the work, the documents of identification of the product demanded by the regulations of (a) the obligation to comply with and, where appropriate, the project or the optional address. This documentation shall comprise at least the following documents:
a) The source, supply sheet, and labeling documents.
b) The manufacturer's warranty certificate, signed by a natural person; and
(c) The documents of conformity or administrative authorities required to be regulated, including the documentation relating to the CE marking of the construction products, where relevant, in accordance with the provisions transposing the European Directives affecting the products supplied.
7.2.2 Receive control using quality flags and technical suitability assessments.
1. The supplier will provide accurate documentation on:
(a) The quality flags which show the products, equipment or systems supplied, which ensure the technical characteristics of the products required in the project and, where appropriate, document the official recognition of the flag in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2.3; and
(b) Technical assessments of suitability for the intended use of innovative products, equipment and systems, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2.5, and the constancy of the maintenance of their technical characteristics.
2. The director of the execution of the work shall verify that this documentation is sufficient for the acceptance of the products, equipment and systems covered by it.
7.2.3 Receive control by tests.
1. In order to verify compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE it may be necessary, in certain cases, to carry out tests and tests on certain products, as established in the current regulations, or as specified in the project or ordered by the optional address.
2. This control shall be carried out in accordance with the criteria laid down in the project or indicated by the optional address on the sampling of the product, the tests to be carried out, the acceptance and rejection criteria and the adopt.
7.3 Execution Control of the work.
1. During the construction, the director of the execution of the work will control the execution of each unit of work verifying its repose, the materials used, the correct execution and disposition of the constructive elements and the facilities, as well as verifications and other checks to be carried out to check their conformity with the project, the applicable legislation, the rules of good constructive practice and the instructions of the optional management. At the reception of the work performed, the certificates of conformity that the agents involved have to be taken into account, as well as the verifications which, if necessary, perform the quality control entities of the building.
2. It will be verified that the necessary measures have been taken to ensure compatibility between the different products, elements and building systems.
3. The methods and procedures provided for in the technical assessment of suitability for the intended use of innovative products, equipment and systems as provided for in Article 5.2.5 shall be adopted in the implementation control of the work.
7.4 Control of the finished work: In the finished work, either on the building as a whole, or on its different parts and its installations, partially or completely finished, must be carried out, in addition to those that can be established on a voluntary basis, the checks and service tests provided for in the project or ordered by the optional management and those required by the applicable legislation.
Article 8. Building conditions.
8.1 Documentation of the executed work.
1. The content of the Building Book established in the LOE and by the competent Public Administrations shall be supplemented by the establishment, where appropriate, of the DB for the fulfilment of the basic requirements of the CTE.
2. The documentation referred to in Article 7.2 of the equipment and systems incorporating the work shall be included in the Building Book of the Building.
3. It shall also contain instructions for the use and maintenance of the completed building in accordance with this CTE and other applicable regulations, including a building maintenance plan with the planning of operations programmed for the maintenance of the building and its facilities.
8.2 Building use and conservation.
1. The building and its facilities shall be properly used in accordance with the instructions for use, and shall not make use of the intended use. Owners and users will bring to the attention of those responsible for maintenance any anomaly that is observed in the normal operation of the building.
2. The building must be kept in good condition by adequate maintenance. This will result in the following actions:
a) Carry out the maintenance plan of the building, responsible for the operations scheduled for the maintenance of the building and its facilities.
b) Conduct the regulatory inspections established and maintain their relevant documentation; and
c) To document throughout the useful life of the building all interventions, whether of repair, reformation or rehabilitation performed on it, by entering them in the Book of the Building.
Chapter 3
Basic Requirements
Article 9. Generalities.
1. The basic safety and habitability requirements laid down in Article 3 (1) (b) and (c) as objectives of the quality of the building are carried out in this CTE in accordance with the provisions of that Law by means of the basic requirements for each of them.
2. The following articles relate to these basic requirements as qualitative benefits that buildings must meet in order to achieve the quality that society demands. Their specification and, where appropriate, quantification set out in the Basic Documents included in Part II of this CTE, determine the form and conditions in which the requirements are to be met, by setting target levels or limit values for the benefit or other parameters. Such levels or limit values shall be enforced where the relevant Basic Documents are expressly established. In addition, the DB includes non-exclusionary procedures, the application of which involves the fulfilment of the basic requirements according to the current state of knowledge.
3. The terms in italics must be used in accordance with the meaning set for each of them in Anejo III.
Article 10. Basic structural security (SE) requirements.
1. The aim of the basic requirement 'Structural safety' is to ensure that the building has adequate structural behaviour in relation to the foreseeable actions and influences it may be subjected to during its construction and use. intended.
2. To meet this objective, the buildings shall be designed, constructed, constructed and maintained in such a way as to ensure that the basic requirements set out in the following paragraphs are properly reliable.
3. The Basic Documents "dB SE Structural Security", "DB-SE-AE Actions in the Building", "DB-SE-C Cents", "DB-SE-A Steel", "DB-SE-F Factory" and "DB-SE-M Madera", specify objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the improvement of the minimum quality standards of the basic structural safety requirement.
4. Concrete structures are regulated by the Structural Concrete Instruction in force.
10.1 Basic demand SE 1: Resistance and stability: resilience and stability shall be adequate to ensure that undue risks are not generated, in such a way as to maintain resilience and stability in the face of actions and foreseeable influences during the construction phases and intended uses of the buildings, and that an extraordinary event does not result in disproportionate consequences for the original cause and the planned maintenance is provided.
10.2 Basic requirement SE 2: Attitude to the service: aptitude for service shall be in accordance with the intended use of the building, so that no inadmissible deformation occurs, the probability of an acceptable level is limited to an acceptable level. Unacceptable dynamic behaviour and no unacceptable degradations or anomalies.
Article 11. Basic safety requirements in case of fire (YES).
1. The objective of the basic requirement 'Safety in the event of fire' is to reduce to acceptable limits the risk that users of a building will suffer damage resulting from a fire of accidental origin, as a result of the characteristics of their project, construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings shall be designed, constructed, maintained and used in such a way that, in the event of fire, the basic requirements set out in the following paragraphs are met.
3. The basic document DB-SI specifies objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the improvement of the minimum quality levels of the basic safety requirement in case of fire, except in the case of buildings, establishments and areas of industrial use to which the 'Fire safety regulation in industrial establishments' applies to them, in which the basic requirements are met by that application.
11.1 Basic Requirements SI 1: Internal spread: The risk of spreading the fire inside the building, both to the same building and to other adjoining buildings, will be limited.
11.2 Basic Requirements SI 2: Exterior propagation: The risk of spreading the fire from outside will be limited, both in the building considered and other buildings.
11.3 Basic requirement SI 3: Occupation evacuation: the building shall have adequate means of evacuation to facilitate the ability of the occupants to leave or to reach a safe place within the building under conditions of security.
11.4 Basic Requirements SI 4: Fire protection facilities: the building shall have adequate equipment and facilities to enable the detection, control and extinction of the fire, as well as transmission from the alarm to the occupants.
11.5 Basic Requirements SI 5: Fire intervention: rescue and fire extinguishing equipment will be facilitated.
11.6 Basic Requirements SI 6: Structural resistance to fire: the supporting structure will maintain its fire resistance for the time necessary to meet the above basic requirements.
Article 12. Basic requirements for use security (SU).
1. The purpose of the basic requirement 'Safety of Use' is to reduce to acceptable limits the risk of users suffering immediate damage during the intended use of buildings, as a result of the characteristics of their project, construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings shall be designed, constructed, maintained and used in such a way as to meet the basic requirements set out in the following paragraphs.
3. The Basic Document "DB-SU Security of Use" specifies objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the improvement of the minimum quality levels of the basic requirement of usage security.
12.1 Basic demand SU 1: Safety in the face of the risk of falls: the risk that users will suffer falls will be limited, for which soils will be adequate to encourage people not to slip, to stumble or to become more difficult. mobility. In addition, the risk of falls in gaps, in level changes and in staircases and ramps, shall be limited by facilitating the cleaning of external glazing under safety conditions.
12.2 Basic Requirements SU 2: Security in the face of the risk of impact or entrapment: the risk that users may suffer impact or entrapment with fixed or mobile elements of the building will be limited.
12.3 Basic Requirements SU 3: Security against risk of entrapment: the risk of users being accidentally trapped in enclosures will be limited.
12.4 Basic requirements SU 4: Safety from risk caused by inadequate lighting: the risk of damage to persons will be limited as a result of inadequate lighting in the area of the buildings, both indoors as exteriors, even in case of emergency or normal lighting failure.
12.5 Basic demand SU 5: Security against the risk caused by situations with high occupancy: the risk caused by situations with high occupation will be limited, facilitating the movement of people and sectorization with protection and containment elements in anticipation of the risk of crushing.
12.6 Basic Requirements SU 6: Safety in the face of the risk of drowning: the risk of falls that may result in drowning in swimming pools, reservoirs, wells and the like is limited by means of restricting access.
12.7 Basic Requirements SU 7: Safety from the risk caused by moving vehicles: the risk caused by moving vehicles will be limited, taking into account the types of pavements and the signalling and protection of the Rhodada circulation and people.
12.8 Basic Requirements SU 8: Security in the face of the risk caused by the action of the lightning: the risk of electrocution and fire caused by the action of the ray will be limited, by means of adequate protection against the lightning.
Article 13. Basic health requirements (HS) "Hygiene, health and environmental protection".
1. The aim of the basic requirement 'Hygiene, health and protection of the environment', which is dealt with under the term 'health', is to reduce the risk of users, within buildings and under normal conditions, to acceptable limits. (a) of use, suffer from discomfort or diseases, as well as the risk that the buildings will deteriorate and that the environment will deteriorate in their immediate surroundings, as a result of the characteristics of their project, construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings shall be designed, constructed, maintained and used in such a way as to meet the basic requirements set out in the following paragraphs.
3. The Basic Document "DB-HS Health" specifies objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the improvement of the minimum quality standards of the basic health requirement.
13.1 Basic requirements HS 1: Protection from moisture: the foreseeable risk of inadequate water or moisture in the interior of the buildings and their closure as a result of water from the atmospheric precipitation, runoff, terrain or condensations, providing means to prevent their penetration or, where appropriate, permit their evacuation without damage production.
13.2 Basic requirements HS 2: Waste collection and disposal: buildings shall have spaces and means to extract the ordinary waste generated in them in a manner consistent with the public collection system in such a way that the appropriate separation at source of such waste, the selective collection of the waste and its subsequent management are provided.
13.3 Basic Requirements HS 3: Indoor Air Quality.
1. The buildings shall be provided with means for their enclosures to be properly ventilated, removing contaminants that occur normally during the normal use of the buildings, in such a way as to provide a sufficient flow of air and ensure the removal and expulsion of air from the air by pollutants.
2. In order to limit the risk of indoor air pollution of buildings and the external environment in facades and patios, the evacuation of combustion products from thermal installations will be generally produced by the building's cover, irrespective of the type of fuel and the apparatus used, and in accordance with the specific regulations on thermal installations.
13.4 Basic Demand HS 4: Water Supply.
1. The buildings shall have adequate means to supply the intended hygienic water equipment for consumption in a sustainable manner, providing sufficient flow rates for their operation, without altering the suitability properties for the use. consumption and preventing possible returns that could pollute the network, incorporating means to allow the saving and control of the water flow.
2. Hot water production equipment with accumulation systems and terminal points of use shall have such characteristics as to prevent the development of pathogenic germs.
13.5 Basic requirements HS 5: Water evacuation: buildings will have adequate means to extract the waste water generated in them independently or together with the atmospheric precipitation and with the runoff.
Article 14. Basic noise protection requirements (HR).
1. The aim of this basic requirement 'Protection from noise' is to limit the risk of nuisance or diseases caused by noise to users within the buildings, and under normal conditions of use, as a result the characteristics of your project, construction, use, and maintenance.
2. In order to satisfy this objective, the buildings shall be designed, constructed, used and maintained in such a way that the constructive elements that make up their enclosures have adequate acoustic characteristics to reduce the transmission of the air noise, noise and noise noise and vibration of the building's own facilities, and to limit the reverberating noise of the enclosures.
3. The Basic Document "DB HR Protection from the Noise" specifies objective parameters and verification systems whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the improvement of the minimum quality levels of the requirement basic protection against noise. Until this DB is approved, the Basic Standard of the NBE-CA-88 Building "acoustic conditions in buildings" will be applied.
Article 15. Basic energy saving requirements (HE).
1. The objective of the basic requirement "Energy saving" is to achieve a rational use of the energy needed for the use of buildings, reducing to sustainable limits their consumption and also to achieve a part of this consumption comes from renewable energy sources, as a result of the characteristics of its project, construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings shall be designed, constructed, used and maintained in such a way as to meet the basic requirements set out in the following paragraphs.
3. The Basic Document "DB-HE Saving Energy" specifies objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the improvement of the minimum quality levels of the basic requirement of saving energy.
15.1 Basic demand HE 1: Energy demand limitation: buildings will have a feature envelope such as to adequately limit the energy demand needed to achieve thermal wellbeing of the climate of the locality, the use of the building and the summer and winter regime, as well as its characteristics of isolation and inertia, air permeability and exposure to the solar radiation, reducing the risk of the appearance of surface and interstitial condensation which may impair its characteristics and properly treating thermal bridges to limit heat losses or gains and avoid hygrothermic problems in them.
15.2 Basic demand HE 2: Performance of thermal installations: buildings will have appropriate thermal facilities designed to provide the thermal well-being of their occupants, regulating the performance of the and of their teams. This requirement is currently developed in the current Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings, RITE, and its application will be defined in the building project.
15.3 Basic demand HE 3: Energy efficiency of lighting installations: buildings will have lighting installations suitable for the needs of their users and at the same time energy efficient of a control system that allows the ignition to be adjusted to the actual occupancy of the zone, as well as a system of regulation that optimizes the use of natural light, in areas that meet certain conditions.
15.4 Basic demand HE 4: Minimum solar water contribution: in buildings with a forecast of demand for hot water or air conditioning of indoor swimming pool, in which it is established in this CTE, a part of the thermal energy needs arising from that demand shall be covered by the incorporation into the same of systems for the collection, storage and use of low-temperature solar energy suitable for global solar radiation of its location and the demand for hot water of the building. The values derived from this basic requirement shall be considered as minimum, without prejudice to values which may be established by the competent authorities and which contribute to sustainability, taking into account their own characteristics. of its location and territorial scope.
15.5 Basic demand HE 5: Minimum photovoltaic contribution of electrical energy: in the buildings established in this CTE, systems for the collection and transformation of solar energy into electrical energy will be incorporated Photovoltaic procedures for own use or supply to the network. The values derived from this basic requirement shall be considered as minimum, without prejudice to more stringent values which may be established by the competent authorities and which contribute to sustainability, taking into account the characteristics of its location and territorial scope.
Project Content
1. This annex lists the contents of the building project, without prejudice to what, if any, the relevant administrations will establish.
2. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are the ones that must contain at least the Basic Project.
3. When the project is developed or completed through partial projects or other technical documents, in the project's memory, reference will be made to these and their content, and they will be integrated into the project by the project, under their coordination, as differentiated documents in such a way as to avoid duplicity of the same, nor in the fees to be received by the authors of the various works.
Observations | ||
I. Memory. | ||
1. Descriptive memory: | Descriptive and justifiable, containing the following information: | |
1.1 Agents *. | Promoter, Project, Other Technicians. | |
1.2 Previous Information *. | Starting and Conditioning Background, Data placement, physical environment, urban regulations, other regulations, if any | |
Building data in case of rehabilitation, reform or extension. Reports made. | ||
1.3 Project description *. | Building overview, needs program, typical use of the building and other intended uses, relationship to the environment | |
CTE compliance and other specific regulations, urban discipline rules, municipal ordinances, buildability, functionality, etc. | ||
Description of the building's geometry, volume, useful and built surfaces, access and evacuation | ||
Overview of the parameters that determine the technical forecasts to be considered in the project with respect to the structural system (foundations, portant structure and horizontal structure), the compartmentalisation system, the surround system, the system of finishes, the system of environmental conditioning and services | ||
1.4 Building Prstations * | For basic requirements and in relation to the basic requirements of the CTE. It will indicate in particular the agreed between promoter and projectors that exceed the thresholds established in the CTE | |
The limitations of the use of the building will be established in its set and each of its dependencies and facilities. | ||
2. Constructive memory: | Description of the solutions adopted: | |
2.1 Building support *. | Justification of the soil characteristics and parameters to consider for the calculation of the structural system part corresponding to the foundation | |
2.2 Structural system (foundation, portant structure, and horizontal structure). | The data and the assumptions, the needs programme, the bases of calculation and the procedures or methods used for the whole structural system, as well as the characteristics of the materials, will be established. intervene | |
2.3 Enclosure System. | Constructive definition of the various subsystems of the building envelope, with its description behaviour in relation to the actions to which it is subject (own weight, wind, earthquake, etc.); in front of the fire, safety of use, water evacuation and behaviour against humidity, acoustic insulation and its bases of calculation | |
The thermal insulation of such subsystems, the planned maximum energy demand of the building for summer and winter conditions and its energy efficiency in line with the energy performance of the installations projected in accordance with paragraph 2.6.2. | ||
2.4 Compartmentalization System. | Defining the compartmentalization elements with specification of their behavior before the fire and its acoustic isolation and other characteristics that are required, if any. | |
{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang\rdblquote} {\cs6\f1\cf6\lang\rdblquote} | \cs6\f1\cf6\lang_ habitability. | |
2.6 Conditioning Systems and installations. | The starting data, the objectives to be met, the capabilities, and the bases of calculation for each of the following subsystems will be indicated | |
1. Fire protection, anti-intrusion, lightning, electricity, lighting, lifts, transport, plumbing, liquid and solid waste disposal, ventilation, telecommunications, etc. | ||
2. Thermal installations of the projected building and its energy efficiency, fuel supply, energy saving and incorporation of solar thermal or photovoltaic energy and other renewable energies | ||
2.7 Equipment. | Defining toilets, kitchens and sinks, industrial equipment, etc. | |
3. CTE compliance: | Justification of the building's performance by basic requirements and in relation to the basic requirements of the CTE. The justification shall be made for solutions adopted as indicated in the CTE. The performance of the building that improves the required levels in the CTE shall also be justified. | |
3.1 Structural Security. | ||
Security in case of fire *. | ||
3.3 Usage security. | ||
3.4 Healthiness. | ||
3.5 Noise Protection. | ||
3.6 Energy Saving. | ||
Compliance with other regulations and provisions. | Justification of compliance with other mandatory regulations not made in the previous point, and justification compliance with the basic requirements relating to the functionality in accordance with the provisions of the specific regulations | |
memory: | The project will contain as many anexes as needed for the definition and justification of the works. | |
Geotechnical information. | ||
Calculation of the structure. | ||
Fire Protection. | ||
Control Plan. | ||
and Health Study or Basic Study, if applicable. | ||
II. Plans. | The project will contain as many plans as necessary for the definition in detail of the works. In case of rehabilitation works will be included plans of the building before the intervention | |
plane *. | Referred to the current planning, with reference to locatable points and with Geographic North indication | |
placement *. | Urban Justification, Line-ups, Retranqueos, etc. | |
Urbanization Plan *. |
, of scale and uses, | |
the fixed elements and furniture when necessary for the verification of the functionality of the spaces | ||
Planes *. | Pending, Water Collection Points, etc. | |
Alds and Sections *. | Acted, with scale indication and plant height, thick, total heights, to check compliance with urban and functional requirements | |
Structure plans. | Graphic and dimensional description of all of the structural system (foundation, portant structure, and horizontal structure). The foundation will also include its relationship to the immediate environment and the work set | |
Planes of installations. | Graphic and dimensional description of each installation's networks, sites, sections, and details | |
Constructive Definition Planes. | Constructive Details Graphical Documentation. | |
Indication of concrete solutions and singular elements: carpentry, locksmith, etc. | ||
clause specifications. | ||
provisions. |
Provisions. | ||
Provisions. | ||
Specific Technical Conditions Plides. | ||
Prescriptions. | Minimum technical characteristics to be gathered by the products, equipment, and systems that are incorporated into the works, as well as their conditions supply, reception and storage, storage and handling, quality assurance and reception control to be carried out including product sampling, tests to be carried out, acceptance and rejection criteria, and actions to adopt and the criteria for use, conservation and maintenance | |
These specifications can be made by reference to general specifications that are applicable, Acknowledged Documents, or others that are valid for the project's judgment. | ||
Prescriptions for execution by units of work. | Technical characteristics of each unit of work indicating its execution process, application rules, prior conditions to be met prior to their completion, permissible tolerances, conditions of completion, conservation and maintenance, execution control, testing and testing, quality assurance, acceptance and rejection criteria, unit measurement and measurement criteria, etc. | |
Measures will be required to ensure compatibility between the different products, elements, and building systems | ||
Prescripciones on verifications in the finished building. | The verifications and service tests to be performed to check the building's final capabilities | |
IV. Measurements. | Development by items, grouped into chapters, containing all the technical descriptions required for your specification and assessment | |
V. Budget. | ||
budget *. | Approximate the material execution of the work projected by chapters. | |
Budget. | Table of prices grouped by chapters. | |
Summary by chapters, with expression of the final execution value and hires. | ||
Include the quality control budget. | ||
Security and Health Study Budget |
Work Tracking Documentation
This annex details, as an indication and without prejudice to other competent public administrations, the content of the documentation of the follow-up of the execution of the work, both the required regulentarily, such as the documentation of the control performed throughout the work.
II.1 Compulsory documentation of the tracking of the work.
1. The building works shall have a follow-up documentation which shall at least be composed of:
a) The Book of Orders and Assistants in accordance with the provisions of Decree 461/1971 of 11 March.
b) The Safety and Health Incident Book, according to Royal Decree 1627/1997 of 24 October.
c) The project, its yeits and modifications duly authorized by the work manager.
(d) The works license, the opening of the work centre and, where appropriate, other administrative authorizations; and
e) The final certificate of the work in accordance with Decree 462/1971 of 11 March of the Ministry of Housing.
2. In the Book of Orders and Assistants the director of work and the director of the execution of the work shall record the instructions of their respective duties and duties.
3. The Incident Book shall be developed in accordance with the specific safety and health legislation. They shall have access to the agents which such legislation determines.
4. Once the work has been completed, the documentation of the follow-up will be deposited by the director of the work in the corresponding Professional College or, if appropriate, in the competent Public Administration, which will ensure their conservation and commit themselves to issue certifications of their content to those who have a legitimate interest.
II.2 Documentation of the control of the work.
1. The quality control of the works carried out shall include the control of the reception of products, the controls of the execution and of the finished work. To do this:
a) The director of the execution of the work shall collect the documentation of the control performed, verifying that it is in accordance with the requirements of the project, its management and modifications.
(b) The builder shall obtain from the suppliers of products and shall provide the director of work and the director of the execution of the work with the documentation of the products referred to above, as well as their instructions for use and maintenance, and corresponding guarantees where applicable; and
(c) The quality documentation prepared by the builder on each of the units of work may be used, if the director of the execution of the work so authorizes, as part of the quality control of the work.
2. Once the work has been completed, the documentation of the monitoring of the control shall be deposited by the director of the execution of the work in the corresponding Professional College or, where appropriate, in the competent Public Administration, which ensures its protection and undertakes to issue certifications of its content to those who have a legitimate interest.
II.3 Final work certificate.
1. In the final certificate of work, the director of the execution of the work shall certify that he has directed the material execution of the works and quantitatively controlled the construction and the quality of the construction in accordance with the project, the technical documentation that develops it and the standards of good construction.
2. The director of the work shall certify that the building has been carried out under his management, in accordance with the project under licence and the technical documentation which complements it, and is ready for appropriate use in accordance with the the instructions for use and maintenance.
3. The final work certificate will be joined as the following documents:
(a) Description of the modifications that, with the conformity of the promoter, have been introduced during the work, stating their compatibility with the conditions of the licence; and
b) Relation of controls performed during the execution of the work and its results.
For the purposes of CTE application, the terms listed below must be used in accordance with the meaning and conditions established for each of them.
Predictable action: action to be taken into account, in accordance with current regulations.
Building Agents: All natural or legal persons involved in the building process as set out in the LOE.
Thermal Well-being: Indoor conditions of temperature, humidity, and air speed established in regulation that are considered to produce an adequate and sufficient sense of well-being to its occupants.
Closing: building element of the building that separates it from the outside, whether air, land or other buildings.
Appropriate structural behavior: behavior of a structure and the different parts that compose it, which does not have undue effects.
Impermissible dynamic behavior: level of vibrations or oscillations of a structure, which does not meet the requirements of the current regulations.
Construction: a set of activities for the physical performance of the work.
The term, covers on-site construction, but also workshop parts manufacturing and subsequent on-site assembly.
Constructor: is the agent that assumes, contractually before the promoter, the commitment to execute with human and material means, own or others, the works or part thereof with subjection to the project and the contract, and following the instructions of the director of work and the director of the execution of the work.
Energy demand: it is the energy needed to maintain in the interior of the building the conditions of comfort defined in regulation according to the use of the building and the climatic zone in which it is located. It consists of the energy demand for heating and cooling, corresponding to the months of the heating and cooling season, respectively.
Inadmissible deformation: level of deformation exceeding the permissible deformation limits laid down in the current regulations.
Unacceptable degradation: level of degradation that does not meet the requirements laid down in the current regulations.
Optional address: consists of the director of work and the director of the execution of the work.
Director of the execution of the work: it is the agent who, as part of the facultative direction, assumes the technical function of directing the material execution of the work and of controlling qualitatively and quantitatively the construction and the quality of the edified.
Director of work: is the agent who, as part of the optional management, directs the development of the work in the technical, aesthetic, urban and environmental aspects, in accordance with the project that defines it, the building licence and other mandatory authorisations and the terms of the contract, in order to ensure their suitability for the proposed purpose.
Building: fixed construction, made with resistant materials, for human habitation or for housing other uses.
Execution of the work: see Construction.
Structural elements: part of a physically distinguishable structure. For example: pillar, beam, slab, shoe, etc.
Structure: set of elements, connected to each other, whose mission is to resist the foreseeable actions and to provide rigidity.
Basic quality requirements for buildings: generic, functional and technical characteristics of buildings that meet the basic requirements of building.
a) Chemical, physical or biological influence that affects a structure, the parts that make up it or the non-structural resistant elements, and which can adversely affect its in-service behavior, and its resistance and stability.
(b) Cause [which does not belong to the categories of the shares or those mentioned in (a)] of adverse effects on the performance in service, or on the strength and stability of a structure, of the parts that make up or non-structural resistant elements. For example: geometric imperfections, defects induced by manufacturing or assembly processes, human errors, etc.
Foreseeable influence: influence to be taken into account, in accordance with current regulations.
Municipal works license: administrative act by which the competent City Council authorizes the execution of the projected work, once its conformity with the applicable legality has been verified.
Maintenance: set of activities to preserve the building or the parts that make it so that, with adequate reliability, meet the requirements set out.
Planned Maintenance: Maintenance that, for each building, consists of the fulfillment of the Instructions for use and maintenance contained in the Building Book.
CE marking: marking to be carried out on the territory of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area for free movement within the territory of the Member States of the European Union, laid down in Directive 89 /106/EEC or other Directives which apply to them.
Interior Partitions: Building element of the building that divides its interior into separate enclosures. They can be vertical or horizontal (floors and ceilings).
Construction product: the one that is manufactured for permanent incorporation into a work including materials, semi-finished elements, components and works or part thereof, both finished and in process of execution.
Promoter: is the building agent that decides, drives, programs and finances building works.
Projector: is the agent that drafts the project on behalf of the promoter and subject to the corresponding technical and urban regulations.
Project: is the set of documents by which the technical requirements of the works referred to in Article 2 of the LOE are defined and determined, and in which the proposed solutions are technically justified the specifications required by the applicable technical regulations.
Basic project: phase of the work in which the general characteristics of the work are defined precisely, by means of the adoption and justification of concrete solutions. Its content is sufficient to request, once the required collegial visa, the municipal license or other administrative authorizations, but insufficient to initiate the construction.
Execution Project: phase of the work in which the basic project is developed, with the complete determination of details and specifications of all materials, elements, construction systems and equipment, defining the work in its entirety. Its content will be necessary for the performance of the works, with the required collegial visa and the corresponding license.
Partial projects: those that develop or complete the project in specific aspects related to specific technologies or installations of the building, defining with sufficient detail for its execution, its characteristics constructive. Its content shall be the one necessary for the performance of the works referred to in it and shall have the required collegial visa.
Thermal bridges: part of the thermal envelope of a building where normally uniform thermal resistance changes significantly due to:
a) Full or partial penetrations in the enclosure of a building, of materials with different thermal conductivity.
b) A change in the thickness of the factory; or
c) A difference between internal or external areas, such as joints between walls, floors, or ceilings.
Enclosure: Building space limited by enclosures, partitions, or any other separator element.
Habitable enclosure: indoor enclosure for the use of persons whose density of occupancy and length of stay require adequate acoustic, thermal and health conditions. The following are considered habitable enclosures:
(a) Rooms and rooms (bedrooms, dining rooms, libraries, salons, etc.) in residential buildings.
b) Classrooms, libraries, offices, in buildings for teaching use.
c) Quirophans, rooms, waiting rooms, in sanitary buildings.
d) Offices, offices; meeting rooms, in buildings for administrative use.
e) Cocinas, toilets, toilets, corridors and distributors, in buildings of any use.
f) Common circulation zones inside buildings.
g) Any other with an equivalent use to the above.
Non-habitable enclosures are considered to be non-habitable, those not intended for the permanent use of persons or whose occupation, because it is occasional or exceptional and for being under the time of stay, only justifies adequate health conditions. This category explicitly includes uninhabitable garages, storage rooms, non-conditioned technical cameras and desvanes, and their common areas.
Protected enclosure: enclosure included in the category of habitable enclosure but which has more restrictive acoustic characteristics that prevail over the requirements of the conventional habitable enclosures. The habitable enclosures referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) shall be considered in any case.
Basic building requirements: objectives derived from the social demand for the quality of the buildings and whose achievement must be sought both in the project and in the construction, maintenance and conservation of the buildings.
Ordinary waste: part of the urban waste generated in buildings, with the exception of:
(a) Dead domestic animals, furniture and goods; and
b) Waste and debris from under construction and home repair works.
Fire resistance: ability of a building element to maintain for a given period of time the carrying function that is required to it, as well as the integrity and thermal insulation in the terms specified in the relevant standard test.
Risk: measure of the extent of the danger posed by an unwanted event for people. A risk is expressed in terms of the probability linked to the consequences of an unwanted event.
Alternative solution: Any solution that differs completely or partially from those set in the DB.
Product suppliers: are all natural or legal persons who provide construction products to the works: manufacturers, storekeepers, importers or sellers of construction products.
Building Use: Activities that are performed in a building, or certain areas of a building, after they are put into service.
Expected usage: Specific use for which a building is projected and performed and must be documented. The intended use is characterized by the activities to be developed in the building and by the type of user.
User: is the agent who, by any title, enjoys the right of use of the building on an ongoing basis. You are required to use it properly in accordance with the instructions for use and maintenance contained in the Building Book.
Other Acceptions Used:
a) A person who habitually comes to a building in order to perform a given activity according to the intended use.
b) The property or its representative, even if you do not normally see the building.
c) Person who occasionally comes to a building in order to perform a given activity according to the intended use. For example: visitor, supplier, customer, etc.; or
d) People who do not go to the building, but which can be found, usually or occasionally, in their area of influence. For example: neighbors, bystanders, etc.
(In addition, Part II of the Technical Code of Building is published)