Key Benefits:
In recent years, the Spanish holdings of pig cattle have gradually developed so deep in all aspects that it has given rise to a new productive, health, economic and environmental reality. This new reality has placed the pig meat sector in one of the first places within the Spanish agricultural final production and one of the most outstanding in the productive reality of the European Union.
The sector's profound evolution has provided it with enormous dynamism, which has left the existing legislative framework close and obsolete, thus making it necessary to adapt it and bring it up to date. current needs.
Indeed, from the point of view of health, the incidence of diseases in pig holdings, the serious economic effects arising from them and the latest epidemiological studies advise to avoid high concentrations of animals in the same area, through the limitation of capacity on holdings, as well as the establishment of certain measures for the isolation of holdings, which are essential to prevent the spread of of diseases.
On the other hand, it is necessary to preserve natural resources and protect the environment, preventing the possible negative effects that could generate intensive livestock farming. The intensification of pig holdings and their concentration in certain areas and municipalities raises the need to make the creation of wealth compatible with this important livestock activity, with the demands of a medium adequate environment and a health balance.
All this leads us to the need to channel the future growth of this sector, by setting up a new regulatory framework in the field of management, which will pursue, as the ultimate goal, the harmonious growth of the sector, rational location in the territory of its facilities, protect the environment and minimize the spread of diseases. In addition, all of these increasingly large and complex pig production areas require that they be unified in the same text, extending and perfecting existing provisions in a new regulation that ensures a comprehensive view of this sector.
The Autonomous Communities and representative entities of the sectors concerned have been consulted.
In its virtue, on the proposal of the Ministers of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Environment, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 3, 2000,
Article 1. Object and scope of application.
1. This Royal Decree lays down the basic rules governing the application of health and zootechnical measures for pig holdings, including the maximum production capacity, the minimum conditions for the use of the location, zootechnical infrastructure, health and equipment, which allow for the effective and proper development of livestock farming in the pig sector, in accordance with the current rules on hygiene, animal health, welfare of animals, animals and the environment.
2. Except for this regulation:
(a) The holdings in the extensive system, which shall be subject to specific regulation.
(b) Holdings for self-consumption and reduced holdings, except as regards their registration in the Register of pig holdings.
3. The intensive production facilities of a mixed production system are also obliged to comply with what is established in this Royal Decree.
Article 2. Definitions.
1. For the purposes of this Royal Decree, the definitions set out in Article 2 of Royal Decree No 1048/1994 of 20 May 1994 on minimum standards for the protection of pigs, as well as the definitions laid down in Article 2 of Royal Decree No 1048/1994, shall apply. in Royal Decree 205/1996 of 9 February establishing a system for the identification and registration of animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species, in which it does not object to this standard.
2. In addition,
following definitions shall apply:a) Intensive operating system. That used by livestock farmers when they lodge their animals in the same premises, where they are supplied with a basic feed of compound feed, including the open-air operation, called the 'camping system' or "cottages".
b) A system of extensive exploitation. It is used by livestock farmers on holdings whose animals are mainly fed in grazing and generally in the dehesa ecosystem, in accordance with what is established by Royal Decree 1132/1981 of 24 April on health management and Zootechnical of extensive porcine holdings.
c) Mixed operating system. That used by livestock farmers on holdings where parts of the two previous systems coexist.
d) Production in phases. It is the intensive system which, in accordance with its zootechnical guidance, provides for periods of breeding, recovery or transition and/or animal bait, when the facilities for each stage or part thereof are located in geographical locations. different, under the same holder or producer group, in which only animals from the farms themselves grouped in the system are allowed, applying a single health programme adapted to the needs of each production stage. To be used by livestock farmers, they are required to present a memory comprising the production, health, and description of the phases and their components in farms, modules and ships and the general biosecurity program, of each of the phases.
e) Center for artificial insemination. It is the installation where the semen collection of the verracs is performed for marketing and application in artificial fertilization. These centres are in accordance with the provisions of the Order of 31 October 1978 laying down specific rules on artificial insemination in pigs and in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1148/1992 of 25 September 1992 laying down specific rules for the the animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of animals of the porcine species are laid down.
f) Player clustering center for detour. It is the installation in which breeding animals are collected from different holdings of origin, for slaughter, with a maximum length of stay of 48 hours and under the control of the competent bodies of the Communities. Stand-alone.
g) Quarantine centers. Any installation in which the breeding stock is kept under observation and control before its final shipment to the holding or artificial insemination centres of destination.
h) Local veterinary unit (UVL). Any geographical area under the control of the same official veterinary service.
i) UGM. Major livestock unit. Equivalent to an adult bovine.
j) Exploitation for self-consumption. It is considered as such, that used for the rearing of animals for the sole purpose of family consumption, with a maximum production per year of five bait pigs.
k) Reduced exploitation. This is considered to be the case for a number of less than five breeding sows, which can maintain a number not exceeding 25 bait places. In any case, the holding shall not be able to hold a quantity of pork exceeding the equivalent of 4,80 UGM.
l) Swine production core. The term 'pig production' means the set of holdings of different owners, located in a common area, which have a veterinarian responsible for the implementation of the common health programme, for all the holdings and which have the appropriate biosecurity measures, including the following:
1. Perimeter Closing within which all farms corresponding to the core will be included.
2. Single Healthcare Vado, entry to the enclosure.
m) Swine production areas. The production areas of the municipalities of less than 1,000 inhabitants, where holdings with a capacity of not more than 33 UGM and which are incorporated into a health defence group, are understood as pig production areas. (ADS), while maintaining a common health programme, under the direction of a responsible veterinarian and placed at a minimum distance from urban helmets to be determined by the Autonomous Communities.
n) The management center for the Coles. It is the public or private entity that, in an intermediary way between the farmers and the farmers, is responsible for the collection of the cabbages for their agricultural recovery and, where appropriate, for their treatment.
n) Program for selection and/or multiplication. It is the improvement programme set out in Annex II to Royal Decree 723/1990 of 8 June 1990 on the selection and reproduction of pigs of pure breeds and in the single Annex to Royal Decree 1108/1991 of 12 July 1991 on zootechnical standards applicable to hybrid breeding pigs.
Article 3. Classification and zootechnical of pig holdings.
porcine holdings shall be classified in the following categories:
A) For their zootechnical orientation.
1. Selection. They are the ones that are dedicated to the production of pure-bred or hybrid animals. They can be:
(a) Holdings for the selection of pure breeds, as set out in Royal Decree 723/1990.
(b) Holdings for the selection of hybrids, as provided for in Royal Decree 1108/1991.
2. Multiplication. They are those dedicated to the multiplication of animals of pure or hybrid breeds or breeds from the holding of selection, the main purpose of which is to obtain animals for breeding by means of the application of the corresponding zootechnical and health programmes, and may generate their players for self-replacement.
Players used in these holdings shall be entered in the herd-books or in the corresponding official records.
3. Restock of players. They are those dedicated to the recycling and/or fattening of piglets from a single holding of selection or multiplication, the destination of which is reproduction or, marginally, the finishing or bait phase. In addition, the entry into this holding of piglets from several holdings belonging to the same selection or multiplication programme may be authorised provided that the following conditions are met:
(a) that the selection or multiplication programme maintains the same health programme for all its holdings and under the same technical-health address of the relevant technical director.
b) That the holdings of such a selection or multiplication programme are located within the same Autonomous Community and, preferably, in the same province.
4. Transition of primitive reproducers. It is the holding which exclusively houses primiparous females from a single holding of origin, to be fertilized and marketed in general as pregnant producers. In addition, the entry into this holding of primiparous females from the same selection or multiplication programme may be authorised provided that the conditions set out in the previous paragraph are met.
5. Production. They are the ones that, in a single productive unit or using the production system in phases, are dedicated to the production of piglets for their fattening and slaughter, being able to generate their players for the self-replenishment. According to their destination, they are subdivided into holdings of:
a) Cycle closed. This is the case, in which the entire production process, i.e. birth, breeding, breeding and bait, takes place on the same holding, using only the production itself.
b) Production of piglets. They are those in which the production process is limited to birth and breeding until weaning, and can extend the same to the recria of the piglets for later bait in authorized baiting.
(c) Mixed type: These are the holdings that send part of the piglets born in their installation for their right and/or bait in approved baiting.
6. Transition of piglets. It is the holding which houses piglets from another holding or those included within a production system in phases for subsequent transfer to the bait.
7. Bait: These are those dedicated to the fattening of animals for slaughter.
8. The zootechnical guidelines for selection, multiplication, breeding of breeding, transition of primal breeding and production and bait may be developed in phased production systems.
B) For their productive capacity: pig holdings are classified according to their productive capacity, expressed in UGM, according to the equivalence established for each type of livestock in Annex I, in the form of next:
1. Group 1: Holdings with capacity up to 120 UGM.
2. Group 2: Holdings with a capacity between the upper limit of the previous group and up to 360 UGM.
3. Group 3. Holdings with a capacity between the upper limit of the previous group and up to 864 UGM.
4. Special Group: This includes the pig holdings of selection, multiplication, the breeding centres for rerouting, the artificial insemination centres, the breeding holdings of the breeding, the transition of primiparous breeders and quarantine centers.
5. In no case shall the installation of holdings with a capacity exceeding 864 UGM be authorised.
It is considered as independent holdings, for capacity purposes, to the productive units belonging to a holding with a production system in phases, provided that the provisions of this Royal Decree are complied with. relating to distances between those productive units belonging to the holding.
Article 4. Health status of pig holdings.
1. For the purposes of veterinary health and in relation to the various diseases, pig holdings are described as:
(a) Special health protection exploitation (EPSE): The title of EPSE may be granted, at the request of the holder concerned, to the pig holding meeting the requirements of the Order of 21 October 1980 for the that additional rules are provided for the fight against African swine fever and other diseases of porcine animals, in application of Royal Decree 791/1979 of 20 February, and which is permanently assisted by a veterinarian, who direct a continuous health programme, aimed at the prevention and control of diseases of the pig. In addition, it shall be officially free from African swine fever and classical swine fever.
(b) Proven Health Exploitation (ESC): The title of ESC may be granted, at the request of the holder concerned, to the pig holding which meets the requirements set out in the Order of 21 October 1980. In its health aspect, such a holding must be permanently assisted by a veterinarian, who shall lead a continuous health programme for the prevention and control of pig diseases.
(c) Holdings that are free or officially free of certain diseases: They are thus qualified in accordance with the requirements of the specific disease standard.
2. The selection and multiplication holdings, in order to maintain their zootechnical certification, must be qualified as ESC or EPSE. By Royal Decree, acting on a proposal from the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, these conditions shall be amended for holdings which are free or officially free of the diseases which are to be determined.
3. The competent authorities shall provide the certificates for holdings which meet the requirements laid down.
4. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in agreement with the Autonomous Communities, shall establish the single model of certification applicable to the entire State.
Article 5. Minimum operating conditions for holdings.
One. -General-character pig holdings must comply with the relevant sectoral legislation and the following conditions:
A) On equipment and handling:
1. Where necessary, in order to achieve greater economic viability or adaptation to new technologies, the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities may authorise the implementation by several holdings of the same programme of destruction of corpses, approving a specific shared management programme for these purposes.
2. The loading and unloading of pigs should be carried out with sufficient health and animal welfare guarantees, while complying with the legislation on these matters at all times.
3. In holdings holding semen collection centres for exclusive use within the semen collection centres, hygiene and biosecurity measures shall be carried out in their facilities and management.
4. In the case of artificial insemination centres and holdings as defined in Article 3.A, except for the bait and transition of piglets, included in a phased production system, only the entry of animals from other plants shall be authorised. holdings, if they are going to replay.
B) Animal welfare and agri-environmental protection:
(a) The requirements concerning minimum spaces and breeding conditions must be met by Royal Decree 1048/1994.
(b) Estiercoles: Management of the cabbages of pig holdings may be carried out by the use of any of the following procedures:
1. Recovery as an organo-mineral fertiliser: For agricultural recovery as an organo-mineral fertiliser, the holdings shall:
1. Dispose of fenced and watertight manure rafts, natural or artificially, that avoid the risk of filtration and contamination of surface and groundwater, ensuring that losses are prevented. overflow or geotechnical instability, with the precise size to be able to store the production of at least three months, which allows for the proper management of the same.
2. Respect as a minimum distance, in the distribution of manure on the ground, 100 metres, with respect to other holdings in the group first, and 200 metres, in respect of the holdings included in the rest of the groups defined in Article 3. B) and to urban centres. In relation to the water courses, it will be respected what is established in the Regulation of Public Domain Hydraulic, which develops the preliminary titles I, IV, V, VI and VII of Law 29/1985, of 2 August, of Aguas, approved by Royal Decree 849/1996, of 11 April, and the provisions of the different river basin management plans.
3. º Acreditar, before the competent authority of the Autonomous Community, which has sufficient, own or concerted agricultural area for the use of the sprouts as fertilizers, complying with the following:
-In vulnerable areas, the maximum quantity of sprouts applied on that area, whether or not from the pig, and its nitrogen content, as calculated in accordance with Annex I, shall be in accordance with the Royal Decree 261/1996, with the submission of a plan for the management and production of cabbages, in accordance with Annex II and with the action programmes drawn up by the Autonomous Communities.
-For the rest of the territory (non-vulnerable areas), the holding operators shall submit only the agricultural management and production plan for the cabbages, in accordance with Annex II, where the nitrogen content, applied with manure from pigs, calculated in accordance with Annex I, exceeding the value of 210 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare per year.
Valorization will be carried out individually for each holding. It may be carried out through a common management programme for several holdings, subject to the authorisation of the competent authority of the Autonomous Community.
2. The treatment of cabbages by composting, artificial drying and others: the activities of valorization and elimination of the cabbages subjected to processes of composting, artificial drying and other similar, will be carried out according to Articles 13 and 14 of Law 10/1998 of 21 April of Waste.
3. Disposal of sprouts by spillage: The disposal of sprouts by means of discharge shall be subject to the authorization laid down in Articles 92 et seq. of Law No 29/1985 of 2 August of Water and Chapter II of Title III of the Regulation of Public Domain Water, which develops the preliminary Titles I, IV, V, VI and VII of Law 29/1985, of 2 August, of waters, approved by Royal Decree 849/1996, of April 11.
4. Delivery to management centres of cabbages: The management of the cabbages of the pig farms, either as organ-mineral fertilizer or for their treatment, may be carried out by the management centre of the Coles, which will be responsible for collecting them in the farms and, where appropriate, to treat or value them, under their responsibility, as referred to in the preceding paragraphs. Such centres shall be authorised and registered as such in the competent authority of the Autonomous Community. In any case, this activity shall be carried out in such a way as to prevent the spread of diseases.
Holdings that deliver manure to a management centre shall be required to credit their delivery through the relevant contract.
Two. -New-installation pig holdings must comply, in addition to the conditions set out in paragraph one of this Article, the following:
A) On location:
1. Sanitary separation.
In order to reduce the risk of the spread of infectious diseases in pigs, a minimum distance is established between the holdings of this species, as well as between the same and other establishments or facilities which may constitute a source of contagion.
(a) The minimum distance mentioned shall be 1 km between the holdings of the second and third groups, as laid down in Article 3 (B), and from the holdings of the group first, to the urban centres, to the areas municipal and private burial of animal carcasses and centralized facilities of common use for the treatment of sprouts and municipal waste. And in the case of holdings of the special group, the minimum distance between them and the other groups shall be 2 kilometres.
(b) For holdings classified within the group first, a minimum distance of 500 metres between the holding shall be set, and the minimum distances laid down in paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) shall be kept. with regard to: the holdings of the second, third groups, urban centres, areas of burial of municipal or private bodies, centralised facilities for common use for the treatment of manure, holdings of the special group, slaughterhouses, meat industries, markets, processing or disposal establishments bodies and centres of concentration. The holdings that are installed will not be able to increase their productive capacity above 120 UGM, limit established for the group first.
(c) The same distance criteria as set out for the special group in Article 3 (B) shall apply in respect of slaughterhouses, meat industries, markets and processing or disposal establishments.
(d) Concentration centres, referred to in Royal Decree 434/1990 of 30 March 1990 laying down the health conditions for intra-Community trade in live animals of the bovine and porcine species, amended by Royal Decree 156/1995 of 3 February 1995, shall be located at a distance of at least 3 km from any holding, centre or unit of pigs, as well as from industries, establishments and installations mentioned in the previous paragraph and urban helmets.
e) In addition, in all holdings, buildings, including facilities for the treatment of cabbages, must be located at a distance greater than 100 metres from the major public roads, such as: railways, motorways, motorways and roads of the national network, and more than 25 metres from any other public route.
f) In relation to the special circumstances of a geographical nature or for reasons of insularity, the Autonomous Communities may authorise the installation of pig production cores provided that they satisfy the conditions laid down referred to in this Article. The minimum distance between the above cores shall be 1 km.
(g) In the case of holdings belonging to an ADS, and in order to facilitate the exit of pig holdings located in urban areas, the grouping of holdings may be authorised in (a) the production of pig production outside the territory of the Community and its installation in rural areas, taking into account these nuclei as a single holding and with the same requirements as to the distances to be complied with between them and other holdings, Article. In no case, the maximum total capacity of the core will be greater than 864 UGM. For the approval of these production cores, it is essential that the holdings of these cores be included in an ADS.
(h) In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1880/1996 of 2 August 1996 governing livestock health protection groups, in the event that a new holding is installed in the territorial area of an ADS and which does not belong to it, or where the ADS is discharged, in both cases, must prove compliance with at least the health programmes established by the ADS and approved by the Autonomous Community or which are to be established and to be approved in the future, which will have the character of minimums, within that territorial scope.
(i) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b), the installation of holdings with a capacity of not more than 33 UGM in areas of pig production and in local entities of less than 1,000 inhabitants may be authorised, with the the condition that the holdings are incorporated into an ADS, maintaining a common health programme, under the direction of a responsible veterinarian and placed at a minimum distance from the urban centres to be determined by the Communities; Autonomous. Holdings which are so installed may not increase their production capacity above 33 UGM.
Depending on the evolution of these production areas, appropriate measures will be taken to avoid, if necessary, the spread of the diseases of this species.
Likewise, and, however, as set out in paragraph e), the Autonomous Communities shall establish the distance from these holdings to public roads other than railways, motorways, highways and highways of the national network.
In any case these holdings may not be constructed at a distance of less than: 500 meters from another belonging to the group first, 1,000 meters from another belonging to the second and third groups, 2,000 meters from another belonging to the special group of Article 3B and slaughterhouses, meat industries, markets and establishments for the processing or disposal of carcasses, and 3,000 metres from the centres of concentration.
j) The island autonomous communities may modulate the minimum distances established between the holdings in this Royal Decree, depending on the characteristics of the areas in which they are located and the measures additional additional to be established, without in any case being able to be reduced by more than 20 per 100.
2. Limitations by stocking density.
The installation of holdings in municipal terms included in areas declared vulnerable by the Autonomous Community concerned shall limit their stocking density, taking into account that they may be valorised only It is therefore necessary to ensure that the conditions laid down in Royal Decree 261/1996 of 14 February 1996 on the protection of the waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources are laid down.
B) On infrastructure.
1. From the ground.
The area of land occupied by the holding should be ample enough to permit the proper development of the livestock activity.
2. Health.
(a) The layout of their constructions and facilities, tools and equipment will enable, at all times, the performance of effective disinfection, disinterment and de-ratization.
(b) It shall be located in a fenced area, which is isolated from outside, and shall have systems of protection against possible transmissions of disease.
(c) It shall also provide for a sanitary rod or any other effective system in its access for the disinfection of the wheels of vehicles entering or leaving the vehicle. As well as, pressure system for disinfection of the rest of the vehicle.
d) Have to have a system of collection or treatment and disposal of dead bodies, with sufficient health guarantees and protection of the environment.
e) They shall apply and maintain health programmes and standards against the main diseases of the species subject to official control. For these purposes, they shall have the appropriate lazareto for the observation and abduction of the animals. In any case, biosecurity measures shall be strictly applied.
f) In addition to the above, on holdings:
1. Staff costumes and cleaning and handling equipment will be available for the exclusive use of the farm.
2. º Orders at the entrance of each local, ship or park.
3. The new facilities must be designed to prevent the entry into the enclosure of feed, loading and unloading of animals and the removal of slurry, and these operations must be carried out from outside the exploitation.
(g) In holdings, a book of visits shall be made available where they are recorded in all the holdings, as well as the number of licence plates for vehicles which have entered the holding.
Article 6. Identification of the animals.
1. In general, all animals must be identified and marked as soon as possible and, in any case, before leaving the holding.
2. In the case of animals which come from a production system in phases or from a selection or multiplication holding, they shall pass through a holding where a period of their productive life is carried out, such as: transition and/or breeding or transition of piglets for subsequent bait, the same shall be marked, with the number of such intermediate holdings, before being sent to the final destination holding.
3. Animals destined for slaughter must be identified with the number corresponding to the holding of origin of the animals.
4. The identification and marking expressed in the preceding paragraphs shall not be required in the pigs identified in accordance with the requirements of the Royal Decrees 723/1990 and 1108/1991.
5. For the movement of animals within its territory, the Autonomous Communities may approve their own identification systems. However, for the free movement of the same, outside the geographical scope of the Autonomous Community, throughout the territory of the State, whatever its destination, it is determined that the cattlemen will be able to use as systems of identification at national level of the eartag, tattoo or tattoo hammer, including as identification data: the acronym of the province or alternative territorial scope, the number of the municipality within the province and the number of the exploitation within the municipality concerned. In non-white-layered animals, the ear tag shall be used, provided that the tattoo systems or the tattoo hammer makes it difficult to identify them.
Article 7. State register of pig holdings.
1. The Register of pig holdings, managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, is structured in different sections, according to the categories referred to in Article 3, and includes the data in the Register of holdings managed by the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities.
2. To carry out its activities, all pig holdings must be registered in the Register of pig holdings in the Autonomous Community concerned.
3. The data to be entered in the Register shall be at least the following:
Record number.
Identification of the exploitation.
Identification of the holding holder.
Classification of the exploitation.
Number of places per category of animals.
In addition, this Registry will provide data on the capacity of each productive phase and updated census of the farm animals.
4. The Registers of pig holdings in the Autonomous Communities shall be computerised and their management system shall, in any case, allow for the high, low and modifications, which are carried out on the same, to be immediately reflected in the Register State of pig holdings, to which all Autonomous Communities shall have access to it.
5. Book of registration of holdings. As provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 205/1996, all holdings must bear their registration book, approved by the competent authority, containing at least the data set out in the model in Annex II-3 to the Regulation. Quoted Royal Decree.
6. The cessation or suspension of the activity for a period of more than one year shall mean the registration. However, for justified reasons and upon request of the person concerned, the suspension of the activity may be authorised without causing a reduction for a period of not more than three years.
7. For holdings already included in the Register of pig holdings prior to the entry into force of this Royal Decree, extensions and changes in zootechnical guidance may be authorised provided that they comply with all the measures required. are set out in this Royal Decree and do not exceed the volume limits set out in Article 3.B. In such cases, it will not be necessary to comply with the conditions of location, prohibition of entry of vehicles for feeding, loading and unloading of animals and removal of purines, even if they have to take the necessary measures to minimise the health risks, which shall be at least those laid down in paragraph 2. (B) 2 of Article 5 of this Royal Decree. These authorisations will preferably be aimed at achieving closed-cycle farms.
8. The competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities shall keep the Register of pig holdings permanently updated as set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article.
Article 8. Authorisation and registration of new holdings.
1. From the date of entry into force of this Royal Decree, in order to be authorised the newly created holdings must have been registered in the Register of pig holdings. In order to be registered in the Register, the new holdings will have to have the municipal license of activity and credit the fulfillment of the requirements established in this Royal Decree.
2. They may be provisionally entered in the Register of pig holdings, and may be gradually authorised to operate, those newly created holdings, which, having a municipal activity licence and having accredited the compliance with the requirements set out in this Royal Decree, have carried out all the works of the health and environmental infrastructure of the operation, although they lack to finish the construction of the facilities corresponding to one of the production stages, with the definitive registration being granted when the entire construction is complete. Such finalisation shall be accredited to the competent authority of the Autonomous Community within a maximum of 12 months from the date of provisional registration. If no such works have been completed by the end of this period, both the provisional entry in the Register of pig holdings and the authorisation of operation shall be cancelled.
3. In the future, authorisation for enlargement, or for change of zootechnical orientation, may be granted to the holdings referred to in this Article, provided that they continue to comply with the provisions of this Royal Decree and do not exceed the limits of productive capacity referred to in Article 3.B).
Article 9. Inspections.
1. The competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities shall carry out the zootechnical, health and environmental inspections to verify compliance with the conditions and requirements laid down in the regulations governing the management and control of Pig holdings, as well as monitoring and control of programmes of any kind that are carried out on holdings.
2. In order to be able to carry out the appropriate health checks, the holders of pig holdings shall, within the maximum period of 48 hours, communicate the entry of any type of pig on their holding to the organs the competent authority of the Autonomous Community in the manner in which they determine it.
3. Within 12 months, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in agreement with the Autonomous Communities, shall draw up the corresponding Royal Decree approving the basic Regulation on the inspection of pig holdings in the without prejudice to the powers of the Autonomous Communities, the minimum state inspection criteria for holdings shall be laid down.
Article 10. Violations.
1. The infringements and penalties will be those provided for in the Epizootic Law and Regulation of 20 December 1952; in Law 10/1998 of 21 April of Waste; in Royal Decree 1945/1983 of 22 June, for the regulation of the infringement in the field of Article 103 of Law 50/1998 of 30 December 1998 on Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures, without prejudice to any other legislation that may be applicable.
2. The seriousness of the infringement may, in accordance with the applicable rules, assume the temporary suspension or cancellation of the title of the holding, with the loss of the authorisation for the exercise of the activity.
3. If the offences committed were punishable, they would be passed on to the relevant courts.
Additional disposition first. Regulatory development.
1. Joint Order of the Ministers for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Environment, and with a hearing from the Autonomous Communities, the agricultural professional organisations, the producer sector and, where appropriate, other social organisations and The following technical requirements shall be laid down within the maximum period of 10 months after the entry into force of this Royal Decree:
(a) The method of calculation to objectively determine the level of nitrogen applied on the ground, depending on the gasification losses produced since the start of the storage period.
(b) The criteria for fixing the maximum quantities of nitrogen concentration, which may be applied on the surface of the non-vulnerable areas.
2. The provisions referred to in this Royal Decree, concerning the recovery as organ-mineral fertiliser of sprouts originating from pig holdings, shall be construed as applying in the terms in which they are not produced. for all agricultural waste the normative development of the fifth additional provision of Law 10/1998, of 21 April, of Waste.
3. With the exception of the provisions relating to the balsas of cabbages, as soon as the normative development provided for in paragraph 1 of this additional provision does not occur and without prejudice to the provisions of Royal Decree 261/1996, they will not be the obligations laid down in paragraphs B) .b) .1 and 4 of Article 5 (1) of this Royal Decree are required by the competent public authorities
Additional provision second. Competence title.
The provisions of this Royal Decree will have the character of state basic regulations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.13. of the Constitution, which attributes to the State the competence on the bases and the coordination of the general planning of economic activity; article 149.1.16, which attributes to the State exclusive competence on the basis and coordination of health, and Article 149.1.23, which gives the State the power to dictate basic legislation on environmental protection.
First transient disposition. Existing holdings or pending authorisations.
1. The provisions for manure rafts in Article 5 (1) (B) (b) shall be subject to compliance within 12 months, in the case of holdings situated in vulnerable areas, and 24 months in the case of non-agricultural areas. vulnerable.
2. All existing holdings prior to the entry into force of this standard, which are not registered in the Register and those registered, which have increased their capacity or modified their classification by their orientation They may request the competent authority of the Autonomous Community to register or regularize their situation in the Register of pig holdings, within the time limit for the Autonomous Community to determine and not exceed eighteen months. For such regularisation or registration, the provisions of this Royal Decree, including the provisions of Article 5 (2), shall apply, with the exception of limitations corresponding to the production capacity existing at the entry into force of the Regulation. Royal Decree, to the location of the farms and to the prohibition of the entry of vehicles for the supply of feed, loading and unloading of animals and the withdrawal of liquid and semi-liquid sprouts. For local entities of less than 1,000 inhabitants, where pig production areas have been constituted and for holdings with a capacity of less than 33 GUs, including those areas, may be considered as an additional derogation, The invention relates to a method for the installation of sanitary vates or common use pressure systems for the washing and disinfection of vehicles. In addition, depending on the circumstances of the installation of these farms in these areas, alternative systems may be used to ensure that the farms are protected from the outside, preventing the entry of persons and animals. controls. On the expiry of that period, holdings which comply with the above conditions shall be entered in the Register of pig holdings definitively.
Provided that they satisfy the conditions laid down in Article 5 (1), the holders of holdings which do not meet the minimum measures referred to in Article 5 (2) of this Royal Decree shall be entered in the Register of Pig holdings on a provisional basis and shall have a maximum period of 24 months in order to establish their regularisation.
3. If the time limits laid down in this transitional provision are not credited by the holders of the holdings with respect to the provisions of this Royal Decree, the entry in the Register of pig holdings shall be cancelled, without prejudice to the imposition of the penalties to be imposed.
Second transient disposition. Holdings pending approval.
The holdings in the administrative processing phase prior to the entry into force of this Royal Decree will be eligible for authorization to the requirements set out in this Royal Decree.
Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.
1. The following provisions are hereby repealed:
(a) Decree 2641/1971 of 13 August laying down rules on the health and zootechnical organisation of pig holdings.
(b) Order of 7 November 1974 establishing the Register of pig holdings.
(c) Order of 23 June 1976 on Registration of pig holdings.
2. Any other provision, of equal or lower rank, shall be repealed in any event that objects to this Royal Decree.
Final disposition first. Faculty of development.
The Ministers of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Environment are empowered, in the field of their respective competences, to make the necessary provisions for the development of this Royal Decree.
Final disposition second. Review.
This Royal Decree will be reviewed within five years of its entry into force.
Final disposition third. Entry into force.
This Royal Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State".
Dado en Madrid a 3 de marzo de 2000.
The First Vice President of the Government
and Minister of the Presidency,
Equivalences at UGM of the various types of pig cattle and the nitrogen content of their sprouts at the start of the storage period
type (square) | Liquid and similar manure | Nitrogen content | Equivalence | |
-cycle Cerda * | 17.75 | 57.60 | ||
Cerda with piglets up to weaning (0 to 6 kgs) | 5.10 | 15.00 | 0.25 | |
Cerks with piglets up to 20 kgs. | 6.12 | 18.00 | ||
Reorder Cerda | 2.50 | 8.50 | ||
Lechons 6 to 20 kgs | 0.41 | 1.19 | 0.02 | |
1.80 |
6.00 | 6.00 | ||
2.50 | 8.50 | 0,14 | ||
7.25 | 0,12 | |||
Verracs | 18,00 | 0,30 | 0,30 |
* Includes the mother and her offspring until the end of the bait.
Production and manure management plan
1. Name, surname and address of the holder of the intensive livestock holding.
2. Location and description of the holding, mentioning the types of animals, the production system and the number of places available on the premises.
3. Collection system and facilities intended for the storage of the cabbages.
4. Annual production of cabbages in accordance with Annex I.
5. Description of the management planned for the sprouts, pointing out the amount of those that will be used directly for fertilisation.
6. Agricultural or forestry area fertilised by the producer and identification of the target parcels.