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Resolution Of March 23, 2015, Of The General Direction Of The Public Function, Why Is The Joint Publication Of The Classifications Of Jobs Reserved For Officials Of Local Administration With Empowerment Of C...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 23 de marzo de 2015, de la Dirección General de la Función Pública, por la que se dispone la publicación conjunta de las clasificaciones de puestos de trabajo reservados a funcionarios de administración local con habilitación de c...

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the Autonomous Communities, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994, and in compliance with the provisions of the seventh transitional provision of Law 27/2013 of 27 December 1994, rationalisation and sustainability of the Local Administration, have adopted resolutions on the creation, classification and abolition of jobs reserved for local government officials with national qualifications, including those which modify the system of provision for free designation.

Once the publications of the resolutions expressed in their respective Official Journals have been forwarded by the Autonomous Communities, in the terms referred to in Article 9 of Royal Decree 1732/1994, this Directorate General in use of the privileges conferred on him by Royal Decree 256/2012, of 27 January, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations is developed, (Modified by Royal Decree 802/2014, 19 of September), resolves:

jointly publish the resolutions for the creation, classification and deletion of jobs reserved for local administration officials with national qualifications, as well as for the change of the system of provision for free designation, in the terms set out in Annexes I and II respectively of this resolution.

Madrid, 23 March 2015. -Director General of the Civil Service, Elena Collado Martínez


Creating, deleting, and sorting

Autonomous Community of Aragon

Province of Huesca.

Lascuarre Pool. The position of the third-class Secretariat, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale, of the Grouping for the common support of that single post, is hereby established and classified as the Secretariat of the Secretariat. Lascuarre, Capella, Castigaleu and Monesma and Cajigar.

(Resolution of 24 November 2014, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Government of Aragon.)

High Esera Commonwealth Pool. The Pool for the common support of the position of the third class Secretariat, constituted by the High Esera Commonwealth and the Villanova and Sesue Councils, is adopted the following agreement:

Villanova Pool. A Grouping is constituted for the common holding of the post of Secretariat, between the municipalities of Villanova and Sesue, and the position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of Secretary-Intervention.

(Resolution of 27 November 2014, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration of the Government of Aragon.)

Huesca City Hall. The collaboration post called "statal-legal advisor", of the first class, reserved for officials belonging to the Sub-scale of the Upper Secretariat, is deleted.

(Resolution of 15 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration of the Government of Aragon.)

Province of Zaragoza.

Grouping de Villarreal de Huerva. The Grouping for the common support of the post of the third-class Secretariat, constituted between the Ayamentos of Villarreal of Huerva, Villadoz, and Villarroya del Campo, is adopted the following agreements:

Grouping de Villarreal de Huerva. A Grouping is constituted for the common support of the post of the Secretariat, between the Ayuntamas of Villarreal of Huerva, Villadoz, Villarroya del Campo and Lechon, and it is created and classifies the position of the third-class Secretariat, reserved to officials belonging to the Sub-scale of the Secretariat-Intervention

(Resolution of 17 November 2014, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration of the Government of Aragon.)

Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands

The Realejos City Council. The position of Vice-Secretary, third class, with a collaborative position, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention sub-scale, is created and classified.

(Resolution of 21 January 2015, from the General Directorate of the Civil Service of the Government of the Canary Islands.)

Autonomous Community of Cantabria

Polanco City Council. The reference in the name of the City Council, in the Resolution of 8 January 2015, of the Directorate-General for the Civil Service, which provides for the joint publication of the classifications of posts reserved for the officials with state rating.

Page 4486 of the "Official State Gazette" number 19 of 22 January 2015. -Instead of Polanco, Polanco should be understood.

Castile and Leon Community

Province of Burgos.

Lara's Alfoz community. The post of Secretariat is created and the following agreements are adopted:

It exempts from the obligation to maintain the same. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials of Local Administration with a national rating by one of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July.

The accumulation of functions corresponding to the Secretariat is authorized, to the official with national status, don José Luis Miguel Angulo, NRP 13163291 /13/A/3012, holder of the post of Secretariat, class 2. City Hall of the Infants.

(Resolution 4 December 2014, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Province of Leon.

Mancomunidad de Municipalities Aguas del Bierzo. Left without effect the exemption of the post of Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Municipalities from the Comarca de Ponferrada (currently Mancomunidad de municipalities del Agua del Bierzo), the post of the Secretariat is reclassified, in class third, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention sub-scale.

(Resolution of 9 December 2014, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Province of Zamora.

Diputación de Zamora. The position of (SAT) Third Class Secretariat, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale, is created and classified.

(Resolution of 27 January 2015, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

castilla-la Mancha Community

Province of Albacete.

City of Bienservida. The post of Secretariat in class third is reclassified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 22 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board).

Podevilla Town Hall. The post of Secretariat in class third is reclassified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 22 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Province of Cuenca.

Paracuellos Pool. The post of Secretariat in class third is reclassified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 22 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Province of Guadalajara.

Moratilla of the Meleros. The Grouping for the common support of the post of the third-class Secretariat, consisting of the Moratilla of the Meleros, Valdeconcha and Fuentelviejo, is adopted the following agreements:

Moratilla of the Meleros. A Grouping is constituted for the common support of the post of the Secretariat, between the Moratilla of the Meleros and Valdeconcha and is created and classifies the position of the third-class Secretariat, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

City of Fuentelviejo. The position of the Secretariat is created and classified and is exempted from the obligation to maintain the post. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials of Local Administration with a national rating by one of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July.

(Resolution of 16 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

(Resolution of 2 February 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board).

Alustante-Tordesilos Pool. The post of Secretariat in class third is reclassified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 22 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Province of Toledo.

Diputación de Toledo. Two posts of "Head of Section Legal Assistance and Secretariat-Intervention" are classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention sub-scale.

(Resolution of 21 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Diputación de Toledo. The post of "Head of Section Legal Assistance and Secretariat-Intervention", reserved for officials of the Secretariat-Intervention sub-scale, is reclassified in "Head of Section Economic Assistance and Intervention", reserved for officials belonging to the Interventional-Treasury sub-scale, entry category.

(Resolution of 21 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Commonwealth of the Tagus River. The position of the third-class Secretariat, reserved for officials from the Secretariat-Intervention subscale, is created and classified.

(Resolution of 21 January 2015, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Autonomous Community of Catalonia

Province of Tarragona.

Quart Town Hall. The classification of the post of the Secretariat, passing from class 2 to class third, is modified, reserved for officials belonging to the Sub-scale of Secretariat-Intervention. The second class Intervention position is deleted.

(Resolution GRI/151/2015, of January 28, of the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.)

Diputación de Tarragona. Two posts of (SAT) Secretariat of the third class are created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of the Secretariat-Intervention.

(Resolution GRI/152/2015, of January 28, of the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.)

Valencian Community

Province of Alicante.

Benilloba Pool. The Grouping for the common support of the post of the third-class Secretariat, consisting of the Councils of Benilloba and Penáguila, is adopted the following agreements:

Benilloba Town Hall. The position of the third-class Secretariat, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of the Secretariat-Intervention, is created and classified, and is hereby appointed as a definitive one by Mónica Gutiérrez Rico, NRP 7504288 /13/A/3015.

Peñáguila City Hall. The position of the third-class Secretariat, reserved for officials from the Secretariat-Intervention subscale, is created and classified.

(Resolution of 16 December 2014, of the Ministry of the Presidency and Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Water of the Valencian Generalitat.)

Province of Castellón.

Town Hall of Vall d' Uixo. The post of General Staff, second class, reserved for officials belonging to the Sub-scale of the Secretariat, entry category, is classified as a consequence of the execution of judgment 143/14 of the High Court of Justice of the Community Valenciana

(Resolution of 16 December 2014, of the Ministry of the Presidency and Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Water of the Valencian Generalitat.)

Extremadura Community

Mancomo Integral Valle del Jerte. The post of the Secretariat is created and is exempted from the obligation to maintain the post. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials of Local Administration with a national rating by one of the forms provided for in Article 4.2 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July.

(Resolution of 4 February 2015, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration, Justice and Interior of the Board of Extremadura.)

Galicia Community

Province of A Coruña.

Naron City Council. The authorisation of the exceptional performance of the Treasury post, by duly qualified own official, with effect from 1 January 2015, is left without effect.

(Resolution of 25 November 2014, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Province of Orense.

Provincial Council of Orense. The position of the Financial Controller is classified, with functions of assistance to municipalities, second class, reserved for officials belonging to the sub-scale of Interventional-treasury category entry.

(Resolution of 4 December 2014, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Madrid Community

Pool of Santorcaz. A Grouping is constituted for the common holding of the post of the Secretariat, between the Ayuntamas de Santorcaz and Anchuelo, and the position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of Secretary-Intervention, being appointed with definitive character, Don Ricardo Aparicio Pando, NRP 51055634 /02/A/3015, who was in the post of the third-class Secretariat of the City of Anchuelo.

(Resolution of 28 October 2013, of the Director General of Cooperation with the Local Administration of the Community of Madrid.)

Mexican Social Services Community-Velilla. It exempts from the obligation to keep the own posts reserved for officials of local administration. The reserved functions shall be exercised in one of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 16 February 2015, of the Director General of Cooperation with the Local Administration of the Community of Madrid.)

Mancommunity Valle del Lozoya. It exempts from the obligation to maintain the post of secretary. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials of Local Administration with a national rating by one of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July.

(Resolution of 9 December 2014, of the Director General of Cooperation with the Local Administration of the Community of Madrid.)

La Rioja Community

Grouping of the Cameros El.Rasillo. The Grouping is modified for the common support of the position of the third-class Secretariat, consisting of the Ayudos de El Rasillo de Cameros and Nieva de Cameros, by incorporation of the municipality of Pinillos, maintaining the classification of the post of Secretariat of the Grouping, in class 3, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of the Secretariat-Intervention.

(Resolution No. 710, of 10 December 2014, of the Directorate General of Local Policy of the Government of La Rioja.)


Free designation

City of Ceuta. -The position of Intervention, first class, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of Intervention-Treasury category Superior, is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free system. designation.

(Resolution of 23 January 2015 by the Government Council of the City of Ceuta.)

City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The position of "Holder Body Support Local Government" is classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Sub-scale of the Upper Category Secretariat, for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

(Resolution of 19 December 2014, from the Director of Local Government Relations and Administrative Records of the Basque Government.)