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Resolution Of 26 Of April Of 2012, Of The Address General Of Employment, By Which Are Records And Publishes The Review Wage Of The Convention Collective Framework For Them Establishments Financial Of Credit.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 26 de abril de 2012, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica la revisión salarial del Convenio colectivo marco para los establecimientos financieros de crédito.

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Having regard to the text of the minutes of 8 March 2012 containing the agreements for the revision of the economic amounts of Articles 13, 31, 32 and 33 of the Framework Collective Agreement for credit institutions (Convention code number 99001945011981) which was signed by the business associations which signed the ASNEF Convention, AEF and AELR on behalf of the companies in the sector, and by the trade union organizations CC. OO. and UGT on behalf of the employees of the same, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, recast text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March, and Royal Decree 713/2010 of 28 May on the registration and deposit of collective agreements and agreements.

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the said salary revision in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Management Center, with notification to the Negotiating committee.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, April 26, 2012. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.


Minutes of the Negotiating Table of the Collective Agreement

March 8, 2012

By employer representation:

Cetelem Bank: Don Gonzalo de la Rosa. Don Luis Pascual.

Cofidis: Dona Asunción Losada. Don Joaquin Rubio Well.

GE Capital Bank: Dona Rossella Truant.

MBNA Europe Bank L.: Don Guillermo de la Hoz.

Fr Services. Carrefour: Dona Elena Cardona. Dona Begona Reinoso.

UCI: Dona Montserrat Aviles. Don Angel Aguilar.

By ASNEF: Don Honorio Ruiz. Don Ignacio Pla. General Secretariat.

By AEF: Don Honorio Ruiz. Secretary-General.

By AELR: Don Manuel Garcia Fernandez. Secretary-General.

Job Advisor: Don Francisco Sierra.

By union representation:

CC. OO.: Dona Angeles Balue. Don José Antonio Estrada. Dona Incarní Bonilla.

UGT: Don Sebastian Moreno. Don José Cancio. Dona Maria Juana Gomez. Don José Ignacio Jiménez. Don Luis Serrano.

In Madrid, on March 8, two thousand twelve, gathered the parties to the margin related in the representation they hold and constituted the Negotiating Commission of the Framework Collective Agreement for the Financial Establishments of Credit, they state that, notwithstanding the temporary validity of the current collective agreement signed, which entered into force on 1 January 2011 and will end its validity on 31 December 2012, it is appropriate that, in application of the provisions of the clause included in the fifth additional provision shall be determined the economic amounts referred to in the Articles 13, 31, 32 and 33 of the Collective Agreement, as regards their determination as from 1 January 2012.

Agreements are signed in the following ways:

As of January 1, 2012:

Article 13. Salary tables.

The minimum guaranteed wages, payable on an annual gross basis per day of work, for each of the levels set out in this Convention are, for the year 2012, the following:



I. Address and Head.

A: 31.441.74

B: 30.551.87

C: 28.862.34

II. Specialized controls and technicians.

A: 27.374.20

B: 25.886.03

C: 24.057.23

III. Technicians and Administrators.

A: 20.315.29

B: 17.894.60

C: 15.086.06

The individual conditions that could be enjoyed as a more beneficial condition in relation to the integration of the former professional categories into the new groups and levels set out in this Collective Agreement strictly respect "ad personam".

Article 31. Plus transport.

In order to contribute to the costs of transport of personnel, a plus of transport of 3.44 euros per day of work is established. Such plus shall be no longer received by the worker on Sundays, holidays, holidays and days of inattendance at work for any other reason justified or unjustified.

Article 32. Departures and diets.

1. If, for the purposes of the service, any worker in the locality in which he/she habitually has his/her destination is displaced, the company shall pay him/her in respect of expenses, in addition to the costs of locomotion, a diet of:

a) One meal out: 24.08 euros.

b) Two meals out: 38.57 euros.

c) Pernoctar out: The company will establish a system of credit of justified hotel expenses (room with bathroom or shower) or housing, applicable to its employees.

2. When the worker is unable to return to eat at home for the company's job, other than usual jobs, even if he is within his/her locality, he/she will be entitled to the diet for food.

3. Where the displacement lasts for more than 60 days uninterrupted, the amount of the allowance shall be reduced by 50 per 100.

4. Undertakings may also establish a system of expenditure to be justified, both for restoration and for hotels, in place of the allowances provided for in this Article.

Article 33. Locomotion expenses.

When travel or travel originated by business needs, workers use their private car, they will be paid at a rate of € 0.31 per kilometre.

And, in accordance with the above, the Secretaries of the minutes appointed to the effect are signed by the present act and agree to refer the same to the General Directorate of Labor, through the lawyer Don Francisco Sierra González, for the registration, deposit and publication of this article, immersed in the Collective Agreement for the Financial Institutions of Credit in force from January 1, 2011 until December 31, 2012, which was sent to the labour authority in their day.