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Resolution Of April 18, 2012, Of The University Of Malaga, Which Publishes Curriculum Graduated In Classical Philology.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 18 de abril de 2012, de la Universidad de Málaga, por la que se publica el plan de estudios Graduado en Filología Clásica.

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Having obtained the curriculum of the teachings leading to the obtaining of the Official University Degree of Graduate or Graduate in Classical Philology by the University of Malaga Resolution of positive verification of the Council of Universities, previous favourable report of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation, as well as authorization of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and, once established the official character of the said Title and carried out registration in the Register of Universities, Centres and Titles by Agreement of the Council of Ministers of October 1, 2010 (published in the "Official Gazette of the State" number 273, of November 11, 2010), this Rectorate, in use of the powers it has attributed, and in accordance with the provisions of article 35 of the Law Organic 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities, in the wording given by the Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12, resolves to order the publication of the mentioned plan of studies that will be structured as it is stated in the annex of this Resolution.

Málaga, April 18, 2012. -Rectora, Adelaide de la Calle Martín.

Here are several images in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.