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Resolution Of April 18, 2012, Of The Presidency Of The Superior Council Of Sports, Which Publishes The Modification Of The Statutes Of The Spanish Triathlon Federation.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 18 de abril de 2012, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publica la modificación de los Estatutos de la Federación Española de Triatlón.

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In the exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, the Commission Directive of the High Council of Sport, in its session of 2 February 2012, has adopted definitively the amendment of Articles 2 and 26 of the Statutes of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, authorizing their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish sports federations and the Register of Sports Associations, I have the publication of the amendment of the Statutes of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, April 18, 2012. -President of the Superior Council of Sports, Miguel Cardenal Carro.


Statutes of the Spanish Triathlon Federation

" Article 2.

The mode that the FETRI groups is the Triathlon. It is recognized as sports specialties of this modality, the Duathlon, the Winter Triathlon, the Aquathlon, the Cuadriathlon and any other that chain without rest three or four segments swimming, cycling, foot race, cross-country skiing or canoeing, regardless of the surface on which it is practised and irrespective of whether its practice is outdoors or indoors. All these specialties are, in turn, recognized by the International Federation (ITU).

Following the recognition by the ITU and the Paralympic Committee of the Triathlon for Persons with Disabilities, the Spanish Federation includes parastriathlon in its specialties and in all its modalities. "

" Article 26.

The FETRI General Assembly shall consist of 35 elected members, plus the Presidents of the Autonomous Federations or territorial delegations constituted or in the process of being established.

1. The 35 elected members must be chosen from the respective census of the Easts of: sports clubs, athletes, technicians, referees and organizers.

The representation ratios are set according to the current electoral regulation.

2. He may attend the sessions of the General Assembly, with a voice, but without a vote, the President of the previous mandate.

3. The General Assembly may meet in plenary session or in a delegated committee. "